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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
This research has been done in Household Business “X”, which is located in Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi. This research aims to: 1). Analyze the problems that happened in agrosystems case; 2). Analyze various solutions for problems in business development; 3). Formulate actions in achieving the objectives; 4). Implement selected actions. The whole data and information obtained in this research using the APPAS (Analysis of Agrosystem Design and Development) method and AHP (Analysis of Hierarchy Process). APPAS method is one of the learning methods that lead to overcome the problem in relation of the agrosystem case that used as the object of research and also directs to analyze the problem solving and AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) that is used to evaluate the alternative actions that must be done for the sake of development of agrosystem case. The result of the analysis shows that Household Business of “X” has the main problem that is Limited Marketing Area. The main problem ha...
JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera
The implementation of Entrepreneurship at FTI Trisakti University which is still ongoing for 3 years 2017- 2019. The implementation of Entrepreneurship is an Entrepreneurship Community Development Scheme Entrepreneurship Development Program supported by funding from the Ministry of Research and Technology which aims to foster independent entrepreneurship among students and alumni. It is not easy to develop entrepreneurship in a campus environment with diverse backgrounds in the families of students' families, for this reason a Mentoring method was chosen to be able to help and direct student tenants to be able to obtain the passion that exists in entrepreneurship. The results of this entrepreneurial activity resulted in 20 entrepreneurial tenants coming from alumni and students as well as entrepreneurship textbooks and industrial design intellectual property rights which are currently still in the submission process. The implication of this entrepreneurship development program i...
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, 2016
There is growing attention on the importance of business networks which banks upon alliances value creation potential in rural entrepreneurship. Establishment of solid networks with respect to acquiring the resources needed for business creation is one of the main areas within entrepreneurship research. Despite substantial literature in rural entrepreneurship, there is an absence of studies which report the model of business networks. The purpose of this study is to examine the process of business network development in Banyumas Regency Central Java Indonesia. For each of the 64 small and medium business entrepreneurs, data were collected using a questionnaire and an interview. In completing the questionnaire, the entrepreneurs were asked to fill out personal identity, followed by a series of multiple-choice questions. For the responses from the interviews, narrative structuring is used to create a coherent story of the entrepreneurs’ experience of business networks. The study prese...
Action Research Literate, 2022
Kewirausahaan merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam arti tingkatan hidup yang lebih baik lagi. Kewirausahaan merupakan salah satu program studi manajemen kewirausahaan di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam di Universitas Negeri Sumatera Utara. Kewirausahaan sangat berperan penting dalam perkembangan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kewirausahaan diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia dengan berlandaskan sikap kreatif dan inovatif mampu bertahan dan berkembang dalam kondisi ekonomi yang sulit. Berdasarkan latar berlakang tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kreatif dan inovatis dalam kewirausahaan. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data dengan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa, selain menumbuhkan jiwa kreatif dan inovatif bagi wirausaha serta memiliki kompetensi kewirausahaan tetapi wirausahawan juga perlu memiliki jiwa seperti skill, conce...
Abdi Psikonomi
Kinerja UKM adalah tingkat pencapaian prestasi UKM dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Kinerja UKM dapat dilihat dari kinerja pemasaran yang telah dilakukan. Jadi kinerja pemasaran merupakan elemen penting dari kinerja UKM secara umum dan merupakan implementasi dari strategi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dimaksudkan untuk (1) memberikan alternatif solusi atau rekomendasi bagi peningkatan kinerja UKM mitra di tengah situasi pandemi Covid-19, (2) mendorong segenap karyawan meningkatkan komitmennya dalam memajukan usaha. Kegiatan ini berbentuk pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan mengikut sertakan pengelola dan para karyawan sebanyak 53 orang. Nara sumber dari tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat FEB – UMS. Hasil kegiatan memberikan beberapa alternatif strategi yang direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja UKM mitra adalah perlu (1) menerapkan orientasi pasar, (2) menciptakan keunggulan bersaing, (3) meningkatkan kemampuan penetapan harga, (4) memotivasi karyawan untuk tetap bekerja ...
Dorstone Hill: a Neolithic timescape, 2023
Studies of early fourth-millennium BC Britain have typically focused on the Early Neolithic sites of Wessex and Orkney; what can the investigation of sites located in areas beyond these core regions add? The authors report on excavations (2011-2019) at Dorstone Hill in Herefordshire, which have revealed a remarkable complex of Early Neolithic monuments: three long barrows constructed on the footprints of three timber buildings that had been deliberately burned, plus a nearby causewayed enclosure. A Bayesian chronological model demonstrates the precocious character of many of the site's elements and strengthens the evidence for the role of tombs and houses/halls in the creation and commemoration of foundational social groups in Neolithic Britain.
En lo que se refiere al Registro Mercantil, la persona natural es aquel individuo que, actuando en su propio nombre, se ocupa de manera profesional de alguna o algunas de las actividades que la ley considera mercantiles. Por ejemplo, la adquisición de bienes a título oneroso con destino a enajenarlos de igual forma y la enajenación de los mismos; la intervención como asociado en la constitución de sociedades comerciales, los actos de administración de las mismas o la negociación a título oneroso de las partes de interés, cuotas o acciones; asimismo, el recibo de dinero en mutuo a interés, con garantía o sin ella, para darlo en préstamo, y los préstamos subsiguientes, así como dar habitualmente dinero en mutuo a interés, etc. La persona natural responderá con todo su patrimonio, tanto personal como familiar, por las obligaciones que adquiera en desarrollo de su actividad económica.
Репозиторий открытых данных по русской литературе и фольклору, 2024
O. Rey Castelao y F. Cebreiro Ares (coords.) Los caminos de la Historia Moderna. Presente y porvenir de la investigación, 2023
Architecture, Structures and Construction, 2022
Scientia Iranica
Revista Discusiones, 2023
Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé, 2011
Oregon Journal for the Social Studies, 2019
Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018
New Narratives for the First Millennium AD? Alte und neue Perspektiven der archäologischen Forschung zum 1. Jahrtausend n. Chr. Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 11 , 2022
Revista de Musicología, 2018
Natural Product Communications, 2016
Al-Ishlah, 2022
Democratic Institutions in Guatemala: Theory and Practice, 2025
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2021