“Meeting the locals: peasant families in 13th century Lemnos.”


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The paper explores the social and economic dynamics of peasant families in 13th century Lemnos, highlighting the multiplicity of identities and roles that these families possessed within their communities. It delves into how political and economic shifts influenced household structures, identities, and social interactions, considering factors such as land ownership, family roles, and community obligations. By examining historical accounts and archaeological evidence, the study aims to provide insights into the complexity of rural life during this period.

TABLE OF CONTENTS COLLÈGE DE FRANCE - CNRS CENTRE DE RECHERCHE D'HISTOIRE ET CIVILISATION DE BYZA,NCE Gu¡¡rweSrum-Guluu From prcsopogmphy ro rhc history ofindividuds in rlìe l3ñøruryA.gan --....-.....--..-......--..--. l MONOGRAPHIES3S M¡qr¡r¡r ANcop MichaclVlliPalaiologosudthcAqø ....-.....-...................-27 V¡xcem Pu¿cs Thc Bfandrc aisrqacy ud rhc Union of the Churchc (t27A-li\3)t A prcopographiel approach --.....---........--........--. 4> Cu*w¡osGspms Grer Venctian åmilia ouside Vcniæ: Thc Dodolo od úrc Gndenigo in l3ô<nrury Cretc Fonn¡ Koronr Mædng rhc læls: Pømr familis in l3ó.oury LIQTIID & MIILTIPT.F.: læmnos Individuals Ec identities in the thirteenth-century Aegean En¡¡rom Mns¡ou Ncwo¡ls oFNiqe l3ó<nrury wireonomic úc, sruorc ud proopogÉphy AmovEsuopo Dplomatic giÊs: Womcn ....-.-....... od æ æ impsial ommoditia in rhc l3d Srmonouros The lqtion of mcdical pracie in l3ú-oury øury .... 105 Drom¡os Eastan Medirenaa ......-..-.... r35 Fwçors-Xeuen Leouc Enhacinqslier ud maaging later Guillaume r-*'-a-JTiTI"" ar sr¡maropour.os larin idotiry ad powcr through womo: øe of l3¿<orury Euboe AxceuroTavm The Ieliæ in l3ó<ntury Fmkish More Thc Some reflciom on old æd nry sourc Gu¡mweSruu-Guruw Thc.lady ud the mschas: Bfancine md in dialogue in a commqcial Sopu¡¡ ourr w 173 publis Larin proopogaphia rclacing ro Epircs' ..1_..1--..........-..-......-...--. Acadcmy 195 c MÉmen Byanúum in qusrion in l3rr<cnrury ScljukAnarolia D¡orsros Srrrwopouros Concluioro ,...--- 259 INDEX 263 ACHCB¡z 52, ruc du Ca¡dinal Lcmoinc - w.achcb¡ 20t2 75005 pa¡is MEETING THE LOCAIS: PEAS.ANT FAMILIES IN I3ó.CENTURY LEMNOS' Fcrrrp¡ Imtopumo¡: mE MULTrpr ND THE ueulD thc four y* I øndrcrcd Êdd idcnriry wuld bc ircmplæ. tur ide Ko¡on¡ w¡k on rj¡c isb¡d ìtVìthour ¡hcir inpu(, úy dißion on lÆniú j'tr*:îî*,'î*1tr"¡::k*:!P,{!!; of i¿¿f,tiÉú:d,I{etL pp.r-6. S¡m4ru¡ (ds), 14ü¿ Ò MdritE lzdivid¿ul: è ld¿ti¡ia in dz¿ md D. Srurcms Thincad>Gzary A4caa (Couc dc rcdrmlc d'Hiroirc ct Civiligdon dc B¡zne, Monognphis ¡6), G. Puis zor¿. FqINI KONDYLI iIFING [N srucs Þ/^. a.æ- ¿r- k \ o¡ ts¡ B%MrNE THE LG6 rDEMn/¡DEM¡TIE . -\sdo "; "9-> '',"" Map of tbc Acgeø Sca marÞing tbc location øf Innos In rhis ¡aper I mine pænt idodtie, fruing _ I cplore the primuily on r3À enury Lcmno. sæial grcup dråc hæ lóng bccn úrougÍrr æ satic -a .hagi"g ¡dmlcitå. I diqs hrlw rh* ido¡iris wre @nomic md siel aqiviria, bodr ar the lsel of rhe commmiry ad posibiliry rhar md uiform, had muldple nggdircd +T$tr pøms, a houehold. I also diru how idocicis ould chmge in diffe¡enr onrqc ad udq choging politie.l ad onomic cirmsruø. The r3ñøury prcvids a g¡€r æcing for rle sudy of identiria; rhe poliriel onditioro æ well æ rhe cåntnuou däognphiZ grcwh of úut poiod sdmularcd inræ population movemor md consequendy inãråed sæial inrcmcion ci¡hcr in rhe fo¡m ofalliue æd cæpeecion or oppcition aad onflic. In rhe no poliriøl md sjal condi¡ions, pæple had ro **. åihsen¡ ideo¡iric ud no rclc to disdnguish rhmselva from o¡here,ìo reinfo¡e ric widrin rheir om groups, ad promotc rhei¡ claims to righs of meship md onuol of r6ou!6. Hwei.., ¡h. policical md rccjosnomic ændidoro of rhe r1aænmry were nor rhe ole ruc of chmç in pøar idociry. Ás I will be disosing, saial da, fmily srrucrurc, ud inome gencadng acrivitic wre alo influencing the fomarion md negoriarion oF muftiple idcnricic wirhin fsmr communiric. oFrhe t. M^cD[rNo, Proþpogmph¡ p.4z: Sme, Proopognph¡ 6. M^cD[rNo, Prcspognph¡ pp- ¡-e55. p. r77 FOTINI KONDNI ÀIHINC TH€ @A6 Gooos, semcm, uD socw rDEMfl Afthough pøana wcre mainly involved with agricultual producrion, they often pureued other acdviric ro con¡¡ibure ro thei¡ boìseholdi inomc. Scholan have 12. A r)?ial dÐple is ofJohn Choumcls: marricd ro Hclcn, hc h¡ wo soro læ ¿nd Constanrinc, a daughrcr Ânna, ms wo housc, onc pair of oxcn, a noly pluccd vinc of m modioi rnd his Âta.l obligations mounr ro onc md a ha.lf,or, Lrvru. òu¡rcu ¿nd Svoro¡os, cds,,4¿¿¡ dz lzun,wL Il, no.71 (1284), p.2r, 1.79-80. 13. CÆEu úd Fre* Bryond idcntifìarion, pp.4-7. l{. Sæ for amplc T. O K¡¡r¡e. Mcdiml rowro. modcrn s¡gß, idcnriry inrcr-spzccs: Somc _ rc0sioro in hisrorical archaolog¡r, in The ørchæotog of pt"^t ,na'rtr"gng i;^¡iaø, cds C¡sru ad Fowr, pp. u-32. FOTINI KONDNI MEErh"C ffE L{Á6 8l and m¡liEry spher6. ìn ¡he dcfcree of rhc ra¡y Tue r3ô crmunv BvaMINE qlucE AND ¡Ts RoLE rN loøl elire in rhc NEcor¡{rNG ¡DEwr¡Es arion ud *mple, Iud and ir would surPlus. Land ownersh¡p Eo lo-so Iso-tm Itoomo¡e Vineyard owneFh¡p f.l o I lesstt¡ansm I moethan5m ..- 17. J..IrFor. Anthrcponymic ct ci<é villagæir (sw siælc), in Homø ct rieb¿sa l¿rc wFw ti¿ct , eds V- Kuvm, J. Lerorr md C. Momssox, paris r99r lLmpiÊ byan¡in, vol. Il, (Rézlitc b¡znrinc a), pp.2zr,-zt9. l¡. Thcirforun-cuuallyincludcdehouodeægariof on evcragc a sixth of :n hypcç¡on: îo 7t bz8ò, lseu, pp. 19-22,1.47, 58-62,75. oxcnndúrcirÂscalobligatiorowcrc Guruociud Svororos, cðs, Acø à¿ I7u¿, voLll, Figs. l-2: chara wirh amble land and vinc¡ards owncd by l:wa's paroikoi in l2g4 rcNNI MMGrel:m6 KONDN¡ Thc æ_ of Kalos od his fmiþ is a chæcoisric ruplc of hw common propcrgr ru fomcd, ud how ir cered md rcinfo¡ccd sid ¡ic, od aÆliadoro. 'Kalt is @mmunal laads, bur theywould mody offa rhci¡ æryic md renr out rheir oxm ro o¡hcr la¡domæ who had land bur no uimals. The ac of rz84 re¡ds some familia wid¡ morc ¡ha 5o modioi of land, bur no Oxen El o Sheep Elo I bssthan fOO I Thc monæric æchiva nmda w builr based both on kinship md silo¡ on odrq sid prc which Ëciliarcd tic and eÆliadorcThe indudc Êiødship, ac of ræipcity, ad bcing bound by ømmon qpcrioc md ¡cpomibiliria. R Maaida o<plorc,'for *p1., .t. mcloÈm of baprismal omeFhip lt lz omeßhip SO-tæ I l(x)moEthân loo 27- Ibi¿,1.82-8f'. 28- R MÆruDE,Thc Byanvrc gÀ12ùø, Byøxiæ a¿ w¿¿ù GE¿L ù/¿i6 ¡, 1987, W-Byt6L - Iti/., hcrc pp. 143-44 r47 - 48. ?'0. H FoÆÉ, M¿anitgazd idcnfu in a GncL kzdrapc: An arbæological thaogrupl,f ,CúbiL¿g. zS Figs.3-4: chæ wirh oxm and shæp omcship in 1284 2@7 , PP. 152-153 M. DNFomH ud ,A- Tsre, Tlt. ¿¿4b r;tuh of úl¿t Gzar4 Prinaon 1982, pp. zr4-ztt.32. For rhc imporue of visiation ad alcbntioro ricu¡ls ¡n rhc form¿rion of si¿l ds.c 31. L. LUng Lweu, Gurcu od Ibi¿,,,78-29,8r, golt- Svono¡os, c&,,4rø & Izø,vol.ll, rc.7 (1284), pp. 16-2r. P¿Gß h ¿ Oøomt nzliti¿¡: Fq¡NI KONDE¡ Ipm MÐNCreÆM ¡tsrp¡ rue ¡ru¡ry hs md ic m Lavralz84 mc hc¡ hubmd shm in rheir rcgion. Thc foræuguia, donkgr ud asrc @c Êon IGlci numbrdffik Lavre l30¡Í ø infc¡ thar rhry æumcd diffcrenr rola iroide ¡hc howhold Êom rhe facr drar only rcgiscrcd æ rhc hqd oF rhc hourcholð Using Gærge md his b¡orha æ a ic is rhar rhcrc æ ebo diffe¡cncs in dre rcls md obligarioro of mcn mdrcmo who ¡mained wirh ¡heir nry femilio undq Gorgc re mplc, dø numhortuilæ îffirdffitllEfrb6 dz Fþ. 5{: chæ showings rhc nmbcr of Ëmily mcmbæ rcgÈrcrcd in thc 1284 and 1304 acs ofl¡vm 34. Fo¡ K:lc! md Gæ¡gci fznily ad popcty wl. fl, no. 99 g3oa), pp. r44-r45, L 4eSS- Izw mo s L&Ere, Gu@u md Srcsopos, cds, ¡4ø 29. ü';ll,l:#;':;:;l;i:;Ji2,:'*:. F4INI KONOEI MEtr¡NC NE NA6 lVomen also playeda impormt role in rheeconomicmd ocial lifcofborh rhe family and rhe communiry. Thry puricipaced in fmily conomic særeqis wirh ùeir dowri6, wirh chei¡ labo¡ in the 6elds, ed wirhin rhe In conrræì to other counric in tamily aÊer her husbmd! dech. Tge 4l GÂvNEuDB, Nme dzys, p oF BEING LoqL 62. péo4 poÇawvfi aoxri. Korvowní zæ5, pp. z9z_296. nþota rct xe&764rvoç Archaælogia of idcnriry, in Thc archacokg of idatities, <d. 44 G LÆD¡s, rw¡orrsce Vom¿ni uorL ¿nd lita in nra! Grcccc. Swrcy zoog 45. Ibi¿, pp.76-8o. 46. M. E. KENN^, Housa, Êclds, ¿nd greË: Propcrry and rirual obligarion on r Grcek island, Ethnohg 5, 1976, pp. zr-¡4, hcrc p.23. {7. LfrEru, GulLLou md Svoroxos, cds,,4c¡a d¿ I¿ø¿, vol II, no 99 (r¡oa), p q5, I 64. 48. rbi¿.,1.1'-ts. FOTINI KONÞYLI MffiNC EE LæA6 P' A. 48' l' r4or48- cnt, did nor hzYc _ 52. For a history of lannos in rhc r¡À øury sæ pHnmcEE, / fipvoç q 9ú.tár4, vol.lll; sæ dso, P. Torrrxc, [:úm on l¡mnos bcforc md efrcr r49, in Continzity znd change, cds Bre¡ md Lowv, pp. zr7-234 d h 56 Sæ for mouains, rhc øple rhc d<ipúon of thc ra thar bclonçd ro Lawat mcchi of Gomarou; rivers, øt, cliß md Âclds uc mcnrioncd * ludroks: lú¡ll., no. 73 (1284), pp. !8n9, l. re4o. FqINI KONDE¡ ad s¡o.ænomic sph*c foræd r}lo orcd pøans ro idcndfo rJrosclvs wi¡h m orhcs. COLLÈGE DE FRANCE - CNRS CENTRE DE RECHERCHE D'HISTOIRE ET CIVILISA.TION DE BYZANCE MONOGR.APHIES 35 LIQTIID & MULIIPLE: Individuals & identities in the thirteenth-century Aegeán edited by Ec Dion¡rsios G'illaume S¡rNr-Gurlr,¡ru Srarr¡¡roponlos