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Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62 – 88
Enargite oxidation: A review
Pierfranco Lattanzi a,⁎, Stefania Da Pelo a , Elodia Musu a , Davide Atzei b ,
Bernhard Elsener b , Marzia Fantauzzi b , Antonella Rossi b
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Cagliari via Trentino 51, I-09127 Cagliari, Italy
Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica e Analitica, Università di Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria, I-09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy
Received 31 October 2006; accepted 27 July 2007
Available online 25 August 2007
Enargite, Cu3AsS4, is common in some deposit types, e.g. porphyry systems and high sulphidation epithermal deposits. It is of
environmental concern as a potential source of arsenic. In this communication, we review the current knowledge of enargite
oxidation, based on the existing literature and our own original data.
Explicit descriptions of enargite oxidation in natural environments are scarce. The most common oxidized alteration mineral of
enargite is probably scorodite, FeAsO4.2H2O, with iron provided most likely by pyrite, a phase almost ubiquitously associated with
enargite. Other secondary minerals after enargite include arsenates such as chenevixite, Cu2Fe2(AsO4)2(OH)4.H2O, and ceruleite,
Cu2Al7(AsO4)4.11.5H2O, and sulphates such as brochantite, Cu4(SO4)(OH)6, and posnjakite, Cu4(SO4)(OH)6 H2O. Detailed studies of
enargite field alteration at Furtei, Sardinia, suggest that most alteration occurs through dissolution, as testified by the appearance of etch
pits at the surface of enargite crystals. However, apparent replacement by scorodite and cuprian melanterite was observed.
Bulk oxidation of enargite in air is a very slow process. However, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) reveals subtle
surface changes. From synchrotron-based XPS it was suggested that surface As atoms react very fast, presumably by forming
bonds with oxygen. Conventional XPS shows the formation, on aged samples, of a nanometer-size alteration layer with an
appreciably distinct composition with respect to the bulk. Mechanical activation considerably increases enargite reactivity.
In laboratory experiments at acidic to neutral pH, enargite oxidation/dissolution is slow, although it is accelerated by the
presence of ferric iron and/or bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Sulfolobus BC. In the presence of sulphuric acid
and ferric iron, the reaction involves dissolution of Cu and formation of native sulphur, subsequently partly oxidized to sulphate. At
alkaline pH, the reactivity of enargite is apparently slightly greater. XPS spectra of surfaces conditioned at pH 11 have been
interpreted as evidence of formation of a number of surface species, including cupric oxide and arsenic oxide. Treatment with
hypochlorite solutions at pH 12.5 quickly produces a coating of cupric oxide.
Electrochemical oxidation of enargite typically involves low current densities, confirming that the oxidation process is slow.
Important surface changes occur only at high applied potentials, e.g. + 0.74 V vs. SHE. It is confirmed that, at acidic pH, the
dominant process is Cu dissolution, accompanied (at +0.56 V vs. SHE, pH = 1) by formation of native sulphur. At alkaline pH, a
number of surface products have been suggested, including copper and arsenic oxides, and copper arsenates. XPS studies of the
reacted surfaces demonstrate the evolution of Cu from the monovalent to the divalent state, the formation of As–O bonds, and the
oxidation of sulphur to polysulphide, sulphite and eventually sulphate.
In most natural and quasi-natural (mining) situations, it is expected that enargite reactivity will be slow. Moreover, it is likely
that the release of arsenic will be further slowed down by at least temporary trapping in secondary phases. Therefore, an adequate
management of exposed surfaces and wastes should minimize the environmental impact of enargite-bearing deposits.
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +39 070 282236.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Lattanzi).
0012-8252/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
In spite of an increasing body of data, there are several gaps in our knowledge of enargite oxidation. The exact nature of most
mechanisms and products remains poorly constrained, and there is a lack of quantitative data on the dependence on parameters
such as pH and dissolved oxygen.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: enargite; secondary minerals; laboratory experiments; surface oxidation
1. Introduction
Enargite is a copper–arsenic sulphide with formula
Cu3AsS4. It is common and, locally, abundant in some
types of ore deposits, notably epithermal “high sulphidation” deposits (e.g., Arribas, 1995), and some porphyry
copper systems. The web database www.mindat.org1 lists
as many as 461 localities where enargite occurs.
Occasionally enargite is a valuable copper ore, but more
frequently (along with its polytype luzonite) it is
considered a potential hazard to the environment,
requiring special precautions in smelting. Therefore,
most smelters consider enargite a penalty. While the
potential threat from copper cannot be dismissed, the most
feared environmental impact of enargite is certainly the
release of arsenic. Arsenic is currently regarded as one of
the most dangerous inorganic pollutants, causing environmental and health emergencies in several areas of the
world (e.g., Mandal and Suzuki, 2002, and references
therein). Although reliable, accurate estimates are difficult, it is likely that the most important primary
(hypogene) sources of arsenic are arsenian pyrite and
arsenopyrite, followed by sulphosalts of the tetrahedrite–
tennantite series; enargite and the allied phase luzonite
could rank fourth, possibly in close competition with
other sulphides and sulphosalts (e.g., realgar, As4S4,
orpiment, As2S3, proustite, Ag3AsS3, and cobaltite,
CoAsS) that have a comparable diffusion, but are rarely
abundant, except in specific deposits.2
Enargite, like most sulphides, is intrinsically unstable
in the exogenous environment. Therefore, its oxidation
behaviour is critical for the assessment of its potential
environmental impact. Our group is involved in the
study of enargite oxidation under different conditions,
with the ultimate goal of understanding and predicting
the potential environmental impact of enargite-bearing
ores in mining and mineral processing operations. In this
communication, we review the current knowledge on
Last visited June 2007.
This estimate is based on the number of reported occurrences in
enargite oxidation, based on a survey of the existing
literature, including our own data. Emphasis is placed
on information relevant to natural processes that may
occur in mineralised rocks and mining sites.
2. The properties of enargite
Enargite is a blackish gray mineral with a metallic
luster, Mohs hardness = 3, and density = 4.5 g/cm3 .
Enargite crystallises in the orthorhombic system,
pyramidal class, space group Pnm21. It occurs in
granular masses, but well-formed crystals are not rare;
its habit may be tabular (001), or prismatic, elongated
along c. Enargite shows an excellent cleavage along
(110); other cleavage planes are (100) and (010).
The crystal structure is well known (Pauling and
Weinbaum, 1934). It is derived from that of wurtzite
(ZnS), with Zn positions occupied by Cu and As; both
elements are in fourfold coordination with S. Hence,
enargite is not a sulphosalt in the sense of Takeuchi and
Sadanaga (1969) because AsS3 pyramids are not present
in the structure. Subsequent refinements (Adiwidjaja and
Lohn, 1970; Henao et al., 1994; Karanovic et al., 2002;
Pfitzner and Bernert, 2004) confirmed Pauling and
Weinbaum's structure, and provided more accurate
information on atomic positions. The unit cell parameters
(Pfitzner and Bernert, 2004) are a = 7.399 Å, b = 6.428 Å,
and c = 6.145 Å.
Enargite is a semiconductor of the type A3IBVC4II
(Pauporté and Lincot, 1995). The flat band potential is
about −0.16 V vs. the standard hydrogen electrode, SHE3
(Pauporté and Schuhmann, 1996). Copper is nominally in
the monovalent state, and arsenic in the pentavalent state.
However, X-ray absorption near-edge spectra (Li et al.,
1994) at the S-K and S-L edges indicate that Cu+ d10
electrons are involved in metal–sulphur bonding. Recently, Reddy et al. (2006), based on electron
In the original paper, as well as in others cited here, the value was
referred to the standard calomel electrode (SCE); throughout this
paper, in agreement with the most accepted recent use, all values have
been recalculated to the SHE, assuming + 0.244 V as the potential of
SCE vs. SHE.
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and UV-vis (ultravioletvisible) spectroscopic data, suggested the presence of Cu
in the divalent state (Cu2 + ion); such a presence is
probably referable to partial oxidation of the specific
sample (see more in the following sections).
Thermodynamic data for enargite are reported by Seal
et al. (1996). Thermodynamic diagrams portraying
selected phase relations involving enargite in the systems
Cu–As–S, Cu–As–S–O, Cu–As–S–H2O and Cu–As–
S–Cl–H2O have been presented by Knight (1977),
Welham (2001), Kantar (2002) and Castro and Baltierra
(2005), and Asbjornsson et al. (2004a,b), respectively.
Enargite phase relations in the system Cu–As–S are fairly
well known above 350 °C (e.g., Maske and Skinner, 1971;
Clarke and Helz, 2000; Muller and Blachnik, 2002),
whereas at lower temperature they are poorly defined.
Enargite is the high-temperature modification of
Cu3AsS4; inversion to luzonite (which has a sphaleritetype structure) should occur below about 300 °C;
according to Bernardini et al. (1973), however, enargite
and luzonite apparently coexist (metastably?) between
215 ± 15° and 315 ± 15 °C. Studies by Posfai and
Sundberg (1998) indicate that both polytypes may occur
in highly disordered structures, whereby luzonite-type
and enargite-type structures are intergrown at the atomic
scale. The results of Clarke and Helz (2000) may suggest
that the stable phase at room temperature is a cubic
polymorph, with structure similar to arsensulvanite Cu3
(As, V)S4.
In most natural occurrences, enargite is associated
with pyrite, and other copper and/or arsenic and/or base
metal sulphides (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, covellite,
digenite, tennantite, sphalerite, galena). Enargite may
contain minor amounts of other elements (Sb, Ag, Fe).
The presence of Sb (up to 6 wt.%; Springer, 1969) is
quite common, and environmentally relevant; enargite is
frequently associated with Sb-bearing minerals, such as
members of the solid solution series tetrahedrite–
tennantite and luzonite–famatinite. Phase relations in
the Cu–As–Sb–S system were studied by Bernardini
et al. (1973), Luce et al. (1977), and Sugaki et al. (1982);
Posfai and Buseck (1998) investigated the relationship
between composition and luzonite–enargite polytypism.
Whereas luzonite shows a complete solid solution with
the corresponding Sb compound, the maximum content
of Sb in enargite is 14% mol. Cu3SbS4 at 600 °C, and is
lower at lower temperatures.
2.1. The enargite surface
The surface structure of enargite at the atomic scale
is not known in detail. Owing to the perfect (110)
cleavage, this is the face that has the greatest
probability of interacting with the environment.
However, there have been no detailed studies of the
enargite surface with respect to orientation. Enargite
has a wurtzite-type structure. Sulphides with such
structures have surfaces that are not simple truncated
bulk solids, but undergo some kind of relaxation
(Vaughan et al., 1997; Rosso and Vaughan, 2006a – see
in particular their Fig. 17). X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) on fresh surfaces, exposed by
fracturing in high vacuum or under an inert atmosphere, gives data entirely consistent with copper in a
monovalent state and sulphur in a monosulphide state
(Nakai et al., 1978; Da Pelo, 1998; Rossi et al., 2001;
Velazquez et al., 2000, 2002; Pratt, 2002, 2004).
Velazquez et al. (2000, 2002) and Rossi et al. (2001)
further noticed that the composition of this surface
(estimated from the photoelectron peaks) is not far
from stoichiometric enargite (Velasquez et al., 2002,
report Cu3As0.7S4.2). Rossi et al. (2001) provided
evidence that electron microprobe results and XPS
results are in excellent agreement, suggesting that
surface and bulk composition of freshly fractured
enargite are the same: no enrichment of any element
was observed. This match was not observed for
polished and Ar-sputtered (4 keV Ar+ ions) surfaces.
Velasquez et al. (2002) documented significant differences
between fractured, polished, and Ar-sputtered surfaces of
natural enargite. Polishing of the surface resulted in both a
shift to lower energies of the As3d and S2p energies, and a
composition with excess sulphur (compare the similar
results obtained by Velazquez et al., 2000). The results
were ascribed to “changes of arsenic and sulphur
coordination”, and to formation of polysulphide species.
Finally, the Ar-sputtered surface showed a dramatically
different composition, with strong depletion in sulphur and
arsenic with respect to copper (atomic ratios Cu/As ∼14,
Cu/S ∼2). This was interpreted as a preferential loss of As
and S during the ion bombardment under the reported
sputtering conditions. Sputtering was also performed using
a lower energy beam, and the surface modifications were
less severe. One can conclude that sputtering conditions,
especially energy and beam current, can play an important
role in determining enargite surface composition, as
reported in the literature for many other materials. By
comparing As3d XPS signals under a conventional source
with those obtained by synchrotron light excitation, Pratt
(2004) found that, in the latter case, a lower-binding energy
component at 42.1–42.8 eV is distinctly enhanced. The
author concluded that surface arsenic atoms in enargite are
different from the bulk crystal structure, and occur as
individual protrusions from the surface. The low-BE
Author's personal copy
P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
shoulder in the As3d signal was tentatively attributed to
“low coordinate surface As species” also by Asbjornsson
et al. (2004a,b).
3. Nature of data sources
The literature pertaining to oxidation of enargite can
be grouped into the following categories:
1. Field studies of secondary supergene alteration minerals in (quasi) natural environments: typically, mineralised bodies and mine sites. This type of literature
comprises a fairly large number of mineralogy and
economic geology papers. In general, the focus of
these papers is far different from systematic studies of
enargite oxidation, and information on this subject is
usually of descriptive, non systematic nature. Most
papers list secondary minerals with no information as
to whether they derive from enargite or from other ore
components. Little attention is paid to the mechanism
(s) of the alteration process(es). Therefore, this type of
study provides a wealth of empirical evidence; however, this can be difficult to interpret in terms of specific understanding of enargite oxidation.
2. Laboratory studies of enargite oxidation and/or
dissolution. These studies document the oxidation/
dissolution of enargite under a variety of conditions
and reactants, including aqueous solutions, ball
milling, and electrochemical oxidation. An important
number of these studies address bioleaching processes,
i.e. enargite oxidation-dissolution in presence of
microorganisms. There is specific attention to reaction
processes/products; however, most studies are focused
on practical implications for mineral processing, rather
than details of the specific mechanisms, and experimental conditions are usually not representative of
natural oxidation of enargite in the supergene
environment. Moreover, several studies have been
conducted on enargite-rich mixtures, often with little
detail on the associated phases. An important point that
is often overlooked is the possible presence of the
enargite polymorph, luzonite. As previously stated,
luzonite and enargite may occur intimately intergrown
down to the submicroscopic scale. Their X-ray
diffraction (XRD) patterns are quite different, hence
the presence of luzonite as a major phase can be easily
detected (down to approximately 5% weight with
routine XRD tests); also the optical properties of
enargite and luzonite in reflected light microscopy are
appreciably different (see e.g. Ramdohr, 1980).
However, without such specific tests, the presence of
luzonite may remain undetected.
3. Much effort has been devoted in recent years to the
study of mineral surfaces. These are the interfaces
between minerals and the environment. Therefore,
surface properties represent the ultimate control on
mineral reactivity. In this context, an increasing body
of literature is being devoted to the characterisation of
surface properties and surface reactivity of enargite.
Again, much effort was addressed at conditions typical
of mineral processing (e.g., alkaline environments
such as are used in some flotation processes). There
are, however, exploratory surface studies of enargite
exposed to air, or to a variety of reactants simulating
natural environments. These studies are of special
interest for acid mine drainage. Acid mine drainage is
recognised as one of the most serious environmental
problems related to mining (e.g., Blowes et al., 2003);
dissolution of enargite is relevant to generation of acid
mine drainage and release of “heavy metals” (see more
in the next section).
4. Evidence from natural assemblages
Weathering of minerals may result in either dissolution
or formation of secondary minerals, or, more commonly, a
combination of the two (incongruent dissolution). Waters
draining mineralised rocks and ore bodies where enargite
is a major mineral are typically rich in both copper and
arsenic (see e.g. Plumlee et al., 1995; Da Pelo, 1998;
Plumlee et al., 1999; Cidu et al., 1999; Cidu, 2000); copper
to arsenic ratios are typically much higher than required by
enargite stoichiometry (Fig. 1). This water chemistry can
be controlled by direct dissolution of enargite, or of other
primary or secondary minerals. At Summitville, Colorado,
high copper pulses in drainage waters have been ascribed
to dissolution of secondary copper minerals (mainly
sulphates – Plumlee and Edelmann, 2005). At Furtei,
Sardinia, Italy, Musu et al. (2007a,b) have explained the
high copper/arsenic ratios in waters draining waste piles
and mineralised rocks with the relative solubility of
secondary phases: copper is only temporarily trapped in
highly soluble minerals such as cuprian melanterite,
whereas arsenic release is slowed down by adsorption
onto iron oxyhydroxides-sulphates and/or formation of
comparatively less soluble secondary minerals (scorodite).
Oyarzun et al. (2006) believe that adsorption of arsenic
onto goethite partly limits the As contents of waters in the
Elqui river basin, Chile, where high concentrations of
copper and arsenic (plus iron and sulphate) arise from both
natural and mine-related contamination, including operations at the enargite-rich El Indio deposit.
Most drainage of enargite-bearing deposits and rocks
is acidic; this is probably due to the almost ubiquitous
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
presence of pyrite along with enargite. However, the
oxidative dissolution of enargite could be per se an acidgenerating process (Plumlee, 1999), e.g.:
Cu3 AsS4 þ 8:75O2 þ 2:5H2 O→3Cu2þ þ AsO3−
þ 4SO2−
or else, in the presence of ferric iron,
Cu3 AsS4 þ 35Fe3þ þ 20H2 O→3Cu2þ þ 35Fe2þ
þ HAsO2−
4 þ 4SO4 þ 39H
As previously noted, there are no specific studies of
secondary supergene minerals developed after enargite.
There are, on the other hand, many descriptions of mineral
assemblages resulting from weathering of mineralised
bodies and/or mineral wastes where enargite is present,
and may locally be a major mineral. However, in most
cases there is a regrettable scarcity of detailed textural
information. A commonly described feature (e.g., Ramdohr, 1980) is the replacement of enargite by one or more
copper sulphides (ranging in composition from chalcocite, Cu2S, to covellite, CuS). However, such assemblages
may develop in either supergene (below the water table)
or hypogene environments, and the distinction can be
problematic. Note that, as pointed out by Clarke and Helz
(2000), any three-phase assemblage in the system Cu–
As–S (e.g., digenite–covellite–enargite) is invariant at
constant temperature and pressure. Therefore, oxidation
of any such assemblage in supergene systems, developing
at practically constant pressure and (quasi) constant
temperature, will not modify the mineral assemblage
until one of the phases is used up (consider for instance the
reaction 2.5Cu1.8S + O2 + 2H2S → 4.5CuS + 2H2O, Clarke
and Helz, 2000). Eventually, however, sulphides will be
oxidised to a stable assemblage of sulphates–arsenates.
Among the oxidised minerals reported as an alteration
of enargite, scorodite, FeAsO4 2H2O, is probably the
most widespread. Explicit reports of scorodite resulting
from alteration of enargite include those of Gray and
Coolbaugh (1994), Perello (1994), Sewell and Wheatley
(1994), and Chavez (2000). The exact conditions of
formation are never specified. In general, scorodite is
stable in oxidising, moderately acid environments (cf.
Vink, 1996). Given the very common coexistence of
enargite and pyrite, the formation of scorodite from
enargite can be depicted as a simple mechanism, whereby
copper is leached away and arsenic is combined with Fe
from pyrite oxidation:
Cu3 AsS4 þ FeS2 þ 12:5O2
þ 5H2 O→FeAsO4 2H2 O þ 3Cu2þ þ 6SO2−
þ 6Hþ
Under dry conditions, solid copper sulphates may
form. Notice that the reaction would produce more acidity
than produced by the same amount of pyrite alone.
Chavez (2000) lists chenevixite4 as an alteration
product of mixtures of enargite and pyrite (see also
Cook, 1978), and chenevixite, ceruleite, and lavendulan
as the alteration products of mixtures of enargite and
chalcopyrite with minor pyrite. Because of the presence
of pyrite and/or chalcopyrite, the evolution of these
assemblages likely occurs under acid conditions. In this
context, the formation of chenevixite can be schematically described by a reaction similar to that previously
written for scorodite:
2Cu3 AsS4 þ 2FeS2 þ 25O2
þ 11H2 O→Cu2 Fe2 ðAsO4 Þ2 ðOHÞ4 H2 O
þ 4Cu2þ þ 12SO2−
4 þ 16H
Fig. 1. Cu/As molar ratios in waters draining high sulphidation
deposits. Data for Furtei refer to open pit lake waters and seepages
from waste piles (Da Pelo et al., 2005, and unpublished data by R.
Cidu, S. Da Pelo and E. Musu). Other data sources: Summitville,
Colorado: Plumlee et al. (1999); Kirki, Greece: Skarpelis and
Triantafyllidis (2004); Recsk-Lahoca, Hungary: Rukezo (2003).
Reactions (3) and (4) only differ in the presence of
slightly more water in the second (molar ratio of water to
enargite of 5.5 instead of 5).
Table 1 lists a number of other minerals supposedly
formed from alteration of enargite. Most of these reports
consist of just brief statements, with no details of the
specific textures, nor of the formation conditions. The
report for the Burrus mine, Nevada, was included in the
table, although it is not an explicit statement of enargite
See Table 6 for the formula of this and other minerals mentioned
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 1
Reports of minerals supposedly formed from alteration of enargite (see Table 6 for formulae)
“secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of some copper
deposits, formed by the alteration of arsenopyrite or enargite”
Yellow-green crusts and globular aggregates (up to 1–2 mm) in
Meleg Hill, Nadap,
cavities of hydroquartzite (sic), as an alteration product of
Velence Mountains,
enargite, associated with plumbojarosite, cornubite, and other
“enargite is partly oxidized and is coated with fine-grained blue
to green-blue Cu-sulfate minerals, including brochantite and posnjakite”
Flohr et al. (1995) also report alteration of enargite to “a black sooty
phase”. They list additional secondary minerals, including scorodite,
chalchantite, and unidentified Cu-sulphates and Fe-arsenates. They also
describe hinsdalite intergrown with and encrusting chalcocite in samples
where enargite is also present.
Lime Bluff Quarry,
Blue-green crystalline cornubite, alteration of enargite, with green
Lycoming County, Penn. conichalcite in white calcite
Anthony et al. (2000)
Flohr et al. (1995)
“copper arsenates”
Enargite rimmed by (supergene?) chalcocite, extensively replaced by
Ramdohr, 1980,
copper arsenates
Fig. 407
Centennial Eureka mine, Intimately mixed with enargite; believed to be formed by replacement of Roberts et al. (1997)
Tintic district, Utah
enargite by Te-bearing fluids. Other strictly associated minerals are the
arsenates beudantite and arsenobismite.
Samples collected from reworked dumps, “characterised by corroded
enargite and diverse secondary hydrated arsenate assemblages” (Roberts
et al., 1994). At the same locality, enargite is also found associated with
other copper tellurates, and connellite (Roberts et al., 1995)
Ceruleite Lammerite El Guanaco, Chile
“many… secondary minerals… resulted from the oxidation of … enargite” (C. Lemanski,
“Supergene processes have produced a variety of secondary arsenic
mineral after enargite”
communication, 2004;
Other secondary Cu–As minerals at El Guanaco include arhbarite,
Petersen et al., 1999)
conichalcite, and brochantite (
Burrus Mine, Nevada
Cited as being “in near-contact” with enargite
A. Christy, personal
Other secondary Cu–As minerals present at the same locality include
communication, 2004
cyanotrichite, Ba-pharmacosiderite, olivenite, parnauite, scorodite,
strashimirite. (
alteration. With the exception of brochantite, cornubite,
olivenite, posnjakite, and, possibly, of the “copper
arsenates” cited by Ramdohr (1980), all other phases do
not belong to the simple system Cu–As–S–O–H, and
require the presence of additional components.
Other literature information is limited to the lists of
secondary minerals from deposits where enargite occurs
as a primary mineral. These are summarised in Table 2.
Examples for high sulphidation epithermal deposits
include the previously mentioned Summitville, Burrus,
El Guanaco, and the gold deposit at Furtei (Sardinia,
Italy). Here, the primary (hypogene) assemblage contains
abundant enargite, and the most widespread secondary
arsenic mineral is scorodite. Ruggieri et al. (1997) and Da
Pelo (1998) list a large number of oxidised secondary
minerals (Table 2), but no specific association of any of
these minerals and enargite is reported. Additional
information was recently obtained by Musu (2007; see
also Musu et al., 2007b), in a detailed study of the
alteration processes of enargite in open pit exposures and
waste dumps at Furtei. Cu–As oxidised minerals are not
abundant, and are mostly represented by scorodite and
cuprian iron sulphates (mainly melanterite). Arsenic is
also bound to iron oxyhydroxides-sulphates, presumably
as an adsorbed species. Eriochalcite and another unidentified copper chloride were occasionally observed. Most
enargite alteration apparently occurs through dissolution,
as testified by the appearance of etch pits at the surface of
enargite crystals (Figs. 2 and 3). In some instances,
textures suggestive of a reaction similar to (3) have been
observed (Fig. 3).
In porphyry-related deposits, enargite abundance
ranges from practically nil to abundant. In these systems,
enargite typically occurs in high level, late-stage veins,
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 2
Selected alteration minerals reported in enargite-bearing deposits (see also text, and Table 6 for formulae)
Furtei, Sardinia
atacamite, azurite, boothite, chalcanthite, chrysocolla, cuprian iron sulphates (melanterite,
rozenite, siderotile), cyanotrichite, eriochalcite, lavendulan, magnesioaubertite, mansfieldite,
olivenite, unidentified copper chloride
antlerite, arsenolite, azurite, brochantite, caledonite, chalcanthite, cornwallite, chrysocolla,
cuprite, libethenite, linarite, malachite, pseudomalachite, tenorite, turquoise
azurite, bellingerite, chenevixite, cuprite, libethenite, lindgrenite, malachite, metatorbernite,
olivenite, paratacamite, pharmacosiderite, salesite, sampleite, scorodite, tenorite, turquoise,
plus five Cu-bearing sulphates.
antlerite, aurichalcite, bayldonite, beaverite, chalchantite, chenevixite, conichalcite,
crednerite, cuprite, cuprogoslarite (=cuprian goslarite), linarite, olivenite, pisanite (=cuprian
melanterite), scorodite, tenorite
too numerous to be listed individually. There are at least 25 (including varieties) Cu-bearing
arsenates, 13 Cu-bearing sulphates, 4 Cu-bearing carbonates, three copper silicates, and the
oxides claudetite, cuprite, and tenorite
(Ruggieri et al., 1997; Da Pelo,
1998; Musu et al., 2007b)
Butte, Montana
East Tintic
district, Utah
Cook (1978)
Morris and Lovering (1979)
reflecting the transition between the porphyry and the
epithermal environment (see e.g. Muntean and Einaudi,
2001). Enargite was particularly abundant in the Butte,
Montana, district. Here, an early, large, low-grade
porphyry copper (±molybdenum) mineralisation was
overprinted by late-stage, very rich polymetallic veins
(e.g., the famous Anaconda vein). In the central part of the
system, these veins were copper-rich, and the typical
assemblage was chalcocite–djurleite–digenite–enargite.
Extensive supergene oxidation produced a large variety of
secondary minerals (Table 2). Davis et al. (1992),
describing soils from this area, report the presence of
enargite and tennantite, making up almost 85% of the total
arsenic content in these soils. The authors state that “No
alteration products were observed for the As-bearing
phases, however, K-jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6) was a
ubiquitous precipitate around enargite and tennantite
grains”. This occurrence implies a complex process of
Enargite is also well developed in late main-stage
veins at Chuquicamata, Chile (Ossandon et al., 2001).
Here too, supergene phenomena are extensive, and led to
the development of chalcocite blankets, subsequently
oxidised to an assemblage where the main phases are
antlerite, brochantite, atacamite, chrysocolla, and “copper pitch” – a mixture of chrysocolla and limonite. Cook
(1978) lists a large number of other Cu-oxidised minerals
(Table 2). The oxidised blankets are underlain and
Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) secondary electron (SE)
image of the surface of an enargite crystal from Furtei (Sardinia, Italy),
showing etch pits from dissolution.
Fig. 3. SEM secondary electron image of scorodite (sc) aggregates on
top of pyrite (py) and enargite (en) crystals. Notice etch pits on the
enargite surface.
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 3
Characteristics of samples, and experimental details, of laboratory studies on enargite
Chemistry (wt.% if not
otherwise specified)
Experimental setup
et al. (2004a)
Natural enargite
(provenance not given)
Enargite formula from electron
microprobe analysis
Balaz et al.
Enargite concentrate from El Indio,
Chile. Contains quartz (XRD)
Cu/As atomic ratio 3.8 (suggests
the presence of additional
Cu-rich phases)
Gold concentrate (El
Indio, Chile),
containing 42.8% pyrite,
40.7% enargite
(particle size less than 75 μm)
Castro and
Hand sorted enargite from El Indio,
Baltierra (2005) Chile. Reflected light
microscopy and X-ray
diffraction indicate the
presence of 7% quartz and
0.9% pyrite.
Cordova et al.
Massive enargite from El
Indio, Chile. Checked by
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
Cu 21.1, Fe 22.6, S 37.8, As 7.7
(42 g Au/tonne, 440 g Ag/tonne)
Electrochemical study in 0.1 M HCl.
Electrodes prepared as disks, either
directly drilled from the mineral, or by
mixing mineral powder with carbon
paste in 1:1 mass ratio.
Ball mill grinding in water; leaching
for 120 min at 60°, 80° and 90 °C in
alkaline medium (100 g l− 1 Na2S + 50 g
l− 1 NaOH); solid to liquid ratio 1:400
Continuous biooxidation at 33 °C and
pH 1.8 (kept constant by automatic
addition of 5 N NaOH) with
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans R2
Curreli et al.
Gold-bearing sulphide
concentrate (pyrite,
chalcopyrite, enargite,
sphalerite, galena, hematite,
quartz, and limestone)
Au–Cu concentrate obtained
by flotation of the sulphide
ores from Serrenti-Furtei
Cu 2.7; As 1.06; S 15.09;
Sb 614 ppm
Natural enargite from Furtei
(Sardinia – Italy); contains luzonite,
pyrite, quartz, kaolinite, and
gypsum; natural enargite from
Peru (BM1931,462); contains
Synthetic enargite – contains
0.7% vol. CuS; natural
samples from Butte (Montana)
and Poopo (Bolivia) – contain
minor quartz, pyrite, and covellite
Not given
Formulas of enargite from
microprobe analysis
Furtei: Cu3.01As0.95Sb0.02S4
Canales et al.
Curreli et al.
Da Pelo (1998)
Dutrizac and
(1972, 1974)
Ehrlich (1964)
Cu 40.9, As 18.9 (presumably by
weight: this corresponds to an
atomic ratio Cu/As of about 2.5)
Zeta potential measurements on ground
sample in 0.001 M NaNO3 solutions;
pH adjusted by either NaOH or HNO3
Not reported
Electrochemical study at pH 0.5–13,
obtained either by appropriate buffers –
acetate buffer 0.5 M, pH 4.6;
0.1 M KH2PO4 + 0.1 M NaOH, pH 6.8;
0.05 M Na2B4O7, pH 9.2 – or by
addition of either HClO4 or NaOH.
Electrode prepared by grinding
(SiC) and polishing (Al2O3) in argon
Comparison between procedures for
gold extraction by cyanidation and
bioleaching plus cyanidation.
Cu 31.15, As12.55, Fe 9.16
Leaching of concentrate in NaClO
solutions at different concentrations,
solid to liquid ratios, pH (10.5–12.5),
and temperatures
Polished sample kept for 28 days in
a climatic chamber: 80 °C, 80% RH.
XPS analyses on BM sample freshly
cleaved and exposed to 3 M H2SO4
for 30' and 150'.
Synthetic enargite formula
(electron microprobe) Cu3AsS3.94;
CuS contains 0.5% As. Not given
for natural samples.
Polished pellets leached in 0.1 M H2
SO4, 0.1 M Fe+ 3. Temperature 60°–
95 °C; at 90 °C experiments at
different FeSO4 saturations.
Cu 38.2, As 7.2
(atomic ratio Cu/As 6.25)
Treatment with solution at pH = 3.5,
containing 3 g/l (NH4)2SO4,
0.1 g/l KCl, 0.5 g/l K2HPO4, 0.5 g/l
MgSO4.7H2O, 0.01 g/l Ca(NO3)2,
with and without bacteria
(continued on next page)
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 3 (continued)
Chemistry (wt.% if not
otherwise specified)
Elsener et al.
Enargite from San Genaro
Semiquantitative SEM/EDS analysis
consistent with pure enargite
Natural enargite (location not
given). Contains arsenopyrite
and chalcocite (XRD).
Size fractions 147–104 μm: Cu 15.82;
As 10.5; Fe 15.5. 104–53 μm: Cu 28.15;
As 13.12; Fe 12.2. 53–38 μm: Cu 30.07;
As 17.2; Fe 15.0.
Escobar et al.
Escobar et al.
Fantauzzi et al.
Fantauzzi et al.
Fantauzzi et al.
(in press)
Fornasiero et al.
Fullston et al.
Fullston et al.
Fullston et al.
Gajam and
Experimental setup
Electrochemical and XPS study after
exposure to FeCl3 and Fe2(SO4)3
solutions ([Fe] = 0.025 M, pH = 1.7).
Natural enargite (location not given) – Cu 46.2, As 16.3, Fe 0.55 (from these Batch chemical leaching and bioleaching
(Acidithiobacillus ferroxidans) at 30 °C in
contains minor chalcopyrite and quartz. data one can estimate that the
0.4(NH4)2SO4, 0.4MgSO4•7H2O,
Particle size range of material used
sample might contain about
0.056KH2PO4 g/l acidified with sulphuric
90% enargite, and 5% chalcopyrite)
for the experiment −147 + 104 μm.
acid to pH 1.6. Without iron or with
3.0 g/l Fe3 + added as ferric sulphate.
Solid/solution ratio 5 g/250 ml.
See Escobar et al. (1997)
See Escobar et al. (1997)
Batch chemical leaching and bioleaching
(Sulfolobus BC) at 70 °C in
0.4(NH4)2SO4, 0.4MgSO4•7H2O,
0.056KH2PO4 g/l acidified with sulphuric
acid to pH 1.6. Without iron or with
1.0 g/l Fe3+ added as ferric sulphate.
Solid/solution ratio 2 g/250 ml.
Natural enargite from Peru
Peru: Cu 45.9; As 17.3; S 36.7.
XPS analyses on 1) “as received” minerals;
and from Furtei.
Furtei: Cu 43.1; As 19.4; S 37.3
2) freshly cleaved minerals surfaces;
3) cleaved enargite samples from Furtei
immersed in aqueous solutions at pH 1, 4
and 7; 4) cleaved samples from Peru
immersed in aqueous solutions at pH 1, 4,
7 and 13.
Enargite from Furtei
Not given
XPS measurements on natural sample
and synthetic enargite
“as received” and on powdered
synthetic material
Natural enargite from Furtei
Same material as in Fantauzzi et al.
XPS and XAES characterization of
and Peru, and synthetic enargite
(2004), Elsener et al. (2007),
samples «as received» and/or powdered
and Rossi et al. (2001)
and/or freshly cleaved
Natural enargite from
Same material as Elsener et al.
XPS and XAES characterization
San Genaro (Peru)
of samples subjected to the electrochemical
studies by Elsener et al. (2007)
See next item
See next item
Selective oxidation of mineral mixtures
(enargite–chalcocite, enargite–covellite,
enargite–chalcopyrite, tennantite–
chalcocite, tennantite–covellite and
tennantite–chalcopyrite, all in 1:1 weight
ratio). Samples grain size:16 μm (d50).
DEDTP N 95% pure was added to the
mineral slurry for flotation at a
concentration of 2 × 10− 5 mol dm− 3
Exposure to 0.01 M KNO3 solution at
Wet chemical analysis of enargite:
Synthetic enargite; natural
Cu 57.2; As 11.7; S 28.3; Sb 0.29;
enargite (sampling site
pH = 11 in a nitrogen, oxygen, and
Fe 3.0; Pb 0.02; Zn 0.2; Ag 0.03
unknown) – contains small
oxygen + H2O2 environment.
amounts of bornite and
Zeta potentials were derived from
electrophoretic measurements at
pH 11 to 5 and backwards.
See Fullston et al. (1999a)
See Fullston et al. (1999a))
XPS analysis of the same material with
the same treatment of the
previous item
See Fullston et al. (1999a)
See Fullston et al. (1999a)
See Fullston et al. (1999a)
Leaching experiment (batch reactor) in
ammonia solutions (0.1522 to
0.6088 M), oxygen pressures 5 to
50 psi, temperature
30° to 82 °C
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 3 (continued)
Chemistry (wt.% if not
otherwise specified)
Experimental setup
Natural enargite: Cu 47.4, As 18.94, Potential applied to an enargite
S 32.3, plus minor amounts of Fe, Pb, electrode in potassium amyl xanthate
(PAX) solutions at pH 10 and 7 after
Zn, Ni and Si.
conditioning for 10 min.
See previous item
Voltammetric studies, contact angle
Guo and Yen
Synthetic enargite and natural
measurements, collector and collectorless
enargite from Maria Elana
microflotation tests in the same
Mine (Chile); mixed with
experimental setup of Guo and Yen (2002).
synthetic and natural chalcopyrite.
Cu 40.8, As 18.2
Leaching of 2.1 g of sample in 1200 ml
Herreros et al.
Enargite with minor quartz and
of “in situ generated” chlorine solutions,
gersdorffite from El Indio mine
at different. chlorine concentrations,
temperatures,and particle sizes.
Kantar (2002)
Natural enargite from Butte
Not given
Flotation characteristics investigated in a
microflotation cell – solution potential
controlled with H2O2 and Na2S.
Not given
Leaching of samples in 0.05N sulphuric
Koch and
Pure selected enargite, ore
acid, in 0.05N sulphuric acid
mixture of pyrite and enargite
+0.2236 g/l Fe, and in 0.05N
and pure selected pyrite from
sulphuric acid +0.2847 g/l Cu.
Recsk mineralization (Hungary)
Cu 26.25, As 10.34, S 19.48,
Oxidative roasting in an electric
Mihajlovic et al. Natural enargite from Bor
resistance furnace at T = 400–800 °C
Fe 1.62, Al2O3 3.18, SiO2 38.12;
copper mine (Serbia and
Leaching kinetic experiments with NaClO
Montenegro), deposit H.
traces Ba, Mn, Sb, Ge, Pb, Sn, Ti,
0.3 M solution with 5 g/L NaOH
Ca, V, Zn
Contains quartz (XRD).
(pH = 12), at T = 25–60 °C. Solution
volume 800 mL with 0.5 g solid
(ground at − 100 μm).
Cu 46, S 31, As 17, Sb 1.8
Biooxidation kinetics of Chilean
Muñoz et al.
I) Fragments of an enargite
concentrate II) by Acidithiobacillus.
single crystal with quartz
ferrooxidans (33 °C) and Sulpholobus
inclusions from Huancavelica,
metallicus (68 °C). Initial pH and
Eh 1.8 and 500 mV respectively.
Not reported
Cyclic voltammetry and polarization
II) Sulphide concentrate,
curves on resin embedded massive
El Indio Chile, containing 16%
enargite electrodes. Previous
enargite, 38% pyrite, 11% grey
biotreatment with mesophiles
copper (Cu12As4S13), 11%
(A ferroxidans, A. thiooxidans and
chalcopyrite, traces of chalcocite,
Leptospirillum ferroxidans, 35 °C,
covellite and bornite and 23% gangue.
initial pH = 2.0), and thermophiles
Enargite crystals of high purity,
(Sulpholobus sp. at 68 °C, initial pH = 2.0)
El Indio Chile.
Musu (2007)
Natural enargite from Furtei, Sardinia Semiquantitative SEM/EDS
Dissolution experiments on cleavage
(same bulk sample as in Da Pelo, 1998) analyses consistent with the
(presumably, {110}) faces in flow-through
composition given by
Checked by XRD and SEM/EDS –
reactor. Input solutions open to exchange
Da Pelo (1998)
minimal pyrite present
with atmosphere. Initial pH 1 and 4 (HCl).
Nakai et al. (1978) Natural enargite
Not given
XPS spectra (Cu) of powdered material
Pauporté and
Enargite from El Indio, Chile
Not reported
Electrochemical study in 0.25 M KNO3
(no details given)
solution, buffered with 0.05 M Na2B4O7.
10H2O (pH = 9.3)
Padilla et al.
Enargite sample from El Indio Mine
Three size fractions of the sample:
Treatment in H2SO4/NaCl solutions with
(Chile). Sample is reported to contain 75–63 μm: As 15
bubbling oxygen at different stirring
enargite (84.1 wt.%) pyrite (9.6 wt.%), 63–53 μm: As 15.6
speeds, oxygen flow rates, sulphuric
53–45 μm: As 15.3
gangue minerals (5.8 wt.%),
acid and chloride concentrations, and
chalcopyrite (0.45 wt.%), tetrahedrite
temperatures (80 to 100 °C).
(0.08 wt.%), molibdenite (0.07 wt.%)
Pratt (2002)
Natural enargite from
Enargite formula
XPS analyses on enargite surface exposed
Cerro de Pasco, Peru.
(from microprobe analysis)
by fracturing in UHV and on enargite
surfaces exposed to air for 2 min.
Comparison with SRXPS measurements.
Guo and Yen
Synthetic enargite and natural
enargite from Maria Elana
Mine (Chile).
(continued on next page)
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 3 (continued)
Chemistry (wt.% if not
otherwise specified)
Experimental setup
Pratt (2004)
See previous item
See previous item
Rossi et al.
Synthetic enargite, natural enargite
from Perù (42977 and BM1931,462)
and natural enargite from Furtei.
Velasquez et al.
Natural enargite from
El Salvador, Chile.
42977: Cu 47.7; As18.1;
Sb 0.8; S 33; BM1931,462:
Cu 48.1; As 18.8; Sb 2;
S 32. EnF: Cu 48.86; As 18.27;
Sb 0.54; S 32.79.
Enargite formula (XPS):
Velazquez et al.
Enargite from El Indio Mine,
Chile with minor contamination
of quartz.
Atomic concentration (%) of
fractured enargite measured by XPS:
Cu 23.39; As 7.75; S 33.05
corresponding to enargite
formula of Cu2.92As0.97S4.12
Velasquez et al.
Enargite from Chañaral
(Chile) + minor quartz
Enargite formula by SEM/EDX
Viñals et al.
Natural enargite from
Huancavélica, Peru
Cu 46; As17; Sb 1.8; S 31
Welham (2001)
Enargite – additional recognized
minerals: quartz, chalcopyrite,
Cu 41.5, As 15.5
(Cu/As atomic ratio 3.16)
Comparison between SRXPS
and XPS measurements on enargite
surface exposed by fracturing in UHV.
XPS analyses on synthetic enargite as
powder on tape and on natural enargite
as powder on tape, as crystal as received
and as sputtered with 3 keV Ar+ ions for
30 s and on freshly cleaved surface.
XPS analyses on 1) a surface after
fracture in Ar atmosphere; 2) a polished
(SiC + alumina wet polishing) surface;
3) the fractured surface after 28 min of
etching with 4 keV Ar+ ions.
Cyclic voltammetry on a polished
electrode of natural enargite with an
electrolyte solution of disodium
tetraborate decahydrate at pH 9.2
at room temperature. XPS analysis on
enargite electrode surface at different
applied potentials.
Electrochemical experiment
(by cyclic voltammetry and
electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy) on wet-abraded and
polished surface: area exposed 0.2 cm2;
electrolyte: 0.05 M borax solution
(I = 0.2; pH = 9.2)
Leaching of enargite in NaOCl solution
for ranges of 20–60 °C, 0.07–
0.47 M ClO− and 0.003–0.03 M OH−.
XPS measurements on original surface
and on leached enargite after 1 s at
pH 12.5, 0.34 M ClO−, 20 °C.
Ball mill grinding in air, argon or
oxygen; leaching in 0.5 M HCl for 24 h.
overlain by leaching zones, where the acidity generated
by pyrite oxidation removed most copper. This copper
was redeposited to form, some kilometres away, a very
large (300 million tonnes) secondary deposit (Exotica),
where the main assemblage includes atacamite, chrysocholla, “copper pitch”, and “copper wad” – a mixture of
copper and manganese oxyhydroxides. This sequence of
events: supergene replacement of primary copper minerals by Cu-rich sulphides, “in situ” oxidation of these to
oxidised copper minerals, and/or acid leaching with
removal and transport of much copper, is documented for
several porphyry deposits, e.g. in Northern Chile (El
Salvador, Mote et al., 2001; Escondida, Padilla Garza et
al., 2001).
Enargite is also an important copper mineral in some
vein-replacement hydrothermal deposits in carbonate
rocks. Unlike the above mentioned deposit types, in
these cases, the country rocks should buffer the
weathering environment at circumneutral to mildly
alkaline pH. Examples of this deposit type include the
Tintic district in Utah (cf. Table 1), and the peculiar
Tsumeb, Namibia, deposit. From the descriptions by
Morris and Lovering (1979) of the East Tintic ore bodies,
it appears that the most common Cu-oxidised minerals are
the carbonates azurite and malachite. Other minerals
reported by the same authors are listed in Table 2. At
Tsumeb, the combination of an unusual geochemical
association (major Pb–Zn–Cu with economic As–Ag–
Ge–Cd, and subordinate Ga–Sn–W–Mo–Co–Ni–Sb–
Hg–V) and an extensive supergene oxidation of the
primary ore produced an astounding diversity of mineral
species, including very rare or unique findings (see e.g.
Wilson, 1977; Gebhard, 1999). Keller (1977) believes
that the first alteration minerals formed directly from
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
primary sulphides are the arsenates arsentsumebite,
beudantite, carminite, and scorodite (plus the lead
sulphate anglesite). Pinch and Wilson (1977) report that
enargite crystals “sometimes have an alteration coating of
other [unspecified] minerals”. Enargite is locally replaced
by tennantite (Cu12As4S13), and the descriptions of
secondary Cu–As minerals typically refer to association
with tennantite rather than enargite (e.g. Pinch and
Wilson, 1977; Gebhard, 1999, p. 286; http://www.
As detailed below, elemental sulphur is commonly
formed during laboratory oxidation of enargite at low
pH. Native sulphur is not rare in enargite-bearing
deposits, including many of those mentioned above (see
e.g. Table 3 in Arribas, 1995), but seldom is it a major
phase. Moreover, in some cases, it is thought to be a latestage hydrothermal mineral and not of supergene origin
(e.g., Sillitoe and Lorson, 1994). To our knowledge,
there has been no claim that native sulphur is anywhere
formed in nature from supergene oxidation of enargite.
5. Laboratory experiments
Laboratory studies of enargite oxidation were scarce
until the late 1990s; in recent years, the literature on the
subject has been rapidly growing, mostly with reference
to ore processing (cf. Senior et al., 2006, and references
therein). A limitation of several studies, especially the
early ones, is that the purity of the enargite studied has
not been demonstrated by any reliable micro-scale
methods. As shown by Dutrizac and Macdonald (1972),
minor impurities in natural enargites may result in
significantly different apparent dissolution rates. Table 3
reviews the available information on enargites used in
the studies described below, whereas Table 4 reports the
solid products observed during these studies.
Essentially, we can consider three different environments: oxidation by air; oxidation in acidic aqueous
solutions; and oxidation in neutral to alkaline aqueous
5.1. Oxidation in air
There are very few systematic studies of enargite
oxidation in air; additional evidence arises from scattered
observations in the course of other experiments. Like
most sulphides, enargite is decomposed by roasting, i.e.
reaction with air at high temperatures (e.g., Mihajlovic
et al., 2007). However, at room temperature bulk
oxidation of enargite in air is apparently a rather
inconspicuous process. Indeed, museum specimens
keep a brilliant metallic luster on crystal surfaces even
after many years. Padilla et al. (2005) suggested that a
quick dissolution step observed during their solution
experiments (described in more detail below) of natural
enargite should be ascribed to the presence of a soluble
weathering product, possibly arsenolite (As2O3). Da
Pelo (1998) kept a polished slab of natural enargite from
Furtei (Sardinia) for 28 days in a climatic chamber where
temperature was 85 °C and relative humidity 80%. In
these rather severe conditions, the only remarkable
change was a tarnishing of the mineral surface. However,
along cracks and in cavities, minimal amounts of a green
phase were observed. From the X-ray diffraction
(Gandolfi camera) pattern, this phase turned out to be a
copper sulphate equivalent to the mineral antlerite. As
mentioned above, antlerite occurs in several enargitecontaining deposits. More subtle changes are revealed by
X-ray photoelectron and Auger spectroscopies. With
these techniques, analyzing the surface of a natural
museum specimen “as received”, i.e. exposed to the
exogenous environment for an unspecified time (presumably years), Rossi et al. (2001) and Fantauzzi (2001)
observed changes at the enargite surface. Specifically, by
application of Rossi and Elsener's (1992) algorithm for
quantitative XPS analysis, they demonstrated that the
surface of such crystals is covered with an oxidised layer
about 0.5 nm thick, with a remarkably different
composition (enriched in arsenic) from the bulk crystal
underneath. This oxidised layer is likely to affect the
interaction of enargite with the environment. In the
material studied by Rossi et al. (2001), the binding
energies of Cu2p and As3d suggest that, in the oxidation
layer, Cu may be present in both + 1 and +2 states, with
establishment of Cu(II)–O bonds (as shown by the
appearance of the “shake up” bands, that are not present
in the signal of Cu(II) bound to sulphur – Chawla et al.,
1992). In this layer, As is also bound (at least partly) to
oxygen, and not to sulphur. Evidence of partial oxidation
of sulphur to sulphate was provided by the appearance of
a peak at 168.7 eV in the S2p signal. This S2p signal at
168.7 eV, assigned to sulphates, was not observed by
Fantauzzi et al. (2004) in an “as received” natural
enargite from Furtei, Sardinia, collected few months
before analysis, neither was it seen by Viñals et al. (2003)
in untreated samples from Huancavelica, Peru (previous
history unknown). However, the latter authors found
evidence of As–O bonds (by the presence of a doublet in
the As3d signal at 44.2–44.9 eV) and of polysulphide
species (doublet at 163.2–164.4 eV in the S2p signal).
Hence, they concluded that “natural enargite has an
external layer… which contains a copper(I), arsenicdeficient sulfoarsenide with monosulfide and polysulfide components… Part of As… is oxidized to As2O3”.
Author's personal copy
P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 4
Summary of solid phases detected or inferred in laboratory studies of enargite oxidation (does not include hypothetical phases not known to occur as
bulk stable phases)
Nature of the experiment
Positive (XRD)
Welham (2001)
Inferred (XPS)
Inferred (XPS)
Ball milling (dry in oxygen atmosphere; wet in air) of an enargite-rich mixture
(minor phases: quartz, chalcopyrite, tennantite)
Untreated surface of natural enargite
Conditioning at pH = 11 of a mixture of enargite, bornite, and chalcocite
Inferred (EIS, XPS)
Natural enargite, electrochemically oxidised at +742 mV vs. SHE, pH = 9.2
(XPS, electrophoresis)
Positive (XRD)
Electrophoresis (pH 11 to 5 and backwards), and conditioning at pH = 11 of a
mixture of enargite, bornite, and chalcocite
Oxidation in climatic chamber (28 days, 85 °C, 80% humidity) of natural
enargite with minor quartz and pyrite
Electrochemical oxidation of natural enargite at applied potential between
0.54 and 0.74 V vs. SHE, pH = 9.2
Viñals et al. (2003)
Fullston et al.
(Velazquez et al.,
Fullston et al.
Da Pelo (1998)
Inferred (EIS, XPS)
Electrochemical oxidation of natural enargite in aqueous solutions, 4.6 b pH b 11
Cordova et al. (1997)
Electrochemical oxidation at +742 mV vs. SHE of natural enargite, pH = 9.2
Positive (SEM, XRD)
Treatment with hypochlorite solutions at pH 12.5 (NaOH) of natural enargite
Positive (XRD)
Positive (XRD)
Positive (XRD)
Positive (Soxhlet
Positive (SEM)
Positive (Raman)
Alkaline leaching of a previously ball-milled enargite-rich mixture
Acid leaching of a previously ball-milled enargite-rich mixture
Ball milling (dry in oxygen atmosphere; wet in air) of an enargite-rich mixture
Leaching with sulphuric acid/ferric sulphate of synthetic and natural enargite
Enargite oxidation at pH with Cl2/Cl− solutions
Electrochemical oxidation at pH = 1 (HCl) of natural enargite
Inferred (XPS)
Surface of natural and synthetic enargite ground in air
(Velazquez et al.,
Viñals et al.
Balaz et al. (2000)
Welham (2001)
Welham (2001)
Dutrizac and
Macdonald (1972)
Herreros et al. (2002)
Asbjornsson et al.
Rossi et al. (2001)
Pratt (2002) noted that exposure of the enargite surface to
air for two minutes results in the complete disappearance
of a low-binding energy (∼42 eV) component in the
As3d signal. He suggested that this is due to the
establishment of As–O bonds with the surface As atoms.
Fantauzzi et al. (2006), on consideration of both
photoelectron and Auger peaks, concluded that the α′
parameter (that takes into account the energies of both
the photoelectron and the Auger electron) of sulphur is
the most sensitive indication of chemical state change at
the enargite surface upon exposure to air.
Mechanical activation (grinding) strongly speeds up
oxidation in air. Thus, Balaz et al. (2000) demonstrated
that grinding in a stirring ball mill increased enargite
reactivity significantly with respect to alkaline (sodium
sulphide) leaching (see also Balaz and Achimovicova,
2006). Specifically, alkaline leaching of the activated
material induces a substantial removal of As. Indeed, Xray diffraction shows that covellite is the dominant Cuphase in the residual material. Welham (2001) attempted
Cordova et al. (1997)
oxidation of an enargite-rich concentrate by ball milling.
10 hours of dry milling in argon or air produced little
effect, whereas dry milling in an oxygen atmosphere, or
wet milling in air, resulted in significant oxidation of the
starting mixture. In agreement with thermodynamic
calculations, As2O3, CuSO4.5H2O, and SO2 were
observed as oxidation products. They should result
from reactions
4Cu3 AsS4 þ 7O2 →12CuS þ 4SO2 þ 2As2 O3
CuS þ 2O2 →CuSO4
The presence of CuS, indicating incomplete progress
of reaction (6), was also detected (cf. Balaz et al., 2000).
Finally, enargite crystals powdered in an agate mortar
in air have been analysed by XPS/XAES by Fantauzzi
(2005). Both arsenic As3d and sulfur S2p spectra show a
higher binding energy component, assigned to oxidised
arsenic and to sulphate, respectively. Despite the fact
that they exhibit the same Auger parameter α′ as freshly
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
cleaved enargite, binding energies and X-ray excited
Auger lines of arsenic and sulfur are shifted by 0.7 eV
due to grinding effects.
5.2. Reaction with pure water
To our knowledge, there are very few studies of
interaction between enargite and pure water. Da Pelo
(1998) and Fantauzzi (2001) found no change in any
photoelectron peak (As3d, Cu2p, S2p) at the enargite
surface after exposure to pure water for 210 minutes to
several hours. Fantauzzi (2005) and Elsener et al. (2007)
confirmed that the peak positions and chemical state of
As3d, Cu2p and S2p did not change after 24 h
immersion in aerated distilled water (pH 6). They report
a surface composition depleted in copper and enriched
in sulfur. Musu (2007) kept a fragment of natural
enargite immersed in pure (milli-Q) water for 24 hours,
and could not detect (by ICP-AES) any copper or
arsenic in the liquid phase. On the other hand, working
with a larger exposed surface (about half cm2), Elsener
et al. (2007) in the same conditions found 0.6 μg/l of
copper, but no detectable (by AAS) arsenic. From these
data, one can calculate an overall average bulk
dissolution rate in the order of 10− 10 mol m− 2s− 1.
5.3. Reaction with acidic solutions
Like most sulphides, enargite should be intrinsically
unstable in acidic environments. For instance, Davis
et al. (1992) state that “Simulation [by the MINTEQA2
code] of enargite dissolution under oxidizing conditions
of pH 2.0, Eh + 200 mV, and 0.01 M Cl− …. indicates
that this mineral phase is nearly infinitely soluble
(4.7 × l05 mg/L As dissolved at equilibrium)”. However,
as detailed below, reaction rates are extremely slow, and
significant oxidation/dissolution typically occurs only in
the presence of a strong oxidant.
Early studies of enargite reactivity involved treatment with acid solutions containing ferric iron. They
were conceived for hydrometallurgical applications, but
they have implications for acid mine drainage environments where acidity and ferric iron typically arise from
oxidation of pyrite and/or other iron-bearing sulphides.
The first studies (as quoted by Dutrizac and Macdonald,
1972, 1974) were conducted by Sullivan (1933), and
Brown and Sullivan (1934). By treating natural enargite
with sulphuric acid and acidified ferric sulphate
solutions, they established two important points that
were confirmed by all subsequent studies: enargite is
comparatively resistant to oxidation (only 3% copper
was extracted after 146 days of treatment with 5% ferric
sulphate solution at 25 °C – compare e.g. the remarkably faster dissolution rates of other copper sulphides –
Dutrizac and Macdonald, 1974); the presence of ferric
iron is of major importance (negligible amounts of
copper were dissolved by sulphuric acid alone).
Subsequent studies by Koch and Grasselly (1952) and
Ehrlich (1964) further investigated the behaviour of
enargite ores exposed to acidic ferric sulphate solutions.
Working with pyrite-rich enargite ores, Koch and
Grasselly (1952) observed that the slow enargite reaction is slightly accelerated by the presence of pyrite.
They postulated an overall reaction
4Cu3 AsS4 þ 35O2 þ 10H2 O→12CuSO4
þ 4H3 AsO4 þ 4H2 SO4
but did not provide any specific evidence for the
presence of any of these products, nor they specified
how does the presence of pyrite affect this reaction. An
important contribution (reported in detail below) by
Ehrlich (1964) was the consideration of the influence of
bacterial action.
The first complete systematic study was carried out by
Dutrizac and Macdonald (1972; summarised in Dutrizac
and Macdonald, 1974). They treated both synthetic and
natural enargite at various temperatures (60°–95 °C) with
sulphuric acid/ferric sulphate solutions of variable concentrations. They could ascertain the presence of
elemental sulphur as the only solid reaction product,
and therefore suggested a reaction of the type
Cu3 AsS4 þ 11Fe3þ þ 4H2 O→3Cu2þ þ AsO3−
þ 4S- þ 8Hþ þ 11Fe2þ
where 5–50% of produced elemental sulphur is subsequently oxidised to sulphate. In agreement with Eq. (8),
the copper/arsenic ratio in solution is close to that required
by enargite stoichiometry. In the specific conditions, dissolution rates5 are in the order of 10− 6–10− 7 mol m− 2s− 1;
rates are strongly dependent (apparent reaction order =
0.55) on Fe3 + concentration up to 0.2 M Fe, and to a lesser
extent on H+ (order = 0.20). Based on the temperature
dependence of dissolution rates, they could calculate an
activation energy of 13.3 Kcal/mol (55.6 KJ/mol); the
authors believe that this value suggest a surface-controlled
In the next two decades, there were few further studies
of enargite oxidation, and these were addressed to the
development of specific process techniques (e.g., Gajam
and Raghavan, 1983). Since the mid 1990s, a new wave of
enargite oxidation studies started, mostly based on
Calculated from graphic interpolation of data in their Fig. 1.
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attempts at characterising surface reactions by a variety of
techniques. Although the majority of these studies
(described in a following section) were focused on alkaline
environments, of interest to flotation and metallurgical
processes, some studies did consider the behaviour of
enargite in acidic solutions, especially in recent years.
Thus, the electrochemical study by Cordova et al.
(1997), although carried out in more detail at alkaline pH,
includes data obtained at acidic pH (see later description).
Da Pelo (1998) exposed to 3 M H2SO4 solutions for
30 and 150 minutes a freshly cleaved enargite surface
(fractured in nitrogen atmosphere). She could not detect
any change in the XPS signals of Cu and As; only in the
sample treated for 150' a change was observed in the
S2p peak, with appearance of a second component at
168 eV, referable to sulphate sulphur.
Asbjornsson et al. (2004a) performed an electrochemical study of enargite in 0.1 M HCl solution. The open
circuit potential EOCP is reported as ∼0.44 V vs. SHE,
consistent with the results of other studies (Table 5), and
comparable with the values of other copper sulphides
(Arce and Gonzalez, 2002). Under applied potential, the
increasing currents at N 0.36 V are referred to copper
dissolution through reactions such as
Cu3 AsS4 þ 19H2 O→3Cu2þ þ H2 AsO−4
þ 4HSO−4 þ 31Hþ þ 35e− 6
However, the active–passive transition associated
with the current peak at ∼0.56 V (similar to that found
in other studies, e.g. Cordova et al., 1997) is referred to
the formation of elemental sulphur:
Cu3 AsS4 þ 4H2 O→3Cu2þ þ H2 AsO−4 þ 4S
þ 6Hþ þ 11e−
The formation of elemental sulphur was confirmed
by in situ Raman spectroscopy. XPS analyses show that
at applied potential N 0.4 V vs. SHE there is a
progressive formation of Cu(II), sulphate and As–O
species at the surface. The binding energies for As are
mostly indicative of As(III), however with increasing
applied potential a weak contribution from As(V) is
possible. Although Eqs. (9) and (10) suggest dissolution
of copper and arsenic in stoichiometric proportions,
measured (ICP-AES) arsenic/copper ratios in solution
were lower than required by stoichiometry.
The reaction is reported as written in the original paper, but it is not
Herreros et al. (2002) and Padilla et al. (2005) studied
the oxidation of enargite in acidic media under strongly
oxidising conditions (respectively, in Cl2/HCl solution,
and with bubbling oxygen in H2SO4/NaCl solutions). In
the first case, after a first fast reaction step, the formation
of a surface sulphur layer strongly slows down the
reaction. In the second study, elemental sulphur does
form, presumably through the reaction
2Cu3 AsS4 þ 6Hþ þ 5:5O2 →6Cu2þ þ 2AsO3−
þ 8S þ 3H2 O 7
but apparently does not prevent further reaction. The
authors developed a kinetic model whereby the dissolution process is surface-controlled, with an activation
energy of 65 KJ/mol (comparable to the value found by
Dutrizac and Macdonald, 1972).
Elsener et al. (2007) and Fantauzzi et al. (2006, in
press) carried out new studies on the reactivity of
enargite in acidic solutions with 0.025 M Fe3 +. After
24 hours of exposure in these oxidising solutions, they
could not observe any change in the XPS signals of Cu
and As, nor in the corresponding modified Auger
parameters α′. The only detectable change was an
increase of the 163.4 eV component of the S2p signal,
which could be attributed to a strongly copper-deficient
sulphide layer. The layer thickness, evaluated by
quantitative XPS analyses of the reacted surfaces
according to the three-layer model (Rossi and Elsener,
1992) was found to be about 1 nm (approximately
mono-layer thickness). Atomic absorption spectroscopy
analysis of the reacted solutions showed the presence of
Cu, whereas the amount of dissolved As was below the
detection limit. Based on the copper concentration in
solution, the volume of dissolved enargite was calculated to have a thickness of 60–130 nm. The material
beneath the polysulphide film (5–10 nm) showed a
depletion in Cu, no changes for As, and a slight
enrichment in sulphur. A model based on the dissolution
of homogeneous binary metal alloys has been proposed
by Elsener et al. (2007) to describe the steady state
enargite dissolution. The oxidative dissolution of
enargite under open circuit conditions can be described
by a first step in which copper and arsenic dissolve into
solution, forming at the surface a thin metal-deficient
layer. Enargite beneath this layer is slightly depleted in
copper and enriched in sulphur. Once this layered
interface has been formed, the dissolution of enargite
continues stoichiometrically: this layered interface
At pH b 2, the dominant arsenate species in solution is H3AsO4.
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 5
Summary of open circuit potential (OCP) measurements on enargite. SCE and SHE are, respectively, the standard calomel electrode and the standard
hydrogen electrode
Pauporté and
With O2 at
100 mbar
Experimental setup (see also Table 6)
Mechanically cleaned electrodes rinsed with tri-distilled water.
Upon addition of
10− 4 M
OCP vs OCP vs OCP vs OCP vs Buffer solution pH 9.2 0.05 M Na2B4O7⁎10H20 + 0.025 M K2SO4 as
SCE (V) SHE (V) SCE (V) SHE (V) supporting electrolyte.
OCP measured after 15 min on three different electrodes.
+0.031 0.275
− 0.036 0.208
Electrode 1
+0.036 0.280
− 0.028 0.216
Electrode 2
+0.034 0.278
− 0.042 0.202
Electrode 3
Velazquez et al.
Wet abraded and polished surfaces, rinsed with deoxygenated deionized waters;
− 0.1
buffer solution pH 9.2 0.05 M Na2B4O7⁎10H20; measurement times not reported.
Cordova et al.
Aerated solutions
Argon atmosphere Wet abraded surface rinsed with distilled, deoxygenated water. Constant OCP values
OCP vs OCP vs OCP vs OCP vs attained in about 2 hrs (no significant variations over 24 hrs)
− 0.04
pH 0.5 (obtained with HClO4 addition)
− 0.04
pH 1.25 (ditto)
− 0.04
pH 3.25 (ditto)
− 0.04
pH 4.6 (buffer 0.5MCH3COOH–0.5MCH3COONa)
− 0.04
pH 6.8 (buffer 0.1 M KH2PO4–0.1 M NaOH)
− 0.04
pH 9.2 (0.05 M Na2B4O7)
− 0.04
− 0.04
pH 11 (by addition of NaOH)
− 0.2
− 0.2
pH 14(ditto)
Asbjornsson et al. OCP vs SCE (V)
OCP vs SHE (V)
Rotating electrode.
HCl 0.1 M solution
Measurement times not reported
OCP vs SHE (V)
Aerated solutions; freshly cleaved surfaces.
(Fantauzzi, 2005; OCP vs SCE (V)
OCP constant after 15 min (measured up to 24 h)
Elsener et al.,
FeCl3 [Fe3+] = 0.025 M pH 1.87
Fe2(SO4)3 [Fe3+] = 0.025 M pH 2.04
H2O pH = 6
H2SO4 pH = 4
remains unchanged (steady state) on top of the
dissolving surface of enargite, and it is controlling the
kinetics of the dissolution reaction.
EOCP measured under these conditions is about
0.71–0.73 V vs. SHE. This is close to the standard
potential for the couple Fe+ 2/Fe+ 3 (0.68 V), i.e. in these
conditions this redox couple strongly polarizes the
enargite surface towards positive potentials. A surface
reaction scheme consistent with these results should be
similar to reaction (8), with polysulphide instead of
elemental sulphur.
Finally, Musu (2007) carried out dissolution experiments on cleavage faces of single crystals at acidic pH
(1 and 4, HCl) in a flow-through cell open to exchange
with the atmosphere. Although the study should be
considered of exploratory nature, a number of points
appear established: dissolution rates are consistently
lower than determined in the presence of Fe3 + (e.g., at
75 °C, pH = 1, the rate based on Cu2 + concentration is at
least two orders of magnitude lower than the results of
Dutrizac and Macdonald, 1972, at 70 °C); the release of
Cu is faster than that of As (measured Cu/As molar
ratios in effluent solutions are systematically higher
than 3).
5.4. Reactions with alkaline solutions
As noted above, since the mid 1990s the majority of
enargite dissolution studies have been carried out in
alkaline environments. Most of these studies include the
use of techniques that give information on surface
processes, either indirectly (e.g., electrochemistry), or
directly (e.g., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). Pauporté and Schuhmann (1996) carried out the first
systematic electrochemical study of enargite, working
with natural crystals at pH = 9.3. EOCP was about +0.28 V
vs. SHE in presence of bubbling oxygen, and about
+0.21 V in presence of xanthate.8 A detailed electric
impedance spectroscopic (EIS) study was performed in
For the behaviour of enargite in the presence of xanthate, see also
Guo and Yen (2002, 2005), Kantar (2002), and references therein.
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
Table 6
Formulae of minerals cited in Tables 1 and 2
Cu 2Mg(OH) 3(AsO4)
Cu4(SO4)(OH) 6
the range of applied potential +0.14 to +0.44 V vs. SHE.
The relationship between impedance and polarisation
time was interpreted as due to the formation and
dissolution of a surface hydroxide layer at V N 0 vs.
SHE. Finally, cyclic voltammograms between +0.44 and
–0.46 V vs. SHE were interpreted to suggest a two-step
reaction at the electrode surface, each involving the
transfer of one electron, and firstly yielding a surface
product, and secondly a soluble species. Except for the
above reported mention of “a surface hydroxide layer”,
there are no specific suggestions of the chemical nature of
the reaction products.
A more extended electrochemical study of natural
enargite was performed by Cordova et al. (1997). The
mineral was exposed to aqueous solutions at pH 0.5–
13.8. Measurements were carried out both in air and
under argon atmosphere. EOCP measurements, cyclic
voltammetry, and electric impedance spectroscopy were
performed. In an argon atmosphere, EOCP is independent
of pH up to 11, and is + 0.20 V vs. SHE. In air, EOCP
shows an inverse relation with pH (increases as pH
decreases) in the pH range 0.5–4, attaining a maximum
value of ca. + 0.4 V at pH = 0.5. This behaviour was
interpreted to suggest the reaction
Cu3 AsS4 þ 3O2 þ 6Hþ →AsS4 þ 3Cu2þ þ 3H2 O2
Between pH 4.6 and 9.2, EOCP is independent of pH,
and the hypothesised reaction is
Cu3 AsS4 þ 3O2 þ 3H2 O→AsS4 þ 3CuO þ 3H2 O2
Finally, at pH N 11, EOCP shows again an inverse
relationship with pH, ascribed to the reaction
Cu3 AsS4 þ 3O2 þ 6OH− →AsS4 þ 3HCuO−2 þ 3HO−2
Reactions (12), (13) and (14) imply the formation of highly
oxidizing species such as H2O2. Alternative possibilities could be:
Cu 3 AsS 4 + 1.5O 2 + 6 H + → AsS 4 + 3Cu 2 + + 3H 2 O; Cu 3 AsS 4 +
1.5O2 → AsS4 + 3CuO; Cu3AsS4 + 1.5O2 + 3OH− → AsS4 + 3HCuO−2.
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In cyclic voltammetry experiments, positive potential
was applied from EOCP up to + 0.76 V vs. SHE. A
distinct anodic current peak occurred at + 0.56 V, nearly
constant for pH ≤ 4.6; between 4.6 and 11, the potential
of this peak decreases by 0.03 V per pH unit. This
behaviour was interpreted as two reactions:
For pH≤4:6: Cu3 AsS4 →Cu3−x AsS4 þ xCu2þ þ 2xe−
For 4:6bpHb11: Cu3 AsS4 þ H2 O→Cu3−x AsS4
þ xCuOHþ þ xHþ
enargite and other copper sulphide minerals conditioned
at pH = 11 (Fullston et al., 1999a,b,c; Fornasiero et al.,
2001). They used both natural and synthetic enargite. The
samples were treated in a KNO3 solution at pH = 11 in
different environments: nitrogen, oxygen, and oxygen +
H2O2. Zeta potentials were derived from electrophoretic
measurements upon pH change from 11 to 5, and
backwards from 5 to 11. From zeta potential values, it
was suggested that a copper oxide/hydroxide layer is
formed at the enargite surface. The corresponding reaction was written as
Cu3 AsS4 þ x=2O2 þ xH2 O→Cu3−x AsS4 …ðCuðOHÞ2 Þx
with a possible secondary reaction
CuOHþ þ OH− →CuO þ H2 O
It is suggested that the copper-depleted layer could
retain the original enargite structure, perhaps with
“partially oxidized” Cu and S atoms. Extreme copper
removal would lead to the formation of a metastable
surface species AsS4. It is also suggested that at applied
potentials N 0.6 V “the oxidation of enargite produces
arsenate and sulfate ions, so the formation of a surface film containing cupric arsenate… is possible”. The
stationary polarization curve at pH = 9.2 was interpreted
to indicate that, between EOCP and an applied potential
of 0.44 V, the dominant process is copper release and the
formation of a copper depleted/CuO film, followed,
between 0.44 and 0.64 V, by electrochemical dissolution
of this film. At more positive potentials, there is a
decrease in current, ascribed to the surface formation of
a passivating cupric arsenate film. Formation of this film
is inhibited at pH 3 and 11, where dissolution processes
prevail. Similar conclusions were derived from analysis
of electrochemical impedance spectra through nonlinear
fit routines of the system transfer function. It was
deduced that “impedance spectra is (sic) dominated by
the electro-oxidation of the nonstoichiometric surface
film” associated with “chemical dissolution of the Cu–O
containing passive surface”, according to reactions
AsS4 þ
20H2 O→H2 AsO−4
þ 38H þ 29e
From the dissolution behaviour during electrophoretic
measurements, it was concluded that at pH 11 and in an
oxygen-saturated environment, enargite oxidises less
readily than chalcocite and tennantite, and more readily
than chalcopyrite and bornite. Natural enargite is reported
to oxidise more readily than synthetic enargite, but this
behaviour is influenced by the presence of additional
phases. An additional electrophoretic study of enargite
was conducted by Castro and Baltierra (2005). The rather
uncommon peak-and-valley profile of the zeta potential
vs. pH plot was interpreted in terms of pH-dependent
ionization/dissociation/precipitation reactions at the enargite surface (e.g., adsorption of H2AsO4− , AsS43 − ,
H2AsO2S2 −, and H2AsO3S− ions at pH 4.5; predominance of HAsO42 −, HAsO3S2 −, and HAsO2S22 − ions at
pH 9; and precipitation of a layer of copper hydroxide at
pH N 6).
In the study by Fullston et al. (1999b), XPS spectra
were fitted with model functions to resolve the
experimental photoelectron peaks into single components. These were then assigned to specific chemical
states that were used to interpret the changes in XPS
spectra at different oxidation steps. On these grounds, an
initial reaction of the type was suggested:
Cu3 AsS4 þ ðx=2 þ 3=4yÞO2 →Cu3−x As1−y S4
þ xCuO þ y=2As2 O3
CuO þ 2Hþ →Cu2þ þ H2 O
In the potential range 0.64–0.74 V, the concentration
of copper and arsenate ions is supposedly high enough
to cause precipitation of Cu3(AsO4)2.
Fornasiero and coworkers devoted a series of papers to
the electrochemical (zeta potential) and XPS study of
Subsequent changes would involve formation of
polysulphide and then sulphite, and oxidation of As2O3
to As2O5. An intermediate step with the formation of
As4S4 or As2S3 was also hypothesised.
Velazquez et al. (2000a) studied a sample of natural
enargite by cyclic voltammetry and XPS. The XPS
spectra were first collected on a mineral surface resulting
from fracturing in Ar atmosphere, then on the polished
surface. On this surface, immersed in a solution at
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P. Lattanzi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 62–88
pH = 9.2, cyclic voltammetry was performed. XPS was
performed on the surface at selected values of the applied
potential. From all XPS spectra, the quantitative surface
composition was calculated by a commercial software,
assuming homogeneity of the surface. The pristine
fractured surface showed a composition (Cu2.83As0.94S4)
not far from stoichiometric enargite. Polishing of the
surface caused an apparent slight variation in composition
(decrease of both Cu and As with respect to S), as well as a
moderate shift to lower energies of the As3d and S2p
photoelectron peaks. In agreement with previous studies,
application of potential in the positive sweep direction
caused an apparent removal of Cu and, subordinately, of
As from the electrode, so that at +444 mV vs. SHE the
apparent composition was circa Cu1.1As0.7S4. However,
there were no major changes in the Cu2p photoelectron
peak, whereas the energies of the As3d and S2p peaks
slightly increased, and a second component in the S2p
peak appeared. At +744 mV vs. SHE, a dramatic change
in the electrode surface occurred. The calculated
composition jumped to Cu5.5As1.6S4 (i.e., there was a
substantial decrease of sulphur with respect to Cu and As);
all photoelectron peaks were shifted to higher energies.
Specifically, the Cu2p signal showed features typical of
Cu(II), and in the S2p region a new peak at 168.9 eV
appeared, ascribed to sulphate sulphur. It was then
suggested that “CuO, As 2 O x ( x = 3 or 5), the
corresponding hydroxides and CuSO4 have been formed
at the electrode surface”. These species disappeared upon
reverse potential cycling, indicating that they are stable
only on application of high oxidation potentials.
In a companion paper, Velasquez et al. (2000b)
studied the evolution of a sample of natural enargite
under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) upon
application of selected potential values at pH = 9.2.
SEM/EDS analyses10 indicate an initial composition of
Cu3AsS3.5. Between 194 and 444 mV vs. SHE, no
appreciable change was observed at the sample surface.
At + 744 mV, there is a distinct appearance of “bright
spots”, where Cu, As and S concentrations decrease
(reported as 30%, 9.3% and 34% respectively, presumably by weight), and O appears (26.5%). These findings
were interpreted as suggesting the presence of “oxide,
hydroxide, and sulphate”. Upon potential reversal (i.e.,
in negative sweeping direction), the O-bearing “bright
spots” persist at + 444, − 356, and even − 556 mV vs.
SHE. This is ascribed to either residual Al2O3 from the
polishing process, or to “contamination”. Electric
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data are interpreted as
No details given about instrumental parameters, standards, data
reduction procedure.
supporting SEM data. Specifically, the main transformation in the characteristic parameters occurred at
+744 mV vs. SHE and was attributed to formation on
the surface of the electrode, “of a layer of oxidized
material” composed of “CuO, As2O3, As2O5, CuSO4
and their hydroxides”. This layer would be inhomogeneous, reflecting “initial inhomogeneities of the mineral
at the electrode surface”.
Guo and Yen (2005) compared the electrochemical
oxidation of chalcopyrite and enargite at pH 10 in the
presence of potassium amyl xanthate. They found that
chalcopyrite is more readily oxidised than enargite (i.e.,
the reverse of what was reported at pH = 11 by Fullston
et al., 1999c), presumably because it is a better conductor.
Finally, a study by Viñals et al. (2003) was directed at
examining changes on enargite surfaces upon treatment
with hypochlorite solutions at pH 12.5 (NaOH). Enargite
reacted very fast, and was rapidly covered by a thick
(several micrometers) rim of copper oxide (SEM/EDS
analysis). Apparently, such a layer does not inhibit the
reaction progress, presumably because it is porous. XRD
showed that the copper oxide is crystalline CuO,
equivalent to the mineral tenorite. The XPS spectra of
the reacted enargite surface showed clear evidence of
divalent copper (bound to oxygen), of As(III)–O bonds,
and of sulphate. The authors estimated an activation
energy of 58 kJ/mol for the leaching reaction in the
temperature interval 25 °C–60 °C. The porous nature of
the reaction product was recently confirmed in our
laboratory. A freshly cleaved enargite crystal surface was
exposed for 4 hours to a NaClO/NaOH (0.27 M/0.03 M)
solution (pH 12.28). Several points of the surface became covered by porous aggregates (Fig. 4). Semiquantitative SEM/EDS analyses are consistent with a CuO
composition of this material. The strong reactivity of
enargite with hypochlorite solutions was confirmed by
Curreli et al. (2005), in an exploratory atomic force microscopy study of the enargite surface by Musu (2007 –
see a summary in Musu and Cama, 2006), and by
Mihajlovic et al. (2007). These latter authors estimated an
activation energy of 30 ± 1 kJ/mol for the leaching
reaction (i.e., quite lower than the previous estimated by
Viñals et al. (2003). Mihajlovic et al. (2007) also report
that, in the same experimental conditions, realgar, As4S4,
has about the same reactivity of enargite, whereas
chalcocite, chalcopyrite and covellite react at a much
lesser extent.
5.5. Bioleaching
Bioleaching, that is, microbially mediated oxidation
and solubilisation of ore minerals, is a cost-effective,
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low environmental impact technique of metal recovery,
especially suited for the treatment of low-grade and/or
refractory ore (e.g., Ehrlich and Brierley, 1990; Rossi,
1990). There are a number of bioleaching studies of
enargite (see e.g. Curreli et al., 1997; Escobar et al.,
1997; Acevedo et al., 1998; Escobar et al., 2000;
Canales et al., 2002; Muñoz et al., 2006; and the recent
review by Watling, 2006). However, most are of applied
technical nature, i.e. they are more addressed at
establishing the performances in terms of recovery and
efficiency, than to definition of the specific reaction
mechanisms. In his pioneering study, Ehrlich (1964)
observed that a culture of bacterium presently known as
Acidithiobacillus gen. nov. (Kelly and Wood, 2000)
considerably enhanced the kinetics of enargite dissolution, and that these bacteria could survive a comparatively arsenic-rich environment. Most later studies were
carried out with cultures of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, on mineral concentrates where enargite was
accompanied by appreciable amounts of other phases (in
some cases unspecified). In these conditions, oxidation/
dissolution of enargite is enhanced with respect to
abiotic conditions; for instance, Fantauzzi (2005) found
that the dissolution of enargite in the presence of A.
ferrooxidans is 3 to 5 times faster than in abiotic conditions, and is stoichiometric. However, Watling (2006)
estimates that chalcopyrite and enargite are the most
refractory copper minerals with respect to bioleaching,
requiring months to years to achieve significant results
(although Inoue et al., 2001, report that the presence of
silver catalyses enargite bioleaching by mesophilic
bacteria). For instance, after an 8-day treatment of a
concentrate containing about equal proportions of pyrite
and enargite, Canales et al. (2002) report that the action
of A. ferrooxidans was mainly directed against pyrite.
Working with (nearly) pure enargite at 30 °C, Escobar
et al. (1997) also found a very slow dissolution rate
(about 11% Cu released after 800 hours of treatment in a
ferric sulphate medium at pH = 1.6). Slightly better
results were obtained (with the same sample and in the
same medium) at higher temperatures (70 °C) with
thermophilic bacteria (Sulfolobus BC): Escobar et al.
(2000) were able to dissolve more than 50% Cu from
enargite in 550 hours. The better performance of
thermophilic bacteria (Sulfolobus metallicus) with
respect to mesophilic ones (A. ferrooxidans) in acidic
(pH = 1.8) solutions was documented also by Muñoz
et al. (2006). They believe that the efficiency of bacteria
for enargite dissolution is related to a double effect: on
one hand, iron-oxidising bacteria promote recycling of
the oxidising agent Fe3+; on the other hand, the sulphur
layer formed in these conditions (cf. reaction (8)) is
partially removed by bacterial metabolism. The same
authors report that enargite biooxidation was associated
with the precipitation of iron phosphate and iron and
potassium basic sulphate on the mineral surface. Possibly
because of this precipitate, enargite submitted to bacterial
attack was less reactive than untreated enargite in electrochemical experiments. The mechanism of bacterial
interaction with the enargite surface was investigated also
by Fantauzzi (2005). By means of XPS, the nitrogen N1s
signal was observed on the mineral treated with A.
ferrooxidans, thus confirming the hypothesis of adhesion
of bacterial cells to the mineral surface by a matrix of
extracellular polymeric material. Quantitative XPS analysis performed before and after immersion in the
microbial solutions showed the enargite surface to be
depleted in copper and enriched in sulfur after leaching. A
polysulphide dissolution mechanism for the bioleaching
of enargite has been proposed.
5.6. Comparison with other copper–arsenic sulphides
Fig. 4. SEM secondary electron image of a porous aggregate of copper
oxide developed on an enargite crystal exposed for 4 hours to a
NaClO/NaOH (0.27 M/0.03 M) solution (pH 12.28).
In this section, we briefly review the oxidation behaviour of the most studied sulphide (pyrite), and of other
common copper and/or arsenic sulphides: chalcopyrite
(CuFeS2), arsenopyrite, FeAsS, and tennantite (nominally
Cu12As4S13, but almost ubiquitously showing partial
substitution of Ag, Fe and Zn for Cu, and of Sb for As: see
e.g. Sack and Ebel, 2006). The ultimate goal is to draw a
comparison with the behaviour of enargite, however this
task is hampered by the fragmentary nature of the data.
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The case of pyrite enlightens the complexity of
reactions involved in sulphide oxidation, so that, in spite
of decades of research, several aspects of mechanisms
and rates of the oxidation of pyrite remain open to
debate (e.g., Rimstidt and Vaughan, 2003; Druschel and
Borda, 2006, and references therein). Rimstidt and
Vaughan (2003) interpret pyrite oxidation in terms of an
electrochemical process whereby the rate-determining
step is the cathodic reaction of Fe2+ oxidation by an
aqueous electron acceptor. Depending on pH, the main
oxidising species is either oxygen or ferric iron. The
reaction rate is strongly dependent on the concentration
of the oxidant, as well as on the presence of ironoxidising bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The anodic process involves a complex multistep
process of sulphur oxidation (typical of all sulphides).
The behaviour of arsenopyrite is further complicated
by the existence of a third element, arsenic, that undergoes
significant multistep changes of the oxidation state during
the oxidation/dissolution process (e.g., Rosso and
Vaughan, 2006b). At low pH, also the dissolution of
arsenopyrite is apparently strongly dependent on the
concentration of oxidising species like dissolved oxygen
or ferric iron, but at circumneutral pH (6.3–6.7) it is
independent on dissolved oxygen (Walker et al., 2006).
The latter authors suggest that at this pH the ratedetermining step is the anodic reduction of water. At all
studied pH, arsenic is mobilised preferentially over iron,
presumably because of the formation of an iron oxyhydroxide layer.
By comparison, the multistep process of sulphur
oxidation is documented for enargite as well, although
much detail is missing. Moreover, the available data indicate that enargite is strongly sensitive to the presence of
oxidising species, i.e. behaves like pyrite and arsenopyrite
at low pH. Another similarity with arsenopyrite is, at
alkaline pH, the preferential release of arsenic over the
metal (Cu or Fe), because the latter forms an oxide–
hydroxide layer. By contrast, at low pH copper mobility
from enargite seems at least equal, if not greater, than that
of arsenic.
The formation of an iron oxide/hydroxide layer is
widely cited also with respect to the oxidation/dissolution
of chalcopyrite, at least at alkaline pH (e.g., Rosso and
Vaughan, 2006b; and references therein). For instance, at
pH= 9.2 it is suggested that Cu and S remain unoxidised to
form a metastable phase indicated as CuS⁎2 (meaning a
CuS2 composition, but not a defined, e.g. pyrite, structure).
This phase decomposes at applied potentials higher than
about 0.65 V vs. SHE. At pH 4, the main process is again
the formation of iron oxides/hydroxides, but some copper
leaching occurs. XPS detects a minor formation of surface
polysulphide or sulphur. At more acidic pH, iron is
preferentially released to solution with respect to copper,
and elemental sulphur is formed at high redox potentials;
there is, however, considerable uncertainty about the
nature of the reacted chalcopyrite surface at low pH. An
important result by Acero et al. (2007) is that, at pH 1–3,
chalcopyrite dissolution rate is independent on the
concentration of dissolved oxygen, and is only slightly
dependent on pH. As previously noted, the reactivity of
chalcopyrite compared with enargite at alkaline pH was
reported as either higher (Guo and Yen, 2005) or lower
(Fullston et al., 1999c). According to Watling (2006), at
the high redox potentials (presence of ferric sulphate)
required for bioleaching of enargite, chalcopyrite is less
readily dissolved, because its bioleaching is best achieved
at intermediate redox potentials.
Tennantite is stable at lower sulphur fugacities than
enargite; it is more widespread, and is probably the most
abundant Cu–As sulphide. In spite of this importance,
literature on tennantite oxidation is not extensive; recent
studies include those of Mielczarski et al. (1996), Fullston
et al. (1999a,b), Asbjornsson et al. (2004b), and Lin
(2006). Because of the variability of composition of natural
tennantite, in a conservative approach any conclusion of
these studies applies only to the specific studied material,
and generalisation is not warranted. However, even
accounting for this limitation, it appears that the oxidation
behaviour of tennantite is overall similar to enargite. For
instance, the formation of elemental sulphur occurs upon
electrochemical oxidation of tennantite at low pH, and the
proposed reactions (Asbjornsson et al., 2004b; Lin, 2006)
are similar to reaction (9) reported here. Tennantite, however, appears somewhat more reactive, at the least for the
studied samples and under the specific experimental conditions. For instance, EOCP of tennantite in HCl solutions
(ca. 0.17 V vs. SHE, Asbjornsson et al., 2004b) is lower
than enargite (cf. Table 5), and more copper per surface
unit is released from tennantite than from enargite in the
course of the same experiment (Fullston et al., 1999a).
Moreover, according to Fullston et al. (1999b), the
oxidation layer formed upon conditioning at pH = 11 is
thicker in tennantite than in enargite.
6. Summary and conclusions
6.1. Oxidation to air
Bulk oxidation of enargite in air can be regarded as a
slow process. However, XPS studies can detect appreciable changes in the chemical states of arsenic and
sulphur after only very short exposure times. The
disappearance, in few minutes, of the low energy
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component in the As3d signal is consistent with the
concept that the first reaction step in oxidising environments is the creation of As–O bonds with protruding
surface As atoms. Grinding in air further induces the
appearance of a S2p component that can be interpreted as
due to elemental sulphur or to polysulphide species. XPS
evidence of As–O bonds is clear in samples exposed to air
for weeks or months. Formation of arsenic(III) oxides
occurs upon grinding. The behaviour of some natural
enargite samples in dissolution experiments was
explained by the presence of an arsenic oxide alteration;
indeed, arsenic oxides such as arsenolite or claudetite
occur in some enargite-bearing deposits. The formation of
As(III) oxides upon weathering of enargite is therefore
possible. Oxidation to species containing As(V)–O bonds
occurs at a later stage. Sulphur is less prone to form bonds
with oxygen, and formation of sulphate occurs, at least at
room temperature, only after long exposure times to air
(presumably, years). High-temperature (80 °C) exposure
to moist air causes the formation of small, but visible,
amounts of copper (II) sulphate over a time period of
weeks; copper sulphate is also formed upon grinding. In
general, copper in enargite appears reluctant to form
bonds with oxygen. In some museum samples, exposed to
air presumably for years, evidence of partial establishment
of Cu–O bonds was found, but other studies (in different
samples) did not confirm this finding. Exposure to air for
years results in the formation of a nanometric surface layer
with a composition appreciably different from the bulk.
6.2. Reaction with aqueous solutions
Thermodynamic data suggest that enargite should not
be stable in acidic solutions. Moreover, EOCP data indicate
that enargite is not a particularly “noble” sulphide.
Nonetheless, bulk experiments indicate a sluggish
oxidative dissolution of enargite, especially at low pH.
This sluggishness is confirmed by electrochemical
oxidation studies: current densities are typically low (in
the order of 10− 5 A/cm2 for stationary polarization
curves), indicating a slow process. This behaviour was
ascribed to a moderate conductivity of enargite (lesser
than chalcopyrite). Notice, however, that many electrochemical studies were performed on polished surfaces –
as demonstrated by Velasquez et al. (2002) such surfaces
are chemically modified with respect to an untreated
surface. Significant oxidation requires strongly oxidising
conditions (e.g., the presence of hypochlorite, or applied
potentials higher than 0.5 V vs. SHE).
At low pH, XPS evidence suggests that the first
reaction step may be the release of Cu ions (and arsenic)
to the solution, with formation of a copper-depleted
layer, and of polysulphide surface species. The
subsequent steps involve formation of As–O bonds,
oxidation of sulphur to elemental sulphur and eventually
sulphate, and formation of surface Cu(II) species. There
are discrepancies regarding bulk dissolution rates, some
studies indicating stoichiometric copper/arsenic ratios in
solution, and others suggesting an arsenic deficit.
At high pH, oxidation is possibly faster, and implies
formation of surface Cu–O species, in addition to the
copper-depleted layer. Formation of cupric arsenate is
possible, but apparently limited to a restricted range of
conditions. In these conditions, arsenic is apparently more
mobile than copper.
6.3. Implications for natural and mine environments
In natural environments, enargite oxidation is likely to
occur under low pH conditions, because of the nearly
ubiquitous presence of acid-generating sulphides, such as
pyrite. Moreover, oxidative dissolution of enargite may be
an additional source of acidity. Only in carbonate-hosted
deposits may oxidation occur at circumneutral pH. Under
low pH conditions, it is unlikely that enargite oxidises in
situ by a simple mechanism but, most probably, copper is
leached and redeposited at some distance. In laboratory
oxidation at low pH, elemental sulphur is commonly
formed, but there is no explicit report that native sulphur is
formed in nature during supergene alteration of enargite.
This point deserves more attention, because the formation
of elemental sulphur could 1) reduce the acidity of the
environment – cf. reaction (11), and 2) slow down
significantly the oxidation of enargite.
On field and laboratory evidence, it is difficult to
predict the final stable assemblage of enargite oxidation.
Even considering the simple Cu–S–As–O–H system,
there are at least 13 IMA-approved copper arsenates, 11
sulphates, 2 arsenates-sulphates, 2 copper oxides and one
hydroxide, 2 arsenic oxides, and native sulphur. Very few
of these phases have been positively identified in
laboratory experiments (Table 2). Thermodynamic data
are not available for most of these phases, indeed
published phase diagrams only take into account simple
compounds such as Cu2O, CuO, As2O3, CuSO4, Cu3
(AsO4)2. In natural systems, the occurrence of a specific
phase(s) may depend upon slight changes in the
environment and/or departures from equilibrium. Moreover, in most deposits the chemical environment is even
more complex, including elements such as Fe, Al, Cl, that
can be combined with Cu and/or As in a plethora of
phases. Finally, it should be noted that in many deposits
the reaction with oxidising environments is preceded by
hypogene or supergene alteration of enargite to copper-
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rich, arsenic-free sulphides. Hence, the final products
observed in these deposits could reflect the oxidation of
such sulphides, and not of primary enargite. Notwithstanding these complexities, a number of observations
and considerations appear relevant:
1) as observed in the drainages of these deposits, copper
shows a higher mobility with respect to arsenic
2) copper arsenates are widespread, but never occur in
large amounts
3) the most common secondary copper minerals are
highly soluble sulphates
4) arsenic oxides are comparatively rare, and never
abundant, as expected from their high solubilities
5) scorodite is the most widespread secondary arsenic
A simple mechanism such as depicted by reaction (3)
can account for all these facts. There is, on the other hand,
both laboratory and field evidence that in some
circumstances copper arsenates may directly form from
enargite. For chenevixite, a possible reaction scheme (4) is
very similar to that for scorodite.
With respect to environmental issues, there is an
obvious threat represented by the release of toxic elements
and of acidity, that can be accelerated in the presence of
ferric iron and/or bacteria. However, compared to other
copper sulphides the reactivity of enargite is apparently
moderate, especially in acidic conditions. The persistence
of enargite grains in soils of the Butte, Montana, area may
suggest that alteration is modest even on the time scale of
years, or perhaps decades. Moreover, the formation of
scorodite and/or other arsenates may further slow down,
at least temporarily, the release of arsenic. Therefore, a
proper management of open pit exposures and of waste
and tailings dumps can minimise the environmental
impact of this sulphide during mine operations. Establishment of alkaline conditions is not likely in enargitebearing rocks, but is typical of some ore-dressing
processes (e.g., flotation and cyanidation). In these
situations, Cu mobility may be depressed by formation
of Cu oxides, whereas a comparatively higher mobility of
arsenic is predicted. A further point that requires
consideration is the significant enhancement of enargite
reactivity in grinding and milling operations.
6.4. Suggestions for future research
Data on enargite oxidation are relatively abundant,
even if they cannot match the extensive literature on
more common sulphides. However, quantitative studies
are comparatively scarce, especially in conditions
representative of natural and mining environments.
For instance, most kinetic studies of enargite dissolution
were conducted either at high temperatures, or in the
presence of reactants (e.g., hypochlorite) unlikely to
occur in natural systems. There is a lack of detailed
laboratory studies on the dependence of dissolution rates
from parameters such as pH or dissolved oxygen. In
addition, there is a scarcity of systematic studies
documenting the alteration steps of enargite in the
field. Important progresses in understanding enargite
oxidation may be gained from a) careful observation of
alteration textures and products in mineralised bodies
and waste dumps, b) bulk experiments of enargite
oxidation/dissolution at room temperature at different
pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations, coupled with
documentation of chemical states/products at the surface
by techniques such as photoelectron and Auger spectroscopies. The use of methods taking advantage of highenergy sources, such as synchrotron-based XPS and/or
SEXAFS, could lead to significant advances. Moreover,
there are no details of the nature of enargite surface at
the molecular scale. Exploratory studies indicate that
atomic force microscope observation of the evolution of
the enargite surface upon reaction with aqueous
solutions may be feasible. Another field that is totally
unexplored is the application of ab initio calculations to
fully understand chemical bonding and to model crystal
surfaces. Finally, future research should be directed also
to establish a) the influence of minor elements
(especially the almost ubiquitous antimony) on enargite
reactivity, b) a clear distinction between the behaviour of
enargite and luzonite.
The research was supported by the Italian Ministero
dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), in
the framework of the national project (PRIN – Cofin
2004) “Meccanismi di interazione superficiali in fasi
minerali” (coordinator G. Artioli). Pilar Costagliola,
Giovanni De Giudici, Francesco Di Benedetto and Luca
Fanfani offered useful comments on earlier drafts of the
manuscript. The paper underwent a rather complex
editorial history. Originally submitted to Chemical
Geology, it was redirected to Earth Science Reviews
upon recommendation of Chemical Geology's Editor
David Rickard. In this process, the paper benefited from
the criticism and suggestions by David J. Vaughan and
three other anonymous reviewers, and by ESR Editor
D. Kirk Nordstrom. While this course obviously implied a
delay in publication, it certainly resulted in a significant
improvement of the paper.
Author's personal copy
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