Mechanical Systems
Signal Processing
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Adaptive modelling of transient vibration signals
Fenglin Wang, Chris K. Mechefske
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Received 31 May 2004; received in revised form 24 November 2004; accepted 20 December 2004
Available online 5 February 2005
Conventional vibration signal processing techniques are most suitable for stationary processes. However,
most mechanical faults in machinery reveal themselves through transient events in vibration signals. Timeseries modelling, including autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modelling and autoregressive (AR)
modelling, is an efficient approach for transient signal analysis. Based on the adaptive prediction technique,
this paper applies the principle of the adaptive line enhancer (ALE) to the modelling of transient vibration
signals. The time-series models, adaptive algorithms and the rational time–frequency transfer function are
investigated in the paper. Simulation and experimental studies with different time–frequency–amplitude
distributions and transient vibration responses are described. The results show that the adaptive modelling
method can trace the time–frequency signal and extract dynamic features such as time–frequency
distributions and time–amplitude distributions from sample signals. Given the simple programming and
potentially easy implementation in on-line applications, this method should have application in machine
monitoring and fault diagnosis.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Time-series modelling; Adaptive line enhancer; Time–frequency analysis; Transient vibration signals
1. Introduction
Transient vibration processes are typical in machinery operation during machine run-up,
shutdown, or changing speed or load conditions in a short time. These operation processes will
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 613 533 3148; fax: +1 613 533 6489.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (F. Wang),
[email protected] (C.K. Mechefske).
0888-3270/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
excite the dynamic properties of the mechanical system and are useful when acquiring information
such as machine resonant frequencies, vibration modes or even initial machine fault features. This
important information, hidden in the transient vibration process, is usually in the form of chirp
signals with both frequency and amplitude continuously varying with time. Conventional signal
analysis techniques cannot be used to extract the useful information in the form of the
time–frequency–amplitude characteristics. There are several available signal processing methods
including parametric and non-parametric approaches, for example, time-series modelling, wavelet
transform (WT) and short-time Fourier transform (STFT), which have been studied and used to
analyse the transient signal in machine condition monitoring [1–6], structure vibration analysis [7]
and machine condition monitoring [8].
By assuming stationarity of the signals within short intervals, the STFT is used to analyse the
transient signal and achieve good time–frequency feature in some situation [9]. However, the
STFT suffers from its inherent limitation of the spectrum versus narrowing the time intervals, and
from the averaging effect of signal spectrum when the sudden frequency components occur in the
transient process. Decomposing the transient signal into its orthogonal complementary parts with
low-pass filter and high-pass filter, and iterating the decomposition in time scale, WT [10] has been
increasingly applied to transient vibration analysis in wide research area. Although WT possesses
the multi-resolution analysis of the transient signal, it also has shortcomings in analysis of the
continuous transient signal such as the frequency overlapping and sensitive to the signal noise [8].
Comparatively, parametric signal processing approaches or time-varying coefficient models are
efficient in tracking and modelling the chirp signals [11,12]. Identification of the time-varying
parameters is crucial for the modelling process. From the viewpoint of the linear prediction filter,
the identification of the modelling parameters is the process of solving time-varying Toeplitz
matrix equations by using the Prony method [1–6] or the Levinson–Durbin algorithm [13]. On the
other hand, the adaptive line enhancer (ALE) [14], adaptive time-series modelling, has long been
applied to on-line machine diagnosis and fault detection [15,16]. The structure of an ALE is
illustrated in Fig. 1 and its application in the enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is shown
in Fig. 2. After digitalising with an A/D converter, the input signal x(n), composed of a vibration
signal s(n) with background noise v(n), goes into two channels. One is treated as the expected
Adaptive filter algorithms
Fig. 1. The adaptive line enhancer with FIR filter structure.
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
The ALE prediction
Low pass filter
Adaptive filter
Fig. 2. Application of the ALE in digital signal prediction.
signal to an adaptive filter. The other goes through a decorrelation delay m and then acts as a
reference input signal to the adaptive filter model. The adaptive algorithm will continue to adjust
the time-varying filter model coefficients according to the principle of least mean square (LMS)
error between its output and expected signal. After optimum convergence process of the adaptive
iteration, the adaptive time-varying parametric model will be obtained. The output y(n) of the
model will approach the predicted signal x(n), and the background noise is then suppressed. This
is called ‘‘the ALE’’.
Focusing on adaptive parametric time-varying modelling, this paper applies the adaptive
filtering algorithms and ALE structure to modelling the chirp signals, swept sinusoidal excitation
signals and transient vibration responses. First, the chirp excitation signal, transient response and
the wavelet transformation are introduced and briefly discussed. Time-series models, adaptive
modelling algorithms and its time–frequency-tracking ability are then explored. Multipleharmonic stationary signals, frequency- and amplitude-varying chirp signals and transient
vibration responses are modelled with adaptive model process. Experimental studies on modelling
of a machinery run-up process and transient vibration responses are engaged in a machinery faulttesting device. The results show the time–frequency–amplitude characteristics extracted from the
transient vibration process, and also indicate that the adaptive modelling method could be applied
to other transient signal analyses as well.
2. Chirp signals, vibration response and wavelet time–frequency analysis
Chirp signals with continuous frequency and amplitude varying are common non-stationary
signals widely encountered in machine transient process, sonar object detection or even bats’
object shooting. Among various chirp signals, linear chirp signals with linearly increasing
frequency with respect to time give the best SNR excitation and become one of the typical signals
used in structure modal testing. The linear chirp signal is often measured when changing machine
speed such as a rapid acceleration or deceleration process. The linear chirp signal can be expressed
1 2
f1 f0 2
t ;
xðtÞ ¼ x0 ðtÞ sin y ¼ x0 ðtÞ sin o0 t þ bt ¼ x0 ðtÞ sin 2pf 0 t þ p
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
where x0 ðtÞ is the varying amplitude; y is the total angular rotation; o0 is the starting angular
velocity with starting frequencyf 0 ; f 1 is the finishing sweep frequency; tS is the sweep time
interval; and b is the constant value of angular acceleration.
With conventional FFT techniques, the sweep process must be slowly enough to calculate the
frequency response function (FRF). The sweep frequency band must cover the rotation speed of
the machinery to get the machine resonant frequencies and corresponding vibration peaks. For
transient machinery operation, the linear chirp signal can be used to simulate machine excitation
signal. According to the modal expansion concept, a multiple-degree-of-freedom (mdof) system
with zero initial conditions can be used to calculate the transient vibration process of the
mechanical system. The system response of the linear chirp excitation can be expressed by using
the Duhamel integral.
Z t
ark ~
zonk ðttÞ
sin onk 1 zk ðt tÞ dt;
yrs ðtÞ ¼
k¼1 onk
1 z2k 0
where yrs is the response of the mass of order r under the excitation acting on the mass of order s;
ark and ~
ask are eigenvectors of M 1 K; K is the stiffness matrix of the first-order mdof system; M is
the mass matrix of the first-order mdof system; onk is the k order natural frequency of the mdof
system; and zk is the k order damping ratio of the system.
In view of signal filtering, WT uses a series of orthogonal filters to sample the transient
signal. The orthogonal high- and low-pass filters are used to extract one sample from two and
decompose the transient signal into a series of constituent parts in time domain. Due to its
orthogonal property, WT can extract time–frequency features effectively and keep the signal
information ‘‘unaffected’’ during the decomposition process. So, the WT is suitable for the
analysis of non-stationary signals, especially for the signals from machine fault monitoring where
abnormal condition causes the sudden change of signal frequency components. However, after
anytime of wavelet decomposition, the sampling frequency decreases by one-half, which makes
frequency aliasing exist in the high-frequency decomposition coefficients. Every time frequency
aliasing will influence the consecutive decomposition and will cause the more serious frequency
aliasing as described in [17]. For example, the WT of a constant liner chirp signal xðtÞ ¼
sinð2p 125t2 Þ by using wavelet packet algorithm [18] is shown in Fig. 3. From the figure it can
bee seen that many interference terms exist in the time–frequency distribution. The occurrence of
the time–frequency component shift or overlapping in WT is inevitable due to its basic
convolution definition [8]. In some cases this will mislead the analysis of signal. By the frequencyshifting processing, the corrected WT transform of the chirp signal is shown in Fig. 4. This
example indicates that WT may not be quite suitable in the analysis of continuous frequencyvarying chirp signals.
3. Adaptive signal modelling and its time–frequency-tracking ability
Generally transient signals can be modelled with time-dependent parameter autoregressive
(AR) model and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. The relations of input series
x(n) and the output series y(n) of AR and ARMA models can be expressed in the following
Amplitude (lin)
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
(*64 Hz)
Time (s)
Amplitude (lin)
Fig. 3. The chirp signal WT decomposition of using Wickerhauser wavelet packet.
(*64 Hz)
Time (s)
Fig. 4. The corrected WT of the chirp signal by rearranging constituent parts.
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
time-varying difference equation:
xðnÞ ¼
ai ðnÞxðn iÞ þ gs ;
bi ðnÞxðn iÞ þ
yðnÞ ¼
aj ðnÞyðn jÞ þ gs ;
where gs is Gaussian noise, and ai ðnÞ and bj ðnÞ are time-varying parameters related to the poles
and zeros of the rational transfer function of the system.
Comparatively, there are the finite impulsive response (FIR) filter structure and the infinite
impulsive response (IIR) filter structure in adaptive filtering. For FIR ALE structure, the relation
between the output and the input of digital signals is
yðnÞ ¼
wk ðnÞxðn m kÞ:
The input X(n) and the time-varying weighting factors W(n) can be defined in the following
X ðn mÞ ¼ ½xðn mÞ; xðn m 1Þ; . . . ; xðn m LÞT ;
W ðnÞ ¼ ½w0 ðnÞ; w1 ðnÞ; . . . ; wL ðnÞT :
When applying the LMS algorithm in [14], the adaptive FIR modelling process can be expressed
yðnÞ ¼ X ðn mÞT W ðnÞ;
eðnÞ ¼ xðnÞ X ðnÞT W ðnÞ;
W ðn þ 1Þ ¼ W ðnÞ þ 2m eðnÞX ðnÞ;
where m is the convergence factor of the algorithm and L is the length of the adaptive filter.
After the adaptive process converges to its optimum, the transfer function of the FIR filter
model can be written as
Y ðzÞ X
HðzÞ ¼
wk ðnÞzmk :
X ðzÞ k¼0
For adaptive IIR filter structure, the relation between the output and the input of digital
signals is
yðnÞ ¼
b^i ðnÞxðn m iÞ þ
a^ j ðnÞyðn jÞ;
where a^ j ðnÞ is the time-varying AR coefficient estimation of the IIR filter; b^j ðnÞ is the time-varying
moving average coefficient estimation of the IIR filter; and M0 and N0 are the lengths of the
adaptive forward filter and recursive filter separately.
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
In vector notation, the input digital signals and the time-varying weight factors are defined as
Uðn mÞ ¼ ½xðn mÞ; xðn m 1Þ; . . . ; xðn m MÞ; yðn 1Þ; yðn 2Þ; . . . ; xðn NÞT :
V ðnÞ ¼ ½b^0 ðnÞ; b^1 ðnÞ; . . . ; b^M ðnÞ; a^ 1 ðnÞ; a^ 2 ðnÞ; . . . ; a^ N ðnÞT
By utilising the RLMS algorithm proposed by Feintuch [19], the adaptive IIR modelling
algorithm can be expressed as
yðnÞ ¼ Uðn mÞT V ðnÞ;
eðnÞ ¼ xðnÞ UðnÞT V ðnÞ;
V ðn þ 1Þ ¼ V ðnÞ þ 2w eðnÞUðnÞ;
where w is the convergence factor of the algorithm.
After the adaptive process converges to its optimum, the transfer function of the IIR filter
model can be written as
PM 0 ^
Y ðzÞ
i¼0 bi ðnÞz
HðzÞ ¼
PN 0
X ðzÞ 1 AðzÞ 1 j¼1 a^ j ðkÞzj
When the input signal is Gaussian noise, the adaptive modelling process of Eqs. (5) and (8) will
approach to the AR modelling of Eq. (3) and the ARMA modelling of Eq. (4). When the adaptive
iteration reaches its optimum, the transfer function estimations of Eqs. (7) and (10) will tend to be
the time-series models of AR modelling and ARMA modelling.
As predicted by B. Widrow et al. in [14], ‘‘the ALE has capabilities that may exceed those of
conventional spectral analysers when the unknown sine wave has finite bandwidth or is frequency
modulated’’. Eqs. (7) and (10) indicate that the adaptive transfer functions of FIR and IIR
structure will track and model the transient signals by varying their time-varying parameters.
Actually, the time–frequency-tracking ability of the ALE system was discussed in [20]. The
theoretical transfer function of the ALE with FIR structure after the adaptive process converges
to its optimum was written as
1 ½z=zðtÞL
HðzÞ ¼
1 þ L SNR zðtÞ
1 ½z=zðtÞ1
Its time-varying FRF is:
H½o; oðtÞ ¼
sin½L=2½o oðtÞT
1 þ L SNR
sin½1=2½o oðtÞT
where zðtÞ is the z transform of the input time-varying frequency o(t) and T is the sampling
frequency of the signal.
Eqs. (11) and (12) indicate that the adaptive FIR model functions as a frequency-tracking filter
at the center of the input time-varying frequency oðtÞ: Theoretical FRF with time-shift frequency
inputs are shown in Fig. 5. By freezing the time scale, the ALE of FIR structure with the length of
128 weights was compared with the DFT transform of 256 points in [14]. The results show that the
ALE has the same frequency resolution when using the same amount of input data. Digital filter
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 5. The time–frequency function changing with the input shift frequencies.
theory also indicates that theoretically the FIR filter modelling with the filter length of N+1 will
possess the efficient bandwidth of 1/(N+1).
4. Simulation results
Based on the adaptive algorithms and modelling structure analysis, simulation studies on the
adaptive modelling of harmonic signals, linear chirp signals, and transient vibration responses
were carried out.
4.1. Modelling of multiple-harmonic stationary signals
First, we begin a tracking simulation of a multiple-harmonic signal with arbitrary initial phases
given by
uðtÞ ¼ 0:5 sinð25ptÞ þ 0:4 sinð50pt þ 0:1pÞ þ 0:3 sinð75pt þ 0:2pÞ
þ 0:2 sinð100pt þ 0:3pÞ þ 0:1 sinð125pt þ 0:4pÞ
þ 0:05 sinð150pt þ 0:5pÞ þ 0:025 sinð175pt þ 0:6pÞ:
There are seven frequency components unchanged with time in this signal. The first five
amplitudes are higher than the last two. By using the adaptive modelling method, the
time–frequency distributions and tracking filter features of the signal are shown in Fig. 6. From
this figure, it can be seen that a tracking comb-like narrowband filter centered at the five harmonic
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 6. The tracking ability of the ALE with the input of a multiple-harmonic signal.
frequencies is first formed, and then the same filter function with the last two harmonic
components are adaptively formed as time progresses. These results further confirm that to the
harmonic stationary signal the adaptive modelling method functions as a group of comb-like
narrowband tracking filters widely used in on-line weak signal detection and machinery condition
4.2. Modelling of linear chirp signals
The accelerating process of a machine can be simulated by a constant linear chirp signal, which
is given by
uðtÞ ¼ 0:5 sinðp 25t2 Þ:
The time–frequency distribution calculated by the adaptive modelling approach is shown in
Fig. 7a. It can be seen that, except for some variable wave amplitude and several interrupted
time–frequency distributions at the zero-status start of the adaptive iteration process, the
time–frequency features of the signal are fully revealed. The time–frequency–amplitude
distribution of the signal is in agreement with the theoretical analysis of the linear time–frequency
distribution (Fig. 5).
Further, a transient chirp signal composed of two different frequency rates was also simulated.
The signal is given by
uðtÞ ¼ 0:5 sinðp 28t2 Þ þ 0:5 sinð2p 70 þ pt2 Þ:
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 7. Time–frequency distribution of swept sinusoidal signals. (a) One frequency-varying component and (b) two
frequency-varying component.
The first frequency component is linearly increasing with time and the second frequency
component is varying slowly with time. The time–frequency–amplitude distributions calculated by
the adaptive modelling approach are shown in Fig. 7b. It can be seen that the adaptive modelling
method can track the two combined frequency components quite well, and the resolution of the
time and frequency are reasonably good.
The next transient signal to be simulated is a time–frequency and time–amplitude-varying signal
and it is expressed as
uðtÞ ¼ 0:5 sinðp 28t2 Þ þ 0:5½1 þ 0:2 sinð2p 6tÞ sinð2p 88tÞ:
Two frequency components exist in the signal: one has the frequency changing quickly with
time and the other has a constant frequency but the amplitude changes periodically. The
time–frequency–amplitude distributions are shown in Fig. 8. From the figure it can be seen that
the signal characteristics with both varying time–frequency and varying time–amplitude
distributions are extracted by the adaptive modelling approach.
4.3. Modelling of transient vibration responses
A general analytical solution for the transient vibration response of the constant linear chirp
excitation is not possible and numerical techniques must be used. The transient vibration response
of the chirp signal through a 2 dof system and a typical error of the adaptive modelling are shown
in Fig. 9. From the figure, it can be seen that the transient vibration responses are frequency- and
amplitude-varying chirp signals. The adaptive modelling process converges quickly and can track
the transient signals.
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 8. The distribution of the signal with varying time–frequency–amplitude.
Fig. 9. The transient response of a 2 dof system and the error of the adaptive iteration.
The time–frequency distributions of transient vibration responses to a 1 dof system and a 2 dof
system are shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the vibration modes and transient working
conditions of the vibration system can be modelled and revealed by the adaptive modelling
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 10. The frequency–time distribution of sdof and 2 dof vibration responses. (a) 1 dof system and (b) 2 dof system.
method. The time–frequency–amplitude distributions of the transient vibration responses have
the following characteristics:
(1) Compared to continuous time–frequency distribution of the linear chirp signal, the
distribution of the transient vibration responses are discontinuous and interrupted by the
system resonances.
(2) The amplitude distributions of transient vibration process are often condense or intensified in
the resonant peak area with some gaps along the time–frequency axis .
(3) After passing through a resonant peak, there are some residual amplitude responses with
decaying magnitude with respect to time.
(4) There is a time- or frequency-delay between the maximum response amplitude and its
theoretical resonant peak for the run-up transient vibration response a s discussed in [18].
Fig. 11 shows the time–frequency distribution of a transient vibration response through a 4 dof
system under the constant linear chirp excitation. Its natural frequencies are 14, 28, 38, and 44 Hz,
respectively, and all the features discussed above are further evidenced.
5. Experimental results
Experimental studies on the adaptive modelling of the machine transient operating process and
transient vibration responses were engaged in a machinery fault-testing device as shown in Fig. 12.
The rotor device is composed of a changeable electrical motor, changeable mechanical
transmissions, and mechanical loading. Our focus is on the transient processes and resonant
responses of the device. The highest rotor speed is 3500 rpm (58.3 Hz) and the transient frequency
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 11. The distribution of transient vibration responses from a 4 dof system.
Low pass filter
Signal amplifier
Data acquisition &
computer system
Signal amplifier
Fig. 12. Schematic of the machinery fault-testing device.
band was set as 0–55 Hz. The sampling frequency is 1000 Hz and the signals were sampled and
processed by using adaptive modelling process. First, an electrical motor with an electrical current
sensor was installed and connected with a large rotational inertia gearbox in free loading
condition. The time–frequency distribution of the run-up current signal is shown in Fig. 13. It can
be seen that the run-up process follows a linear-frequency-increasing period and then changes to a
constant frequency phase in which the rotor is in the steady-state or constant speed condition
(see lower right-hand corner of Fig. 13).
Second, the resonance case with quick running up of the testing device was devised for
modelling of transient vibration processes, in which a motor with a small rotational inertia rotor
system was installed. There are two close resonant peaks located between 30 and 45 Hz in the
rotor resonant system. During the experiment both the acceleration transient process and the
deceleration transient process were operated and measured. All the A/D sampling time was set a
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 13. The time–frequency distribution of the run-up current signal.
Fig. 14. The frequency–time distributions of machinery run-up or close-down. (a) Acceleration process of 0–53 Hz and
(b) deceleration process of 55–22 Hz.
little earlier than the start of machinery run-up and after slow-down in order to capture the entire
transient response and to avoid the adaptive transient process and high-peak response affecting
the modelling of the experimental run-up process. The transient response data were then
processed by the adaptive modelling approach off-line. The time–frequency distributions of the
vibration responses are shown in Fig. 14. Considering the fact that mechanical noise was caused
by the power transmission elements such as several pairs of rolling bearings, the time–frequency
distribution is not as good as the simulation results. So, it is recommended that a tracking filter
should be used to acquire a better SNR transient vibration response in later experimental
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 15. The frequency–time–amplitude distributions of motors under free loading. (a) Healthy run-up process and (b)
faulty run-up process.
research. Even though the noise exists in the sampling signal, it can be seen that the amplitude
spectral distributions are concentrated between 30 and 50 Hz in the figure. In the acceleration
case, the first resonant peak response occurs at about 38 Hz with some residual amplitude
responses. The second resonance peak appears at about 45 Hz with some spectral distribution
gaps. About 6 s later the running process changed into the steady-state working condition at the
constant speed frequency of 53 Hz. In the deceleration case, the slow-down process runs from the
constant frequency at 55 Hz and then reduces to the speed at 22 Hz. The high resonant peak
occurs at about 43 Hz with spectral concentration and the low resonance peak appears at about
35 Hz with some residual amplitude responses.
A third experiment was conducted to analyse the run-up process of the electrical motor current.
Comparison measurements were made between a healthy motor and a faulty one with a broken
rotor bar. The healthy motor and the faulty motor were installed and run in the fault-testing
device under free loading. The transient current signals of the run-up process were sampled and
the time–frequency–amplitude properties were analysed and are shown in Fig. 15. From the figure
it can be seen that both the healthy motor and the faulty one have starting current peaks at the
beginning and end of the transient period before entering steady-state speed. However, the
starting current peak of faulty motor is higher than that of healthy motor. The two motors were
subsequently tested under mechanically loaded conditions (70 lb-in). The time–frequency–amplitude properties were analysed and are shown in Fig. 16. From the figure it can be seen that the
amplitude difference between the healthy motor and the faulty one is significant. These results
indicate that the amplitude of the transient process might be regarded as one criterion for judging
the fault condition in an electric motor.
6. Conclusions
The transient vibration process is difficult to analyse and model due to its continuous
frequency- and amplitude-varying characteristics. Non-parametric approaches such as short-time
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
Fig. 16. The frequency–time–amplitude distributions of motors under loading. (a) Healthy run-up process and (b)
faulty run-up process.
Fourier transform (STFT) and wavelet transform (WT) have their inherent limitations of
spectrum versus the time intervals or ‘‘frequency aliasing’’ problems when being used to analyse
the time–frequency–amplitude chirp signals. Parametric approaches of time-series AR modelling
and ARMA modelling have been previously proven to be efficient tools in modelling the transient
vibration signal and revealing its dynamic properties. This paper, from the viewpoint of an
adaptive prediction filter, puts forward an innovative approach based on the principle of the
adaptive liner enhancer (ALE) to tracking and modelling of linear chirp vibration signals.
Simulation and experimental studies indicate that the new modelling approach is capable of
tracking and modelling the transient vibration signals. The ALE procedure also has the
characteristic of potentially easy on-line application as follows:
(1) The adaptive prediction filter principle and adaptive algorithms can be applied to time-series
modelling and the parameter estimation process. The application of the ALE system to the
transient signal analysis was shown as a successful example.
(2) When the adaptive iteration reaches its optimum, the transfer function estimations of FIR
filter and IIR filter will converge to the time-series models of AR modelling and ARMA
modelling. These adaptive time-varying modelling approache s possess the capacity of
tracking time–frequency–amplitude chirp signals and modelling the transient vibration
process. The model parameters can be estimated by using the least mean square (LMS)
algorithm and the recursive least mean square (RLMS) adaptive algorithms.
(3) To the stationary harmonic signal, the adaptive modelling approach functions as a group of
comb-like narrowband tracking filters, which is widely used in weak signal detection and
machinery condition monitoring. The adaptive modelling approach can track and model
singles with constant amplitude swept sinusoidal excitation , compound swept sinusoidal
excitation, and varying time–frequency and time– amplitude sinusoidal excitation.
(4) Due to the superior ability of suppressing the wide band noise and enhancing the SNR of
vibration signals, the adaptive ALE modelling approach not only can extract the
time–frequency–amplitude spectral distributions from transient linear chirp signals and the
F. Wang, C.K. Mechefske / Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 825–842
vibration responses in simulation condition but can also work in machine transient operating
processes with background noise condition. Besides, the adaptive modelling method has its
clear physical meanings in time–frequency–amplitude spectrum compared to the results of
wavelet transformation.
(5) Experimental studies of tracking the non-stationary run-up and slow-down process
indicate that the adaptive modelling method can model the transient machine operating
process with clear physical meanings. When passing through the natural frequency of the
system, the time– frequency–amplitude spectrums are interrupted and intensified by the
resonant peak responses along the time–frequency distribution. After passing through a
resonant peak, there are occasional residual amplitude responses with magnitude decay with
respect to time.
(6) The adaptive modelling method was successfully applied to monitoring the transient runningup process of a healthy motor and a faulty one with a broken rotor bar. The results indicate
that it can be applied to monitoring other transient vibration processes.
The authors would like to express many thanks to Mr. Wei Shao and Mr. Colin Zhou for the
helpful discussions in the numerical vibration analysis of multiple dof vibration system and to Dr.
Weidong Li for his help carrying out the experimental portion of this work. This work was funded
by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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