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Tiltott, tűrt, támogatott helyek. Metszetek az államszocialista időszak falusi migrációs folyamatairól Baranyában, 2023
Gábor Máté, Réka Kurucz, Judit Farkas Forbidden, tolerated and supported places: Cross-sections of village migration processes in Baranya County during the Socialist period In Baranya County (south-west Hungary), known for its settlement structure of small villages, most of the villages were classified as unsubsidised (type C) by the Socialist rural policy after the Second World War. Industrialisation and the withdrawal of development funds led to an increase in internal migration, which encouraged the population to move to the central settlements. The article presents the consequences of depopulation in three sections. The first section captures the changes in the abandoned living space. It shows, through statistics, how the population has changed, how the main land cover characteristics of the landscape have changed, and provides a general picture of the internal structure of the villages and the characteristics of the change. Although few villages have reached the point of total disappearance, in most of the small villages without infrastructure (72% of the villages in the county) few houses have been built, road building and other investments have been slow and institutional provision has eroded. The landscape has slowly been transformed in all respect by agricultural restructuring, with the landscape patterns of old peasant farming reduced to relict areas. Today, the elements of the ‘old landscape’ are present over large areas, dominating the landscape, and are entering a phase of complete decline after a period of intensive degradation. The second section is about the transformation of the Ormánság, perhaps the best-known ethnographic area in the county. The situation of the inhabitants of this area was particularly disadvantageous because of its location along the Yugoslavian-Hungarian state border, and entry was subject to a permit. Part of its population was deported to the Hortobágy (in eastern Hungary), and the political persecutions of wealthy peasants and the restructuring of agriculture led to a higher than average rate of emigration from Ormánság. The example of the vineyard of Hegyhátszentmárton is used to illustrate the migration conditions in the region and the attachment to the land. Many descendants of Ormánság peasant families kept their estates here. The vineyard was a refuge for the displaced persons (they were not prevented from moving to the vineyard hills and this land was not taken from them), and for those who moved to the town it became a place where they could experience the peasant mentality and the connection with the land continuity of ownership and knowledge, closeness to nature). The third example of Gyűrűfű tells the story of a small village that had been completely depopulated and destroyed. Even at the time of its depopulation (1970s), the small village was already attracting a lot of attention, becoming a symbol of passive resistance to Socialist village politics. Open resistance was impossible, but after the change of regime the village was immediately rebuilt and became the first eco-village in the country. The settlement, revitalised by intellectuals critical of the Socialist regime, is a great example of the symbolic power of areas emptied by migration, not only to define the life paths of those who have left, but also to mobilise them politically. The study interprets the practical impact of Socialist village policy with the well-known model of Socialist cultural policy as forbidden, tolerated and supported. This is because in practice we see spatial and landscape changes in line with resource allocation and policy objectives. Part of the small villages (in the frontier zone) became inaccessible, and former dwellings and workplaces became off-limits to certain marginalised social groups (kulaks, landlords, millers, industrialists, merchants, etc.). At the same time, most of the small settlements were relegated to the tolerated category, where the possibility of development was replaced by the creation of minimum conditions that were sufficient and conducive to emigration. For the rural population, moving to assisted areas (towns, regional centres) was a rational step, where not only their material conditions but also their access to cultural institutions were significantly better. At the same time, for those from the villages, ‘going home’ (urban peasants) and working in ‘second homes’ (vineyards, small gardens) became a dominant feature, where they could satisfy their need for nature and physical work, partly as a result of their enculturation.
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2024
We respond to the generosity of the commentaries on The World as Abyss, elaborating how Abyssal Geography problematises what we call the ‘Geographic Subject’ and Human Geography as an irreconcilably modern discipline.
Zahriye, bir el yazmasının metin başlamadan hemen önceki -1a- sayfasıdır. Bu sayfa, kitabın adı ve yazarı gibi önemli bilgilerin yanı sıra kültürel ve tarihsel açıdan kritik çeşitli kayıtları da içerir. Zahriye sayfalarındaki bilgilerden yola çıkılarak hazırlanan bir takım araştırmalar olsa da zahriye sayfalarını merkeze alan ayrı bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, zahriye sayfalarını merkeze alarak kuyûdât bakımından bir tipoloji ortaya çıkarmak, zahriye sayfasında hangi kayıtların yer aldığı ve bu sayfalardaki mekân kullanımı konusunda bir mutabakat olup olmadığı sorularına cevap bulmaktır. Bu sorulara cevap bulmak için Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi'nde bulunan şir Efendi Koleksiyonu seçilmiştir. Şeyhülislam şir Efendi tarafından 18. yüzyılda kurulan bir kütüphane koleksiyonuna ait olan bu yazmalar, özellikle ulema kitaplarının zahriyelerine dair bir örnek sunmaktadır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre, zahriye üzerindeki kuyûdâtı eser/metin, nüsha/yazma ve okuyucu hakkında notlar olarak sınıflandırmak mümkün olmuştur. Böylece Osmanlı ulemasının hangi tür notları ya da kayıtları yazma eserlerin zahriye sayfalarına düşme eğiliminde olduklarını görebildik. Ayrıca bu notları kaydederken sayfa üzerinde tercih edilen yerleri de tespit etmek mümkün oldu. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Osmanlı zihniyetinde bu sayfadaki mekânın kullanımı konusunda bir mutabakat olduğunu düşündürdü. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, zahriye sayfasının tipolojisini ve kültür tarihi açısından potansiyelini ortaya koyarak zahriyelerin daha derinlemesine anlaşılmasını sağlamıştır.
Este libro introduce las herramientas de gestión en el análisis de los fenómenos sociales y organizacionales. Se interroga acerca de dónde vienen estos instrumentos, cómo llegan a imponerse, qué cambios experimentan en su aplicación local y cómo afectan las relaciones sociales. Para ello revisa y confronta diferentes teorías que se han interesado en la temática a partir del año 1990, tanto desde la sociología, las ciencias políticas, la psicología social, como desde las ciencias de la administración. A partir de ello, propone un marco y una metodología propios que permiten abordar la problemática de manera integral.
El Palacio , 1917
El Palacio. ISSN: 0031-0158. Human remains redacted from the textual upload. Redacted photographs uploaded separately (as a separately file). Excavations (Archaeology) Human remains (Archaeology) Indians of North America Pueblo Indians Pecos Indians Cicuyé Tshiquité Tziquité San Miguel County (N.M.) Pecos Pueblo (N.M.) See:
Археологія і дав ня історія України, 2022
The 120-year history of the study of medieval ceramics from Bilhorod (other names Akja-Kermen, Asprokastron, Maurokastro, Moncastro, Mokastro) — one of the largest trade centers of the North-Western Black Sea coast in the late Byzantine and Ottoman Ages is analyzed in the paper. The site is located in the modern city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Odesa region, Ukraine. This urban center was formed on the ruins of ancient Tyras in the late 13th — early 14th centuries. There are two stages in its history: the «Golden Horde» — the 1290s — 1370s, when the city was under the protectorate of Ulus Jochi, and «Moldavian» — the last quarter of the 14th century — 1484 when it passed into the possession of the Moldavian rulers, who has built a large fortress there. In 1484 the site was captured by Ottomans and was renamed as Akkerman. Despite the long terms of archaeological excavations and the significant researched area at the site (more than 4000 m2), the precise dating of pre-Ottoman medieval deposits and ceramics from them, as well as the origin of some groups of the pottery, are still discussed (Teslenko, Myronenko 2022). Therefore, an analysis of the stratigraphy of the medieval layers together with existing chronology and classification of medieval ceramic materials is among the aims of this work.
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature 50.1, 2019
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