NATURE|Vol 443|19 October 2006
Nature: the many benefits
of ecosystem services
SIR — In his Commentary “Selling out on
nature” (Nature 443, 27-28; 2006), Douglas
J. McCauley dismisses the importance of
ecosystem services as a tool in conservation
and resource management. The author
correctly notes that market-based
approaches to conservation are no
panacea, as has also been concluded by
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(Ecosystems and Human Well-Being:
Synthesis, Island Press, Washington DC,
2005). But he goes on to conclude that there
is no value in factoring ecosystem services
into decision-making, and that indeed
they represent a harmful diversion from a
more traditional focus on the intrinsic and
aesthetic values of nature. We, the assessment
panel of the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, believe that these conclusions
result from three errors in reasoning.
First, McCauley assumes that conservation
arguments based on ecosystem services are
cast only in economic terms. In practice,
although it is possible to calculate the
economic values of some ecosystem
services, this can’t be done for others,
including many of the cultural services
provided by ecosystems. Proponents of
ecosystem services argue that it is folly to
ignore real economic costs and benefits of
decisions. Deliberative decision-making
processes are necessary to allow economic,
cultural and intrinsic values to be weighed.
Second, McCauley assumes that
conservation efforts based on ecosystem
services rely only on market-based
approaches and hence are always subject to
the vagaries of the market. This is not the
case. The useful roles played by a watershed
in water purification, a woodland for
recreation or a forest for carbon sequestration
are just some of the many factors used to
help convince a government of the merits of
protecting certain areas from development.
For example, although it would be possible to
argue that the coastal wetlands of Louisiana
should be protected for their intrinsic value,
it is logical — and probably far more effective
— to add the utilitarian argument that those
wetlands also provide a valuable service in
protecting coastal development from storms.
Finally, McCauley assumes that the
growing interest in ecosystem services is
relevant only to the goal of biodiversity
conservation. In practice, scientists,
managers and decision-makers are
increasingly using the concept of ecosystem
services because of its broad usefulness across
a wide range of resource-management issues,
not just biodiversity protection.
For too long, scientists and managers have
tended to view the world as either protected
because of the intrinsic or aesthetic value
of the area, or developed for its utilitarian
benefits. The reality, of course, is that our
planet is a mosaic of systems providing
people with different bundles of ecosystem
services and disservices. We cannot manage
these systems effectively if we do not actively
seek to measure the flows of these services,
examine who is benefiting from them, and
consider a range of policies, incentives,
technologies and regulations that could
encourage better management and sharing
of the benefits.
Historically, conservation has largely relied
on the considerations of intrinsic value that
McCauley sees as the only solution. This has
been manifestly insufficient as a response
to the increasing threats to biodiversity,
particularly in the world’s poorest regions,
where considerations of intrinsic and
spiritual values are often trumped by
the needs for survival or used to exclude
significant segments of the population from
the benefits from their ecosystem resources.
It is time to add to the mix other approaches
based on a fuller consideration of ecosystem
services and options for distributing costs
and benefits that may result.
Further information, and details of the
signatories, are available at
Walter V. Reid
Conservation and Science Program, The David
and Lucile Packard Foundation, 300 Second
Street, Los Altos, California 94022, USA
This letter was also signed by:
Harold A. Mooney, Doris Capistrano, Stephen
R. Carpenter, Kanchan Chopra, Angela Cropper,
Partha Dasgupta, Rashid Hassan, Rik Leemans,
Robert M. May, Prabhu Pingali, Cristián Samper,
Robert Scholes, Robert T. Watson, A. H. Zakri,
Zhao Shidong.
those used in Costa Rica’s highly successful
system of payment for these services (see
It is incorrect to suggest that ecosystemservices reasoning ignores basic ecology; on
the contrary, it embraces ecology and the
co-dependency of humans and other
species. It is also incorrect to suggest that
conservation based on protecting ecosystem
services is betting against human ingenuity.
The study of ecosystem services has merely
identified the limitations and costs of ‘hard’
engineering solutions to problems that in
many cases can be more efficiently solved
by natural systems. Pointing out that the
‘horizontal levees’ of coastal marshes are
more cost-effective protectors against
hurricanes than constructed vertical levees is
only using our intelligence and ingenuity, not
betting against it.
The ecosystems-services concept makes
it abundantly clear that the choice of “the
environment versus the economy” is a
false choice. If nature contributes
significantly to human well-being, then
it is a major contributor to the real economy
(R. Costanza et al. Nature 387, 253–260;
1997), and the choice becomes how to
manage all our assets, including our natural
and human-made capital, more effectively
and sustainably (R. Costanza et al. BioScience
50, 149–155; 2000).
I do not agree that more progress will be
made by appealing to people’s hearts rather
than their wallets. Ecosystems are critical to
our survival and well-being for many reasons
— hearts, minds and wallets included.
Robert Costanza
Gund Institute of Ecological Economics,
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural
Resources, The University of Vermont,
617 Main Street, Burlington 05405, USA
Nature: ecosystems without
commodifying them
Nature: poorest may see it
SIR — Douglas J. McCauley, in his
as their economic rival
Commentary “Selling out on nature” (Nature
443, 27–28; 2006), suggests that love for
nature is incompatible with valuing nature
in terms of its contributions to human
well-being. But there is no such conflict.
Nor is valuation of ecosystem services a
panacea; rather, such valuation is one piece
of helpful information in the complex task of
sustainably managing our natural assets.
Valuing ecosystem services is not identical
to commodifying them for trade in private
markets. Most ecosystem services are public
goods (non-rival and non-excludable),
which means that privatization and
conventional markets work poorly, if at
all. Nevertheless, knowing the value of
ecosystem services is helpful for their
effective management, which in some cases
can include economic incentives, such as
SIR — The moral imperative of saving species
and protecting nature, as put forward by
Douglas J. McCauley (“Selling out on nature”
Nature 443, 27–28; 2006), must be weighed
against the moral imperative of saving
people. Typically, it is the poorest members of
our world community who are most affected
by efforts to protect nature, and who suffer
the most when ecosystems are degraded.
The conservation debate cannot be reduced
to a choice between protecting nature or
making an extra million for a yacht or villa. If
it were, then perhaps moral arguments alone
would be enough to protect the environment.
The reality is that poor people are deforesting
vast areas of tropical forest for subsistence
agriculture, members of indigenous tribes are
killing endangered wildlife and out-of-work
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
fishermen are converting mangrove forests
to shrimp farms. Moreover, biodiversity is
greatest in the very areas where human
populations are most dense, most rapidly
growing and most impoverished
(R. P. Cincotta, J. Wisnewski and
R. Engelman Nature 404, 990–992; 2000).
McCauley does not acknowledge that
economic valuation of ecosystem services can
provide the data and tools needed to make
human well-being part of the design of
conservation projects. Although win–win
scenarios are hard to find, it is important that
we take the care to quantify ecosystem
services, so that those situations in which
both humans and biodiversity benefit can be
identified and promoted. Moreover, if
fundamental economic concepts such as
GNP could be reformulated to reflect
ecosystem services, then nations might
embark on policies that better protect their
natural capital assets. The economic
valuation of ecosystem services is simply
a way of getting everyone’s moral
imperatives on the same page. It is a way
of recognizing that conservation must be
accomplished in a just and fair manner, in
a way that does not pit the basic needs of
humans against nature.
Attention to ecosystem services is not
equivalent to venal worship of the dollar.
Instead, it provides an entry into market
incentives, government policies, betterdesigned conservation projects and a broader
constituency for conservation that reaches
beyond the affluent Western world.
Conservationists who promote valuation of
ecosystem services have no intention of
selling out on nature — we just want to make
sure it is correctly valued.
Michelle Marvier*, Joy Grant†, Peter Kareiva†
*Santa Clara University, Santa Clara,
California 95053, USA
†The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax
Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203-1606, USA
Nature: McCauley replies
In my Commentary “Selling out on nature”
(Nature 443, 27–28; 2006) I argue that
ecosystem services can and should be
cautiously applied in certain contexts to
advance nature conservation. To characterize
this discussion as a polarized face-off
between proponents of ecosystem services
and advocates for nature’s inherent values
is to have misunderstood my viewpoint. I
offer below some responses to specific points
raised in criticism of my position.
I concede to anyone wishing to argue that
the cultural, historical and aesthetic values of
nature can in fact be considered “ecosystem
services”. This difference seems largely
semantic. Call them what you wish, so long as
they are made important in conservation.
I cannot agree that the citizens of
NATURE|Vol 443|19 October 2006
developing nations are unable to recognize
the inherent worth of nature or act to protect
it. Many so-called ‘poor’ cultures have intense
legacies of respect for and stewardship of
nature. Furthermore, this viewpoint ignores
centuries of sacrifice made by severely
impoverished people to morally inspired
causes such as religion, politics and social
movements that did not make them money or
directly improve their livelihoods. I simply do
not believe that nature is a luxury of the rich.
Although I agree that there is no harm
in emphasizing the usefulness of nature,
I reassert that there may be harm in
overemphasizing this utilitarian worth.
The roof of the Sistine Chapel is stunningly
beautiful and has much intrinsic value. It
also serves to keep the rain out of the church.
Pointing out the practical benefits that nature
confers will assist conservation so long as
these are properly contextualized with and
do not harmfully obscure the importance
of nature’s immense aesthetic worth. Using
a diverse approach in conservation will be
useful in some circumstances, but in my
opinion would not be as necessary if we
worked sufficiently hard in the first
instance to educate people about nature’s
intrinsic value.
My point in writing the Commentary was
twofold: first, to encourage a critical review
of the strengths and weaknesses of ecosystem
services; and second, to more properly
articulate an appropriate role for ecosystem
services in conservation. I thank the authors
of these Correspondence letters for assisting
with both tasks.
Douglas J. McCauley is in the Department of
Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford,
California 94305, USA
Melanoma rates remain
high in Australia
SIR — Your Editorial “Preventing cancer”
(Nature 442, 720; 2006) is surely incorrect
when it argues that because of public-health
campaigns melanoma has less of a health
impact in Australia than in Britain.
As the populations of Australia and
Britain differ, it is necessary to quote rates
rather than absolute numbers. If this is done,
melanoma mortality is two to three times
higher, and incidence rates around four
times higher, in Australia than in the United
Kingdom. The absolute number of deaths is
higher in Britain because more people live in
Britain than Australia (see B. Armstrong in
Textbook of Melanoma (eds J. F. Thompson,
D. L. Morton and B. B. R. Kroon) 65–80;
Dunitz, London, 2004).
Jonathan Rees
Department of Dermatology, Lauriston Building,
University of Edinburgh, Lauriston Place,
Edinburgh EH3 9HA, UK
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
Getting the public on board
for cancer screening
SIR — Your News Features on cancer
(Nature 442, 735–743; 2006) highlight
important developments in research since
President Richard Nixon declared war on
cancer in 1971. Numerous epidemiological
as well as case-control studies have confirmed
that early intervention translates into
better survival.
However, when looking at biomarkers —
DNA or proteins that could indicate
pathological processes — it is important to
distinguish between those that assess ‘risk
of cancer’ and those that are suitable for
screening. In the former, the individual may
already be at risk, harbouring a premalignant condition such as adenomatous
colonic polyps. Although benign, these
polyps have the potential for malignant
transformation over time. Screening, on the
other hand, aims to detect disease in those
who have no symptoms: the smear test, which
picks up precancerous changes in the cervical
lining, is a successful example.
The public needs to be aware of the
differences, otherwise uptake will be low.
This is a real problem with breast cancer,
for example: uptake of screening is low
among women from ethnic minorities,
who consequently have higher-than-average
rates of breast cancer in both the United
Kingdom and the United States
(V. N. Thomas et al. Int. J. Palliat. Nurs. 562,
564–571; 2005, and L. Jandorf et al. Cancer
107, 2043–2051; 2006).
Strategies for the prevention of cancer
require biomarkers of early precancerous
changes within normal tissue. Ideally, these
should be linked to environmental factors
that can be modified, such as diet. In
colorectal cancer, for example — where 75%
of variance can be explained by diet — the
ideal biomarker should reflect differences in
dietary exposure. Most people are interested
in food and might be prepared to take the
recommended action.
The successful test must not only be
sensitive and specific for the disease but also
appealing to the public; invasive procedures,
for example, are less likely to win widespread
acceptance. Lessons can be learnt from
breast-cancer screening about improving
education and awareness. Rightly or wrongly,
the success of a screening biomarker is largely
driven by public opinion, which is often
poorly informed. Thus, the added task for
scientists/clinicians is to convince the public
of the efficacy and importance of any new
Ramesh P. Arasaradnam
Human Nutrition Research Centre,
School of Clinical Medical Sciences,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, UK