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India has become the second most populated country in the world and is only lacking to become number 1 from China with few millions. The population of any country is one of the major attributes of that country, but the condition is not same for India. In this paper, an overview of Indian overpopulation and its effects on infrastructure have been discussed in brief.
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2011
Provision of adequate infrastructure, in terms of both quantity and quality, is very essential for the rapid achievement of sustainable economic growth, both by increasing productivity and by providing amenities that enhance the quality of life. The objective of this paper is to investigate the role played by infrastructure, grouped under physical, social and financial, in determining economic development in India over the different time periods. An attempt is also made to find out the existence of intra-regional disparities, in terms of infrastructure, among the states of India. Using Factor analysis and regression analysis, the paper finds that infrastructure plays a significant role in determining the inter-state level of development in India during the past quarter century. The paper at the end discusses various challenges and opportunities for the infrastructure development in India and its link with sustainable economic growth.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13547860903169340, 2009
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India is a growing economy. It is estimated to be the third largest economy by 2050. Because of the GDP growth and more emphasis on infrastructure growth, from roadways to airways, ports to airports and power production facilities, Indian infrastructure segment is vital for the development of the nation and hence enjoys intense attention from top-grade policy makers of the country. Infrastructure growth is a stepping stone of a stable and productive society; it presents unique challenges but also brings opportunities for private and public sectors in the field of construction. Development will lead to massive construction and there will be a positive growth in industries related to construction. Reports also suggest that the upward trend has been witnessed by these sectors. The paper analyses the recent scenario of infrastructure investment in India, with the recognition that inadequate infrastructure is one of the major constraints on India's ability to sustain high GDP growth....
Deficiency of urban infrastructure facilities is one of the main problems behind the lower rate of urbanization in India. It has also unfavorably affected the realization of the full potential of the urban sector’s contribution to national gross domestic product in India. From this perspective, by considering the population in Class I cities (cities with more than 100,000 people), this paper tries to investigate the relevant infrastructure factors that contribute to increase the size of urban populations of large cities in India. Secondly, it assesses the status of class I cities in India as per the availability of different infrastructure facilities and quality of public services. For the entire analysis, the paper uses data pertaining to Census periods 2001 and 2011. The results of the Borda ranking show that bigger cities (e.g., Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, and Thiruvananthapuram) have better provision of infrastructure facilities for their urban dwellers than the...
Infrastructure plays a vital role in the growth and development of a country and its impact can be easily studied by analyzing the economic conditions of the people in terms of their consumer price index and its going to show its impact on the social conditions of the dwellers .Infrastructure is a broad term ,so as to study its impact it is classified as social and economic infrastructure .Social infrastructure comprises of schools ,hospitals ,recreation places and many others which are for the welfare of people and Economic infrastructure means the Networking ,transport, water supply ,electricity supply and many other sectors which focus on improving the economic condition of the dwellers, focus on all these will surely help to reduce the cost of production and increase the productivity of the particular sector where investment is made. The study is done with the help of all secondary data, literature which helps us to know the impact of infrastructural development on the progress ...
India's rise in recent years is a most prominent development in the world economy. India has re-emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. India's growth, particularly in manufacturing and services, has boosted the sentiments, both within country and abroad. With an upsurge in investment and robust macroeconomic fundamentals, the future outlook for India is distinctly upbeat. According to many commentators, India could unleash its full potentials, provided it improves the infrastructure facilities, which are at present not sufficient to meet the growing demand of the economy. Failing to improve the country's infrastructure will slow down India's growth process. Therefore, Indian government's first priority is rising to the challenge of maintaining and managing high growth through investment in infrastructure sector, among others. The present paper is a shorter version of the India country report carried out by the author on-behalf of RIS for ERIA. This version presents a quick profile and prospects of India's physical infrastructure sector.
Social, eeconomic, infrastructure, health, education, banking and other infrastructure facilities
Indian Journal of Public Administration, 2001
Urban transport is an important basic infrastructure on which the economic growth of cities depends. The demands of this sector are growing fast. This fact coupled with provision of insufficient mass transport and road •infrastructure facilities and itn.adequate regulation has resulted in high• congestion levels on roads, low journey speeds, high energy consumption on transport and increased vehicular emissions and a~cidenti. The scenario for the. future is bleak unless policy interventions are made to augment infrastructure in a planned way. This article attempts to peek into future urban transport scenario 20 years hence-both under assumptions of Business As. Usual (BAU) and under implementation of suggested policy int~rventions.
Various infrastructure facilities
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