Mar Biol
DOI 10.1007/s00227-011-1840-2
Responses of marine benthic microalgae to elevated CO2
V. R. Johnson • C. Brownlee • R. E. M. Rickaby
M. Graziano • M. Milazzo • J. M. Hall-Spencer
Received: 2 September 2011 / Accepted: 9 November 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
Abstract Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the
atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO2 concentrations in the
ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of
these changes, we need to improve our understanding of
the responses of marine primary producers since these
drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the
structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of
increasing CO2 levels on the colonisation of artificial
substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were
examined across a CO2 gradient off the volcanic island of
Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO2 concentrations increased.
CO2 enrichment caused significant increases in chlorophyll
a concentrations and in diatom abundance although we did
Communicated by S. Dupont.
V. R. Johnson J. M. Hall-Spencer (&)
Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre, Marine Institute,
University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK
[email protected]
C. Brownlee
The Marine Biological Association of the United
Kingdom (MBA), The Laboratory, Citadel Hill,
Plymouth PL1 2PB, UK
R. E. M. Rickaby
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford,
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK
M. Graziano
CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research,
UNICAL-Polifunzionale, 87036 Rende, Italy
M. Graziano M. Milazzo
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare,
University of Palermo, via Archirafi 28,
90123 Palermo, Italy
not detect any changes in cyanobacteria. SEM analysis
revealed major shifts in diatom assemblage composition as
CO2 levels increased. The responses of benthic microalgae
to rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to have
significant ecological ramifications for coastal systems.
Increasing atmospheric CO2 is causing unprecedented
changes in seawater chemistry (National Research Council
2010) that are expected to have profound and widespread
consequences for marine ecosystems since some organisms
may benefit whilst many others are likely to be disadvantaged (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008; Doney et al. 2009; Kleypas
and Yates 2009; Kroeker et al. 2010; Diaz-Pulido et al.
2011; Hepburn et al. 2011). The saturation state of calcium
carbonate falls as ocean pH is lowered (Caldeira and
Wickett 2003; Orr et al. 2005; IPCC 2007), so research into
the effects that these chemical changes may have on primary producers has predominately focused on calcifiers
(Engel et al. 2005; Langer et al. 2009; Martin and Gattuso
2009), although work is also now emerging on the effects
of elevated CO2 on non-calcareous groups of algae.
The predicted changes in CO2 and bicarbonate (HCO3-)
availability have the potential to stimulate photosynthesis
in marine photoautotrophs. In response to low ambient CO2
concentrations, most marine microalgae have evolved a
carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to elevate concentrations at the site of carbon fixation (Beardall and
Giordano 2002; Raven and Beardall 2003; Raven et al.
2011). Increases in dissolved CO2 are predicted to cause
down-regulation of microalgal CCM capacity (Giordano
et al. 2005; Hopkinson et al. 2011) and, given the energetic
costs of CCMs (Raven 1991), will potentially allow
Mar Biol
more energy for other growth processes. As the carbon
acquisition mechanisms and efficiencies of CCMs differ
between algae, it is thought that rising CO2 will benefit
different species to varying degrees (Hein and Sand-Jensen
1997; Tortell et al. 2000; Rost et al. 2003; Beardall and
Raven 2004; Riebesell 2004; Fu et al. 2008b) and may
result in dramatic community shifts with profound consequences for marine biogeochemistry (Hutchins et al. 2009).
Periphyton are microflora living attached to the surfaces
of submerged objects (Azim et al. 2005). Periphytic
communities (predominantly benthic diatoms and cyanobacteria) are major constituents of marine biofilms forming
an important functional component of marine benthic
ecosystems (Underwood 1984; Hill and Hawkins 1991;
Thompson et al. 2004). Marine photoautotrophic biofilms
contribute significantly to primary productivity (Hawkins
et al. 1992; Bustamante et al. 1995), providing a main food
source for a variety of grazers (Hawkins et al. 1989; Hill
and Hawkins 1991; Jenkins et al. 2001). They also play
important roles in determining the structure and dynamics
of the overlying benthic communities by enhancing and/or
inhibiting the settlement of invertebrates and macroalgal
propagules (Meadows and Williams 1963; Huang and
Boney 1984; Thompson et al. 1998).
The potential effects of ocean acidification on photoautotrophic biofilms and benthic microalgae have received relatively little attention (Torstensson et al. 2011; Witt et al.
2011). Research into the effects of ocean acidification on
microalgae has mainly focused on planktonic species in laboratory or mesocosm experiments (Kim et al. 2006; Fu et al.
2007; Levitan et al. 2007). Several diatom species are relatively insensitive to changes in pH (Hinga 2002), and some
oceanic diatoms show little response over a large CO2 range
(Tortell et al. 1997; Burkhardt et al. 2001), although other
experiments have shown positive responses of diatoms to CO2
enrichment (Riebesell et al. 1993; Burkhardt and Riebesell
1997; Burkhardt et al. 1999). Hopkinson et al. (2011) calculated that a doubling of ambient CO2 could reduce CCM
expenditure and lead to an increase in diatom productivity as
CO2 levels rise over the course of this century. Shifts in the
dominance and composition of planktonic diatom assemblages with CO2 enrichment have also been revealed and
attributed to taxon-specific differences in CO2 sensitivity
(Tortell et al. 2002, 2008; Kim et al. 2006; Trimborn et al.
2009). There is also evidence that cyanobacterial responses to
ocean acidification are species specific. Several oceanic,
bloom-forming genera (Trichodesmium, Synechococcus and
Crocosphaera spp.) improve resource allocation and increase
their rates of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and growth in
response to CO2 enrichment (Lu et al. 2006; Barcelos e Ramos
et al. 2007; Hutchins et al. 2007; Levitan et al. 2007; Fu et al.
2007, 2008a; Kranz et al. 2009); Prochlorococcus, on the
other hand, has showed little response (Fu et al. 2007).
Our current understanding of the impacts of ocean
acidification on microalgal assemblages is very limited as
no research has been carried out in situ and there is likely
much to learn from observations in areas that are naturally
enriched with CO2 (Liu et al. 2010). Short-term culture
work has yielded contradictory results attributed to differences in the experimental design and control of carbonate
chemistry (Iglesias-Rodriguez et al. 2008; Hurd et al.
2009). Short-term perturbation experiments can provoke
stress responses (Wood et al. 2008), which may overestimate the impacts of acidification on marine organisms
(Hendriks et al. 2010), do not reflect natural conditions
and are unable to account for the adaptive capability of
organisms. However, ocean acidification research is starting to be augmented with in situ experiments utilising areas
that are naturally enriched with CO2 such as cold-water
CO2 vents (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008; Fabricius et al. 2011;
Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. 2011), hydrothermal vents (Couto
et al. 2010; Vizzini et al. 2010; Bianchi et al. 2011) and
upwelling areas (Thomsen et al. 2010). Such sites allow
investigations of the ecosystem-level responses to ocean
acidification although this approach has not yet considered
effects on periphyton.
Here we present the results of an investigation that
compared periphyton assemblages on artificial substrata
installed along a coastal CO2 gradient at a shallow water
cold vent system off the island of Vulcano, NE Sicily. Our
aim was to test the hypothesis that periphyton assemblages
respond to CO2 gradients and to characterise any changes
in diatom and cyanobacteria populations to better understand the ecological effects of ocean acidification.
Materials and methods
Study site
This study was conducted between 17th September and 8th
October 2010 along a stretch of rocky coast off the island
of Vulcano (38°250 N, 14°570 E), part of the Aeolian Island
chain, NE Sicily (Fig. 1). This is a microtidal region where
volcanic CO2 vent activity acidifies the seawater producing
a pH gradient ranging from *8.2 to *6.8, running parallel
to the coast. Three sites along this gradient were selected;
Station 1 (S1) was located outside the vent and had a
normal, relatively stable mean pH (8.18) representing
ambient CO2 levels (Table 1) whereas S2 and S3 had
widely varying but intermediate and low mean pH (mean
pH 8.05 and 7.49, respectively) due to their proximity
to CO2 vents. Median CO2 levels at S2 represent conditions forecasted for around the middle of this century
(Nakićenović and Swart 2000), whilst at S3 they go beyond
those expected due to ocean acidification, yet remain useful
Mar Biol
Fig. 1 Map of the study area,
Baia di Levante (Vulcano
Island), showing sampling
stations S1, S2 and S3, v = gas
vents. Data represent the mean
pH of each station (n = 18 per
station). The graph shows pH
range along the CO2 gradient
measured at various intervals
between September 2009
and October 2010;
median = horizontal line, 25th
and 75th percentiles = vertical
boxes, 10th and 90th
percentiles = whiskers and
dots = min/max values
Table 1 Seawater carbonate chemistry measurements along a CO2 gradient on the island of Vulcano
pH range
(NBS scale)
(mmol kg-1)
(mmol kg-1)
CO32(mmol kg-1)
HCO3(mmol kg-1)
Temperature (range 18.6–27.7°C), pH (NBS scale) and salinity (=38) were measured on several occasions between September 2009 and October
2010 (n = 18). Total alkalinity (TA) is point measurement taken on 02/10/10. The remaining parameters were calculated using CO2 SYS
programme (using the constants of Roy et al. 1993 and Dickson for KSO4)
for examining response boundaries (Barry et al. 2010). All
stations were at ambient temperature, and although sulphur
was present at the CO2 vent systems on the south of Baia
di Levante, it was localised and undetectable at stations
Carbonate chemistry and physical measurements
At all three stations, a calibrated YSI (556 MPS) pH (NBS
scale) meter was used to measure temperature, pH and
salinity at a depth of *0.5 m. We recorded rapid pH
fluctuations along this coastal gradient (over 1 unit in under
*4 h at S3), so the lack of precision in using the NBS
scale for seawater measurements (approximately 0.05 pH,
Dickson et al. 2007) was considered acceptable for this
study. On the recommendations of Hoppe et al. (2010),
total alkalinity (TA) alongside pH was measured to calculate carbonate chemistry. TA was measured at each
station from a water sample that had been passed through a
0.2-lm pore size filter (stored in the dark at 4°C), and an
AS-Alk 2 Total Alkalinity Titrator (Apollo SciTech Inc,
Georgia, USA) was used to determine TA. The remaining
parameters of the carbonate system were then calculated
using CO2 SYS software (Lewis and Wallace 1998). Light
intensity was measured at 1–2 m depth in May 2011 at S1
and S3 using Hobo light loggers (Onset).
Mar Biol
Means and interquartile ranges (IQ), more suitable for
use over standard errors with highly variable pH data
(Kerrison et al. 2011), were calculated from hydrogen ion
concentrations before re-converting back to pH values.
Means were calculated for each station using pH data
collected from several visits to the vents between 2009 and
2010 (September–October 2009, April 2010, July 2010,
September–October 2010).
Sample collection
At each station, perspex slides (75 9 25 mm) were horizontally attached to four anchored floats (6 slides per float
placed at 25-mm intervals), suspended in the shallow subtidal zone (\1 m depth) (n = 24 slides per station). Perspex
(hydrophobic surface) was selected over glass (hydrophilic)
to maximise the amount of microalgal attachment (Sekar
et al. 2004). The slides were removed after 21 days by
which time they had established biofilms that were visible
to the naked eye. Half the slides (n = 12 per station) were
chosen randomly for chlorophyll extraction. They were
immediately preserved at -20°C (for \48 h) and stored at
-80°C upon return to the laboratory (for \2–3 weeks) to
prevent chlorophyll degradation (Thompson et al. 1999).
The remaining half were fixed in glutaraldehyde (2.5% with
filtered seawater) for 1 h in the dark, rinsed and then frozen
as above until epifluorescence analysis (\ 1 month) and
viewing under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Sample analysis
The photosynthetic standing stock of each slide (n = 12
per station) was measured from chlorophyll extracted using
100% ethanol (placed in boiling ethanol, *70°C, for
2 min). Ethanol was chosen solvent for this experiment as
it is an efficient extractant of chlorophyll from resistant
material and provides the most reliable estimates for use
with natural assemblages of mixed microalgae (Ritchie
2008). The absorbance of each sample at 632, 649, 665,
696 and 750 nm was measured using a Cecil CE2011
spectrophotometer, and the concentration of the total
chlorophyll a (chl a) in the sample (lg cm-2) was calculated using the quadrichroic equation of Ritchie (2008).
The relative proportions of cyanobacteria and diatoms
within the periphyton on each slide (n = 12 per station)
was determined through quantification of their epifluorescence using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
Epifluorescence microscopy can quantify the coverage of
individual components of the periphyton and is more useful
than light microscopy, which only allows a limited number of cyanobacterial types to be clearly distinguished
(Nagarkar and Williams 1997). In addition, diatom cells
were difficult to count directly with light microscopy (thick
films on some slides prevented adequate passage of light)
so areal coverage of their epifluorescence was used as
proxy for abundance. Slides were viewed using a Radiance
2000 CLSM (Bio-Rad, UK), excitation 488 nm; emission
570–590/70, 650 nm DCLPXR and 620–660 nm. Thirty
images at a fixed, low-power magnification (910) were
taken at random locations across each slide, and the average percentage cover of cyanobacteria and diatom fluorescence was digitally quantified using Image J software
(v 1.43, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA).
The composition of the attached diatom assemblage from
five replicate slides at each station was analysed by SEM.
Slides were cut into *1 cm2 pieces, air-dried (Hill and
Hawkins 1990) and coated with gold prior to observation
with a JEOL JSM 5600 LV SEM. Each slide was examined
at fixed magnification (9500), and the abundance of different diatom genera (identified according to Round et al.
1990) was recorded from counts in ten randomly positioned
photographs on the colonised areas of the slide. Diatoms
that could not be accurately identified were assigned to
numbered groups (i.e. unidentified pennate 1, 2, unidentified naviculoid 1).
Statistical analysis
Differences in periphyton assemblages among stations
were tested using one-way ANOVA (percentage data arc
sin transformed). A paired t test was used to compare the
differences in light intensities between S1 and S3. Data that
failed tests for normality (Shapiro–Wilk) and equal variances (Levene Median test) were analysed by Kruskal–
Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks. Pairwise
multiple comparisons were performed using Holm-Sidak
method or SNK. These statistical analyses were performed
using SigmaPlot 11.0.
The abundances of diatom genera were used to calculate
Shannon diversity (Shannon and Weaver 1949) and
Simpsons index of dominance (Simpson 1949) for each
slide. The similarity of community assemblages across the
different slides (total n = 15) was examined by hierarchical cluster analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 18. Only
genera representing over 1% abundance were included in
this analysis including any of the numbered unidentified
diatoms groups. Assemblages were clustered using a dissimilarity coefficient (squared Euclidian distance) and
Ward’s method (minimum variance clustering).
Between September 2009 and October 2010, mean surface
seawater pH decreased with increasing proximity to CO2
vents (S1 = 8.18, S2 = 8.05, S3 = 7.49, n = 18) and was
Mar Biol
significantly different between all stations (Kruskal–Wallis
test, H2 = 34.499, P \ 0.001). The pH at S1 fell within the
normal range of coastal waters (IQ: 8.13–8.22) whilst
stations exposed to high CO2 had a greater range in pH that
increased with proximity to the main venting area (S2 IQ:
8.00–8.19, S3 IQ: 7.36–7.89, n = 18). Table 1 shows the
carbonate chemistry profile of each sampling station.
Temperature (range 18.6–27.7°C, April–October), salinity
(38) and TA (range 2.6–2.7 mmol kg-1) remained relatively constant among stations. The highest median values
for pCO2 and DIC were found at S3 (1611 latm and
2.7 mmol kg-1, respectively), which had the lowest calcite
and aragonite saturation levels (2.28 and 1.49 X, respectively). Periods of calcium carbonate under-saturation
occurred during the lowest range of pH at S3 (X calcite
0.54 and X aragonite 0.35). We found no significant
difference in midday (noon–13:00) light intensities
between S1 (mean lux = 36,935 ± 3,641, n = 13) and S3
(mean lux = 38,895 ± 4,234, n = 13) (t24 = -0.351,
P = 0.729). During periphyton experiments in September–
October 2010, the pH at S1, S2 and S3 was found to fall
within the established range of the long-term data (8.26,
8.01 and 7.36, respectively), and temperature (*23–24°C),
salinity (38) and TA (2.6–2.7 mmol kg-1) remained constant between stations.
Mean chl a concentrations were significantly different
between stations (ANOVA, F(2,33) = 69.682, P \ 0.001),
and the highest values were measured on slides from S2
(0.99 ± 0.05 lg cm-2), which were almost fivefold higher
than those at S1 (0.19 ± 0.03 lg cm-2) (Fig. 2). Pairwise
comparisons (SNK) revealed that slides from S2 and S3
had significantly greater chl a concentrations than S1, but
no significant difference could be detected between S2
and S3.
A significant difference in diatom abundance (mean %
cover on slides) was detected between stations (ANOVA,
F(2,33) = 610.212, P \ 0.001); greater values were recorded with increasing CO2 levels (Holm-Sidak pairwise comparisons, S3 [ S2 [ S1, P \ 0.001) (Fig. 3). The
highest abundances were found on slides at S3 (60 ±
1.11%), a sevenfold increase from S1 (8.5 ± 0.60%).
There was no significant difference in the percentage
cover of cyanobacteria in the periphtyic communities
between stations (ANOVA, F(2,33) = 3.041, P = 0.061) that
remained relatively low (\2%) across the gradient (Fig. 3).
The mean diversity (H0 ) of periphytic diatom communities was significantly different among stations (Kruskal–
Wallis test, H2 = 7.969, P = 0.019). S3 had a significantly
lower diversity (1.59 ± 0.14) than the other stations whilst
the diversity at S1 and S2 (2.3 ± 0.11, 2.2 ± 0.28
respectively) did not differ significantly (SNK pairwise
comparisons, S2 vs. S3 P \ 0.05, S1 vs. S3 P \ 0.05, S2
vs. S1 P [ 0.05) (Fig. 4). The dominance index also varied
significantly between stations (ANOVA, F(2,14) = 5.147,
P = 0.024) with significantly higher values at S3 than S1
and S2 (SNK pairwise comparisons, 0.28 ± 0.03, S3 vs. S2
P \ 0.05, S3 vs. S1 P \ 0.05). Mean values for S1 and S2
(0.15 ± 0.02 and 0.18 ± 0.08 respectively), however,
did not differ significantly (SNK pairwise comparisons,
S2 vs. S1 P \ 0.05).
Cluster analysis of relative abundances of periphytic
diatom genera for each slide yielded four separate groups
(Fig. 5). The slides from S1 formed widely separated, distinct groups whilst slides from S2 and S3 were more closely
linked, indicating greater similarities in assemblage compositions. Figures 6 and 7 highlight the marked differences
in community composition between the CO2-enriched stations (S2 and S3) and the reference station (S1). A dramatic
shift in community composition occurred as the relative
abundance of Toxarium and Grammatophora increased
from 2.1 and 0.5%, respectively, in the S1 assemblages to
41 and 24% in S3. Figure 8 displays mean cell counts of the
most numerous taxa from the SEM images but cannot be
accurately scaled-up for whole slide totals as there was a
higher incidence of uncolonised spaces at S1. It shows that
the changes in carbonate chemistry between S1 and S2
correlate with the growth of some genera (viz.; Toxarium,
Grammatophora, Bacillaria, Navicula, Cocconeis,
Amphora) whilst reducing the abundance of others (viz.;
Cyclophora, Neosynedra, Rhabdonema, Nitzschia). Some
Fig. 2 Images of biofilms that
colonised the slides after
3 weeks at S1, S2 and S3.
Chart shows chlorophyll
a concentration (lg cm-2) of
colonised slides at S1, S2
and S3 (n = 12 per station).
Median = horizontal line; 25th
and 75th percentiles = vertical
boxes and 10th and 90th
percentiles = whiskers
Mar Biol
Fig. 3 Epifluorescence
microscope photographs of
slides colonised in S1–S3.
Images show an increase in
diatoms (pennates) from S1 to
S3 whilst cyanobacteria
(filamentous and coccoid) cover
remains relatively low at each
station (scale bars = 50 lm)
(Red = diatoms, green/
yellow = cyanobacteria).
Graph shows relative
percentage cover ± SE (based
on chlorophyll fluorescence) of
cyanobacteria and diatoms
along the CO2 gradient (n = 12
per station) (colour figure
Fig. 4 Mean ± SE values (n = 5 per station) for diversity (Shannon
H0 ) and dominance (Simpsons index D) of periphytic diatom
assemblages along the CO2 gradient
genera, on the other hand, did not appear to be affected by
the changes in pH/CO2 (viz.; Licmophora, Striatella). The
subsequent changes that occurred with further elevations in
CO2 at S3 correspond to the increased dominance of
Toxarium and Grammatophora and further reductions in
other genera (viz.; Striatella, Navicula, Amphora).
There have been relatively few studies exploring the
impact of CO2 enrichment on temperate benthic ecosystems, in particular the microphytobenthos. This paper
presents the first assessment of the responses of periphytic
assemblages to elevated CO2 in situ. In order to advance
our understanding of how ocean acidification may impact
coastal benthic ecosystems, it is essential to determine
what changes will occur at the level of the primary producers. This field study adds to a growing body of evidence
from CO2 vent sites that reveal the important biological
and ecological changes that are likely to occur with
increasing CO2 emissions (Martin et al. 2008; Cigliano
et al. 2010; Dias et al. 2010; Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. 2010;
Porzio et al. 2011; Lombardi et al. 2010).
The large pH variability found within the Vulcano vent
zone has also been observed at other vent sites (HallSpencer et al. 2008; Kerrison et al. 2011) and is likely the
result of changes in wave action and currents. This can be
considered a drawback to in situ studies because accurate
dose–response relationships become difficult to determine
and most surface waters will not be characterised by such
rapid variability as the oceans acidify (Riebesell 2008).
Mar Biol
Fig. 5 Cluster analysis of the similarity of periphytic diatom
assemblage composition based on Ward’s method with squared
Euclidian distance for all the slides sampled along the CO2 gradient
(n = 5 per station). Analysis consists of all genera present over 1%,
including any of the unidentified groups
Fig. 6 Relative composition of the periphytic diatom assemblages
along the CO2 gradient, including all genera present over 1% and with
all unidentified diatoms grouped as unidentified pennate or naviculoid
Despite this, mean pH differs significantly between sampling stations so the relative changes on spatial scales yield
important information about the effects of CO2 enrichment
on benthic communities. Potential confounding variables
such as light, temperature, total alkalinity, and salinity
remained relatively constant between stations. Whilst
nutrient levels have not been measured on this occasion,
the relatively small size of the study area (length *300 m)
and lack of river outflows in the bay imply that they also
should not have been a significant source of variation in the
microalgal assemblages we sampled. The biomass of
phototrophic biofilm biomass is known to be regulated by
grazing gastropods (Hill and Hawkins 1991; Mak and
Williams 1999; Stafford and Davies 2005), populations of
which have been found to decrease at low pH at other CO2
vent systems (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008). The design of the
experimental slides in this study, however, eliminates this
as a potential confounding factor as the floats to which they
were attached were suspended above the benthos (via thin
nylon wire), out of the influence of macroinvertebrate
By using chl a as an index of the photosynthetic
standing crop (Underwood 1984), periphyton biomass was
found to increase substantially (fivefold) at the CO2-enriched stations. This indicates that elevations in CO2 stimulate primary productivity in these benthic assemblages.
Diatom epifluorescence increased significantly across all
stations with increasing CO2 concentrations, with a sevenfold difference between S1 and S3 station. This appears
to be attributed to the increase in abundance of large
pennate types. A potential methodological shortcoming,
however, must be addressed here; epifluorescence measurements, despite providing useful percentage surface
cover data, may not yield accurate information concerning
the vertical density of the biofilm. The self-shading effects
that can occur within thicker biofilms (McNamara and Hill
2000) may be source of variance in chl a measurements,
and the reduced light intensity has the potential to induce
higher concentrations without the corresponding increase
in biomass. In addition, as pH may vary in different layers
of a biofilm, future studies should incorporate the use of pH
microelectrodes to measure the potential gradient through
the microalgal layers.
Laboratory studies have revealed that pH can affect the
adhesion of diatoms to hard surfaces; however, attachment
is reportedly favoured in more alkaline conditions greater
than pH 7 (Sekar et al. 2004). The greater abundance of
diatoms at S2 and S3 is therefore not likely to be the result
of pH-induced preferential attachment. Our data contradict
the results of some previous experiments on benthic and
planktonic diatom species that suggest their responses to
ocean pH changes will be negative (Torstensson et al.
2011) or small (Tortell et al. 1997, 2000; Burkhardt et al.
1999). Our data support the notion that some diatoms will
benefit from increasing CO2 through a reduction in the
energetic costs of their CCMs, optimising resource allocation (Beardall and Giordano 2002; Rost et al. 2008;
Trimborn et al. 2009; Hopkinson et al. 2011). These results
are also in agreement with field incubations that showed
CO2 stimulation of phytoplanktonic communities (Tortell
Mar Biol
Fig. 7 SEM images of slides colonised by periphytic diatoms at the
three stations; S1 (1a, 1b), S2 (2a, 2b) and S3 (3a, 3b). Diatom
colonisation increases with rising pCO2 concentrations along the
gradient (1a, 2a, 3a). Changes in the community composition also
Fig. 8 Changes in the mean diatom abundances between S1, S2 and
S3; error bars represent standard error (n = 5 per station)
occur with colonies of Grammatophora spp. and Toxarium undulatum
dominating in S2 and S3 (2b, 3b) (Scale bars: 1a, 2a, 2b = 100 lm,
1b, 2b, 3b = 50 lm)
et al. 2002, 2008) and support the findings from a recent
biofilm laboratory experiment which observed a promotion
of diatom dominated biofilms in high CO2 treatments
(Witt et al. 2011). Our epifluorescence findings indicate
that periphytic diatoms, rather than cyanobacteria, were
responsible for the differences measured in chl a concentrations and strongly indicate that CO2 enrichment may
stimulate the growth of temperate benthic diatoms.
Experimental studies of bloom-forming cyanobacteria
usually show a positive response to CO2 enrichment
(Barcelos e Ramos et al. 2007; Hutchins et al. 2007;
Levitan et al. 2007; Fu et al. 2008a; Kranz et al. 2009). We
did not record this response as cyanobacteria coverage on
the slides remained low (\2%) at each station. This is
consistent with reports of highly efficient CCMs in cyanobacteria (Badger and Price 2002). A similar neutral
Mar Biol
response to elevated CO2 has also been observed in endolithic cyanobacteria (Tribollet et al. 2006). Primary production saturation under ambient pCO2, attributed to CCM
activity or oligotrophic conditions, limiting production was
thought to underlie this response and may also apply to the
Mediterranean cyanobacteria assemblages of the present
study. It can be assumed that the reduction in pH at the
CO2-enriched stations does not limit cell attachment as
several laboratory studies have shown that *pH 7 creates
favourable conditions for cyanobacteria adhesion (Stanley
1983; Vanhaecke et al. 1990; Matsumoto et al. 2000).
The majority of the diatom genera that colonised the
slides were the attached forms, araphid and monoraphid
groups (e.g. Cocconeis, Amphora, Toxarium, Grammatophora, Cyclophora); however, free-living motile forms,
pennate biraphids, were also present within the biofilms (e.g.
Nitzschia, Navicula). SEM analysis of the composition of
diatom populations revealed two contrasting assemblages
between S1 and the CO2-enriched stations (S2 & S3). The
changes in carbonate chemistry caused some populations to
increase whilst others decreased. Whilst this indicates a shift
in competitive outcomes and assemblage structure, it only
applies for the genera identified; species-specific changes in
these populations need to be investigated further. Diversity
was significantly reduced at S3. As CO2 concentrations
increased, large and chain-forming pennates (Toxarium
and Grammatophora) began to dominate the periphyton
assemblages. Similar results have also been found in
Southern Ocean phytoplankton assemblages where elevated
CO2 conditions promoted a shift to larger chain-forming
Chaetoceros spp. (Tortell et al. 2008). The authors attributed this to differences in surface area to volume ratios
between genera that would influence competitive outcomes
under increasing CO2 concentrations. Diffusion limitation
becomes increasingly important as cell size increases
(Chisholm 1992; Kiørboe 1993), under present CO2 conditions carbon uptake in smaller species is maximised by high
surface area to volume ratio whilst larger species (which
have smaller surface area to volume ratios and longer
diffusion paths) are at a competitive disadvantage. Elevations in CO2 levels may therefore change the competitive
abilities among different size classes of diatoms.
Our findings indicate that periphytic diatoms exhibit a
non-uniform response to CO2 enrichment; this is most likely
due to taxon-specific differences in their sensitivity to CO2
concentrations and presumably due to their kinetics of carbon use. CO2-induced community shifts have also been
observed in many other photoautotrophic assemblages
(Tortell et al. 2002, 2008; Fu et al. 2007; Russell et al. 2009;
Trimborn et al. 2009; Connell and Russell 2010; Porzio et al.
2011) adding to evidence that increasing CO2 emissions are
likely to lead to structural and functional changes in a wide
variety of marine and coastal systems. The establishment of
microalgal assemblages on artificial substrata is a complex
process. Differences in seasonal recolonisation and succession events (Anderson 1995; Munda 2005) and artificial
substratum type (Tuchman and Blinn 1979; Edyvean et al.
1985; Sekar et al. 2004) play an important part in determining the final periphyton assemblage. The diatom composition data presented in this study therefore provides an
indication of elevated CO2 effects on biofilm assemblages
rather than a precise analogue for the future effects of CO2
enrichment. Similar studies should be repeated seasonally,
using a variety of substrata and based across different CO2
gradients to better constrain the large-scale changes that we
can expect in response to increases in CO2 emissions.
The periphyton assemblages analysed here showed significant changes resulting from CO2 enrichment. We confirm that increasing CO2 can stimulate the growth of some
benthic diatom species, particularly large, chain-forming
genera, promoting the primary productivity in shallow
water coastal habitats. This is likely to have wide-ranging
consequences from local-scale influences on the structure
of overlying benthic communities to effects on food web
structure and larger-scale biogeochemical cycles.
Acknowledgments VJ is carrying out a PhD funded by the Marine
Institute, University of Plymouth (UoP) and thanks are due to the staff
at the Marine Biological Association, UK and the SEM unit at UoP
for laboratory support. We also thank C. Totti and T. Romagnoli at
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy for assistance with
diatom identification, R. Lee at the Department of Earth Sciences at
Oxford University for help with fieldwork, Y. Olsen and L. Basso at
IMEDEA, Spain for providing light data and A. Beesley at Plymouth
Marine Laboratory for performing total alkalinity analysis. This
article contributes to the EU FP7 project on ‘Mediterranean Sea
Acidification under a changing climate’ (MedSeA grant agreement
no. 265103) and to the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme,
with additional funding for JHS from Save Our Seas Foundation and
for RR from ERC grant SP2-GA-2008-200915.
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