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1996, Nature
4 pages
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I could have walked an easier way, A path where sunlight softly lay. Where no sharp thorns would bite my feet, And every step would feel complete.
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Bd. 24, 2003
MODEL PEMBIAYAAN DAERAH YANG BERSUMBER DARI ANGGARAN NON APBN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EKONOMI KREATIF Sriyono Dosen Pascasarjana Magister Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo ( UMSIDA) ABSTRAC. In Rule No. 33 of 2004, the financial resources come from local revenue (PAD), the balance funds, loan area, and acceptance of others are legitimate. PAD is consist of; tax, retribution, part profit enterprises, but it is also coupled with tax revenues and non-tax, consisting of; sharing Land and Building Tax (PBB), income tax, natural resources, is still far from sufficient to finance government expenditure to total revenue when compared to the magnitude of transfers from the central government There are several models for the local financing through the issuance of municipal bonds and ensure the participation of the business community as part of the stakeholders in the area to engage more actively in finding solutions to the fiscal problems of the area. Increased cooperation between government and the private sector through schemes such as Public Private Partnership (PPP) or hereinafter referred to as Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should be continue to support of all stakeholders in order to improve the creative economy . Key Wosd : Local Financing, CSR, Creative Economy
Renewable energy is a global priority, as it addresses the goals of carbon neutrality and plays an important role in reshaping energy mixes. The shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources (solar, photovoltaic, geothermal, hydropower, wind, and biomass) must be performed without negatively affecting economic growth or our quality of life. Renewable energy-generating technologies (patents) and their implementation (commercialization and usage) play essential roles, as they are the main steps in the process of the transition from conventional to emerging technologies. The decreased usage of fossil fuels, the objectives of the European Green Deal, and other constraints have pushed countries to seek innovative solutions. Depending on the available resources, these solutions involve a wide variety of approaches and may involve the emergence of specific patterns. This study addresses the identification of the cross-country features of specialization patterns in developing renewabl...
Éndoxa, 2022
El trabajo somete a discusión algunos elementos y argumentos del ensayo "Anti-Nietzsche. La crueldad de lo político" de Jorge Polo Blanco. Analizo el libro de Polo considerando el problema de la diversidad de caracterizaciones parciales que obtiene la figura de Nietzsche en el pensamiento filosófico contemporáneo y el desafío que supone actualizar a Nietzsche a la luz de nuestras sensibilidades democráticas. Examino los capítulos del libro apuntando algunas de las incorrecciones y aspectos más dudosos de su argumentario “anti-nietzscheano” e incidiendo en la importancia del estudio de fuentes (Quellenforschung) y de la historia de las ediciones de la obra de Nietzsche para una interpretación filosófica rigurosa. Palabras clave: Nietzsche, Política, Democracia, Crítica genética, Fuentes, Ediciones. Abstract: This article discusses some elements and arguments of Jorge Polo Blanco’s book, Anti-Nietzsche. La crueldad de lo político. I analyze Polo’s book while considering the problem of the diversity of characterizations that Nietzsche receives in contemporary philosophical thought and the challenge of evaluating his philosophy in light of our democratic sensibilities. I examine the different chapters and identify some of the inaccuracies and most dubious aspects of Polo’s “anti-Nietzschean” argument. In doing so, I stress the importance of source research (Quellenforschung) and the history of the editions for rigorous philosophical analyses. Keywords: Nietzsche, Politics, Democracy, Genetic Criticism, Sources, Editions.
A finales del s. XIX se sitúan los primeros movimientos feministas. Uno de los campos de acción se relacionó con la práctica del ajedrez, objeto de estudio del presente artículo. Mediante el uso de una metodología basada en el análisis hermenéutico de las principales fuentes primarias de la época, se concluye que la introducción de la mujer en el juego surge en Inglaterra a mediados del s. XIX. En España, la práctica ajedrecística la encabezó Barcelona, durante los inicios del s. XX, aunque no aparece un movimiento significativo hasta la década de los años 30.
La forma cinematografica del reale. Teorie, pratiche, linguaggi: da Bazin a Netflix, 2020
Conversations in queer and trans* animal studies show that sexuality exceeds normative reproductive emphases on genital sexuality. Given that the development of genitally based, reproductive capacities, like those found in humans, are a recent addition to the mating practices of organisms, the salient question here is why genital, reproductive sex emerged at all (Hird, 2006)—a question that displaces the heteronormative centering of genital sexuality. In such a context, I argue that it is all the more important to displace human sexual frameworks as the normative measure of sexuality. Consequently, I put new materialist and tranimal studies, which highlight the rhizomorphic imbrication of nature/human and animal/human, in conversation with ecosexualities, which emphasize the erotic relationalities of these rhizomorphic imbrications. Rather than starting with an assumption of human, genital sex geared toward reproduction as the basis for sexuality, ecosexuality emphasizes trans*species pollinations and rhizomorphic couplings. As such, sexuality broadens beyond the limited boundaries of normative, genital couplings, extending into “a thousand tiny sexes” (Grosz, 1993). Moreover, inasmuch as “trans* is prepositionally oriented—marking the with, through, of, in, and across that make life possible” (Hayward and Weinstien, 2015), I argue that the vitality of trans* materialities both animate and are animated by the rhizomorphic, species-crossing sexualities of the dynamic imbrication of the human/non-human. Ecosexualities, then, are broadened beyond human sexual identities, and extend into a multiplicity of both human and non-human becomings.
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