Chassis system

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The design and fabrication of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) chassis system prioritize driver safety and structural integrity when traversing rugged terrains. Key components include a roll cage, which serves as the vehicle's skeleton, protecting the driver during impacts. The paper details the selection of materials based on availability, strength, and cost, alongside a simulation and analysis process using software like Solidworks and ANSYS to ensure optimal performance against various impacts. The final results confirm successful design and fabrication, highlighting the importance of rigid structure and adherence to safety standards.

CHASSIS SYSTEM TEAM BLACK MAMBA RACING | National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. Materials comparison Problem / Question To design and analyze the chassis of an Allterrain vehicle Hypothesis • • • The chassis of an all terrain vehicle was designed to take all types of shocks and vibrations during the ride. .Along with design meant for rough and tough conditions,safety of the driver was also kept in mind during designing the chassis .Prioritizing safety of the driver optimal analysis was calculate total deformation,factor of safety and stress concentration and torsional rigidity on the chassis. Properties Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation during brake availbility cost Modulus of elasticity Density Total rating Results AISI 1018 370MPa 440MPa Rating 6 6 AISI 4130 460Mpa 560MPa Rating 8 7 15% 8 10% 6 Easily available 180Rs/kg 205GPa 9 imported 7 9 8 400Rs/kg 190GPa 6 7 7.87g/cc 7 53 7.85g/cc 8 49 Procedure Project Overview • The aim is to fabricate a vehicle that will be able to run on rough terrain, wood logs and can do maneuvers with high endurance capacity. The Roll cage is the fundamental structure for the entire vehicle. It allows the design teammates to know the critical data which help them to carry on their calculation and orientation for the sub-system and finally keeps the driver safe. • First of all material is selected for roll cage on the basis of availability, strength and cost. Then the roll cage is designed according to the rules set by BAJA (SAE). A CAD model is prepared in Solidworks and later it is simulated and analysed in ANSYS against failures while impacts and rollovers. Based on the result obtained, modifications are done accordingly. After designing the chassis, fabrication process starts Literature survey Design Analysis Simulation and fabrication Various design reports and existing literature on chassis system are studied thoroughly 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional prototyping is done using design softwares Value of reactionary forces are calculated and applied to the designed sub system parts and analysed for any possible design flaws The final design is then simulated in softwares to find the optimum design parameters and then manufactured for use in the vehicle. Data / Observations Variables / Research Conclusion • The Roll cage design and fabrication of the ATV is done successfully. The Roll cage is used as the skeleton of the vehicle and protects the driver during impacts. That’s why it is very essential to design and fabricate the roll cage carefully. • Minimum spacing between the frame and the driver must be 6 inch from the side members and 3 inch from the top members • 95% male driver should be able to fit inside the chassis • Driver should be remain safe during 19800N front impact Controlled variables • Natural undamped frequency • Jounce : 6” front 2” rear • Bounce : 2” front 2” rear • Mounts for the Aarms Independent variable • Tensile strength of the material. • Yield strength of the material. • Modulus of elasticity Dependent variable • .FOS calculated for front,side,rear and rollover impact test • Total deformation during the impacts. • Driver should be remain safe during 19800N rear impact • Driver should be remain safe during 9900N side impact • Driver should be remain safe during 9900N roll over • The FLC, FAB, LFS, SIM and LDB tubing thickness must be greater than 0.035inch. • The RHO, RRH, LC and FBM must be a circular tube with outer dia 1 inch and thickness 0.035inch with at least 0.18% carbon. Works Cited • H. Adams, “Chassis Engineering”, Berkley Publishing Group, New York. • Rulebook BAJA SAE INDIA 2015. • V. Sharma and D. Purohit, “Simulation of an off-road vehicle roll cage a static analysis”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), pp. 126-128 • Rajput, Y. S., Sharma, S. & Saxena, “A Vibration Analysis Of Vehicle Frame”, International Journal of Enginnering Research and Applications, pp. 348-350 • Ammar Q. Ul Hasan, “Simulation of ATV Roll Cage Testing”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 12, Issue 3 Ver. II (May. - Jun. 2015), PP 45-49