Real-Time Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring
Wanxuan Fu, Shaowei Han and Chris Rizos
The University of New South Wales, Australia
Mark Knight and Anthony Finn
Defence Science & Technology Organisation, Australia
Dr. Wan Xuan Fu joined the School of Geomatic
Engineering, The University of New South Wales,
Australia, in 1989, as PhD student first, and later as a
Senior Research Associate. His research interests are in
integrated navigation system, signal processing and
system control.
Shaowei Han is a Senior Lecturer in the School of
Geomatic Engineering, The University of New South
Wales (UNSW), Australia. His research interests are in
GPS/GLONASS ambiguity resolution and error
mitigation methods for real-time carrier phase-based
kinematic positioning over short-, medium-, and longrange, GPS attitude determination and the integration of
GPS, INS and Pseudolite.
He is Chairman of
International Association of Geodesy Special Study
Group 1.179 “ Wide (regional) area modelling for
precise satellite positioning”, and has authored over 100
journal and conference publications.
Chris Rizos is an Associate Professor at the School of
Geomatic Engineering, UNSW, where he is leader of
the Satellite Navigation and Positioning (SNAP) group.
SNAP is the premier academic GPS R&D group in
Australia, specializing on the technology for precise
static and kinematic applications of GPS.
Mark Knight is an engineer with Surveillance Systems
Division (SSD) of the Defence Science & Technology
Organisation (DSTO) in Adelaide, South Australia.
Since graduating from the University of Adelaide in
1987 he has worked in the fields of microwave radar
and GPS navigation systems and is currently working
towards a PhD degree in Engineering science. His
principal area of interest is in the effects of the
ionosphere on GPS performance.
Anthony Finn is a senior research scientist with SSD
and heads the Satellite Navigation section. Since
graduating from Cambridge University with a PhD he
has worked in the field of HF radio wave propagation
within the ionosphere and navigation systems. His
interests include the effects of ionospheric activity and
As the millennium approaches we are faced with a
period of increasing solar flux and intense ionospheric
scintillation. Not only single-frequency, but also dualfrequency GPS measurements will be badly affected by
deep scintillation, due to its temporal and spatial
decorrelation characteristics. Using the scintillation
observables derived from dual-frequency phase and
scintillation detection, tracking and indication
algorithms have been developed. By an orthonormal
projection of the scintillation observables to the timefrequency spaces of different scales, and using multiscale statistical hypothesis tesing, a fast and reliable
scintillation detection and tracking can be achieved. A
fuzzy expression for “scintillation depth” is also
developed to overcome the ambiguity existing in the
numerical and linguistic definitions of scintillation
Ionospheric scintillation of a radio signal is a relatively
rapid fluctuation of the amplitude, phase and Faraday
rotation angle of the signal about mean levels which are
either constant, or changing much more slowly than the
scintillations themselves. Ionospheric scintillation is
caused by irregularities of the ionospheric electron
density along the signal propagation path. The percent
fluctuations of the irregularities are usually very small,
but can be as large as nearly 100% at the equator [1].
The irregularities are predominantly in the F-layer of
the ionosphere at altitudes ranging from 200 to 1000km
with the primary disturbance region being typically
between 250 and 400km. Signal fluctuation due to
ionospheric irregularities in the F-layer have been
reported at frequencies as high as 7GHz [2]. There are
times when E-layer irregularities in the 90 to 100km
region produce scintillation, particularly sporadic E and
auroral E, but they have little effect on L-band GPS
The worst source of scintillation is at the equatorial
anomaly region, which corresponds to two belts, each
several degrees wide, of enhanced ionization in the Flayer at approximately 15o N and 15o S of the magnetic
equator. In this region, during the solar cycle maxima
periods, amplitude fading at 1.5GHz may exceed 20dB
for several hours after sunset [3].
The other potential active scintillation regions are at
auroral and polar cap latitudes. In the central polar cap
during years of solar cycle maximum, GPS receivers
may suffer >10dB fade. The boundary of high and midlatitude region is between 45o and 55o CGL (Corrected
Geomagnetic Latitude), where weak irregularities
usually commence. The irregularities in the polar region
are strongly correlated with solar flux. Even with low
magnetic activity, during a year of high solar flux a
dramatic increase in the intensity and occurrence of
scintillation will experienced. Polar region scintillation
activity is a relatively poorly investigated phenomenon.
What takes place at middle-latitudes is an extension of
phenomena at equatorial and auroral latitudes. The
perturbing effects of those regions, and the higher
electron densities during high sunspot number years or
magnetic storm periods, might combine to provide
effects along the line of force thus extending the
irregularity boundaries towards the middle-latitude
Real-time ionospheric scintillation monitoring (RTISM)
is expected to fulfil the following tasks:
1) Scintillation occurrence detection.
2) Scintillation tracking.
3) Scintillation intensity indication.
The scintillation observables are derived from dualfrequency GPS phase and signal-to-noise ratio
measurements. As ionospheric scintillation has different
characteristics from the background ionosphere in both
the time and frequency domains, the signal feature can
be detected or extracted effectively by transforming the
time domain scintillation signals into time-frequency
domain signals. The transform is carried out using
orthonormal and compactly-supported wavelet bases
with the following characteristics:
1) By projection of the signal to the spaces spanned
by the wavelet bases at different scales, the signal
feature can be localized in both the time and
frequency domains.
2) High resolution for both low and high frequency
components can be achieved by the automatic
zooming in and out of the wavelet basis function
3) Low-order and compactly-supported wavelet bases
can track the signal feature with minimum time
4) As ionospheric scintillations usually have a rapidly
changing signature at their beginning, low-order
wavelet bases with less regularity can effectively
detect the scintillation front effectively.
Wavelet transform is linear, hence the Gaussian
property is preserved after transformation.
The transform is orthogonal, hence no correlation
is introduced.
The wavelet transform can easily deal with the
non-stationary process; hence no pre-filtering of
the scintillation signal is needed.
The algorithms of the transform are simple, and
computations are faster than for the FFT [5].
Both scintillation detection and tracking are binary
statistical decision problems which can be solved using
Neyman-Pearson detectors, which can achieve
maximum detection power for a specific false alarm
level with less a priori information. For wavelettransformed scintillation signals, a multi-layer NeymanPearson detector has been developed to increase the
efficiency and reliability of scintillation detection.
The traditional scintillation depth indicator is based on
the normalized standard deviation of the intensity
scintillation S 4 and the standard deviation of the phase
scintillation σ δΦ . The descriptive indicators of
scintillation depth, such as ‘strong’, ‘medium’ and
‘weak’ scintillation, are derived or related to the
prescriptive values of S 4 and σ δΦ , but with a certain
linguistic ambiguity or imprecision. The main source of
this “fuzziness” is the imprecision involved in the
definition and use of symbols. For example,
S 4 ≥ 0.7 means a ‘strong’ scintillation according to the
S 4 = 0.69999 , does it belong to the ‘strong’ or
‘medium’ set? Under crisp set and Boolean logic,
S 4 = 0.69999 definitely belongs to the ‘medium’ set, if
the boundary between ‘strong’ and ‘medium’ sets are
defined as S 4 = 0.7 . In fact there is no “crisp”
boundary between ‘strong’ and ‘medium’ scintillation,
and the change from ‘medium’ to ‘strong’ is gradual,
not abrupt or sudden, and hence S 4 = 0.69999 should
belong “more” to the ‘medium’ set than the ‘strong’ set.
The same also applies to the boundary between ‘weak’
and ‘medium’ scintillation. A fuzzy indication system
was therefore developed to deal with this problem.
‘Phase scintillation’, or ‘amplitude scintillation’, are
defined as linguistic variables, whose arguments, such
as ‘strong’, ‘medium’ and ‘weak’, are fuzzy numbers
(modeled by fuzzy sets). The universe discourse of the
fuzzy sets is the value of S 4 or σ ∆Φ , and the
membership functions map every element of the
universe of discourse to the interval [0,1]. Since the
interval [0,1] contains an infinity of numbers, infinite
degrees of membership are possible, which corresponds
to a gradation of the definition.
Some scintillation statistics concerning our experiments
are listed below:
1) The electron density irregularity of ionosphere ∆N
is supposed to be a zero-mean Gaussian process, its
power spectrum density (PSD) following powerlaw rules. Generally the process is non-stationary
under the scintillation condition [8].
2) Phase scintillation ∂Φ is supposed to be a linear
function of ∆N , hence it is a Gaussian process [9].
3) Amplitude scintillation ∂A is not a linear function
of ∆N due to the Fresnel filtering and saturation
effects. The amplitude scintillation model accepted
generally is the Nakagami-m distribution for weak
and moderate scintillation, and the Rayleigh
distribution for strong scintillation [10].
4) Although ∂A and ∂Φ are both proportional to
∆N , the correlation between ∂A and ∂Φ is not
very clear and no analytic solution is available.
Actually under the assumption of Nakagami-m and
Rayleigh distributions, ∂A and ∂Φ are assumed to
be independent and ∂Φ follows a uniform
5) Amplitude scintillation index S4 [11]:
S4 =
(< I
> − < I >2 / < I >2
signals. As narrow-band signals (bandwidth less than
1Hz), ionospheric scintillation will pass through almost
all kinds of unaided DLL (Delay-Lock-Loop) and PLL
(Phase-Lock-Loop), and have the potential to affect
both single- and dual-frequency receivers, and the
performance of the SPS and PPS.
The main impacts of ionospheric scintillation on GPS
can be summarized as:
1) Amplitude scintillation is modeled as multiple
noise [13]:
Ar = A0 * ∂A
where Ar is the amplitude of the received signal,
and A0 is the nominal amplitude of the signal.
Phase scintillation is modeled as additive noise:
Φr = Φ0 + ∂Φ
where I is the signal intensity. Generally S4≥0.7 is
considered strong scintillation. Due to the
saturation effects, S4 is rarely larger than 1.0,
except under conditions of very strong scintillation.
Phase scintillation index is the standard deviation
of signal phase δ∂Φ, and δ∂Φ≥1.0 rad. is considered
to indicate strong scintillation.
A frequency dependency of scintillation f −1.5
gives reasonable results for gigahertz signals.
Both amplitude and phase scintillation indicate a
power-law PSD of f − n . For high frequency, the
value of n is between 2 to 4 and is usually not an
integer, suggesting that scintillations are chaotic
systems with a system order between 1 and 2.
There is an apparent cut-off frequency (Fresnel
frequency) for the PSD of amplitude scintillation
due to the Fresnel filtering and saturation effects.
Typically the cut-off frequency is less than 1Hz,
but it can reach up to 3Hz under strong scintillation
[12]. For phase scintillation no apparent cut-off
frequency appears, and its main power is generally
distributed in a range of less than 1Hz.
L-band GPS signals are mainly affected by the F-layer
irregularities of the ionosphere. As most GPS receivers
use omni-directional and circular-polarized antennae,
only amplitude and phase scintillation appears in GPS
where Φr is the phase measurement, Φ0 is the
nominal phase value and ∂Φ is the phase
∂A affects directly the C/N0 (signal-to-noise ratio)
of the received signals and the measurement noise
of both code and phase measurements. The
nominal C/N0 for the L1 signal is about 45 dB-Hz,
and tracking may be interrupted when C/No is less
than 24 dB-Hz. It will be worse for the L2 signal
because its power is 6dB lower than that of L1..
Because the tracking error variance is proportional
to the bandwidth divided by C/No [14], narrowband tracking loops will be less affected by
amplitude scintillation.
As a narrow-band process, scintillation can be
considered as a modulating signal on the GPS
signals. Therefore, the spectrum of received signals
will be broadened by a value that is proportional to
∂Φ. From the point of view of satellite signal
tracking, PLLs with wider bandwidth work better
than the narrow ones.
The signal spectrum broadening results in the
shortening of the signal correlation time, which is
equivalent to an increase in the measurement
random noise. This is the temporal decorrelation
effect of scintillation on signals. The deeper the
scintillation is, the stronger the decorrelation.
Under the frozen field assumption (irregularity
structure does not change, or changes slowly), the
temporal decorrelation is equivalent to spatial
decorrelation. The correlation distance of
amplitude is generally less than the first Fresnel
zone size, which is about 300m for L1 signals [15].
The correlation time is inversely proportional to the
irregularity drift velocity and the square root of the
signal frequency.
Under scintillation conditions, the refraction index
of the ionospheric plasma is no longer a linear
function of irregularity density, especially when the
scintillation is deep and multi-scattering occurs.
The propagation path difference of signals with
different frequencies cannot be negligible, the usual
f −2 relation no longer is valid and frequency
decorrelation occurs. For L-band signals an average
frequency scaling law f −1.5 gives reasonable
results for weak scintillation (S4<0.4) [16].
Actually the power index is not a constant, it varies
according to the scintillation depth.
8) As scintillation broadens the signal PSD, the
signals become whiter. The lower the frequency is,
the more white the signals become, and the
stronger the decorrelation of different frequency
signals. Even when the third GPS signal is
introduced, ionospheric scintillation will still be the
main error source for the ionosphere correction to
observations made with dual- or triple-frequency
receivers when scintillation activity is present
4.1 Ionospheric Scintillation Observables
For phase scintillation, the observable is [17]:
∆Φ(t ) = Φ L1,l 2 (t ) − Φ L1,l 2 (t − 1)
Φ L1,l 2 (t ) = C[Φ L 2 (t ) − Φ l1 (t )]
where Φ L1, ΦL2 are the GPS L1 and L2 phase
measurements, and C is a constant.
The measurement errors that are independent of signal
frequency are eliminated in eqn (5), and constant or low
frequency errors are eliminated or suppressed by eqn
(4). The remaining error sources are the random errors
of multipath, ionosphere, which both are functions of
satellite elevation angle, and receiver noise. The
random errors are considered to follow the Gaussian
distribution. If a realization of the scintillation process
is considered to be deterministic signals, then ∆Φ
follows the Gaussian distribution in both the noscintillation and with-scintillation cases:
N(mΦ0 , d 2σ 2∆Φ ) no scint.
∆Φ ∝
) with scint.
N(mΦ1 ,d2 σ ∆Φ
where mΦ 0 is the mean of ∆Φ when no scintillation
occurs (and is supposed to be zero), mΦ1 is the mean of
∆Φ when scintillation occurs, σ ∆Φ
is the variance of
measurement noise, and d is a proportional factor,
assumed to be inversely proportional to satellite
elevation angle.
For amplitude scintillation, the observable is:
∆A(t) = C/N0(t) - C/N0(t-1)
The reasons we choose the change of C/N0 (or change
rate, if ∆C/N0 is normalized by time) are:
1) As indicators of received signal intensity, only the
C/N0 values from L1 and L2 tracking loops are
available from GPS receivers. The ideal observable
for amplitude scintillation would be the input signal
power level, or input signal C/N0,, which can be
obtained only before the antenna pre-amplifier and
limiter. However, because the amplitude
scintillation is a narrow-band signal, and well
within the linear working range of the front-end RF
components, the GPS signal and scintillation signal
can be assumed to be amplified proportional to
their input power.
2) Usually the received signal amplitude does not
follow the Gaussian distribution. For a typical
narrow-band modulated signal its amplitude
follows the Rican distribution [18], and amplitude
scintillation follows the Nagakami distribution. The
difference operator of eqn (7) will eliminate the
slow amplitude change caused by the background
ionosphere, and the remaining is noise, which can
be considered to be a Gaussian process with mean
of m∆A0 and variance d A2 σ ∆2A , d A is a
proportional factor related to the antenna gain
decay for low satellite elevation angles. When
scintillation occurs, ∆A is also modeled as a
Gaussian process with mean m∂A1, which is
proportional to the amplitude scintillation ∂A:
N(m , d 2σ 2 )
∆A 0
∆A ∝
2 2
N(m∆ A1 ,d σ ∆A )
no scint.
with scint.
4.2 Wavelet Decomposition of Scintillation Signals
We choose a low-order, orthonormal and compactlysupported wavelet basis (Daubechies wavelet of order
4) as the tool for scintillation signal decomposition, see
Appendix A.
The ionospheric scintillation signals can be decomposed
f (t) = ∑ c j 0 (k)ϕ j0, k (t) + ∑ ∑ d j (k)ψ j ,k (t)
k j=j0
where j0 is usually chosen to give the wavelet
description of the slowly changing or longer duration
features of the signal, and the finest scale j1 is
determined by the signal-sampling rate. If the sampling
rate is high enough, and the scaling function behaves
like delta function at fine scale j1, then cj1(k) can be
considered as equals to the samples of f(t), and filter
bank algorithms can be used to compute cj(k) and dj(k)
at coarse scales:
c j (k) = ∑ h(n − 2k)c j +1(n)
d j (k) = ∑ h1(n − 2k)c j +1(n)
Because eqn (10) and eqn (11) are linear operations, c j
and d j are Gaussian processes:
c j : N (mcj , σ cj2 )
d j : N (m dj , σ dj2 )
m cj (k) = ∑ h(n − 2 k)m cj +1(n)
m dj (k) = ∑ h1(n − 2k)mcj +1(n)
H 0 : X : N [m0 , σ 2 ] ~ no scintillation
H 1 : X : N [m1 , σ 2 ] ~ with scintillation
X is a Gaussian process, m0 and σ2 are known, but m1,
which is related to the scintillation signal, is unknown,
hence it is a two-sided detection with simple H0 and
composite H1:
H0 : θ = θ0 versus H1 : θ = θ1 ≠ θ0
where θi = mi , i = 0, 1. Because there is no apriori
probability of scintillation occurrence available, the
Neyman-Pearson detectors are proper choice for the
problem, see Appendix B.
After some computation involving the logarithm of the
likelihood ratio L(x), the test can be derived as:
X > X t ~ choose H1
X ≤ X t ~ choose H0
The threshold value X t for the test is set by:
Pf = 2 ∫
σ cj2 (k) = σ cj2 +1 ∑ h2 (n)
Xt /σ
cj +2
∑ h (n) = L = σ
−( Xt −m1 ) / σ
where σ2 is the noise variance of the phase or amplitude
scintillation observables.
σ dj2 (k ) = σ 2
because for orthonormal wavelet decomposition the
following relation exists [5]:
∑ h (n) = ∑ h (n) = 1
4.3 Ionospheric Scintillation Detectors
Ionospheric scintillation detection is a binaryhypothesis-testing problem. Let X denote the phase or
amplitude scintillation observables ∆Φ and ∆A, or their
wavelet coefficient d j . According to eqn (6) and eqn
(8), there are two physical system models which
generate X:
and the detection probability is then computed as:
Pd = ∫
(2π )−1/ 2 exp(−u 2 / 2)du
( X t − m1 ) / σ
(2π ) −1 / 2 exp(−u2 / 2)du
−1/ 2
(2π )
exp(−u / 2)du
The test is usually called the UMPU (Uniformly Most
Powerful Unbiased) test [18], which has the largest
detection power among all such two-sided and
composite tests with specified P f . ‘Unbiased’ means
that, for any value θ of the unknown parameter, the
probability of false alarms is less than the detection
probability. The detection probability is proportional to
the signal-to-noise ratio m1 − m0 / σ , when m1 = m0 ,
Pd = Pf , which is the worst case.
The scintillation detection can be carried out effectively
using the wavelet-decomposed scintillation signal, and
one UMPU detector is formed for each layer:
1 with scintillation
Hj =
0 no scintillation
where H j is the j-th layer binary test of the wavelet
coefficient d j ,
Finally, a multiple-binary test is formed, which is the
union of each layer detector:
1 with scintillation
HM = U H j =
0 no scintillation
j =1
4.4 Scintillation Tracking
Sufficient statistics χ n2 /σ 2 of phase and amplitude
scintillation observables accumulated in time, which
follows the χ 2 distribution, can be used as the test
statistics for scintillation time-lasting :
χn = ∑ X i
and the hypothesis is:
H : χ 2 (µ 2 /σ 2 ,n)
χ n / σ = 0
H1 : χ (µ1 / σ , n)
with scint
4.5 Scintillation Depth Indication
Phase and amplitude scintillations are usually nonstationary, and their apriori probability distributions are
unknown. In practice, especially for real-time
applications, it is assumed that they are stationary and
ergodic for short time intervals (typically a few
minutes), and S 4 and σ δΦ can be approximated by
time-averaged windowed scintillation measurements,
rather than ensemble-averaging.
As membership functions of the fuzzy sets are primarily
subjective in nature, dependent on application-specific
criteria [20], the linear function is chosen as the
membership function of the linguistic variables because
a linear relationship exists between σ δΦ and phase
scintillation depth, and between S 4 and amplitude
scintillation depth when S 4 < 0.7 and no Fresnel
filtering and saturation effects occur. For ‘weak’
amplitude scintillation, the membership function is
taken account of S 4 < 0.4 when the Rytov weak
scintillation model is in effect. The membership
functions of amplitude scintillation can then be written
µ2i = ∑ < X j >2 , i=0,1
j =1
S4 − 0.55
= 0.7 − 0.55
0.55 ≤ S4 < 0.7
S4 ≥ 0.7
is the phase or amplitude scintillation
observables ∆A or ∆Φ .
χ 2 has a monotone-likelihood ratio. That is the larger
the χ n2 /σ 2 is, the more probable the H 1 becomes.
According to the Karlin-Rubin theorem [19] for the
one-sided binary test µ12 = µ 02 versus µ12 > µ 02 , there
is a UMP (Uniformly Most Powerful) detector:
H 0 : χ n2 / σ 2 ≤ χ 02
H 1 : χ n2 / σ 2 > χ 02
where χ 02 is determined with respect to the specified
false alarm probability. µ 0 are either zero or very near
zero and change very slowly, hence it can be assumed
to be stationary for short time periods, and can be
estimated in real-time. The detection power of the UMP
detector is proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio of
µ12 − µ 02 / σ 2 .
0.45 − S4
= 0.45 − 0.3
0.3 ≤ S4 < 0.45
STA ≤ S4 < 0.3
where STA is a threshold value, which can be obtained
from the threshold value of false alarm probability for
the amplitude scintillation detector, or chosen
) (
µ medium
= 1 − µ strong
∨ 1 − µ weak
where ∨ means fuzzy union.
The indication of amplitude scintillation depth µ A can
be derived from the membership functions of the
µ A = µ weak
∨ µ medium
∨ µ strong
Fig.1 membership fun. for amplitude scint. indication
Fig.1 illustrates the membership functions. It can be
seen that when S 4 = 0.6999 , µ A = µ strong
= 0.9993 ,
Fig.3 PRN31 elevation angle
which means that the scintillation has 99.93%
possibility of belonging to strong scintillation, or
alternatively, the degree of ‘strong’ of the scintillation
is 0.9993 or 99.93%.
Similarly, the membership
scintillation can be written as:
σ δφ − 0.75
= 1.0 − 0.75
0.75 ≤ σ δφ < 1
σ δφ ≥ 1
0.45 − σ δφ
= 0.45 − 0.2
0.2 ≤ σ δφ < 0.45
σ TP ≤ σ δφ < 0.2
Fig.4 PRN31 L1 phase signal-to-noise ratio
Fig.5 PRN31 L1 phase amplitude scint. observable
where σ TP is a threshold value, which can be obtained
from the threshold value of false alarm probability for
the phase scintillation detector, or chosen subjectively,
µ medium
= (1 − µ strong
) ∨ (1 − µ weak
Fig.6 PRN31 L1 phase minus L2 phase
The dependency on satellite elevation angle of C / No ,
and the amplitude and phase scintillation observable, is
apparent. For detection and tracking, we simply
assumed that the phase scintillation observable
coefficient is C=1.
Fig.2 membership function for phase scint. indication
Dual-frequency phase and its C / N 0 measurements
were collected by a NovAtel-GPScard receiver, sited at
− 3 0 58 ' 41".08 N, 119 0 38 ' 59." 59 E, during the Spring
Equinox period of 1998, with a sampling interval of
0.5Hz. Fig.4 and Fig.6 illustrate typical examples of
phase and amplitude scintillation.
From the plots it can be seen that at epoch 4161 C/No
has a 7 dB-Hz decay, due to the amplitude scintillation,
and both L1 and L2 PLL lose lock. When the elevation
angle is less than 10 deg., C/No is less than 38 dB-Hz,
due to the low antenna gain, and PLL constantly lose
Fig.7 to Fig.12 illustrate the 5-layer wavelet
decomposition of the phase scintillation observable.
The double-straight lines are the threshold values of
0.0075 for the UMPU detector, which corresponds to
σ δΦ =0.24 rad. According to eqn (34) and Fig.1, it has a
degree of 0.84 for weak scintillation. The probability of
false alarm is 0.0075, and the standard deviation of the
observable is 0.0015 m, which is equivalent to 0.05
scintillation signal power is quite uniformly distributed
at each layer, hence the signal exhibits a narrow-band
white noise nature.
Fig.7 PRN31 phase scint. observable
Fig. 8 PRN 31 L1 phase scint. wavelet coef. of layer 1
Fig.9 PRN31 phase scint. Wavelet coef. of layer 2
Fig.10 PRN31 phase scint. Wavelet coef. of layer 3
Fig.11 PRN31 phase scint. Wavelet coef. of layer 4
Fig.12 PRN31 phase scint. Wavelet coef. of layer 5
From the layer plots and eqn (27) it can be seen that the
phase scintillation began at epoch 3553. The phase
Fig.13 to Fig.16 shows the wavelet decomposition of
the amplitude scintillation observable. The threshold
value of 0.5, which is equivalent to S 4 = 0.01 is also
set for a probability of false alarm of 0.05. The standard
deviation of the observable is 0.1dB-Hz.
Fig. 13 PRN31 L1 C/No wavelet coef. of layer 1
Fig.14 PRN 31 L1 C/No wavelet coef. of layer 2
Fig. 15 PRN31 L1 C/No wavelet coef. of layer 3
Fig.16 PRN 31 L1 C/No wavelet coef. of layer 4
Fig.17 PRN 31 L1 C/No wavelet coef. of layer 5
From the Figures it can be seen that the amplitude
scintillation power is mainly concentrated in the first
three layers, approximately corresponding to a
frequency range of 0.125 to 0.5Hz, and the first
occurrence of scintillation is at about epoch 3035.
Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 show the χ 2 statistics of the phase
and amplitude scintillation for scintillation tracking.
The degree of freedom is 30, corresponding to 1 minute
data accumulation. The threshold values are also set by
assuming a false alarm probability of 0.05, which are
0.002 and 0.45 for the phase and amplitude
Fig.18 PRN31 phase scint. observable χ 2 statistics
Fig. 21 PRN 31 S 4 value
Ionospheric scintillation features can be effectively and
compactly exposed using the wavelet transform and an
analysis in the time-frequency domain. The scintillation
signal features can be detected reliably using multilayer binary statistical testing. Wavelet transform also
offers the possibility for scintillation mitigation, and
scintillation-free signals can be reconstructed by
smoothing out the detected scintillation feature at
different scales. The orthogonal wavelet transform
creates a zero-mean process, and makes testing and
algorithm development simpler.
Linear fuzzy membership functions can offer a userfriendly and more reasonable expression of scintillation
depth. The idea can also be expanded to detection
tracking problems. The hypothesis H 0 and H 1 are no
longer crisp sets, and have some overlap, hence fuzzyprobability or possibility-probability decision making is
attractive for future applications.
Fig.19 PRN31 amplitude scint. observable χ 2 statistics
The approximate values of S 4 and σ δΦ are computed
for each half-minute, considering the amplitude
scintillation energy is concentrated in wavelet
coefficients of first three layer decomposition. Fig.20
and Fig.21 illustrate the history of approximate values
of S 4 and σ δΦ . The amplitude scintillation is ‘weak’,
and the phase scintillation involves whole ‘weak’,
‘medium’ and ‘strong’ sets.
Fig. 20 PRN31 phase scint. standard deviation
[1] S. Basu & B. K. Khan, “ Model of equatorial
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Supposing f(t) ∈ L2(R) (the space of square integrable
function), L2 can be expressed as [intro]:
L2 = Vj ⊕ Wj +1 ⊕ Wj +2 ⊕L
V j = Span(ϕ j , k )
⊕ means direct sum, the overbar means the closure of
the space expanded by the basis function. ϕ and ψ are
scaling and wavelet functions at scale j:
ϕ j ,k (t) = 2
j , k (t )
j/ 2
ϕ(2 j / 2 t − k)
= 2 j / 2ψ ( 2 j / 2 t − k )
ϕ (t) = ∑ h(n))2ϕ(2t − n)
ψ (t) = ∑ h1 (n))2ϕ(2t − n)
h1 (n) = (−1) n h( N − 1 − n)
where N is the support of ϕ, and h(n) and h1(n)
correspond to the impulse response of low-pass and
high-pass FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters for
scaling and wavelet function respectively.
The Neyman-Pearson detection criteria is []
max P(D1 / H1 ) = max ∫R1 p1 (x)dx
P(D1 / H 0 ) = ∫R1 p0 (x)dx ≤ Pf
P( D1 / H 1 ) = 1 − P( D0 / H 1 ) = Pd
where D0, D1 are decisions that H0 or H1 is in effect, Pf
is the false alarm probability, Pd is the detection
probability, R1 is the region of the X space in which D1
is in effect, and p0 and p1 are the densities of X
conditioned on H0 and H1.. The Neyman-Pearson
detectors are used so as to choose a false alarm (type 1
error) as large as we are willingly to tolerate and seek to
minimize the probability of missed detection (type 2
error) under that limitation, or equivalently maximize
detection probability while maintaining the false alarm
probability at most at the specified level. The NeymanPearson detection lemma can be written as a likelihood
W j = Span(ψ
j ,k )
if L(x) = p1(x)/p0(x) > λ0 choose H1
if L(x) = p1(x)/p0(x) ≤ λ0 choose H0