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Independent Case Investigation completed as part of Dr. Brown’s Industrial-Organizational Psychology Lab at the University of Arizona.
Toxic leadership has existed in organizations, societies and nations and history is witness to all those leaders who have displayed toxic behaviors to fulfill personal needs. However, the concept of toxic leadership has not been given due importance in the whole gamut of leadership theories which exist. Toxic leadership not only impacts performance at the organizational level but also at the individual level. The aim of this paper is to understand the theory of Toxic Leadership and the behaviors exhibited by Toxic leaders. The paper also attempts to trace the origins of toxic behaviors and also to understand the reasons of toxicity and its impact on individual and organizational performance.
مجلة البحوث الإدارية والمالية والکمية
Leadership is considered a vital managerial function that helps to direct the organization's resources for improved efficiency and the achievement of goals. An Effective leader provides clarity of purpose, motivates, and guides the organization to realize its mission. On the other hand, toxic leader lacks self of control, ignores the right of employees and harms the whole organization. This paper provides a useful typology for a better understanding of toxic leadership. We explore the definitions, history, evolution, characteristics, dimensions, signs, symptoms, and the negative impacts of toxic leadership to identify its destructive behaviors and the tools that increase toxicity in the organization. We surveyed the practices of toxic leaders since 1995 and found that toxic leadership is a controversial topic. However, toxic leadership affects individuals and organizations negatively as it increases workplace deviance, the employee's intention to leave, and the turnover rates, and it reduces the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
This case analysis explores an extreme case of a dysfunctional leadership style -the toxic leader. The examination investigates the toxic behaviors of dysfunctional leaders, their qualities, followers, and the range of toxicity factors that render the organization and its members prone to ethical misbehavior. The case details are extrapolated from the files of the federal civil service's Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) and those of the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), where there is an over abundance of similar cases of public servant dysfunctional leadership. These cases bring forth research questions of: 1) Whether toxic leadership traits can be screened before hire and after hire within the federal government. 2) After hire, how can these toxic leaders be shed and nontoxic leaders recruited?
Handbook of Top Management Teams, 2010
The general purpose of this Capstone Project was to explore how toxic and abusive leadership affects ABC Incorporated employees, productivity, and employee turnover. Toxic leadership and abusive supervisory behaviors have given rise to psychological and economic consequences over the past decade at ABC in Denver, Colorado, a fictitious organization. The economic cost of toxic leadership at ABC has resulted in a loss of productivity and an increase in employee turnover. In fact, expenses associated with recruiting, hiring, and training new employees can cost organizations over 5% of their annual operating budget (Waldman, Kelly, Arora, & Smith, 2004). As such, leaders and employees at ABC are encouraged to understand the effects of employing toxic leaders and how implementing emotional intelligence (EI) skills can help to mitigate some of the effects caused by toxic leaders. In short, the point of this research is twofold; to collect and analyze previous research studies to increase understanding of a topic and add to the knowledge base of data surrounding the topic of toxic leadership and abusive supervisory behaviors.
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 2019
Drawing on the findings from a multiple case study, we build a process model of toxic leadership and empirically illustrate the toxic leadership process and its outcomes. In doing so, we make two important contributions to current literature. First, we provide a theoretical model of the toxic leadership process that details the intent and outcomes of toxic leadership relative to other dark leadership styles: destructive, abusive, and ineffective. In doing so, we show that, although the intent of toxic leaders is relatively less harmful, the behaviors these leaders engage may be harmful for the organization. More specifically, we show that the primary intent of toxic leaders is to conceal lack of relevant competence and maintain a position of control, at the exclusion of other organizationally relevant objectives. To achieve their intent, toxic leaders engage in upward and downward directed influence attempts that create ambiguity and confusion, thus increasing the toxicity of the co...
European Journal of Social Sciences, 2019
Studies on leadership have been overwhelmingly focused on the positive aspects of leadership, and tried to reach certain conclusions on the positive effects of leadership in organizations. However, the dark side of leadership has been ignored. Those negative leadership styles in general, toxic leadership, in particular, may have extremely negative effects on organizations, which have the potential to overshadow the effects of positive leadership. Toxic leadership can create a decrease in workplace performance, productivity, and output, as well as its remarkable negative reflections on employees. So, examining the outputs of toxic leadership is inevitable. In this paper, we aim to examine the consequences of toxic leaders on employees by a quantitative search on the finance industry.
Toxic leadership scares its employees in order to gain acceptance and gain personal gains; constantly humiliating the members of the organization with their narcissistic tendencies and authoritarian attitudes; It is a dysfunctional type of leadership that discourages them and causes their physical and mental destruction. The accuracy and prevention of this leadership style, which is very common in organizations, is important for the employee and the organization. In order to effectively deal with toxic leaders and understand their behavior, it is often important to analyze leader behavior in context. This study focuses on empowering stakeholders and organizational structures to identify, address and transform the dynamics of toxic leadership, and some effective coping strategies have been proposed. The study also examined the effects of toxicity on the individual and the organization. Thus, an effort was made to promote a positive social environment by increasing employee awareness.
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