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2011, Rivista degli Studi Orientali
5 pages
1 file
G. Kotzé, C. Locatell, and J. Messara (eds), Ancient Texts and Modern Readers: Studies in Ancient Hebrew Linguistics and Bible Translation. Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 71. Leiden: Brill, 2019
The chapters in this volume address a variety of topics that pertain to modern readers’ understanding of ancient texts, as well as tools or resources that can facilitate contemporary audiences’ interpretation of these ancient writings, and their language. In this regard, they celebrate the contributions of Christo H.J. van der Merwe to the interrelated fields of ancient Hebrew linguistics, biblical interpretation, and Bible translation. Christo is professor of Hebrew language, literature, and translation studies in the department of Ancient Studies at Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. In the con- text of this department, ancient languages and cultures are studied not only for their own sake, but also for the relevance they hold for contemporary communities (especially, but not exclusively, in South Africa). This approach raises important and interesting challenges for research on, and teaching of, ancient languages and cultures. Two separate, but related questions with which the department is confronted require continual rethinking. These are, first, how best to understand what ancient cultural artifacts, such as literary and documentary writings, visual media (e.g., statues, stelae, stamp and cylinder seals, reliefs, etc.), and the material culture unearthed by archaeologists, communicate about the ideas, worldviews, customs, behaviour, beliefs, convictions, and living conditions of ancient peoples, and, second, how to most effectively communicate this knowledge to modern audiences and help them to acquire the requisite critical skills to interpret the primary sources in a responsible and an accountable manner.
To what extent and in what sense is it possible to characterize the work of the Septuagint translators as interpretation? This issue is widely debated in Septuagint research today. In this paper, I am looking for criteria for distinguishing between different levels of interpretation. A basic distinction concerns interpretation on the level of decoding the source text, an obligatory part of all translation, and that of recoding in the target language, involving different optional strategies. A further level of interpretation, distinct from the normal, more or less universal strategies of translation, comprises the kind of interpretation that comes about as emergency solution in case of a problematic source text. Finally, it is necessary to bear in mind that the reception history of the target text may create new interpretations and adaptations of the text.
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Brill., 2014
A brief talk about the problems translators of ancient texts encounter in their work, delivered at a seminar devoted to the translation of the Poetic Edda held at the National Library of Latvia in Riga, November 2015.
Journal for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 44 (2011), 145-150, 2011
Computers and Composition, 1997
During the present shift from print to computer-mediated communication (CMC) literacy, much scholarship has taken a short view, looking at the history of the Internet, for example, rather than at other eras of maior change in communication technology, such as the development of the alphabet or the shifts from the scroll to the codex to the printed book. This era of CMC resembles other ages-particularly manuscript eras-when changes in communication media restructured human thought, how communicators and teachers conceived of and constructed texts, and the processes by which they mode sense of texts and imparted them with authority. By studying the oreas of similarity between the rabbinic and medieval manuscript eras and our own time, technical communicators may come to an understanding of how changes in technology sparked shifts in the social and intellectual dynamics of text construction. And by looking ot these earlier traditions and the environments in which texts were studied, we may develop a deeper understanding of some of the intellectual, ethical, and educational implications of texts in this CMC era. authority authorship computer-mediated communication memory technical communication Human history has entered what Sherry Turkle called a liminal era, when "old structures have broken down and new ones have not yet been created" (as cited in McCorduck, 1996, p. 157). This moment, like others in the past, has been brought about by a change in communication technology, and like earlier liminal periods, this is a time of great tension and opportunity. Digitalization of information, which computers made possible, is responsible for the transformation we face just as the invention of the alphabet, the development of writing, and the advent of printing brought about earlier changes.
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Cognitive Science, 2012
We respond to several important and valid concerns about our study (''The Prevalence of Folk Dualism in Early China,'' Cognitive Science 35: 997-1007) by Klein and Klein, defending our interpretation of our data. We also argue that, despite the undeniable challenges involved in qualitatively coding texts from ancient cultures, the standard tools used throughout the cognitive sciences-large quantities of data, coders as blind to the hypothesis as possible, intercoder reliability measures, and statistical analysis-allow the noise of randomly distributed interpretative differences to be distinguished from the signal of genuine historical patterns.
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O Eixo e a Roda: Revista de Literatura Brasileira v. 33, n. 1, p. 145–162, 2024
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2007
Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 2019
8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, 2024
Oddźwięki – odbicia – odcienie. Wiek dziewiętnasty wobec sztuk, red. A. Borkowska-Rychlewska, R. Okulicz-Kozaryn, pomysł tomu i współredakcja A. Krawczyk, K. Karpińska, Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, Poznań , 2020
Journal of Education and Research
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
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Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2021