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Healing of Porous Asphalt Concrete via Induction
Quant ao Liu
, Erik Schlangen
, Mart in van de Ven
& Álvaro García
Delf t Universit y of Technology, Facult y of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Micromechanics Laborat ory (MICROLAB), St evinweg 1, 2628, CN Delf t , The Net herlands
Delf t Universit y of Technology, Facult y of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Road and
Railway Engineering, St evinweg 1, 2628, CN Delf t , The Net herlands E-mail:
Version of record f irst published: 19 Sep 2011.
To cite this article: Quant ao Liu , Erik Schlangen , Mart in van de Ven & Álvaro García (2010): Healing of Porous Asphalt
Concret e via Induct ion Heat ing, Road Mat erials and Pavement Design, 11: sup1, 527-542
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Healing of Porous Asphalt Concrete
via Induction Heating
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Quantao Liu* — Erik Schlangen* — Martin van de Ven**
Álvaro García*
* Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Micromechanics Laboratory (MICROLAB), Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
** Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Road and Railway Engineering, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
[email protected]
ABSTRACT. The lifetime of porous asphalt pavement is only about 11 years. In this research, a
porous asphalt concrete with long lifetime, based on a healing mechanism triggered by means
of induction heating, is explained. Conductive fillers (steel fibers and steel wool) are added to
porous asphalt concrete to enhance its electrical conductivity and induction heating is used to
increase the temperature locally, just enough to increase the healing rate of asphalt concrete
to heal the micro-cracks and to repair the bond between aggregates and binder. The main
purposes of this research are to examine the electrical conductivity, particle loss resistance
and induction heating speed of electrically conductive porous asphalt concrete and prove that
damage in the material can be healed via induction heating. It is found that long fibers with
small diameter are better than short fibers with bigger diameter to make porous asphalt
concrete electrically conductive, induction heatable and have high particle loss resistance as
well. Finally, it is also proved that damage in porous asphalt concrete can be healed via
induction heating.
Porous Asphalt Concrete, Conductive Fillers, Resistivity, Particle Loss, Induction
Heating, Healing.
DOI:10.3166/RMPD.11HS.527-542 © 2010 Lavoisier, Paris
Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010, pages 527 to 542
528 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
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1. Introduction
Most of the surface wearing courses of primary motorways in the Netherlands
are paved with porous asphalt concrete (PA) due to its excellent performance in
noise and spray reduction. However, the biggest defect of porous asphalt concrete is
its poor performance in terms of durability compared with dense graded asphalt
concrete. The average lifetime of porous asphalt concrete is about 11 years, much
shorter than the lifetime of dense asphalt. The most common form of distress of
porous asphalt concrete is loss of aggregates from the road surface named ravelling
(Klomp, 1996). Ravelling is mainly caused by an increase of stiffness, reduction of
relaxation capacity and formation of micro-cracks in the binder due to ageing.
Traffic and thermal stresses, together with age hardening, are the main causes of
ravelling. However, most of the ravelling damage is the result of the material
properties itself (Eijssen et al., 2006). Small cracking on highway runway can mean
the start of some big distress. Once the first stone is removed by a car wheel, the
remaining stones around the gap will lack support from at least one direction,
making it rather easy to remove the subsequent stones in the gap. So, more stones
will be removed at a higher speed. Ravelling has a negative effect on the noise
reduction capacity of porous asphalt concrete and requires early maintenance (Swart
et al., 1997). So, finding a solution to avoid ravelling and to extend the lifetime of
porous asphalt roads is one of the biggest concerns of pavement researchers.
Asphalt concrete is known as a kind of self healing material (Little et al., 2007;
Jo et al., 2001). The healing of asphalt concrete occurs due to rest periods. The
problem comes because it is difficult to stop traffic circulation on a road to allow
enough self healing recovery at ambient temperature. It is well known that the
amount of healing increases when the material is subjected to a higher temperature
(Jo et al., 2001; Bonnaure et al., 1982). Increasing the temperature will increase the
healing effect of asphalt concrete; as a result of healing, the service lifetime of
asphalt concrete will be increased. The idea is to add steel fibers to porous asphalt
concrete and increase its temperature via induction heating to trigger the self healing
process when micro-cracks occur in the material.
Conductive asphalt concrete is a kind of functional material developed to achieve
electrical conductivity for certain purposes. Sherif et al. made conductive concrete
containing steel fibers and shavings for bridge deck de-icing (Sherif et al., 1999).
Wu et al. (2006) described conductive asphalt concrete as a kind of structure selfmonitoring asphalt-based material for the resistance change can denote the variation
of its interior structure. These authors did a lot of work concerning how to make
conductive asphalt concrete by adding conductive carbon fiber, carbon black or
graphite (Wu et al., 2005). Traditionally, in conductive roads, heat was generated
due to the electrical resistance in the conductive particles when connected to a
power source, but in this occasion, authors are trying to make porous asphalt
concrete appropriate for induction heating and subsequently healing of cracks (Liu
et al., 2010). Kim et al. (2002) did an elaborate study on the induction heating of
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 529
carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites. Induction heating was introduced
to asphalt industry by García et al. (2009). In this method, the power supply sends
alternating current through the coil, generating an alternating electromagnetic field.
When the conductive asphalt specimen is placed under the coil, this electromagnetic
field induces currents flowing through the conductive loops formed by the steel
fibers and heat is generated by the Joule effect. Adding heat via induction energy in
asphalt concrete will have a good future if the micro-cracks can be healed via
induction heating.
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The main objectives of this research are to examine the electrical conductivity,
particle loss resistance and induction heating speed of porous asphalt concrete
containing conductive fillers and prove that damage in this material can be healed by
means of induction heating.
2. Experiments
2.1. Materials
The aggregates used to prepare porous asphalt concrete specimens were quarry
material (Bestone, Norway, size between 2.0 and 22.4 mm and density 2770 kg/m3),
crushed sand (size between 0.063 and 2 mm and density 2688 kg/m3), and filler type
Wigro 60K (size < 0.063 mm and density 2638 kg/m3). The bitumen used was
70/100 pen, obtained from Kuwait Petroleum, with density 1032 kg/m3, penetration
93 dmm and softening point 45.0 ºC. Besides, three different types of electrically
conductive steel fibers were mixed in the porous asphalt mixture. The first one was
steel fibers (from now, we will call them type 1) with length shorter than 1 mm and
diameters between 29.6 µm and 191.1 µm. The second one was steel wool type 00
with length around 9 mm and diameters between 8.89 µm and 12.7 µm. The third
one was steel wool type 000, with average length around 7 mm and diameters
between 6.38 µm and 8.89 µm. All three types of fiber had an approximate density
of 7.8 g/cm3 and an electrical resistivity of 7·10-5 :m.
2.2. Porous asphalt concrete composition
Porous asphalt PA 0/16 was used in this research, because it is the mainly used
surface wearing course material in the Netherlands. The materials composition was
determined based on the Dutch Standard RAW 2005. Gyratory compactor was used
to mould the specimens. The composition of PA 0/16 mixture for gyratory specimen
is shown in Table 1.
The maximum theoretical density of the mixture was 2.569 g/cm3. It was
calculated as the total weight divided by the total volume of all the materials before
compaction. The standard calls for a minimum of 20% of air voids content. In this
530 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
case, the air voids content was assumed to be 21%, Based on the maximum
theoretical density, the assumed density of the specimens after compaction and the
weight of the mixture, the gyratory compactor can control the height of the specimen
to obtain the ultimate target density. The density of the mixture changes with the
variation in the volume of conductive fillers in the mixture and can be computed
according to the total weight and volume of all the materials in the mixture. Finally
the air voids content can be calculated after moulding the specimens by determining
their dimensions and weights. The air voids ratio for all specimens studied was
around 21%.
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Table 1. Composition of PA 0/16 mixture for gyratory specimen based on the Dutch
standard (RAW 2005)
Sieve size
% retained
% ret.
% ret. by
11.2 - 8.0
8.0 - 5.6
5.6 - 2.0
2.0- 0.063
< 0.063
Bitumen70/100 1.032
4.5% by wt.
Total wt.
2.3. Electrical resistivity test
The electrical resistivity measurements were done at room temperature 21.5 ºC.
The samples, with diameter 100 mm and thickness 50 mm were cut from the
gyratory compacted specimens to get flat surfaces for resistance testing. After
cutting, the samples were placed in an oven at 40 ºC for 8 hours to remove the
moisture and prevent the steel fibers from corroding on the surface of the samples.
Inside the sample, the steel fibers do not corrode, because they are completely
coated with bitumen. A digital multimeter was used to measure the resistance below
36 x 106 :. A resistance tester was used to measure the resistance higher than this
value. Two electrodes were made of 100 mm x 160 mm rectangular copper plates in
conjunction with wires, which could be connected with the resistance tester when
testing resistance. Both electrodes were placed at both ends of the test sample to
measure the electrical resistance (Figure 1).
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Healing of PA via Induction Heating 531
Figure 1. The situation for resistance testing
A small pressure was applied to the copper electrodes to obtain a good contact
with the surface of the sample. The total contact resistance between the two
electrodes was about 0.4:, which was negligible with respect to the great
resistances studied (higher than 100 K: in the samples). The electric field was
assumed constant and the end-effects were considered negligible. The electrical
resistivity was obtained from the second Ohm-law in Equation [1]:
Where U is the electrical resistance, L is the internal electrode distance in meter, S is
the electrode conductive area in square meter and R is the measured resistance in
2.4. Cantabro test
Cantabro test was used to evaluate the particle loss resistance of porous asphalt
concrete specimens containing conductive fibers. The test was done at room
temperature (21.5 ºC) in a Los Angeles abrasion machine without steel ball, according
to the European Standard EN 12697-17. Each specimen was initially weighed (W1)
and placed separately into a Los Angeles drum. Then, each specimen was weighed
again after 300 revolutions of the drum (W2) to determine the weight loss during
testing. This weight loss is an indication of the cohesive properties of the mix. Lower
weight loss means better cohesion and better particle loss resistance. The test results
are expressed as a percentage of weight loss in relation to the initial weight:
532 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
W1 W2
where, PL is the particle loss in percent, W1 is the initial specimen mass in gram and
W2 is the final Specimen mass in gram.
Five specimens of each composition were tested to check the reproducibility of
the results obtained. The data shown in this section are the mean value of the results
obtained in the five samples.
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2.5. Induction heating test
Induction heating tests were conducted on conductive porous asphalt concrete to
prove that it could be easily heated with induction energy. For that, the effect of
fiber volume content on the heating rate was studied. The principles of induction
heating are electromagnetic induction and Joule heating. According to Faraday law
of electromagnetic induction, the electromotive force can be produced around a
closed path in a changing magnetic field and is proportional to the rate of change of
the magnetic flux through any surface bounded by that path. Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction states that:
d ‡B
where, 0 is the electromotive force (emf) in volt and B is the magnetic flux in weber.
In practice, this means that an electrical current is induced through the fibers
when the magnetic flux touches them. The electrical current generates heat when it
flows through the conductive fibers. This is Joule heating, which can be explained
by Joule’s first law:
I 2R
where, P is the heat generated per unit time by a constant current I flowing through a
conductor of electrical resistance R. This law applies to any circuit that can be
characterized by a resistance. Ohm’s law states that for a voltage 0 across a circuit of
resistance R the current I will be:
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 533
By substituting this formula for current into one or both factors of current in
Joule’s law, the power dissipated can be written in the equivalent form:
§H ·
P ¨ ¸ R
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The induced electromotive force depends on the rate of change of the magnetic
field flux. For this heating system, a constant frequency in the induction equipment
will generate a constant electromotive force. The heating rate induced by Joule
heating is in contrast with the resistance of the sample, the lower the resistance, the
higher the heating rate.
Figure 2. Heating the sample with the induction machine
The induction heating experiment was performed by using an induction heating
system with a capacity of 50 kW and at a frequency of 70 kHz (Figure 2). Although
the system was not fully optimized, it had no influence on the objectives of this
research. The heating samples were the same as the ones used in the resistance
measurements. The cylindrical samples cut from gyratory specimens were used to
avoid the problem of binder concentration on the surfaces of samples and to get a
higher heating efficiency for that thinner samples mean less temperature difference
between the top and the bottom of the samples. Each sample studied was heated for
3 minutes and its temperature variation was measured with a 640 x 480 pixel, full
colour infrared camera.
2.6. Healing detection test
It was expected that induction heating would increase the healing capability of
porous asphalt concrete. To prove this, indirect tensile fatigue tests at 5 °C, with rest
periods to apply the induction heating, were used to detect the induction healing
534 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
Resilient modulus Mpa
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effect. The idea was to use fatigue test to introduce damage to samples, then the
samples were heated with induction heating and rested for some time to see if the
damage can be healed or not. The fatigue test applied a 0.2 seconds haversine load
followed by a rest period of 0.3 seconds. The maximum load was 0.82 MPa, which
was 40% of the indirect tensile strength of plain samples. A Poisson’s ratio of 0.22
was assumed for this porous asphalt concrete to determine its resilient modulus. As
is shown in Figure 3, fatigue test was stopped when the resilient modulus of the
sample reduced to 70% or 80% of its original value. Then, the sample was heated
with induction machine for 2 minutes and rested for 24 hours. Finally, the fatigue
test was continued until the resilient modulus reduced to 70% or 80% of its initial
value for a second time. After the tests, two numbers of loading cycles C1 and C2,
were obtained (Figure 3). The healing index HI is defined as C2 divided by C1,
where 100% means the entire healing of damage and 0% means no healing at all.
Loading cycles
Figure 3. Test procedure for healing detection with indirect tensile fatigue test
3. Results and discussions
3.1. Effect of the steel fiber volume content on the electrical resistivity
of porous asphalt concrete
Absolute fiber size determines the number of fibers per unit of batched weight
and the number per cubic meter of matrix. Since the total weight rather than the
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 535
absolute size reflects the material cost of the fibers, the question arises whether a
large number of small fibers offer better conductive effectiveness than the same
weight of a small number of large fibers. To answer this, three different types of
steel fiber with different diameters are used to see which one is best to make porous
asphalt concrete electrically conductive.
type 1
type 00
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type 000
Fiber volume content %
Figure 4. Effect of the steel fiber volume content on the resistivity of porous asphalt
The effect of the steel fiber volume content on the resistivity of porous asphalt
concrete samples is shown in Figure 4. Addition of all three types of steel fibers can
decrease the electrical resistivity of porous asphalt concrete, which means a
promising increase of the induction heating speed. These three electrical resistivity
curves show three different stages: high resistivity stage, exhibiting insulating
behaviour with resistances higher than 109 :m; transit stage, where the electrical
resistivity of asphalt concrete suffers a sharp decrease from 109 :m to 104 :m; and
low resistivity stage, exhibiting conductive behaviour with resistances of
approximately 104 :m. This can be explained by means of the percolation theory:
When a small amount of steel fibers are added to the mixture, they are uniformly
distributed in the porous asphalt concrete samples and do not contact each other,
having a similar resistivity to that of a plain sample without fibers. This is the high
resistivity stage. When more steel fibers are added to the mixture, they start
536 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
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contacting each other, which causes a gradual decrease in the resistivity. If the fiber
volume content reaches a certain value (percolation threshold), the first conductive
paths are formed in the sample. This corresponds to a sharp decrease of resistivity
and has been called transit stage. Beyond the percolation threshold, the conductive
network develops and spreads gradually in three dimensions with the increase of the
volume content of the steel fibers. When the fiber volume content reaches a certain
value ( the optimal content), steel fibers contact each other in all directions and
many conductive networks and passages are formed, corresponding to a very low
value of resistivity at which adding more steel fibers doesn’t reduce the resistivity
any more. This is the low resistivity stage.
However, there are some differences among the three resistivity curves. Among
the three different types of steel fiber, the diameter of steel fiber type 1 is biggest
and the diameter of steel wool type 000 is smallest. The percolation threshold comes
earlier and the transit stage of the resistivity curve is sharper for the type of fiber
with smaller diameter. The optimal contents of fibers to make porous asphalt
concrete conductive are 20%, 12% and 10% for steel fibers type 1, steel wool type
00 and steel wool type 000 respectively, which means that the smaller the diameter,
the less volume of fibers is needed to make porous asphalt concrete conductive. So,
steel wool type 000 is the best one to make porous asphalt concrete conductive.
3.2. Effect of steel fiber volume content on the particle loss resistance
of porous asphalt concrete
Particle loss tests were done to check if the addition of steel fibers for electrical
conductivity purpose affects the particle loss resistance of porous asphalt concrete or
not. The effect of the steel fiber volume content on the particle loss resistance of
porous asphalt concrete is shown in Figure 5. The particle loss of plain samples
(without fibers) is 14.84%. It can be seen that the particle loss of samples decreases
with the increase of the fiber volume content and reaches a minimum, after which
adding more steel fibers will result in an increase of the particles loss. The minimum
particles losses are 8.77%, 8.01% and 8.27%, obtained with around 15%, 8% and
8% of steel fiber type 1, type 00 and type 000, respectively. From these data, steel
wool type 00 is optimal to increase the particle loss resistance of porous asphalt
concrete. At the contents for optimal conductivity (20% for steel fiber type 1, 12%
for steel wool type 00 and 10% steel wool type 000), the particle losses are 10.31%,
15.83% and 13.66%, respectively. Adding 12% of steel wool type 00 to porous
asphalt concrete for optimal conductivity purposes will decrease its particle loss
resistance and adding 10% of steel wool type 000 or 20% steel fiber type 1 to porous
asphalt concrete for optimal conductivity purpose will increase its particle loss
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 537
type 1
type 00
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Particle loss %
type 000
Fiber volume content %
Figure 5. Effect of the steel fiber volume content on the particle loss resistance of
porous asphalt concrete
3.3. Effect of the steel fiber volume content on the induction heating speed
of porous asphalt concrete
All the samples studied were heated for 3 minutes and a full colour infrared
camera was used to record the temperature variation. Figure 6 is an induction
heating image of a sample with 8% steel wool type 000 at the end of the heating test.
All samples have similar images like this. On the top surface of the sample, clusters
of steel wool work as small heaters. This corresponds to the shining dots on the
surface of the sample in Figure 6. The image shows uniform temperature in the
horizontal direction. This is because the magnetic field is constant at the same
distance from the coil. The temperature of the sample decreases from top to bottom.
It was also found that samples had a higher heating rate when they were closer to the
coil of the induction machine. The reason for this is that the magnetic field is
stronger close to the coil. Finding the optimum distance between the pavement and
the coil will be a topic for future study. The distance between sample and the coil of
the induction machine hasn’t yet been optimized and was just fixed at a constant
value of 32 mm in the test.
538 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
115 ºC
62 ºC
Temperature ºC
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Figure 6. Induction heating image of the sample with 8% steel wool type 000
Steel fiber volume content %
Figure 7. Temperatures variations of porous asphalt concrete containing steel fiber
type 1 during 3 minutes induction heating
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 539
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To analyze the effect of the steel fiber volume content on the heating speed of
concrete, the temperatures of the tops of all porous asphalt concrete samples studied
were recorded every 30 seconds during the heating process. The temperature
variations of porous asphalt concrete samples containing steel fiber type 1 during
3 minutes induction heating is shown in Figure 7. In this figure, it can be appreciated
how the maximum temperature reached in the samples increases with the volume of
fibers in the mixture, but the heating speed (increase of temperature in a certain time
during induction heating) can’t be increased any faster when the steel fiber volume
content reaches a certain value (optimal content). The heating speeds of samples
containing steel wool type 00 and type 000 have the same trend, which is not shown
here. Porous asphalt concrete samples without conductive fibers almost cannot be
induction heated.
The optimum content of fiber to obtain the highest induction heating speeds and
the maximum temperatures reached are shown in table 2 for the three types of fibers
studied. The optimum volume contents are 20%, 12% and 10% for steel fiber type 1,
steel wool type 00 and steel wool type 000, respectively. These values coincide with
the optimal contents of fiber to obtain the minimum resistivity in Figure 4. The
maximum temperatures reached in samples with optimum content of fibers are
207 ºC, 169 ºC and 137 ºC, respectively. Adding steel fibers above these contents
doesn’t increase the induction heating speeds and will result in a decrease of the
particle loss resistance of porous asphalt concrete, as shown in Figure 5.
Table 2. Optimum volume contents of fiber for induction heating and maximum
temperatures reached after 3 minutes induction heating
Steel fiber type
Steel fiber type 1
Steel wool type 00
Steel wool type 000
Optimal content
Maximum temperature
207 ºC
169 ºC
137 ºC
3.4. Healing of porous asphalt concrete via induction heating
Porous asphalt concrete with 10% steel wool type 000 has optimal conductivity
(Figure 4) and optimal induction heating speed (Table 2). At the same time, its
particle loss resistance is better than that of samples containing 10% of the other two
types of fiber studied. For this reason, 10% is proposed as an ideal content of fibers
type 000 to obtain an optimum conductivity, induction heating speeds and good
particle loss resistance in porous asphalt concrete. To prove that damage in porous
asphalt concrete could be healed via induction heating, samples containing 10% of
steel wool type 000 are used in the healing detection test. The healing index of plain
samples (without fibers) and samples containing 10% steel wool type 000 after
540 Road Materials and Pavement Design. EATA 2010
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24-hour rest are shown in Table 3, which presents the averages of the results of three
samples for each condition.
In this table, HI70% and HI80% mean that fatigue tests were stopped for healing
when the resilient modulus of the sample decreased to 70% and 80% of its original
value, respectively. In both cases, samples with fibers have better healing effect than
plain samples and the healing effect of conductive samples is increased after the
induction heating is applied. In the case where fatigue test was stopped for healing
when the resilient modulus of the sample decreased to 70% of its original value,
after 24 hours rest, only 11.42% and 17.99% of the damage in plain samples and
samples containing 10% steel wool type 000 were healed. But if a 2 minute
induction heating was applied, 23.05% of the damage was healed in the samples
with fibers. In this case, the healing is relatively low because of this level of damage,
structural damage in the samples, as deformation or broken aggregates appears.
Induction healing can repair micro damage, not structural damage, so in this case, it
is too late to heal the damage in the asphalt concrete. But, if fatigue test was stopped
when the resilient modulus had reduced to 80% of its original value (to avoid
structural damage in the sample), 52.08% and 83.80% of the damage in plain
samples and in samples containing 10% of fibers type 000 were healed after 24
hours rest. And, with 2 minutes induction heating, the damage in samples containing
10% steel wool type 000 could be completely healed.
Table 3. Healing index of the samples studied
Samples with 10% steel wool type 000
Plain samples
Without heating
with heating
4. Conclusions
Adding steel fiber to porous asphalt concrete can increase its electrical
conductivity and particle loss resistance. Long steel wool (type 00 and type 000)
with smaller diameter is more effective than short steel fibers (type 1) with bigger
diameter to increase the electrical conductivity and particle loss resistance of porous
asphalt concrete. Porous asphalt concrete samples containing steel fibers can be
induction heated easily with induction energy. The volume of fibers needed to
obtain the maximum conductivity is the same as the volume of fibers to obtain the
maximum heating rates. 10% (by volume of bitumen) is proposed as an ideal content
of steel wool type 000 to obtain optimal electrical conductivity, induction heating
speed and good particle loss resistance in porous asphalt concrete. Besides, it is
Healing of PA via Induction Heating 541
proved that the healing capability of porous asphalt concrete containing 10% of steel
wool type 000 is increased with the induction heating. Finally, it is also found that
when structural damage happens in porous asphalt concrete, it is too late to apply
induction heating to heal damage.
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The scholarship from the China Scholarship Council is acknowledged. The
technical support of Prof. Klaas van Breugel, Prof. A.A.A. Molenaar and Marco
Poot are also appreciated. Furthermore, the authors would like to express thanks to
Global Material Technologies for their technical expertise and advices about steel
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