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167 pages
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El objeto de la biblioteca es fomentar la educación otorgando préstamos gratuitos de libros a personas de los sectores más desposeídos de la sociedad que por motivos económicos, de situación geográfica o discapacidades físicas no tienen posibilidad para acceder a bibliotecas públicas, universitarias o gubernamentales. En consecuencia, una vez leído este libro se considera vencido el préstamo del mismo y deberá ser destruido.
Introducción.-Se conoce de antiguo la propiedad de la Magnetita, ( Fe 3 O 4 ), de atraer el fierro y algunas aleaciones de éste. Inicialmente el magnetismo se utilizaba solo para eventos sociales y de entretención, ( fiestas, circos, etc., ).
Esta asignatura es importante para la comprensión de los fenómenos eléctricos y magnéticos presentes en la naturaleza, además funciona como base para asignaturas relacionadas con la ingeniería.
The available literature reveals that the Ottoman imperial treasury, where books were kept, functioned as a lending library to the palace’s inhabitants. Books were borrowed from the treasury and members of the imperial court were educated with books circulating in the court. Palace woman had books on their estate records and some of them possessed a rich variety of books covering religious, historical, and literary topics. It is also known that some palace officials including court eunuchs had a passion for books, as reflected in their artistic patronage as well as in their estate inventories. Based on this, this paper focuses on the book ownership of male members of the Ottoman imperial court, who were positioned across various departments of the imperial palace organization. These people occupied various ranks within the hierarchical structure and served in various levels. The variety of their statuses ranged from high-status positions to more modest ones. This paper aims to explore the relationship between book ownership and palace affiliation. It aims to contribute to the understanding of how and in what ways palace affiliation had an impact on the book ownership of the examined group based on their estate records. For this purpose, I investigate the book ownership through various ways: First of all, I question how many books were owned in general and what these books were. Secondly, I analyze the variety of books that appeared in the estate registers, under various categories. After this, I focus on the cases who had more than a certain number of books from various genres. Based on these cases, I try to explore the relationship between book ownership and palace affiliation and question the impact of palace connection on the book ownership of the examined group from various aspects. In doing this, I take into account several factors related to the palace affiliation, such as position in the imperial court, wealth as well as the factor of family identity.
Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, sea cual fuere el medio. Todos los contenidos que se incluyen tales como características tipográficas y de diagramación, textos, gráficos, logotipos, iconos, imágenes, etc., son propiedad exclusiva del Fondo de Cultura Económica y están protegidos por las leyes mexicanas e internacionales del copyright o derecho de autor. ISBN 978-607-16-3037-7 (mobi) Hecho en México -Made in Mexico 6
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik , 2009
Political clientelism remains political dilemma in South East Asian Politics, including Indonesian. Thus, democratization agendas in Indonesia Post Soeharto definitely should lead to transform political clientelism into more democratic political practices that based on citizenship. However, the experience of Prosperous Justice Party in enhancing party-based philanthropy activities in Yogyakarta shows that political clientelism did not fade away, but have been transformed into new type of clientelism which is more plural. The clients has grown into more autonomous but segmented. The paper concludes that the pattern of clientelism in contemporay Indonesinn politics has been changed from dependent and dominant relations into asymmetrical and reciprocal political transaction between more plural patrons and relatively autonomous clients.
Este estudio trata de la similitud percibida entre todas las variedades de español. Para ello se ha realizado una encuesta internacional referida a las variedades de todos los países y territorios hispánicos. El español de los Estados Unidos, sin duda, es una parte del mundo hispanohablante, por sus orígenes y por su mantenimiento en territorio estadounidense. La situación del español como lengua minoritaria y su coexistencia con el inglés están haciendo que otros hispanohablantes consideren como diferente el español de los hispanos de los Estados Unidos. Por su parte, los hispanos estadounidenses no identifican su español con el de otros países bilingües donde el español no es lengua oficial o mayoritaria. ABSTRACT This study focuses on the perceived similarity between all the Spanish language varieties. A global survey has been applied regarding the varieties from all hispanic countries and territories. The Spanish of the United States undoubtedly is a part of the Spanish-speaking world, because of its origins and maintenance in North America The status of Spanish as a minority language and its coexistence with English are doing that other Spanish-speakers consider as different the U.S. Spanish. Meanwhile, U.S. speakers do not identify its Spanish with that from other bilingual countries where Spanish is not an official or majoritarian language.
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2023
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023
The Eastern Buddhist
Hispania, 2019
Journal of Social Issues, 2001
Biomedical Research and Therapy, 2014
International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga
Oncogene, 2017
Neurology, 2004
Cell Reports, 2018
Dinamika Teknik Mesin, 2019
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2011