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The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of what it means to be Muslim, in terms of beliefs (cosmology and theology), practices (rituals and moral teachings), and culture. In order to achieve this three-part objective, we will read materials from various perspectives and of different genres. We will devote some time to the history of the foundations and civilization of Islam, because even if a religion is conceived in terms of universals and ideals, its actual manifestation is always tempered by historical, cultural and social context. We will explore the meaning of Islam as a worldview and a moral system through examining its doctrinal, ritual, philosophical, ethical and spiritual dimensions. This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Islam.
Islam as a revealed religion with over a billion followers around the world is an important belief system that has a complex history of emergence and development. In the post-9/11 period that saw an increasing American engagement in the Middle East, the necessity to understand the different dynamics at work in the development of this religion cannot be overemphasized. In order to help you acquire familiarity with this religion, this course will have three parts, each highlighting different aspects of Islam. 1) Classical Islam: this part will provide a survey of Islam through scholarly lenses, historically unpacking the emergence of its belief system through the prophetic figure of Muhammad and its revealed scripture, the Qur'an. The emergence of the elementary grammar of this religion will be then read against the particular historical venue of its inception. This part will also highlight how the emerging belief system came to interact with, borrow from, and at times negate the existing socio-religious customs, how Islam came to develop a relationship with politics, and how early schisms further consolidated through time.
This brief article aims to give a thorough overview of Islamic beliefs and practices for those unfamiliar with the religious tradition. It also aims to allow the opportunity for further reading on the subject, citing a wide variety of scholarly texts written for non-specialist audiences. The article is divided into sections giving a brief overview of early Islamic history and Muhammad's lifetime, the primary Islamic religious sources, namely, the Qur'an and Sunna, the Five Pillars of Islamic practice, foundational Islamic creedal beliefs, the Shari'a, and finally, Sufism. The pre-edited version of the paper is included here.
This course is an introduction to the complex and diverse tradition of Islam as religion, civilization, culture, and contemporary field of academic study. It consists of three main parts. Students begin by exploring the foundational sources of Islam, the Quran and the Prophetic tradition, and learn about the important role of Muhammad the man and the Prophet. Next, we learn about Islam's main intellectual, political and spiritual institutions with respect to theology, law, philosophy, mysticism, the arts, the Shi'i-Sunni divide, etc. Finally, we examine key expressions of Muslims' encounter with modernity paying close attention to orientalism, European colonialism, the reformist movements, militant jihad, and current scholarly debates on women, democracy, and others. Throughout the course, students will draw on primary and secondary sources, engage with diverse audiovisual material, and enjoy exciting opportunities of in-class hands-on activities and direct conversation with special guests.
This graduate seminar is designed to acquaint students with the academic study of Islam within the broader discipline of religious studies, in part to prepare students for possible doctoral work in Islamic studies. We will begin with an overview of the discipline of religious studies, with an eye to how Islam has been approached therein. Next we will explore the field of Islamic studies -its history and major contributors, salient theories and debates, methods and sources. A further objective of the course is to provide students with a rudimentary knowledge of major subfields within Islamic Studies, such as those pertaining to the Qur'an and its exegesis, to the life and legacy of Muhammad, to law and legal theory, and to theology and mysticism. A final area of attention will be pedagogy in Islamic studies, the objective here being to help prepare students to teach courses on Islam. Students with Arabic language ability can expect to do work in Arabic primary texts.
London – New York, Routledge, 2021, x + 125 p.
Exploring complex relations between Muslim visions and critical stances, this textbook is a compact introduction to Islam, dealing with the origins of its forms, from early developments to contemporary issues, including religious principles, beliefs and practices. The author's innovative method considers the various opposing theories and approaches between the Islamic tradition and scholars of Islam. Each topic is accompanied by up-to-date bibliographical references and a list of titles for further study, while an exhaustive glossary includes the elementary notions to allow in-depth study. Part I outlines the two founding aspects, the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad, highlighting essential concepts, according to Islamic religious discourse and related critical issues. In Part II, the emergence of the religious themes that have characterised the formation of Islam are explored in terms of historical developments. Part III, on contemporary Islam, examines the growth of Islam between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern age. Advanced readers, already familiar with the elementary notions of Islam and religious studies will benefit from Islam that explores the development of religious discourse in a historical perspective. This unique textbook is a key resource for postgraduate researchers and academics interested in Islam, religion and the Middle East.
The Norms Practiced by the muslims nowadays has become stange in the eyes of the world. This paper intend to explained briefly the basic teaching of Islam
The article proposes a brief overview of the main Islamic doctrinal themes and religious rules. It examines the fundamental themes that define the essence of the Islamic faith (aqīdah) and, accordingly, religious sciences developed around them. It also analyzes the key aspects of Muslim ethos, managed mostly by what is called Sharī'a and which are incorporates in two main categories of norms and obligations: those which regard the cult (ibadāt) and those which establish the human condition within society (mu’āmalāt). Finally, the paper provides an overview of issue of religious authority in Islam, topic that generated countless doctrinal, ideological, political disputes inside the Muslim societies, until today.
American Journal of Islam and Society
Isma‘il al-Faruqi (1921-86), a reformer, a visionary, and a great modernscholar, wrote on several aspects of Islam and Muslim interactions with majorspiritual traditions of the world. This short book is a collection of his brief reflectionson Islam’s basic ideals. Thus it is not a research work, but rather anexplication on how Islam should be comprehended on its own merit. Expressedin simple language to make its contents accessible to the general publicand containing no references, it consists of seven parts each comprised ofthree or four chapters. The arrangement of topics was not chronological, eventhough one would have expected its editor, Imtiyaz Yusuf – one of al-Faruqi’sstudents – to pay attention to such order by rearranging the chapters. For example, one would logically expect the discussion of the isrOE’ and mi‘rOEj tocome before the discussion of the hijrah ...
Class Location: BEN 1.122 Office: WMB 5.120A Office Hours: TTh 10:30-11:45 or by appointment
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