Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Chapter Contents
• Introduction
• Information security 101 363
• Three interlocking cyber-security discourses 364
• Reducing cyber-in-security
• The level of cyber-risk
• Conclusion 377
Reader’s Guide
This chapter looks at why cyber-security is considered one of the key national security issues of
our times. The first section provides the necessary technical background information. The second
unravels three different, but interrelated ways to look at cyber-security: the first discourse has a
technical focus and is about viruses and worms. The second looks at the interrelationship between
the phenomenon of cyber-crime and cyber-espionage. The third turns to a military and civil defencedriven discourse about the double-edged sword of fighting wars in the information domain and the
need for critical infrastructure protection. Based on this, the third section looks at selected protection
concepts from each of the three discourses. The final section sets the threat into perspective: despite
heightened media attention and a general feeling of impending cyber-doom in some government
circles, the level of cyber-risk is generally overstated.
Information has been considered a signiicant aspect of
power, diplomacy, and armed conlict for a very long
time. Since the 1990s, however, information’s role
in international relations and security has diversiied
and its importance for political matters has increased,
mostly due to the proliferation of information and
communication technology (ICT) into all aspects
of life in post-industrialized societies. The ability to
master the generation, management, use but also manipulation of information has become a desired power
resource since the control over knowledge, beliefs,
and ideas are increasingly regarded as a complement
to control over tangible resources such as military
forces, raw materials, and economic productive capability. Consequently, matters of cyber-(in)-security—
though not always under this name—have become a
security issue.
In this chapter, the cyber-(in)-security logic is unpacked in four sections as described in the Reader’s
Guide, with the irst providing the necessary technical background information on why the information
infrastructure is inherently insecure, how computer
vulnerabilities are conceptualized, who can exploit
them and in what ways.
Information security 101
Cyberspace connotes the fusion of all communication networks, databases, and sources of information
into a vast, tangled, and diverse blanket of electronic
interchange. A ‘network ecosystem’ is created; it is
virtual and it ‘exists everywhere there are telephone
wires, coaxial cables, iber-optic lines or electromagnetic waves’ (Dyson et al. 1996). Cyberspace, however, is not only virtual since it is also made up of
servers, cables, computers, satellites, etc. In popular
usage we tend to use the terms cyberspace and Internet almost interchangeably, even though the Internet, albeit the most important one, is just one part of
Cyber-security is both about the insecurity created
by and through this new place/space and about the
practices or processes to make it (more) secure. It refers to a set of activities and measures, both technical
and non-technical, intended to protect the bioelectrical environment and the data it contains and transports from all possible threats.
The inherent insecurity of computers
and networks
Today’s version of the Internet is a dynamic evolution
of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
(ARPANET), which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the
United States Department of Defense (DoD) from
1962 onwards, mainly for optimized information
exchange between the universities and research laboratories involved in DoD research. From the very beginning the network designers emphasized robustness
and survivability over security. At the time there was
no apparent need for a speciic focus on security, because information systems were being hosted on large
proprietary machines that were connected to very few
other computers.
Due to the dynamic evolution of ARPANET this
turned into a legacy problem. What makes systems
so vulnerable today is the conluence of three factors:
the same basic network technology (not built with
security in mind), the shift to smaller and far more
open systems (not built with security in mind), and
the rise of extensive networking at the same time. In
addition to this, the commercialization of the Internet in the 1990s led to a further security deicit. There
are signiicant market-driven obstacles to IT-security:
there is no direct return on investment, time-to-market impedes extensive security measures, and security
mechanisms have a negative impact on usability so
that security is often sacriiced for functionality. Also,
an ongoing dynamic globalization of information
services in connection with technological innovation
has led to an increase of connectivity and complexity,
leading to ill-understood behaviour of systems, as well
as barely understood vulnerabilities. Quite simply, the
more complex an IT system is the more bugs it contains and the more complex it is the harder it is for an
IT system’s security to control or manage it.
Computer vulnerabilities and threat
The terminology in information security is often
seemingly congruent with the terminology in national
security discourses: it is about threats, agents, vulnerabilities, etc. However, the terms have very speciic
meanings so that seemingly clear analogies must be
used with care. One (of several possible) ways to categorize threats is to diferentiate between ‘failures’,
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
‘accidents’, and ‘attacks’. Failures are potentially damaging events caused by deiciencies in the system or
in an external element on which the system depends.
Failures may be due to software design errors, hardware degradation, human errors, or corrupted data.
Accidents include the entire range of randomly occurring and potentially damaging events such as natural
disasters. Usually, accidents are externally generated
events (i.e. from outside the system), whereas failures
are internally generated events. Attacks (both passive
and active) are potentially damaging events orchestrated by a human adversary. They are the main focus
of the cyber-security discourse.
Human attackers are usually called ‘threat agents’.
The most common label bestowed upon them is
hacker. This catchphrase is used in two main ways,
one positive and one pejorative (Erickson 2003). For
members of the computing community it describes
a member of a distinct social group (or sub-culture);
a particularly skilled programmer or technical expert
who knows a programming interface well enough to
write novel software. A particular ethic is ascribed to
this subculture: a belief in sharing, openness, and free
access to computers and information; decentralization
of government; and in improvement of the quality of
life (Levy 1984). In popular usage and in the media,
however, the term hacker generally describes computer intruders or criminals. In the cyber-security debate,
hacking is considered a modus operandi that can be
used not only by technologically skilled individuals for
minor misdemeanours, but also by organized actor
groups with truly bad intent, such as terrorists or foreign states. Some hackers may have the skills to attack
those parts of the information infrastructure considered ‘critical’ for the functioning of society. Though
most hackers would be expected to lack the motivation to cause violence or severe economic or social
harm because of their ethics (Denning 2001), government oicials fear that individuals who have the capability to cause serious damage, but little motivation,
could be corrupted by a group of malicious actors.
Hacking tools
There are various tools and modes of attack. The term
used for the totality of these tools is malware. Wellknown examples are viruses and worms, computer programs that replicate functional copies of themselves
with varying efects ranging from mere annoyance
and inconvenience to compromise of the conidentiality or integrity of information, and Trojan horses,
destructive programs that masquerade as benign applications but set up a back door so that the hacker can
return later and enter the system. Often system intrusion is the main goal of more advanced attacks. If the
intruder gains full system control, or ‘root’ access, he
has unrestricted access to the inner workings of the
system (Anonymous 2003). Due to the characteristics
of digitally stored information an intruder can delay,
disrupt, corrupt, exploit, destroy, steal, and modify
information. Depending on the value of the information or the importance of the application for which this
information is required, such actions will have diferent impacts with varying degrees of gravity.
Cyberspace has both virtual and physical elements.
We tend to use the terms cyberspace and Internet
interchangeably, even though cyberspace encompasses
far more than just the Internet.
Cyber-security is both about the insecurity created
through cyberspace and about the technical and nontechnical practices of making it (more) secure.
The Internet started as ARPANET in the 1960s and was
never built with security in mind. This legacy, combined
with the rapid growth of the network, its commercialization, and its increasing complexity made computer
networks inherently insecure.
Information security uses as vocabulary very similar to
national security language, but has speciic meanings.
Computer problems are caused by failures, accidents,
or attacks. The latter are the main focus of the cybersecurity discourse. Attackers are generally called hackers.
The umbrella term for all hacker tools is malware. The
main goal of more advanced attacks is full system control, which allows the intruder to delay, disrupt, corrupt,
exploit, destroy, steal, or modify information.
Three interlocking cyber-security
The cyber-security discourse originated in the USA
in the 1970s, built momentum in the late 1980s and
spread to other countries in the late 1990s. The US government shaped both the threat perception and the
envisaged countermeasures with only little variation
in other countries. On the one hand, the debate was
decisively inluenced by the larger post-Cold War
strategic context in which the notion of asymmetric
vulnerabilities, epitomized by the multiplication of
malicious actors (both state and non-state) and their
increasing capabilities to do harm, started to play a
key role. On the other hand, discussions about cybersecurity always were and still are inluenced by the
ongoing information revolution, which the USA is
shaping both technologically and intellectually by discussing its implications for international relations and
security and acting on these assumptions.
The cyber-security discourse was never static because the technical aspects of the information infrastructure are constantly evolving. Most importantly,
changes in the technical sub-structure changed the
referent object. In the 1970s and 1980s, cyber-security
was about those parts of the private sector that were
becoming digitalized and also about government networks and the classiied information residing in it. The
growth and spread of computer networks into more
and more aspects of life changed this limited referent
object in crucial ways. In the mid-1990s, it became
clear that key sectors of modern society, including
those vital to national security and to the essential
functioning of (post-)industrialized economies, had
come to rely on a spectrum of highly interdependent national and international software-based control
systems for their smooth, reliable, and continuous
operation. The referent object that emerged was the
totality of critical (information) infrastructures that
provide the way of life that characterizes our societies.
When telling the cyber-security-story we can distinguish between three diferent, but often closely interrelated and reinforcing discourses, with speciic threat
imaginaries and security practices, referent objects,
and key actors. The irst is a technical discourse concerned with malware (viruses, worms, etc.) and system
intrusions. The second is concerned with the phenomena cyber-crime and cyber-espionage. The third is a
discourse driven initially by the US military, focusing
on matters of cyber-war initially but increasingly also
on critical infrastructure protection (see Figure 25.1).
Viruses, worms, and other bugs
(technical discourse)
The technical discourse is focused on computer and
network disruptions caused by diferent types of malware. One of the irst papers on viruses and their risks
was Fred Cohen’s ‘Computer viruses—Theory and
Experiments’, initially presented in 1984 and published
in 1987 (Cohen 1987). His work demonstrated the
Figure 25.1 Three discourses
Main actors
Computer experts
Law enforcement
National security
Civil defence
Business networks
Military networks,
networked armed
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
universality of risk and the limitations of protection in
computer networks and solidiied the basic paradigm
that there can be no absolute security /no zero risk
in information systems. In 1988, the ARPANET had
its irst major network incident: the ‘Morris Worm’.
The worm used so many system resources that the attacked computers could no longer function and large
parts of the early Internet went down.
Its devastating technical efect prompted DARPA to
set up a centre to coordinate communication among
computer experts during IT emergencies and to help
prevent future incidents: a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). This centre, now called the
CERT Coordination Center, still plays a considerable
role in computer security today and served as a role
model for many similar centres all over the world.
Around the same time, the anti-virus industry emerged
and with it techniques and programs for virus recognition, destruction and prevention.
The worm also had a substantial psychological impact by making people aware just how insecure and
unreliable the Internet was. While it had been acceptable in the 1960s that pioneering computer professionals were hacking and investigating computer systems,
the situation had changed by the 1980s. Society had
become dependent on computing in general for business practices and other basic functions. Tampering
with computers suddenly meant potentially endangering people’s careers and property; and some even
said their lives (Spaford 1989). Ever since, malware as
‘visible’ proof of the persuasive insecurity of the information infrastructure has remained in the limelight of
the cyber-security discourse; and it also provides the
back-story for the other two discourses. Table 25.1
lists some of the most prominent examples.
Most obviously, the history of malware is a mirror
of technological development: the type of malware,
the type of targets and the attack vectors all changed
with the technology and the existing technical countermeasures (and continue to do so). This development
goes in sync with the development of the cyber-crime
market, which is driven by the huge sums of money
available to criminal enterprises at low risk of prosecution. While there was a tongue-in-cheek quality
to many of the viruses in the beginning, viruses have
long ago lost their innocence. While prank-like viruses
have not disappeared, computer security professionals
are increasingly concerned with the rising level of professionalization coupled with the obvious criminal (or
even strategic) intent behind attacks. Advanced malware is targeted: A hacker picks a victim, scopes the
defences and then designs malware to get around them
(Symantec 2010). The most prominent example for this
kind of malware is Stuxnet (see Case Study 25.2). However, some IT security companies have recently warned
against overemphasizing so called advanced persistent
threat attacks just because we hear more about them
(Verizon 2010: 16). Only about 3 per cent of all incidents are considered so sophisticated that they were
impossible to stop. The vast majority of attackers go
after small to medium-sized enterprises with bad defences. These types of incidents tend to remain under
the radar of the media and even law-enforcement.
Theoretical research on self-replicating programs in the
early history of computer networks proved that there
could be no absolute security in information systems. In
1988, the Morris Worm downed large parts of the early
Internet, proving the theory right and making clear that
the Internet was a very insecure technology.
As a consequence, the CERT Coordination Center was
founded. It is still very active today and has served as a
model for similar computer emergency response teams
in many countries.
There is a long list of prominent malware, which often
made headlines. Over the years, malware has become more
sophisticated and more clearly linked to criminal intent.
The most dangerous malware today is tailored to a
speciic target. However, the large majority of attacks
remains fairly unsophisticated and go after small or
medium-sized enterprises with little IT security awareness and/or investment.
Cyber-crooks and digital spies
(crime-espionage discourse)
The cyber-crime discourse and the technical discourse
are very closely related. The development of IT law
(and, more speciically, Internet or cyber-law) in diferent countries plays a crucial role in the second discourse
because it allows the deinition and prosecution of misdemeanour. Not surprisingly, the development of legal
tools to prosecute unauthorized entry into computer
systems coincided with the irst serious network incidents described here (cf. Mungo and Clough 1993).
Cyber-crime has come to refer to any crime that
involves computers and networks, like a release of
malware or spam, fraud, and many other things. Until
today, notions of computer-related economic crimes
Table 25.1 Prominent malware
Name of
year of
Creeper virus
Bob Thomas (IT
professional), USA
Speciic types of computer/ Displayed message on computer screen:
operating systems
‘I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!’
Elk Cloner
Richard Skrenta
(15-year-old high school
student), USA
Apple DOS 3.3 operating
Displayed poem, irst line: ‘Elk Cloner:
The program with a personality’
Morris Worm
Robert Morris
(computer student),
UNIX systems
Slowed down machines in the ARPANET
until they became unusable
Huge impact on the general awareness
of insecurity
DOS systems
Overwrote the irst hundred sectors of
the hard disk with nulls
Caused irst digital mass hysteria
Back Oriice
Cult of the Dead Cow
(hacker collective), USA
Windows 98
Tool for remote system administration
(Trojan horse)
David L. Smith
(programmer), USA
Microsoft Word, Outlook
Shut down Internet mail, clogged systems
with infected e-mails
I Love You
Reomel Ramores and
Onel de Guzman
(computer students),
Overwrote iles with copy of itself, sent
itself to the irst ifty people in the
Windows Address Book
Code Red
Microsoft web servers
Defaced websites, used machines for
Windows workstations
and servers
Allowed external control over infected
Jefrey Lee Parson
(18-year-old student),
Windows XP and 2000
DDos-attacks against ‘windowsupdate.com’
Side efects: system crash. Was
suspected to have caused black-out in US
(could not be conirmed)
Windows 95–XP
DDoS-attacks, slowed down Internet
traic worldwide
Sven Jaschan (computer
science student),
Windows XP and
Windows 2000
Internet traic slow down, system crash
(unknown), available to
buy in underground
computer forums
Steals banking and other information,
forms botnets
Forms botnets
US government (+ Israel)
SCADA system
(Siemens industrial
software and equipment)
Spies on and subverts industrial systems
Looks for information useful in attacking
industrial control systems
Code almost identical to Stuxnet
(copy-cat software)
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
determine the discussion about computer misuse. However, a distinct national-security dimension was established when computer intrusions (a criminal act) were
clustered together with the more traditional and wellestablished espionage discourse. Prominent hacking
incidents—such as the intrusions into high-level computers perpetrated by the Milwaukee-based ‘414s’—led
to a feeling in policy circles that there was a need for
action (Ross 1991): if teenagers were able to penetrate
computer networks that easily, it was assumed that better organized entities such as states would be even better equipped to do so. Other events, like the Cuckoo’s
Egg incident, the Rome Lab incident, Solar Sunrise, or
Moonlight Maze made apparent that the threat was not
just one of criminals or juveniles, but that classiied or
sensitive information could be acquired relatively easily
by foreign nationals through hackers (see Table 25.2).
There are three trends worth mentioning. First,
tech-savvy individuals (often juveniles) with the goal
of mischief or personal enrichment shaped the early
history of cyber-crime. Today, professionals dominate
the ield. The Internet is a near ideal playground for
semi- and organized crime in activities such as theft
(like looting online banks, intellectual property, or
identities) or for fraud, forgery, extortion, and money
laundering. Actors in the ‘cyber-crime black market’
are highly organized regarding strategic and operational vision, logistics and deployment. Like many
real companies, they operate across the globe.
Second, the cyber-espionage story has also changed.
There has been an increase in allegations that China is
responsible for high-level penetrations of government
and business computer systems in Europe, North
America, and Asia. Because Chinese authorities have
stated repeatedly that they consider cyberspace a strategic domain and that they hope that mastering it
will equalize the existing military imbalance between
China and the USA more quickly, many oicials readily accuse the Chinese government of deliberate and
targeted attacks or intelligence gathering operations.
However, these allegations almost exclusively rely on
anecdotal and circumstantial evidence.
The so-called attribution problem—which refers
to the diiculty to clearly determining those initially
responsible for a cyber-attack plus identifying their
motivating factors—is the big challenge in the cyberdomain. Due to the architecture of cyberspace, online identities can be optimally hidden. Blame on the
basis of the ‘cui bono’-logic (which translates into ‘to
whose beneit?’) is not suicient proof for political
action. Attacks and exploits that seemingly beneit
states might well be the work of third-party actors
operating under a variety of motivations. At the same
time, the challenges of clearly identifying perpetrators
also gives state actors convenient ‘plausible deniability
and the ability to oicially distance themselves from
attacks’ (Deibert and Rohozinski 2009: 12).
The third trend is the increased attention that
hacktivism—the combination of hacking and activism—
has gained in recent years. WikiLeaks, for example,
has added yet another twist to the cyber-espionage discourse. Acting under the hacker-maxim ‘all information
should be free’, this type of activism deliberately challenges the self-proclaimed power of states to keep information, which they think could endanger or damage
national security, secret. It emerges as a cyber-security
issue in government discourse because of the way a lot
of the data has been stolen (in digital form) but also how
it is made available to the whole world through multiple
mirrors (Internet sites). Somewhat related are the multifaceted activities of hacker collectives such as Anonymous or LulzSec. They creatively play with anonymity
in a time obsessed with control and surveillance and humiliate high-visibility targets by DDoS-attacks, breakins, and the release of sensitive information.
The notion of computer crime and the development
of cyber law coincided with the irst network attacks.
Though this discourse is mainly driven by economic
considerations until today, political cyber-espionage, as a
speciic type of criminal computer activity, started worrying oicials around the same time.
Over the years, cyber-criminals have become wellorganized professionals, operating in a consolidated
cyber-crime black market.
China is often blamed for high-level cyber-espionage,
both political and economic. However, there only is
anecdotal and circumstantial evidence for this.
As there is no way to clearly identify perpetrators that
want to stay hidden in cyberspace (attribution problem),
anyone could be behind actions that seemingly beneit
certain states. States can also plausibly deny being involved.
Politically motivated or activist break-ins by hacker collectives that go after high-level targets, with the aim to
steal and publish sensitive information or just ridiculing
them by targeting their websites, have recently added to
the feeling of insecurity in government circles.
Table 25.2 Cyber-crime and cyber-espionage
Name of incident
414s break-ins
year of
Break-ins into high-proile computer systems
in the United States
Six teenage hackers from
Hanover Hackers
(Cuckoo’s Egg)
Break-ins into high-proile computer systems
in the United States
German hacker recruited by
the KGB
Rome Lab incident
Break-ins into high-proile computer systems
in the United States
British teenage hackers
Citibank incident
$10 million siphoned from Citibank and transferred
the money to bank accounts around the world
Russian hacker(s)
Solar Sunrise
Series of attacks on DoD computer networks
Two teenage hackers from
California plus one Israeli
Pattern of probing of high-proile computer systems
Attributed to Russia
Titan Rain
Moonlight Maze
Access to high-proile computer systems
in the United States
Attributed to China
Zeus Botnet
Trojan horse ‘Zeus’, controlled millions of
machines in 196 countries
International cyber-crime
network, over 90 people
arrested in US alone
Cyber-spying operation, iniltration of
high-value political, economic, and media
locations in 103 countries
Attributed to China
Attacks against Google and other companies
to gain access to and potentially modify source
code repositories at these high tech, security, and
defence contractor companies
Attributed to China
251,287 leaked conidential diplomatic cables from
274 US embassies around the world, dated from
28 December 1966 to 28 February 2010
Wikileaks, not-for-proit
activist organization
Payback and
Avenge Assange
Coordinated, decentralized attacks on opponents
of Internet piracy and companies with perceived
anti-WikiLeaks behaviour
Anonymous, hacker
Sony and other
corporate as well as
government attacks
Highly publicized hacktivist operations
LulzSec, hacker collective
Theft of CO2Emmission
Theft of 475,000 carbon dioxide emissions
allowances worth €6.9 million, or $9.3 million
Attributed to organized
cyber-crime (purpose
probably money laundering)
Cyber(ed) conlicts and vital system
security (military–civil defence
The Gulf War of 1991 created a watershed in US military thinking about cyber-war. Military strategists
saw the conlict as the irst of a new generation of
information age conlicts in which physical force
alone was not suicient, but was complemented by
the ability to win the information war and to secure
‘information dominance’. As a result, American military thinkers began to publish scores of books on the
topic and developed doctrines that emphasized the
ability to degrade or even paralyse an opponent’s
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
communications systems (cf. Campen 1992; Arquilla
and Ronfeldt 1993).
In the mid-1990s, the advantages of the use and
dissemination of ICT that had fuelled the revolution in military afairs were no longer seen only as
a great opportunity providing the country with an
‘information edge’ (Nye and Owens 1996), but were
also perceived as constituting an over-proportional
vulnerability vis-à-vis a plethora of malicious actors. Global information networks seemed to make
it much easier to attack the US asymmetrically and
as such an attack no longer required big, specialized
weapons systems or an army: borders, already porous
in many ways in the real world, were nonexistent in
cyberspace. There was widespread fear that those
likely to fail against the American military would instead plan to bring the USA to its knees by striking
vital points fundamental to the national security and
the essential functioning of industrialized societies at
home. Apart from break-ins into computer networks
that contained sensitive information (see previous
section), exercises designed to assess the plausibility
of information warfare scenarios and to help deine
key issues to be addressed in this area demonstrated
that US critical infrastructure presented a set of attractive strategic targets for opponents possessing information warfare capabilities, be it terrorist groups
or states.
At the same time, the development of military doctrine involving the information domain continued. For
a while, information warfare remained essentially limited to military measures in times of crisis or war. This
began to change around the mid-1990s, when the activities began to be understood as actions targeting the
entire information infrastructure of an adversary—
political, economic, and military, throughout the continuum of operations from peace to war. NATO’s 1999
intervention against Yugoslavia marked the irst sustained use of the full-spectrum of information warfare components in combat. Much of this involved
the use of propaganda and disinformation via the
media (an important aspect of information warfare),
but there were also website defacements, a number
of DDoS-attacks, and (unsubstantiated) rumours that
Slobodan Milosevic’s bank accounts had been hacked
by the US armed forces.
The increasing use of the Internet during the conlict gave it the distinction of being the ‘irst war fought
in cyberspace’ or the ‘irst war on the Internet’. Thereafter, the term cyber-war came to be widely used to
refer to basically any phenomenon involving a deliberate disruptive or destructive use of computers. For
example, the cyber-confrontations between Chinese
and US hackers plus many other nationalities in 2001
have been labelled the ‘irst Cyber World War’. The
cause was a US reconnaissance and surveillance plane
that was forced to land on Chinese territory after a collision with a Chinese jet ighter. In 2007, DDoS-attacks
on Estonian websites were readily attributed to the
Russian government, and various government oicials claimed that this was the irst known case of one
state targeting another using cyber-warfare (see Case
Study 25.1). Similar claims were made in the confrontation between Russia and Georgia of 2008. In other
cases, China is said to be the culprit (see previous section and Table 25.3).
The discovery of Stuxnet in 2010 changed the overall
tone and intensity of the debate (see Case Study 25.2).
CASe STUDy 25.1 estonian ‘cyber-war’
When the Estonian authorities removed a bronze statue of a Second World War-era Soviet soldier from a park a cyberspace-’battle’
ensued, lasting over three weeks, in which a wave of so-called
Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) swamped various
websites—among them the websites of the Estonian parliament,
banks, ministries, newspapers, and broadcasters—disabling them by
overcrowding the bandwidths for the servers running the sites.
Even though it will likely never be possible to provide suicient
evidence for who was behind the attacks, various oicials readily
and publicly blamed the Russian government. Also, despite the
fact that the attacks bore no truly serious consequences for
Estonia other than (minor) economic losses, some oicials even
openly toyed with the idea of a counter-attack in the spirit of
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which states that ‘an
armed attack’ against one or more NATO countries ‘shall be
considered an attack against them all’. The Estonian case is one
of the cases most often referred to in government circles to
prove that there is a rising level of urgency and need for action.
Table 25.3 Instances of cyber(ed)-conlict
Name of incident
year of
Actors /perpetrators
Gulf War
First of a new generation of conlicts
where victory is no longer dependent
only on physical force, but also on the
ability to win the information war and to
secure ‘information dominance’
US military
Dutch hacker incident
Intrusions into Pentagon computers
during Gulf War. Access to unclassiied,
sensitive information
Dutch teenagers
Operation ‘Allied Force’
‘The irst Internet War’: sustained
use of the full-spectrum of information
warfare components in combat.
Numerous hacktivism incidents
US military, hacktivists
from many countries
E-mail looding and Denial-of-Service
(DoS) attacks against government and
partisan websites during second Intifada
Palestinian and Israeli
‘Cyber World-War I’
Defacement of Chinese and US websites
and waves of DDoS-attacks after US
reconnaissance and surveillance
plane was forced to land on Chinese
Hacktivists from many
nations (Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, India, Brazil,
Argentina, Malaysia,
Korea, Indonesia, Japan)
Cyber-attack on cell phones, computers,
and other communication devices that
terrorists were using to plan and
carry out roadside bombs
US military
Estonia DDoS-attacks
DDoS-attacks against websites of
the Estonian parliament, banks, ministries,
newspapers, and broadcasters
Attributed to Russian
Georgia DDoS-attacks
DDoS-attacks against numerous
Georgian websites
Attributed to Russian
GhostNet iniltrations
GhostNet related iniltrations of computers
belonging to Tibetan exile groups
Attributed to Chinese
Computer worm that might have been
deliberately released to slow down
Iranian nuclear programme
US government (+
Korean network
Botnets and DDos-attacks against
government websites. Experts
suspected North Korean
‘cyber-weapons’ test
Attributed to NorthKorean government
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
CASe STUDy 25.2 Stuxnet
Stuxnet is a computer worm that was discovered in June 2010
and has been called ‘[O]ne of the great technical blockbusters in malware history’ (Gross 2011). It is a complex program.
It is likely that writing it took a substantial amount of time,
advanced-level programming skills and insider knowledge of
industrial processes. Therefore, Stuxnet is probably the most
expensive malware ever found. In addition, it behaves diferently from malware released for criminal intent: it does not
steal information and it does not herd infected computers into
so-called botnets from which to launch further attacks. Rather,
it looks for a very speciic target: Stuxnet was written to attack
Siemens’ Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that are used to control and monitor industrial processes.
In August 2010, the security company Symantec noted that 60
per cent of the infected computers worldwide were in Iran.
Due to the attribution problem, it was impossible to know for certain who was behind this piece
of code, though many suspected one or several state
actors (Farwell and Rohozinski 2011). In June 2012, it
was revealed that Stuxnet is part of a US and Israeli
intelligence operation and that it was indeed programmed and released to sabotage the Iranian nuclear
programme. For many observers, Stuxnet as a ‘digital
irst strike’ marks the beginning of the unchecked use
of cyber-weapons in military-like aggressions (Gross
2011). However, other reports think this unlikely (cf.
Sommer and Brown 2011), mainly due the uncertain
results a cyber-war would bring, the lack of motivation
on the part of the possible combatants and their shared
inability to defend against counterattacks.
Future conlicts between nations will most certainly have a cyberspace component but they will be
just a part of the battle. It is therefore more sensible
to speak about cyber(ed) conlicts, conlicts ‘in which
success or failure for major participants is critically dependent on computerized key activities along the path
of events’ (Demchak 2010). Dubbing occurrences as
‘cyber-war’ too carelessly bears the inherent danger of
creating an atmosphere of insecurity and tension and
fuelling a cyber-security dilemma: many countries are
currently said to have functional cyber-commands
or be in the process of building one. Because cybercapabilities cannot be divulged by normal intelligence
gathering activities, uncertainty and mistrust are on
the rise.
It was also reported that Stuxnet damaged centrifuges in the
Iran nuclear programme. This evidence led several experts to
the conclusion that one or several nation states—most often
named are the USA and/or Israel–were behind the attack. The
involvement of the US government has since been conirmed.
On another note, Stuxnet provided a platform for an evergrowing host of cyber-war-experts to speculate about the
future of cyber-aggression. Internationally, Stuxnet has had two
main efects: irst, governments all over the world are currently
releasing or updating cyber-security strategies and are setting
up new organizational units for cyber-defence (and -ofence).
Second, Stuxnet can be considered a ‘wake-up’ call: ever since
its discovery, increasingly serious attempts to come to some
type of agreement on the non-aggressive use of cyberspace
between states are undertaken.
The Gulf War of 1991 is considered to be the irst of a new
generation of conlicts in which mastering the information
domain becomes a deciding factor. Afterwards, the information warfare doctrine was developed in the US military.
Increasing dependence of the military, but also of society
in general, on information infrastructures made clear
that information warfare was a double-edged sword.
Cyberspace seemed the perfect place to launch an
asymmetrical attack against civilian or military critical
The US military tested its information warfare doctrine
for the irst time during a NATO operation ‘Allied Force’
in 1999. It was the irst armed conlict in which all sides,
including actors not directly involved, had an active online
presence, and in which the Internet was actively used for
the exchange and publication of conlict-relevant information. Thereafter, the term ‘cyber-war’ came to be used
for almost any type of conlict with a cyber-component.
The recent discovery of a computer worm that
sabotages industrial processes and was programmed
by order of a state actor has alarmed the international
community. Some experts believe that this marks the
beginning of unrestrained cyber-war among states.
Others think that highly unlikely and warn against an
excessive use of the term cyber-war. Future conlicts
between states will also be fought in cyberspace, but
not exclusively. One useful term for them is cyber(ed)
Key IDeAS 25.1 presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure protection
Following the Oklahoma City Bombing, President Bill Clinton
set up the Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure
Protection (PCCIP) to look into the security of vital systems
such as gas, oil, transportation, water, telecommunications, etc.
The PCCIP presented its report in the fall of 1997 (Presidential
Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection 1997). It
concluded that the security, economy, way of life, and perhaps
even the survival of the industrialized world were dependent
on the interrelated trio of electrical energy, communications,
and computers. Further, it stressed that advanced societies rely
heavily upon critical infrastructures, which are susceptible to
Reducing cyber-in-security
The three diferent discourses have produced speciic
types of concepts and countermeasures in accordance
with their focus and main referent objects (see Figure
25.2), some of which are discussed later.
Despite fancy concepts such as cyber-deterrence
the common issue in all discourses is information assurance, which is the basic security of information
and information systems. It is common practice that
the entities that own a computer network are also responsible for protecting it (governments protect government networks, militaries only military ones, and
companies protect their own, etc.). However, there
are some assets considered so crucial to the functioning of society in the private sector that governments
take additional measures to ensure an adequate level
of protection. These eforts are usually subsumed
under the label of critical (information) infrastructure protection.
In the 1990s, critical infrastructures became the
main referent object in the cyber-security debate.
Whereas critical infrastructure protection (CIP)
encompasses more than just cyber-security, cyberaspects have always been the main driver (see Key
Ideas 25.1).
The key challenge for CIP eforts arise from the
privatization and deregulation of large parts of the
public sector since the 1980s and the globalization
processes of the 1990s, which have put many critical
infrastructures in the hands of private (transnational)
enterprises. This creates a situation in which market
forces alone are not suicient to provide the aspired
level of security in designated critical infrastructure
classical physical disruptions and new virtual threats. While the
study assessed a list of critical infrastructures or ‘sectors’—for
example the inancial sector, energy supply, transportation, and
the emergency services—the main focus was on cyber-risks.
There were two reasons for this decision: irst, these were the
least known because they were basically new, and second, many
of the other infrastructures were seen to depend on data and
communication networks. The PCCIP linked the cyber-security
discourse irmly to the topic of critical infrastructures. Thereafter, CIP became a key topic in many other countries.
sectors,1 but state actors are also incapable of providing the necessary level of security on their own
(unless they heavily regulate, which they are usually
reluctant to do).
Public–Private Partnerships (PPP), a form of cooperation between the state and the private sector, are
widely seen as a panacea for this problem in the policy
community—and cooperation programmes that follow the PPP idea are part of all existing initiatives in the
ield of CIP today, though with varying success. A large
number of them are geared towards facilitating information exchange between companies and between
companies and government on security, disruptions,
and best practices. Mutual win–win situations are to
be created by exchanging information that the other
party does not have: the government ofers classiied
information acquired by its intelligence services about
potentially hostile groups and nation states in exchange
for technological knowledge from the private sector
that the public sector does not have (President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection 1997: 20).
Information assurance is guided by the management of risk, which is essentially about accepting that
one is (or remains) insecure: the level of risk can never
be reduced to zero. This means that minor and probably also major cyber-incidents are bound to happen
because they simply cannot be avoided even with
perfect risk management. This is one of the main
1 The most frequently listed examples are banking and
inance, government services, telecommunication and information and communication technologies, emergency
and rescue services, energy and electricity, health services,
transportation, logistics and distribution, and water supply.
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Figure 25.2 Countermeasures
Main actors
Computer experts
Law enforcement
Business sector
Military/civil defence
Security professionals,
military, civil defence
Military networks,
networked forces
Critical infrastructures
Information assurance
CERTs (specific
for different
domain, milCert,
govCert etc.)
Computer law
Critical (information)
infrastructure protection
Cyber-offence; cyberdefence; cyberdeterrence
International International
security standards
Harmonization of
law (Convention on
Mutual judicial
Arms control
behavioural norms
reasons why the concept of resilience has gained so
much weight in recent debates (Perelman 2007). Resilience is commonly deined as the ability of a system to
recover from a shock, either returning back to its original state or to a new adjusted state. Resilience accepts
that disruptions are inevitable and can be considered a
‘Plan B’ in case something goes wrong.
In the military discourse, the terms cyber-ofence,
cyber-defence, and cyber-deterrence are often used
as countermeasures. Under closer scrutiny, cyberdefence (and to some degree -ofence) are not much
more than fancy words for information assurance practices. Cyber-deterrence on the other hand deserves
some attention. Cyberspace clearly poses considerable
limitations for classical deterrence. Deterrence works
if one party is able to successfully convey to another
that it is both capable and willing to use a set of available (often military) instruments against him if the
other steps over the line. This requires an opponent
that is clearly identiiable as an attacker and has to fear
retaliation—which is not the case in cyber-security because of the attribution problem. However, this is not
stopping US government oicials from threatening to
use kinetic response in case of a cyber-attack on their
critical infrastructures (Gorman and Barnes 2011).
Naturally, the military discourse falls back on wellknown concepts such as deterrence, which means that
the concept of cyber-deterrence, including its limits, will remain a much discussed issue in the future.
In theory, efective cyber-deterrence would require
a wide-ranging scheme of ofensive and defensive
cyber-capabilities supported by a robust international
legal framework as well as the ability to attribute an
attack to an attacker without any doubt. The design
of defensive cyber-capabilities and the design of better legal tools are relatively uncontested. Many international organizations and international bodies have
taken steps to raise awareness, establish international
partnerships, and agree on common rules and practices. One key issue is the harmonization of law to facilitate the prosecution of perpetrators of cyber-crime.
While there is wide agreement on what steps are
necessary to tackle international cyber-crime, states
are unwilling to completely forgo ofensive and aggressive use of cyberspace. Due to this, and increasingly so since the discovery of Stuxnet, eforts are
underway to control the military use of computer
exploitation through arms control or multilateral behavioural norms, agreements that might pertain to
the development, distribution, and deployment of
cyber-weapons, or to their use. However, traditional
capability-based arms control will clearly not be of
much use, mainly due to the impossibility of verifying limitations on the technical capabilities of actors,
especially non-state ones. The avenues available for
arms control in this arena are primarily information
exchange and norm-building, whereas structural
approaches and attempts to prohibit the means of
cyber-war altogether or restricting their availability
are largely impossible due to the ubiquity and dualuse nature of information technology.
There are a variety of approaches and concepts to secure information and critical information infrastructures.
The key concept is a risk management practice known as
information assurance, which aims to protect the conidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and the
systems and processes used for the storage, processing,
and transmission of information.
Critical (information) infrastructure protection (C(I)
IP) has become a key concept in the 1990s. Because a
very large part of critical infrastructures are no longer
in the hands of government, CIP practices mainly build
on public–private partnerships. At the core of them lies
information sharing between the private and the public
Because the information infrastructure is persuasively
insecure, risk management strategies are complemented
by the concept of resilience. Resilience is about having systems rebound from shocks in an optimal way.
The concept accepts that absolute security cannot be
obtained and that minor or even major disturbances are
bound to happen.
The military concepts of cyber-defence and cyberofence are militarized words for information assurance
practices. Cyber-deterrence, on the other hand, is a
concept that moves deterrence into the new domain of
If cyber-deterrence were to work, functioning ofensive
and defensive cyber-capabilities, plus the fear of retaliation, both militarily and legally, would be needed. This
would also include the ability to clearly attribute attacks.
Internationally, eforts are underway to further harmonize cyber-law. In addition, because future use of
cyberspace for strategic military purposes remains one
of the biggest fears in the debate, there are attempts to
curtail the military use of computer exploitation through
arms control or multilateral behavioural norms.
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
The level of cyber-risk
Diferent political, economic, and military conlicts
clearly have had cyber(ed)-components for a number of
years now. Furthermore, criminal and espionage activities with the help of computers happen every day. Cyber-incidents are causing minor and occasionally major
inconveniences. These may be in the form of lost intellectual property or other proprietary data, maintenance
and repair, lost revenue, and increased security costs. Beyond the direct impact, badly handled cyber-attacks have
also damaged corporate (and government) reputations
and have, theoretically at least, the potential to reduce
public conidence in the security of Internet transactions
and e-commerce if they become more frequent.
However, in the entire history of computer networks, there have been only very few examples of
attacks or other type of incidents that had the potential to rattle an entire nation or cause a global shock.
There are even fewer examples of cyber-attacks that
resulted in actual physical violence against persons
or property (Stuxnet being the most prominent). The
huge majority of cyber-incidents have caused inconveniences or minor losses rather than serious or longterm disruptions. They are risks that can be dealt with
by individual entities using standard information security measures and their overall costs remain low in
comparison to other risk categories like inancial risks.
This fact tends to be disregarded in policy circles,
because the level of cyber-fears is high and the military
discourse has a strong mobilizing power. This has important political efects. A large part of the discourse
evolves around ‘cyber-doom’ (worst-case) scenarios
in the form of major, systemic, catastrophic incidents
involving critical infrastructures caused by attacks.
Since the potentially devastating efects of cyberattacks are so scary, the temptation to not only think
about worst-case scenarios but also give them a lot of
(often too much) weight despite their very low probability is high.
There are additional reasons why the threat is overrated. First, as combating cyber-threats has become a
highly politicized issue, oicial statements about the
level of threat must also be seen in the context of different bureaucratic entities that compete against each
other for resources and inluence. This is usually done
by stating an urgent need for action (which they should
take) and describing the overall threat as big and rising.
Second, psychological research has shown that risk perception is highly dependent on intuition and emotions,
as well as the perceptions of experts (Gregory and Mendelsohn 1993). Cyber-risks, especially in their more extreme form, it the risk proile of so-called ‘dread risks’,
which appear uncontrollable, catastrophic, fatal, and
unknown. There is a propensity to be disproportionally
afraid of these risks despite their low probability, which
translates into pressure for regulatory action of all sorts
and a willingness to bear high costs of uncertain beneit.
The danger of overly dramatizing the threat manifests itself in reactions that call for military retaliation (as happened in the Estonian case and in other
instances) or other exceptional measures. Though the
last section has shown that there are many diferent
types of countermeasures in place, and that most of
them are in fact not exceptional, this kind of threat
rhetoric invokes enemy images even if there is no
identiiable enemy, favours national solutions instead
of international ones, and centres too strongly on
national-security measures instead of economic and
business solutions. Only computer attacks whose effects are suiciently destructive or disruptive need the
attention of the traditional national security apparatus. Attacks that disrupt nonessential services, or that
are mainly a costly nuisance, should not.
The majority of cyber-incidents so far have caused minor
inconveniences and their cost remains low in comparison to
other risk categories. Only very few attacks had the potential for grave consequences and even fewer actually had any
impact on property. None have ever caused loss of life.
Despite this, the feeling persists in policy circles that a largescale cyber attack is just around the corner. The potential
for catastrophic cyber attacks against critical infrastructures,
though very unlikely, remains the main concern and the main
reason for seeing cyber-security as a national security issue.
The level of cyber-risk is overstated. Reasons are to be
found in bureaucratic turf battles due to scarce resources
and in the fact that cyber-risks are so called ‘dread risks’, of
which human beings are disproportionally afraid. Overstating the risk comes with the danger of prioritising the wrong
Despite the increasing attention cyber-security is getting in security politics and despite the possibility of
a major, systemic, catastrophic incident involving
critical infrastructures, computer network vulnerabilities are mainly a business and espionage problem.
Depending on their (potential) severity, however,
disruptive incidents in the future will continue to fuel
the military discourse, and with it fears of strategic
cyber-war. Certainly, thinking about (and planning
for) worst-case scenarios is a legitimate task of the national security apparatus. However, they should not
receive too much attention in favour of more plausible and more likely problems.
In seeking a prudent policy, the diiculty for decision makers is to navigate the rocky shoals between
hysterical doomsday scenarios and uninformed
complacency. Threat-representation must remain
well informed and well balanced not to allow overreactions with costs that are too high and beneits
that are uncertain. For example, an ‘arms race’ in
cyberspace, based on the fear of other states’ cybercapabilities, would most likely have hugely detrimental efects on the way humankind uses the Internet.
Also, solving the attribution problem would come at
a very high cost for privacy. Even though we must
expect disturbances in the cyber-domain in the future
we must not expect outright disasters. Some of the
cyber-disturbances may well turn into crises, but a
crisis can also be seen as a turning point rather than
an end state where the aversion of disaster or catastrophe is always possible. If societies become more
fault tolerant psychologically and more resilient
overall, the likelihood for catastrophe in general and
catastrophic system failure in particular can be substantially reduced.
Cyber-security issues are also challenging for students and academics more generally. Experts of all
sorts widely disagree how likely future cyber-doom
scenarios are—and all of their claims are based on
(educated) guesses. While there is at least proof and
experience of cyber-crime, cyber-espionage or other
lesser forms of cyber-incidents on a daily basis, cyber-incidents of bigger proportions (cyber-terror or
cyber-war) exist solely in the form of stories or narratives. The way we imagine them inluences our
judgement of their likelihood; and there are an ininite number of ways in how we could imagine them.
Therefore, there is no way to study the ‘actual’ level
of cyber-risk in any sound way because it only exists
in and through the representations of various actors
in the political domain. As a consequence, the focus
of research necessarily shifts to contexts and conditions that determine the process by which key actors
subjectively arrive at a shared understanding of how
to conceptualize and ultimately respond to a security
Who beneits in what ways from calling malware cyber-weapons?
What are the pros and cons of abolishing anonymity (and therefore partially solving the attribution problem) on
the Internet in the name of security?
What side efects does the indiscriminate use of the terms cyber-terror and cyber-war have?
Are hacktivism activities a legitimate way to express political or economic grievances?
What are the limits of traditional arms control mechanisms applied to cyber-weapons?
Why does the intelligence community not have more information on the cyber-capabilities of other states?
What are the similarities and what the diferences between information security and national security?
Which aspects of cyber-security should be considered a part of national security, and which aspects should not?
What might be the next referent object in the cyber-security discourse?
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Arquilla, J. and Ronfeldt, D. F. (eds) (1997), In Athena’s Camp: Preparing for Conlict in the Information Age, Santa Monica:
RAND. This is one of the key texts about information warfare.
Brown, K. A. (2006), Critical Path: A Brief History of Critical Infrastructure Protection in the United States, Arlington,
VA: George Mason University Press. Provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of critical infrastructure
protection in the United States.
Deibert, R. and Rohozinski, R. (2010) ‘Risking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security’, International
Political Sociology 4/1: 15–32. An intelligent account of the threat discourse that diferentiates between risks to cyberspace and risks through cyberspace.
Dunn Cavelty, M. (2008), Cyber-Security and Threat Politics: US Eforts to Secure the Information Age, London:
Routledge. Examines how, under what conditions, by whom, for what reasons, and with what impact cyber-threats
have been moved on to the political agenda in the USA.
Libicki, M. (2009), Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar, Santa Monica: RAND. Explores the speciic laws of cyberspace
and uses the results to address the pros and cons of counterattack, the value of deterrence and vigilance, and other
defensive actions in the face of deliberate cyber-attack.
National Research Council (2009), Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack
Capabilities, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Focuses on the use of cyber-attack as an instrument
of US policy and explores important characteristics of cyber-attack.
Sommer, P. and Sommer, I. (2011), Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk, OECD Research Report, http://www.
oecd.org/dataoecd/3/42/46894657.pdf. A down-to-earth report that concludes that it is extremely unlikely that
cyber-attacks could create problems like those caused by a global pandemic or the recent inancial crisis, let alone
an actual war.
http://cipp.gmu.edu George Mason University (GMU), Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Program Website: The GMU CIP program is a valuable source of information for both US and international CIP-related issues
and developments.
http://www.schneier.com Schneier on Security: Bruce Schneier is a refreshingly candid and lucid computer
security critic and commentator. In his blog, he covers computer security issues of all sorts.
http://www.iwar.org.uk The Information Warfare Site: an online resource that aims to stimulate debate on a
variety of issues involving information security, information operations, computer network operations, homeland
security, and more.
http://www.infowar.com Infowar Site: A site dedicated to tracking open source stories relating to the full-spectrum of information warfare, information security, and critical infrastructure protection.
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