Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
DOI 10.1007/s00170-009-2335-x
Plastic bulging of sheet metals at high strain rates
Maziar Ramezani & Zaidi Mohd Ripin & Roslan Ahmad
Received: 17 February 2009 / Accepted: 21 September 2009 / Published online: 17 October 2009
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
Abstract The biaxial bulge test is a material test for sheet
metals to evaluate formability and determine the flow stress
diagram. Due to the biaxial state of stress induced in this test,
the maximum achievable strain before fracture is much larger
than in the uniaxial tensile test. A new dynamic bulge testing
technique is simulated and analyzed in this study which can
be performed on a conventional split Hopkinson pressure bar
(SHPB) system to evaluate the strain-rate dependent strength
of material at high impact velocities. Polyurethane rubber as
pressure carrying medium is used to bulge the OFHC copper
sheet. The use of hyperelastic rubber instead of fluid as a
pressure medium makes the bulge test simple and easy to
perform. The input bar of SHPB is used to apply and
measure the bulging pressure. The finite element simulation
using ABAQUS/explicit and analytical analysis are compared and show good correlation with each other. The results
clearly show that as the strain-rate increases, the strength of
the OFHC copper increases. From the study, a robust method
to determine the material behavior under dynamically biaxial
deformation conditions has been developed.
Keywords Bulging . Hyperelastic . Johnson-cook .
Split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) . Strain rate
1 Introduction
The most widely used test for determining mechanical
properties of sheet metal is the standard tensile test which
gives the ultimate tensile strength, the yield strength, the total
M. Ramezani (*) : Z. M. Ripin : R. Ahmad
School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
[email protected]
elongation, and the reduction in area at rupture. The tensile
test is simple and inexpensive to conduct, but it has
limitations because it only provides the stress–strain behavior
of the sheet material under uniaxial deformation conditions.
For materials in the form of rod or bar, a number of
alternative mechanical tests are used, such as simple
compression, torsion, and plane strain compression tests.
For sheet material, however, these tests are impractical or
inconvenient, and the only widely used alternative to the
tensile test is the hydraulic bulge test. In this test, the sheet
metal clamped at its edges is stretched against circular die
using oil/viscous as a pressure carrying medium. When the
medium in the lower chamber is pressurized, the sheet is
bulged into the cavity of the upper die (see Fig. 1). The
clamping force between the lower and upper die has to be
high enough to prevent sliding of the sheet to the die cavity.
Thus, the sheet will only be stretched and no draw-in will
occur. When the deformation of the material exceeds its
formability limit, the sheet will fracture. In this test, the
deformation is not affected by friction. Thus, the reproducibility of the test results is good.
The basic quasi-static bulge test was developed in the
late 1940s to investigate the plasticity [1] and strength of
sheet metals [2]. Flow stress of the sheet material can be
calculated from bulge test using analytical equations
assuming sheet metal as thin membrane. Calculation of
the flow stress from the bulge test requires (a) bulging
pressure, (b) dome height, (c) radius of curvature at the top
of the dome, and (d) thickness at the top of the dome to be
measured real time in the experiment. Gutscher et al. [3]
used a viscous pressure bulge test for determination of flow
stress under quasi-static biaxial state of stress. They
performed FEM simulations and experiments in order to
study the interrelationship of the geometric and material
variables such as dome wall thinning, dome radius, dome
Fig. 1 Initial and the pressurized sheet and the geometry of the bulge test
height, strain hardening index, material strength coefficient,
and anisotropy. They could develop a robust method to
determine the flow stress under biaxial deformation
conditions using a viscous material as pressure medium.
Several years ago, high strain rate metal forming was
fairly well developed. These techniques had some advantages over conventional metal forming. These include the
ability to use single-sided dies, reduced springback, and
improved formability [4]. The strain rate has a significant
effect on the material behavior during the deformation
process as well as on the final properties of products [5].
So, the investigation of the influence of the impact rate on
the properties and behavior of materials is very demanding.
Broomheas and Grieve [6] studied the effect of strain rate
on the strain to fracture of sheets using bulge test. They
used a drop hammer rig that makes use of a falling weight
to impact a punch which applies a pressure loading to the
fluid above the sheet material. They could determine the
forming limit diagram of low carbon steel for strain rates of
up to 70 S−1. Grolleau et al. [7] developed a dynamic bulge
testing technique to perform biaxial tests on metals at high
Fig. 2 Typical compressive
split Hopkinson pressure bar
apparatus [9]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
strain rates. They used split Hopkinson pressure bar
apparatus with viscoelastic nylon bars to perform dynamic
bulge experiments on aluminum sheets for plastic strain
rates of up to 500 S-1. They analyzed the experimental
system and measurement accuracy in details and found that
bars made of low impedance materials must be used to
achieve satisfactory pressure measurement accuracy.
The objective of this study is to develop a numerical and
theoretical technique for analyzing dynamically loaded sheet
materials using the hydraulic bulge test principle where
rubber is used as the pressure medium instead of hydraulic
fluid. Using rubber simplifies the test rig and overcomes the
problem of leakage of high pressure fluid. The new dynamic
bulge testing method which is simulated and analyzed in this
study can be performed on a conventional split Hopkinson
pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus. The commercial finite
element code ABAQUS/Explicit has been chosen as
numerical test-bed for simulation of dynamic bulging test.
Theoretical analysis is based on conventional hydraulic
bulge test principle and SHPB relations. In the development
of this method, analytical investigations and simulations
concerning the dynamic bulge test were carried out. To
verify the accuracy of developed method, analytical and
finite element results are compared.
2 Dynamic bulge testing system
SHPB has become a commonly accepted test method for
strain rates in the range of medium and high strain rates
(102–104 S−1) [8] and has been used to test various
engineering materials. The conventional split Hopkinson
bar apparatus consists of two long slender bars that sandwich
a short cylindrical specimen between them (see Fig. 2). By
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
striking the end of a bar, a compressive stress wave is
generated that immediately begins to travel towards the
specimen. Upon arrival at the specimen, the wave partially
reflects back towards the impact end. The remainder of the
wave transmits through the specimen and into the second
bar. It is shown that the reflected and transmitted waves are
proportional to the specimen’s strain rate and stress,
respectively. Specimen strain can be determined by integrating the strain rate. By monitoring the strains in the two bars,
specimen stress–strain properties can be calculated [10].
The current SHPB technique which is established by
Kolsky [11] is based on one-dimensional wave propagation
analysis in pressure bars. The engineering stress, strain rate,
and strain, defined on the specimen length, are obtained
s s ðtÞ ¼ E
"T ðtÞ
d"s ðtÞ
¼ 2
"R ðtÞ
"s ðtÞ ¼ 2
"R ðtÞdt
considered a movable “bulge cell” with polyurethane rubber
as pressure medium which can be used to perform dynamic
bulge tests in a conventional SHPB system. When bulging
with rubber, sealing problems and the possibility of leakage
of the high-pressure liquid employed in hydraulic bulging
are eliminated. The need for the filling and removal of fluid
or the cleaning of the bulged specimen after forming is
eliminated. The insertion of the rubber is quick and
convenient, and the rubber can be reused [12].
The bulge cell is composed of a thick-walled rubber
chamber and a die (Fig. 3). For simulation, the round
OFHC copper sheet specimen of thickness 1 mm is
clamped between the chamber and the die. The input bar
is inserted into the chamber which is filled with polyurethane rubber to transmit the pressure from the input bar to
the sheet surface. The outer diameter of the SHPB pressure
bars match the inner diameter of the container and die. The
pressure bars are made of aluminum. When the striker bar
impacts the input bar at a defined velocity, a compressive
stress wave is generated propagating towards the input bar/
rubber interface. This stress wave is transmitted through the
rubber and ultimately causes the bulging of the sheet
specimen, while both the bulge cell and the output bar are
accelerated [7]. Throughout each simulation, the incident,
reflected and transmitted waves, are measured at the center
of the pressure bars.
is the elastic stress wave speed in pressure
where C0 ¼
bars, E and ρ are Young’s modulus and the density of
pressure bars, respectively, L0 and A0 (A0 ¼ pd40 ; where d0
is the diameter of the specimen) are the original length and
cross-section area of the specimen and A is the crosssection area of pressure bars, εR and εT are the recorded
reflected and transmitted strain pulses with the time being
shifted from the strain gage locations to the interfaces
between pressure bars and specimen according to the elastic
wave speed in pressure bars.
The dynamic bulge testing setup which is simulated in this
study is based on the work of Grolleau et al. [7]. Figure 3
shows a schematic of the dynamic bulge testing setup. We
Fig. 3 Schematic of the dynamic
bulge testing setup
3 Theoretical investigation
3.1 Membrane theory
For a thin spherical shell expanded uniformly by internal
pressure, the membrane stress is given very closely by the
where p is the bulge pressure, and td, Rd are the thickness
and radius at the top of the dome, respectively (see Fig. 1).
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
The equivalent strain can be calculated using the sheet
" ¼ ln
and the reflected strain pulse εR(t) at the input bar/rubber
The radius at the top of the dome can be calculated by
þ h2d 2Rc hd
2 þ Rc
Rd ¼
u in ðtÞ ¼ C0 ½"I ðtÞ þ "R ðtÞ
where C0 ¼ Er is the one dimensional elastic stress wave
speed in pressure bars and E, ρ are Young’s modulus and
the density of pressure bars, respectively. The velocity of
the bulge cell u out ðtÞ is determined from the transmitted
wave εT(t) at the output bar/die interface.
where Rc is the radius of the fillet of the cavity, dc is the
diameter of the cavity, and hd is the dome height. Panknin
[13] investigated the hydraulic bulge test experimentally.
He measured the radius at the top of the dome of the
deformed samples with radii gages. He also calculated the
radius at the top of the dome using Eq. 6. The calculated
radius agreed well with experimental values for dome
heights, normalized by the diameter of the cavity, of up to
dc ¼ 0:28. For larger dome heights, the radius of the dome
determined experimentally was found to be up to 10%
smaller than the calculated one.
Hill [14] developed analytical methods to describe the
deformation in the hydraulic bulge test. For his calculations, he assumed that the shape of the bulge is spherical.
With this assumption, the thickness at the top of the dome
can be calculated by the following equation:
td ¼ t0 @
2 A
This equation was improved by Chakrabarty and Alexander
[15] who considered the strain hardening coefficient, n, in
the equation:
td ¼ t0 @
2 A
Panknin [13] performed an experimental study of
hydraulic bulge with materials with different strain
hardening index, n, and found that the strain hardening
index has significant influence on the dome height and
thickness at the top of the dome. He found that the thickness
distribution is more uniform in materials with larger strain
hardening. This means that a material with larger strain
hardening has, at the same dome height, a larger thickness at
the top of the dome [3].
3.2 Dynamic bulge theory
The input bar of SHPB is used to measure the bulging
pressure. The rubber pressure in the bulge cell is
determined directly from the incident strain pulse εI(t)
pðtÞ ¼ E ½"I ðtÞ þ "R ðtÞ
The corresponding input bar/rubber interface velocity is:
u out ðtÞ ¼ C0 "T ðtÞ
The effective bulge velocity is the difference of interface
¼ u ðtÞ u ðtÞ
The effective bulge displacement can be determined by
integration of Eq. 11 as a function of the measured strain
½"I ðt Þ þ "R ðt Þdt þ "T ðt Þdt
DuðtÞ ¼ C0
4 Finite element analysis
In order to simulate dynamic bulge forming, a finite element
model is built in commercial software ABAQUS. An explicit
nonlinear approach with negligible temperature effects is
assumed for simulations. By taking advantage of axisymmetry, it is possible to simulate the process as two-dimensional
axisymmetric model. The die and rubber container are made
of mild steel and are modeled as elastic bodies. Polyurethane
rubber is used to bulge an OFHC copper blank of diameter
50 mm and thickness of 1 mm. The Coulomb friction model
with the coefficient of friction of 0.25 is used to model the
interface between rubber and sheet (see Ramezani et al. [16,
17]). All other interfaces are modeled as friction-free. The
interactions between all components are modeled using an
automatic surface to surface contact algorithm. All geometric
entities are modeled using CAX4R elements. CAX4R is a
four-node bilinear axisymmetric quadrilateral, reduced integration, hourglass control element.
Since the model is developed by taking advantage of
axisymmetry, the component nodes at the symmetry edges
are restrained in the appropriate directions. The end of
output bar is also constrained in the Y-direction in order to
model the momentum trap. The initial velocity is applied to
the striker bar to impact the input bar. The axisymmetric
finite element model of the bulge cell at the end of the
process is shown in Fig. 4.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
Based on the above relations, Johnson and Cook [18]
presented the following equation for strength model, where
the von-Mises flow stress is given as:
m i
1 T*
s ¼ ½A þ Bð"Þn 1 þ C ln "*
where A, B, C, n, m are material constants which are
experimentally determined. The expression in the first set
of brackets gives the stress as a function of strain for "* ¼ 1
and T* =0. The expressions in the second and third sets of
brackets represent the effects of strain rate and temperature.
The homologous temperature T* is the ratio of current
temperature T to the melting temperature Tm.
Fig. 4 Axisymmetric finite element model of the bulge cell at the end
of the process
The pressure bars mesh comprises only one element row
in the radial direction. The pressure bars are made of
aluminum and are modeled as linear elastic with the
Young’s modulus E=70 GPa and the mass density ρ=
2,700 kg/m3. The Poisson ratios are set to a nonphysical
value of v=0. Thus, uniaxial waves in the computational
model are not altered when traveling along the bar axis. The
length and diameter of the input and output bars are L=
150 mm and d=12 mm.
The Johnson–Cook [18] material model is used for the
OFHC copper blank. It expresses the equivalent von-Mises
flow stress as a function of the equivalent plastic strain,
strain rate, and temperature. In quasi-static conditions,
metals work harder along the well-known relationship
which is known as parabolic hardening rule:
s ¼ s 0 þ k"n
where σ0 is the yield stress of the metal, n is work
hardening exponent, and k is the exponential factor.
Dynamic events often involve increases in temperature
due to adiabatic heating, and so the thermal softening must
be included in the constitutive model. Johnson and Cook
[18] described the effect of temperature on the flow stress
with following relation:
s ¼ sr 1
T Tr
T m Tr
where Tm is the melting point, Tr is a reference temperature
at which reference stress σr is measured, and m is materialdependent constant. The strain rate effect can be simply
expressed with the following relationship, which is very
often observed at strain rates that are not too high.
s / ln "
T* ¼
T Tr
Tm Tr
where Tr is the reference temperature at which σ0 is
measured. Dimensionless strain rate "* is given as
"* ¼
where " is the effective plastic strain rate, and "0 is the
reference strain rate which can, for convenience, be made
equal to 1 ð"0 ¼ 1 s1 Þ. The material constants for OFHC
copper as reported by Johnson and Cook [19] are listed in
Table 1.
Flexible materials have nonlinear stress–strain characteristics for relatively large deformations. Under such conditions, they are generally assumed as nearly incompressible.
To model these hyperelastic materials through FEM, a
constitutive law based on total strain energy density W has
to be adopted [12]. Among several approaches, Mooney–
Rivlin theory [20] is used based on the polynomial
development of total strain energy. The Mooney–Rivlin
material model has previously been used with success to
predict the behavior of hyperelastic materials at high strain
rates (see, e.g., Shergold et al. [21]). The form of the
Mooney–Rivlin strain energy potential is:
s ij ¼
W ¼
Ckm ðI1 3Þk þ ðI2 3Þm þ k ðI3 1Þ2
where W is the strain energy per unit of reference volume;
I1, I2, I3 are the strain invariants; k is the bulk modulus; and
Table 1 Material constants for OFHC copper sheet [19]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
I3 =1 for incompressible material behavior. Ckm is the
constant of the Mooney–Rivlin material model. Usually
two Mooney–Rivlin parameters (C10 and C01) are used to
describe hyperelastic rubber deformation. These parameters
can be determined by experiments. Sarva et al. [22] studied
the large deformation stress–strain behavior of thermoplastic–
elastomeric polyurethane. They used SHPB apparatus to
perform uniaxial compression tests at different strain rates.
The stress–strain diagrams of polyurethane at two different
strain rates are illustrated in Fig. 5. As can be seen from
Fig. 5, as the strain rate increases, the strength of the material
increases. The Mooney–Rivlin constants evaluated by
ABAQUS using the compression test data are listed in
Table 2.
The simulation were performed using two different
striker bar velocities, i.e., Vst =15 and 24 m/s. An empirical
relationship between the striker bar velocity and the
specimen strain rate at SHPB system is
" ffi
where Vst is the striker bar velocity and L0 is the length of
specimen. The initial length of the polyurethane in the
dynamic bulge test is 30 mm and according to Eq. 22, the
approximate strain rate at the polyurethane during the test
will be 250 and 400 s−1.
5 Results and discussion
Figure 6 shows the strain signals at the middle of pressure
bars for simulations performed at two different striker bar
velocities of Vst =15 and 24 m/s. The solid curves represent
the results of simulation with Vst =24 m/s. The incident
Fig. 5 Compressive stress–strain
curve of urethane at different
strain rates [22]
Table 2 Mooney–Rivlin constants for polyurethane rubber at different
strain rates
constant C10 (MPa)
constant C01 (MPa)
compressive strain pulse rises to its plateau strain level of
about 33×10−4during a time interval of about 16 μs. The
time profile of the incident wave is of rectangular shape,
and it remains quite constant during the simulation. The
pulse shape of reflected wave is triangular in the tensile
range. The maximum tensile stress is about 15×10−4which
happens at 16 μs. The reflected strain signal becomes
compressive after time duration of 34 μs. The compressive
transmitted strain pulse arrives at the die/output bar
interface after 38 μs and reaches the maximum amplitude
of 16×10−4at the end of the simulation. Furthermore, the
strain pulses for the simulation with the striker bar velocity
of 15 m/s are shown as dashed curves. The maximum
amplitude of the incident strain signal is about 20×10−4 at
19 μs. As can be seen from Fig. 6, the strain levels are
considerably different at different impact velocities, but the
pulse shapes have only little differences.
Figure 7 shows the impact pressure at input bar/rubber
interface using different velocities evaluated according to
Eq. 9. As can be seen from the solid curve, the pressure–
time history shows an initial peak at about 17 μs, and then
the pressure level increases monotonically until it reaches
its maximum level at 95 μs. The maximum pressures are
about 156 and 244 MPa for the simulations carried out at
the striker velocities of 15 and 24 m/s. Subsequently, the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
Fig. 6 Representation of the
incident, reflected and transmitted
strain signals
pressure amplitude decreases because of the end of the
incident pulse.
To compare the results of theoretical and finite element
simulation analysis, the pressure–time history at the input
bar/rubber interface is monitored directly throughout the
simulations. Figure 8 shows the comparison between the
pressure curves calculated using Eq. 9 and measured
directly during simulation at striker velocity of 15 m/s.
The comparison of the curves demonstrates the good
correlation between theoretical and simulation results. The
comparison at striker velocity of 24 m/s shows similar
Fig. 7 Pressure–time history at
input bar/rubber interface
agreement. In general, the simulation tends to predict
slightly lower peak pressure than the theoretical analysis.
The maximum error at the peak pressure is 10.2% at striker
velocity of 15 m/s and 9.5% at striker velocity of 24 m/s.
The velocity–time histories calculated from strain signals
using Eqs. 10–12 are shown if Figs. 9 and 10. As can be
seen from Fig. 9, the input velocity reaches its maximum of
14.3 m/s at 18 μs after impact and decreases monotonically
after that until it reaches to zero. The output bar sets in
motion 20 μs after the input velocity reaches its maximum
and attains the maximum velocity of 6.5m/s at the time of
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
Fig. 8 Comparison of pressure–
time history obtained by finite
element simulation and theoretical analysis at striker velocity
of 15 m/s
103 μs of the process. According to Fig. 10, at the striker
velocity of 24 m/s, the input bar/rubber interface velocity
reaches the maximum value of 23 m/s at 16 μs after impact.
The die/output bar interface attains the maximum velocity
of 8.5 m/s at the end of the process. As can be seen from
Figs. 9 and 10, the effective piston velocity (dashed line)
follows closely the evolution of the input velocity.
Figure 11 shows the bulge dome height, hd (see Fig. 1)
as a function of time which is measured directly during the
simulations. As illustrated in Fig 11, the bulge height
Fig. 9 History of the interfaces
velocities at striker velocity of
15 m/s
increases continuously until it reaches its maximum at the
end of simulation. The maximum bulge height is 6.3 mm
for striker velocity of 15 m/s and 8 mm for striker velocity
of 24 m/s. Figure 12 shows the thickness changes at the top
of the dome during the bulge forming process. The
thickness is calculated using Eq. 8 and Fig. 11. As can be
seen in Fig. 12, the thickness of the top of the dome
decreases during the process from the initial value of 1 mm
until it reaches its minimum thickness of 7.6 mm with Vst =
15 m/s and 6.5 mm with Vst =24 m/s.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
Fig. 10 History of the interfaces
velocities at striker velocity of
24 m/s
Fig. 11 Bulge dome height
history measured during
Fig. 12 Thinning history at the
top of the dome
Fig. 13 Strain history of sheet
metal under dynamic bulging
Fig. 14 Pressure–strain curves
of sheet metal under dynamic
bulging process
Fig. 15 Comparison of
pressure–strain curves of biaxial
bulge test and uniaxial tensile test
at forming speed of 24 m/s
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 48:847–858
The strain history of copper sheet during dynamic
bulging process calculated using Eq. 5 is shown in
Fig. 13. According to Fig. 13, the sheet deformation starts
at about 40 μs after the input bar impacts the rubber and
reaches the maximum strain of 0.27 at striker velocity of
15 m/s and 0.43 at striker velocity of 24 m/s. Combining
Figs. 7 and 13, we arrive at Fig. 14 which shows the
pressure–strain curve of OFHC copper at two different
impact velocities during dynamic bulging process. As
depicted in Fig. 14, as the strain rate (impact velocity)
increases, the strength of the material increases. This is
comparable with the results of Follansbee et al. [23] which
dynamic loading of copper at different strain rates showed
similar results.
To compare the results of biaxial bulge test with
uniaxial tensile test, finite element model of I-shape flat
specimen is build in ABAQUS/Explicit according to
ASTM E 8 M standard. I-shape model is then stretched
in the forming speed of 24 m/s. The result of finite
element simulation is shown in Fig. 15 and is compared
with that of biaxial bulge test. As can be seen from the
figure, the pressure–strain curves for OFHC copper
determined from biaxial dynamic bulge test and uniaxial
dynamic tensile test are quite similar. The figure shows
that biaxial test attains a higher strain level as compared to
the tensile test before material fracture. Therefore, due to
the biaxial state of stress induced in this test, the pressure–
strain curve can be determined up to larger strains than in
the tensile test. This is important for process simulations
using FE analysis.
6 Conclusions
In this study, a dynamic bulge testing technique is
simulated and analyzed to perform biaxial tests on metals
at high strain rates. The main conclusions of this research
are summarized below:
The incident compressive strain signal is rectangular
shape, and its amplitude remains quite constant
throughout the simulation. The pulse shape of reflected
wave is triangular in the tensile range, and it becomes
compressive after time duration of 34 μs. The compressive transmitted strain pulse arrives at the die/output
bar interface after 38 μs.
The amplitudes of strain signals are considerably
different at different impact velocities, but the pulse
shapes have only little differences.
The pressure–time history at input bar/rubber interface
shows an initial peak at about 17 μs, and then the
pressure level increases monotonically until it reaches
the maximum pressures of 156 and 244 MPa for the
simulations performed at the striker velocities of 15 and
24 m/s.
The pressure–time curves obtained by analytical analysis and finite element simulation show good agreement. The maximum error at the peak pressure is 10.2%
at striker velocity of 15 m/s and 9.5% at striker velocity
of 24 m/s.
The bulge height increases continuously until it reaches
its maximum at the end of simulation. At this point, the
minimum sheet thickness is 0.76 mm with Vst =15 m/s
and 0.65 mm with Vst =24 m/s.
It can be seen from pressure–strain curves of OFHC
copper that as the strain rate (impact velocity) increases,
the strength of the material increases.
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