Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
Damping of Crank Nicolson error oscillations
D. Britz a,*, O. Østerby b, J. Strutwolf a
Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, 8000 Århus C, Denmark
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, 8000 Århus C, Denmark
Received 23 May 2002; received in revised form 27 June 2002; accepted 10 September 2002
The Crank /Nicolson (CN) simulation method has an oscillatory response to sharp initial transients. The technique is convenient
but the oscillations make it less popular. Several ways of damping the oscillations in two types of electrochemical computations are
investigated. For a simple one-dimensional system with an initial singularity, subdivision of the first time interval into a number of
equal subintervals (the Pearson method) works rather well, and so does division with exponentially increasing subintervals, where
however an optimum expansion parameter must be found. This method can be computationally more expensive with some systems.
The simple device of starting with one backward implicit (BI, or Laasonen) step does damp the oscillations, but not always
sufficiently. For electrochemical microdisk simulations which are two-dimensional in space and using CN, the use of a first BI step is
much more effective and is recommended. Division into subintervals is also effective, and again, both the Pearson method and
exponentially increasing subintervals methods are effective here. Exponentially increasing subintervals are often considerably more
expensive computationally. Expanding intervals over the whole simulation period, although capable of satisfactory results, for most
systems will require more cpu time compared with subdivision of the first interval only.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Crank /Nicolson; Oscillations; Damping
is a potential step at time zero such that the concentration at the electrode (x /0) is pulled to zero. The
boundary conditions are thus
1. Introduction
1.1. Simulated systems
x 0 ; all t:
We solve the diffusion equation
in which c denotes concentration, t the time and x the
space axis in one-dimensional systems. All variables are
dimensionless. After discretisation of the equation, the
factor b is equal to unity for equal spatial intervals but
for unequally spaced points b is a function of the
distance from the electrode, as will be shown below. The
equation must be supplemented with boundary conditions. In the present paper, these will be restricted to
those of the Cottrell experiment (Cottrell, 1903), which
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /45-8942-3333; fax: /45-8619-6199.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (D. Britz),
[email protected]
(O. Østerby),
[email protected] (J. Strutwolf).
c(t; x)1
c(t; 0)0
This is mathematically equivalent to the heat equation
with an initial temperature defect, with which this shares
the oscillation problem when using the Crank /Nicolson
(CN) method for the solution. The equation has an
analytical solution for both c(t,x ) and the flux at the
electrode (see standard texts such as Bard and Faulkner,
2001 or Galus, 1994), that simulations can be compared
with. The reason for choosing the Cottrell system is that
it is representative of the class of systems with an initial
singularity, and these are a major cause of problems
with the CN method.
It is recognised that when Eq. (1) is discretised onto
an array of evenly spaced points in time and space (b/
1), more points in space are needed for a given target
accuracy than with an unequal distribution of points.
0097-8485/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
One way of implementing unequal intervals is to transform the space coordinate to another, in which equal
intervals correspond to a more suitable unequal spacing
in x . This was first suggested (for electrochemical
simulations) by Joslin and Pletcher (1974) and a
transformation that has some convenient properties
was described (Britz, 1980). It is the transformation
into y -space, according to the function
y ln(1ax)
where a is the parameter that varies the distribution of
points. Large values of this parameter produce a more
unequal distribution, while equal intervals in both x and
y are approached as a approaches zero. With equal
intervals in y, this transformation also produces a very
similar distribution of points in x to the exponentially
expanding intervals series proposed by Pao and Daugherty (1969) in a non-electrochemical context and by
Feldberg (1981) in the electrochemical area. In the
present paper, only the transformation method will be
considered. When it is applied to Eq. (1), that equation
@ c @c
a2 exp(2y)
@y2 @y
where now ba2 exp(2y); i.e. variable.
Another system used as an example here is the
ultramicrodisk electrode (UME), with Cottrell conditions applied, that is a potential jump to an extreme
potential. This is a spatially two-dimensional system and
has a mathematical singularity at the disk edge due to
the abrupt change in boundary conditions there. Simulations of this were first attempted by Evans and
Gourlay (1977), Crank and Furzeland (1977) and
Heinze (1981) using the ADI method of Peaceman and
Rachford (1955), all using a grid with equal spacing in
each dimension. Because of the rather uneven distribution of the mass flux in this system, a conformal map
into a more convenient space was suggested first by
Michael et al. (1989), and then in an amended form by
Verbrugge and Baker (1992). In this later version,
diffusion is described by the equation
sin u sinh
(1G) tanh
1.2. The CN method
First a note on the discretisation of the above
diffusion equations. We use intervals in time t of step
size dt and use the index j to count these. Thus at the
count j, t jdt: Space is sampled at intervals of dx (Eq.
(1)) or dy (Eq. (4)) using index i. In the two-dimensional
case we have corresponding intervals du and dG:/
The CN method of simulating diffusion systems was
described by Crank and Nicolson (1947). It was first
used in an electrochemical simulation by DeMars and
Shain (1959). It is analogous to the trapezium method in
the field of ordinary differential equations (Lapidus and
Seinfeld, 1971; Jain, 1984), and in effect expresses both
sides of the above diffusion equations as finite approximations centred on a point in time midway between the
old time and the new at which new values are to be
calculated. For example, Eq. (1), when going from
known concentration values at the jth time level jdt to
new values at time (j 1)dt (these being indicated by
superscripts), gives rise to the discrete system of
cji b cji1 2cji cji1
cj1 2cj1
one for each i in the range 1Bi 5N; that is, we have N
internal concentration points in space and the boundary
points at i/0 (the electrode) and i/N/1 (the bulk
solution point) (see for example Britz, 1988 for more
details and a description of how this is implemented). In
the following, the parameter l is used. For the discretisation of Eq. (1) this is simply
boundary conditions for the Cottrell-like potential step
experiment on this system are t B/0: c(u; G)1; t]0:
c(u; 0)0; c(u; 1)1 and @c=@u0 at u 0; p=2: The
equation was used in this form in a previous paper by
Britz (1996), using what was called the brute force
method and CN, that is, in the discretisation, the twodimensional system of concentration points was cast
into a large matrix equation, without an attempt to
optimise the calculations by using the sparse nature of
the matrix. This was also done here, as the object here is
not efficiency but the elimination of oscillations in the
numerical simulations.
where the mapping variables take the range, respectively, of 05u 5p=2 (/u 0 being at the disk edge and
u p=2 being at the disk centre); and 05 G5 1; with
G 0 being in the disk plane and G 1 at infinity. The
while for Eq. (4) dx is replaced by dy: For the UME,
there are two l values, one corresponding to u and the
other to G .
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
The important factor in the following considerations
is the product bl: For Eq. (1) this is a constant; for Eq.
(4) the largest value occurs at the first interval in space.
For the UME the value corresponding to u is usually
larger than for G , the largest value being obtained for
small u and G .
1.3. The problem
The CN method is attractive from several points of
view. It makes use of only two time levels, sharing this
property with the explicit method (Courant et al., 1928)
and that of Laasonen (1949), see also Lapidus and
Pinder (1982), also called backwards or fully implicit or
BI. CN is of second-order accuracy with respect to time,
whereas the other two are first order. It is formally
stable (except under rather exceptional circumstances,
rarely encountered in practice (Bieniasz et al., 1995a,b,
1997) and therefore, roundoff errors will not accumulate
for any value of bl; in contrast with the explicit method,
thus allowing the use of rather larger time intervals than
that method. There is, however, a problem, already
recognised by Crank and Nicolson (1947), who note that
for large values of (what is here called) bl; and sharp
initial transient conditions, the numerical solution
shows oscillations not connected with roundoff but
with the initial conditions. These may persist over a
large number of steps. Standard texts such as those of
Richtmyer and Morton (1967), Smith (1985) or Strikwerda (1989) all give this problem attention. Greenwood
(1962) concluded that because of these oscillations, the
less accurate BI method is preferable, having a nonoscillatory response, and this method is also the basis
for the higher-order backward differentiation formulae
(BDF), first proposed for electrochemistry by Mocak
and Feldberg (1994) for the same reason. These authors
note that CN might under some circumstances keep
oscillating during the entire simulation period. Similar
motives prompted the extrapolation method described
by Lawson and Morris (1978) and Strutwolf and
Schoeller (1997), also based on BI. On the other hand,
Gresho and Lee (1981) suggest not suppressing the
oscillations, as they make errors visible, which smooth
error responses do not. One would have to agree with
Mocak and Feldberg, however, that if the oscillations
persist over the whole simulated period, they are
unacceptable. It would therefore be convenient if a
way of damping the oscillations could be found for the
CN method. The other simulation methods of choice at
this time, such as BDF (or FIRM, as the Feldberg group
calls it) and extrapolation, all make use of either several
time levels (BDF) or several steps with different dt;
which makes programming less straightforward. The
apparently highly efficient Rosenbrock method, recently
suggested by Bieniasz (1999) is not for the occasional
nonspecialist electrochemist programmer.
2. Theory
In order to study the behaviour of finite difference
schemes it is instructive to use the Fourier transform
approach (von Neumann and Richtmyer, 1950; O’Brien
et al., 1950) as more recently described in Strikwerda
(1989) and many other texts. The propagation of a finite
difference solution from one time step to the next is
governed by the growth factor which for the explicit
method is
g(8 ) 14blsin2
pB 8 Bp
in which 8 is the parameter in the frequency domain, in
this case, inverse x; 8 close to 0 corresponds to slowly
varying components and 8 close to p corresponds to
highly oscillatory components of the solution. The latter
are present when there are discontinuities in the initial
and boundary conditions.
From the form of g in Eq. (8) it is apparent that g(8 )
is always less than 1. But if bl1=2 then g(8 ) may
become less than /1. An absolute value of g /1 implies
that the corresponding solution component will be
magnified: we have instability. We note that instability
appears first (and most strongly) for 8 :9p; i.e. for the
highly oscillatory components, and that since g B//1
these will be propagated as oscillations in time.
For CN the growth factor is
g(8 )
1 2blsin2
1 2blsin2
pB 8 Bp
It is apparent that ½g(8 )½5 1 indicating that CN is
unconditionally stable irrespective of bl and 8 (again,
with the rare exceptions noted above). But we note that
when 8 :9p then g(8 ):1; especially when bl is
large. This means that the oscillatory components are
propagated as weakly damped oscillations in time, a
feature well known for CN.
For BI the growth factor is
g(8 )
1 4blsin2
pB 8 Bp
It is easily seen that 05½g(8 )½ 51 for all bl and 8 ; so
the BI method is unconditionally stable and furthermore, it will never produce oscillations in time. An
interesting point is that g(8 ) is very small for 8 :9p
and large bl; so the components for which CN displays
the most annoying behaviour are the same components
that are damped most strongly by BI.
Table 1 shows the growth factor for BI and CN for
the highest frequency component for various values of
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
Table 1
Growth factors g(p) as in Eqs. (9) and (10) for BI and CN at various bl/
bl: As bl gets bigger the unwanted oscillations receive
less and less damping from CN. At bl100 the
damping is only 1% per time step. But one initial step
with BI will immediately reduce the amplitude of such
oscillations by a factor 0.0025.
Another obvious suggestion from Table 1 is to choose
the initial dt such that bl0:5 in which case CN itself
will eliminate the high frequency components, but it is
not necessary to use so small a dt: Even bl values of 2 or
3 used over 10 or 20 steps will provide considerable
3. Some damping methods
Three ways of minimising the oscillations of CN as a
response to an initial discontinuity are described and
were tested.
The three simulation methods mentioned above:
explicit, CN and BI, can be regarded as points on a
continuum of implicitness, on a scale from zero to unity
lying at 0, 0.5 and 1.0, respectively. CN causes oscillations, and BI does not. In this light, some workers
(Patankar and Baliga, 1978; Ganesan and Salamon,
1995) have attacked the problem by using a degree of
implicitness between 0.5 and 1. This is difficult to do
while retaining the second-order nature of CN. Chawla
et al. (2000) described a method for calculating an
optimum degree of implicitness. Wood and Lewis
(1975)examined the oscillation problem and sought to
eliminate it by averaging the initial values with the result
of the very first CN step. It can readily be shown that
this corresponds to taking a BI step of half a time
interval. This would have the effect of shifting the time
back by 1=2(dt) from that point on, as time usually does
not appear in the equations to be solved but is counted
by the number of steps taken. Since 1982, several
workers have used a number of initial BI steps to
damp oscillations: Rannacher (1982, 1984); Luskin and
Rannacher (1982); Khaliq and Wade (2001); Østerby
(2002). They all discuss the optimal number of such
steps, and generally tend to use 2 or even 4 of them. It is
known from their work and can readily be verified that
any fixed number of initial BI steps, followed by CN
steps for the remainder of the process, retains the
second-order behaviour of the global error; this is so
because BI itself has a local second-order error. However, as the number of initial BI steps is increased, the
error coefficient in front of dt2 becomes larger, and so
does the error. Our own tests indicate that a single BI
step appears to be about optimum and can in some cases
be an effective damper of oscillations caused by CN. BI
is known for its lack of oscillations but also for its global
first-order error, so here we might have the benefit of the
one without the drawback of the other. It turns out that
such an initial BI step (hereafter called the BI method)
indeed does damp the oscillations caused by CN, and is
especially effective when bl is large as is the case with
our microdisk simulations. Finally, we mention the
work of Bank et al. (1985), who used a combination
of CN and a second-order BDF at every step, which
does not appear to hold any advantages in the present
Focusing on the first time interval, we also have the
option of subdividing it into a number of smaller
subintervals. This might work, because, as was shown
above, it is the value of bl that determines whether or
not there will be oscillations, and subdivision can yield
sufficiently small values. The question then is, might the
oscillations resume when subsequent time intervals use
whole dt or the whole bl again. If so, increasing
intervals might be preferred, as they might provide a
smoother transition to the whole time intervals starting
at the second whole step. Equal intervals subdivision
was first tried by Pearson (1965) and this work was
followed by that of Fang and Chen (1997). This will be
called the Pearson method below. Expanding subintervals were suggested in private correspondence between
one of us (DB) and Feldberg (1981), and later used by
Britz and Østerby (1994), Britz (1996), Georganopoulou
et al. (2000) and mentioned by Mocak and Feldberg
(1994). This will be termed exponentially increasing
Both Pearson and exponentially increasing subintervals can be combined into one description, using two
parameters. Let the first time interval dt be divided into
M subintervals tk ; k 1; . . . ; M and let the following
tk btk1
tk dt
If we set b1 then this corresponds to M Pearson
steps, but if b1; we have a sequence of M subintervals
of increasing length.
Another option is to use exponentially increasing time
intervals throughout a simulation. One might thus begin
with such small time intervals that no oscillations appear
and as the time intervals grow, the initial transient that
would cause oscillations, has been ‘forgotten’. This was
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
first suggested by Peaceman and Rachford (1955), in
their paper describing the alternating implicit (ADI)
method, and introduced to electrochemical simulations
by Lavagnini et al. (1991) and Feldberg and Goldstein
(1995). It is now routinely used by the Svir group in their
simulations of electrochemically induced chemiluminescence, for example Svir and Golovenko (2001). This is a
special case of the above exponentially increasing
subintervals method, that is, the case in which the whole
simulation is done in a single large ‘first’ step of length
Gavaghan (1998) used a mixture of the Pearson and
exponentially increasing intervals techniques. He started
the (microdisk) simulations with a base dt for M steps,
then a further M steps with length 10dt; etc. We find this
unnecessary, as either method works on its own.
A further option is to use adaptive time interval
control, as implemented by Bieniasz (1994) and in an
improved version (Bieniasz, 2002). This will not be dealt
with in this paper.
3.1. Theory of the Pearson method and exponentially
increasing subintervals
In the Pearson strategy the first interval of length dt is
divided into M subintervals of equal length tdt=M:/
With CN, the growth factor for each of these
subintervals and for the highest frequency component
is therefore according to Eq. (9)
1 2bl=M
1 2bl=M
and the cumulative damping is given by g* /gM. If we
wish a total damping of say 10 p then
1 2bl=M
1 2bl=M
1, 2, 3, 4. We note that if bl100 we can achieve a
damping of 0.0001 by choosing M /30 or higher.
With exponentially increasing subintervals, we choose
an initial substep t1 and a factor b1 such that the
following substeps are t2 bt1 ; t3 bt2 b2 t1 ; etc. and
such that M substeps make up one whole subsequent
time step:
dt t1 bt1 b2 t1 bM1 t1 t1
t1 dt
Only large bl are of interest for these considerations so
we can assume blM=2 and we have
1 10p=M
M 1 10p=M
1 10p=M
We thus have a relationship between bl and M ,
enabling us to achieve a given damping of 10p . This
relationship is shown graphically in Fig. 1 for p /
bM 1
Defining li ti =dx2 ; i 1; . . . ; M we have
l1 l
li bi1 l1 ; i 2; . . . ; M (20)
bM 1
and a total damping of
1 2bi1 bl1
1 2bli i1 1 2bi1 bl1
1 2bli
bM 1
Fig. 1. Contours (with marked values) of the damping factor g */gM,
with g given in Eq. (13), as functions of M and bl:/
j j
For a given bl we can calculate g+ g+(M; b): The
surface g* as a function of M and b contains a large
number of isolated zeros which occur if one of the
involved bli becomes equal to 0.5. This means that there
are several possibilities of achieving complete damping
of the highest frequency component. But there are other
components (corresponding to ½8 ½ Bp) which may give
rise to undesirable oscillations. These components
effectively correspond to (slightly) smaller bl/-values
and therefore different bli/-values. It is therefore better
to focus attention on a ‘worst case’ where the bli values
are as far from 0.5 as possible. The resulting g **
indicates the ‘assured’ damping in a neighbourhood of
b/- and bl/-values, such that the observed damping will
always be better than or at least as good as g**.
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For a given bl and a given M we choose b such that
bl1 B0:5; bl2 bbl1 0:5 and such that
bbl1 0:50:5bl1
bl1 (b1)1
Using Eq. (20) we get
bl(b2 1)(bM 1)0
This equation can be solved numerically for b: With,
e.g. bl 100; M /8, we get b:2:061: In the context of
the value of g *, it is not necessary to require excessive
accuracy in b since the value of g * exhibits a rather
small variation when we are away from the zeros.
Alternatively one could determine b such that
1 2bl1
1 2bl1
g1 g2
1 2bbl1
1 2bbl1
4b(bl1 )2 1
bl(b1) b1=2 (bM 1) 0
Fig. 2. Log10 contours (with marked values) of the damping factor
g ** as defined by equations Eqs. (21) /(24) as functions of M and b .
To achieve a damping of 10 4, for example, we would need M at least
13 and b around 1.5.
The solution is a slightly different value of b and with a
slightly different value of g*, but the difference is small.
In the above example (/bl100; M /8) b comes to
The assured damping is achieved when using this
particular value of M. Larger values of M are allowed,
but the gain in damping is limited, especially for larger
values of b:/
The effect of a change in l can be explained as
follows. When bl and M are not too small then the last
1 in Eq. (24) contributes very little and can be left out. If
bl is now replaced by bl=b then we get a solution to the
modified equation when M is replaced by M/1. So the
assured damping is almost the same but it is obtained
for a smaller value of M , i.e. with less work. So the
assured damping is mostly dependent on b; assuming
that M is chosen large enough.
Large values of b (around 2 or higher) are not
recommended because successive values of bli and
bli1 bbli can be very far (on either side) from the
optimal value of 0.5, and previous and successive li
quickly get so far away that they contribute little to the
cumulative damping. Smaller values of b allow the bli
to pack closer around 0.5, and successive values are
close enough that they can contribute appreciably to g *.
But smaller values of b require larger values of M and
thus more work.
In the contour plot (Fig. 2) we supply values of the
assured cumulative damping, g** as a function of M
and b for bl100: The damping as a function of b for
other values of bl can also be estimated from this figure.
Only the value of M will be different. We note that a
damping of 0.001 is achieved for 1:5BbB 1:8 and a
value of M of about 12, whereas a damping of 0.0001
requires b between 1.4 and 1.5 and M/14. This value
can be compared with the value of M /30 required with
the Pearson strategy for bl100 and the same damping. For some simulation problems, the advantage of a
smaller M may be counteracted by a greater computing
time with increasing subintervals, see below in the
section on microdisk simulations.
4. Computational remarks
Simulations were run at Aarhus University on an 800
MHz PC running under Linux, using FORTRAN 90 with
roughly 16-decimal precision throughout. Contour calculations were done using MATLAB on a Sun microsystems Enterprise 2.
5. Results
5.1. Cottrell system
In all the simulations reported in this section, 100 time
intervals of 0.01 each were used, except where indicated
otherwise. Different values of bl are obtained by
varying the spatial interval dx: Both current and the
relative error are shown, with the relative error defined
Isim Ianal
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
where Isim is the simulated dimensionless current, and
Ianal the known analytical value.
5.1.1. Using the BI method
Fig. 3 shows the computed current Isim for l 30: It is
clear that the oscillations persist throughout the simulation period. For larger bl the results are worse still. If
our aim is to have no appreciable oscillations past, say,
t/0.1, then we are restricted to a bl value of about
unity, as also shown in the Figure. The goal then is to
lift the restriction on bl by damping the oscillations.
Fig. 4 shows the relative errors for bl 3; 10; and 30;
respectively, for pure CN and superimposed results of
using a single BI first step. Note the different scales
required to contain the error envelopes as bl changes.
We observe that an initial BI step works better for larger
bl; where the CN oscillations are worse. The large scale
in Fig. 4(c) obscures the fact that, even though the first
BI step reduces the errors markedly, the error is still
unacceptably large at t /1 (about 91); so we conclude
that in this case, the first BI step does not help
sufficiently. For bl values of 100 or greater, a first BI
step gives good results.
5.1.2. Pearson
Section 2 suggests that if M is chosen such that bl=M
falls below about 0.5, there should be no oscillations.
Results indicate furthermore that this is somewhat
conservative. So a suitable M value might damp the
oscillations, at least during the M subintervals. It is not
clear, a priori, what happens after that; in principle, the
oscillations might resume. Fig. 5 shows the result of
applying increasing numbers M of Pearson subintervals
for the rather large bl value, 100. As M increases, the
scale needed to contain the error decreases, until at M /
30 the error is down to an acceptable level, keeping
within about 90:003 over most of the simulation
Fig. 4. Relative error e of the simulated current as in Fig. 3, using (a)
l3; (b) l10 and (c) l30: The larger amplitude, normal thickness
lines are for a plain CN simulation, and the heavier lines (smaller
amplitude) are for a BI first step followed by CN.
Fig. 3. Simulated current Isim for a CN simulation of the Cottrell
system, using parameters dt0:01 (i.e. 100 time steps in the range) and
l30 and (bold line) l1: Current was calculated using a six-point
duration except for an initial settling-in period. One
might have expected to have needed an M value of 200
to achieve this (/bl=M 0:5) but as was noted above,
this is too conservative. We find that ratios bl=M equal
to 1 or 2 give sufficient damping when M is large.
By reference to Fig. 1, a suitable M -value for a given
bl can be found, for a desired degree of damping.
The Pearson method, then, works rather well. An
advantage of the method is, as we shall see below, that it
is often computationally cheap (although more expensive than the BI method), requiring only relatively little
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
Fig. 5. As in Fig. 3 but for l100; and the first step subdivided into a number M of equal steps (Pearson); (a) M/3, (b) M/10 (c), M/20, (d)
M/30. Note the shrinking vertical (error) scales as M increases.
extra computing compared with exponentially increasing subintervals.
5.1.3. Exponentially increasing subintervals
One might nevertheless wish fewer subintervals within
the first time interval, and exponentially increasing
subintervals might be considered, and have been used,
as mentioned above. Here, there are three variables, M
and b as well as bl: In previous work, interval doubling
has been used (/b2); Britz and Østerby (1994), Britz
(1996) and Georganopoulou et al. (2000), but this turns
out not always to be optimal. Fig. 2 can be used to find a
suitable b and M . The satisfactory regions for a desired
damping are now concentrated in the lower right-hand
region of the plots, especially for larger bl values.
5.1.4. Unequal spatial intervals
For the Cottrell experiment simulations using unequal
spatial intervals, simulation results are shown in Fig. 6.
The value of dt is now 0.001. The expansion parameter a
has been chosen rather large at 30, and the number N of
space intervals at 40. Then dy 0:130; making bl1 there
equal to about 41. Fig. 6 shows the relative error for BI
and for Pearson (M /20). The oscillations do not tend
to persist as long as with equal intervals. A first BI step
Fig. 6. The relative error e in simulated current for Cottrell simulations using dt0:001 and unequal spatial intervals using the parameter a/30 and N/40 (/dy0:130; bl1 41); for the BI method and
(bold line) Pearson, M/20. The high amplitude oscillations for t B/
0.13 using BI are are not shown.
has little effect on the response. The large gap in time
before the apparent onset of error oscillations is due to
the fact that these were too large at smaller times to fit
within the scale of the plot, set so as to make the Pearson
result more visible. This is for the ratio bl1 =M of about
2. In this Figure, with its small vertical scale, we note an
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
apparently persistent relative error at larger times. In
fact, the absolute error does converge towards zero, but
somewhat slowly. This phenomenon has been discussed
with Rudolph (private communication, 2002). It appears
that the point method, that is, simulation as implemented here, is limited to a smallest number N of spatial
intervals of about 40 because of this slow error
convergence, whereas the method used by the Feldberg
group (Feldberg, 1969; Rudolph, 1995) is able to go
down to N /13 with much smaller errors. This needs to
be clarified.
In a run of simulations with M /10 with varying b
values, it was found that b 1:6 was about the optimal
value, at which the oscillations were reduced but not
eliminated. The b value is in reasonable agreement with
that determined from Eq. (24), using bl41; since it
can be assumed that bl at dy has the greatest effect (b
being greatest there). It can be concluded that exponentially increasing subintervals are not worthwhile here,
Pearson being more simply implemented and possibly
even more effective.
5.2. The microdisk
With the microdisk simulations to be reported below,
a fixed grid in (G; u) of 30 /30 was used, and a fixed
time interval of 0.001 except where otherwise indicated.
Britz (1996) previously reported a smooth response for
this value of time interval, but this was achieved (but not
reported) by starting with 10 increasing (doubling)
Firstly, in order to have some comparison values,
cpu-intensive simulations using an initial BI step were
run with time intervals as short as 105. This yielded a
convergent dimensionless current value of 2.246 at t/
0.1 and one of 1.364 at t/1. These serve as standards of
comparison for what follows. The value at t/1 is close
to that (1.367) provided by Aoki and Osteryoung (1984)
and cited by Gavaghan (1998), and the difference may
be due to the somewhat limited 30/30 grid used in this
5.2.1. The BI method
Fig. 7 shows both the plain CN response and that of
using BI as the first step. The BI step is seen to be very
effective. The time scale in Fig. 7(a) shows only the first
0.1 units of time. Plain CN is grossly in error (an Isim of
7.092) at t/0.1 and still slightly inaccurate (Isim /
1.366) and still oscillating at t/1, while an initial BI
step gives the (steady) values 2.236 and 1.364, respectively. Fig. 7(b), in which only the last 0.1 of the time
scale is shown, also makes clear that plain CN has not
stopped oscillating at t /1, whereas simulation with the
initial BI step has. This is encouraging. It seems that the
BI method is more successful with the microdisk than
for a one-dimensional system. On a 3030 grid, and
Fig. 7. Simulated (Cottrell) current at a microdisk, using a 30/30
grid in (u; G) and brute force CN, dt0:001: The superimposed bold
line represents a BI step as the first step. (a) Plots for the first 0.1 t units and (b) showing the last part of the simulation, t /0.9.
considering Eq. (5), and dt0:001; lu is dt=du2 ; and the
largest b factor is that for u du and G dG: Not
surprisingly, this is the point closest to the disk edge,
where the singularity is and from which oscillations are
liable to spread. The value for bl is equal to about 93.
Inspection of Table 1 indicates that BI gives a damping
of about 0.003, consistent with our results.
5.2.2. Pearson
Firstly, in order to establish what to aim for, a run
using plain CN was done with a smaller time interval
dt 104 ; and this showed small oscillations only,
completely damped at t/0.01. The current value at
t /0.1 is a satisfactory 2.246. This might lead us to
expect that with the larger time step of 0.001, a Pearson
subdivision of the first step into ten subintervals would
damp the oscillations. This is not the case and in fact,
M /30 is required. These results are consistent with
calculations based on Eq. (9).
5.2.3. Exponentially increasing subintervals
Feldberg and Goldstein (1995) and Svir and Golovenko (2001) have used exponentially increasing intervals over the whole simulation period. This was tried
here also. It is possible to effect this by letting the first
D. Britz et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 27 (2003) 253 /263
time interval be the only interval, and to subdivide it
suitably. We thus set dt1: The aim was to reduce M
to just 100, in order to possibly save cpu time. This
leaves the setting of the expansion parameter b; which
then also sets the smallest, first, interval. Now bl
93000; and Eq. (24) suggests a b of about 1.1. Fig. 8
shows the sensitivity to b; a value of 1.07 fails to damp
the oscillations, whereas the calculated value, 1.1,
produces a satisfactory curve, ending, at t/1 with
1.364 as it should for this grid.
There is a drawback here, however, also pointed out
by Gavaghan (1998). A disk simulation using plain CN
or one BI step followed by CN (as in Fig. 7) and 1000
steps each of 0.001, used 36 s of computer time. The
above runs with various b values and only 100 steps,
used 52 s. The reason for this is that for a constant dt;
the simulation requires one initial LU-decomposition,
and only a back-substitution at every subsequent step.
The LU-decomposition is that step requiring the most
cpu time, so much of this is saved. With changing time
intervals, however, a new LU decomposition must be
computed at every step, and this increases computer
time drastically. This would not matter in those simulation cases where the discretisation coefficients are
themselves time-dependent, where equal time intervals
also would necessitate recomputation of the LU-decomposed matrix at every step. Here, this was not so, and it
seems that the use of exponentially increasing time
intervals over the whole period is not a good idea.
Note that the same argument applies to the more
effective computation using sparse matrix techniques.
We turn now to exponentially increasing subintervals
within the first time interval, followed by further steps.
We revert to dt0:001; and simulations were carried
forward by 100 whole steps, the first one subdivided.
Choosing M /10 and a range of b gets better results
with increasing b; but there is not sufficient damping.
This is consistent with Fig. 2. With M /20 good
damping was seen for 1:2BbB 1:6; also in good
accordance with Fig. 2. However, since the BI method
is so effective here and uses less computing time, it is
6. Conclusions
For the Cottrell system, we conclude that both the
Pearson method, and that of exponentially increasing
subintervals, can effectively damp CN oscillations. The
Pearson method usually requires a greater number M of
subintervals, but can on occasion be more cpu-efficient.
It is also easier to implement. As a rule of thumb, an M
value such that bl=M is about unity, is sufficient (in
fact, more than sufficient, especially at high bl values).
The use of a single BI step is most effective in damping
oscillations for this system at high bl values (/bl]100):/
With unequal spatial intervals for the one-dimensional system, it is noted that the oscillations are
inherently damped better than for equal intervals, and
that Pearson first-interval division is effective in damping them. Exponentially increasing intervals within the
first step are also useful here, and a smaller M value can
be used than for Pearson, with a suitable b factor found
by using Eq. (24).
For microdisk simulations, a single BI step is an
option, as it appears to be very effective in damping the
oscillations of CN. Using subdivision of the first
interval, equal intervals (Pearson) might be the safest
option, but a rather large number of subintervals are
required. An advantage here is that since the subintervals are all equal, a single LU-decomposition at the
beginning of the series of subintervals is enough,
followed by just one more when the full steps follow.
Exponentially increasing subintervals are not attractive,
partly because the results are not very good and partly
because of the need for repeated LU-decomposition at
every substep. Using exponentially increasing intervals
over the whole simulation is possible and works, but
with longer computing times in some cases.
The authors wish to thank the anonymous referee
who pointed out several previous works to us, particularly those of Rannacher and coworkers.
Fig. 8. Simulated current at a microdisk with parameters as for Fig. 7
but using a single step in time (/dt1); subdivided into an exponentially
increasing number of subintervals (M/100), using expansion parameters b1:07 and (smooth line) b1:10:/
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