Papers by Michael E. Porter
O sistema americano de saúde há anos exibe um desempenho insatisfatório tanto em termos de custos... more O sistema americano de saúde há anos exibe um desempenho insatisfatório tanto em termos de custos como de qualidade. Tal quadro poderia ser considerado normal num setor controlado pelo Estado, mas é impensável num mercado desregulamentado—e, nos Estados Unidos, a saúde é predominantemente privada e sujeita a mais competição do que em qualquer outra parte do mundo.
Competitive strategy involves positioning a business to maximize the value of the capabilities th... more Competitive strategy involves positioning a business to maximize the value of the capabilities that distinguish it from its competitors. It follows that a central aspect of strategy formulation is perceptive competitor analysis.
Unti] the first half of the nineteenth century, at a time when 90 percent of the world's merchant... more Unti] the first half of the nineteenth century, at a time when 90 percent of the world's merchant vessels were still made of wood, the United States was an undisputed leader in the shipbuilding industry with its abundant supply of cheap timber. With the advent of the s team-powered steel ship, however, the supremacy of the US, shipwright was quickly eroded by the British shipbuilders, who by 1882 captured 80 percent of the world's shipbuilding market.
–Graduates from many educational institutions are not trained for tasks that are essential in tou... more –Graduates from many educational institutions are not trained for tasks that are essential in tourism-related businesses–More than 40% of tourism-related courses prepare graduates for management positions. However, management positions account for only 3% of the workforce needs in the Thai tourism cluster
Volumen 1/Nº 2/enero-febrero 1999 entretenimiento en Hollywood, de las finanzas en Wall Street, o... more Volumen 1/Nº 2/enero-febrero 1999 entretenimiento en Hollywood, de las finanzas en Wall Street, o de la electrónica de consumo en Japón. Los clusters afectan la competitividad dentro de los países, y también más allá de las fronteras nacionales. Por lo tanto, la nueva agenda de los ejecutivos no sólo debe incluir a quienes son sus rivales a escala global.
A predominant impulse of managed care systems is to attempt to achieve savings not by redesign of... more A predominant impulse of managed care systems is to attempt to achieve savings not by redesign of care systems but by management overlays, benefit restrictions, and strong incentives to limit referrals to specialists and hospitals... We believe that a better approach is to innovate in care delivery with an emphasis on'rationalizing'rather than'rationing'care. 1
Summary This report describes the events and activities that occurred during D321b, a joint SAMS/... more Summary This report describes the events and activities that occurred during D321b, a joint SAMS/NOCS cruise on the NERC RRS Discovery that took place in the late summer of 2007. The principle objective of the cruise was to undertake the sampling of the Extended Ellett Line, an annual section of CTD and biogeochemical (nutrients, chlorophyll and particulate carbon-nitrogen) monitoring stations that runs from Iceland to Rockall and on to Ardnamurchan Point in Scotland.
Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its importance. As m... more Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its importance. As more and more of their time and investment capital is absorbed in information technology and its effects, executives have a growing awareness that the technology can no longer be the exclusive territory of EDP or IS departments. As they see their rivals use information for competitive advantage, these executives recognize the need to become directly involved in the management of the new technology.
81 ЕКОНОМИКА 1. Competitiveness of Serbian Economy “An enterprise has a competitive advantage if ... more 81 ЕКОНОМИКА 1. Competitiveness of Serbian Economy “An enterprise has a competitive advantage if its profitability is larger than the average profitability of any other enterprise in that industry during a certain period of time” Michael E. Porter The period of transition which is still here for Serbian companies, confirmed the theory that for efficient market, competitiveness is necessary, that is, competitive economy.
Achieving good patient health outcomes is the fundamental purpose of health care. Measuring, repo... more Achieving good patient health outcomes is the fundamental purpose of health care. Measuring, reporting, and comparing outcomes is perhaps the most important step toward unlocking rapid outcome improvement and making good choices about reducing costs. Outcomes are the true measures of quality in health care. Understanding the outcomes achieved is also critical to ensuring that cost reduction is value enhancing.
The purpose of this research project is to determine global strategies that companies of the UK s... more The purpose of this research project is to determine global strategies that companies of the UK should improve in case of Kazakhstan gas and oil sector. Research begins with the literature review process, which provides different theories and continues with further methodology. This helps to construct the structure of the future dissertation topic.
International competition. Citizens from most of the olderindustrialized countries have become ob... more International competition. Citizens from most of the olderindustrialized countries have become obsessed with it since the first Japanese cars started selling well. Vulnerability has replaced invincibility as the word many would use to describe once firmly established international companies. But this disquiet obscures the steady achievements a number of corporations have made against competition from companies based outside their coun tries.
HBR. ORG they are unable to link cost to process improvements or outcomes, preventing them from m... more HBR. ORG they are unable to link cost to process improvements or outcomes, preventing them from making systemic and sustainable cost reductions. Instead, providers (and payors) turn to simplistic actions such as across-the-board cuts in expensive services, sta compensation, and head count. But imposing arbitrary spending limits on discrete components of care, or on specic line-item expense categories, achieves only marginal savings that often lead to higher total systems costs and poorer outcomes.
The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) has long been a globally recognized ranking of country co... more The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) has long been a globally recognized ranking of country competitiveness and a tool for benchmarking country strengths and weaknesses. In an effort to continually introduce the best available methodology in preparing the rankings, there has been a series of improvements in the methodology over the years.
Book Description: the fast moving area of strategy, this text provides the most comprehensive tre... more Book Description: the fast moving area of strategy, this text provides the most comprehensive treatment of both rational and creative approaches to the subject. This revised and fully-updated edition continues to present a comprehensive, well-structured and critical treatment of strategic management for both the private and public sectors. This text presents a comprehensive and critical treatment of strategic management for both the private and public sectors.
• Vietnam has made clear progress on opening up financial markets, more recently also to foreign ... more • Vietnam has made clear progress on opening up financial markets, more recently also to foreign companies as part of the WTO agreement• But the weakness of Vietnam's financial markets even before the global crisis, and the financing constraints faced by private companies, indicate that serious challenges remain
Papers by Michael E. Porter