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This paper discusses the need and importance of environment education, research and development trends of Nepal. Fact and figures, which used for discussion, were assembled from the review of available literatures. Findings of the paper clearly indicate that there is an urgent need to identify the environmental research goals, teaching styles and social relevance of environment education at university level. Author opines that Nepalese universities have to promote environmental education and adopt micro approach for the application of integrated knowledge for development and conservation in order to promote the human welfare in healthy environment.
Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research, 2021
The Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research series aims at fostering the discussion on the complex relationships between physical landscapes, natural resources, and their modification by human land use in various environments of Asia. It is widely acknowledged that human-environmental interactions become increasingly important in Area Studies and development research, taking into account regional differences as well as bio-physical, socioeconomic and cultural particularities. The book series seeks to explore theoretic and conceptual reflection on dynamic human-environment systems applying advanced methodology and innovative research perspectives. The main themes of the series cover urban and rural landscapes in Asia. Examples include topics such as land and forest degradation, vulnerability and mitigation strategies, natural hazards and risk management concepts, environmental change, impact studies and consequences for local communities. The relevant themes of the series are mainly focused on geographical research perspectives of Area Studies, however there is scope for interdisciplinary contributions from various spheres within the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Key themes: Human-Environment Interaction-Asian regional studies-Asian geography-Impact studies-Landscape-Society-Land use and land cover change-Natural resources Submit a proposal: Proposals for the series will be considered by the Series Editor and International Editorial Board.
Sustainability in environment, 2022
The environmentalists of the entire world are crying by forecasting the depletion of biotic and abiotic resources at an accelerating rate which may make the survival of life on earth questionable. The main cause of this disastrous degradation is due to unmindful anthropogenic activities. The present generation is unaware of consequences of environmental degradation and the need for the conservation of species and their habitats. It is an imperative need and responsibility to inculcate the culture of loving and living with nature among the youth. The University Grants Commission as per the directions of the Honourable Supreme Court of India directed all the Universities and Colleges to include Environmental Studies course in the curriculum. Accordingly, all the institutions have introduced this course in their curriculum. Nevertheless, there are several constrains in teaching this course to all students in letter and spirit of the law. Though there are certain constrains, there is scope for the enhancement of teaching and learning efficacy. This paper briefly describes the need for the introduction of the course, challenges in teaching and possible solutions.
Mountain Research and Development, 1991
In the interpretation of ecological relations problems of understanding frequently occur between scientists or experts educated in the West and the local population. As a basis for ecologically sound environmental planning, one that does not bypass the needs of the population, the ways the environment is perceived and evaluated must therefore also be elucidated. A line of research that sets itself the task of analyzing ethnospecific knowledge of the environment and the resulting behavior of traditional societies can be set within the context of geographical "man-environment" concepts, as well as within "studies in ethnoscience," in particular ethnoecological and classificatory approaches. Two examples of knowledge and evaluation of the natural environment are presented in the following: I) The soils in Gorkha from the perspective of the local population (Middle Hills of Nepal); II) Knowledge .and evaluation of the environment among the Chitawan Tharus: the example of the forests and grasslands (Rapti Dun, Churia Range);! RÉSUMÉ Connaissance et évaluation de l'environnement dans les sociétés traditionnelles du Népal. Des différences d'interprétation des relations écologiques existent souvent entre la population locale et les chercheurs et experts éduqués en Occident. Il est indispensable d'élucider les différentes manières dont l'environnement est perçu et évalué si l'on veut établir une base solide pour une planification environnementale qui soit écologiquement saine, c'est-à-dire une planification qui n'ignore pas les besoins de la population locale. On peut définir une stratégie de recherche qui vise à analyser la connaissance ethna-spécifique de l'environnement et le comportement résultant des sociétés traditionnelles, dans le cadre de concepts géographiques "homme-environnement" aussi bien que d'''études ethnoscientifiques," en particulier les approches ethna-écologiques et classificatoires. Les études suivantes fournissent deux exemples de connaissance et d'évaluation du milieu naturel: I) Les sols du Gorkha du point de vue de la population locale (Moyen Pays central du Népal); II) Connaissance et évaluation de l'environnement parmi les Chitawan Tharu: L'exemple des forêts et des prairies (Rapti Dun, Chaîne du Churia). ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Umweltkenntnis und Umweltbewertung in traditionellen Gesellschaften Nepals. Bei der Interpretation ökologischer Zusammenhänge bestehen häufig Verständigungsprobleme zwischen westlich gebildeten Wissenschaftlern oder Experten und den Bewohnern eines ihnen fremden Kulturraums. Als Grundlage für eine ökologische Umweltplanung, die nicht an den Bedürfnissen der Bevölkerung vorbeigehen soll, müssen daher auch ihre Vorstellungen und Bewertungen von der natürlichen Umwelt offengelegt werden. Programmatisch läßt sich ein Forschungsansatz, der sich die Analyse der ethnospezifischen Kenntnis der Umwelt und das daraus resultierende Verhalten traditioneller Gesellschaften zur Aufgabe macht, in den Kontext geographischer "Mensch-Umwelt" Konzepte stellen, aber auch den "Studies of Ethnoscience," insbesondere ethnoökologischen und klassifikatorischen Ansätzen zuordnen. Zwei Beispiele zur Umweltkenntnis und Umweltbewertung werden im folgenden dargestellt: I) Die Böden in Gorkha aus der Sicht der lokalen Bevölkerung (zentrales Bergland von Nepal); II) Umweltkenntnis und Bewertung bei den Chitawan-Tharu am Beispiel des Waldes und der Hochgrasfluren (Rapti Dun, Churia-Kette).
• is the group discussion method , using case as the subjects for discussion. • The method implies extensive analysis and interpretation of a case selected to demonstrate a learning outcome. • During the discussion the leader presents the facts of the problem and the solution as depicted in the case and then draws from the group in the principles they feel the case shows in terms of what should have been done. Buzz Session • Can be held successfully with familiar topics that need group opinion, evaluating , planning or interaction. • In this situation, the chairman may divide the group quickly into small groups of six each, by asking all those in the first, third, fifth rows and other alternate rows to turn their seats to enable them to face directly those behind them. • The chairman then suggests that the three on the end of the first row and the three they are now facing consider themselves a discussion group of six, and so on throughout the room. Each group chooses a chairman and secretary.
Kelly; ya que sin ellas, este libro no estaría en tus manos. La presentación y disposición de DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE UNA VIVIENDA ECONÓMICA DE 160m 2 DE ÁREA TECHADA, son propiedad del autor. Cuarta Edición : Septiembre de 1993 Quinta Edición : Diciembre de 1994 Sexta Edición : Enero de 1997 Sétima Edición : Abril de 2008 Impreso en Perú PRÓLOGO Es para EDICIVIL una gran satisfacción presentar el libro DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE UNA VIVIENDA ECONÓMICA DE 160m 2 DE ÁREA TECHADA. El segundo tomo de "Diseño Estructural de Viviendas Económicas", tiene como principal objetivo profundizar los conocimientos del tomo primero y hacerlo extensivo para el diseño estructural de una vivienda económica de 160m 2 de Área Techada.
“Hoy esta publicación está a su alcance con la finalidad de atender el espíritu de la ley, y estamos seguros que será un auxiliar en el estudio del código nacional. En ella se representan gráficamente, mediante diagramas de flujo, las actividades que se llevan a cabo en cada una de las partes del procedimiento judicial, así como las pautas para el desarrollo de las audiencias que, a partir de la identificación de los sujetos procesales y de las partes en el procedimiento, favorecen la diferenciación en las obligaciones, en los derechos y en las facultades de cada uno de ellos. También se incluyen comentarios y observaciones para una mejor toma de decisiones.” La adopción del sistema procesal acusatorio requiere unificar el procedimiento penal mediante un código nacional, en el cual se homologuen las reglas tanto de la administración de justicia local como federal.
English teaching systems at non-formal schools, both at private courses and course institutions, practically apply some rules of second language acquisition theories. The most surprising phenomenon, we may be thinking great, is that the course implies the English teaching theory and strategy.
This report presents the main findings of a desk study of experiences with conflict prevention and resolution in natural resource management, and how these can be applied in development cooperation in relation to climate change.
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Economic and Political Studies, 2024
Przekraczanie granic : rosyjska, ukraińska i białoruska przestrzeń literacka, kulturowa i językowa z perspektywy XXI wieku, 2020
International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 2020
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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, 2016
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