Psicológica (2000), 21, 403-437
Lexical Access in Speech Production:
The Bilingual Case
Albert Costa*, Àngels Colomé**and Alfonso Caramazza*
Harvard University
Universitat de Barcelona
In this paper we review models of lexical access in speech production in
bilingual speakers. We focus on two major aspects of lexical access: a) how
lexical selection is achieved, and b) whether lexical access involves cascaded
or discrete stages of processing. We start by considering the major
assumptions of how lexical access works in monolingual speakers, and then
proceed to discuss those assumptions in the context of bilingual speakers.
The main theoretical models and the most recent experimental evidence in
their favor are described.
Key words: Speech Production, Lexical Access, Bilingualism.
Speaking involves translating concepts and ideas into patterns of
sounds produced by our articulatory organs. During this "translation"
process, speakers have to retrieve the appropriate words for conveying the
intended message. Furthermore, they must combine these words according
to the grammatical properties of the language being spoken. Finally, they
have to retrieve information about how to articulate the selected words.
How do these processes work? How do speakers master this extraordinary
ability that is spoken language? Although speakers go through all these
processes very easily (producing fewer than 1 error per 1000 words) and
very rapidly (2 words every second; Levelt, 1989), the mechanisms involved
in speech production are very complex and poorly understood.
The research reported in this paper was supported in part by NIH grant NS22201 and by a
grant from the Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura (DGES project PB97-0977). Albert Costa
was supported by a Post-doctoral Fellowship from the Spanish government (Fulbright
program). Angels Colome was supported by a fellowship (FI/FIAP97) from the
Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Requests for
reprints may be addressed to Albert Costa, Department of Psychology, William James Hall,
Harvard University, 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge MA 02138. The authors are grateful to
Nuria Sebastian and to Michele Miozzo for helpful suggestions on this work.
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Most research in psycholinguistics has dealt with the processes
involved in speech perception and reading. Nevertheless, in the last two
decades an increasing number of researchers have addressed the structure of
the processes involved in speaking. These studies have focused both on the
functional architecture and on the dynamics of the processes involved in
speech production. Among the main questions that have been addressed are:
How many levels of representation/stages of processing are there in speech
production? Is there an interaction between the different levels of
representation? How does the speaker select the proper lexical node from
among all the activated words? Does the activation of non-target lexical
nodes (words) interfere during lexical access? Are the phonological
segments of non-target words activated during the course of speech
production? How are the words combined following the grammatical
properties of the language being spoken? In spite of the many attempts to
answer these and related questions, the nature of the processes and of the
representations involved in lexical access are still being debated.
Perhaps because of the complexity of the study of lexical access in
speech production, one issue that has not received much attention is how
these processes function in the case of bilingualism1. In this paper, we focus
on the issue of lexical access in bilingual speech production. In the first part,
we discuss the main features of the functional architecture and the
processing dynamics of the speech production system in monolingual
speakers. In the second part, we discuss how these properties of the lexical
access system might be implemented in bilingual production. We will
assume that the architecture of the bilingual speech system is grossly similar
to the one proposed for monolingual speakers. Nevertheless, a clear
understanding of the bilingual speech production system requires the
postulation of additional assumptions.
2. An overview of lexical access: functional architecture and
One way to investigate the processes involved in lexical access is by
examining the mechanisms engaged in naming a picture. Although picture
naming is an oversimplification of the processes involved in language
Notice that, unlike the research on speech production, the mechanisms and representations
involved in bilingual word perception have been extensively studied (e.g., Altenberg &
Cairns, 1983; Bijeljac-Babic, Biardeau, & Grainger, 1997; Caramazza & Brones, 1980;
Dufour & Kroll, 1995; Grainger & Dijkstra, 1992; Van Heuven, Dijkstra & Grainger,
Lexical Access
production2, it engages many of the processes involved in lexical access.
When naming a picture, the first step is to recognize the picture and to select
its corresponding semantic representation (e.g. dog)3. During this process, it
is assumed that the semantic representation corresponding to the picture is
not the only one that is activated, but that related semantic representations
are also activated (e.g. cat). The activated conceptual representations spread
proportional activation to their corresponding lexical nodes (words) in the
mental lexicon, and the speaker has to select the lexical node corresponding
to the picture (‘dog’) from among the activated lexical nodes (‘dog’, ‘cat’,
‘mouse’, etc.). Once a lexical node is selected, its phonological segments
(the sounds) are retrieved (/d/, /с/, /g/). Later stages of speech production
involve access of the articulatory routines corresponding to the phonological
properties of the selected word (e.g., the exact position of the muscles
involved in the production of speech). The stage at which lexical selection
takes place is sometimes referred to as grammatical encoding since it is at
this stage that the grammatical properties of the word are accessed (Bock &
Levelt, 1994, Levelt, Roelofs & Meyer, 1999). The stage at which the
segmental (sounds) information of the word is retrieved is called
phonological encoding (or orthographic encoding in the case of writing- see
figure 1). Although theories of language production agree on these general
characteristics of the major stages of the process, they differ widely on how
they are implemented. (Caramazza, 1997; Dell, 1986; Levelt, et al., 1999;
Roelofs, Meyer & Levelt, 1998; Starreveld and La Heij, 1995).
2.1. Implications of the spreading activation principle: Lexical
One of the most widely accepted principles of lexical access assumes
that in the process of picture recognition several semantic representations
are activated. For example, when naming the picture of a dog several
Picture naming is an oversimplification of the language production process because in this
task many of the processes regarding grammatical encoding are not typically engaged.
Nevertheless, some researchers have tried to study the processes of grammatical encoding
by asking participants to name pictures using simple phrases (e.g. Noun Phrase phrases or
simple sentences) instead of single nouns (e.g. Costa, Sebastián-Gallés, Miozzo &
Caramazza, 1999; La Heij, Mak, Sander, & Willeboordse, 1998; Meyer, 1996; Miozzo &
Caramazza, 1999; Schriefers, 1993). Several studies have also been conducted to address
the processes involved in syntactic planning using sentence completion tasks (e.g. Bock and
Levelt, 1994; Bock, Loebell, & Morey, 1992; Bock & Miller, 1991; Vigliocco & Nicol,
1998; Vigliocco & Zilli, 1999).
Throughout the paper we make use of the following notation: italics for stimuli (pictures
or words); single quotation marks for lexical representations; and underline for semantic
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semantic representations receive activation. The idea of multiple activation
at the semantic level has been implemented in at least two different ways.
According to the models of non-descompositional semantics (where
concepts are represented as indivisible nodes; Levelt, 1989; Roelofs, 1992)
the nodes corresponding to a concept are linked to the nodes of semantically
related concepts. The activation of the conceptual node corresponding to the
picture (e.g., dog) “spreads” some activation to other semantic
representations that are associated with it (such as cat, fish, etc). According
to other models (Caramazza, 1997; Dell, 1986), which represent concepts
(e.g. dog) as a bundle of semantic features (animal, four legs, barks, etc.),
the activation of a given concept (e.g. dog) would activate part of the
semantic representation of other related concepts (e.g. cat) because some of
their semantic features are shared. Regardless of the specific mechanisms,
these two proposals share the assumption that in the course of naming a
picture, several semantic representations are activated to some degree. This
is either because semantic representations are interconnected or because
they share several semantic features.
Semantic S ystem
Pho nological
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the different stages involved in
speech production.
Furthermore, the activated conceptual representations spread some
proportional activation to their corresponding lexical nodes, i.e., activation
spreads between levels of representation. In other words, according to the
spreading activation principle, the activated semantic representations (cat,
Lexical Access
dog, and fish) will in turn send activation to the lexical level (see figure 2),
activating to some extent their corresponding lexical nodes.
Semantic Representations
Lexical Nodes
Figure 2. Schematic representation of a picture naming task. The
arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the
level of activation of the representations. The lexical selection mechanism
evaluates the level of activation of the lexical nodes and selects the one with
the highest activation level.
The main consequence of this principle is the activation of multiple
lexical nodes at the lexical level. Therefore, it is necessary to have a
mechanism that will select a lexical node from among the activated nodes.
The speaker has to choose from among all the word candidates (‘cat’, ‘dog’,
‘fish’) that are activated. There is a wide variety of evidence that there is
activation of multiple lexical nodes. One of the best examples is found in
spontaneous speech errors. Imagine a situation in which the speaker wants
to say the sentence the dog barks, but produces the cat barks instead. Errors
of this type are assumed to reflect a momentary malfunction of the lexical
selection mechanism rather than a problem in the selection of the semantic
representation (e.g., see Caramazza & Hillis (1990) for the possible sources
of semantic errors). That is, the lexical selection mechanism fails to select
the proper word corresponding to the selected semantic representation.
Assuming that the spreading activation principle and its most
immediate consequences (multiple lexical activation and the necessity of a
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lexical selection mechanism), are correct, how does the speaker select the
lexical node corresponding to the intended conceptual representation from
the set of activated lexical nodes? Models of lexical access tend to agree
that the selection of a lexical node is based on its level of activation. The
selection mechanism selects the lexical node with the highest level of
activation, which usually corresponds to the concept that the speaker wants
to convey. Some researchers further assume that this process is also affected
by the level of activation of the other activated lexical nodes: the higher the
activation of non-target lexical nodes (competitors: ‘fish’, ‘cat’) the more
difficult the selection is (e.g., Roelofs, 1992). In other words, lexical
selection entails lexical competition: non-target lexical nodes act as lexical
competitors during lexical selection. As described above, if at the moment
of lexical selection the node with the highest activation level is not the
target (‘dog’) but instead a semantically related word (‘cat’), the speaker
will produce a semantic error. What are the implications of the spreading
activation and the lexical competition principles for bilingual speakers? If
activation spreads from the semantic system to both languages of a bilingual
regardless of the language selected for production, the lexical nodes of the
two lexicons of a bilingual (e.g. Spanish-English bilingual) will become
activated. Thus, if activation flows freely from the semantic system to the
lexical system without any language restriction, the semantic representation
of the picture of dog will send activation to its English name (‘dog’) but its
Spanish translation (‘perro’) will also receive some activation. If that were
the case, the question arises whether or not the lexical nodes of the nonresponse language (‘perro’) also act as lexical competitors during lexical
access (and therefore, can interfere with the selection of the target lexical
node). Later in the paper (section 3.3) we present experiments aimed at
answering this question.
2.2. Do all the activated lexical nodes spread activation to their
phonological segments?
As described in the Introduction, once the target lexical node is
selected the next step in speech production is the selection of the word’s
phonological segments. The dynamics of the activation and selection of the
phonological component of words varies widely between models. One of
the major differences involves the extent to which the models implement
the spreading activation principle between the lexical layer and the
phonological layer. Although the spreading activation principle has been
widely adopted when characterizing the dynamics of processing between the
semantic level and the lexical level (see the above section), it is not as
widely employed when characterizing processing at the segmental
phonological level. According to discrete stage models of lexical access
Lexical Access
(Levelt, 1989; Levelt et al., 1999; Schriefers et al., 1990), the activation of
phonological properties is restricted to those of the selected lexical node
(see figure 3). Furthermore, the activation of the phonological properties of
words begins only after the target lexical node has been selected. In contrast,
the cascaded models of lexical access (Caramazza, 1997; Costa, Caramazza
& Sebastian, in press; Dell, 1986; Dell et al., 1997; Dell & O’seaghdha,
1991, 1992; Harley, 1993, Starreveld and La Heij, 1996; Stemberger, 1985)
assume that all the lexical nodes activated from the semantic level (‘cat’,
‘dog’, ‘fish’) send proportional activation to their phonological segments.
Furthermore, the activation of the phonological properties of words occurs
before lexical selection takes place (see figure 3).
S e m a n t ic
R e p r e s e n ta tio n s
L e x ic a l N o d e s
/k /
/≥ /
/ t/
/d /
/с /
/g /
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the cascaded and discrete view of lexical access. The
arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level of
activation of the representations. The question marks represents the assumption of whether
sublexical information of the non-selected lexical node (cat) is (cascaded view) or is not
(discrete view) activated. If the connections between the non-selected lexical node (cat) and
the sublexical units is confirmed the cascaded view will be supported.
For example, when intending to name the picture of a dog, several
lexical nodes are activated due to the spreading activation principle (‘cat’
and ‘dog’). The discrete and cascaded activation theories of lexical access
agree up to this point. However, the discrete hypothesis posits that,
following the selection of the target lexical node (‘dog’), only the
phonological segments of the selected lexical node receive activation (/d/,
A. Costa et al.
/с/, /g/). The cascaded activation models of lexical access assume instead
that the phonological segments of both the target (/d/, /с/, /g/) and nontarget lexical nodes (/k/, /æ/, /t/) are activated. This activation takes place
before the target lexical node is selected4.
In summary, according to the cascaded view of lexical access the
spreading activation principle is applied between all the levels of
representation involved in lexical access (the semantic, lexical, and
phonological levels). By contrast, the discrete stage models restrict this
principle to the semantic and lexical levels, preventing phonological
activation of non-selected lexical nodes. These two views also have
implications for models of bilingual lexical access. Assuming that the
semantic system activates the two lexicons of a bilingual in parallel, the
question arises whether or not the activation of the lexical nodes of the nonresponse language spreads to their phonological segments. For example,
does the activation of the lexical node ‘perro’ (dog) in the non-response
language spread to its phonological segments (/p/, /e/, /r/, /o/)? According
to discrete models, the only segments that are activated are those
corresponding to the selected lexical node, and therefore the words in the
non-response language would not activate their phonological properties.
However, if the cascaded view is correct and its principles apply regardless
of the language selected for response, we would expect to observe
phonological activation of the words in the non-response language (perro in
the example). In Section 3.4 we will present data relevant to this issue.
3. Lexical access in bilingual speakers
3.1. General assumptions
Current models of lexical access in bilingual speakers typically
assume that the semantic system is shared by the two languages of a
bilingual (De Bot, 1992; Costa, Miozzo & Caramazza, 1999; Green, 1986;
1998; Kroll and Stewart, 1994; Potter, So, von Eckhardt, & Feldman, 1984;
Poulisse & Bongaerts, 1994). In other words, each semantic/conceptual
representation is connected to its corresponding lexical nodes in the two
languages. Although, some researchers (e.g., Lucy, 1992; Paivio &
Desrochers, 1980; see also Van Hell & De Groot, 1998, for a more recent
Some of the cascaded activation models further assume the existence of backwards
activation from the segmental layer to the lexical layer (e.g., Dell, 1986; Stemberger, 1985).
These so-called interactive models assume that the activation of the phonological segments
bounces back to all the words that contain them. Following our example, the activation of
the target phonological segments (/d/, /с/, /g/) would activate the target lexical node ‘dog’
but also some phonologically related lexical nodes such as ‘doll’. The same applies to the
phonological segments that belong to the other activated lexical nodes: ‘cat’ would activate
other lexical nodes such as ‘cap’.
Lexical Access
proposal) have claimed that conceptual representations are language
dependent, recent proposals widely favor the idea that, at least for common
words, bilingual subjects have a unique conceptual store shared by both
If the semantic system is shared by the two languages of a bilingual,
the question arises whether or not the spreading activation principle between
the semantic system and the lexical system also applies regardless of the
language programmed for response. We have noted that activated semantic
representations spread proportional activation to their corresponding lexical
nodes. Does the activation of the semantic system spread to the two
languages of a bilingual? If not, and the semantic system only spreads
activation to the lexical nodes corresponding to the bilingual's response
language (the language in which the speaker wants to communicate), lexical
access in bilinguals may proceed as in the case of monolingual speakers.
Along these lines, some earlier proposals (McNamara & Kushnir, 1972;
McNamara, Krauthammer, Bolgar, 1968; Penfield and Roberts, 1959)
argued for the existence of a switching device that turns the flow of
activation from the semantic system on and off, preventing the activation of
lexical nodes that do not belong to the language-in-use. In other words, the
bilingual speaker would have only one lexicon activated at a time.
However, more recent theories assume that the activation of the
semantic system spreads to the two languages of a bilingual regardless of
the language programmed for response (De Bot, 1992; Green, 1986;
Poulisse & Bongaerts, 1994; Poulisse, 1997). According to these theories,
there is parallel activation of the two languages of a bilingual regardless of
the language chosen for production. In other words, current models follow
the general spreading activation principle and assume that there is parallel
activation of the two lexicons of a bilingual. As we will see below there are
experimental findings that support this notion of parallel activation.
In the next sections we will interpret the data of several studies in the
framework of a model of bilingual lexical access that assumes that: a) the
semantic system is shared by the two languages of a bilingual and, b) the
semantic system activates the two lexicons of a bilingual regardless of the
language programmed for response.
3.2. Is lexical selection language- specific or language- nonspecific?
An important implication of the spreading activation principle is that
multiple lexical nodes are activated and, therefore, a lexical selection
mechanism is required in order to select the target lexical node. The lexical
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selection mechanism is assumed to consider the activation levels of all the
lexical nodes and to pick the one with the highest level of activation. It is
further assumed that the ease with which the selection takes place depends
on the level of activation of both the target lexical node and the non-target
lexical nodes, which act as lexical competitors and may hinder the selection
of the target word. How does this mechanism work in the case of bilingual
speakers? Bilingual speakers not only must select the lexical node
corresponding to the intended concept, but also must do so in the
appropriate language. If lexical selection depends on the level of activation
of the target lexical node and of the other activated lexical nodes, do the
lexical nodes of the non-response language compete for selection? How do
speakers keep the two languages apart and prevent lexical intrusions from
the language-not-in-use?
Consider the situation in which an English-Spanish bilingual is asked
to name the picture of a dog in English. According to the parallel activation
principle, once the semantic representation of dog is activated it sends
activation to its corresponding lexical nodes in the two lexicons of a
bilingual (‘dog’ and ‘perro’), and also to other semantically related words in
the two languages (‘cat’ and ‘gato’) (see figure 4). At this point lexical
selection has to take place by selecting the lexical node with the highest
level of activation. However, since the target lexical node ‘dog’ and its
Spanish translation ‘perro‘ share the same semantic representation, they are
both highly activated. How does the speaker select the right word instead of
its twin in the other language? It is clear that bilingual speakers
demonstrate excellent control in keeping the two languages separated; they
rarely mis-select the translation word when speaking in one of their
languages. This is an important property of the bilingual’s lexical access
system since language intrusions would hamper communication
dramatically, especially when the interlocutor does not know the language
in which the intrusion is produced. Therefore, a mechanism must exist that
assures the selection of the lexical nodes in the appropriate language. Two
solutions have been proposed to account for these observations.
The first solution assumes the existence of an inhibitory mechanism
that suppresses the activation of the lexical nodes of the language not-in-use
(e.g., de Bot, 1992, Green, 1986, 1998; Poulisse & Bongaerts, 1994). As a
result of this inhibitory mechanism, the activation of the lexical node ‘dog’
will be larger than the activation level of its translation in Spanish, ‘perro’,
thereby preventing the selection of the latter lexical node. According to this
proposal, lexical selection is language non-specific since it considers the
activation of all the lexical nodes in the bilingual's two languages. It is
important to note that this proposal includes a new principle that clearly
Lexical Access
diverges from those assumed in the monolingual models: lexical access
entails inhibitory mechanisms that are crucial for the proper selection of
lexical nodes.
The second proposal assumes that the lexical selection mechanism
considers only the activation of the lexical nodes of the language-in-use
(e.g. Costa, et al, 1999; Costa & Caramazza, 1999; Roelofs, 1998).
Lexical Nodes
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the language specific and non-specific selection
hypotheses. The arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the
level of activation of the representations.
According to these models, the activation of the lexical nodes that do
not belong to the language-in-use are not considered during the lexical
selection process. Therefore, lexical selection may proceed in the same way
as with monolingual speakers, since only one language is considered at any
moment in time. This proposal assumes that lexical selection is language-
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specific since the activation of the lexical nodes of the language-not-in-use
are ignored.
Although, these two proposals look very similar, at first, they have
different implications regarding one of the main principles of lexical access
proposed by monolingual models. As described earlier, the non-target
lexical nodes that are activated during speech production act as competitors
during lexical selection. If there are other lexical nodes that are highly
activated, the selection of the target lexical node may be delayed. According
to the language non-specific hypothesis, the activated lexical nodes
belonging to the language-not in-use are also considered in the course of
lexical selection, and, therefore, also act as lexical competitors, hindering
the selection of the target lexical node. In contrast, according to the
language-specific selection hypothesis, since the activation levels of the
lexical nodes of the language-not-in-use are ignored, they cannot compete
during lexical selection.
Therefore, a central question regarding lexical access in bilingual
speakers is the extent to which lexical selection entails competition between
the lexical nodes belonging to different languages. In the following section
we describe studies that have addressed this question. To anticipate some of
the conclusions we will reach on this issue, the results of these studies
suggest that the lexical nodes of the non-response language do not compete
during lexical selection. In other words, the bilingual’s lexical selection
mechanism seems to be language-specific.
3.3. Experimental evidence: The picture-word interference
As already noted, an important source of constraints for models of
lexical access in speech production is provided by the analysis of
spontaneous and experimentally elicited speech errors (e.g Dell, Juliano, &
Govindjee, 1993; Fay & Cutler, 1977; Fromkin, 1971, 1973, 1980; GarcíaAlbea, del Viso, Igoa, 1989; Garrett, 1976, 1980; Martin, Weisberg, &
Saffran, 1989; Martin, Gagnon, Schwartz, Dell & Saffran, 1996;
Stemberger, 1990). However, it has been argued that the speech error
analyses have important limitations when the objective is to characterize the
dynamics of the processes involved in language production (e.g., Meyer,
1992). Therefore, much of the recent research on speech production has
focused on reaction time experiments that allow us to test more specific
predictions derived from the theoretical models.
One of the most popular paradigms for studying the processes
involved in lexical access is the picture-word interference paradigm, an
extension of a paradigm developed by Stroop more than half a century ago
Lexical Access
(Stroop, 1935; see McLeod, 1991; for a review). In this paradigm a picture
is presented along with a distractor word; participants are instructed to name
the picture and to ignore the distractor word. The two major effects
observed with this paradigm are the semantic interference effect and the
orthographic/phonological facilitation effect. The semantic interference
effect (e.g. Caramazza & Costa, in press; Glaser & Glaser, 1989; Glaser, &
Düngelhoff, 1984; Lupker, 1979; Roelofs, 1992; Starreveld & La Heij,
1996) refers to the longer naming latencies observed when the distractor
word and the picture belong to the same semantic category (picture: dog,
distractor: cat) than when they do not (picture: dog, distractor: car). The
orthographic/phonological facilitation effect (e.g., Costa & SebastianGallés, 1998; Lupker, 1982; Rayner & Springer, 1986; Underwood &
Briggs, 1984) refers to the faster naming latencies observed when the
distractor word and the picture’s name are phonologically or
orthographically related (picture: dog, distractor: doll) than when they are
not (picture: dog, distractor: car)
3.3.1. The semantic interference effect
It has been argued that the semantic interference effect reflects
competition between lexical items during lexical selection (Roelofs, 1992;
Schriefers, et al., 1990; Starreveld and La Heij, 1995; but see Miozzo and
Caramazza, submitted). In the semantically related condition, the distractor
word creates more interference than the unrelated distractor word because it
receives extra activation from the semantic representation of the picture.
The larger activation of the semantically related lexical node cat in
comparison to that of the unrelated lexical node car is assumed to be
responsible for the semantic interference effect.
Given that the semantic interference effect reflects the competition of
different lexical nodes at the lexical level, it is a good tool for determining
whether there is competition between lexical nodes that belong to different
languages. Several studies have addressed this question by presenting the
distractor word in the language not-in-use (Ehri & Ryan, 1980; Mägiste,
1984, 1985; Smith & Kirsner, 1982; Goodman, Haith, Guttentag, & Rao,
1985; for the Stroop variant of the task see e.g., Albert & Obler, 1978;
Altarriba & Mathis, 1997; Smith & Kirsner, 1982; Chen & Ho, 1986; Dyer,
1971; Mägiste, 1984, 1985; Preston & Lambert, 1969; Tzelgov, Henik &
Leiser, 1990; La Heij, de Bruyn, Elens, Hartsuiker, Helaha, & van Schelven,
1990; for a review see McLeod, 1991; Smith, 1997). For example, a
Spanish-English bilingual may be asked to name the picture of a dog in
English with a simultaneously presented semantically related Spanish word
(gato) or an unrelated Spanish word (coche). The standard result is that
there is semantic interference in the cross-language situation. That is,
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naming latencies are slower when the distractor word is semantically related
to the picture’s name regardless of whether or not it is printed in the
response language. This outcome may reflect the possibility that the two
languages of a bilingual do indeed compete during lexical selection,
supporting the language non-specific hypothesis.
However, as we have argued elsewhere (Costa et al., 1999, Costa and
Caramazza, 1999), the semantic interference effect observed across
languages cannot be taken as evidence of cross-language competition and
therefore cannot adjudicate between the language-specific and language
non-specific hypotheses. This is because the competition created by the
semantically related word printed in the non-response language may have
two sources. First, according to the language non-specific hypothesis, the
English lexical node corresponding to the picture ‘dog’ and the Spanish
lexical node corresponding to the distractor word ‘gato’ compete, thereby
delaying the lexical selection of the English target word. Second, according
to the language-specific selection hypothesis, the semantic interference
created by the Spanish word may be reflecting the competition of its English
translation. Let us explain how this within-language competition may arise
in the case in which the distractor word is printed in the non-response
language. The Spanish distractor word gato activates its semantic
representation (cat), which because of the parallel activation principle
activates it s lexical nodes in the two output lexicons of the bilingual (gato
and cat). In this scenario, the English lexical node ‘cat’ can interfere with
the selection of the English target word ‘dog’ (see figure 5).
Therefore, the semantic interference between-languages may be due
either to competition between lexical nodes that belong to the same
language (‘dog’ and ‘cat’) or to competition between lexical nodes in
different languages (‘dog’ and ‘gato’). To resolve this issue, we analyzed
the effects of identical distractors in the picture-word interference paradigm.
3.3.2. The identity effect within and between languages
The identity condition across languages represents the situation in
which the distractor word corresponds to the translation of the picture's
name. For example, the picture of a dog, to be named in English, appears
with the Spanish distractor word perro (dog in Spanish). By comparing the
naming latencies in this condition to the appropriate control condition (see
Lexical Access
figure 6), it may be possible to decide between the language-specific and the
language non-specific selection hypotheses, since they predict different
Figure 5. Schematic representation of the semantic interference effect produced by a
semantically related distractor printed in a language different from the response language
according to the language specific selection hypothesis. Subjects are asked to name the
picture in English (dog) while ignoring a semantically related distractor printed in Spanish
(gato). The arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level
of activation of the representations.
The language non-specific hypothesis predicts longer naming latencies
in the identity condition than in the unrelated condition. If lexical selection
is not language specific the highly activated Spanish lexical node will
interfere with the selection of the target lexical node in the English lexicon.
The Spanish lexical node is highly activated because it receives activation
from the picture and the written stimulus (see figure 7).
A. Costa et al.
Figure 6. Examples of the cross-language identity and unrelated conditions in the pictureword interference paradigm. Subjects are asked to name the picture in English (dog) while
ignoring the Spanish distractor word that may be either the target’s translation (perro) or an
unrelated word (coche).
Therefore, in the identity condition the lexical selection mechanism
will encounter two lexical nodes that are highly activated (the English target
lexical node ‘dog’, and its translation in Spanish ‘perro’). In the unrelated
condition the activation of the Spanish lexical node corresponding to the
Spanish distractor word (coche) is not as high as in the identity condition,
since it does not receive the extra activation from the picture’s semantic
representation. Therefore, on the assumption that the ease with which
lexical selection is achieved depends on the activation of not only the target
lexical node but also that of other lexical nodes, the selection of the English
target lexical node would be easier in the unrelated than in the identity
condition. Note that on this account, one might even expect to find that in
cross-language tasks identical distractors interfere more than semantically
related distractors. In fact, if an identical picture activates the distractor’s
meaning more than a semantically related picture, and if this difference
translates into a difference in the activation of the distractor’s lexical form,
larger interference might be observed with identical than semantically
related distractors.
Lexical Access
Semantic Representation
Identity Inhibition
Identity Facilitation
Figure 7. Schematic representation of the identity condition between-languages according
to the language specific and non-specific selection hypotheses. Subjects are asked to name
the picture in English (dog) while ignoring its translation word in Spanish (perro). The
arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level of
activation of the representations.
In contrast, the language-specific hypothesis predicts faster naming
latencies in the identity condition than in the unrelated condition. This
expectation is based on the reasoning that the Spanish distractor (through its
semantic representation) activates the lexical form of its English translation
and therefore further activates the target response. Under the assumption
that only the lexical nodes in the English lexicon are considered for
A. Costa et al.
selection, the extra activation that the lexical node ‘dog’ receives from the
presentation of the Spanish distractor word ‘perro’ facilitates its production
(see figure 7).
In several experiments, in which the distractor word and the picture
were presented simultaneously, we have shown that naming latencies are
faster when the distractor word corresponds to the translation of the target
word than when the two stimuli are unrelated (see figure 8). As described
above, this outcome is precisely as predicted by the language-specific
hypothesis. This effect demonstrates that the lexical selection mechanism
considers only the activation of the lexical nodes that belong to the
The phenomenon is robust since we have found it with bilinguals of
very different (English-Spanish) and very similar (Spanish-Catalan)
languages, with participants asked to name the pictures both in the dominant
and the non-dominant language. This shows that the language-specific
selection mechanism may be functional in different bilingual situations.
Therefore it seems that the results of our research support the notion that
lexical access in bilingual speakers is language-specific.
Cat-Spa (Expe1)
Spa-Eng (L2 Naming)
Spa-Eng (L1 Naming)
Naming Latencies
Type of Distractor
Figure 8. Identity Facilitation between-languages
There is, however, one particular version of the language non-specific
hypothesis that is compatible with the observed results. If one assumes that
the inhibitory mechanism is powerful enough to completely suppress the
activation of the lexical nodes of the language-not-in-use, the activation of
the lexical nodes of the non-response language cannot interfere during
lexical access (even if they are considered in the course of lexical access).
Lexical Access
On this strong version of the suppression hypothesis, the language-specific
and non-specific hypotheses become equivalent regarding the extent to
which there exists across language competition. Therefore, the identity
effect observed in our experiments cannot adjudicate between the two
accounts. Indeed, as in the case of the language-specific selection
hypothesis, this strong version of the language non-specific selection
hypothesis predicts that both the semantic interference effect and the
identity facilitation effect must arise as a consequence of within-language
competition. Nevertheless, the two views make different predictions
regarding whether or not there may be activation of the phonological
segments of the lexical nodes belonging to the non-response language.
According to the complete suppression view, the lexical nodes of the nonresponse language would not activate their phonological properties since
they are completely suppressed. In contrast, the language-specific selection
hypothesis would predict that, given cascaded processing, the phonological
information of the lexical nodes of the non-response language should
receive some activation. In the next section we will describe results
regarding this issue that allow us to test these two predictions.
Although the results of our investigation suggest that the lexical nodes
of the non-response language do not compete during lexical selection, in a
recent paper, Hermans, Bongaerts, de Bot & Schreuder (1998) argued that
bilingual speakers cannot prevent interference from their dominant language
when speaking in their second, non-dominant language. They tested DutchEnglish bilinguals in a picture-word interference study in which the
distractor word was phonologically related to the target’s translation (the
phonologically mediated identity condition). For instance, when naming the
picture of a mountain in English, the distractor was the Dutch word (berm –
verge in English), which is phonologically related to the Dutch word for
mountain (berg). Hermans et al. argue that, if the lexical selection
mechanism takes into account the activation of the two languages of a
bilingual, lexical selection should be slower in the phonologically mediated
identity condition (berm-mountain) than in the unrelated condition (kaarsmountain). This expectation is based on the phonological overlap between
the distractor word berm and the translation word (berg) of the target’s
lexical node (‘mountain’). They argue that the distractor word berm will
activate to some extent the lexical node ‘berg’, in addition to the activation
it receives from the presentation of the picture (mountain). On this
reasoning, the activation of the Dutch lexical node ‘berg’ will be larger in
the phonological mediated identity condition than in the unrelated
condition, where it receives activation only from the picture’s semantic
representation. The results confirm this prediction: naming latencies were
A. Costa et al.
slower for the phonological mediated identity condition (mountain-berm)
than for the unrelated condition (mountain-kaars –candle in English).
According to the authors, this inhibitory effect supports the idea that
bilingual speakers cannot prevent interference from the language not-in-use.
In other words, it supports the language non-specific selection hypothesis.
Nevertheless, the interpretation in terms of lexical competition across
languages is not the only one for this result. It could be argued that the
interference effect created by the Dutch lexical node ‘berg’ through the
presentation of the distractor word berm can be located at the retrieval of the
phonological information corresponding to the target word mountain. That
is, it may be that the distractor word berm activates its phonological
segments /b/, /e/, /r/, /m/. Some of these segments are further activated by
the lexical node ‘berg’ /b/, /e/, /r/, which has been previously activated
through the presentation of the target picture (mountain). In such a scenario,
the retrieval of the phonological segments corresponding to mountain (/m/
/o/, /u/, /n/, /t/, /a/, /i/, /n/) may be delayed because other segmental
information is highly activated (/b/, /e/, /r/). This explanation of the effect
reported by Hermans’ et al. is based on two assumptions: first, there is
phonological activation of non-selected lexical nodes (cascaded processing),
and second, the activation of phonemes that are not part of the target word
may affect the retrieval of the target word phonemes. In the next section we
will present data supporting these two assumptions.
3.4. Is the segmental information of the words of the languagenot-in-use activated?
In this section we address the extent to which the activation of the
lexical nodes that belong to the non-response language spreads to their
corresponding phonological segments. In Section 2.2 we presented two
different views of the time course of lexical access in speech production: the
discrete and the cascaded view. According to discrete models, the activation
of phonological segments is restricted to those of the selected word, and the
activation of a non-selected lexical node does not spread to its
corresponding segmental information. In contrast, in the so-called cascaded
models, activation flows freely through the whole system, such that all the
activated lexical nodes send further proportional activation to their
corresponding segments.
There are several studies that have addressed whether phonological
activation of non-selected lexical nodes is found during lexical access in
monolingual speakers (Cutting & Ferreira, 1999; Jescheniak & Schriefers,
1998; Levelt, Schriefers, Vorberg, Meyer, Pechmann, & Havinga, 1991;
Lexical Access
Peterson & Savoy, 1998). One of the more compelling results comes from
the study conducted by Peterson and Savoy (1998). In their study,
participants were asked to name pictures as the primary task and to read
words as the secondary task. In the majority of the trials, participants had to
name the picture that was presented on the screen. However, in some trials,
after the presentation of the picture, a word appeared on the screen and
participants were required to read the word instead of naming the picture. In
the critical condition the word was phonologically related to a synonym of
the picture’s name. For example, when the picture to be named was couch,
the word was phonologically related to the couch’s synonym sofa (e.g.
soda). The authors argue that if the non-selected word ‘sofa’ sends
activation to its phonological segments, reading latencies for the word soda
should be faster when preceded by the picture of a couch than when
preceded by an unrelated picture (e.g. lemon). The data support this
prediction. Furthermore, this effect was only observed when the word was
phonologically related to a synonym of the picture’s name (soda for sofa)
but not when it was phonologically related to a word from the picture’s
semantic category (bet for bed) (for the latter result see also Levelt, et al.
1991). According to the authors, this dichotomy is due to the fact that
although all the activated lexical nodes send proportional activation to their
phonemes, this activation is only detectable when the lexical node is highly
activated as in the case of synonyms (e.g., couch -sofa).
Do the non-selected lexical nodes that belong to the language-not-inuse in bilinguals also send activation to their corresponding phonological
features? In the next section we describe experimental evidence that
suggests that the activation of lexical nodes of the non-response language
further spreads to their phonological segments.
3.4.1. Picture naming and the cognate effect
As shown by Peterson and Savoy (1998), the probability of detecting
phonological activation of non-selected lexical nodes increases when the
non-selected node is highly activated, as in the case of synonyms.
Translations provide a natural way to test the cascaded vs. discrete view of
lexical access since they are guaranteed to be highly activated given that
they share a common semantic representation. Assuming that the parallel
activation principle is correct, when a Catalan-Spanish bilingual is asked to
name the picture of a dog in Spanish, the activation of the Catalan
translation word (e.g. ‘gos’ –dog in Catalan) corresponding to the target
lexical item (e.g., ‘perro’ –dog in Spanish) is also activated. Furthermore,
the activation of the target’s translation word must be quite large since the
two words share a semantic representation and therefore the semantic
A. Costa et al.
overlap of translation words is larger than the overlap between synonyms. In
this situation, according to cascaded models of lexical access, one predicts
detection of the phonological activation of the non-selected word (the
target’s translation word).
In a recent study, we tested this hypothesis by analyzing the naming
performance of Catalan-Spanish bilinguals (Costa et al., in press). We
explored the effect of the cognate variable in picture naming. Cognate
words are translations that are orthographically and phonologically very
similar in the two languages (e.g. ‘gato’ [Spanish, cat], ‘gat’ [Catalan, cat]),
while non-cognate words correspond to those translations that are dissimilar
(e.g. ‘perro’ [Spanish, dog], ‘gos’ [Catalan, dog]. We argued that if the
phonological properties of non-selected lexical nodes that belong to the
non-response language are activated, naming latencies should be faster for
cognate than for non-cognate words. This prediction is based on the
following reasoning. Consider the situation where a Spanish-Catalan
bilingual is asked to name a picture with a cognate name in Spanish (‘gato’).
The activation of the semantic representation of cat will spread some
activation to both the Catalan lexical node ‘gat’ and the Spanish target
lexical node ‘gato’. The activation of the Catalan word will spread to its
phonological properties (/g/, /a/, /t/) which also happen to be part of the
phonological representation (/g/, /a/, /t/, /o/) of the Spanish target lexical
node (‘gato’; see figure 9).
In contrast, when naming a picture with a non-cognate name (‘perro’)
the activation of the phonological form of the target’s Catalan translation
(‘gos’ – dog in Catalan) will activate different phonemes (/g/, /o/, /s/) than
those belonging to the Spanish target lexical node (‘perro’ – dog in
Spanish), and therefore this activation might interfere rather than help with
the retrieval of the target’s phonological segments (gos -Catalan; see figure
10). Therefore, and on the assumption that the ease with which phonological
segments are retrieved depends on their level of activation, cognate words
should be named faster than non-cognate words.
The results of our study were clear: pictures with cognate names were
named faster than pictures with non-cognate names (see figure 11). This
effect was observed both when naming in the dominant language and when
naming in the non-dominant language. Furthermore, the fact that no
differences between the two sets of pictures were observed when Spanish
monolingual speakers were tested suggests that the two sets of pictures are
comparable on other variables that might affect naming latencies.
Lexical Access
Figure 9. Schematic representation of picture naming for cognate words (gato-gat; cat).
The arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level of
activation of the representations. Some phonological segments corresponding to the
Spanish target word (gato) receive some additional activation from its Catalan translation
word (gat).
In a recent unpublished study, the cognate facilitation effect has been
replicated by Janssen (1999) with two different groups of bilinguals (DutchEnglish and Dutch-French bilinguals). This study tests the robustness of the
cognate effect, and it extends the generality of the phenomenon to languages
that are more distantly related than Spanish and Catalan. In summary, the
results of these investigations suggest that there is phonological activation
of non-selected lexical nodes that belong to the non-response language; the
cascaded notion of lexical access is favored. Further evidence for cascaded
processing is presented in the next section.
A. Costa et al.
Figure 10. Schematic representation of picture naming for non-cognate words (perro; gos).
The arrows represent the flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level of
activation of the representations.
Naming Latencies (ms.)
Lexical Access
N o n - d o m in a n t
D o m in a n t
M o n o lin g u a ls
C o g n a te s
N o n -C o g n a te s
T yp e o f w o rd s
Figure 11. Cognate facilitation effect
3.4.2. Between-language phonological interference in a phoneme
monitoring task
The phoneme monitoring task has usually been used for studying the
phonological representations involved in speech perception (e.g., Mehler,
Dommergues, Frauenfelder & Segui, 1981). In this task, participants have to
decide whether a target phoneme (or a letter corresponding to that phoneme)
is present in an auditorily presented stimulus. This task has recently been
adapted to the study of phonological encoding in language production
(Wheeldon and Levelt, 1995; Morgan & Wheeldon, 1999; Costa, Pallier,
Sebastián-Gallés & Colomé, in press). Colomé (submitted) asked subjects
to decide whether a phoneme was included in a picture’s name to
investigate the extent to which there is phonological activation of nonselected lexical nodes of
the language not-in-use. Catalan-Spanish
bilinguals were asked to decide whether a target phoneme was or was not
present in the Catalan names of the pictures. Colomé argued that when
monitoring the Catalan words, reaction times may also be affected by the
activation of the phonological segments belonging to the Spanish name of
the pictures. She argued that if the non-target Spanish lexical node
corresponding to the picture’s name is also activated along with its
phonological segments, to reject a phoneme as not being part of the target
Catalan word it would be harder if that phoneme is part of its Spanish name.
For example, consider the situation in which the picture of a dog is
presented to be monitored in Catalan (gos). Assuming that there is cascaded
processing, the Catalan lexical node ‘gos’ and its Spanish translation ‘perro’
would activate their respective phonological segments (/g/,/o/,/s/ and
/p/,/e/,/r/,o/). Colomé argued that in such a scenario, rejection of the target
A. Costa et al.
phoneme /p/ as not being present in the Catalan target word (gos) would be
harder than rejection of the unrelated target phoneme /b/. This is because the
level of activation of the phoneme /p/ is larger than that of the phoneme /b/.
The results of her research were clear-cut: segments that were part of the
translation word (but were not present in the target word) were harder to
reject than segments that were not part of the translation word. Colomé
interpreted this effect as demonstrating that words in the language not-inuse are activated not only at the lexical level but also at the segmental
(phonological) level. These results fit nicely with the cognate facilitation
effect in bilingual naming, and together suggest that: a) the semantic system
not only activates the lexical nodes of the language in use but also those of
the language not-in-use, and b) the lexical nodes of the language not-in-use
spread some proportional activation to their phonological segments.
3.4.3. Further implications of the phonological activation of nonresponse lexical nodes
The phonological activation of the lexical nodes belonging to the nonresponse language has two main implications.
First, these results may be taken as direct evidence that semantic
representations activate both lexicons of a bilingual in parallel. This
interpretation is based on the assumption that the source of the phonological
activation is the previous activation of their corresponding lexical nodes
(see the parallel activation principle assumed in section 3.1.).
The second and more important implication has to do with the two
hypotheses regarding the lexical selection mechanism discussed in Section
3.2. The results observed in the identity condition across languages with the
picture-word interference paradigm suggest that the lexical nodes of the
non-response language do not compete during lexical selection. We have
argued that these results support the notion that the lexical nodes of the
language not-in-use are not monitored during lexical selection (i.e., the
language-specific selection hypothesis) However, those results are
compatible with a version of the language non-specific hypothesis in which
the lexical nodes of the language not-in-use are completely inhibited. The
language-specific selection and the language non-specific selection
hypotheses become equivalent in their predictions of the identity effect in
the picture-word interference paradigm. This is because the lexical items of
the non-response language cannot create competition either because they are
ignored (language-specific selection), or because their activation levels are
zero (strong version of the language non-specific selection). However, the
"complete suppression" version of the language non-specific hypothesis
cannot explain the results of phonological activation of the lexical nodes
belonging to the non-response language. This is because, in order to have
Lexical Access
this phonological activation, the lexical nodes of the non-target language
should be at least partially activated. If the activation of the lexical nodes of
the language-not-in-use is completely suppressed (complete suppression
hypothesis), they could not activate their phonological elements. Therefore,
the cognate facilitation effect and the results obtained with the phoneme
monitoring cannot be explained by the "complete suppression" version of
the language non-specific hypothesis.
Related to this issue, in section 3.3.2. we described the investigation
conducted by Hermans et al. (1998), which seems to pose dificulties for the
language-specific selection hypothesis. In those experiments naming
latencies were slower when the distractor word (berm) was phonologically
related to the target’s translation (berg). The authors interpreted this
interference effect as reflecting the competition created by the target’s
translation (‘berg’) during the selection of the target’s lexical node
(‘mountain’) (see section 3.3.2. for a more detailed explanation of the
results). However, an alternative explanation for these results is that the
interference effect may arise at the retrieval of the phonological elements of
the target word. This explanation does not rely on competition across the
two languages of a bilingual during lexical selection. The activation of the
target’s translation word (‘berg’) would spread some activation to its
phonemes (/b/,/e/, /r/, /g/). However, the level of activation of these
phonemes would be larger for the related than for the unrelated condition.
This is because in the related condition these phonemes (/b/, /e/, /r/, /g/)
would receive some activation from the distractor presentation (berm) while
they would not receive any extra-activation in the unrelated condition
(kaars). Therefore, the selection of the target’s phonological information
might be delayed by the competition of other activated phonological
information. This argument is based on two assumptions. First, there is
cascaded processing, and therefore lexical nodes that are not selected
nonetheless activate their phonological properties, and second, the
activation of phonological elements that do not belong to the target may
interfere with its retrieval. The results observed in the cognate study and the
ones obtained with the phoneme monitoring paradigm seem to support these
two assumptions. Therefore, the results reported by Hermans et al. (1998)
are not necessarily problematic for the language-specific selection
hypothesis, since alternative explanations are possible for the phonological
mediated identity effect. The results reviewed in this paper find a natural
explanation in the functional architecture of the bilingual lexical system
presented in figure 12.
A. Costa et al.
Figure 12. Schematic representation of a model of bilingual lexical access in which: a) the
semantic system is shared, b) there is parallel activation of the two languages, c) lexical
selection is language specific and, d) there is cascaded processing. The arrows represent the
flow of activation and the thickness of the circles the level of activation of the
This model implements the following principles. First, the semantic
system is language-independent, and it is shared by the two languages of a
bilingual. Second, activation flows freely through the two lexical systems.
That is, the semantic system activates the two languages of a bilingual
regardless of the language being spoken, and all the activated lexical nodes
spread proportional activation to their phonological components/elements.
Third, lexical selection in the target language is achieved by a selection
mechanism that considers only the activation of the lexical nodes that
belong to the target language, without requiring inhibitory processes. The
assumptions implemented in this functional architecture raise a number of
Lexical Access
questions that need to be addressed in future research. For example, how
flexible is the bilingual lexical selection mechanism? If we assume that the
lexical selection mechanism is language- specific, what are the implications
of this assumption for situations in which speakers switch from one
language to the other (the code-switching situation). Is this mechanism able
to cope with code-switching situations? How fast is the switching device?
Could it be that in circumstances of frequent code-switching, the lexical
selection mechanism inspects the two languages simultaneously, thereby
creating lexical competition between the two languages?
Along the same lines, we can ask when the language-specific selection
mechanism becomes functional during second language acquisition. Does
this specific mechanism function very early during language acquisition, in
order to prevent lexical intrusions from the language-not-in-use? Does the
availability of this mechanism depend on the age of second language
acquisition (in childhood or adulthood)?
There are also unresolved issues regarding the implications of
sublexical activation of the language-not-in-use. The most immediate issue
involves the extent to which this activation creates interference during
phonological encoding. We have demonstrated that cognates are named
faster than non-cognates. This phenomenon may be understood as either a)
an interference created by the non-target sublexical units activated by the
non-cognate translations, or b) a facilitation created by the sublexical
overlap between cognate words. At the moment, we cannot tease apart these
two explanations; that both of them play a role is also possible. Moreover, a
further analysis of this effect and of its causes may shed some light on the
processes involved in the retrieval of phonological units, both in
monolinguals and in bilinguals.
As we have briefly presented, there are many questions that have not
been yet addressed in the study of bilingualism and speech production.
Furthermore, many of the topics are still scarcely understood, despite the
vast research devoted to their study. We hope that future studies will
address some of these questions.
Acceso léxico en producción del lenguaje: el caso bilingüe. En este
artículo se revisan modelos de acceso léxico en producción de lenguaje en
hablantes bilingües. Nos centramos en dos aspectos fundamentales del
acceso léxico: a) cómo se alcanza la selección léxica , y b) si el acceso
léxico implica estadios de procesamiento discretos o en cascada.
Comenzamos considerando supuestos importantes sobre el funcionamiento
A. Costa et al.
del acceso léxico en monolingües, para después discutirlos en el contexto de
los hablantes bilingües. Se describen los modelos teóricos y la evidencia
empírica reciente acorde a estos supuestos.
Palabras clave: Producción de lenguaje, Acceso Léxico, Bilingüismo.
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