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Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment have evolved substantially over the last 40 years. Engineered wetlands have become an effective means of advanced water treatment, including nitrogen removal. Integration of hydraulic or aeration machinery into constructed wetlands is responsible for these increased treatment capabilities. Together with improved scientific understanding of wetlands, these developments represent the emergence of a tidal flow of engineered wetlands that not only improve treatment performance, but also can successfully compete with many conventional technologies.
The challenge for wastewater professionals is to design and operate treatment processes that support human well being and are environmentally sensitive throughout the lifecycle. This research focuses on one technology for small-scale wastewater treatment: the vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW), which is herein investigated for the capacity Fellowship Program, the Water Environment Research Foundation (Project DEC11U06), the DeVlieg Foundation, the Michigan Water Environment Association, and Michigan Technological University in conjunction with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, the
Water research, 2013
The hybrid systems were developed in the 1960s but their use increased only during the late 1990 s and in the 2000s mostly because of more stringent discharge limits for nitrogen and also more complex wastewaters treated in constructed wetlands (CWs). The early hybrid CWs consisted of several stages of vertical flow (VF) followed by several stages of horizontal flow (HF) beds. During the 1990 s, HF-VF and VF-HF hybrid systems were introduced. However, to achieve higher removal of total nitrogen or to treat more complex industrial and agricultural wastewaters other types of hybrid constructed wetlands including free water surface (FWS) CWs and multistage CWs have recently been used as well. The survey of 60 hybrid constructed wetlands from 24 countries reported after 2003 revealed that hybrid constructed wetlands are primarily used on Europe and in Asia while in other continents their use is limited. The most commonly used hybrid system is a VF-HF constructed wetland which has been u...
Water Research, 2014
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 4 0 e5 5 http://dx.
Wetlands and Natural …, 2006
The first experiments using wetland macrophytes for wastewater treatment were carried out in Germany in the early 1950s. Since then, the constructed wetlands have evolved into a reliable wastewater treatment technology for various types of wastewater. The classification of constructed wetlands is based on: the vegetation type (emergent, submerged, floating leaved, free-floating); hydrology (free water surface and subsurface flow); and subsurface flow wetlands can be further classified according to the flow direction (vertical or horizontal). In order to achieve better treatment performance, namely for nitrogen, various types of constructed wetlands could be combined into hybrid systems.
Abstract. The use of constructed wetlands for tertiary wastewater treatment is emerging as a cost-effective wastewater treatment technology. Constructed wetlands are theoretically designed and operated so that the target constituents have ample time to interact with wetland substrates and microbiota to effect constituent removal necessary to achieve water quality discharge limits. Unfortunately, engineering natural systems is complicated and operational criteria are poorly defined. Long-term research is needed that compares design configurations as well as performance since each constructed wetland system is subjected to a variety of stochastic events (i.e. wind speed and direction, sedimentation due to pulsed rain events, plant dispersal and plant succession). The 650-acre constructed wetland system in Augusta, Georgia was developed in three phases, beginning with a 60-acre pilot study that evaluated use of the technology for ammonia and BOD removal. The pilot study was operated fr...
Journal of Biotechnology, 2005
A tidal flow constructed wetland system was investigated for the removal of organic matter and ammoniacal-nitrogen from diluted piggery wastewater. The results demonstrated that the operation of tidal flow enhanced the transfer of oxygen into wetland matrices. The supply of oxygen by the operation (473 gO2/m2d) matched the demand for wastewater treatment. The overall oxygen consumption rate in the system was considerably higher than the typical rate obtainable in conventional wetlands; most oxygen being used for the decomposition of organic matter. Compared with conventional systems, the tidal flow system demonstrated greater efficiency in the removal of organic matter. Significant nitrification did not take place, although 27–48% ammonia was removed from the wastewater. Immobilization by microbial cells and adsorption were the likely routes to remove ammonia under the specific experiment conditions. Percentage removals of BOD5, NH4–N and SS increased after effluent recirculation at a ratio of 1:1 was employed.
Up until this day, human beings have not made a proper appraisal of this great personality, this Mahásambhúti (the special manifestation of Supreme Consciousness) who gave human beings their first opportunity to experience the sweet joy of fulfilment of all their longings" explains Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. "No one has discussed Him much up until now. Why people failed to make this appraisal is irrelevant today. It is the firm duty of every individual to know and evaluate the exact contribution of Shiva, and in this process of evaluation, we cannot ignore the personality Himself. One may derive some joy from a bright ray emanating from a shining entity, but without the entity itself, the bliss will not be complete." The remarkable collection of P. R. Sarkar's discourses presented here about Shiva, who lived about 7000 years ago, is highly recommended to all scholars and others interested to know more about the real historical Shiva, his spiritual and social contributions and his shining personality. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990) was the spiritual preceptor and founder of Ananda Marga ("Path of Bliss"), a global socio-spiritual movement.
A la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, en cuyas viejas y queridas aulas aprendí y enseñé Derecho.
Es un órgano glandular voluminoso que cumple múltiples funciones, algunas de estas son secretar la bilis (secreción externa) y almacenar azúcar en forma de glucógeno, la cual vierte en la sangre, según las necesidades, en forma de glucosa (secreción interna). Se compara su forma con la mitad superior de un ovoide horizontal, de gran extremo derecho, que se extiende transversalmente debajo del diafragma. Situación: está situado en el piso supramesocólico del abdomen, específicamente ocupa la casi totalidad del hipocondrio derecho, gran parte del epigastrio y la parte más alta del hipocondrio izquierdo. Está debajo del diafragma, que lo cubre como una cápsula, encima del estómago y de la masa intestinal. Corresponde por detrás a las tres últimas vertebras dorsales y por delante y lateralmente a las 7 u 8 últimas costillas.
Valentina Nieri Dal Corpus OVI a una biblioteca digitale dell'italiano antico * PREMESSA Con i suoi 3477 testi e le sue 30.245.108 occorrenze 1 , il Corpus OVI dell'italiano antico 2 costituisce la più ampia banca dati disponibile per l'italiano antico: i testi che confluiscono nel corpus sono tratti da edizioni filologicamente affidabili e sono sottoposti a un'ulteriore revisione critica da parte dei ricercatori dell'OVI; inoltre, l'istituto monitora costantemente la pubblicazione di nuove edizioni, procedendo non solo a un progressivo incremento della documentazione testuale ma anche a un costante aggiornamento delle edizioni inserite nel corpus 3. L'attività di rinnovamento e implementazione del corpus è stata portata avanti negli ultimi anni anche grazie a due progetti PRIN: COVO. Il corpus del vocabolario italiano delle origini: aggiornamento filologico e interoperabilità (PRIN 2015) e Renovo. Rigenerare il corpus OVI: rinnovo e ottimizzazione dei metodi, contenuti, strumenti (PRIN 2017). Fra gli obiettivi del progetto Renovo vi è inoltre la realizzazione di una biblioteca digitale a partire dai testi che costituiscono il Corpus OVI, un obiettivo, come scrive il coordinatore del progetto Lino Leonardi, «relativamente semplice da realizzare, se non altro dal punto di vista tecnico (andranno semmai affrontate questioni di copy-* Il presente contributo è stato elaborato nell'ambito del progetto RENOVO, PRIN 201739KTYX, Unità di ricerca della Scuola Normale Superiore. Si ringraziano Pär Larson, Lino Leonardi, Paolo Squillacioti e gli anonimi revisori per la lettura e i preziosi suggerimenti. 1 Si citano i dati del più recente aggiornamento del corpus (18 settembre 2023). 2 Dopo la ristrutturazione elaborata nel febbraio 2017, i due principali corpora testuali dell'OVI sono il Corpus OVI dell'italiano antico e il Corpus TLIO per il vocabolario, dei quali il primo mira a raccogliere in modo esaustivo la documentazione testuale italoromanza ante 1400, mentre il secondo, lemmatizzato, è la base di dati elettiva per la redazione del TLIO. Responsabili dei corpora OVI e TLIO sono Elena Artale, Diego Dotto e Pär Larson. Per ciò che riguarda l'implementazione della banca dati successivamente alla sua pubblicazione online nel 1997 (1132 testi fra quelli oggi nel corpus appartengono a quel primo nucleo), guardando alla composizione attuale del Corpus OVI e valutando insieme le aggiunte e le sostituzioni, si rileva che gruppi cospicui di testi sono stati inseriti fino al 2007 (si tratta di altri 659),
Social Problems, 2019
UFPB/CNpq, 2024
Transstellar journal, 2018
Handbook on Cyber Hate, 2024
European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes, 2018
The Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1993
international journal of contemporary medical research, 2021
Case Reports in Endocrinology, 2015
Selcuk Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, 2004
Applied Acoustics, 2017
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2018