Geol. J. (2012)
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/gj.2435
Biofacies and palaeoenvironments of conodonts in Cambro-Ordovician
sequences of the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Cordillera Oriental
of Jujuy, Argentina
CICTERRA-CONICET – Museo de Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
The taxa frequencies and cluster analysis of 10 837 conodonts recovered from the Santa Rosita Formation on the eastern flank of the Quebrada de
Humahuaca, Cordillera Oriental of Argentina, were carried out for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The first type of analysis allowed us to
identify three conodont biofacies: Variabiloconus-Teridontus, Utahconus-Acanthodus and Tilcarodus-Drepanoistodus, and the cluster analysis
helps define respective sub-biofacies. The first biofacies is not constrained to a particular environment, the second biofacies, which is characterized
by typical Laurentian genera, is related to sandstones from shallow-water environments, while the third one is better represented in deeper water
siliciclastic lithofacies. A nektobenthic mode of life is suggested for Utahconus and Acanthodus, but a pelagic behaviour is apparent for the rest of
the taxa, well adapted to off-shore biotopes in particular cases (proto- and paraconodonts). The faunal composition reveals a mixture of Baltic and
Laurentian taxa, as well as endemic forms that define the Southwestern Gondwana Province from the Cold Domain in the Shallow-Sea Realm. The
presence of typical species from low latitudes (e.g. Australia) confirms the installation of an oceanic perigondwanian corridor, which was open to
faunal migration during the late Cambrian–early Ordovician. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 15 September 2011; accepted 4 April 2012
conodonts; Cambrian; Ordovician; biofacies; cluster analysis; palaeoenvironments; palaeobiogeography; Cordillera Oriental; Argentina
Palaeoecological studies of conodonts have been carried
out by a number of authors since the first contributions as
theoretical models in the early 1970’s (e.g. Seddon and Sweet,
1971; Barnes and Fåhraeus, 1975; Ji and Barnes, 1994;
Albanesi, 1998; Zhang and Barnes, 2004). They postulated
different lifestyles for this fossil group, currently being
accepted that some genera had a pelagic habit, while other taxa
have a nektobenthic mode of life (Pohler and Barnes, 1990).
However, synecological aspects of a large amount of
conodont faunas from Gondwana are still unknown.
The percentage composition of genera and species, and
the link between themselves and their sedimentological
environment were analyzed to determine the distribution of biofacies, and to deduce the composition of the
conodont communities in the palaeoenvironments of the
study area. For this purpose, different graphs are presented:
*Correspondence to: F. J. Zeballo, Museo de Paleontología, Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Casilla
de Correo 1598, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail:
[email protected]
relative frequency, cluster analysis, and a three-dimensional
palaeoenvironmental model proposed.
The term ‘biofacies’ is used in this work as an association of
taxa that are recorded together in a rock whose presence has
palaeoenvironmental connotations (cf. Ludvigsen et al.,
1986). Therefore, its relationship with the lithology and
stratigraphy is extremely close, but does not necessarily reflect
an ecological association. The term ‘community’, on the other
hand, is an ecological association of taxa that lived relatively
close together under particular environmental conditions
(cf. Zhang and Barnes, 2004).
The studied lithostratigraphic unit corresponds to the
Santa Rosita Formation and equivalent units in the Tilcara
Range and Alfarcito Hills, on the eastern flank of the
Quebrada de Humahuaca, in the Cordillera Oriental of
Argentina (Figure 1). The age for these outcrops ranges from
late Furongian to middle Tremadocian (Tr2) (late Cambrian
to Early Ordovician) (Figure 2). The Santa Rosita Formation
is composed of six members, from bottom to top: the
Tilcara, Casa Colorada, Pico de Halcón, Alfarcito, Rupasca
and Humacha members. The Tilcara and Pico de Halcón
members were deposited in a fluvio-estuarine environment
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
are represented by sandy levels and accumulation of diverse
types of bioclasts. These cycles were tentatively correlated
with global transgressive–regressive events: the Basal House
Lowstand (BHL), Acerocare Regressive Event (ARE), Black
Mountain Eustatic Event (BMEE), Peltocare Regressive Event
(PRE) and Ceratopyge Regressive Event (CRE) (Figure 2).
A detailed stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental analysis of
the Santa Rosita Formation has been carried out by Buatois and
Mángano (2003), Mángano and Buatois (2004) and Buatois
et al. (2006), among others. Furthermore, biostratigraphic
studies for this unit were accomplished by Zeballo et al.
(2005, 2008, 2011), and Zeballo and Albanesi (this volume).
Figure 1. Location map of the study area and analyzed sections for
conodont palaeoenvironments, with outcrops of the Santa Rosita Formation
in light green. Map of the Argentine Cordillera Oriental, with CambroOrdovician outcrops in dark green. This figure is available in colour online
and the remaining units were deposited under open sea
conditions, in a shallow-water platform. The upper three
members were productive for conodonts, consequently in this
contribution we analyzed the association of conodonts from
the Alfarcito, Rupasca and Humacha members. The Alfarcito
Member is a heterolithic succession of siltstones and
sandstones with intercalated calcarenites and coquinas. The
Rupasca Member is mainly a shaly-silty unit with scarce and
thin levels of sandstones and coquinas, and the Humacha
Member consists of sandstones with hummocky cross-stratification and trace fossils, and scarce siltstones. Each lithostratigraphic unit is made up of transgressive–regressive cycles of
different magnitude; on the other hand, the regressive cycles
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The studied collection consists of 10 837 conodonts (see
Appendix, Tables 1 and 2) from the Moya, Angosto de
Chucalezna, Tres Ciénagas, El Arenal, Humacha, Casa
Colorada, San Gregorio, Punta Corral and Salto Alto sections
(abbreviated Moya, Chuc, TrCi, ElAr, Hum, CC, SG, PtaCorral
and Purm, respectively; Figure 1). The Abra Blanca area comprises the Tres Ciénagas, El Arenal and Humacha creeks. Also,
we included conodont collections from the Coquena, Chalala
(Purmamarca area) and Trampeadero creeks (Parcha area)
(abbreviated Coq, Chal, and Tramp, respectively), which are
control sections outside the Tilcara Range (Figures 3 and 4).
In the analysis of the relative frequencies, the relative
percentages of conodont genera in three of the most complete sections of the study area (El Arenal, Humacha and
San Gregorio creeks) are plotted. The samples containing
less than three elements are dismissed because they produce
abnormal frequency peaks.
For the cluster analysis we follow the methodology used by
Zhang and Barnes (2004). To this purpose, the study area is
divided into two minor geographic areas: northern (including
the Moya, Angosto de Chucalezna, Tres Ciénagas, El Arenal
and Humacha sections) and southern (corresponding to
the Casa Colorada, San Gregorio, Punta Corral, Salto Alto,
Coquena, Chalala and Trampeadero sections) (Figure 1).
Double clusters were made, Q and R types (organized
according to the similarity between samples or the coexistence of taxa, respectively), for the northern and southern
areas. The assembly of the clusters was performed using
the Paired Group or Unweighted Pair-Group Moving
Average (UPGMA) algorithm and the similarity measure
used was the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The dendrograms were performed using the program PAST version
2.01 (Hammer et al., 2001), with absolute abundances of
each sample, obtained after dividing the number of elements
of each species by the weight of each sample. In turn, there
were created frequency intervals of <1, 1–4, 5–9, 10–24,
25–49, 50–99 and >100 conodonts/kg of rock, plotted by
circles of different sizes.
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
Figure 2. Composite stratigraphic column of the Santa Rosita Formation at the Tilcara Range, with transgressive–regressive cycles (after Buatois et al., 2006;
Zeballo et al., 2005, 2011; Zeballo and Albanesi, 2009, ) and main eustatic events in dark grey (after Miller et al., 2003, 2006, and Lehnert et al., 2005) (Conod.:
conodonts, Gr.: graptolites, C. a.: Cordylodus angulatus, Adel.: Adelograptus, Ao. victoriae: Aorograptus victoriae, BHL: Basal House Lowstand, ARE: Acerocare
Regressive Event, BMEE: Black Mountain Eustatic Event, PRE: Peltocare Regressive Event, CRE: Ceratopyge Regressive Event). See Figure 3 for Key.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
Figure 3. Stratigraphic columns of the Santa Rosita Formation in the northern area and location of the productive samples.
The relative frequency of genera allows to visualize the
variation in the composition of conodont faunas in a single
section through geological time and in correspondence with
environmental changes. We selected the El Arenal and
Humacha (Figure 3) and San Gregorio (Figure 4) creeks
for this analysis, in the north and in the south of the study
area, respectively, because they exhibit the most complete
biostratigraphic records.
Figures 5 and 6 show a predominance of the genera
Variabiloconus and Teridontus in the lower Alfarcito Member
(samples ElAr6, TrCi1a, TrCi1b and ElAr3 in the Abra Blanca
area, and samples SG1, SG2 and SG4 in the Alfarcito area),
with a lower participation (ca. 30% in the San Gregorio
section and ca. 20% in the El Arenal section) of the genera
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Striatodontus, Cordylodus and Drepanoistodus, like protoand paraconodonts at the same levels.
From the sample ElAr1, corresponding to the top of
the second transgressive–regressive cycle of the Alfarcito
Member, the appearance of the genus Utahconus is apparent.
This genus also appears in the sample SG7A, which corresponds to the top of the third cycle of the same member
(Figure 2). This latest transgressive–regressive cycle shows
differences between the two sections studied: in the northern
section, in the sample ElArA, Utahconus was recorded with
35% and Acanthodus with 31% of the total conodont fauna,
while in the southern section, the latter taxon was recorded
with a very low frequency in contemporary levels, with
Utahconus the dominant genus (67%). At the same time,
Teridontus dramatically decreases in the El Arenal section
and Variabiloconus does so in the San Gregorio section. These
two taxa are, therefore, mutually exclusive (Figures 5 and 6).
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
Figure 4. Stratigraphic columns of the Santa Rosita and Coquena formations in the southern area and location of the productive samples.
Relative frequency analysis also verifies the presence
of other taxa in a subordinate way, such as Rossodus,
Kallidontus, Ulrichodina and Phakelodus, the latter included
within proto- and paraconodonts in the sample ElArA. At this
level, the first appearance of Tilcarodus and Paltodus occurs,
although in smaller proportion than in younger levels. The
base of the Rupasca Member shows an increase in diversity
of taxa in both sections, with the emergence of genera such
as Drepanodus, Kallidontus, and a significant increase of
Semiacontiodus in the sample SG7B. The contemporary
level at the El Arenal Creek, ElArB sample, corresponds to a
particular calcareous silty level, with a fauna that is only
recorded in this horizon, including the genera Coelocerodontus,
Filodontus and ca. 3% of Kallidontus, the highest percentage
of this taxon recorded in the entire area. Also, the frequency of
proto- and paraconodonts reaches ca. 10%, including the
genera Granatodontus, Phakelodus and Furnishina. The
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
overlying levels are related to the end of the regression
that occurs in the basal Rupasca Member (Peltocare
Regressive Event, PRE, Figure 2), and the corresponding
samples are SG7C and ElArC. The latter repeated the
association of the genera Acanthodus and Utahconus,
although to a lesser extent than in the upper Alfarcito
Member (ca. 50% between the two taxa), while in the
sample SG7C, Utahconus, with 29% of the total fauna,
is followed in abundance by Semiacontiodus, with ca.
16%, although the best represented genus is Tilcarodus,
with 34%. In both areas there has been a progressive
increase in the frequency of Drepanoistodus, Tilcarodus
and Paltodus in the rest of the Rupasca Member, becoming the main components of the conodont fauna. At the
same time, Teridontus dominates over Variabiloconus in
the middle part of this unit, while the ratio is reversed
at the top. The Humacha Member is only present in the
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
Figure 5. Relative frequencies of conodont genera recorded in the Abra Blanca area (TrCi: Tres Ciénagas, ElAr: El Arenal and Hum: Humacha creeks). X axis:
samples in stratigraphic order (oldest to the left, ranges of the lithostratigraphic units not to scale), Y axis: relative frequencies (expressed in percentages).
This figure is available in colour online at
eponymous section of the northern area, and begins in
Hum1 with the association Acanthodus and Utahconus, as
recorded previously. That association reaches 73% of the
total fauna, followed by Drepanoistodus, and minor components such as Paltodus, Acodus, Cornuodus, Drepanodus,
Tropodus and Variabiloconus.
The peaks of the two most abundant genera of conodonts in
Figures 5 and 6 determine assemblages defined as biofacies,
although as few as one or two taxa can be present. These
biofacies are (i) Variabiloconus–Teridontus, (ii) Utahconus–
Acanthodus and (iii) Tilcarodus–Drepanoistodus. The discussion of these biofacies is presented below, together with the
analysis of the whole samples and sections.
Cluster analysis verifies the occurrence of certain species
associated with particular lithologies and environments, while
other taxa are distributed in different types of rocks. These
associations define sub-biofacies, which bear the specific
names of taxa that are more abundant or characteristic of a
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
palaeoenvironment. Moreover, samples with conodonts are
grouped into clusters with similar faunal content, representing
different palaeoenvironments (Figures 7 and 8). The three
conodont biofacies are divided into the following respective
(i) Variabiloconus–Teridontus Biofacies: related to
diverse shallow-water environments, from shoreface
to lower off-shore. It consists of three sub-biofacies:
Variabiloconus datsonensis–Teridontus gallicus Subbiofacies, Variabiloconus crassus–Teridontus gallicus
Sub-biofacies, and Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies.
(ii) Utahconus–Acanthodus Biofacies: related to shallowwater environments (shoreface to off-shore transition).
The six sub-biofacies are: Utahconus tortibasis–Acanthodus
raqueli Sub-biofacies, Utahconus scandodiformis–
Acanthodus humachensis Sub-biofacies, Utahconus
purmamarcensis–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies,
Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies,
Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus sp. Sub-biofacies, and
Utahconus tortibasis–Semiacontiodus spp. Sub-biofacies.
(iii) Tilcarodus–Drepanoistodus Biofacies: related to moderate
to deep-water environments (upper to lower off-shore).
It comprises a single Tilcarodus humahuacensis–
Drepanoistodus chucaleznensis Sub-biofacies.
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Figure 6. Relative frequencies of conodont genera recorded in the San Gregorio (SG) creek. X axis: samples in stratigraphic order (oldest to the left, ranges of the
lithostratigraphic units not to scale), Y axis: relative frequencies (expressed in percentages). This figure is available in colour online at
4.1. Sub-biofacies of the Variabiloconus–Teridontus
4.1.1. Variabiloconus datsonensis–Teridontus gallicus
This sub-biofacies is represented in the El Arenal section by
samples ElAr6 and ElAr4, and in the Salto Alto section by
samples Purm1′, Purm2, Purm2′, Purm3, Purm3′ and Purm300 ,
together with the samples PtaCorral3 and SG2, from Punta
Corral and San Gregorio sections, respectively. It is mainly
composed of Variabiloconus datsonensis (Druce and Jones)
and Teridontus gallicus Serpagli, Ferretti, Nicoll and Serventi,
which contribute ca. 96% in ElAr6 sample and ca. 65%
in Purm3 sample, with minor participation of other taxa,
e.g. Variabiloconus bicuspatus (Druce and Jones). In the
‘Purmamarca Shales’, Salto Alto Creek, the association
consists of diverse species of Cordylodus (e.g. C. proavus
Müller, C. caboti Bagnoli, Barnes and Stevens, C. cf. andresi
Viira and Sergeyeva), although with a very low proportion.
Hirsutodontus galerus Tolmacheva and Abaimova and
Hirsutodontus simplex (Druce and Jones) are recorded in
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
this section, as well as the highest frequency of para- and protoconodonts of the study area, such as Albiconus postcostatus
Miller, Phakelodus elongatus (Zhang), P. tenuis (Müller),
Problematoconites perforatus Müller and Westergaardodina
polymorpha Müller and Hinz. The environment to which
this sub-biofacies is related is lower to upper off-shore, and
eventually shelf.
4.1.2. Variabiloconus crassus–Teridontus gallicus Subbiofacies
This sub-biofacies is identified in the uppermost levels of the
Alfarcito Member, in samples TrCi1a, TrCi1b, ElAr1, Chuc6,
Chuc8, Chuc11 and Moya2, of the northern area, and in
samples CC2, CC3, CC5 and SG4, from the southern area,
together with Tramp3. Together with the nominal taxa,
the species Cordylodus angulatus Pander, Drepanoistodus
alfarcitensis Zeballo, Albanesi and Ortega, Problematoconites
perforatus, Semiacontiodus minutus Zeballo, Albanesi and
Ortega, Striatodontus sp. and Utahconus sp., are associated
in a significant number. Variabiloconus crassus Zeballo and
Albanesi plus Teridontus gallicus compose ca. 93% of the
Geol. J. (2012)
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Figure 7. Cluster analysis of the northern area (U. s.–A. h.: Utahconus scandodiformis–Acanthodus humachensis Sub-biofacies, V. c.–T. g.: Variabiloconus
crassus–Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies, U. t.–A. r.: Utahconus tortibasis–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies, T. h.–D. c.: Tilcarodus humahuacensis–
Drepanoistodus chucaleznensis Sub-biofacies, V. d.–T. g.: Variabiloconus datsonensis–Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies). This figure is available in colour
online at
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Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
Figure 8. Cluster analysis of the southern area (U. s.–A. h.: Utahconus scandodiformis–Acanthodus humachensis Sub-biofacies, V. c.–T. g.: Variabiloconus
crassus–Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies, U. t.–A. r.: Utahconus tortibasis–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies, T. h.–D. c.: Tilcarodus humahuacensis–
Drepanoistodus chucaleznensis Sub-biofacies, V. d.–T. g.: Variabiloconus datsonensis–Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies, U. sp.–A. r.: Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus
raqueli Sub-biofacies, U. sp.–A. sp.: Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus sp. Sub-biofacies, U. t.–S. spp.: Utahconus tortibasis–Semiacontiodus spp. Sub-biofacies,
U. p.–A. r.: Utahconus purmamarcensis–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies). This figure is available in colour online at
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
fauna in sample Moya2, in the northern area, and ca. 68% in
sample CC3, in the southern area. The samples belonging to
this sub-biofacies come from a variety of lithologies, which
were deposited from shoreface to lower off-shore.
4.1.3. Teridontus gallicus Sub-biofacies
This third sub-biofacies of the Variabiloconus–Teridontus
Biofacies is identified in the samples ElAr3, ElAr2 from the
northern area, and samples SG1, SG5, PtaCorral1, Purm4
and Purm5 from the southern area. The diversity of taxa
found is the lowest of all sub-biofacies of the study area, with
Teridontus gallicus being the dominant taxon, followed by a
low frequency of Phakelodus elongatus, Cordylodus proavus,
Variabiloconus crassus and Variabiloconus sp. The depositional environment is lower to upper off-shore. Although the
sample ElAr3 was obtained from the top strata of the lower
Alfarcito Member, it corresponds to a lens of calcarenite
interbedded between sandstone that could have come from
deeper levels of the basin.
4.2. Sub-biofacies of the Utahconus–Acanthodus Biofacies
and Albanesi combined represent ca. 55% of the total fauna
in the sample Hum1, with an important proportion of the
genus Drepanoistodus (reaching 38%), through the species
D. chucaleznensis, D. cf. concavus (Branson and Mehl),
D. costatus (Abamoiva) and D. nowlani Ji and Barnes. The
index fossil Paltodus deltifer deltifer (Lindström) and the
species Acodus primitivus Zeballo and Albanesi are found
represented proportionally in a lower amount, as well as
other taxa, such as Cornuodus sp., Drepanodus arcuatus
Pander, D. parformis Löfgren and Tolmacheva, Parapanderodus striatus (Graves and Ellison), and Variabiloconus
variabilis (Lindström).
4.2.3. Utahconus purmamarcensis–Acanthodus raqueli
This sub-biofacies is recorded to the west of the study area,
in the Coquena and Chalala creeks (samples CoqSup,
Coq2 and Chal1). Utahconus purmamarcensis Zeballo
and Albanesi and Acanthodus raqueli Zeballo and Albanesi
are represented with ca. 32% of the fauna in the sample
CoqSup, while the absolute frequency of Tilcarodus
humahuacensis and Drepanoistodus spp. (D. chucaleznensis,
D. cf. concavus and D. nowlani) is significant. Teridontus
gallicus, Paltodus deltifer ssp. (P. d. pristinus, P. d. deltifer
and P. deltifer n. ssp.) and Phakelodus elongatus are
recorded, although with lower percentages than the mentioned taxa. The samples are coquinas from interbedded
sandstone strata of shallow-water deposits (shoreface)
that occur at the top part of the lower member of the
Coquena Formation.
4.2.1. Utahconus tortibasis–Acanthodus raqueli Subbiofacies
Within the Utahconus-Acanthodus Biofacies, this subbiofacies is distinguished by the nominal taxa which represent
ca. 50% of the total fauna, followed by Variabiloconus
crassus, Tilcarodus humahuacensis (Albanesi and Aceñolaza),
Drepanoistodus alfarcitensis, D. chucaleznensis Albanesi and
Aceñolaza and Cordylodus angulatus. In a lower proportion
Teridontus gallicus, Phakelodus elongatus and Paltodus
deltifer pristinus (Viira), are recorded. The samples related to
this sub-biofacies are ElArA, ElArC and Hum6, in the
northern area, and CC1, CC4, SG7A and Tramp2 in the
southern area; the environment where these rocks were
deposited is shallow, from shoreface to off-shore transition,
corresponding to sandstones with hummocky crossstratification structures from the third cycle of a
transgressive–regressive interval of the Alfarcito Member,
and to the regressive event in the lower part of the
Rupasca Member. The sample ElArC probably has some
reworked specimens from nearshore environments, since
it intercalates with lower off-shore shales.
4.2.4. Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus raqueli Sub-biofacies
This sub-biofacies is also related to another regressive
event, but from the top of the lower interval of the Alfarcito
Member, the level PtaCorral2 that was sampled in the
Punta Corral Creek. It represents the oldest record of the
Utahconus–Acanthodus Biofacies. The species that accompany Utahconus sp. and Acanthodus raqueli are Variabiloconus
cf. datsonensis, Teridontus gallicus, Striatodontus sp.,
Cordylodus angulatus, and in a lower proportion
Drepanoistodus alfarcitensis, Phakelodus elongatus,
P. tenuis and Cordylodus cf. prion Lindström.
4.2.2. Utahconus scandodiformis–Acanthodus humachensis
This sub-biofacies is another shallow-water association
(shoreface to off-shore transition) which is also recorded in
the sandstones of the Humacha Member. Such a biofacial
unit is located in the samples Hum0, Hum1, Hum2, Hum3,
from the Humacha Creek and the sample Coq3, in the
Coquena Creek. The species Utahconus scandodiformis
Zeballo and Albanesi and Acanthodus humachensis Zeballo
4.2.5. Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus sp. Sub-biofacies
This sub-biofacies is present in sample Tramp3, from the
Trampeadero section. The association is composed of the nominal taxa, together with Variabiloconus crassus, Teridontus
gallicus and Drepanoistodus alfarcitensis, while Cordylodus
cf. lindstromi Druce and Jones, Laurentoscandodus
triangularis (Furnish) and Semiacontiodus minutus appear
scarcely in this association.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Geol. J. (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/gj
4.2.6. Utahconus tortibasis–Semiacontiodus spp. Subbiofacies
In the San Gregorio Creek, in the upper interval of the
Alfarcito Member (SG7B and SG7C), is recorded the association Utahconus tortibasis Zeballo and Albanesi with
Semiacontiodus minutus and Semiacontiodus striatus
Zeballo, Albanesi and Ortega, which give the name to the
sub-biofacies. The latter genus reaches 29% of the conodont
fauna in the sample SG7B, followed in lower proportion by
Drepanoistodus (D. alfarcitensis and D. chucaleznensis) and
Tilcarodus humahuacensis, and the remaining Utahconus
tortibasis with ca. 10%. The relationship is reversed in
the sample SG7C, where this taxon represents 29% and
Semiacontiodus minutus + S. striatus combined only constitute 16% of the total fauna. This biofacial unit is not found
currently in other sections.
4.3. Sub-biofacies of the Tilcarodus–Drepanoistodus Biofacies
4.3.1. The Tilcarodus humahuacensis–Drepanoistodus
This sub-biofacies is the only sub-unit of the Tilcarodus–
Drepanoistodus Biofacies, for which the description of both
is convergent. Although Tilcarodus humahuacensis and
Drepanoistodus chucaleznensis are also recorded in other
sub-biofacies, in this biofacies they represent the highest
percentages (86% in sample SG9 and 77% in sample
ElArE). Some associated species are Coelocerodontus sp.,
Cordylodus angulatus, C. caseyi Druce and Jones, Drepanodus
arcuatus, Kallidontus gondwanicus Zeballo and Albanesi,
Paltodus deltifer pristinus and Granatodontus sp., among
others, as well as Variabiloconus crassus and Teridontus
gallicus, which are also present in the previously mentioned
sub-biofacies. It is particularly interesting to note the faunal
composition in the sample ElArB (the calcisilt-rich strata
intercalated in the basal Rupasca Member), at El Arenal
Creek, with a significant increase of para- and protoconodonts (e.g. Phakelodus elongatus, P. tenuis, and Furnishina?
sp.). The euconodont Filodontus sp. is recorded with scarce
elements only in this sample, while the genera Utahconus
and Acanthodus which characterize the homonymous
biofacies, are not recognized herein, but they occur in
the underlying and overlying levels, revealing a sharp
environmental change in this stratigraphic interval. The
palaeoenvironment, as suggested by the lithofacies, is
shelfal to off-shore.
From the observations made in the above figures, it appears
that the genera Variabiloconus and Teridontus would be
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
pelagic in life habit, probably epipelagic, as they were recovered from coquinas and calcarenites interbedded in a wide
variety of rocks, deposited in shoreface to lower offshore
settings. In turn, the relationship between the two taxa is
antithetical, i.e. at the same time the percentage of a genus
increases while the other one decreases. This fact is more
evident in the upper part of the Alfarcito Member and in
the lower part of the Rupasca Member at the El Arenal and
San Gregorio creeks, respectively. The water depth appears
to be the controlling factor in a relationship where Teridontus
occupy a more distal position than Variabiloconus. Zhang
and Barnes (2004) found a similar antithetical relationship
between Teridontus nakamurai (Nogami) and Phakelodus
tenuis, where Teridontus dwell in shallower waters than
Phakelodus, a protoconodont of pelagic habit, in preference
to deeper and/or more distal water (slope). Therefore, the
segregation from the coast to offshore of these taxa would
be: Variabiloconus–Teridontus–Phakelodus (the latter also
associated with paraconodont taxa) (Figure 9).
The dominant biofacies in the lower-half of the Alfarcito
Member is that of Variabiloconus–Teridontus, with no
observed nektobenthic communities, probably due to a high
sea level and conditions of oxygen restriction on the bottom.
Mángano et al. (2005) noted that often the sediments deposited
during maximum flooding events are associated with low
oxygen conditions in the environment. The presence of black
shales deposited under dysoxic conditions occur at the basal
Alfarcito Member in the Salto Alto section, where they would
have occurred at the maximum flooding levels of the unit.
Moreover, the upper part of the Alfarcito Member and the
regressive episode at the base of Member Rupasca are
dominated by the Utahconus–Acanthodus Biofacies. This
biofacies is recurrent and is confined to regressive episodes
in the study area, and also identifies sandstones in the top
of both members of the Coquena Formation, in the Humacha
Member, the Devendeus Formation and, exceptionally, in
the top of the lower interval of the Alfarcito Member, at Punta
Corral section. Utahconus and Acanthodus species from the
various sub-units of the biofacies occur in chronostratigraphic
order (Utahconus sp.–U. tortibasis–U. purmamarcensis–U.
scandodiformis and Acanthodus sp.–A. raqueli–A. humachensis) and are closely linked, implying that both genera would
have had a nektobenthic habit, occupying a biotope of warm
and shallow water near the coast. The preference of this assemblage for the shallow-water environments and its life habit is
evidenced in contemporaneous levels at the Paltodus deltifer
pristinus Subzone: the Utahconus–Acanthodus Biofacies only
is present in sandy-regressive levels of the uppermost Lower
Member of the Coquena Formation, while it is absent in
deeper water strata of the Rupasca Member, Santa Rosita
Formation. The Alfarcito area sections and particularly the
San Gregorio section (to the south), have deeper-water lithofacies than those recorded in the Abra Blanca area (to the north),
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Figure 9. Palaeoenvironmental 3D model, displaying the spatial distribution of the main conodont genera recorded in the study area, at the Lower–Middle
Tremadocian boundary. Upper part of the diagram with solid contour: are the nektobenthic conodont communities, without contour are the pelagic communities, lower diagram: conodont biofacies from shallow to deep water (not to scale). This figure is available in colour online at
where both Acanthodus and Utahconus are present.
Incidentally, the R type clustering of Figure 7 (northern area)
show a better association of Utahconus–Acanthodus, while
the Tilcarodus–Drepanoistodus cluster is well represented in
Figure 8 (southern area), reinforcing the association of these
taxa to opposite lithofacies (shallower vs. deeper water
environments). An exception to this association is in the
San Gregorio Creek, in the basal strata of the Rupasca Member,
where Utahconus tortibasis is associated with Semiacontiodus
minutus and S. striatus, where Acanthodus is virtually nonexistent. The sample SG7B, with the Sub-biofacies Utahconus
tortibasis–Semiacontiodus spp., is linked precisely to the largest transgressive event of the Santa Rosita Formation (and to
the beginning of the deposition of the Rupasca Member;
Figure 2) with a high concentration of organic matter and
dysoxic conditions, to which Acanthodus could not adapt.
Therefore, it follows that the genus Semiacontiodus would be
pelagic (for unrestricted distribution), but with tolerance
and/or preference for oxygen-deficient conditions, to which
Acanthodus could not adapt. This inference would be reinforced
by the significant increase of Semiacontiodus minutus in a calcarenite (distal tempestite, storm bed accumulation) associated
with black shales in the Moya Creek (Moya2 sample).
Drepanoistodus is widely distributed in all lithofacies, so
it would have pelagic habits, living probably near the water
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
surface (cf. Zhang and Barnes, 2004). Moreover, the new
genus Tilcarodus, although also recorded in shallow-water
environments, exhibits a marked increase seaward and south
of the study area (Figure 9), where there is also a major
deepening. Both taxa give the name to the biofacies, which
characterizes the middle and upper Rupasca Member.
Finally, the proto- and paraconodonts are grouped into a
unique community, because its components have a rather
similar behaviour. It includes: Phakelodus, Albiconus, Fryxellodontus, Furnishina, Problematoconites, Prosagittodontus and
Westergaardodina. One of the most common taxa of this group
is Phakelodus, a cosmopolitan taxon found in a variety of facies
from shallow-water environments, platform margins, slopes, but
is mainly associated with black shales deposited under anoxic
conditions, where only pelagic faunas inhabit (Miller, 1984).
Consistent with the foregoing, in the study area, the community
of proto- and paraconodonts presents a significant increase to
the distal platform, such as in samples from the Salto Alto section and the base of the Rupasca Member. At the same time,
there is an increase in this community to the south of the study
area, where the lithofacies reflect a greater depth of the basin.
Figure 9 shows an approximate three-dimensional projection of the communities previously mentioned above, during
the Lower–Middle Tremadocian (Tr1/Tr2) boundary interval,
and its relationship with the recorded biofacies.
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In the basin of northwestern Argentina, is evident a mixed
conodont faunal composition (Ortega and Albanesi, 2005).
The index taxa identified in the area, e.g. Paltodus deltifer
sspp., belong to the Cold Domain (low diversity and high
abundance of conodonts, within which the Balto–Scandian
Province is included) lacking or with exiguous amount of
typical Tremadocian taxa such as Clavohamulus, Loxodus
or Rossodus from the Tropical Domain (high diversity and
endemism, within which the Laurentia, Australia and North
China provinces are involved, sensu Zhen and Percival,
2003). Most of the genera present in the study area are
cosmopolitan, e.g. Drepanoistodus, Teridontus, Phakelodus
and Variabiloconus. At the same time, the new genus
Tilcarodus, probably endemic to the western edge of
Gondwana, is recorded. An important contribution of taxa
characteristic of the Tropical Domain are recognized for
the first time in the basin, through the genera Utahconus and
Acanthodus, albeit with new species, typical of Gondwana
(Zeballo and Albanesi, this volume). Therefore, the conodont
fauna of the Cordillera Oriental can be referred to a new
palaeobiogeographic unit, the Southwestern Gondwana
Province, within the Cold Domain of the Shallow-Sea
Realm, located at middle latitudes (following the model of
Zhen and Percival, 2003; see also Albanesi et al., 2007).
Various palaeogeographic reconstructions located the
Cordillera Oriental at mid- to high latitudes during the
Furongian–Early Ordovician, around 30 S latitude (e.g.
Scotese and Barrett, 1990; Cocks and Torsvik, 2002; Álvaro
et al., 2007, 2008) (Figure 10). In turn, Vaccari et al. (2006)
and Benedetto and Vaccari (in Benedetto et al., 2007) recognize that certain forms of trilobites recorded in the Cordillera
Oriental and Argentine Puna, as Onychopyge from the
Figure 10. Palaeogeographic map for the Cambro-Ordovician boundary interval, with study areas and proposed patterns of ocean current (modified after Jell et al.,
1984, Benedetto, 2003, and Álvaro et al., 2008). This figure is available in colour online at
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Furongian–basal Ordovician, are also present in northern
and southern China, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico,
suggesting a probable linkage between these areas. Work
by other authors such as Jell (1985) and Webby et al.
(2000) also point in this direction, noting the affinities
between the faunas of Australian–New Zealand trilobites
and northern Argentina from the record of the genera
Onychopyge and Australoharpes; in turn, these faunal similarities also occur among the trilobites of the Cordillera
Oriental and western Argentine Puna (Benedetto et al.,
2009). In a palaeogeographic reconstruction for the early
Floian, Benedetto (2003) proposed a model of ocean
circulation that would explain the exchange of faunas from
Australasia to North Africa. Jell et al. (1984) were the first
to identify this migration route through the dispersal of the
gastropod Peelerophon oehlerti (Bergeron), which is present from the tropical terranes near to the southeastern
Gondwanan platform (South China, Thailand (Sibumasu)
and Tasmania) to the siliciclastic temperate to cold water
platform in western Gondwana (Cordillera Oriental and
southwestern France).
Furthermore, the conodont species Variabiloconus
datsonensis and V. bicuspatus have been documented
originally by Druce and Jones (1971) in rock successions of northeastern Australia (Ninmaroo Formation),
and later in Antarctica (Robertson Bay Terrane) by
Buggisch and Repetski (1987). Associated with these two
taxa at the base of the Alfarcito Member is recorded
Hirsutodontus simplex, a taxon that is also recorded from
low palaeolatitudes (e.g. Australia, western United States,
Siberia, northern China), as H. galerus, a newly recognized species in the Siberian platform by Tolmacheva
and Abaimova (2009).
The geographic distribution of these taxa reinforces the proposal of a peri-Gondwanian ocean current from tropical
latitudes to higher latitudes (cf. Aceñolaza and Lech, 1992;
Benedetto, 2003), which contributed to faunal exchange along
the continental margin, producing a mixture of faunas observed
in the study area during the Furongian–Early Ordovician.
Recently, Albanesi and Bergström (2010) examined the
palaeobiogeography of the Early–Middle Ordovician by
cluster analysis (presence/absence of species) in various
regions globally. During the manitouensis–deltifer interval,
when the upper Santa Rosita Formation was deposited, two
well-defined groups of clusters are evident; one gathering
much of the North American basins (e.g. Ouachita
Mountains, Ibex Area, and St. George Group) with the
Argentine Precordillera (Figure 10), while the remaining
group includes the Baltic basins and the western Gondwanian basins (Cordillera Oriental and Famatina). By the
observed pattern, the authors verify that the Argentine
Precordillera represents an exotic terrane with respect to
the Gondwanian margin, and that during this period it has
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
more affinities with the Laurentian Province of the
Tropical Domain. By contrast, the Cordillera Oriental is
in the same cluster with localities of the Balto–Scandian
Province from the Cold Domain and the Famatina System,
and sections of the Cow Head Group, Newfoundland,
possibly due to sampling bias or differentiation of
biofacies, rather than vicariance.
Through graphs of generic frequency three conodont biofacies: Utahconus–Acanthodus, Variabiloconus–Teridontus
and Tilcarodus–Drepanoistodus have been recognized.
The first is restricted to shallow-water environments and
the third is linked to moderately deep to deep-water environments. On the other hand, the Variabiloconus–Teridontus
Biofacies is not confined to a particular environment, and
is recorded in the absence of the above biofacies. In turn,
cluster analysis has identified the Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus
raqueli, Utahconus sp.–Acanthodus sp., Utahconus tortibasis–
Acanthodus raqueli, Utahconus purmamarcensis–Acanthodus
raqueli, Utahconus scandodiformis–Acanthodus humachensis, Variabiloconus datsonensis–Teridontus gallicus,
Variabiloconus crassus–Teridontus gallicus, Teridontus
gallicus and Tilcarodus humahuancensis–Drepanoistodus
chucaleznensis sub-biofacies as integral parts of the
biofacies above.
Overall, the frequency ratio between Variabiloconus and
Teridontus is antithetical. The proportion of elements for
the first taxon is higher in samples from shallow-water
environments, unlike the second taxon, whose frequency
increases in samples from deeper-water environments. It is
postulated that there was a pelagic mode of life for these
forms, with Variabiloconus being closer to the coast than
Teridontus, although there were abnormal situations with
opposite frequency ratios for these environments.
Acanthodus and Utahconus would have had a nektobenthic mode of life in a temperate, shallow-water biotope
near the coast, and Acanthodus disappears in a north to
south direction (from El Arenal and Humada creeks to
San Gregorio Creek), indicating a deepening of the basin.
Moreover, Tilcarodus and Drepanoistodus being pelagic,
have an increased frequency in deeper waters, such as the
species grouped sensu formae in proto- and paraconodonts.
The base of the Rupasca Member represents a stratigraphic
interval under peculiar palaeoenvironmental conditions. In a
sample from the base of the Rupasca Member at the El Arenal
Creek it was noted the absence of the Utahconus–Acanthodus
biofacies, which is documented both below and above this
level. This could be linked to the onset of a transgression
and the displacement of faunas to other shallower water areas
of the basin.
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The conodont faunas show Baltic affinities, particularly the
index taxa of the identified biozones. However, certain typically Laurentian genera such as Acanthodus and Utahconus
are recorded in the shallower parts of the sequences, revealing
a mixture of faunas from both regions. Other taxa such as
Tilcarodus would be endemic forms in the Argentine Cordillera
Oriental so far. The faunal association represents a new
palaeobiogeographical province, the Southwestern Gondwana
Province within the Cold Domain of the Shallow-Sea Realm
in middle latitudes.
Some species, such as Hirsutodontus galerus, H. simplex,
Variabiloconus datsonensis and V. bicuspatus, recognized
only in low palaeolatitudes (Australia, United States, northern China and Siberia), were documented in the study area.
These records, together with the trilobite Onychopyge and
gastropod Peelerophon oehlerti in the Cordillera Oriental,
confirm the existence of a perigondwanian corridor that
would have allowed the connection between the Australian–
New Zealand faunas and the northern Argentine faunas with
those from the tropical regions farther away.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the ANPCyT–FONCyT
(PICT 07-15076 and 2008-1797) and CONICET for
respective grants to develop a comprehensive project on
Cambrian–Ordovician conodont faunas from northwestern
Argentina. The project was accomplished thanks to the
continuing support provided by the Universidad Nacional de
Córdoba, Argentina. We thank the reviewers Shunxin Zhang
and John Repetski, as well as the editor Ian Somerville, for
their valuable comments to the manuscript.
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Table 1. Absolute frequency of conodont species from the northern area
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PtaC = Punta Corral section.
Table 2. Absolute frequency of conodont species from the southern area
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