Proceedings of the 2011 IEEEIICME
Intenational Conference on Complex Medical Engineering
May 22 - 25, Harbin, China
Nano-plasmonic Biosensors: A Review
Daryoush Motazavi, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Akif Kaynak
Wei Duan
School of Engineering
Deakin Universiy
Geelong, Victoria 3217, Australia
School of Medicine
Deakin Universiy
Geelong, Victoria 3217, Australia
{dmortaza, Kouzani, akaynak}
[email protected]
In this paper, irst the fundamental concept of
nano-optical biosensing is studied. Since Raman scattered signal
Raman Scattering
The scattering of light is generally the redirection of light
that happens when an electromagnetic (EM) wave strikes a
scattering material (solid, liquid, or gas). Interaction of the EM
wave with the matter periodically perturbs the electron orbits
within the constituent. The oscillation of the electrons results
in a periodic separation of charge within the molecules, which
is called an induced dipole moment. The oscillating induced
dipole moment is the main source of EM radiation resulting in
scattered light. The majority of the scattered light has the same
requency (vo) of the incident light, a process which is known
as elastic or Rayleigh scattering. However, another process
referred to as inelastic Raman scattering causes additional
light to be scattered at different requencies (vo Vvib)
referred to as Stokes scattering, and (vo + Vvib) which is
is very weak to be recognized by current measuring equipments,
the signal must be ampliied. SPR and LSPR are utilized to
enhance the incident ield of the target molecules, to improve the
sensitivity of the sensor. The paper focuses on the use of LSPR to
enhance Raman signal in SERS technology. Diferent structures
of nano-particles in LSPR to improve enhancement of the SERS
signal are reviewed and compared.
Indx Tersenhancement.
A biosensor is an analytical device containing a biological
recognition element immobilized on a solid surface and a
transduction element which converts analyte binding events
into a measurable signal [1]. There are various transducers
including optical, magnetic, electrochemical, radioactive,
piezoelectric, micromechanical, and mass spectrometric [2].
Optical transducers are highly sensitive to biomolecular
targets, insensitive to electromagnetic interference, and
present real time response to biomolecular interactions. Main
optical methods employed in biosensors include luorescence
spectroscopy, interferometry, and surface plasmon resonance.
The later one which works based on evanescent
electromagnetic ields such as surface plasmon resonance
(SPR), or localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) can
monitor a wide range of analyte surface binding interactions
such as absorption of small molecules, proteins, antibody
antigen, DNA and RNA hybridization. Both SPR nd LSPR
methods are label ree sensing methods and do not require
labeling of the target molecules with different types of
reagents, such as luorescent dyes.
In addition, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
has been used as a signal transduction mechanism in
biological and chemical sensing. Examples are trace analysis
of pesticides anthrax [3], prostate-speciic antigen [4], glucose
[5-6], and nuclear waste [7]. SERS has also been implemented
for identiication of bacteria [8], genetic diagnostics [9], and
immunoassay labelling [10-12]. A miniaturized and
inexpensive SERS device can be used in clinics, ield, and
urban settings [13].
Various biomolecular interactions have been exploited in
SPR and LSPR biosensors including antigen-antibody,
protein-protein, protein-DNA [14], even detection of
conformational changes in an immobilized protein [15].
978-1-4244-9324-1111/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
called anti-Stokes scattering, where Vvib is the requency of
the vibrational mode of the target molecule (see Fig. 1).
Raman scattering is always extremely smaller than Rayleigh
scattering [16]. In addition, Raman scattering cross sections
are typically 14 orders of magnitude smaller than those of
luorescence [17]. For this low cross section, large numbers of
biomolecules are required to create a measurable signal. This
problem can be solved by magniication of the Raman signal
using SPR and LSPR.
Incident EM
wave (vo)
Fig. I Light scattering by an induced dipole moment due to an incident EM
wave [17].
Surface Plasmon Resonance ( SPR)
The collective excitation of the electron gas of a
conductor is called a plasmon. If the excitation is conined to
the near surface region, it is called a surface plasmon. Surface
plasmons can either be propagating e.g. on the surface of a
grating, or localized e.g. on the surface of a spherical particle,
which are called surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and
localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), respectively.
Accordingly, the study of electromagnetic response of metals
to optical waves is called plasmonics, or nano-Plasmonics in
nano-scale. When a light beam propagating in a medium of
higher reractive index meets an interface at a medium of
lower reractive index at an angle of incidence above a critical
angle (9), the light is totally relected at the interface and
propagates back into he high reractive index medium, a
phenomena which is called total intenal relection (TIR) [18].
Although the ully relected beam does not lose ny net
energy across the TIR interface, the light beam leaks an
electrical ield intensity called an evnescent ield wave (E)
into the low reractive index medium. The amplitude of this
evanescent ield wave decreases exponentially with distance
rom the interface, with penetration into the optically thinner
medium ofn2• Thus, if the TIR-interface is coated with a layer
of a suitable conducting material, such as a metal of a suitable
thickness, he p-polarized component of the evanescent ield
wave may penetrate the metal layer nd excite electromagnetic
surface plasmon waves propagating within the conductor
surface hat is in contact with the low reractive index
medium. For a non-magnetic metal like gold, his surface
plasmon wave will also be p-polarized and, due to its
electromagnetic and surface propagating nature, will create an
enhanced evanescent wave compared to he intensity of the
incident electromagnetic ield. This is used to detect mass
changes of the metal ilm and dielectric, thus, to measure
binding coated on the surface.
The propagation constant of the surface plasma wave
propagating at the interface between a semi-ininite dielectric
and metal is given by the following dispersion relation:
kSP = k
where A =
Em E d
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance ( LSP)
The development of large scale biosensor array
comprising highly miniaturized signal transducer elements is a
great milestone in producing biosensors. In this array format,
it is tried to minimize the number of analyte molecules per
sensor element, to decrease the measurement time, increase
accuracy, and decrease the volume of required sample, but
SPR has problem in these issues as the transducer element size
is limited to few lm2 depending on the excitation wavelength.
Also, wavelength shit detection methods re very diicult in
very large arays due to the optical complexity of the
instrumentation. The third problem is that real time sensing or
kinetic measurement using SPR is highly mass transport
limited, e.g. by the order of 103 to 104 for a bulk
concentration of analyte of the order less than 10-6 to
10-7 M. To overcome these problems, noble metal nano
particles are employed, which guides us towards nano
plasmonics theory [23].
In LSPR, light interacts with particles much smaller than
the incident wavelength. This leads to a plasmon that
oscillates locally around the nano-particle with a requency
known as the LSPR [19]. Like plasmonic devices, he basic
components of nno-plasmonic devices are noble metals such
as gold, silver, nd copper in nano-scale coated on a substrate.
Moreover, in SPR, light is in contact with the surface of the
metal ilm using a prism, while in LSPR plasmon is excited by
direct illumination.
Theorictical Calculations of LSPR and SERS
We consider the simplest model of a nano-particle
consisting of a single metal sphere, small compared to the
wavelengh of light, which is iradiated by a laser ield.
Raman scattering arises rom molecules that are adsorbed on
the surface of this sphere. Therefore, Maxwell's equations
may be approximated by electrostatic Laplace's equations to
determine the ield both inside and outside the sphere. The
resulting ield outside he sphere, Eout, cn then be written as
[21, 24-25]:
Em + E d
is the incident light wavelength,
is the
incident light wavelength, c is the light speed, Em the dielectric
constant of the metal, Ed the dielectric constant of the
denotes the ree
dielectric (e.g. prism), and ko =
; �
space wave-vector [19]. According to (1), the surface plasmon
wave (SPW) may be supported if the metal used possesses a
negative real and small positive imaginary dielectric constant,
such as gold and silver [20].
Eout(x, y, z) = Eoz - aEo
[:3 !: (xx + ,y + ZZ) ]
where Eo is the amplitude of the incident electromagnetic
wave, the irst term is the applied ield, and the second one is
the induced dipole that results rom polarization of the sphere
electron densiy; also, x, " and z are the usual Cartesian
coordinates; r is the radial distance; x, y, nd Z are the
Cartesian unit vectors; and a is the metal polarizability
expressed as:
a = ga3
where a is the radius of the sphere and g is deined as:
g = (Em - Ed)/(Em + 2 Ed)
It can be seen that the maximum enhancement occurs
when the denominator of g approaches zero, i.e. (Em �
-2 Ed ). Also, exmining (2) reveals that the ield
enhncement decays with r-3, implying the existence of a
inite sensing volume around the nano-particle. Assume e is
the angle between the applied ield direction and the vector r
that locates positions on the sphere surface. Note that if Igl is
large, then E;ut = E51g12(1 + 3cos29). This indicates that
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering ( SERS)
Electromagnetic coupling between the adsorbate nd
surface at optical requencies, which is the basis of plasmonic
or nano-plasmonic biosensors, arises rom the dipole moment
in the adsorbed [21]. Accordingly, the magnitude of the
Raman scattering signal cn be greatly enhanced when the
scatterer (e.g. biomolecular target) is placed on or near a
roughened noble metal substrate. This enhanced scattering
process which is called electromagnetic surface enhanced
Raman scattering (SERS), is used for biological and chemical
sensing [22]. When the Raman scatterer is subjected to these
intensiied electromagnetic ields, the magnitude of the
induced dipole increases, which results in SERS [13].
Experiments show large improvement in the SERS cross
section per molecule in the order of 10-16 cm2 which is
comparable to Raman cross section of 10-30 cm 2• his shows
a high magniication of about 14 orders in the scattered light.
the largest ield intensities are obtained for angles e equal to
zero or 18.°, i.e. along the polarization direction. In this case,
the overall enhancement arising rom incident and scattered
ields is approximately:
, 2
w 2
CR = \Eout( )\ \Eout(W )\ x 161g121g'12
where the primed symbols refer to ields evaluated at the
scattered requency. For small Stokes shits, Igl and Ig'l are
maximize at approximately the same wavelength, this is
commonly referred to as E4 enhancement or the fourth power
of ield enhancement at the nano-particle surface. The Drude
model can be used for wavelength above 600 n, to fmd the
metal permittivity where the Plasmon resonance occurs:
Em = 1---Pw(w+iy)
where wp is the plasmon requency and y is the plasmon
width. However, at wavelengths below 600 nm, the Drude
model is replaced with a Lorentz oscillator model. The Drude
parameters for gold were taken rom re. [26].
The exact analytical solution to the electrodynamics of
spheroidal particles is very complex. If we consider a spheroid
whose major axis is of length 2b and minor axis 2a, with a
constant ield Eo applied along the major axis, then an explicit
expression for the Raman enhancement factor for molecules
that are randomly distributed on the spheroid surface (i.e.
averaged over the surface) has been given by Zeman and
Schatz [27] as follows:
g = Em-Ed
the RI sensItIVIty on spectral peak posItIon in air for Au
nanodisks at 750 nm wavelength, directly on glass is 175
RIU-l, when supported on 20 nm Si02 pillars is 250 RlU-l,
and when supported on 80 nm Si02 pillars is 325 RIU-1 [29].
For isolated particles, with particle sizes and shapes that
are commonly studied, the enhancement factors of CR = 108
is suggested. However, larger values of CR = 1010 -1011 can
be obtained for dimers of silver nano-particles. These values,
which are associated with the gap between the two nano
particles, are still below the required estimates of single
molecule SERS (SMSERS) enhancement factors (1014) or
larger by a factor of 103 or more. In analyzing these
enhancement-factor predictions, it is important to note that the
key parameter that controls the size of the enhancement factor
for a dimer of nanoparticles is the size of the gap between the
particles. It is only for gaps on the order of 1 nm to 2 nm that
one can obtain exceptionally large values such as CR = 1011.
where parameter X is the shape factor. In fact the parameter X
equals 2 for a sphere, but for prolate spheroids (i.e. those with
b > a ), X is larger than 2, and for oblate spheroids (i.e.
b < a) it is less than 2. When X is greater than 2, the plasmon
resonance condition, Re(Em + X Ed)= 0, is satisied for a
wavelength that is to the red of that for a sphere.
Morpholoy Based Enhancement
Because the shape and size of a metallic nano-particle
dictate the spectral signature of its plasmon resonance, the
ability to change these two parameters and study the effect on
the LSPR is an important experimental challenge [19]. The
most popular nano-particle shapes are spheroids, triangular
prisms, rods, and cubes which are shown in Fig. 2. The
enhancement is directly dependant on the aspect ratio of the
nano-particle, e.g. the enhancement for a nano-rod with an
aspect ratio of 4, is around 26 times as much as that of a
sphere nano-particle [28].
The other altenative to double the refactive index (RI)
sensitivity of LSPR, is to lit the metal nano-particles above
the surface by a dielectric nano-pillar to decrease the spatial
overlap between substrate and the enhanced ields generated at
plasmon resonance. For instance, to double the reractive
index sensitivity of LSPR, the metal nano-particles are lited
above the surface by a dielectric nano-pillar to decrease the
spatial overlap between substrate and the enhanced ields
generated at plasmon resonance. For example, it is shown that
Fig. 2 Bright ield TEM images: (a) Gold nano-rods, (b) Gold colloids, (c)
Silver triangular prisms, and (d) Silver nano-cubes [28].
An aray of dimers (see Fig. 3) of spheres with optimized
spacing for producing the highest possible ield enhancement
from near-ield and long-rnge effects gives CR = 109, but
other structures using an array of dimers of truncated
tetrahedrons, leads to SMSERS enhancement of CR = 1013.
Two-dimensional arays with different spacing in each
presents remarkably large
enhancement factors of CR = 1013-14 [30].
Fig. 3 Representation of an array of dime nanospheres [30].
The use of nano-wires on a gold thin ilm results in a
structure that can provide reproducible performance. Also, the
design of nano-wires can be customized when it is desired to
meet speciic sensitivity requirement in practical applications
[36]. The numerical data show that a T-proile generally
results in a higher sensitivity than an inverse T-proile [36-37].
On the other hand, nanowires of a T-proile with a narrow
contact area to a gold ilm exhibit smaller effective absoption
than those of an inverse T-proile [38].
Efect of xcitation Wavelength on Enhancement Factor
In addition to mophology, he excitation wavelengh has
inluence on he enhancement. Wavelength-scanned surface
enhnced Raman excitation spectroscopy (WS-SERES)
involves the measurement of SERS enhancement for several
laser excitation wavelengths, Aex. It is demonstrated that the
maximum SERS enhancement occurs when the substrate
LSPR Amax is located between Aex and AVib [31].
Electrophoresis Based Enhancement
In another technique, a method combining SERS, to
detect biomolecules in a label-ree way, with an electrokinetic
preconcentration technique (electrophoresis), to ampliy
bimolecular signals at low concentrations, is utilized.
Therefore, increasing the number of molecules involved in the
SERS by attracting molecules to the SERS substrate will
preconcentration factor of the molecules. In the presence of an
electric ield gradient, most of the charged biomolecules are
attracted along an electric ield and then concentrated onto the
oppositely charged electrode resulting in ampliication of the
SERS signal for the molecules [32]. For example, the intensity
of the SERS signal at 735 cm-1 for 1 mM adenine is increased
by 51 times ater applying an electric ield of -0.6 V cm-1Ifor
25 min, while there was no signal ampliication in the case of
a weak electric ield of -0.2 V em-1.
G. Nanohole-Enhanced Raman Scattering
The periodic arrays of sub-wavelength apertures (nano
holes) in metallic thin ilms are among the most promising of
these structures for applications in photonic circuits and light
manipulation at the sub-wavelength range. The arrays of nano
holes enable an increase in the transmission of light by several
orders of magnitude when the SPR condition is achieved. The
intensity of he nano-hole enhanced Raman scattering is
directly related to he periodicity of the arays, coniming the
role of SP resonances [39].
Miniaturized LED Based Sensor
Monochromatic light is usually obtained through lasers,
but lasers are rather costly. In this system, the laser source is
substituted by LEDs, and the spectrum analyzer and
subsequent signal processing devices are replaced by a single
source of monochromatic light and a photodiode as detector.
The resulting photocurrent output could then be converted into
a voltage by an operational ampliier with a resistor in a
feedback loop (I/V converter) and detected by a voltmeter
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy TERS)
An encouraging method for generalizing SERS to a wide
variety of substrates is the development of tip-enhanced
Raman spectroscopy (TERS). In this technique, the
electromagnetic ield enhancement is provided by the
excitation of the LSPR of a scanning probe. This eliminates
the need to use noble-metal substrates to observe SERS. The
probe can be a scanning tunnelling microscopy probe, a metal
coated atomic force microscopy probe, a tapered optical ibre
with a nano-particle or thin metal ilm at the tip, or any other
nano-scale-sharpened metallic object. In recent experiments,
which employed silver nano-particles and ractal colloidal
clusters as the SERS active media, enhancements of up to
1014 fold in the Raman signal have been claimed [33].
One solution for enhancement of Raman signal is
manipUlation of the shape of the metal nano-particles to
increase either the nano-particle in-plane width or its out-of
plane height. Another important factor in enhancement is the
interaction area of the nno-particle with the substrate.
Decreasing the interaction area of the nano-particle with the
molecule, can also increase the enhncement by orders rom
10 tol04. This phenomenon is due to accumulation of the
surface charges on sharp edges which is the result of reducing
the interaction area. Enhancement by using a scanning probe
in TERS eliminates the need to use noble-metal substrates to
implement the SERS phenomenon. This method can increase
the spatial resolution of detection and enhancement up to 1014
fold in the Raman signal. Another effort in enhancement is
pushing the low density target molecules toward the metal
nano-particles using the Electrophoresis technique, to increase
the density of he absorbed molecules on nano-particles, which
results in ampliication of the SERS signal for the molecules.
Also, PRET has been developed by intentionally matching the
plasmon resonance requency of a GNP with the requency of
the electronic transition energy of a biomolecule to increase
the sensitivity of the system up to the order of 1000, or an
enhancement of 1012. Table I summarizes the enhncements
achieved with diferent structures of SERS with respect to
Raman scattering.
Plasmonic Resonance Enery Transfer ( PRE)
Recently a plasmonic resonance energy transfer (PRET)
based nano-spectroscopy has been developed by intentionally
matching the plasmon resonance requency of a gold nano
particle (GNP) with the requency of the electronic transition
energy of a biomolecule. When the requencies of electronic
transitions of a molecule overlap with the plasmon resonance
requency of gold nano-particle upon conjugation of the
particle with the molecule, this intentional spectral overlap
allows the selective energy transfer and generates
distinguishable spectral resonant quenching dips on the
Rayleigh scattering spectrum of the particle. This method
presents 100 to 1,000 times more sensitivity than other organic
reporter-based methods [34-35].
Nano-wire Nano-particles Based Enhancement
Isolated spherical nano-particle
Isolated dimer of nano-particle (with gaps on the
order of I to 2 nm beween particles)
SMSERS with an array ofspherical nano-particles
SMSER S with an array of dimers of spherical nano109
SM SER S with an array ofdimers of truncated
tetrahedrons nano-particles
SMSERS with a 2D array of dimers of spherical
1013 - 1014
Eletcorphoresis SERS
Another important factor in enhancement is the nano
particle LSPR, molecule vibration, and excitation requencies.
Maximum enhancement will be achieved if nano-particle
LSPR wavelengh (Amax)is located between excitation and
molecule vibration wavelengths (Aex and AVib respectively).
This enhancement is at peak when Amax = (Aex + Avib)/2.
The magnitude of the Raman scattering signal of a
biomolecular dipole is very weak to be detected. To enhance
this signal, the molecule must be placed on or near a
roughened noble metal substrate such as gold or silver.
Manipulation of the morphology and structure of nano
particles has a considerable efect on the enhancement factor
of the LSPR. The inluence of Raman active molecules on he
nano-particles (SMSERS) can also be compensated using
array of dimmers of nano-particles. The applications talked
about so far, were surface-bound nano-particles which are
used for in vitro sensing. Another technique called solution
phase nano-particle can also be utilized for in vivo biological
sensing methods, which is out of scope of this particle.
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