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Journal of African History, 2009
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Leisure is most basically defined as "the time free from work". The ancient conception and forms of leisure were quite different from the modern ones, which came into discussion during the industrial era. The Roman society was highly stratified and comprised of diverse social classes for which leisure acquired different forms and meanings. Every stratum of the Roman society enjoyed the possibilities and pleasures of leisure proportional to its hierarchy in the social system, so that leisure can be investigated in both public and private contexts in the Roman world. This study aims to investigate "leisure", which was one of the main driving social forces in the Roman society, in spatial terms with reference to Roman domestic architecture. The study focuses on central Italy and particularly on Ephesus, the latter of which is a good example to discuss how the Roman conception of leisure was spatially materialized in a provincial private setting since a group of well studied, documented, and published houses constitute an appropriate comparative sample and context in Ephesus. The spatial organization and characteristics of the spaces housing leisurely activities are discussed on the basis of an "axes-scheme" that regulated and even dictated the visual and bodily interaction of the participants with certain spaces and elements during leisure activities either in a static state (sitting, reclining), or a kinetic one (walking, perambulating). The "visual axes" are those perceived in either of these states, along which the eye is directed towards a visual focal point, whereas the "dynamic axes" are those along which people move during a kinetic leisurely activity. The location, architecture, and use of leisure-oriented spaces in the Roman period houses in Ephesus, such as triclinium, exedra, oecus, museion, and peristyle courtyard are examined with reference to the proposed axes-scheme to present and compare the operation of leisure in the Roman provincial and private setting.
Актуальныя аспекты беларусістыкі. Матэрыялы VI Міжнароднага кангрэса беларусістаў (Мінск, 27—29 мая 2015 года): зб. арт. / пад рэд. І. Э. Багдановіч [і інш.]. Мінск, Кнігазбор. (Беларусіка = Albaruthenica; кн. 40), 2020
The Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, narrated in the Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises eighteen discourses of a total of 701 Sanskrit verses. A considerable volume of material has been compress within these verses. On the battlefield of Kurushetra, Sri Krishna, during the course of His most instructive and interesting talk with Arjuna, revealed profound,. Sublime and soul-stirring spiritual truths and expounded the rare secrets of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti and Karma. The current study deals with value oriented education concerning Bhagavad Gita,s teaching. The Bhagavad Gita,s teaching is acting as a catalyst in the development of value oriented education. The developing countries like India have been facing problem of deficient value oriented education. To solve this problem, the Bhagavad Gita,s teaching help a lot in inculcating value education not only amongst students but also to fake a greater role in building capacity for institutional leaders, further appraisal of the leading factors of Bhagavad Gita,s teaching which influence value oriented education is necessary for a whole range of factors as. For example, physical value, mental value, moral value, discipline value, national value, cultural value, ethical value, economical value, educational value, cognitive value, religious value and so on. The paper is attempt to study about the Gita,s teaching concerning value. However, the present study suggest that the Bhagavad Gita,s teaching would be beneficial for the both students and teachers for inculcating value sloping education among them for the betterment of the society as a whole.
Ejemplos Tema 1: Conceptos OO [De T. Budd, Introducción a la Programación Orientada a Objetos, cap. 1] Descripción de la POO según Alan Kay (creador de Smalltalk, a principios de los '70)
Geochemically the Ultramafites include high-Cr, high-Mg, high-Al and high-Fe types; out of these the high-Cr and high-Mg types are the most common varieties where as high-Al and Fe-types are considered to be local variations. Ultramafics in Rajasthan are distributed in South and Central part i.e.Rikhabdev Phulad and Sendra. Rikhabdev suit being the most prominent among these. It is
NIC 8 NIC 8 © IFRS Foundation 1 © IFRS Foundation 1
MenschlICHes VERSTEHEN. Die Archäologie der menschlichen Verhaltensevolution. The Archaeology of Human Behavioural Evolution, 2022
Confluences Méditerranée, 2024
Alabe Revista De Investigación Sobre Lectura Y Escritura, (2), 45–66, 2024
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases
AKSU Journal of Administration and Corporate Governance, 2021
Analytical Chemistry, 2011
Communications on Applied Electronics, 2015
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002