Remote Sensing Observation Used in
Offshore Wind Energy
Charlotte Bay Hasager, Alfredo Peña, Merete Bruun Christiansen, Poul Astrup, Morten Nielsen, Frank Monaldo,
Donald Thompson, and Per Nielsen
Abstract—Remote sensing observations used in offshore wind
energy are described in three parts: ground-based techniques
and applications, airborne techniques and applications, and
satellite-based techniques and applications. Ground-based remote
sensing of winds is relevant, in particular, for new large wind
turbines where meteorological masts do not enable observations
across the rotor-plane, i.e., at 100 to 200 m above ground level.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and sound detection and
ranging (SoDAR) offer capabilities to observe winds at high
heights. Airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) used for ocean
wind mapping provides the basis for detailed offshore wind farm
wake studies and is highly useful for development of new wind
retrieval algorithms from C-, L-, and X-band data. Satellite
observations from SAR and scatterometer are used in offshore
wind resource estimation. SAR has the advantage of covering
the coastal zone where most offshore wind farms are located.
The number of samples from scatterometer is relatively high and
the scatterometer-based estimate on wind resources appears to
agree well with coastal offshore meteorological observations in
the North Sea. Finally, passive microwave ocean winds have been
used to index the potential offshore wind power production, and
the results compare well with observed power production (mainly
land-based) covering nearly two decades for the Danish area.
Index Terms—Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) , offshore,
remote sensing, scatterometer, sound detection and ranging
(SoDAR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), wind energy.
HE history of offshore wind farming dates 15 years back.
The first offshore wind farm was installed in Denmark in
1992. This is the Vindeby wind farm with 11 wind turbines of
450 kW each placed in two parallel rows. Since then a dramatic
growth in the offshore wind farm capacity has taken place in
Manuscript received September 19, 2007; revised January 8, 2008. Current
version published October 15, 2008. This work was supported in part by the
Danish Research Academy for the project SAT-WIND Sagsnr. 2058-03-0006
and Sagsnr. 2104-05-0084, in part by the the Danish Council for Strategic Research to the project 12 MW Sagsnr. 2104-05-0013, and in part by the ESA
EOMD project EO-windfarm 17736/03/I-IW.
C. B. Hasager, A. Peña, M. B. Christiansen, P. Astrup, and M.
Nielsen are with Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, DTU,
Roskilde, Denmark (e-mail:
[email protected]; alfredo.pena.
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]).
F. Monaldo and D. Thompson are with the Johns Hopkins University, Applied
Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723 USA (e-mail: frank.monaldo@jhuapl.
[email protected]).
P. Nielsen is with EMD International A/S, Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2008.2002218
Denmark. In the years 1997-2004, the growth rate was 71%
Currently, ten offshore wind farms are in operation in Denmark
among those the two largest wind farms in the world, the Horns
Rev wind farm in the North Sea with 80 2 MW turbines and the
Nysted wind farm in the Baltic Sea with 72 2.3 MW turbines.
The experience in offshore wind farming in Denmark has led
to sincere interest in wind energy in Europe and worldwide.
The expectations of the European Wind Energy Association
(EWEA 2007 are that 50% of the installed wind power capacity in Europe will be offshore in year
2030 totaling 150 GW offshore. This number may be compared
with the global offshore capacity of 1 GW and land-based
capacity of 74 GW in the year 2006. The global growth rate of
wind power capacity was 25% in the years 2000 to 2005 and
this trend is expected to continue. With the EU target of 20%
renewable energy by year 2020 wind energy will contribute a
significant share.
The history in remote sensing observations on ocean winds
happened much in parallel to development of offshore wind energy. For instance the European Space Agency (ESA) satellite
ERS-1 equipped with a SAR and scatterometer was launched
in year 1991 for research. Algorithms were developed for
ocean wind mapping based on these types of remote sensing
data. SAR and scatterometer observations have been collected
continuously since then. A few years earlier—in 1987—the
first satellite-borne passive microwave (SSM/I) instrument
was flown for the specific purpose of mapping ocean winds
and the SSM/I satellites have delivered a continuous ocean
wind speed time series since. Already one decade earlier,
however, the SeaSAT satellite operated three months in space
and successfully demonstrated ocean wind mapping from SAR,
scatterometer, and passive microwave.
Ground-based remote sensing instruments and airborne
remote sensors have been developed during the same years
with the SoDAR technique dating back to the 1960s but
with a recent revival, e.g., the Triton SoDAR [34] and the
AQSystems SoDAR ( among others. LiDAR
such as Zephir ( and WindCube ( were developed in the new millennium with
the specific goal of providing wind data at different levels in
the atmosphere. A wind LiDAR will be flown on the ESA
ADM-Aeolus mission with scheduled launch in 2009.
Challenges of observing offshore winds are cost, access, reliability, and accuracy. It is costly to install and maintain offshore
meteorological masts. The height of wind turbines has increased
by around 5 m per year since 1990. In year 2006 around 80% of
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Fig. 1. Different configurations in observations used in the wind industry based on ground-based remote sensing techniques. At the far left is indicated approximate
dimensions of wind turbine; in the middle the observation cones of LiDAR mounted on the hub or nacelle and on the ground; to the right is shown the wake
influenced vertical wind profile and to the far right the undisturbed vertical wind profile.
the newly installed wind power consists of large wind turbines
between 1 and 2.5 MW turbines [38]. These large wind turbines
operate at 100 to 200 m and, therefore, the wind climate at these
very high levels in the atmosphere needs to be quantified. Thus,
very tall masts are needed but are not really feasible to install and
operate. Therefore, ground-based remote sensing and profiling
methods of winds from above are very attractive new solutions
for quantification of winds relevant in wind energy.
This paper presents recent achievements based on groundbased, airborne and satellite remote sensing techniques for the
purposes of wind resource estimation, wind profiling, wake effects, and wind-indexing for offshore wind energy.
The rapid expansion of wind energy in the last decades has
been followed by the investigation and adaptation of different
remote sensing techniques for the assessment of the wind resource. The ground-based remote sensing techniques are part of
those technologies which are used to observe wind characteristics. Most frequently applied in the wind industry are sound
detection and ranging (SoDAR) and light detection and ranging
A. Technology
Both SoDAR and LiDAR are based on the Doppler-shift principle. The SoDAR transmits acoustic pulses into the atmosphere and receives reflections from the atmospheric sound scattering. Part of the transmitted sound pulses is reflected back towards the instrument’s sound detectors due to temperature fluctuations in the different layers of the atmosphere. These variations in temperature are caused by thermally induced turbulence
[1], [12]. In the case of the LiDAR instruments, it is a beam
of light which is sent into the atmosphere [35]. The aerosols
and particles in the different air layers reflect back the signal
towards the instrument’s light detectors. Both instruments compare the Doppler-shifted frequency between the original and the
reflected signal. This frequency is transformed to a line-of-sight
velocity, the magnitude of the wind velocity along the beam direction. Thus, if the light or sound is sent at different angles relative to the zenith, the line-of-sight velocity can be decomposed
into the three wind speed components using the geometry of the
scanning configuration.
The ability of the SoDAR and LiDAR instruments to perform
measurements of wind speed in different layers of the atmosphere has attracted the attention of the wind energy industry.
This is due basically to the different limitations that the standard sensing techniques like cup and sonic anemometers are
now facing in this growing field. Cup and sonic anemometers
measure accurately the wind speed but they need to be mounted
on structures. This is a limiting factor when the assessment is
performed at heights around 50 m or higher up due to the cost of
such arrangement. The installed turbines have already exceeded
this range of heights. Nowadays, the hubs of the biggest turbines
are around 110 m; thus, they are reaching levels up to 180 m at
the highest tip blade point (Fig. 1).
The vertical observational limit of the SoDARs and LiDARs
has been increased in the last decade. The commercial units used
in wind energy can observe winds at heights 200 m, but this
limit depends on the continuous improvement of the optical and
sound transmitting/receiving systems [1].
B. Offshore Application
One of the attractive application areas of wind energy is offshore. Although it is well known that the wind speeds are higher
and turbulence levels are lower over water, detailed knowledge
of the offshore wind resource in regard to large wind turbines is
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Fig. 2. Comparison of horizontal mean wind speeds observed from LiDAR at 63 m with cup anemometer measurements at 62 m AMSL in four 30 sectors in
the period May 3, 2006 to October 24, 2006. Data less than 2 ms are not included as well as rainy days.
immature. The standard sensing techniques are particularly expensive to install at these locations. The ability of LiDARs and
SoDARs to perform wind profiling can be used to estimate the
offshore wind resource.
The instruments can be installed at low platforms or be transported by ships to observe winds. The LiDAR also can be installed on the turbine’s nacelle where it is able to scan in an
upwind or downwind configuration (Fig. 1). In this way, not
only the free atmospheric wind is studied but also the wake induced by the turbine or the wind farm. This is important for wind
turbine manufactures due to the different types of loads which
are enlarged by wake effects and wind/wake profiles on the turbine’s elements.
The new remote sensing techniques provide the advantage of
mobility. They are continuously improved to be easy-portable.
In this form, they can be used to perform wind profiling over an
entire wind farm moving the instrument(s) to various positions
within and near a wind farm. The technologies hold potential
for the future planning of wind farms and possibly will be introduced as a wind turbine standard element.
C. Information From Ground-Based Remote Sensing
Examples of observations from LiDAR are shown in Figs. 2
and 3. In the first figure, the 10-min horizontal mean wind
speeds from LiDAR are compared with cup anemometer data.
The cup anemometer was placed on a meteorological mast
at 62-m above mean sea level (AMSL). The ZephIR’s wind
Fig. 3. Horizontal mean wind speed profiles for three cup anemometers on
Mast 2 and LiDAR measurements at the Horns Rev platform. The open circles
indicate the observational heights.
LiDAR was placed on the transformer/platform of the Horns
Rev offshore wind farm at 20 m AMSL and observed winds at
63, 91, 121, and 161 m AMSL. Due to the high homogeneity of
the site the cup anemometer and LiDAR measurements compare very well, although the mast and platform were separated
5.6 km apart at 282 (0 indicates the north and the angle is
measured clockwise). The mast observes winds few kilometers
upwind when the wind comes from the dominant direction, i.e.,
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the westerly sectors (sector 11: 285–315 ). Most available data
are from this sector [31] and much less from sectors 1 and 2.
The comparison is good with high correlation coefficients and
slopes near unity for the sectors where the wind direction is
parallel to the angle between both mast and platform structure.
In the sectors 11 and 12 high wind speeds are observed as the
atmospheric flow is from the open sea sector. The airmass is first
observed at the mast then around 5 km downstream observed by
the LIDAR.
The correlation and slope are lower for sector 1 and 2 due
to the influence of land in this direction. Jutland in Denmark is
located approximately 20 km east of the mast and platform. In
the sectors 1 and 2 lower wind speeds are observed as the atmospheric flow is from the land sector. The airmasses observed
at the mast and platform are slightly different due to the experiment configuration. Furthermore the distance to land (fetch) are
also slightly different. Therefore, the correlation coefficients are
lower than for sectors 11 and 12.
The other sectors are not shown because they are affected by
the wind farm wake. Further information on the experiment is
available in [17] and [31].
Horizontal mean wind speed profiles are shown in Fig. 3 observed from cup anemometer on the same mast at 15, 30, and
45 m AMSL within the four sectors (1, 2, 11, and 12). The cup
anemometer observations at 62 m are left out because this instrument was installed differently from the other three instruments
(top-pole mounted versus boom-mounted). The profiles of horizontal mean wind speed observed by the LiDAR at four heights
are also shown in the figure for the same sectors.
It is noticed that the LiDAR wind profiles follow the wind observations at the mast. In this way, the LiDAR adds information
which is hard to study with standard instruments due to the limitation of the height of masts. Part of the differences between
the LiDAR and the mast wind profiles may be related to flow
distortion effects due to the mast structure on the cup anemometers. The LiDAR does not face this type of distortion problems.
Therefore, LiDAR is recommended for the study of wind profiles over homogenous terrain.
D. Discussion
The ground-based remote sensing techniques also face some
disadvantages. Although the cost of both SoDAR and LiDAR
units has been decremented in the last years, this is not comparable to the cost of a single cup or sonic anemometer. Another
problem is related with the nature of the volume measurement.
Over inhomogeneous terrain, the effects of wind distortion over
obstacles may attenuate the observation as the measurements
are taken inside a large effective volume.
In the specific case of the SoDAR, the instrument presents
also some drawbacks. The most important one is the SODAR’s
dependency on temperature variation in the atmosphere. This, in
principle, reduces the measurements taken under neutral atmospheres which are attractive conditions for wind energy due to
the high wind speed and relative lower turbulence levels. Indeed,
at very high wind speeds (above
ms ) [12], the signal
to noise ratio is decreased considerably due to the background
noise, and the amount of data is reduced. The background noise
may include ambient noise or fixed echoes from surrounding objects. Due to the dependency of the SoDAR measurements on
the site conditions, it is always recommended to re-calibrate the
system with a meteorological tower before the wind resource
assessment is performed.
The LiDAR is more costly than the SoDAR. LiDAR’s optical
parts are sensitive to misalignments and these lead to errors in
the focus system. Nonuniform backscatter in the effective measurement volume is a serious problem which is amplified by
the presence of low clouds or low aerosol content at the focus
The logarithmic wind profile can be applied to predict winds
in the surface layer but it is not valid for heights above this layer
[11]. Thus, for shallow marine boundary layer, other scalings,
e.g., the boundary-layer height scale, are needed. The aerosol
profile observed by ceilometer indicates the limits where the
boundary layer height is present, and this is an important scale
parameter for the modeling of winds at higher levels in the atmosphere (beyond the lower 10% of the boundary layer, i.e., the
surface layer).
A ceilometer is a variation of the LiDAR instrument. It
sends short pulses of light into the atmosphere and measures
the time delay between the original and the detected signal.
This time delay is related to the height where the signal was
backscattered. The so-called LiDAR equation (the instantaneous received power) is used in combination with the time
delay to estimate the backscatter coefficient. The last is proportional to the amount of aerosols in the different layers in the
Airborne SAR observations from the E-SAR (http://www.op. from DLR, the
German Aerospace Centre, have been collected near the Horns
Rev wind farm during one day in October 2003. SAR data are
collected from microwave radiation transmitted and received in
certain wavelength and polarizations. C-band is 5.3 cm and
L-band 21 cm. The polarization of transmitted radiation is either horizontal (H) or vertical (V) and similar for receive (H)
or (V) for co-polarized data. The observations included
, and
data. Analysis of the C-band data showed
an area of reduced wind speed downstream of the wind farm.
The reduction in wind speed—the wake effect—was found to
be of the order of 10% in the near-wake field as expected during
a period where most of the 80 wind turbines were in operation
The airborne SAR data revealed a patchy and variable wake
downstream of the turbines. Fig. 4 shows the wind farm configuration and the position of the airborne track. The wind speed
along a cross-wind track is shown in
wake observed by
Fig. 5. The free stream wind was around 13.5 ms in this track
and the minimum wind speed around 10.5 ms . Only airborne
SAR can map the fine spatial details in wind speed variations
over sea.
The analysis was extended with satellite ERS-2 SAR observations that supported the findings of the study based on airborne
SAR data. In addition, the satellite SAR wind maps revealed
that the wake in certain instances extended more than 20-km
downstream of the wind farm. This finding is much longer than
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Fig. 4. Wind farm at Horns Rev with the operating wind turbines in black; the
turbines out of service in grey at the time of the airborne SAR.
iment. Based on an empirical approach they have calculated
wind speed dependent values. For L-band data collected over
the Horns Rev wind farm by the DLR E-SAR platform under
similar wind conditions and radar geometry, it is found that the
4 dB.
measured HH/VV ratio is
Simple Bragg-based scattering models predict the HH/VV
ratio to be about 9.5 dB; independent on radar frequency. Ratios predicted by composite-type scattering models that include
the effects of long-wave tilt and hydrodynamic modulation yield
frequency dependence and a somewhat large ratio [33], but the
predicted polarization ratios remain significantly smaller than
the measurement data.
Airborne C- and L-band EMISAR data ( from
the Technical University of Denmark covering the 16-km-long
Great Belt Bridge in Denmark have been studied in order to
test a new geophysical model function (GMF) for L-band SAR
wind retrievals. Fig. 6 shows the L-band part of the EMISAR
scene. Wind streaks and shadows from the land are visible
and indicate a wind direction diagonal to the Great Belt bridge
Wind speeds were first retrieved from the C-band SAR data
through inversion of the model function CMOD4 [36]. The wind
speeds were then used to initiate forward runs of a new L-band
GMF. Three preliminary versions of the GMF based on the
spectral models of [2], [8], and [33] were tested. The predicted
normalized radar cross sections (NRCS) were compared to the
EMISAR L-band data (Fig. 7). The GMF using Elfouhaily’s
spectrum showed good agreement with the data at vertical polarization (V-pol) and was 2 dB lower at horizontal polarization
(H-pol). GMFs using the Apel and Romeiser spectra were too
high at V-pol over the entire range of incident angles and also
or so. Work is ongoing to
too high at H-pol for angles
further develop the L-band GMF. For example, it is necessary
to account for the upwind/downwind asymmetry of NRCS.
Basic research as described above using airborne multifrequency polarimetric SAR is attracting much attention these
years as currently five satellites are in orbit with different
SAR sensors: RADARSAT-1, ERS-2, ENVISAT, ALOS, and
Fig. 5. Wind speed wake observed from airborne E-SAR CVV along the crosswind track with an average (running mean 20 box) line included.
A. Satellite SAR
current wake models prediction. Thus, the potential power production from wind farms in clusters may be more affected by
wake than is generally assumed [5].
Airborne SAR data are highly useful in basic studies on
polarization and ocean wind retrieval. The physics that governs microwave scattering from the ocean surface is only
partly understood, and in particular, the following outstanding
problem remains. The measured polarization ratios (HH/VV)
of the backscattered cross section at moderate incidence angles
for L-, C-, and X-band are larger than those predicted by the
rough-surface scattering and surface spectral models commonly
in use.
At 45 incidence for example, the measured HH/VV ratio
for a 10 ms wind directed toward the radar is about 3 dB
at X-band [22] and about 5 dB or so at C-band [28]. This
was found from data of a large offshore airborne SAR exper-
The Canadian RADARSAT-1 and the European ERS-1/2
and Envisat satellites all carry C-band SAR ( 5.3 GHz).
RADARSAT has HH-polarization, ERS-1/2 have VV-polarization and Envisat has VV- and HH-polarization. In its alternating
polarization mode the Envisat ASAR instrument is capable of
transmitting vertically polarized radiation (V-pol) followed by
horizontally polarized radiation (H-pol) on successive pulses,
and collecting the reflected radiation in one of three distinct
user-defined pairs: HH and VV, HH and HV, or VV and VH.
ERS-1/2 have been in orbit since 1991. RADARSAT-1 has
been in orbit since 1995 and Envisat since 2002. Thus, the
data archive spans 15 years. Ocean winds are being mapped
routinely from RADARSAT and Envisat.
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
(JHU/APL) has developed the APL/NOAA SAR Wind Retrieval System (ANSWRS). It is being used for near real-time
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Fig. 6. EMISAR L
from June 16, 1998 at 10.01 UTC showing the Great Belt Bridge (16 km long) between Funen and Zealand in Denmark. Courtesy: DRC
Fig. 7. L-band cross section versus radar incidence angle for the EMISAR
scene in Fig. 4 and that predicted using three different spectral models.
wind field retrievals at NOAA, JHU/APL, and the Alaska SAR
Facility (ASF). The ANSWRS software produces high-resolution wind speed fields with spatial resolution less than 1 km.
The algorithm is initialized using wind directions determined by
the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
(NOGAPS) models. An extensive database of SAR wind maps
covering most areas of the globe are available at the web site: The
wind maps are concentrated mainly in the Gulf of Alaska and
coastal regions of continental U.S. and Europe. At Risø DTU,
ANSWRS is also in operation with wind maps posted at web
site: These results are based
on Envisat images from the ESA EO project Scandia-SAR
on offshore wind resources in the Scandinavian seas. Fig. 8
shows a wind map from the eastern part of the Baltic Sea from
September 8, 2007 at 20.37 UTC. Near Copenhagen winds are
from the northwest and a lee-effect along the east coast of the
island Zealand and Sweden is seen using CMOD5 [18].
A great variety of interesting atmospheric conditions are
mapped from the unique satellite SAR data sources. [4] provide
insight to various atmospheric phenomena observed from SAR.
Wind direction may be determined directly from the SAR images. One method is the local gradient method algorithm for
wind direction retrieval developed by [19], [21]. This method
examines the change in intensity of the SAR image at various
spatial scales. The method has been tested on a series of 91 ERS
and Envisat SAR images covering the Horns Rev wind farm and
the results gave standard deviation around 1.1 ms and wind
direction around 16 compared to offshore meteorological observations collected at Horns Rev [7]. Earlier studies comparing
offshore meteorological data and SAR winds have shown results of similar order of magnitude [14]–[16]. Comparison results between the estimated wind speeds from SAR-based maps
using ANSWRS mainly covering the Gulf of Alaska and the
U.S. East coast yielded agreement with buoy measurements to
within 1.76 m/s rms [26] and with QuikSCAT wind speeds
to within 1.25 m/s rms [24]. Comparisons using ship data,
ocean buoy data, or meteorological model showed results of
similar order of magnitude as described in other studies [20],
[23], [25]. [40] demonstrated direct (manual, semi-automated)
wind retrieval in SAR for improved wind mapping from SAR;
thus, general improvement may be expected from this type of research. Other methods for mapping wind streaks in SAR images
are fast Fourier transform (FFT) and wavelet analysis described
by [9] and [10], respectively.
The Japanese ALOS PALSAR has a fully polarimetric
transmit/receive capability at L-band ( 1.2 GHz) and the
German TerraSAR-X at X-band ( 10 GHz). ALOS was
launched in January 2006 and TerraSAR-X in June 2007. The
ability to collect multipolarization satellite SAR images at three
different frequencies (C-, L-, and X-band) represents a significant advance in satellite SAR acquisition technology. Similar
refinement in the interpretation and processing of data from
these new SAR sensors is required in order to fully utilize this
new technology for remote-sensing applications. New ocean
wind retrieval results are expected from the data as research is
on-going. This is foreseen to advance offshore wind resource
mapping in the future.
B. On Wind Resource Mapping Using SAR
Offshore wind farms such as Horns Rev in the North Sea and
Nysted in the Baltic Sea cover areas 16 to 25 km , respectively. The Horns Rev wind farm is located from 14 km and
further offshore and the Nysted wind farm is located from 9 km
and further offshore; thus, it is of particular interest to map the
coastal regions at or below 1-km-scale resolution and covering
the coastal zone from 5 to 50 km. Satellite SAR enables wind
mapping at the relevant resolution covering the area of interest.
This is of particular interest as the atmospheric flow in coastal
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Fig. 8. Wind map of the Baltic Sea from Envisat on 8 September 2007 with northwesterly winds. The horizontal yellow line in the lower right is 100 km. The
legend on wind speed is from 0 (dark blue) to 20 ms (dark red). Risø DTU/JHU-APL.
regions is often complex and not fully understood. Thus, SAR
observations can provide estimates of the spatial variations in
the coastal winds without any a priori knowledge. In contrast,
atmospheric flow models need a priori information on, e.g.,
landscape features and obstacles.
The de facto method for wind resource mapping is based on
the method originally developed in the European Wind Atlas
[37] and available as software, the Wind Atlas Analysis and Applications Program (WAsP) [27], A wind
resource analysis is typically based on minimum one year of
hourly wind speed and direction observations. In case the observations are collected at another height than that of the expected
wind turbine hub-height, a wind profile calculation in the vertical is done in the software. For SAR and other satellite wind
data, the level above sea is 10 m; thus, extrapolation to higher
levels is needed.
Software for wind resource estimation based on satellite SAR
has been developed at Risø. The newest software—SatelliteWAsP or S-WAsP—is based on input of SAR wind maps from
ANSWRS. A series of SAR-based wind maps are used for calculating wind resource statistics. It has been important to investigate advantages and limitations of the method. The number of
available SAR images is limited as a function of the relatively
narrow swaths of SARs and the number of SARs in operation. A
study on the number of samples and fixed overpass times by [3]
and [32] showed that the mean wind speed can be determined
with relatively good accuracy while, e.g, . energy density will
be rather uncertain as many more samples are
Fig. 9. Mean wind speed based on Envisat ASAR images covering the Baltic
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Fig. 10. QuikSCAT wind speed field of September 24, 2004 from the ascending passes. Colour scale is linear from 0 ms
Dark grey is land mass and light grey is missing data.
needed to provide a reliable estimate. Thus, it was concluded
that SAR-based wind resource estimation will have a quality
relevant in prefeasibility studies only. SAR-based wind resource
maps may be used as guide to site an offshore meteorological
mast or ground-based remote sensing instruments. In case a reliable estimate on the wind resource is already available within
the coastal area, SAR-based wind resource statistics may help
to identify wind resource variations within the region.
The nature of SAR-based wind maps prompted a need for development of spatial averaging, filtering and Weibull statistics
on the SAR-based wind maps; [13] and [30] described the technical details where most importantly the grid cells upwind of
the point of interest (any point in the selected domain) are averaged by footprint-weighted function. The few samples available
within each wind direction sector (bin) are used to calculate the
Weibull shape and scale parameters, and in particular, the fact
that SAR-based wind mapping exclude winds below a certain
and above a certain threshold (
or more) made the choice of the maximum likelihood estimator
relevant for Weibull fitting to SAR-based wind data. SAR-based
wind resource estimates are provided as maps, wind roses, statistical reports and as output (tab-file) compatible with WAsP.
[7] used the software for a study based on 100 SAR images at
the Horns Rev wind farm. The major results were standard deviation in wind speed
ms using wind direction from the
mast and
ms using wind direction from the gradient
method. The mean wind speed observed from 91 in situ data
was 7.6 ms , from 91 SAR wind maps 7.3 ms and from the
Horns Rev Lightship from 1962-80 7.3 ms [37].
Using 239 Envisat ASAR wide-swath-mode scenes covering
the Baltic Sea, the mean wind speed map is calculated and
shown in Fig. 9. It is based on more than 100 wind maps in
most of the domain (except near island Bornholm down to
around 80 wind maps). East of island Gotland at 57 N, 19.5 E
the mean wind speed from 188 samples is 6.6 ms , south
of Gotland at 56.7 N, 18.0 E the mean wind speed from 173
samples is 6.5ms
and at 55.0 N, 20.0 E near Russia the
mean wind speed is 6.3 ms based on 164 samples. The result
(dark green) to 50 ms
(dark red).
shows variation in mean wind speed in the Baltic Sea and the
map may be useful as an estimate on offshore winds.
C. On Wind Resource Mapping Using QuikSCAT
Several scatterometers have been in orbit. The QuikSCAT
mission is a quick recovery mission to fill the gap created by
the loss of its predecessor. Since 1999 QuikSCAT has collected
data. It provides microwave radar observations of the near-surface wind speed and direction under all weather and cloud conditions over Earth’s oceans [29]. It is in sun-synchronous polar
orbit of approximately 100 min. With the swath width close to
17 Earth degrees, this means that at the Equator two thirds
of the Earth perimeter is covered during ascending passes, i.e.,
when the satellite travels from south to north, and similarly for
descending passes. At higher latitudes this fraction is higher.
Although called a polar orbit, the satellite does not come higher
than to 81 degree latitude. The orbital path and swath combined
provide approximately global coverage twice per day.
QuikSCAT raw data are processed by Remote Sensing Systems (, and the results are released as one
file per day covering the Earth with a 0.25 by 0.25 resolution. For the higher latitudes with several satellite passes per
day, the daily data files contain at any point the values of the
last pass. There is close to two wind speed and direction sets
per day for lower latitudes. There is exactly two for higher latitudes. QuikSCAT data are available from July 19, 1999 until
October 2007, with only nine days missing. Fig. 10 shows the
wind speed field from the ascending passes on September 24,
To test the reliability of the QuikSCAT data near a coast,
QuikSCAT wind data from the nearest grid cell has been compared to meteorological mast data from Horns Rev (courtesy
of DONG energy A/S), for the period June 1999 to December
2004, see Fig. 11. As the QuikSCAT data represents a kind of
mean value over 0.25 by 0.25 , which at Horns Rev is close
to 15 km by 25 km, the comparison is made to 1-hour averaged
mast data (in one hour with a wind speed of 7 ms the traversed
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Fig. 11. Comparison between mast data and QuikSCAT data at Horns Rev in the North Sea for (top) wind speed and (bottom) wind direction.
length scale is 25 km). The standard errors of the comparison
results were found to be
ms for wind speed and
for wind direction.
From a wind resource point of view, however, it is more interesting to compare Weibull wind distribution parameters. Thus,
wind observations based on a multiyear dataset of 10-min averages from the meteorological mast at Horns Rev are compared
with the available QuikSCAT data for the same period. The
mast data for the above mentioned period comprises 260 000
recordings against QuikSCAT’s 3200. The results found from
QuikSCAT are mean wind speed of 8.04 ms versus 8.13 ms
at mast, Weibull A 9.28 ms versus 9.08 ms at mast, and
Weibull k 2.30 versus 2.29 at mast. The comparison result is
shown in Fig. 12 as a function of 12 wind direction sectors and
the equivalent wind roses are shown in Fig. 13. A high degree
of correspondence between data is seen.
A drawback regarding wind resource estimation based on
QuikSCAT is that the ascending and descending passes always
fall within the same limited local time intervals, for which
reason a systematic diurnal variation, where such would be of
importance, is not measured. This problem could, however,
to a wide extent be overcome by taking datasets from other
satellites into the analysis.
D. On Wind-Indexing Based on Passive Microwave SSM/I
Ocean wind speed mapping from passive microwave SSM/I
(Special Sensor Microwave/Imager) has been operational for
19 years. The wind maps do not cover the coastal zone and
only wind speed, not direction is retrieved. Thus, the application
for wind resource estimation is limited. The data have, however,
with exciting results been compared to the wind power production in Denmark.
At Remote Sensing Systems ( the
SSM/I wind data are accessible. The SSM/I geophysical dataset
consists of data derived from observations collected by the
SSM/I instruments carried onboard the Defense Meteorological
Satellite Program (DMSP) series of polar orbiting satellites.
These satellites are numbered as listed in Table I. There are
gaps within the data.
Remote Sensing Systems performs a detailed processing of
SSM/I data in two stages. The first stage produces an interim
product which is made available in near real-time, generally
within hours of data recording. This product can contain geo-location errors and erroneous brightness temperatures. The second
stage is an offline quality checked wind product [39]. The difference between the two datasets was tested for a period without
any noticeable differences; thus, it was concluded that in general the near real-time data are good.
The wind-index is defined as the produced wind power per
year (or month) normalized with the long-term wind power production in percentage. For a normal year (or month) the windindex value is 100%. For a windy year with winds above average, the wind-index is above 100%. The wind-index is used
for giving information on the expected wind energy production
in a given period compared to long-term estimates. This is important when planning new wind farms—where local measurements typically only are available for a shorter period—as well
as when checking the performance of existing wind farms. The
normalization period used for the wind-index will influence results and, in general, the longer the time-series the better.
The SSM/I wind data have been analyzed. Wind data from
two sites indicated in Fig. 14 were selected. Four data points at
each site were selected to increase the number of useful observations. From the four wind speeds the average was taken. The
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Fig. 12. Comparison of mean wind speed (U), Weibull A and Weibull k distribution parameters observed from meteorological mast and QuikSCAT for the period
June 1999 to December 2004 at Horns Rev in the North Sea, Denmark, as a function of wind direction grouped into 12 30-degree direction bins clockwise (sector
1 is from 355 to 015 ). Courtesy of mast data: DONG energy A/S.
Fig. 13. Wind rose for Horns Rev based on (top) QuikSCAT (bottom) mast data.
data available from the period is shown in Fig. 15. From 1987
to 1990, typically two data points per day were available. This
increased to six points per day from around year 2000 to the
Fig. 14. Position in the North Sea and Baltic Sea within which four neighboring
data points are extracted.
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Fig. 15. Number of wind speed data from SSM/I from two sites in the Danish Seas.
Fig. 16. Comparing the two SSM/I-based offshore wind-indexes with the Danish Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) based index calculated by EMD International
A/S (ver.06).
The long-term average wind speeds based on all approved
SSM/I wind data for the 18 years investigated was found to be
7.7 ms for the Baltic Sea and 8.3 ms for the North Sea at
10 m AMSL. To get a wind-index relevant for offshore wind
farming, the SSM/I wind data were extrapolated to 80 m as existing wind turbines operate at this height with an assumed logarithmic profile and a shear of 0.1—this gives a scaling factor of
1.23. For each of the sites the wind-index was calculated based
on squared wind speed (as wind turbine power curves are described by a parabola) with a “power curve limiter” at 15 ms ,
meaning that at wind speeds above 15 ms the wind-index is
(wind turbines operate at full capacity beyond this
set to
value). The result is shown in Fig. 16 jointly with the wind
turbine generator (WTG) wind-index based on produced wind
power in Denmark during the same period of time.
The first observation from Fig. 16 is that the decreasing trend
in the EMD-ver.06 onshore WTG based index is not seen in the
SSM/I offshore wind indexes. A second observation is that there
is correlation regarding years with low and high winds—especially from 1998 to 2005. There appears to be a high correlation
during recent years. This finding is important as in this period
the onshore WTG index has a very high accuracy based on many
large turbines. Before 1998 data sources were much weaker for
the WTG index. The SSM/I data has six daily data points in
recent years, and, therefore, the wind index is also of higher
The interesting issue for offshore projects is if this finding
truly can be used as a fact. In this case the offshore wind energy
variation is much less than we see onshore and thereby the future offshore energy production expectation must be considered
as 100% based on the last 5 years, where the onshore expectations are 7% below average [13].
Remote sensing observations of winds in the atmospheric
boundary layer from LiDAR and SoDAR have wide applications in wind energy. In particular, the technology is relevant
for wind profile mapping across the rotor plane of large offshore
wind turbines. The results appear to be of high accuracy when
compared to offshore meteorological data. The data can also be
used to study the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer.
This is important as modeling of winds from lower heights to
higher levels in the atmosphere frequently has to be done as observations often are taken at relatively low levels compared to
large wind turbines. Thus, it is important to evaluate models describing the structure of the atmosphere using ground-based remote sensing observations. LiDAR and SoDAR have the great
advantage of vertical profiling.
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In contrast, airborne and satellite observations of ocean winds
have the advantage of spatial mapping in the horizontal domain. SAR images are, in particular, relevant for the offshore
sites where detailed studies at the 1-km scale are needed. The
near real-time mapping of ocean winds from satellite SAR are
being used in combination with software for wind resource statistics. For areas where a very quick estimate on the wind resources is needed, the series of QuikSCAT scatterometer wind
maps may be useful. QuikSCAT is observing far offshore; thus,
coastal winds may be different from ocean conditions. For the
site Horns Rev in the North Sea, the comparison results appeared very good though.
The long-term trend in winds is not debated much compared
to, e.g.,the public awareness on temperature and precipitation
changes due to global warming. Yet in the wind industry it
is clear that winds change significantly from year to year, as
well as at longer time-scales. The lifetime of wind turbines
is 20 years; thus, the cost and benefit of wind farming should
be compared to this time-scale. The wind-index based on
wind power production during two decades from the Danish
wind turbine generators shows a remarkable good comparison
to a wind-index based on passive microwave SSM/I ocean
wind speed. The amplitude between windy and less windy
years is smaller for the SSM/I-based wind-index than for the
WTG-based wind-index. More importantly, the decreasing
trend in the WTG-based wind-index is not found in the SSM/I
based wind-index. In case this finding is truly describing offshore winds, it is good news for the offshore wind industry.
The authors would like to thank ESA EO-3644 for satellite images, DTU Space for the EMISAR airborne image,
QuikSCAT and SSM/I data for the Remote Sensing Systems
webpage, and DONG energy A/S for meteorological data from
Horns Rev.
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Charlotte Bay Hasager received the M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degrees from the University of Copenhagen,
Denmark, in 1992 and 1996, respectively.
She is currently a Senior Scientist at the Risø
National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark Technical University, in the Wind Energy
Department. She is specialized in satellite remote
sensing, micrometeorology, and wind energy.
Dr. Hasager is currently President of the Atmospheric Sciences Division, European Geosciences
Union, and a member of the steering committee of
the Danish Space Consortium.
Alfredo Peña received the M.Sc. degree from the
University of Oldenburg, Germany, and the M.Sc.
degree from the University of Los Andes, Colombia.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the
Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy,
Denmark Technical University, in the Wind Energy
He is specialized in offshore wind, ground-based
remote sensing, and wind energy.
Merete Bruun Christiansen received the M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degrees from the University of Copenhagen,
Denmark, in 2002 and 2006, respectively.
She is currently a Scientist at the Risø National
Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark Technical University, in the Wind Energy Department.
She is specialized in satellite remote sensing, micrometeorology, and wind energy.
Poul Astrup received the Ph.D. degree from Denmark Technical University (DTU).
He is currently a Scientific Specialist at the Risø
National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, DTU,
in the Wind Energy Department. He is specialized
in air pollution, meteorological modeling, programming, and wind and satellite data.
Morten Nielsen received the Ph.D. degree from Denmark Technical University (DTU).
He is currently a Senior Scientist at the Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, DTU, in
the Wind Energy Department. He is specialized in
heavy gas dispersion, micrometeorology, turbulence,
wind energy, and satellite remote sensing.
Frank Monaldo received the B.A. and M.S. degrees
from the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, in 1977 and 1978, respectively.
He is presently a Principal Staff Physicist at the
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD. He has focused on the scientific
use of remotely sensed data from both passive and
active sensors, to measure geophysical properties of
the ocean and atmosphere. He serves on the Alaska
SAR Facility User Working Group.
Mr. Monaldo is member of the American Geophysical Union, the URSI Commission F, Sigma Xi, and the American
Meteorological Society.
Donald Thompson began his career studying
problems in few-body nuclear reactions and stellar
nucleosynthesis at the California Institute of
Technology, the University of Minnesota, and the
Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. Since
1980, he has been with The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD,
where he is currently supervisor of the Theory and
Modeling Section of the Ocean Remote Sensing
Group. For the past 25 years, he has participated in
programs involving oceanographic measurements,
numerical modeling of surface wave phenomena, electromagnetic backscatter
calculations, and SAR image simulation. He served as modeling leader for
the ONR High-Res ARI and was PI on numerous other ONR, NASA, and
NOAA grants. He is currently PI on a National Ocean Partnership Program
(NOPP) grant related to hurricane wind mapping using SAR and a NOAA
grant concerned with geophysical parameter retrieval from microwave sensing
systems using polarization diversity. During the past four years, he has begun
collaborating with scientists at the Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable
Energy, Roskilde, Denmark, concerning the remote sensing of near-surface
ocean wind fields to aid in the placement of wind farms. He teaches electrodynamics in the Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, and
is an Adjunct Professor in the Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric
Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL.
Per Nielsen is the Director of EMD International,
Denmark. EMD is a software and consultancy
company supplying countries worldwide with
software and consultancy services within the field
of project design, planning, and documentation of
environmental friendly energy projects, particularly
wind energy projects.
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