
Fred Bailey: An Innocent Abroad Submitted by Sujith.S 141202047 What factors (individual, work, and organizational) contributed to Fred and Jenny’s lack of adjustment to Japan? Initially when the Fred bailey’s wife came to know about his foreign assignment she was not that happy, and then she was also scared about their kids’ education in a foreign country and later fred was successful in convincing his wife for the travel to after when she went to japan she had a lot of problem in adjusting in the foreign country . They actually did not have enough time to to know much about Tokyo where they were travelling, they did not even have time to learn anything about the culture of japan. As he was taking care of a bigger office in Tokyo he had to spend more time in office and he could not give much time to himself and his family and wife started feeling lonely and she had no one to talk as she had language barrier in Japan, she thought that she could talk to a person in English in club but she couldn’t find anyone who speak English. There was a lot of problem when jenny used to go to buy groceries she had a lot of problem buying things in the local market. Fred was feeling difficult to work in the organization as the Japanese coworkers were not very supportive, it once happened that one employee accepted to do a project but when the time came for submission he backed off saying he could not do it but after asking so much with that employee he opened up saying as Fred was a American the Japanese were hesitant to work with him. What mistakes did Fred make because of his lack of understanding of Japan? He was not able to figure out why Japanese were not cooperating with him in his office. he was feeling really difficult while working with the Japanese counterpart .Fred bailey could not work properly in this office as he did not have much time to do some home work to understand the Japanese work culture, The expectation from the research associate was comparatively more, Fred had given a job of making a report to a young Japanese and ralph also did not keep track of what that young associate was doing and as he was not kept a track of what he was doing and at last he expected the report at last moment and it was fred s or ralph s duty to keep his employees motivated and keep track what your employees are doing. The worst part of this was that he scolded the young associate without knowing why the Japanese associate could not submit his work and Fred did not give any extra attempt to get in touch with the Japanese counterpart in his office. What criteria would be important in selecting employees for overseas assignments? The major criteria to for selecting employees for overseas assignment are: He should have done some homework on how to deal with the Japanese workers Family should have been given prior training of the Japanese culture They should have a check over the family and the expatriate ability to adjust with the foreign nation which will stop expatriate failure Spouse could be counselled so that there is a fair chance that failure of expatriate doesn’t happen The expatriate should be taught basic local language for easy dealing in the foreign nation. The employee should be given with proper work life balance so that they stay motivated. The company has to find who has some of the above suggestion, and all the people would not have almost all the characteristics so the company can train both the expatriate and even the family so that the expatriate is happy and efficient. What special training and development programs might have been beneficial to Fred and his family prior to his assignment in Japan? Language training: Fred and his family should have been given proper Japanese training so that he could easily communicate with the local and the other workers. Japanese work culture: they should have given a brief idea about the work culture present in Japan which could help Fred settle easily. company should have given a better assistance to Fred and his family so that they could easily settle down easily in Japan could have given training on how to reduce the differences wirh other cultural background employees or on how to negotiate on that. Assume you are Dave Steiner and you receive a call from Fred about his difficulties in Japan. How would you respond? What should be done now? I would recommend him to stay calm and advise him not to lose his calm, Some things that would help Fred would be Simple training on Japanese language for himself and his wife so that they can converse better with local people and will try to make him understand the Japanese work culture which would be of great use to Fred as he was facing a lot of problems in dealing with his Japanese counterpart .We could help his wife also get a job in Tokyo as it will keep her busy and she will have some companions so that her social life would become better or do some spouse engagement activities so that jenny is happy and it will boost the morale of Fred. Fred could be told about the growth potential what he has and what benefits he would get by continuing in the expatriate assignment. Calling him back would be a bad option for the company and also prove to be very expensive. Another option could be send another member to help him adjust with the Japanese culture. He should extensively trained in Japanese basic culture so that he is able to work efficiently in Japan