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Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (1996): Udlicitering - Når det private bliver politisk, Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, Frederiksberg.
Antropologi, 2018
Biometriske teknologier (bios = liv, metron = måle) bruges til at identificere mennesker ud fra specifikke kropslige kendetegn såsom fingeraftryk, iris, ansigtstraek, gangart osv.
Tidsskriftet Antropologi
Artiklen belyser venstreradikale aktivisters indsamling af mad fra supermarkeders affaldscontainere, såkaldt skraldning, som politisk og tidsligt fænomen. Analysen peger på kroppen som både politikkens form og objekt og på, hvordan formgivning af kroppen frembringer tid. Artiklen omhandler aktivisters erfaringer af forskel- lige midlertidige perspektiver (død og aktiv tid). Frem for at anskue politiske handlinger som orienterede imod eller et resultat af et fremtidigt punkt eller mål bruges begrebet figuration til at beskrive, hvordan en ellers ubestemmelig fremtid midlertidigt opnår en bestemt form. Gennem analysen udsættes modstillingen mellem nutid og fremtid således for en etnografisk informeret kritik. Stine Krøijer: The Future in a Garbage Container: Temporary Perspectivism among Danish Leftwing Activists The present article describes the practice of dumpster diving, that is, the recollection of discarded food from supermarket containers, as a political and temporal phenomenon...
BARN - Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Family life today is diverse and historical understandings of what family life is and shouldbe are challenged. Approximately 1/3 of all children in Scandinavia experience their parents’divorce during childhood. Despite divorce, children’s rights to an everyday life with bothparents are emphasized as a way to take care of the child. However, this has not alwaysbeen the case. This article investigates how the best interest of children in divorce has beenunderstood over time and how this has influenced the legislation developed in close relationto the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Through analyses of historical documents andcontemporary interview material with children and their divorced parents, we examine howdiscussions about children, parents and divorce have influenced the legislation, and howthese understandings – in a contemporary context – encourage parents to a high degreeof cooperation in “the best interest of their child”. However, the best interest of the child isno...
Ledelse Erhvervsokonomi, 2006
Politica, 1983
Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 2017
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 1989
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab
Organized crime was imported to Denmark within a few years during the 1990s when well-known forms of crime were redefined as organized crime. This article describes how organized crime was constructed as a social and criminal problem and how a certain, broad understanding of organized crime was institutionalized. The vehicle for the introduction of the concept organized crime and the implementation of organized crime as a phenomenon in Denmark was - on one hand - the growth of outlaw motorcycle gangs and - on the other hand - the increasing European Union cooperation in the legal field.
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TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 2024
Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Ed. by Gaetan Brulotte and John Phillips. Routlege, 2006
Familia, mestizaje y genealogía (ISBN 978-607-8782-23-9) , 2020
VOX-Pol, 2024
2018 Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2018
Italian Journal of Forest and Mountain Environments, 2005
Earthquake Spectra, 2013
Íconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2010
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2018
Current developments in nutrition, 2017
Estudos E Pesquisas Em Psicologia, 2014
Jurnal Insan Cendekia
JPFT (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Tadulako Online), 2018
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, 2019