A. M. Green, C. E. Chapman, J. F. Kalaska and F. Lepore (Eds.)
Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 191
ISSN: 0079-6123
Copyright ! 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Crossmodal plasticity in sensory loss
Johannes Frasnelli{,*, Olivier Collignon{,}, Patrice Voss{ and Franco Lepore{
Département de Psychologie, Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et Cognition, Université de Montréal,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Centre de Recherche CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Abstract: In this review, we describe crossmodal plasticity following sensory loss in three parts, with
each section focusing on one sensory system. We summarize a wide range of studies showing that
sensory loss may lead, depending of the affected sensory system, to functional changes in other,
primarily not affected senses, which range from heightened to lowered abilities. In the first part, the
effects of blindness on mainly audition and touch are described. The latest findings on brain
reorganization in blindness are reported, with a particular emphasis on imaging studies illustrating how
nonvisual inputs recruit the visually deafferented occipital cortex. The second part covers crossmodal
processing in deafness, with a special focus on the effects of deafness on visual processing. In the last
portion of this review, we present the effects that the loss of a chemical sense have on the sensitivity
of the other chemical senses, that is, smell, taste, and trigeminal chemosensation. We outline how the
convergence of the chemical senses to the same central processing areas may lead to the observed
reduction in sensitivity of the primarily not affected senses. Altogether, the studies reviewed herein
illustrate the fascinating plasticity of the brain when coping with sensory deprivation.
Keywords: blindness; deafness; anosmia; crossmodal plasticity.
senses during their lifetime. Still, persons with
sensory loss are often able to live independently
and can achieve an impressive degree of
accomplishments. In fact, there is a plethora of
reports (though often anecdotic) of persons with
a sensory loss demonstrating extraordinary
abilities with one or several of their remaining
senses, with the large number of successful blind
musicians being the most prominent example.
Going back several decades, Diderot, in his “Lettre
While most humans can rely on several sensory
systems to appropriately interact with the environment, some individuals are born without one
or more senses while others may lose one or more
*Corresponding author.
Tel.: þ1-514-343-6111x0705; Fax: þ1-514-343-5787
[email protected]
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53752-2.00002-3
sur les aveugles” (Diderot, 1749), reported the
famous case of a blind mathematician who could
recognize fake from real money coins just by touching them. Similarly, William James explained blind
individuals’ remarkable ability to navigate through
their environment without colliding with obstacles
as resulting from a form of “facial perception”
(James, 1890). At first glance, such performance
may seem somewhat “supranormal.” However,
over the past decades, we have acquired extensive
knowledge on compensatory and adaptive changes
in primarily unaffected senses occurring after sensory loss and have a better understanding as to
how and why they occur.
The substantial literature on such compensatory mechanisms that are observed in the blind
has often attributed these enhancements to some
form of “crossmodal plasticity.” Crossmodal plasticity generally refers to the adaptive reorganization of neurons to integrate the function of a
new sensory modality following the loss of
another. In fact, such crossmodal plasticity
appears to at least partly explain many extraordinary abilities observed in persons with sensory
In the following sections, we provide an overview of crossmodal plastic changes that follow
sensory loss. We specifically focus on three major
topics, that is, blindness, deafness, and loss of
chemical senses and how these states affect the
other sensory systems.
Behavioral reorganization in blindness
It has long been debated whether blind
individuals have perceptual advantages or disadvantages in processing information received
via the intact modalities. The fundamental question has been whether the lack of vision disrupts
the proper development of nonvisual skills or if,
in contrast, blindness enables above-normal performance in the preserved modalities. Even if
several studies support the notion that vision
may be required to adequately calibrate other
sensory modalities (Axelrod, 1959; Lewald, 2002;
Zwiers et al., 2001), a substantial number of
recent experiments have demonstrated that blind
people are able to compensate for their lack of
vision through efficient use of their remaining
senses. In studies exploring sharpened nonvisual
skills in blind people, spatial processing has been
extensively investigated (Collignon et al., 2009c).
This observation is probably due to the predominant role of vision in this cognitive ability and the
importance for blind people to efficiently extract
spatial information from the remaining senses in
order to properly and safely navigate in their
In a seminal study, Lessard et al. (1998)
investigated the auditory localization abilities of
early blind individuals under binaural and monaural listening conditions. They first demonstrated that blind subjects can localize binaurally
presented sounds as well as sighted individuals,
suggesting that vision is not necessary for the construction of a three-dimensional auditory map of
space. Moreover, half of the blind subjects significantly outperformed the sighted ones when they
had to localize the sounds with one ear occluded
(monaural localization). This finding strongly
suggests that some blind individuals can use subtle spatial cues (i.e., spectral cues) more efficiently than sighted controls. Another consistent
finding is that blind individuals typically outperform sighted ones in binaural localization tasks
when the sound sources are located in more
peripheral positions as opposed to when they
are presented centrally (Roder et al., 1999; Simon
et al., 2002, Voss et al., 2004).
In recent experiments, we investigated the ability of blind participants to sharply focus their
attention and quickly react to auditory or tactile
spatial targets (Collignon and De Volder, 2009;
Collignon et al., 2006). These studies demonstrated that blind subjects reacted faster than sighted
controls to non visual spatial targets in selective
and divided attention tasks further extending the
view that blind individuals are able to compensate
their lack of vision by developing capacities in
their remaining senses that exceed those of
sighted individuals.
The studies described above examined spatial
hearing in near space, a region where auditory
representations can be calibrated through sensory-motor feedback in blind subjects, such as
touching the source of the sound or through the
use of a cane, for example. In a later study, we
evaluated sound localization in far space, a region
of space where sensori-motor feedback could not
contribute to the calibration of auditory spatial
maps. We showed not only that blind individuals
properly mapped their auditory distant space,
but actually outperformed their sighted
counterparts under specific conditions (Voss
et al., 2004). Moreover, we examined whether
late-onset blind subjects can manifest sensory
compensation, since only a few studies have
investigated this point. We thus carried out the
task in late-blind subjects and showed that this
group could also develop above-normal spatial
abilities (Voss et al., 2004), as confirmed in
another study (Fieger et al., 2006). However, a
recent experiment showed that early but not
late-blind participants showed better performance
than that of sighted participants on a range of
auditory perception tasks (Wan et al., 2010).
Interestingly, in the above-mentioned studies,
the superiority of early- and late-blind subjects
was only present when sounds were presented in
the periphery, where more subtle (e.g., spectral)
auditory cues have to be exploited to efficiently
resolve the task (Fieger et al., 2006; Roder et al.,
1999; Simon et al., 2002; Voss et al., 2004). Similarly, when behavioral compensations are
observed for the processing of visuospatial stimuli
in deaf subjects, they also mainly concern inputs
originating in the peripheral visual field (Bavelier
et al., 2000; Neville and Lawson, 1987). These
compensations observed specifically for peripheral stimuli may be related to the fact that
differences in performance may emerge preferentially in conditions where the task is difficult
(i.e., the sighted subjects are not performing at
near perfect levels).
Recent studies have also pointed out that visual
deprivation during early development results in
important qualitative changes in nonvisual spatial
perception (Eimer, 2004). Other experiments
with blind people have suggested that the default
localization of touch and proprioception in external space is in fact dependent on early visual
experience (Hotting and Roder, 2009; Roder
et al., 2004, 2008). For example, Roder et al.
(2004) asked participants to judge the temporal
order in which two tactile stimuli were delivered
to their left and right hands. As expected, they
found that temporal order judgments of sighted
participants were less accurate with crossed than
with uncrossed hands, which would result from
the conflict between external and somatotopic
spatial codes. By contrast, a congenitally blind
group was completely unaffected by crossing the
hands. Thus, it seems that sighted persons always
use a visually defined reference frame to localize
tactile events in external space (Kitazawa, 2002),
and are impaired by conflicting external and
somatotopic spatial information. By contrast, congenitally blind subjects do not use external spatial
coordinates and thus remain unaffected by this
conflict. Moreover, the fact that there is no need,
in the case of early blindness, to make a correspondence between a nonvisual frame of reference and a visual one would contribute to a
faster processing of nonvisual spatial information
(Roder et al., 2004). This explanation was
supported by an electroencephalographic study
showing that the detection of deviant tactile
stimuli at the hand induced event-related
potentials that varied in crossed when compared
to uncrossed postural conditions in sighted
subjects, whereas changing the posture of the
hand had no influence on the early blind subjects’
brain activity (Roder et al., 2008). In a
recent study, we extended this finding by
demonstrating that the use of an anatomically
anchored reference system for touch and proprioception in subjects visually deprived since birth
impaired their ability to integrate audio-tactile
information across postural changes (Collignon
et al., 2009a). Altogether, these results thus demonstrate that the default remapping of touch/proprioception into external coordinates is acquired
during early development as a consequence of
visual input.
It is, however, important to note that compensatory mechanisms following visual deprivation could
extend beyond the auditory spatial domain. For
example, enhanced performance in blind participants was also observed in auditory tasks involving pitch (Gougoux et al., 2004; Wan et al., 2010),
echoes (Rice and Feinstein, 1965; Rice et al.,
1965), or verbal (Amedi et al., 2003) discrimination. The tactile modality has also been studied in
blind individuals and is especially interesting given
its importance in Braille reading. Compared to
sighted controls, blind subjects showed superior
abilities in some tactile tasks, such as a haptic angle
discrimination task (Alary et al., 2008) and a texture discrimination task, but exhibited similar
grating orientation thresholds and vibrotactile frequency discrimination thresholds as the sighted
subjects (Alary et al., 2009). A carefully designed
study demonstrated that when age and sex of the
two groups were carefully matched, the average
blind subject had the acuity of an average sighted
person of the same gender but 23 years younger
(Goldreich and Kanics, 2003). A recent study by
Wong and collaborators (2011) observed this
heightened tactile acuity in blind subjects to
depend on braille readings skills suggesting the sensory compensation to be a direct consequence of
the practice of the blind subjects with the braille
system. With regard to the chemical senses, several
studies suggest that blind subjects outperform
sighted subjects in difficult higher-order olfactory
tasks, such as free odor identification and odor
labeling (Murphy and Cain, 1986; Rosenbluth
et al., 2000; Wakefield et al., 2004), but not in simpler and more basic olfactory tasks such as odor
threshold or odor discrimination (Diekmann
et al., 1994; Schwenn et al., 2002; Smith et al.,
1993; Wakefield et al., 2004).
Brain reorganization in blindness
Researchers have hypothesized for a long time that
brain reorganization could underlie the changes in
behavior observed in blind individuals. In particular, it was postulated that the functioning of visual
structures changed dramatically following visual
deprivation, and increasing evidence points now
to the extensive colonization of the occipital cortex
(OC)—traditionally considered as visual—by nonvisual inputs in blind individuals (Collignon et al.,
2009c). In pioneering studies using positron emission tomography (PET), Veraart and collaborators
demonstrated elevated metabolic activity in OC of
early blind individuals at rest, which was at about
the same level as in sighted subjects involved in a
visual task (Veraart et al., 1990; Wanet-Defalque
et al., 1988). Following the advent of more powerful neuroimaging techniques, a plethora of studies
have demonstrated task-dependent activations
of the OC during auditory (Kujala et al., 1997;
Roder et al., 1999; Weeks et al., 2000), olfactory
(Kupers et al., 2011) and tactile (Buchel et al.,
1998; Burton et al., 2004; Gizewski et al., 2003)
processing in early blind subjects.
It is, however, possible that these results simply
reflect an association between stimulus presentation
and cortical activation, without there being any functional involvement of occipital areas in nonvisual
processing. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS), which induces a focal and transient disruption of the proper functioning of a targeted area,
has been used to demonstrate the necessity of the
OC of the blind for Braille reading (Cohen et al.,
1997; Kupers et al., 2007) and verbal (Amedi et al.,
2004) processing. We also demonstrated that TMS
applied over the right dorsal extrastriate cortex
interfered with the use of a prosthesis substituting
vision by audition and with the localization of sounds
in blind subjects (Collignon et al., 2007). By contrast,
TMS targeting the same cortical area had no effect
on any auditory performance in sighted subjects
and did not interfere with pitch and intensity discriminations in the blind. The demonstration that
transient perturbation of OC with TMS selectively
disrupted specific auditory processing in the blind
compared to sighted subjects illustrates that this
“visual” area is functionally linked to the neural network that underlies this auditory ability. We thus
concluded that early visual deprivation leads to functional cerebral reorganization such that the right
dorsal visual stream is recruited for the spatial processing of sounds, a result which is in clear agreement with previous neuroimaging studies on
nonvisual space processing in this population (Arno
et al., 2001; Poirier et al., 2006; Ricciardi et al., 2007;
Vanlierde et al., 2003; Weeks et al., 2000). In a recent
fMRI study we compared brain activity of congenitally blind and sighted participants processing either
the spatial or the pitch properties of sounds carrying
information in both domains (the same sounds were
used in both tasks), using an adaptive procedure specifically designed to adjust for performance level. In
addition to showing a substantial recruitment of the
occipital cortex for sound processing in the blind, we
also demonstrated that auditory-spatial processing
mainly recruited regions of the dorsal occipital
stream. Moreover, functional connectivity analyses
revealed that these reorganized occipital regions
are part of an extensive brain network including
regions known to underlie audio-visual spatial
abilities in sighted subjects (Collignon et al., 2011).
It is worth noting that dorsal occipital regions have
previously been shown to be involved in visuospatial
processing in sighted subjects (Haxby et al., 1991).
The similarity in the activation foci between visuospatial processing in the sighted and auditory spatial
processing in the blind suggests that these areas may
retain their functional and neuronal coding ability,
which would enable them to process input from a different sensory modality. These results suggest that
spatial processing in the blind maps onto specialized
subregions of the OC known to be involved in the
spatial processing of visual input in sighted people
(Haxby et al., 1991). Interestingly, a recent study
reported activation of a subregion of the lateraloccipital complex normally responsive to visual
and tactile object-related processing when blind
subjects extracted shape information from visualto-auditory sensory substitution soundscapes
(Amedi et al., 2007; see also Pietrini et al., 2004 for
ventral activations in tactile shape recognition in
the blind). In a similar manner, mental imagery of
object shape recruited more ventral occipital areas
(De Volder et al., 2001), whereas mental imagery
of object position recruited more dorsal occipital
regions (Vanlierde et al., 2003) in the blind. It thus
appears that a functional dissociation between a
ventral “what?” stream for the processing of object
shape and a dorsal “where?” stream for the processing of space may also exist for nonvisual stimuli
processed in the OC of blind subjects (Collignon
et al., 2009c; Dormal and Collignon, 2011).
In order to further understand whether occipital activity levels leads to differences in behavioral performance, several studies correlated
individual levels of occipital activity in blind participants with performance in nonvisual tasks. In
a study conducted in early blind individuals using
a speaker array that permitted pseudo-free-field
presentations of sounds during PET scanning,
Gougoux and collaborators (Gougoux et al.,
2005) observed that during monaural sound localization (one ear plugged), the degree of activation
of several foci in the striate and extrastriate cortex correlated with sound localization accuracy
(Fig. 1). This result not only confirms an
enhanced recruitment of occipital regions in auditory spatial processing in blind subjects but also
suggests that such restructuring of the auditory
circuit may underlie their superior abilities.
The above-mentioned studies undoubtedly
demonstrate the presence of crossmodal plasticity
in blind individuals, as cortical territories normally involved in visual processing are recruited
for nonvisual functions. Still, questions remain
about the nature of the mechanisms mediating
such massive reorganizations. Top-down processing from associative cortices, feed-forward
connections between primary sensory regions, or
subcortical reorganizations are putative pathways
that could explain how nonvisual inputs enter
occipital areas of visually deprived subjects
(Bavelier and Neville, 2002; Pascual-Leone
et al., 2005). In order to further understand such
Percent CBF change
r = –0.81
Y = –67
Percent CBF change
r = –0.77
Y = –64
r = –0.68
Percent CBF change
Y = –83
Mean absolute error score (∞)
Fig. 1. Data of a correlational analysis between performance (mean absolute error) in a pointing task to monaurally presented
sounds and cerebral blood flow (as measured by PET) in a group of blind subjects. The column of brain images illustrates
regions in the ventral extrastriate (top), in the dorsal extrastriate (middle), and striate (bottom) cortices that correlate with
monaural sound location performance in early blind subjects. Arrows point to the regions of interest. The scattergram shows the
individual values extracted from each of these regions; closed circles indicate blind subjects; open circles indicate sighted
controls; regression lines were fitted to data from blind subjects. Y coordinates refer to standardized stereotaxic space. With
permission from Gougoux et al. (2005).
mechanisms, we used event-related TMS to disclose the time course of the spatial processing of
sounds in the dorsolateral “where” stream of
blind and sighted individuals (Collignon et al.,
2008, 2009b). To address this issue, we induced
a virtual lesion of either the right intraparietal sulcus (rIPS) or the right dorsal extrastriate occipital
cortex (rOC) at different delays in blind and
sighted subjects performing a sound lateralization
task. We observed that TMS applied over rIPS
100–150 ms after sound onset disrupted the spatial processing of sound in sighted subjects but
surprisingly had no influence on the task performance in blind individuals at any timing. In contrast, TMS applied over rOC 50 ms after sound
onset disrupted the spatial processing of sounds
in blind and in sighted participants. These studies
suggest an early contribution of rOC in the spatial
processing of sound in blind but also, to some
extent, in sighted participants and also point to a
lesser involvement of rIPS in this ability in blind
participants. Given the very short latency of the
disruptive effect of TMS applied over rOC on
auditory spatial processing and considering the
absence of rIPS contribution to this function in
the blind, we suggested that sounds may reach
the OC in blind subjects either via subcortical
connections (Piche et al., 2007) or direct “feedforward” afferent projections arising from the
auditory cortex (Falchier et al., 2002). However,
further studies are needed to better understand
how these mechanisms combine together and
the influence of age of onset of blindness on the
installation of such mechanisms.
The previous section provided evidence as to why
the study of blind individuals constitutes an excellent model of the adaptability of the human brain,
and how its plastic properties can in turn influence
behavior and often improve sensory and cognitive
abilities in these individuals. While crossmodal
plasticity has been less extensively studied in the
deaf, with the advent of small and efficient cochlear
implants, it will become more and more important
to understand crossmodal plasticity in deafness in
order to comprehend the brain's ability to reverse
the changes that followed sensory loss. Here, we
will briefly review some of the main findings in the
literature regarding crossmodal processing and
plasticity in the deaf.
Behavioral reorganization in deafness
Deaf individuals must rely more heavily on their
remaining senses to carry out their everyday
activities. The fine input they receive from the outside world is essentially limited to the binocular
visual field, whereas precious information obtained
from the auditory system can capture precepts from
all directions in space covering 360" along any axis.
Given this loss of information, do deaf individuals
compensate for their deficit via heightened visual
abilities? In other words, do they “see better” than
hearing individuals?
While some of the earlier studies produced very
conflicting results, recent findings suggesting
improved visual skills in the deaf tend to be more
homogenous, in part because the individuals studied
were themselves more homogenous as groups than
in the past (see Bavelier et al., 2006). In recent studies, these groups were generally composed exclusively of deaf native signers, a subsample of the
deaf population known to not suffer from comorbidity confounds related to language and communication deficits often associated with deafness (Meier,
1991). The heightened visual abilities in deaf native
signers do not appear to be widespread, however,
but rather seem limited to specific areas of visual
cognition. For instance, basic sensory thresholds,
such as contrast sensitivity (Finney and Dobkins,
2001), motion velocity (Brozinsky and Bavelier,
2004), motion sensitivity (Bosworth and Dobkins,
1999), brightness discrimination (Bross, 1979), and
temporal resolution (Nava et al., 2008; Poizner and
Tallal, 1987), do not appear to be enhanced in deaf
individuals. Enhanced visual skills have rather revealed themselves in more complex tasks, where
visual attention and/or processing of the peripheral
visual field are manipulated (Bavelier et al., 2001;
Dye et al., 2007; Loke and Song, 1991; Neville and
Lawson, 1987; Neville et al., 1983; Proksch and
Bavelier, 2002; Sladen et al., 2005; Stevens and
Neville, 2006). It has thus been proposed that the
loss of hearing leads to changes in higher-level
attentional processing, with a redistribution of
attentional resources to the periphery (see Bavelier
et al., 2006). However, this hypothesis has been
challenged by the results of a recent study showing
faster reactivity to visual events in the deaf compared to hearing individuals, regardless of spatial
location (both peripheral and central; Bottari
et al., 2010). Moreover, while hearing subjects were
substantially slower for peripheral targets (in relation to central ones), deaf subjects were equally efficient across all spatial locations, suggesting
functional enhancements for the peripheral visual
field that cannot be explained by different attentional gradients alone.
Brain reorganization in deafness
When considering the above-highlighted changes
in visual processing, it naturally follows to ask
whether we can observe an associated neuronal
substrate to these improvements. There is now a
substantial body of work looking at compensatory
changes in the brain following early auditory deprivation; several studies have focused their attention on the middle temporal (MT) and middle
superior temporal (MST) areas known to be not
only involved in visual motion processing but also
known to be heavily modulated by attentional
processes. Consistent with the behavioral data,
neuroimaging has revealed that differences in
MT/MST between deaf and hearing individuals
in response to motion stimuli only emerge when
they are attended to in the peripheral field
(Bavelier et al., 2001; Fine et al., 2005). However,
one could argue that given the substantial role of
motion in sign language, this difference could be
due to the acquisition of this visuospatial language rather than to auditory deprivation per se.
Bavelier et al. (2001) addressed this issue by
including a second control group, one composed
of hearing native signers, and showed that only
early deafness and not early exposure to sign language lead to an increase of MT/MST activation.
Other notable areas of interest are the auditory
cortices that are deprived of their normal input
following deafness. Early animal studies showed
that neurons in the primary auditory cortex could
reorganize themselves to process visual information in the absence of auditory input (Pallas
et al., 1990; Roe et al., 1992). More recently, several groups have shown BOLD changes in the
auditory cortex of deaf individuals in response
to visual motion (Finney and Dobkins, 2001;
Finney et al., 2003; Sadato et al., 2004; Shibata,
2007). We have also recently investigated BOLD
signal changes in both deaf and sighted
individuals using global motion and forms defined
by motion stimuli previously validated in healthy
hearing individuals (see Vachon et al., 2009).
Our preliminary results with deaf individuals are
consistent with the current literature and show
the involvement of higher-order auditory areas
in the processing of the stimuli, most notably the
right supratemporal gyrus (P. Vachon et al.,
unpublished). Similarly, several other groups
have shown recruitment of the auditory cortex
by visually presented sign language in deaf
subjects (Nishimura et al., 1999; Petitto et al.,
2000), and importantly, it was also shown that this
crossmodal recruitment is not a by-product of
signing, but rather of being auditorily
deafferented (Fine et al., 2005).
There are several potential ways in which
crossmodal reorganization could lead to the
observed functional changes in the deaf. First,
anatomical support for visual processing in the
auditory cortex comes from animal studies showing
direct connections between both primary cortices
(Falchier et al., 2002; Rockland and Ojima, 2003).
However, corresponding pathways have yet to be
identified in humans. Other anatomical findings
have focused on the auditory cortex and the superior temporal gyrus, where morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging studies have shown a reduction
in white matter as well as reduced diffusion anisotropy within remaining white matter in deaf
individuals compared to hearing individuals
(Emmorey et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2009; Shibata,
2007). While finding no differences within the auditory cortices, Penhune et al. (2003) did reveal an
increase in gray matter density within the left motor
hand area, possibly related to more active use of the
dominant hand in sign language.
Finally, an important point worth discussing is
the impact of the age of onset of deafness on
crossmodal processing and plasticity. While studies
with blind individuals have clearly shown the age of
acquisition of blindness to modulate the observed
plastic changes, only one study, to our knowledge,
has specifically attempted to address this important
issue in the deaf (Sadato et al., 2004). Both early
and late-onset deaf groups showed similar activation of the planum temporale, but differed with
respect to the activation in the middle superior
temporal sulcus (STS), which was more prominent
in the early deaf. Given that the middle STS corresponds to the main voice sensitive area, the authors
argued that exposure to voices had hindered the
region's ability to ultimately process sign language
in the late deaf.
Anosmia, ageusia, loss of trigeminal
The chemical senses, that is, smell, taste, and the
chemosensory trigeminal system, have obtained
considerably less attention when compared to
vision or audition. As opposed to physical senses,
such as vision, audition, and touch, they allow us
to experience our chemical environment via the
interaction of substances with sensory organs,
mostly, but not exclusively (Lindemann, 1996),
via ligand–receptor interactions (Alimohammadi
and Silver, 2000; Buck and Axel, 1991). Together,
the three chemical senses constitute the main
components of flavor perception (Small et al.,
1997b). In the following paragraph, we will briefly
outline the physiology of the chemical senses, in
order to better understand the adaptive changes
that occur when one of these senses is impaired
or lost.
Gustation, better known as the sense of taste,
allows us to perceive five distinct taste qualities.
In addition to the four classical ones (bitterness,
sourness, saltiness, and sweetness; Lindemann,
2000), a fifth taste quality, umami, allows for the
perception of the savory aspects of protein-rich
food (Chaudhari et al., 2000). Taste receptors
are located mostly on the tongue, although elsewhere in the oral cavity as well. In contrast to
the sense of taste, the sense of smell allows us to
perceive a virtually unlimited number of different
odors. Volatile substances reach the olfactory
receptor neurons, which are located in the upper
portions of the nasal cavity, either orthonasally
via the nostrils (while sniffing) or retronasally
via the nasopharynx (Burdach et al., 1984). The
latter is of utmost importance when perceiving
the olfactory components of flavors from the oral
cavity (Frasnelli et al., 2005). The chemosensory
trigeminal system, finally, allows for the perception of burning, cooling, stinging, and other
sensations originating from chemical substances
(Laska et al., 1997). Here, trigeminal stimuli
interact with receptors and free nerve endings of
the trigeminal nerve throughout the oral and the
nasal cavities. Since the chemical senses are perceptually interconnected so tightly (Small et al.,
1997b), some have put forward the idea of a
unique flavor sense (Auvray and Spence, 2008).
In fact, a major complaint of individuals who lose
one of their chemical senses relates to their
reduced ability to appreciate foods.
Behavioral reorganization in chemosensory loss
Olfactory dysfunctions can be categorized into
quantitative dysfunctions (reduced sense of
smell—hyposmia; loss of sense of smell—anosmia)
and qualitative dysfunctions (altered perception of
existing odors—parosmia; perception of inexistent
odors—phantosmia; Leopold, 2002). These are
relatively common conditions as up to 5% and
15% of the population are thought to exhibit anosmia and hyposmia, respectively (Bramerson et al.,
2004; Landis and Hummel, 2006; Landis et al.,
2004). Next to the physiological age related decline
of olfactory function, the major etiologies of olfactory dysfunction are sinunasal diseases (polyps,
chronic rhino-sinusitis), viral infections (persisting
dysfunction after upper respiratory tract infection),
traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases
(Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, etc.), and
others. Up to 1% of the anosmic individuals exhibit
congenital anosmia (Kallmann's syndrome,
isolated congenital anosmia; Temmel et al., 2002).
There are several reports on crossmodal effects
of olfactory dysfunctions, mainly on other
chemosensory systems. There is an established
detrimental effect of olfactory dysfunction on trigeminal perception. When compared to controls,
individuals with reduced olfactory function can
perceive trigeminal stimuli only at higher concentrations (Frasnelli et al., 2010; Gudziol et al.,
2001) and perceive suprathreshold stimuli as less
intense (Frasnelli et al., 2007a). This reduced trigeminal sensitivity is, however, restricted to
chemosensory trigeminal fibers (Frasnelli et al.,
2006). A specific method to test trigeminal sensitivity is the odor lateralization task. In this test,
subjects have to determine which of their two
nostrils had been stimulated by an odorant in a
monorhinal stimulation paradigm. We are only
able to do so if the odorant also stimulates the trigeminal system (Kobal et al., 1989). Anosmic
individuals have been shown to perform worse
than healthy controls in the odor localization task
(Hummel et al., 2003).
With regard to effects of olfactory dysfunction on
taste perception, it is important to note that most of
the individuals suffering from an olfactory dysfunction complain about a taste disturbance (Deems
et al., 1991). This is because they mainly experience
the reduced retronasal olfactory sensation during
flavor perception (Deems et al., 1991). This phenomenon can be very impressive as some persons
with olfactory dysfunction do not believe their olfactory system to be disturbed at all. However, when
referring specifically to gustation, that is, the perception of the five taste qualities, effects of olfactory loss
on gustation are more debated. Some studies have
reported that, in analogy to trigeminal function, gustatory function is also reduced in individuals with
olfactory dysfunction (Gudziol et al., 2007; Landis
et al., 2010), while a recent report failed to confirm
this finding (Stinton et al., 2010).
As opposed to the commonly observed olfactory
dysfunctions, a loss of trigeminal chemosensation
is a very rare condition. In a case report, olfactory
function was assessed in a woman who suffered
from unilateral loss of trigeminal function on the
left side resulting from a meningeoma. She also
exhibited reduced olfactory function, as assessed
with a behavioral test and the measurement of
olfactory event-related potentials, but only ipsilaterally to the affected side. Her gustatory function
was, however, similar on both sides of the tongue
(Husner et al., 2006).
While patients seeking help with a medical specialist often complain about a qualitatively altered
taste perception (dysgeusia), a complete loss of
gustatory sensation (ageusia) is a very rare condition (Deems et al., 1991). No reports of crossmodal
effects of loss of gustatory function are known.
In summary, a dysfunction or loss of one of the
chemical senses is a relatively common finding.
Olfaction is by far the most affected sensory system. However, no compensatory mechanisms
appear to take place, where another (chemical)
sense becomes more sensitive. Rather, the loss of
a chemical sense (which in most cases is the loss
of olfactory function) is usually accompanied by a
reduced sensitivity in the other chemical senses.
This is in sharp contrast to blindness and deafness,
as described above. A possible explanation for this
may be the tight connection of the different chemical senses, an expression of which is the perception
of flavor. As stated above, some researchers have
in fact put forward the idea of a unique “flavor
sense,” consisting of inputs of all different contributing sensory channels (Auvray and Spence,
2008). The loss of one sense would therefore lead
to a breakdown of the whole flavor system.
There is indeed also evidence from imaging studies for such a flavor sense. The chemical senses
share important central processing areas. For
example, it has been shown that the orbitofrontal
cortex (OFC) and its different subdivisions are
activated by olfactory (e.g., Gottfried and Zald,
2005; Savic and Gulyas, 2000; Zatorre et al., 1992),
gustatory (e.g., Hummel et al., 2007; Small et al.,
1997a, 2003; Veldhuizen et al., 2007), and trigeminal (e.g., Albrecht et al., 2010; Boyle et al., 2007b)
stimulation. Similarly, the insula is activated following olfactory (e.g., Bengtsson et al., 2001;
Cerf-Ducastel and Murphy, 2003; Savic and
Gulyas, 2000), gustatory (e.g., Small et al., 1999,
2003; Veldhuizen et al., 2007), and trigeminal
(e.g., Albrecht et al., 2010; Boyle et al., 2007b;
Iannilli et al., 2008) stimulation. More importantly,
combined stimuli consisting of mixtures of gustatory, olfactory, and/or trigeminal stimuli have been
shown to activate “chemosensory” brain regions to
a higher degree than their single constituents. In
their seminal paper, Small and collaborators
(1997b) showed that the administration of
matching gustatory and olfactory stimuli together
evoked different changes in cerebral blood flow
in the insula, the opercula, and the OFC than the
administration of both kinds of stimuli on their
own. Similarly, using the trigeminal stimulus CO2
together with the pure olfactory stimulus phenyl
ethanol, we showed that a mixture of both
activated chemosensory centers (left OFC) and
integration areas (left STS, rIPS) to a higher
degree than the mathematical sum of the single
components (Boyle et al., 2007a). Cerf-Ducastel
et al. (2001) finally showed that both gustatory
and lingual trigeminal stimuli showed a striking
overlap in their activation of the insula as well as
the rolandic, frontal, and temporal opercula.
Again, these studies support the existence of a cerebral network for flavor consisting mainly of the
OFC as well as the insula and surrounding cortex.
Brain reorganization in chemosensory loss
Unfortunately, only few reports are available on
changes in brain activations due to chemosensory
loss. In accordance with the behavioral findings,
anosmic and hyposmic individuals exhibit smaller
trigeminal event-related potentials (Frasnelli
et al., 2007a; Hummel et al., 1996). Similarly, following trigeminal stimulation with the trigeminal
stimulus carbon dioxide, persons suffering from
anosmia were described to exhibit smaller
activations in “chemosensory” brain regions when
compared to controls with a normal sense of
smell. The anosmia group, however, exhibited
larger responses in other regions in the frontal
and temporal lobe, which usually are not involved
in chemosensory perception (Iannilli et al., 2007).
However, there appears to be a dissociation
between peripheral and central levels of trigeminal processing. When the negative mucosal potential
responsiveness—is assessed, individuals with
anosmia or hyposmia exhibit larger responses
than healthy controls, which is in striking contrast
to the findings in central responses (Frasnelli
et al., 2007a,b). Thus, a model of mixed sensory
adaptation/compensation in the interaction
between the olfactory and the trigeminal system
has been put forward. In normal functioning
systems, peripheral trigeminal responsiveness is
constantly inhibited; consequently, the periphery
of the trigeminal system is functionally
downregulated. On central levels, trigeminal
input is increased by olfactory costimulation
resulting in larger signals. In olfactory loss, however, a release of peripheral inhibition occurs,
resulting in increased peripheral susceptibility.
However, there is no olfactory costimulation to
be integrated, resulting in relatively smaller central signals (Frasnelli et al., 2007a,b; Fig. 2).
These data therefore suggest the mechanisms
in chemosensory loss to be different from other
sensory systems. A first difference is that the
chemical senses converge, at least partly, to the
same processing areas. Second, sensory loss leads
to a reduction in sensitivity in the other senses as
well, in addition to the loss in the primarily
affected sense. More studies are needed to confirm a causal connection between these consistent
observations and to deepen our understanding of
crossmodal effects of a loss in the chemical senses.
Fig. 2. Effects of loss of olfactory function on the trigeminal chemosensory system. (A) Grand means of trigeminal event-related
potentials (central measure; top) and negative mucosal potential (NMP; peripheral measure; bottom) following stimuli of 60%
(v/v) CO2 in subjects with acquired anosmia (black) and controls (gray). The black horizontal bars indicate the onset and
duration of the CO2 stimulus. (B) Model of the interaction between olfactory (gray arrows) and trigeminal (black arrows)
systems. (B1) Normal conditions. Peripheral responsiveness is decreased due to constant activation of intrabulbar trigeminal
collaterals and consequent functional downregulation in the periphery of the trigeminal system. Functional integration of
olfactory and trigeminal processes leads to augmented cortical signal. (B2) Olfactory loss. Increased NMP due to top
downregulation; decreased event-related potential due to missing olfactory augmentation. With permission from Frasnelli et al.
Loss of a sensory system has vast consequences
for the affected person and his interactions with
environment. Here, we have outlined how sensory loss leads to changes in primarily unaffected
sensory systems. This crossmodal plasticity shows
in a fascinating way how the brain copes with
sensory deprivation. Only the proper understanding of the mechanisms of crossmodal plasticity
will allow us to develop tools to help persons with
sensory loss to better experience the world with
the unaffected senses and thus enable them to live
more independently.
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