Lesson Plan - Type and Design

This lesson plan with group activities and lecture content is designed to coordinate with the Type and Design presentation document. It includes a font-pairing activity based on physical type sample cards, which is designed to encourage students to explore type pairings in a low-stakes, playful, physical format.

Alex Nielsen ENGL 875 Lesson Plan Dr. D. Richards 11/4/2015 English 334W Lesson Plan: 11/3/2015 – “Typeface and Design” Objective: Explore role of font and type design in technical communication, encouraging descriptivist view of type design as an expressive, purposeful element of communication/document design. Encourage students to (re-)consider how font plays a part in their final projects for 334W. Make type design “cool.” Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes Materials: Powerpoint presentation, (4x) deck of type sample cards, physical cold lead type samples Agenda: 0:00–0:05 → General housekeeping. Announcements, introduction. 0:05–0:45 → Lecture and discussion in tandem with Powerpoint presentation: “Blind” presentation of fonts and rhetorical implications Discussion – how and what fonts communicate Font design as part of larger document design The defense of comic sans Risks from poorly selected font/layout choices (samples) Discussion: Google brand changes over the years – why does Google spend so much on such “small” concerns? Elements of type design to consider – serif/sans, weight, style, axis, use, color, etc. Exercise prep – what do we consider when pairing fonts (slide) 0:45–0:55 → Pairing exercise prep – divide into 4 groups, distribute cards while discussing final slide – take questions on lecture content 0:55–1:10 → Pairing exercise. Give students ~15 minutes in group to pair fonts. Do walkthrough, comment on/raise concerns for students choices. Offer alternatives as necessary. Do second walkthrough. 1:10–1:20 → Discuss challenge of assignment, ask for sample pairings. Discuss what works. What doesn’t? Why? Discuss “X-Factor” concern, encourage careful practice. 1:20-1:30 → Final Questions Follow-up: Send out class email with links to font repositories.