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1992, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
3 pages
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Otacanthus coeruleus, an ornamental herbaceous plant, was studied for its in vitro propagation response to various growth regulators. The optimal conditions were identified for micropropagation, leading to successful rooting and transfer to greenhouse cultivation, demonstrating the species' viability as a cut flower crop.
The possibility of establishing an efficient in vitro technique for propagation and conservation of the endangered cactus, Obregonia denegrii Frič., was investigated. Disinfested seeds were incubated on filter paper wetted with distilled water; otherwise seeds were soaked in 1.4 μM of GA 3 or in distilled water (control), then disinfested and placed on solid MS medium. In the first experiment, seeds germination reached a maximum value of 72% after 28 days. Compared to control (22%), GA 3 treatment significantly increased germination rate (85%) just after 7 days. Four week-old seedlings were subcultured on MS medium supplemented with different plant growth regulators. After 4 months the growth index was 1.62 in presence of 10.7 μM of NAA and 0.74 with 4.4 μM of BAP. MS medium containing 4.4 μM of BAP and 10.7 μM of NAA was used as control in the further experiments. Shoot multiplication was investigated for different explants (longitudinal dissections of apical explants, single tubercles, apical, basal and radical explants) on different variants of MS medium with 1 mM of putrescine, 10.2 μM of AgNO 3 or 12.1 μM of CPPU. Independently from substrate composition, multiple shoot formation from areoles was achieved from longitudinal dissections of apical explants and single tubercles. CPPU gave the highest number of shoots/explant (5.0) followed by putrescine (2.4), AgNO 3 and control treatment (1.1). The callus proliferation was evident only on 36.8% of explants cultured with CPPU while the spontaneus root formation (33%) was observed in medium containing putrescine.
Journal of Plant Physiology, 1984
Plant Science, 2012
USA, 1985
The second edition of Experiments in Plant Tissue Culture makes available much new information that has resulted from recent advances in the applications of plant tissue culture tech niques to agriculture and industry. This laboratory text fea tures an enlarged section on terminology and definitions as well as additional information on equipment and facilities. Also included is a nonexperimental section on two special topics: virus eradication and plant tumors and genetic engi neering.
Ornamentals come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to suit a wide range of climates, landscapes, and gardening needs. Compared to demand, a shortage of plant materials and diversity force the search for solutions for their constant acquisition and improvement to increase their commercial value, respectively. In vitro cultures are a suitable solution to meet expectations using callus culture, somatic embryogenesis, protoplast culture, and the organogenesis of protocorm-like bodies; many of these techniques are commercially practiced. Factors such as culture media, explants, carbohydrates, plant growth regulators, and light are associated with the success of in vitro propagation. Techniques, especially embryo rescue and somatic hybridization, are widely used to improve ornamentals. The development of synthetic seed allows season-independent seed production and preservation in the long term. Despite the advantages of propagation and the improvement of ornamentals, many barriers...
Revista Caatinga, 2013
There are few studies related to the in vitro cultivation of plants from theTheobroma genus and no effective micropropagation protocols for T.grandiflorum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the calli formation in cupuassu floral explants, targeting their organogenic or embryogenicdevelopment. Experiments were conducted in the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of EMBRAPA, Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil. Floral parts from unopened immature flower buds taken from seedless cupuassu trees were sterilized and employed as a source of explants. These explants were cultivated in Petri dishes in an induction medium consisting of MS salts and vitamins, supplemented with glycine(3 mg.L-1), lysine (0,4 mg.L-1), leucine (0,4 mg.L-1), arginine (0,4 mg.L-1), tryptophan (0,2 mg.L-1), 2,4-D (1 mg.L-1), kinetin (0,25 mg.L-1), coconut water (50 ml.L-1), sucrose (40 g.L-1), Gelrite (2,2 g.L-1) and pH adjusted to 5,8. Cultures were maintained in the dark for 3 weeks at 27°C and then subcultured for six weeks in medium without growth regulators supplemented with glycine (1 mg.L-1), lysine (0,2 mg.L-1), leucine (0,2 mg.L-1), arginine (0,2 mg.L-1), tryptophan (0,1 mg.L-1), coconut water (100 ml.L-1), sucrose (40 g.L-1), Gelrite (2,2 g.L-1) and pH 5,8. We used a completely randomized design with 10 replications of 5 explants per plate and four different explant sources: staminode, petal, ligule and ovary. As a result, we obtained a highercalli formation in theinduction medium when ovaries were used as source of explants.However, there was no development of somatic embryosor organogenic response in medium without growth regulators and further studies are being conducted.
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 1998
Ornamental plants are produced primarily for their artistic value, thus the propagation and improvement of quality attributes and the creation of novel variation are important economic goals for floriculturists. Micropropagation, Clonal reliability and Conservation are important aspects which should be considered. Moreover these partial processes are amenable to controlled investigations and successful in vitro propagation of ornamental plants is now being used for commercialization. The advent of in vitro tissue culture technique has offered a new approach to the morphogenetic investigations.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2009
Journal of Earth System Science, 1990
5-Ingredient Mediterranean Cookbook: 101 Easy & Flavorful Recipes for Every Day
Organic Letters, 2010
Journal of Fish Biology, 1997
Personality and Individual Differences, 1999
Macroeconomics by Dornbusch/ Bodman
Ready Player One: A Novel by Cline, Ernest (Paperback)
Computer VisionECCV 2008, 2008
Nature communications, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education, 2017
Lipids in Health and Disease, 2009
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Quaternary Science Reviews, 1999