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Short-term Consumer Benefits of Dynamic
DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2011.5953011
Benjamin Dupont
Cedric De Jonghe
University of Leuven
University of Leuven
Kris Kessels
Ronnie Belmans
Flemish Institute for Technological Research
University of Leuven
Available from: Kris Kessels
Retrieved on: 04 February 2016
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
Short-term Consumer Benefits of Dynamic Pricing
Benjamin Dupont #1, Cedric De Jonghe #2, Kris Kessels*3, Ronnie Belmans #4
Electa, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Boerentang, 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium
[email protected]
Abstract—Consumer benefits of dynamic pricing depend on a
variety of factors. Consumer characteristics and climatic
circumstances widely differ, which forces a regional comparison.
This paper presents a general overview of demand response
programs and focuses on the short-term benefits of dynamic
pricing for an average Flemish residential consumer. It reaches a
methodology to develop a cost reflective dynamic pricing
program and to estimate short-term bill savings. Participating in
a dynamic pricing program saves an average consumer 2.32
percent of his initial bill. While this result seems insufficient to
justify implementation, it contains only a small proportion of a
series of dynamic pricing benefits.
Historically, power markets have focused on the supplyside rather than on the demand-side. Utilities consider demand
as given, assuming that a consumer is reluctant or incapable of
changing its consumption pattern. Meanwhile the supply-side
needs to instantaneously balance the energy system. This
premise is translated into electricity pricing. Wholesale prices
are highly fluctuating during the year and even within a day.
Peak periods are characterized by higher generation costs,
because expensive peaking plants are ramped up to cover
demand. During off-peak periods, demand is typically covered
by cheaper base load plants, facing must run requirements.
At the demand-side retail prices are typically kept constant
for months, reflecting average generation costs during that
period. Therefore, the electricity system fails to give any
economic incentive to consumers to shift consumption away
from peak to off-peak periods.
To resolve this shortcoming, more active involvement of
the demand-side is needed. This could be accomplished by
translating the real-time cost of energy directly into dynamic
retail prices for consumers. This leads to a more efficient
power market where peak demand is reduced, decreasing the
need for expensive peak power plants and driving down the
energy bills for consumers.
Although the benefits are widely known, the level of
demand responsiveness in Europe is still low. A limited
number of commercial and industrial consumers are provided
with dynamic tariffs and the offer to residential consumers is
even lower. Historically, this slow adoption has arisen from
the belief of policy makers that the responsiveness of
electricity consumers to dynamic tariffs is too low in
978-1-61284-286-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
comparison with the cost of implementing those tariffs [1]. As
today’s electricity metering and billing systems are not
capable of handling dynamic tariffs, more expensive systems
need to be put in place to stimulate demand response. This
lack of metering and real-time billing is described as a
demand-side flaw and forms one of the most critical barriers
for the introduction of dynamic tariffs [2].
Fostered by the European Commission’s strategy for
competitive, sustainable and secure energy towards 2020 [3],
demand response receives increasing attention. A European
directive calls for EU member states to ensure “the
implementation of intelligent metering systems that shall
assist the active participation of consumers in the electricity
supply markets” [4]. Subject to an economic assessment, the
directive also requires 80% of all consumers to be equipped
with intelligent metering systems towards 2020. This gives a
boost to demand response, because it creates a framework to
tackle the demand-side flaw.
This paper examines short-term benefits for a residential
consumer if he would choose to join a dynamic pricing
program. Therefore it calculates the profits a consumer makes
by shifting consumption according to the dynamic tariff.
To put dynamic pricing in a broader context, Section II
makes distinction between several demand response programs
and looks at ways to quantify demand response. The next
section describes a methodology to work out a dynamic tariff
and to calculate a consumer’s profits. Section IV applies this
methodology to the Flemish residential electricity market and
compares the results with other estimations. Afterwards,
Section V highlights the implementation of the dynamic tariff
in the field test of the Flemish Linear project. Finally, some
general conclusions are derived in the last Section.
Demand response is defined as a change in consumption
patterns of electricity consumers in response to dynamic tariff
structures or incentive payments in order to operate the
electricity system in a more efficient and reliable way ([5],
[6]). Two groups of demand response programs are
distinguished: incentive-based and price-based demand
response programs ([5], [6]). Within each program, several
subcategories exist. An overview is provided in Fig. 1.
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
Demand response
Direct load
Time-ofuse pricing
Fig. 1. Demand response programs
At the left hand side of Fig. 1, incentive-based programs
are depicted. In those programs, participating customers
receive payments for reducing their loads at critical times.
Incentive-based programs include six subcategories: direct
load control, curtailable load, demand bidding, emergency
demand response, capacity market and ancillary services
markets programs. In direct load control programs, a third
party is in control of some appliances at the consumer’s
premises (e.g. air conditioners, heat pumps). In the event of
system disruptions, the third party can control those
appliances directly in compensation for a previously known
participation fee. In curtailable load programs [7] the
consumer is in control of his own appliances. By enrolling
into the program, the consumer makes the commitment to
modify his load when he receives a request. The gain for the
participants can take different forms: lower electricity prices,
bill credits, participation fees, etc. A penalty is accounted for,
if the customer does not respond to the load signal. In demand
bidding programs a consumer makes the engagement to
modify his load by bidding in the wholesale electricity market.
If the bid is called, the consumer is obliged to reduce his load
to the according level. Emergency demand response programs
are called upon times when system security is in danger.
Consumers get incentive payments for helping to resolve
system stability during security events. Capacity market
programs make use of load reduction commitments [7]. These
commitments on capacity reserve markets. Participating
consumers receive an up-front payment for offering the load
capacity, added with a payment for calling the capacity in case
of an event. In ancillary market programs consumers bid load
reduction commitments in the spot markets as operating
reserves [8]. When the bid is accepted, consumers receive an
up-front payment which reflects the spot market price for
being on stand-by. Once the load reduction is called for,
consumers receive the additional spot market electricity price.
Price-based demand response programs are depicted at the
right hand side of Fig. 1. In those programs, time-varying
tariff structures reflect the actual cost of energy. Those
structures are offered to make consumers shift consumption
from high price periods to low price periods. Although a lot of
variants of price-based demand response programs exist, most
can be classified within three subcategories: time-of-use
pricing, critical peak pricing and real-time pricing [9]. While
all three are characterized by time-varying tariff structures
which reflect the underlying cost of energy, the frequency of
updating predetermined prices differs. Time-of-use tariffs
divide the day into different time blocks to which different
electricity prices apply. These prices are fixed for a specific
period (e.g. a month). Even though they reflect the average
cost of energy during the time blocks, they fail to account for
short-term variability in wholesale prices. This is partly
resolved by critical peak pricing, which adds a critical peak
component to time-of-use or flat tariffs. This additional
component is only applied during critical peak hours for a
limited number of hours a year. Typically the consumer
receives the critical peak tariffs on short notice. As a refund, a
price discount during non-critical peak hours applies. The
variability of the electricity tariff is even greater with realtime prices, which typically reflect hourly wholesale prices.
Between a day-ahead and an hour-ahead, the consumer
receives new hourly electricity prices. This pricing program
allows reflecting the underlying cost of energy at all times.
The main difference between incentive-based and pricebased demand response programs is the level of consumer
involvement in load modification. Incentive-based programs
trigger load modification in the occasion of critical events
based on contractual arrangements. Although participation is
voluntary, falling short on a specific demand response request
brings about penalties. In price-based programs, the consumer
enrolls in a dynamic pricing scheme. Voluntary load
modifications are based on the customer’s own economic and
rational preferences. While incentive-based programs are
mostly performed on large industrial customers, price-based
programs cover a variety of customer groups. Studies found
that price responsiveness is considerably lower for small and
medium commercial and industrial customers than for
residential customers [10].
Demand response induced by dynamic pricing brings about
several benefits for the participants and the society as a whole
([5], [6]). An overview is depicted in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Dynamic pricing benefits
The benefits can be split up in four categories: participant
financial benefits, market wide financial benefits, reliability
benefits and market performance benefits. First of all,
participants financial benefits consist of short-term direct bill
savings from reducing consumption during expensive peak
periods. Second, market wide financial benefits are divided
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
into short-term and long-term benefits. In the short run,
reducing consumption in expensive peak periods leads to a
reduced start-up of expensive peaking units. This causes lower
wholesale prices during peak periods. In the long run, utilities
avoid capacity, transmission and distribution costs [11],
because the system can be tuned on a lower peak demand due
to sustained demand response. These benefits result in a lower
electricity price for both participating and non-participating
consumers. Third, demand response leads to reliability
benefits [12], because additional system flexibility reduces the
probability of forced outages [13]. Finally, dynamic pricing
can lead to market performance benefits [14]. Consumer’s
ability to decrease electricity consumption during high price
moments, reduces generator’s incentive to bid above marginal
generation costs. The resulting reduced market power abuse is
considered to be a significant benefit.
To quantify these benefits, the level of demand response
induced by dynamic pricing needs to be known. This can be
expressed in two ways. At first, demand response is measured
as a peak demand reduction. Generally, this parameter gives
the percentage the demand has dropped during peak periods.
Although this gives an indication of the peak reduction
potential, no information is given on the aggregated load
modification. The second way of expressing demand response,
is by price elasticity. Price elasticity represents the
responsiveness of consumer demand to electricity price
changes [15]. Hereby, a distinction is made between ownprice elasticity and substitution elasticity of electricity demand.
Own-price elasticity typically captures transformation
behavior of electricity consumers. This transformation
represents an adjustment in the overall level of electricity
consumption due to a change in electricity prices relative to
other goods and services. This is contrary to shifting behavior
of electricity consumers [16]. Here, the overall level of
consumption remains equal, but due to price differences the
electricity consumption is shifted to other price periods. This
shifting behavior is expressed by the substitution elasticity of
electricity demand.
This section describes a methodology to estimate shortterm benefits of demand response for residential consumers.
As described above, there exists a wide variety of demand
response programs. These can bring several benefits to
consumers and society. This paper focuses on the benefits for
a consumer if he decides to participate in a price-based
demand response program that communicates dynamic prices
on a day-ahead basis. The analysis only covers the accrued
short-term benefits by shifting behavior and neglects
transformation behavior. The benefits are inspired by a
general peak load reduction estimate.
The flowchart of the methodology to estimate the shortterm benefits can be found in Fig. 3. In the following
subsections, each step is clarified.
Fig. 3. Methodology to estimate short-term benefits
A. Dynamic Tariff
At first, a new dynamic tariff is developed (steps 1 – 3).
This paper develops a dynamic tariff with fixed time blocks in
which a variable day-ahead price is applicable. Each day is
divided in six or seven fixed time blocks, according to the
season of the year. Each time block reflects the underlying
cost of energy.
Well-designed tariffs have to meet some requirements to be
accepted by electricity consumers and to bring about a high
level of load modification. A distinction between six vital
requirements is made: simplicity, short peak periods, strong
price signals, opportunity of significant bill savings, reflection
of system costs and revenue neutrality [17]. In the following
parts, all requirements are taken into account when designing
the dynamic tariff.
1) Time blocks: Forthcoming the simplicity requirement,
each day is divided into a limited number of time blocks to
which different electricity prices apply. Because the intraday
variability of underlying prices highly depends on the day of
the year, a distinction is made between week and weekend
days on the one hand, and winter/autumn and summer/spring
days on the other hand. For each of the four typical days,
different time blocks are defined. An example is given in
Table I. To cope with the requirements of [17], the time block
which covers the peak is chosen as short as possible. This
makes it easier for participants to avoid the peak period. This
also gives a stronger pricing signal to the consumer, because it
captures only the peak period. If the peak period would last
longer, the peak price is flattened by averaging with shoulder
periods. This would lead to a lower opportunity for bill
Typical Days
Winter/autumn week day
Winter/autumn weekend day
Summer/spring week day
Summer/spring weekend day
Time Blocks
2) Energy component: Residential electricity prices consist
of four components: energy, transmission, distribution and
levies. While the last three components remain fixed in this
methodology, the energy component is made variable. To
incorporate this variability, hourly day-ahead wholesale
prices1 are used. Although in practice residential tariffs can be
constructed differently, this methodology convenes with the
requirement that a well-designed tariff reflects system costs.
The wholesale prices are translated into the energy component
of the electricity price by multiplying with a rescaling factor.
This factor is based on the principle of revenue neutrality. If
an average consumer does not change its consumption pattern,
the yearly electricity bill would be the same under the
dynamic tariff and under the initial electricity tariff. To obtain
a valid rescaling factor, the average wholesale electricity price
and consumption level per time block are needed. Wholesale
prices are calculated by averaging hourly wholesale prices for
each time block. Consumption levels per time block are
estimated by average load profiles 2 , which specify the
consumption on a quarter hour basis.
After having set the electricity price and consumption level
for each time block, the rescaling factor is calculated using the
following formula:
ൣ ൈ ൧ൈ ൌ
Consumption level during a typical day i and time
block j [% of total consumption]
WPij: Wholesale price during a typical day i and time block
j [€/MWh]
Rescaling Factor
AETC: Average energy tariff component over the year
Electricity Price
Once the rescaling factor is determined, the daily energy
component is calculated. As an example, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
depict the energy component of the dynamic tariff for a
typical winter/autumn weekday and a typical summer/spring
Electricity Price
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Day Time [h]
Fig. 5. Energy component price for a typical summer/spring weekday
3) Other tariff components: The fixed transmission,
distribution and levy components are added to the energy
component. This leads to the complete electricity tariff which
can be communicated to the consumers.
B. Demand Responsiveness
Once the full dynamic tariff is known, a demand response
estimate determines the short-term consumer benefits from
joining the dynamic pricing program. To calculate this, an
understanding of the shifting behavior of a residential
consumer is needed (steps 4 – 5).
Estimate shifting behavior: Shifting behavior of
consumers differs according to the quantity of load shifting
and the time frame to which the load is shifted. First, an
indication on the level of peak load reduction is needed (e.g.
ten percent of the peak load is shifted to other time frames).
Afterwards, the time frame to which the load is shifted has to
be determined (e.g. load shift from the peak period to the
lowest price period).
Determine consumer benefits: Once the shifting
behavior is estimated, consumer benefits can be calculated
using the following formula:
Total consumption during a typical day i [MWh]
Peak reduction [% of total consumption]
Price difference between peak and off-peak period
during a typical day i [€/MWh]
Total bill reduction at the end of the year [€].
A. Flemish Input Data
The developed methodology is applied to Flemish
residential consumers. Therefore, estimates on electricity
consumption, electricity prices, tariff components and demand
responsiveness are needed. Table II represents the different
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Day Time [h]
Fig. 4. Energy component price for a typical winter/autumn weekday
This paper uses market data from The Belgian Power Exchange
(BELPEX). Available:
This paper uses a residential Synthetic Load Profile from the Belgian
federation of system operators for electricity and gas (SYNERGRID).
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
Residential Electricity
Consumption [MWh]
Electricity Price
Energy Component
Other Components
Demand Response [%
of total consumption]
Shifting Behavior
average to
low price
from high
to average
from high
to low
B. Results and scenario analysis
Following the integration of Flemish data in the
methodology from the previous section, an average customer
attains a direct short-term electricity bill reduction of 17.52
euro in the baseline scenario. Although this represents only a
small fraction (2.32%) of the initial bill, other benefits which
are not covered in this analysis will add up to this.
Because a lot of these data are covered with uncertainty,
Table III depicts a scenario analysis to represent the influence
of the input data on the results.
Bill Savings
Residential Electricity
Electricity Price
To quantify the impact of the different parameters a
distinction is made between three scenarios (low-level,
baseline and high-level). In the baseline scenario parameters
take up the most up-to-date values. The low- and high-level
scenario correspond to parameter values which respectively
decrease and increase the short-term consumer benefits of
Data concerning the electricity consumption and price are
based on a report from the Flemish Energy Regulator [18].
This report states that the average consumption of a Flemish
residential consumer amounts to 4.4 MWh a year. The lowlevel and high-level values correspond respectively to a
consumption level of 3.5 and 7.5 MWh a year. The electricity
price for residential consumers in Flanders amounts on
average to 171 euro/MWh of which 56 percent is attributable
to the energy component. The rest is captured by the
transmission, distribution and levy component. While the
distribution among components is kept at the same percentage
of the electricity price, the electricity price itself is adjusted
for the low-level and high-level scenario.
Data concerning the level of demand response are inspired
by European and American experiences. The Brattle Group
estimates the average European peak load reduction due to
dynamic pricing between 8 and 10 percent [19]. The Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) bundled pilot
projects from all over the United States and concluded that
peak load reduction ranged from under 5 up to 50 percent [20].
This illustrated the geographical variation in the amount of
demand response. As the demand response level largely varies
with tariff type, climate zone, season, air conditioning
ownership and other consumer characteristics [21], Flemish
shifting potential is estimated at 2, 10 and 20 percent of total
consumption. The baseline shifting behavior of residential
consumers is approximated by a shift from high to average
price periods. The low level scenario represents a shift from
average to low price periods. The high level scenario
corresponds to a shift from a high to a low price period. This
calls for the highest flexibility of appliances.
Demand Response
Shifting Behavior
€ 13.94
€ 15.37
€ 3.50
€ 15.36
€ 17.52
€ 17.52
€ 17.52
€ 17.52
€ 29.87
€ 19.78
€ 35.05
€ 32.80
Table III illustrates that bill savings largely depend on data
input. If the same analysis is done for a residential consumer
with an electricity consumption of 7.5 MWh, benefits run up
to almost 30 euro. Because this includes the same demand
responsiveness, the bill savings remain equal in percentage.
The largest spread of results can be found for the demand
response parameter. Low-level demand response results in an
electricity bill saving of 3.50 euro. This represents only 0.47
percent of the initial bill. A high-level demand response saves
35.05 euro, representing 4.66 percent of the initial electricity
bill. This is in line with the high-level shifting behavior
scenario, which brings about a bill saving of 32.80 euro.
C. Regional comparison
A comparison with results from other regions elaborates
this picture. In [22], the average residential bill savings from
switching to a real-time electricity price are estimated at 5.9
percent of the initial electricity bill. This captures demand
responsiveness in Californian households, which are
characterized by a high level of air conditioning
implementation. Furthermore, these results entail the
substitution elasticity and the own price elasticity of demand,
explaining the considerably higher level of bill savings.
Borenstein [23] states that customer demand savings range
from 2.0 to 13.7 percent depending on the responsiveness of
demand. As the analysis captures the long-term benefits of
real-time pricing of Californian Households, the bill savings
largely exceed the results from this paper.
As the level of demand responsiveness varies around the
globe, the Linear project3 sets up a field test [24]. This field
test tries to reveal the potential of demand response by
communicating dynamic prices to residential consumers in
(2011) The Linear website. Available:
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) • 25-27 May 2011 • Zagreb, Croatia
Flanders. The prices are sent on a day-ahead basis taking into
account the variability in wholesale prices and adding an extra
component for wind and solar energy. This extra component
reflects the higher variability of electricity prices, if more
intermittent renewable energy is integrated into the power
system. The results of the field test will reveal price
elasticities for Flemish residential consumers. This allows
determining short-term and long-term consumer and system
benefits of dynamic pricing in Flanders.
This paper gives a general overview of demand response
and estimates the influence of dynamic pricing on the
electricity bill of a residential consumer. A distinction is made
between incentive-based and price-based demand response
programs. Within price-based programs, dynamic tariffs such
as time-of-use, critical peak and real-time pricing are included.
These bring benefits to participants and society as a whole.
This paper focuses on the short-term residential bill savings
from stepping in a dynamic pricing program. To estimate
these savings, a methodology is provided. This methodology
constructs a dynamic tariff facing the requirements of a welldesigned tariff. Afterwards, demand response characteristics
are added to estimate the bill savings. To get an overall picture
of the profitability of the implementation of dynamic pricing,
other benefits need to be calculated.
Applied to Flanders, the yearly benefits amount to 17.52
euro, representing 2.32 percent of the initial electricity bill. A
scenario analysis is performed to put the results into
perspective. The analysis illustrates that results largely depend
on data input concerning the level of demand response.
Results range from a yearly bill saving of 0.47 percent
stemming from a low level of demand response to 4.66
percent stemming from a high level of demand response. Also
shifting behavior affects bill savings significantly. If a
consumer can shift his flexible load from the highest to the
lowest price period, bill savings count to 4.36 percent.
To get a detailed picture of consumer reactions to dynamic
prices, the Linear project sets up a pilot project to test demand
response in Flanders. Using these results, general short-term
and long-term benefits can be estimated. This gives a tool to
evaluate whether an overall introduction of dynamic pricing
entails enough benefits to exceed implementation barriers.
This work is supported by the Flemish Ministry of Science
(Minister I. Lieten) via the project Linear organized by the
Institute for Science and Technology (IWT).
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