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Traducción del libro Dzflerential Equations with Modeling Applications, publicado por Brooks/Cole Publishing, 6th ed. ISBN 0-534-95574-6
The SocJournal, 25 June 2015
Practicing and exploring what it is to be a pagan means being part of a spiritual movement that has existed since the ancient Greek and Roman times. Most Pagan festivals and sacred locations are meant to celebrate its connection to the cycles of nature through rituals or ceremonies of various kinds. Pagans celebrate up to eight festivals known as Sabbats each year. They comprise the four solar quarters i.e. the two solstices (longest and shortest days) and the two equinoxes (day and night are the same length). All these mark important events in the cycle of life and also symbolize changes in the Goddess and God. If you would like to learn more about the eights Sabbats, my next blog will focus on the holy days of Paganism.
Keanekaragaman aliran politik ini melahirkan pula berbagai praktik ketatanegaraan yang berbeda antara umat Islam disatu tempat dan masa dengan di tempat masa yang lain.
ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika
ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis game edukasi terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket, tes, dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian yaitu mahasiswa angkatan 2019 program studi Teknik Elektro kelas A dan kelas B. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, Kelas A sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan Kelas B sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil belajar kelompok mahasiswa yang memanfaatkan media game edukasi kahoot! lebih baik (34,6%) dibandingkan dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang menggunakan media power point. Kata Kunci : kuantitatif; kuis interaktif; kahoot!; hasil belajar. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research to find out the uses of learning media game education on the increase in studen...
Jewish Social Studies, 2024
La epoka was a Ladino newspaper published in Salonica. Its editor Sam Lévy published three interviews with Theodor Herzl between 1901 and 1904. His announcement and subsequent publication of the third interview drew angry responses from the Sublime Porte, which ordered the governor of Salonica to close it down. The governor resisted the orders and La epoka remained open, even publishing a eulogistic obituary of Herzl. In this article, I examine these interviews and obituary, showing that Lévy combined his sharp criticisms of Zionism with an adulation of the Zionist leader. I also explore Ottoman archival documents about the Ladino press and argue that Hamidian censorship could be flexible according to political circumstances, overlooking Lévy’s first two interviews that were made during the Ottoman government’s negotiations with Herzl, yet reacting sharply to the third interview conducted afterward and containing direct references to the Sixth Zionist Congress.
Giovani generazioni, isolamento e ritiro sociale, 2024
GIOVANI GENERAZIONI, ISOLAMENTO E RITIRO SOCIALE - Costituisce esperienza comune che i bisogni di tutela dei bambini e degli adolescenti siano molteplici e di non facile interpretazione. Alcune loro problematiche gravi e urgenti si manifestano all’improvviso e con modalità che gli adulti non riescono a prevedere e a contenere. Questo avviene perché rappresentano l’esito del particolare incontro tra le caratteristiche di ogni minorenne con quelle dell’ambiente fisico e sociale in cui si trova a vivere: sono dei personali tentativi di adattamento all’ambiente. Le potremmo definire anche come delle comunicazioni interlocutorie che i giovani e i minorenni rivolgono ai sistemi familiari ed istituzionali impegnandoli in processi ricorsivi di approfondimento e presa in carico di ogni nuova ed inattesa questione. Il libro approfondisce due aspetti del ritiro e dell’isolamento sociale che sono profondamente collegati: le caratteristiche di natura educativa, psicologica e psicosociale che sono alla base del fenomeno e i processi di sviluppo di reti sociali ed educative che è necessario attivare per fornire risposte coordinate e multidisciplinari. Scritto insieme a Marco Aguzzi.
Waste Management & Research, 2014
Yeni Arayış, 2024
Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 2023
Journal of Reformed Theology, 2015
Respiratory Care, 2020
Estudis. Revista de Historia Moderna, 2019
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2010
Solid State Technology , 2020
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Science, ICHS 2020, 26-27 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
Ciência Rural, 1991
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2001
Clinical Phytoscience, 2020
Hyperfine Interactions, 1998