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Transition Skills
and Strategies
September 2015
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Project leader: Dr Ming Cheng, University of Glasgow (now University of Wolverhampton)
Project team members: Dr Gayle Pringle Barnes, Professor Christine Edwards, Dr Manousos
Research assistant: Roxana Corduneanu
This report aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the concept of self-efficacy in the
context of student transitions. Self-efficacy is one key transition skill that students would benefit
from developing, as suggested in Report 2 which compiled a number of evidence-based key
skills. The current report begins with a definition of key terms followed by an illustration of the
role of self-efficacy at different transition points. Three different contexts: academic study, social
life and future career are used to conceptualise the various transitions in and through higher
education; moreover the literature points to these three transitions as types of self-efficacy.
In addition, to maintain consistency with the subsequent in-depth exploration of critical
self-reflection, the role of self-efficacy at four transition points (pre-transition, shock, adjustment
and progression) are also considered. Finally, the report also presents a number of strategies,
which students and staff can use to develop and strengthen skills in self-efficacy.
The construct of self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is defined as a person's beliefs concerning his or her ability to successfully perform
a given task (Bandura 1977). Self-efficacy beliefs are perceived to be a major mediator of
behaviour as well as of behaviour change. That is, self-efficacy can influence the course of
action pursued by an individual, the amount of effort they expend, their resilience, as well as
their persistence in the face of obstacles (Bandura 1977). The stronger the notion of
self-efficacy, the greater the effort, perseverance and flexibility expended (Bandura 1986).
Self-efficacy beliefs can also influence people's thoughts and feelings (van Dinther et al 2010).
Individuals characterised by low self-efficacy are inclined to perceive tasks as more difficult than
they actually are. Such thoughts can lead to feelings of failure and depression, tension and
helplessness. A high level of self-efficacy, on the other hand, creates feelings of tranquility and
challenge in the face of difficult situations (van Dinther et al 2010).
The role of self-efficacy in student transitions
The role of self-efficacy in student transitions is related to three main aspects of higher
education: academic study, social life and future career. In discussing each aspect, this report
will consider and analyse these different types of self-efficacy (academic, social and career).
Academic self-efficacy
According to Zimmerman (2000), self-efficacy varies according to the domain of demands made
on the individual. The suggestion is that in academic settings, it is academic self-efficacy that
needs to be considered, rather than generalised self-efficacy. The first differs from the latter in
that academic self-efficacy beliefs are those which are directed specifically towards academic
domains. This contrasts with general self-efficacy beliefs which are those that are directed
towards non-academic, general domains (Bong and Skaalvik 2003). More specifically, academic
self-efficacy refers to the individuals' convictions that they can successfully perform given
academic tasks at designated levels (Schunk 1991).
Many studies have reported a positive correlation between academic self-efficacy and academic
performance (for example Bong 2001, Hackett et al 1992, Pajares and Miller 1994,
Zajacova et al 2005), whereas generalised self-efficacy measures appear to be less closely
correlated (Multon et al 1991). More specifically, academic self-efficacy is positively correlated
with the number of hours spent studying (Torres and Solberg 2001), grades (Zajacova et al
2005, Bong 2001 and Hackett et al1992), as well as persistence (Zhang and RiCharde 1998).
A possible explanation for these correlations is that students with a strong sense of academic
self-efficacy not only manage and plan their time more effectively but are also better at
monitoring their efforts and able to use their knowledge and skills more efficiently
(Fenollar et al 2007, Miller et al 1996, Pajares and Schunk, 2002). In addition, these individuals
are more likely to view difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather than threats to be
avoided (Chemers et al 2001). They also tend to recover their confidence quicker after setbacks
or failures (Pajares and Schunk 2002).
In contrast, low academic self-efficacy beliefs impede academic achievement and, in the long
run, they can create self-fulfilling prophecies of failure and learned helplessness that can have a
negative impact on one's psychological well-being (Margolis and McCabe 2006). Students with
low academic self-efficacy may perceive tasks to be more difficult than they actually are. Such a
belief can lead to stress, depression, anxiety and inefficient problem-solving strategies
(Pajares and Schunk 2002). Moreover, compared to students with high levels of academic
self-efficacy - who attribute their failures to insufficient preparation that can be improved in the
future - students with low academic self-efficacy attribute their failures to low ability, which is
something that they perceive to be innate and permanent (Pajares and Schunk 2002).
Social self-efficacy
One skill with important implications for personal development and social life is that of social
self-efficacy. This is defined as an individual's belief in his/her capabilities to create and
maintain social bonds, cooperate with others and manage different types of interpersonal
conflicts (Bandura et al 2001 and Muris 2001). According to Bilgin (1996 - cited in Koparan et al
2009), social self-efficacy is an important factor helping individuals to evaluate themselves as
successful in their social relationships.
In a study which investigated the impact of social self-efficacy (and self-disclosure) on three
variables: attachment, feelings of loneliness and subsequent depression, the authors reported
that students with a strong sense of social self-efficacy tended to report lower levels of
loneliness and depression (Wei et al 2005). Since loneliness has generally been associated with
negative feelings about interpersonal relationships (Jong-Gierveld 1987), it becomes clear that
social self-efficacy may have a positive impact on one's social life.
Career self-efficacy
Research also indicates that career self-efficacy (that is people's judgments of their abilities to
perform behaviors in relation to career development, choice, and adjustment) represents an
important predictor of career trajectories across different domains of activity (Bandura et al
2001, Gore, 2006, Anderson and Betz 2001). For example, Tang et al (1999) showed that
career self-efficacy had a positive influence on career decision making, with students choosing
to major in fields they felt most confident in. In addition, Taylor and Betz (1983) showed that in
general, students expressed considerable confidence in their ability to make career decisions
when the strength of students' career self-efficacy was strongly and negatively related to overall
levels of career indecision. An explanation for these results is that low expectations of
self-efficacy could have led to avoidance of specific tasks required in making career decisions,
and therefore, continued indecision (Taylor and Betz 1983).
Interestingly, studies have also suggested that career success is also dependent on social
self-efficacy (Blustein et al 1991, Felsman and Blustein 1999 and O'Brien 1996). Niles and
Sowa (1992) reported significant correlations between social self-efficacy and career
decision-making self-efficacy. Other authors have concluded that the capacity for close
interpersonal relationships in adolescents is related to more advanced career development and
decisional processes (Blustein et al 1991, Felsman and Blustein 1999 and O'Brien 1996).
For example, Felsman and Blustein (1999) found that adolescents who reported higher levels of
attachment to peers also reported higher levels of environmental exploration and greater
progress in committing to career choices. These studies suggest that students need to be
encouraged to develop both their career self-efficacy and social self-efficacy in order to thrive in
their future careers.
Importance of self-efficacy at key transition points
The four transition points discussed in this section are based on the stages identified as
common in the various transition models (for example the Model of Student Adjustment,
the Psychological Model of Student Retention, Bridges' Transition Model and the U-curve
Theory of Adjustment). These and other models are outlined in Report 1. Thus, the four
transition points are: the pre-transition stage, the culture shock stage, the adjustment (or coping)
stage and the progression stage.
The following examines the role of self-efficacy at each transition stage.
The pre-transition stage
Bean and Eaton (2002) argue that general self-efficacy is most relevant before entering the
university environment (the pre-transition stage). At this stage, students start to think about
going to the university and their decision can be based on factors such as relevance for career
planning, knowledge and familiarity of programmes or university culture. According to Bean and
Eaton (2000), a firm sense of self-efficacy with regard to the particular events and situations
that make up campus life can enable students to gain confidence in their ability to survive.
If students can adapt at this stage, then this can prepare them for the next stages.
The shock stage
At the culture shock stage of the transition process, successful adjustment depends on the
student’s confidence in their ability to manage the stressors (Morton et al 2014). It is at this
transition stage that students are faced with the greatest number of challenges. That is, they
need to adapt to a new physical environment, as well as establish new connections and meet
new academic demands (Denovan and Macaskill 2013). However, if students engage in a
positive analysis of what they perceive to be the risks as well as use their available coping
resources, they will be more likely to view their first year at university as a challenge rather than
a threat (Morton et al 2014). This view is further supported by empirical research. For instance,
a study by Chemers et al (2001) assessed the influence of self-efficacy on challenge-threat
evaluations, and showed that self-efficacy had a strong impact on academic performance and
personal adaptation among first-year university students. Moreover, Yusoff (2012) conducted a
study on 185 international undergraduate students in Malaysia and showed that students with a
strong sense of general self-efficacy also reported higher levels of psychological adjustment.
The idea that self-efficacy is correlated with psychological adjustment is particularly relevant at
the culture shock stage since this is the point where students experience the highest levels of
anxiety, depression and unhappiness (Denovan and Macaskill 2013, Ramachandran 2011 and
Thurber and Walton 2012). In this context, social self-efficacy appears to be the most relevant,
as students who perceive themselves to be successful in their social interactions are better
equipped to deal with stress and overcome depression (Smith and Betz 2002).
The adjustment stage
The third phase in the transition process is the adjustment stage. During this stage, students
have to learn how to deal with new studying routines and begin to adapt to their new
environment (Risquez et al 2008). In terms of academic demands, for instance, learners will
need to be able to demonstrate critical thinking and independence in their studies, and their
ability to do so is strongly correlated with academic self-efficacy beliefs (Christie et al 2013;
Gore 2006).
According to Zimmerman and Cleary (2006), a key determinant of whether learners employ
self-regulatory strategies (that is planning activities, monitoring progress as well as controlling
and regulating their own cognitive activities and actual behaviour) rests on the beliefs learners
hold about their capabilities to do so. Hence, knowing self-regulatory strategies in itself is
insufficient to ensure their effective use; students must also possess the belief that they can use
them effectively (Usher and Pajares 2007).
The progression stage
Finally, at the progression stage, career self-efficacy can help students with their future career
planning and development. Along with self-reflection, which is useful for identifying and
articulating employability skills developed during university studies (for example communication,
teamwork, initiative and so on), career self-efficacy can help students gain confidence so that
they can succeed in building their careers. Furthermore, as we have seen above, social
self-efficacy can also be helpful in relation to career development at the progression stage.
Furthermore, those with a stronger sense of social self-efficacy are less likely to experience
social anxiety (Connolly, 1989; Sherer and Adams 1983) and depression (Ehrenberg et al 1991;
McFarlane et al1994), both of which have been found among career-undecided individuals
(Larson et al 1988 and O'Hare and Tamburri 1986).
Sources of self-efficacy
Self-efficacy theory posits that individual’s acquire information about their self-efficacy from four
main sources: (1) enactive mastery experiences (actual performances); (2) model observation
of others (or vicarious learning); (3) forms of persuasion; and (4) physiological and affective
states (Bandura 1977; Pintrich and Schunk 2002). This report will present an overview of each
of the four sources, followed by a discussion of some practical strategies that students and staff
can use to increase students self-efficacy beliefs.
First, enactive mastery experiences provide direct evidence that an individual can be capable of
performing a certain task. Palmer (2006) proposes that mastery experiences are in most cases
the strongest source of efficacy beliefs because they provide students with authentic evidence
that they have the capability to succeed at the task. In addition, a firm sense of self-efficacy built
on the basis of past successes is believed to withstand temporary failures (Bandura 1977).
Second, a person might develop self-efficacy from observing others, especially peers who offer
suitable possibilities for comparison (Schunk 1987). Observation of successful others raises the
chance of success, whereas observation of failures undermines motivation. Nonetheless,
Bandura (1977) cautions that observing others is not a direct reflection on how someone will do
personally. Consequently, its effect can be weaker than mastery experiences (Bandura 1977).
Third, social persuasion can strengthen efficacy beliefs and persuade people that a task can be
successfully completed. Persuasive communication and evaluative feedback are claimed to be
the most effective, especially when people who provide this information are viewed as
knowledgeable and reliable, and the information is realistic (Bong and Skaalvik, 2003).
However, disconfirming mastery experience easily outweighs self-efficacy beliefs created solely
on the basis of verbal persuasion (Bong and Skaalvik, 2003).
Finally, self-efficacy beliefs are formed through an analysis of one's physiological or emotional
states, which refers to how students feel before, during, and after engaging in a task
(Pajares 1997). In general, symptoms and feelings such as anxiety, stress reactions, tension
and excitement can be interpreted as signals of failure, whereas a positive mood state appears
to strengthen an individual's self-efficacy (van Dinther et al 2010). However, we need to keep in
mind that people have the capacity to modify their own thinking and feeling. As a result,
students with a high sense of self-efficacy can view a state of tension as energising in the face
of a performance, whereas those who have self-doubts interpret their tension as weakness
(van Dinther et al 2010).
Practical strategies to support the development of self-efficacy
In line with self-efficacy theory (Bandura 1977), there are a number of practical strategies which
can help students develop their self-efficacy beliefs. Some of these strategies are: setting
moderately challenging goals, using peer models, responding to feedback and attending
mentoring programmes.
Set moderately challenging goals
Setting challenging but attainable goals is closely related with the first source of self-efficacy,
that is, mastery experiences. Past performance accomplishments have the strongest influence
on self-efficacy beliefs; however a robust sense of self-efficacy is not created by easy success
(Bandura 1977). On the contrary, it requires experience of overcoming obstacles and difficult
situations through maintained effort and persistence (Bandura 1977). This view is supported by
empirical research by, for example, Taylor (1964), who compared the goals of underachievers
and achievers and discovered important differences between the two groups. Specifically,
he showed that underachievers either had no particular goals, or if they did, they aimed
impossibly high. Achievers, on the other hand, set realistic, attainable goals that were related to
their course work.
According to van Blerkom (2012), in order to set moderately challenging goals, students need to
consider what they have done in the past and set goals that require them to achieve more than
they did before. Continued success with such tasks creates a record of enactive mastery or
performance that students can use to prove to themselves that they can succeed (Margolis and
McCabe, 2006). This can help ensure further academic engagement on similar tasks and can
boost confidence and commitment (Margolis and McCabe 2006).
Peer Models
Another powerful way to help students develop self-efficacy is to have them watch other
students do well on targeted tasks (Pintrich and Schunk 2002; Schunk 2001). This refers to the
second source of self-efficacy, that is, observing others not only on their successes but also
their failures. Bean and Eaton (2002) argue that peer groups that share common academic
goals enhance both social and academic efficacy by giving students a structure on which to
build their competence and confidence. Schunk (2003) suggests that peer models can be either:
(1) mastery models, who flawlessly demonstrate a targeted skill or learning strategy, or
(2) coping models, who initially show the typical fears and deficiencies of the observers,
but gradually improve their performances and gain self-confidence. For students with low
self-efficacy who have little familiarity with the task and who possess self-doubts about their
learning capabilities, observing coping models may be particularly effective (Schunk 2003).
The outcome is that when students' confidence in their academic abilities increases, they
establish positive social relationships with peers and become more integrated into the academic
and social life of the university (Bean and Eaton 2002).
In terms of social persuasion, providing students with feedback on goal progress is another
strategy for developing self-efficacy (Bandura and Cervone 1983). When teachers focus task
feedback on what struggling learners did correctly as well as on the steps necessary for
improvement, they give learners a map for success, which often strengthens their self-efficacy
(Schunk and Zimmerman 1997).
Margolis and McCabe (2006) argue that providing immediate, task-specific feedback is
especially important when students are given something new to learn, because this is the stage
where mistakes are common. In order to help students avoid repeating these mistakes, tutors
are advised to provide immediate feedback in order to correct learners (Heward 2000).
Moreover, Chan and Lam (2010) advise that instead of summarising the strengths and
weaknesses of students at the end of their performance, teachers should try to provide
strategies for improvement during the task. This may be coupled with other techniques,
for example, verbal persuasion like 'You can do it' (Schunk and Zimmerman 2007) to convince
students of their capability (Chan and Lam, page 53).
Some studies on self-efficacy have also compared the effect of norm-referenced feedback
(where the student’s performance is evaluated in comparison with peers) with self-referenced
feedback (where the student’s performance is evaluated in relation to their own previous
performance) (for example Oettingen 1995; Shih and Alexander 2000). These studies showed
that norm-referenced feedback had a negative impact on students' self-appraisal of ability, and
thus their academic self-efficacy (Oettingen 1995). One explanation is that norm-referenced
evaluation encourages students to demonstrate their ability by outperforming others
(Popham 2001) but because students lack the means of controlling the performance of others,
their self-efficacy weakens. In contrast, Schunk (1991) stated that self-referenced comparison
helps students concentrate on their progress and adopt learning goals, both of which are
correlated with improvements in self-efficacy beliefs. In light of such findings, it is recommended
that tutors should use self-referenced feedback in assessing student performance
(Chan and Lam 2010).
Another form of social persuasion refers to mentoring programmes. These programmes have
been used increasingly in higher education and their primary aims have been to improve
retention and graduation rates (Anderson et al 1995; Dunn and Moody 1995). However, more
recent research suggests that mentors can also make an important contribution to students'
social and academic self-efficacy (Bean and Eaton, 2002). Mentors provide incoming students
with a wealth of support and information about the new university setting. Mentors may
contribute to the development of students' social self-efficacy by providing guidance on how to
experience and interpret the campus social environment. In terms of academic self-efficacy,
mentors can help students see the validity of their own academic work and study habits, which
can then increase their motivation and confidence.
To conclude, this report has conducted an in-depth examination of the research evidence for
the role of self-efficacy in student transitions. The evidence reviewed here indicates that
self-efficacy is a key skill in facilitating student transitions. The role of self-efficacy was
discussed in relation to transitions in and through university: academic study, social life and
future career development. In addition, the role of self-efficacy at each transition stage
(pre-transition, shock, adjustment and progression was also discussed. Bandura’s theory of
self-efficacy was discussed in more detail as a precursor for practical strategies for developing
skills in self-efficacy, including efficient goal setting, peer models, feedback and mentoring.
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