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A presente tese apresenta o que aprendi junto com algumas produções artístico-culturais brasileiras contemporâneas, as quais mobilizam a fotografia (imagens e ferramenta tecnológica), arquivos diversos e a carne negra para expor as colonialidades ainda vigentes e/ou propor outros imaginários, modos de existir, pensar e conhecer que exorbitam o imaginário e as ordenações ontoepistemológicas do mundo antinegro. De um lado, enfatizo as implicações entre Estética, fotografia e arquivos na (re)produção material-discursiva de corpos negros dissimulados, necessários a coerência e coesão desse mundo. De outro, considero as produções artístico-culturais analisadas como ante-Estética, pois que a suas (po)éticas implicadas entre fotografia e arquivo expõem a exorbitância da carne negra às suas dissimulações. Ou seja, fotografia e arquivo podem ser armas de captura ou meios para fugas.
Prometeo, 2024
Di Dante si è soliti leggere o sentire dire che, dell’italiano, sarebbe stato il padre (o ‘il padre’: come se le virgolette fossero una sordina invece di un’enfasi). Si tratta di una catacresi grossolanamente antropomorfica. Il tropo pare innocuo, ma dà invece un’idea distorta della lingua, di Dante e del loro rapporto. Un essere umano non solo nasce come tale nella lingua, ma cresce e si sviluppa nella lingua. Esprimersi, come fece Dante, consiste nell’esplorare tale lingua fin dove se ne è capaci e fin quando la durata della vita lo consente e Dante ne era ben cosciente.
EU Delegation to South Africa , 2022
This gender analysis of the green transition in South Africa explores opportunities to promote gender equality perspectives in the green and circular economy. It analyses the switches taking place in the labour market and in entrepreneurial opportunities due to the process of green transition, focusing on the sectors of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and environment, and energy. Many opportunities for green jobs and entrepreneurship for women were identified in these sectors, including jobs and smallholders in organic vegan food supply, in aquaculture, horticulture, honeybush, natural resource management, restoration of damaged waterbodies and ecosystems, protection of wildlife, vendors of goods and services to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) of renewable energy, local renewable energy production and maintenance of decentralised energy systems. The recent floods in KwaZulu Natal (April 2022) show how geospatial racial structures created under the apartheid system increase risks for underserved communities. Particularly women and children who live in marginalised conditions and in environmentally degraded areas, are disproportionally affected by disasters. Therefore the study advocates for a gender transformative approach in the agenda for climate change, and in the management of early warning systems and disaster risk reduction. Regarding the sector of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the study reviews the different dimensions of water scarcity and the water infrastructure delivery with a gender lens. Backlogs in WASH services are concentrated in rural areas along the Eastern seaboard in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, and to a lesser extent in Limpopo, and among an estimated 10 million residents of urban informal settlements in and around the major cities of South Africa. In these urban settlements, the poorly designed community facilities and the lack of maintenance, cleaning and repairs of broken toilets and boreholes affects women’s health and safety and that of their children, increases their unpaid work burdens, and reduces their opportunities to study, to find a job, or to produce food. The gender analyses gives some examples of civil society organisations in South Africa that have initiated strategies to empower grassroots women, to make their voices heard, and to restore trust between government and citizens by strengthening bottom-up participative democracy and to increase transparency and accountability in the WASH-sector. South Africa is urbanising rapidly with two third of its population living now in cities. The legacy of apartheid spatial design is engrained in South African urban society and has created the most polarised cities in the world. Cities have been planned and designed for men and by men, reflecting traditional gender roles and divisions of labour. As a result, the built urban environment, its dynamics and structures in all aspects, including transport, health, education, energy, water and sanitation, waste management, safety and freedom from violence impose disproportionate burdens on women, thereby further exacerbating and reinforcing existing gender inequities. The efforts of the government of South Africa to address and correct these deeply rooted inequalities include a new District Development Model (DDM) that aims to address service delivery, challenges, localised procurement and job creation and support local businesses and communities’ involvement. This gender analysis of the green transition in South Africa has been commissioned by the European Delegation to South Africa with the aim to enhance gender mainstreaming in European Union's cooperation with South Africa. The content of the gender analysis is however the full responsibility of the teamleader/author Thera Van Osch and the consulting companies that implemented the study..
We investigate the fermion condensate (FC) for a massive spinor field on background of the 5-dimensional locally anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime with a compact dimension and in the presence of a cosmic string carrying a magnetic flux. The FC is decomposed into two contributions. The first one corresponds to the geometry without compactification and the second one is induced by the compactification. Depending on the values of the parameters, the total FC can be either positive or negative. As a limiting case, the expression for the FC on locally Minkowski spacetime is derived. It vanishes for a massless fermion field and the nonzero FC on the AdS bulk in the massless case is an effect induced by gravitation. This shows that the gravitational field may essentially influence the parameters space for phase transitions. For a massive field the FC diverges on the string as the inverse cube of the proper distance from the string. In the case of a massless field, depending on the magnetic fl...
During 2017 and 2018, the Huari Urban Prehistory Project conducted excavations in the non-elite Patipampa sector of Huari in Ayacucho, Peru. Quotidian resource acquisition, distribution, and use are not well understood in Huari as previous excavations have focused on monumental architecture and mortuary centers. This thesis presents research on the Patipampa obsidian artifact assemblage and its relation to Wari political economy in a non-elite context. I conducted portable X-ray fluorescence and lithic attribute analyses on 446 obsidian artifacts in order to understand obsidian’s role at Patipampa. My research supports the idea that the people of Patipampa had unrestricted access to Quispisisa obsidian and did not need to conserve material. It appears that the Wari provided Quispisisa obsidian via a redistributive economic system. The presence of additional types brings into question other forms of resource acquisition at Huari and ties to the local Puzolana obsidian source.
International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2017
Plunger lift is an artificial lift technique that utilises reservoir energy stored in the gas phase to lift oil from the bottom of the well to surface. In this study, plunger lift systems on two wells in the main Soldado field offshore the Southwest Coast of Trinidad were evaluated to determine well performance using the Vogel model and to optimise oil production rates using the Foss and Gaul model. The mode of operation with the current setting is representative of intermittent lift with the assistance of a plunger rather than gas assisted plunger lift operation. The results obtained from the new settings showed that 61% less gas is required to obtain 89% more oil at optimum production rate. The evaluation described in this study can be used to effectively optimise gas assisted plunger lift systems for oil wells producing from this field.
Ancient historians regularly argue that the Athenian dēmos held sailors in much lower esteem than hoplites. They cite in support of this the extant funeral speech of Pericles. Certainly this famous speech said a lot about courageous hoplites but next to nothing about sailors. Yet it is also clear that this was not a typical example of the genre. Funeral speeches usually gave a fulsome account of Athenian military history. In 431 Pericles decided to skip such an account because of the difficult politics that he faced. In rehearsing military history funeral speeches actually always mentioned naval battles and recognised sailors as courageous. Old comedy and the other genres of public oratory depicted sailors in the same positive terms. Their sailors displayed no less courage than hoplites and both groups equally benefitted the state. All these non-elite genres assumed that a citizen fulfilled his martial duty by serving as either a sailor or a hoplite. They used a new definition of courage that both groups of combatants could easily meet. In tragedy, by contrast, characters and choruses used the hoplite extensively as a norm. In epic poetry heroes spoke in the same hoplitic idiom. By copying this idiom the tragic poets were setting their plays more convincingly in the distant heroic age. In spite of this, tragedy still recognised Athens as a major seapower and could depict sailors as courageous. In Athenian democracy speakers and playwrights had to articulate the viewpoint of non-elite citizens. Their works put beyond doubt that the dēmos esteemed sailors as highly as hoplites.
Nuevo mundo mundos nuevos - Nouveau monde mondes nouveaux - New World New Worlds, 2023
Nuevo mundo mundos nuevos Nouveau monde mondes nouveaux-New World New Worlds Débats | 2024 "No nosso mesmo Brasil mil exemplos encontrei": as províncias do Brasil e a experiência insurgente (1817-1850) "In our same Brazil, a thousand examples were found": the provinces of Brazil and the insurgent experience (1817-1850
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Algarrobo-MEL Revista en línea de la Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina., 2024
Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook, 2005
Journal of experimental child psychology, 2015
Electric Power Systems Research, 1996
Head & Neck, 2014
Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research, 2024
Advancements in Agricultural Development
Education and New Developments 2022 – Volume I, 2022
BRILL eBooks, 2022
Brasília Médica, 2023