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Como su nombre lo dice, la investigación de operaciones significa "hacer investigación sobre las operaciones". Entonces, la investigación de operaciones se aplica a problemas que se refieren a la conducción y coordinación de operaciones (o actividades) dentro de una organización. La naturaleza de la organización es esencialmente inmaterial y, de hecho, la investigación de operaciones se ha aplicado de manera extensa en áreas tan diversas como la manufactura, el transporte, la constitución, las telecomunicaciones, la planeación financiera, el cuidado de la salud, la milicia y los servicios públicos, por nombrar sólo unas cuantas. Así, la gama de aplicaciones es extraordinariamente amplia.
El capítulo de modelos ha sido complementado con ejemplos de la construcción de diagramas de Forrester y su aplicación a contextos más cercanos al estudiante. Esto mismo se repite con mayor énfasis en los capítulos de modelos deterministas y en el problema de transbordo de gran utilización en asignaturas superiores como Logística y Operaciones.
i have a confused about the discipline and i wont to give the solution to me
La antigüedad del futuro, 2017
El fenómeno ovni y la agenda extraterrestre a la luz de la teoría nefilim del profesor Armando H. Toledo. Solicite ejemplar digital gratuito en formato PDF a: [email protected] [email protected]
The new edition of Migration Policy Practice, guest-edited by Gabriella Sanchez from the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute, focuses on issues of child migration. It seeks to respond to the Call to Action launched earlier this year by UNICEF, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Eurostat and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to prioritize actions to address evidence gaps in children’s migration data. While the visibility of children in migration has increased, this has not always translated into the collection, availability or production of sound data and research concerning children’s experiences and perspectives. This special issue of Migration Policy Practice brings together the perspectives, experiences and recommendations of scholars and practitioners working with children and on migration in different regions of the world. Authors include Bina D’Costa from the UNICEF Office of Research; Jasper Tjaden from the IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC); Blanca Navarrete from Derechos Humanos Integrales en Acción (DHIA)) and Melissa Vértiz Hernández from Grupo de Trabajo sobre Política Migratoria; Alina Potts from the Global Women’s Institute at George Washington University; Jennifer Podkul and Cory Shindel from Kids in Need of Defense (KIND); and Gabriella Sanchez from the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute. Their contributions are in line with the Call to Action, which recognizes the importance of “reliable, timely and accessible data and evidence [as] essential for understanding how migration and forcible displacement affect children and their families – and for putting in place policies and programmes to meet their needs.”
Slavnostna podelitev, 2019
Redni profesor na Univerzi v Kansasu, dr. Marc L. Greenberg, prejme priznanje za vrhunske dosežke v slovenističnem jezikoslovju in promocijo slovenščine, slovenistike in Slovenije v Združenih državah Amerike. Svojo znanstveno pot je začel s preučevanjem slovenščine, in sicer s terenskim raziskovanjem prekmurskih in prleških govorov. Na podlagi analize v Sloveniji zbranega gradiva je leta 1990 doktoriral v Los Angelesu s tezo A Historical analysis of the phonology and accentuation of the Prekmurje dialect of Slovene. K tej problematiki se je vrnil še v drugih znanstvenih delih. Tudi v širše slavističnih delih prof. dr. Greenberg vseskozi navaja in kritično vključuje slovensko gradivo, kar je pri neslovenskih slavistih prej izjema kot pravilo. Napisal je prvo monografijo o slovenskem zgodovinskem glasoslovju, ki je slovenske glasovne razvoje postavila na svetovni zemljevid raziskovanja. Ustvaril je tudi priročno slovensko slovnico, ki predstavlja nepogrešljiv vir informacij za vse, ki se učijo slovenščine na tujih univerzah, zlasti ameriških. Med njegove pomembne dosežke pri promociji slovenske znanosti v mednarodnem prostoru sodi tudi soustanoviteljstvo in souredništvo mednarodne znanstvene revije Slovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies.
School Feeding Programme constitute critical intervention that has been introduced in many developed and developing countries of the world to address the issue of poverty, stimulate school enrolment and enhance pupils' performance. This study set to assess The Effect of School Feeding Programme on Enrolment, Retention and Completion of primary school pupils in Kaduna state. The objectives of the study are; examine the effect of School Feeding Programme on rate of pupil's enrolment in Kaduna State., Determine the effects of School Feeding Programme on the rate of Retention of pupils in Kaduna State, Ascertain the effects of School Feeding Programme on the rate of pupil's Completion in Kaduna State. The period allocated to the study is from 2016 to 2020, the study also captured three local governments; which are Kaduna North, Kachia and Makarfi. The sample size for the study is 113 and 16 people were interviewed at the cause of the study. However, the study reviewed relevant literatures, while Hierarchy of Human Needs and Expectancy theory is adopted as its theoretical framework. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized. The study adopted sequential explanatory research design. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the quantitative data, thematic analysis was used for interviews and secondary data while Simple linear regression model was used to test and interpreted the hypotheses with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). The finding of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship SFP and enrolment and retention in public primary school, but without a corresponding increase in completion rate, the study recommends, efforts should be made from government at all level to ensure that quality teachers with adequate facilities be made available to accommodate the increasing number of pupils especially in rural areas where pupils are seen sitting on the floor. Also, we suggest the building of perimeter fences and gates around all the public schools in Kaduna state to at least curb the running away of pupils during break periods and also guarantee some level of security to them. The study therefore, concludes that as a result of SFP there have been increase in pupil's enrolment, retention and nutrition and also an appreciable improvement in rural economy
Rapid sand filters are very common in all conventional water treatment plants. Capping of existing rapid sand filters can be the promising method of improving the performance of rapid sand filters. Capping is process in which upper sand bed layer of few cm is replaced with capping material. However, this technique is limited in Nepal due to unavailability of filter materials apart from sand. Some materials suitable for capping are anthracite coal, PVC granules, bituminous coal, broken bricks, etc. The attempt is made to study the effect of capping of Rapid sand filters by the use of anthracite coal as a capping media by pilot scale study. A series of test runs and experiments using different influent turbidity were tried. The pilot scale study has shown very encouraging results. Comparative analysis shows that higher rate of filtration is possible along with higher filter run and less backwash requirement. In the present work, conventional rapid sand filter and capped rapid sand fil...
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Die Welt des Orients 51/1, 2021
A. Ercolani, I. Oggiano (a cura di), Scrittura e scritture. Invenzione, innovazione e applicazione (Collezione di Studi fenici 53), Roma, 2023
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, 2010
Sociologia, antropologia e cultura jurídicas I [Recurso eletrônico on-line] organização CONPEDI/UFPB, 2014
E3S Web of Conferences
Documenta Praehistorica
Studia Biologica, 2019
Food Chemistry, 2012
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2019, 2019
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016
BMJ case reports, 2016
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2019
Geoderma, 2013
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2012