AMBIO 2012, 41:221–234
DOI 10.1007/s13280-012-0247-8
Fog as a Fresh-Water Resource: Overview and Perspectives
Otto Klemm, Robert S. Schemenauer, Anne Lummerich, Pilar Cereceda,
Victoria Marzol, David Corell, Johan van Heerden, Dirk Reinhard,
Tseggai Gherezghiher, Jana Olivier, Pablo Osses, Jamal Sarsour,
Ernst Frost, Marı́a J. Estrela, José A. Valiente, Gebregiorgis Mussie Fessehaye
Received: 12 May 2011 / Revised: 6 October 2011 / Accepted: 22 December 2011 / Published online: 12 February 2012
Abstract The collection of fog water is a simple and
sustainable technology to obtain fresh water for afforestation, gardening, and as a drinking water source for human
and animal consumption. In regions where fresh water is
sparse and fog frequently occurs, it is feasible to set up a
passive mesh system for fog water collection. The mesh is
directly exposed to the atmosphere, and the foggy air is
pushed through the mesh by the wind. Fog droplets are
deposited on the mesh, combine to form larger droplets,
and run down passing into a storage tank. Fog water collection rates vary dramatically from site to site but yearly
averages from 3 to 10 l m-2 of mesh per day are typical of
operational projects. The scope of this article is to review
fog collection projects worldwide, to analyze factors of
success, and to evaluate the prospects of this technology.
Keywords Fog collection Large fog collector
Standard fog collector Sustainability Water resource
The collection of fog for the purpose of the production of
clean water has attracted increasing attention over the past
few decades. It is a simple and sustainable technology with
the potential to produce precious water in some regions of
the world. It is achieved by exposure of mesh material to
foggy air masses. There are numerous projects on five
continents to collect fog water, of which some are more
successful than others. The beneficiaries are often poor
people, although successful projects also exist in more
prosperous regions. A tri-annual international conference
series on fog, fog collection, and dew, since 1998 (http://, brings together scientific findings and users of the technique. The scope of
this review is to synthesize the current understanding of fog
collection and to analyze its potential and limitations for
future development. In a sense, this is a follow-up contribution of a summary presented 20 years ago in Ambio
(Schemenauer and Cereceda 1991). Note that the science of
fog physics, chemistry, and its role in the hydrological
cycle, which extends to a much wider climatic range than
the ‘‘fog collection’’ addressed here, is not within the focus
of this article.
Fog is a cloud with physical contact to the earth’s surface.
The fog droplet diameters typically range between from
around 1 lm to a few 10s of lm. There are several fogforming processes (Schemenauer et al. 1988; Eugster
2008), of which only two are briefly mentioned here. In the
first method, low stratus clouds can form over a rather cold
body of water, e.g., the subtropical SE Pacific Ocean, and
the resulting cloud base height above the surface and the
cloud’s thickness may be a few tens or hundreds of meters.
If such a cloud is advected by the regional winds toward
the coastal mountains, advection fog may occur in the
mountainous region. Another way to produce fog is adiabatic cooling of humid air masses during their uphill
transport. Oceans are major sources of humidity so that the
combination of an ocean with a near-coast mountainous
region is a favorable setting for collecting water from such
orographic fog.
Only if fresh water is sparse, is there a motivation to set
up a system for fog water collection. In other words, only if
rain is a very limited (in many cases virtually non-existent
at least for a significant time period of the year) source of
fresh water, and groundwater is an unsustainable or
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expensive source, fog collection projects make sense.
These preconditions lead to a concentration of fog collection projects in arid and semi-arid tropical and subtropical
The collection of fog water is a simple technology. A mesh
is exposed to the atmosphere, and the fog is pushed through
the mesh by the wind. A fraction of the fog droplets is
deposited on the mesh material by impaction. When more
and more fog droplets deposit, they combine to form larger
droplets, run down the mesh material into gutters and
eventually into a storage tank. Differences between various
fog collector designs exist regarding their size and shape,
as well as the mesh material used. The Standard Fog
Collector (SFC) is mainly used in exploratory studies to
evaluate the amount of fog water that can be collected at
given sites. The construction and use of this flat mesh panel
is described in detail in Schemenauer and Cereceda
(1994a). The SFC has a 1 9 1 m2 surface, with a base 2 m
above ground and is installed perpendicularly to the wind
direction that is associated with the occurrence of fog. It
has now been used to measure fog fluxes in about 40
The Large Fog Collector (LFC, Schemenauer and
Cereceda 1994b) has been widely used for fog collection.
The principle is identical to that of the SFC. It is, however,
much larger. In most cases, the mesh is 4 m high and 10 m
wide. The lower edge of the mesh, with the attached gutter,
should be as high off the ground as possible (typically 2 m)
in order to increase the collection rate.
In the SFC design, the mesh is stretched over a rigid
frame. For the LFC, the mesh is supported by a frame made
of cables, which are held tightly between two vertical
posts. Figure 1 shows an LFC in Spain.
The collection rate of a fog collector is determined by
the fog liquid water content (LWC), the size distribution of
fog droplets, the size and arrangement of the mesh material, and the wind speed. The description of the physical
processes behind the impaction of fog droplets is beyond
the scope of this article and is described in Schemenauer
and Joe (1989) and Schemenauer and Cereceda (1994a).
The Raschel shade net material from a Chilean manufacturer is used in most fog collector applications worldwide. The material (Fig. 2) is made of food-safe
polyethylene and has a fiber width that is effective at
Fig. 1 Image of the 18 m2 flat-panel fog collector located at Mount Machos (Valencia region, Spain), together with the water tanks
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Fig. 2 Three mesh types for fog collection. The Raschel mesh (35%
shading, left panel, has been successfully
applied for many years in 35 countries in five continents. It is used
double layered in SFC and LFC (only one layer is shown here). The
middle panel shows a robust material with a stainless mesh, co-knitted
with poly material (, which has been
employed in South Africa. The right panel shows a newly proposed
design of a three-dimensional net structure (1-cm thickness) of poly
material ( Note that no overall comparison of mesh collection rates and technical performance has been
conducted yet. The edge lengths of mesh sections shown are 6.5 cm
collecting fog droplets. The weave consists of vertically
stretched triangles enabling rapid run-off of the water.
Also, the mesh used is double-layered because the movement of the two layers against each other facilitates the
run-off of the collected water.
Extreme conditions can possibly benefit from the use of
different mesh material or collector design. A variety of
mesh materials have been tested (e.g., Shanyengana et al.
2003). For very windy sites, more robust material with a
stronger, stainless mesh, co-knitted with the poly material
(Fig. 2) has been tested. Collector designs other than the
SFC and LFC have been tested and could prove useful in
specific applications. In relatively rare cases where there is
no unique wind direction associated with the occurrence of
fog, a three-dimensional (3D) structure of mesh material in
the landscape may be advantageous. The ‘‘Eiffel’’ collector
as used at some sites in Peru (Tiedemann and Lummerich
2010), and a system consisting of nine panels arranged in
the shape of four equilateral triangles, as employed in South
Africa (van Heerden et al. 2010), are examples of 3D collectors. However, a systematic side-by-side operation of
various material or designs, comparing collection efficiencies, deposition of aerosol particles, and economic aspects
(‘‘Specific Aspects’’ section), has not been performed as of
yet. Both laboratory and field studies are encouraged.
compare their sizes and collection rates. The existing data
base is too diverse and incomplete. Instead, various types
of projects and some of their specific conditions are mentioned, to set a basis for a more systematic analysis in
‘‘Project Schedule’’ section.
This section briefly characterizes important worldwide fog
collection projects over the last 50 years (Fig. 3). It is not
within the scope of this article to list all projects or
South and Central America
Large sections of the Pacific coast of South America receive
only very small amounts of precipitation. Low stratus clouds
often form over the cold ocean water and move landwards,
leading to fog on the coastal cordillera, but typically no rain.
The natural Loma vegetation belt between about 5° S and
30° S is well adapted to these conditions and utilizes water
obtained from collecting fog droplets. However, a large
portion of the Loma vegetation is degraded or absent today.
Fog collection projects aim to support reforestation, agricultural activities, and provide fresh water for the human
population. The first large collectors were designed and
constructed in Antofagasta (23.5° S) during the 1960s.
Systematic scientific research was conducted in the
1980s in the Coquimbo region around El Tofo (30° S), and
50 fog collectors of 48 m2 collection surface each were
installed (Schemenauer et al. 1988). Forty-one more were
installed in the 1990s. The project provided fresh water for
about 100 families by taps in their homes. The project,
which had initially been supported by foreign partners, was
given over to the local population in the mid-1990s. After
many years of successful operation (Cereceda et al. 1997),
the maintenance of fog collectors stopped when village
politics and the substantial growth of the village led to a
demand for an expensive water pipeline from a distant
groundwater source and a sea water desalination system.
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Fig. 3 Map with locations marked that were successful, are successful, or bear the potential for being successful in collecting fog for the
production of fresh water in arid or seasonally arid regions. The potential must have been proven by an evaluation project
More projects in Chile were realized in Padre Hurtado
(31.5° S, Osses et al. 2000), providing water for visitors
to a church sanctuary and for gardening between 1999
and 2004, in Peñablanca (29° S), where the fog water is
used for afforestation with native trees and for environmental education, in Falda Verde (26° S, Larrain et al.
2002; Carter et al. 2007), delivering water mainly for
Aloe Vera fields between 2001 and 2010 and now being
operated as a demonstration project, and in Alto Patache
(21° S, Larrain et al. 2002, Calderón et al. 2010), which
is a site primarily used as a platform for ecosystem and
climate research. It has an SFC fog collection record for
14 years, with average fog collection rates of about
6 L m-2 day-1.
Peru has a long tradition of fog collection. Many projects have been developed by the communities, with
varying degrees of success, from Trujillo in the northern
part of the country to Tacna in the South. A major project
between 1995 and 1999 near the town of Mejia on Peru’s
south coast proved the feasibility of fog collectors to provide water for afforestation and restoration of the degraded
coastal ecosystems (Schemenauer and Cereceda 1993;
Cereceda et al. 1998; Salbitano et al. 2010). This led to an
afforestation project in Atiquipa, which has continued to
the present (Ortega et al. 2007). Peruvian laws turned out to
be supporting factors for fog collection because they
demand a reforestation area above the ‘‘young villages’’
outside Lima as a requisite to get the legal land title
(Tiedemann and Lummerich 2010). In three current projects, the water collected is used to grow fruits and provide
fresh water for the population. As well, the local support
for reforestation is strong.
In Ecuador, the potential of fog as a water resource has
been studied since the 1990s. Very large collection
efficiencies of up to 12 L m-2 day-1 were identified for
high mountain regions. A large scale collection project was
in operation from 1995 through 1997 employing 40 LFCs
in Pachamama Grande. After the system had been handed
over to the local population, it degraded. The lack of
technical skills and involvement by the local NGO eventually hindered the project’s persistence (Henderson and
Falk 2001).
A large operational fog collection was stated in 2006 in
the Guatemalan village of Tojquia in the Western Highlands at 3300 m above MSL. There are now 35 LFCs
installed producing an average of 6300 l of water per day
during the 4–6 months in winter dry season. In the wet
season, the water yield is even larger due to the collection
of rain water as well as fog water. High wind speeds are an
issue in this region, and people had to be trained on how to
repair and maintain the collectors. All the LFCs built since
2006 are fully operational. The year-round availability of
fog water in some of these very remote regions impacts the
social life of the population immensely as it has traditionally been the women’s task to obtain water for the
families. Before the installation of the first fog collectors,
the women would walk each day to the valley bottom to get
water. Strong community involvement is one of the main
factors of success for the project in Tojquia (Henderson
and Falk 2001; Schemenauer et al. 2007; Rosato et al.
Islands in the Caribbean are also seasonably dry in the
period from October through March and, where there are
mountains interacting with the northeast trade winds, there
can be an arid zone on downwind side. Good evaluation
projects were done in the Dominican Republic and Haiti,
and the fog collection rates show that large-scale projects
could be successful (Schemenauer et al. 2001).
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The feasibility of using fog collection to supplement domestic
water supplies in South Africa was investigated during the late
1960s and again in 1995. SFCs were erected in various parts of
South Africa and the water collection rates monitored over a
3-year period. The yields ranged from 1 to 5 L m-2 day-1
and exceeded 10 L m-2 day-1 in the mountainous regions at
elevations higher than 1700 m above MSL.
Seven LFCs were installed between 2001 and 2008 to
provide drinking water at two schools in the Soutpansberg
Mountains in Limpopo, at five schools in the Eastern Cape,
and at a small West Coast village. Daily water collection
rates varied largely (Olivier 2004). Unfortunately, the
recipients failed to perform the required maintenance, and
only one of these systems, maintained by students from the
University of Pretoria, is still in partial operation.
Namibia also offers opportunities to produce fresh water
from fog collection. Various exploratory studies, some
dating back to the 1950s, showed that there are some sites
with good prospects. Seely and Henschel (1998) documented the climatology of fog in the Namib Desert, Seely
et al. (1998) discussed the ecology of the fog, and Mtuleni
et al. (1998) presented results from fog collection measurements made with 14 SFCs. They found that the quantity and the quality of fog in the Namib Desert were
sufficient to justify a fog collection project. However, a
large project has not been started in this country as of yet
(Shanyengana et al. 2002; Makuti et al. 2004).
There are fog collection projects in Eastern Africa and
the Arabian Peninsula. In Eritrea, there are about 700 km
of mountains along the Red Sea, where the winds advect
moist air from the sea and form advection and orographic
fog on the highlands. Twenty LFCs were installed in the
villages of Nefasit and Arborobo to increase access to
drinking water for schools and 120 families. Results
showed a good production of fog water (
). The project subsequently faced some significant challenges on its management since the collectors needed high
maintenance and close supervision during high wind conditions. The fog collectors now serve as a demonstration of
the potential for fog collection for the whole of Eritrea.
There is also a large evaluation project underway in Tanzania and some work has been done in Ethiopia.
In Oman, a major fog collection experiment was
undertaken in the summers of 1989 and 1990. In the upper
elevations, from 900 to 1000 m above MSL, very high
average collection rates of 30 l m-2 day-1 for the monsoon period were obtained. However, the fog water is only
available for about 2 months of the year, and this puts
limits on the use of the water (Schemenauer and Cereceda
1992b). More recent work by Abdul-Wahab et al. (2010)
confirmed the productivity of the fog. In Yemen, the
potential to collect fog water for fresh water production
was investigated in the mountains near Hajja, north of the
capital city of Sana’a and inland from the Red Sea in 2003
(Schemenauer et al. 2004). The best sites averaged
4.5 l m-2 day-1 over the 3-month dry winter period, justifying a large project with 25 LFCs to be implemented in
January 2004. After successful initiation, the project was
given over to the local people and local organizations. The
follow-through at the community level was not sufficient
and issues related to occasional high wind speeds were not
resolved, and the project stopped after about one year.
Other sites in Yemen at higher altitudes (over 2000 m
above MSL) were evaluated with SFCs and were successful in terms of water volume produced (Osses et al.
2004). Conditions that are present on the east side of the
Red Sea in Yemen are expected to persist northward into
Saudi Arabia. Abualhamayel and Gandhisan (2010) report
on 3 months of measurements in the Asir region with
encouraging fog collection rates of about 2 l m-2 day-1.
In the Macaronesian archipelagos (the Azores, Madeira,
the Canary Islands, and the Cape Verde Islands) and NW
Africa, favorable meteorological conditions exist for fog
water collection (Azevedo et al. 1998; Marzol 2005; Prada
et al. 2007). The station Bica de Cana (1800 m above
MSL) on Madeira collected an amount of about
8 l m-2 day-1 (Prada et al. 2007). The station Anaga
(842 m above MSL) on Tenerife island exhibited the best
collection rates (10 l m-2 day-1, Marzol and Valladares
1998; Marzol et al. 2010). The efficiency, good performance, and the availability of continuous hourly data for
more than 14 years has enabled this station to be used as a
model site for studying the characteristics of fog on the
island of Tenerife and for comparison with other places
(Marzol et al. 2010). In the 2000s, a number of fog collectors were installed in the NW of the island of Tenerife
(Marzol 2002), including four LFCs, and four more were
added in 2011. The water is used for domestic purposes in
the Forestry Commission Office, for irrigation for the
reforestation of endemic laurisilva species, and for prevention of and fight against forest fires.
On the desert archipelago of Cape Verde, the aim of the
fog collection projects has been to obtain water to meet the
needs of the rural population. Many pilot sites were
installed, all of them facing to the N and NE. Major projects were realized on various islands, at altitudes between
750 and 1400 m above MSL (Sabino 2004). The water
collection rates range between 3 and 75 l m-2 day-1 (Reis
Cunha 1964; Juvik 1988; Sabino 1998, 2001, 2007).
On the NW coast of Africa, fog water collection has been
investigated since 2006. Boulaalam—4 km from the coast
and 300 m above MSL, and Boutmezguida—30 km from the
coast and 1225 m above MSL, were chosen as the two
experimental sites in a pilot project. Data obtained after
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2 years of investigation indicate that the interior was the
more efficient site with more than 7 l m-2 day-1 compared
to only 1.9 l m-2 day-1 on the coast (Marzol and Sánchez
2008; Marzol et al. 2010). In 2011, 14 LFCs were installed to
provide fresh water for small rural communities with serious
water shortage problems. The population in this area lives off
livestock farming and has to travel long distances on a daily
basis to fetch water from wells at the bottom of the valleys.
Southern Europe is also a region with severe water
resource problems. The combination of hot, dry summers
with mild, wet winters, together with a strong population
pressure, expansion of irrigated lands, and over-exploitation of aquifers has led to water scarcity in most of the
countries around the Mediterranean basin. Mountain ranges
exceeding 500 m in height near the coast and the constant
presence of maritime winds advecting moist air and clouds
provide favorable conditions for fog collection.
Croatia was the first country in this region to collect fog
water. Since 2000, a SFC has been collecting fog water on
Mount Velebit, 1594 m above MSL near the Adriatic Sea.
The results show that fog has the potential of being an
important source of water, especially during the dry summer season, when collection rates of up to 4 l m-2 day-1
can be achieved (Mileta 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007; Mileta
and Likso 2010).
In Spain, a fog collection network has been maintained
since 2003 on the eastern fringe of the Iberian Peninsula,
covering an area nearly 800 km long. Twenty-four fog
collectors are installed at 19 different locations. Fog water
is collected with handmade cylindrical passive fog collectors (i.e., omnidirectional collection efficiency), made of
either nylon wire or Raschel mesh, in combination with
additional meteorological sensors. Fog can play an
important role in the hydrological system in this area, with
total values reaching 7 l m-2 day-1 at some locations
(Estrela et al. 2008). Fog water was included as a supplementary water resource in a forest restoration project
started in 2007 at Mount Machos, located 60 km from the
nearest coastline. An LFC was used to irrigate 620 oneyear-old seedlings of Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex
planted in an area of 2500 m2. A collection rate of
3.3 l m-2 day-1 filled up three 1000-l tanks in 5 months
(Estrela et al. 2009). The results show that the survival of
the two planted species had improved significantly with the
use of small controlled irrigations with water from fog.
The first fog collection project in Nepal was started in 1997
using SFCs for evaluation purposes (MacQuarrie et al.
2001). The climate is characterized by the summer monsoon season with heavy rain and the winter with a lack of
rain and water shortages in the mid elevations. Fog collection projects in Nepal are typically in an elevation band
around 2000 m above MSL. Following the initial SFC
measurements, the techniques for site selection were
introduced, and the local NGO staff was trained in the
construction of LFCs. Today there are six small fog collection projects in operation in villages and a pilgrim
temple. In Nepal, a medium-sized fog collector with
20–30 m2 mesh area is being developed and tested. There
is considerable interest in fog collection in several parts of
India where some evaluations are beginning.
Although the structures and goals of the many fog collection projects worldwide differ widely, there are characteristics that typically appear within a project schedule. In
Fig. 4, a flow diagram is presented with numbered tags that
will guide the discussion of processes and conditions in this
section. Not each and every project evolves along that line.
However, the general reasoning helps us to understand the
specifics of a fog collection project, and to avoid mistakes
in future applications. Cost estimates are provided.
(1) The initial project idea for fog collection typically
originates from a person who is directly affected by the
future project in his/her daily life. In most cases, it is a
person that has seen or heard about a project elsewhere in
his country or through some news broadcast. However, the
person, or the village, does not have the knowledge or
resources to carry out a project without assistance. An
approach is then made to a non-governmental organization
(NGO), typically a non-profit organization, either in his/her
own country or often one based in North America or
Europe. The goals of the NGO typically are to support
development, to reverse environmental problems, and to
foster sustainable development. In some cases, the idea of
fog collection does not evolve locally but comes into a
region in the form of a scientific study which, when successful, leads the participants to consider whether there
may be applications for the people of the region. The
introduction of the idea from the outside is, however, a
delicate process requiring great respect for local customs,
social aspects, traditions, and religion. Once the idea is
born and the potential region identified, steps 2, 3, and 4
(Fig. 4), need to be realized. This initial stage has a minimal cost in time (days) and a negligible monetary cost.
(2) Once a working relationship is established between
the village, a local in-country NGO, and the external NGO
or university with the expertise in fog collection projects,
initial funds need to be raised to perform an analysis of the
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Fig. 4 Flow diagram of a typical fog collection project. Numbered tags are used to discuss processes and discussions in ‘‘Project Schedule’’
meteorological conditions and current or potential sources
of conventional water (step 4), and to operate several SFCs
for an evaluation study that lasts at least through one dry
season (step 7). Typically, several trips to the potential fog
collection site need to be financed. The cost of materials for
one complete SFC setup is around US $150, depending on
the local market situation. Often, an external expert on
meteorology and water supply should visit the region very
early. It is virtually impossible to pay this expert any
remuneration; however, the travel costs must be covered
somehow. The total initial funds required are, depending
on travel distances, in the order of US $3000–5000.
(3) A careful analysis of the prevailing climatic conditions is needed. Unfortunately, regions with large potential
for fog collection are often quite far away from recording
meteorological stations. Visibility (fog density) data are
typically not available. A further difficulty arises from the
large local variability of fog and rain, for example, along
mountain slopes. The ab initio analysis is therefore based
on meteorological and geographical expertise and on
interviews with the local population. Specific attention
needs to be paid to the potential occurrence of strong winds
that may damage fog collectors. Precautions have to be
taken in such cases and, if high winds are anticipated, it
becomes important to make some measurements. Another
tool that can be of great value is the use of satellite
imagery, but this is only practical if an archive of images is
accessible at no cost. The time involved in this stage is
perhaps only a week, and the costs are negligible if the time
is donated. If a field program with anemometers is
required, then an additional US $5000 in instrument and
travel costs may be involved plus time for data analysis.
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(4) The analysis of the current freshwater supply needs
to be performed carefully and extensively. Where does the
water come from currently? Is it trucked from a distant
source? Is it carried by people (typically women and girls)
from a distant place, for example, a valley bottom? Is it
pumped from a well? Is the well likely to be sustainable?
How much water is available per day per person? What are
the costs involved for the current water supply? Is there a
pronounced seasonality in water supply? Are there any
plans to connect the people to a centralized water supply
system? NGOs use questionnaires and make surveys in the
field regarding these issues. This analysis takes about
1 month and travel-related costs may be US $3000. This
stage may also require chemical and bacterial analyses of
current or proposed sources of water. In some cases, the
motivation for using fog collectors is the contamination of
current water sources. If analysis for major ions, heavy
metals, and bacteria are required, it adds another US $5000
unless analysis is donated.
(5) On the basis of the analysis and success in steps 2
through 4, it may be decided to start an exploratory fog
collection project with small SFCs. The decision should be
made after discussion with the local population, and after
they understand the idea of fog collection. The involvement of the local population is an essential part of the
project. Villagers have to commit to make daily observations of the amount of water collected during the evaluation
study (step 7).
(6) In anticipation of the start of a large fog collection
project (step 10), further funds need to be raised. This
process takes more time and needs to be started immediately. Typical funding agencies are NGOs, private and
corporate donors, United Nations agencies, the European
Union, and other governmental organizations. In many
cases, there is a lack of information about potential money
sources. For example, there are funds offered by the
Peruvian municipalities, private companies, and foreign
embassies, but people are not informed about these funds.
NGOs may help with the paperwork. The application
process together with the village representative can serve
as a first test for the commitment and the organizational
strength of a village community for a fog collection project. It is ideal if a portion of the funding originates from a
local source, potentially the village community itself, but
the reality is that most remote communities where projects
take place can only contribute their labor. In any case, the
connectedness of the people with the project contributes to
the success. The involved experts may be identical to those
in step 2. The funds required depend on the scale of the
project and its location. For a village of 200 people, and a
goal of 25 l of fog water per person per day, one typically
needs 1000 m2 of mesh, or 25 LFCs. The cost for materials
including water tanks and pipelines, plus travel and
shipping costs, would be about US $75 000. This assumes
no costs for salaries in external NGOs. Often, the initial
project (step 10) would be rather small, as limited funds are
available at that stage. If the local NGO requires funds for
salaries, vehicles, and other expenses, then this must be
considered and the decision factored into the overall costs.
This might add an additional US $10 000 or more.
(7) The SFC should be operated over a period of at least
12 months and be operated carefully by a person who lives
in the area. In reality, sponsors are often in a hurry to get
the main project started, and initial measurements are
sometimes limited to the dry season, when rainfall is
lacking and fog collection can fill an urgent need. The
installation of the SFC needs to be done with the best
possible expertise and care. The height above MSL, an
unobstructed geographical position and the correct orientation are essential. Precise recording of daily fog collection rates is important and is difficult to achieve in remote
areas without extensive training of the observers. If funds
and expertise are available, a meteorological station
recording standard parameters plus the visibility (as a
metric for the density of fog) should be installed as well.
The collected water may be used for gardening or similar
purposes. Material costs have been given above. This step
will require several weeks of analysis and problem-solving
time plus the time of the observers. In some countries, the
observers have to be paid to get reliable data. This may add
US $1000 to the costs.
(8) When the start of a large fog collection project (step
10) becomes likely, its logistics needs to be organized. The
mesh (see ‘‘Technical Realizations’’ section) needs to be
ordered, and construction materials for the LFCs, tanks, and
pipelines (if required) organized. The setup of the LFCs is
technologically simple, but great care must be taken in their
construction, and it is crucial that the local population be
heavily involved in the construction process. Building
materials, except for the mesh, can be purchased in the
country. The manual labor should be done by the beneficiaries in the interest of the sustainability of the project.
Sewing the edges of the mesh is an example of a task that
involves women in the construction process. A concept for
water storage and water distribution needs to be developed.
In most countries, poly-ethylene storage tanks can be purchased or cement cisterns built. The series of processes and
decisions are complicated and guided by experience. The
social impact of a new source of freshwater should be
anticipated and communicated. This involves a series of
community meetings and specific meetings with the women
of the village who may be excluded from the formal village
organizational structure. The financial structure for the
construction and on-going operation of an LFC system need
to be agreed on. This stage may require funds for travel,
perhaps US $3000, and time measured in weeks or months.
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(9) The decision to set up a large fog collection project
needs to be carefully made. In particular, the potential
benefit needs to be projected. How much water collection
is expected? How much water will be potentially needed,
and for what purpose? How large will the water storage
capacities have to be? How many LFCs should be built in
the first place? Who will be responsible for the operation of
the LFCs and for the distribution of the water? Who will
cover the costs of operation, which may be in the order of
US $1000–2500 per year? How much will the water cost?
Will it be sold? Is strong enough commitment within the
community of beneficiaries to be expected? In a real
application this is an effective ‘‘exit’’ point.
Along with the decision about the LFC project, success
factors should be defined and coupled to a time frame. For
example, if the system is capable of supporting a school for
5 years with fresh water so that students have drinking
water in the school, this may be defined as a full success. A
social benefit may arise if a specific societal group will
receive an advantage, such as the women in Guatemala,
Morocco, or Eritrea, who do not have to carry all the fresh
water long distances every day (e.g., Rosato et al. 2010).
Overall, this is a difficult process as a novel appreciation of
values may be introduced into the societal system of a
village community. If full success is achieved, a review
(step 10) and potential re-decision about the further
development of the project should be envisaged.
(10) Once the project is operational, it needs to be
conducted very carefully and responsibly. The installation
must be maintained, and the collected water volume and
quality need to be recorded. The success of the project
should be evaluated with appropriate and realistic success
factors previously defined (step 9). This is the weakest
point of many past projects. Once in operation, the fog
collectors were not observed carefully enough, which led to
deterioration. The success of a project should be quantified
so that follow-up decisions can be made. Under optimum
conditions, step 9 is re-entered, so that an ongoing loop
(steps 9 and 10, Fig. 4) perpetuates the project. This
implies that there is an on-going commitment of time and
money by the village community, the local NGO, or the
experienced international NGO. If travel costs are
involved, they are likely to be in the order of several 1000s
of US $ per year.
If fog collectors fail to operate successfully within the
project period, a rapid and unbiased analysis should be
performed, potentially by external experts as mentioned in
steps 2 and 6. Step 9 should be re-entered as soon as
possible. The discouragement of the local population
through malfunction of the collectors must be avoided as it
may dominate their attitude toward the fog collection idea
itself. The main problems that occur are lack of basic
maintenance, such as keeping the cables tight, using poor
quality cables, and not having the mesh installed properly
initially. The role of the local NGO is critical both to
identify these types of problems early on, and also to
continue the education program in the village to ensure
good water quality and an appropriate and functional village water management program.
The exit options in Fig. 4 indicate that for a project that
seems unfeasible or not feasible any more, a clear stop
should be set. This may happen very early, i.e., before any
test measurements are being started (step 5), before the
actual construction of large collectors (step 9), or after
operation of a LFC project (step 10) with limited success.
Another eventuality is that after a period of a few years
with a fog collection project, a village may grow in population significantly or funding from the local government
may increase and suddenly a village may get an adequate
conventional water supply such as a pipeline. Optimum
conditions in terms of sustainability are fulfilled if the
external experts (steps 2 and 6) exit a successful project at
step 9, while the project continues to operate. For example,
the project in Tojquia, Guatemala, is nearing this point as
the last LFC was built by the local Mayan villagers, and
they are assisting new villages to utilize the technology.
Another example is the community Peña Blanca in Chile,
where fog collection was initiated and operated with the
assistance of Pontifical Catholic University (Santiago) in
2005 for about 2 years. After 6 years, the system is in
sustainable operation, and three new projects have been
started, related to fog collection, biodiversity, environmental education, and school projects on fog and dew, to
stop further desertification.
Fog Water Quantity
The daily output from a fog collector is the product of the
fog flux in l m-2 day-1 and the area of the collecting
surface. Although the quantification of this flux is
straightforward, there is no standard routine followed by
investigators worldwide. Some numbers presented are
annual averages, some averages for the fog season only,
and some maximum observed values. Both SFCs and LFCs
are also able to collect rain efficiently, so that their water
yield may include rain in some climates. Another issue is
the installation height of fog collectors above ground. The
higher an installation is the greater the yield is due to
higher wind speeds and often due to higher LWC in the
fog. Last but not least, data quality control procedures and
uncertainties are often not reported. This combination of
uncertainties limits inter-comparison of fog collection rates
at various sites.
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The total quantity of water produced by LFCs depends
on the number of fog collectors installed and the collection
rate at the site. The fog collector array at El Tofo, Chile
(see ‘‘Technical Realizations’’ section), produced an average of 15 000 l of water per day. The daily water output
varies at all sites, and at this location, the LFCs on some
days produced over 100 000 l of water, and on other days
none or very little. Existing fog collection projects are
producing average quantities in the dry season of
6300 l day-1 at Tojquia in Guatemala from 1400 m2 of
collecting surface (4.5 l m-2 day-1, Rosato et al. 2010),
viable amounts in South Africa (van Heerden et al. 2010),
Peru (Tiedemann and Lummerich 2010) and in Colombia
(Escobar et al. 2010). In Europe, Valiente et al. (2010)
discuss an application in eastern Spain where the 2007
annual fog flux, measured with a cylindrical collector, was
3.3 l m-2 day-1.
Evaluations with SFCs have shown that on mountains in
the dry areas of Chile (e.g., Carter et al. 2007; Larrain et al.
2002), Colombia (Garcia and Arango 2004), Yemen (Osses
et al. 2004; Schemenauer et al. 2004), Guatemala (Garcı́a
et al. 2004), Oman (Schemenauer and Cereceda 1992b),
Peru (Bresci 2001), and Eritrea, seasonal average fluxes,
measured with SFCs, ranged from 1.5 to 8 l m-2 day-1. In
certain locations of other countries with fog collection
potential, measurements of fog fluxes have shown annual
average values as low as 1 l m-2 day-1 in Namibia, and
fog season values as high as 70 l m-2 day-1 in Oman.
Many previous measurements of substantial collection
rates at fog collection sites have been reported: e.g., Cape
Verde (Sabino 2004), Dominican Republic (Schemenauer
et al. 2001), Namibia (Shanyengana et al. 2002), Nepal
(MacQuarrie et al. 2001), and South Africa (Olivier and
Rautenbach 2007) where viable amounts of fog water can
be collected.
Fog Water Quality
There are several aspects of water chemistry that are
important in fog collection projects. The first is the
chemical composition of the fog in the air before it strikes
any collecting surface. This is what is often measured in
scientific projects using scientific active or passive collectors with careful collector cleaning procedures. At sites
worldwide where fog and rain were collected at identical
sites, the fog water generally exhibits higher concentrations
of solutes than comparable rain water. This has to do with
the droplet-forming processes in rain and fog and the more
intense exposure of fog to near-surface emissions.
The second aspect is the chemistry of the water coming
off a LFC. The chemical composition of that water is also
influenced by gases and aerosol particles that have deposited on the collection surface and are washed off by the fog
water. Particularly during the onset of fog events, this may
lead to enhanced concentrations of compounds (‘‘first
flush’’). Schemenauer and Cereceda (1992a, b) reported on
the quality of both the incoming fog water and the water
from the fog collectors at the El Tofo site in Chile and in
Ashinhaib in the Dhofar Mountains in Oman, respectively.
They found that both sources of water met the World
Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standards for
ions and for 23 heavy metals. Eckardt and Schemenauer
(1998) found that ion concentrations measured in fog water
collected in the Namib Desert near Gobabeb were well
within the WHO limits. An unpublished 2008 study by the
Bavarian Water Ministry (Hruschka, personal communication), from a fog collection project in Eritrea, showed
that water from fog collectors that had passed through a
pipeline to water faucets at schools, also met WHO standards. Acceptable fog water quality was also reported for
South Africa (Olivier and van Heerden 2002). However,
Sträter et al. (2010) report that enhanced concentrations of
some ions and metals were found at a coastal site in Chile.
They hypothesize that power plant and industrial plant
emissions on the west coast of South America exhibit an
influence on the chemical composition of fog water.
Overall, the composition of fog water will in most cases be
safe to drink. Whenever there is potential of fog water
contamination, the water quality must be checked before
human consumption as for any type of water supply.
The third aspect is the potential alteration of fog water
composition during storage in tanks. As this is an issue
generally important in any drinking water storage, we
consider it as beyond the scope of our analysis.
Economic Aspects
Fog collection projects are undertaken only in areas with
very little rainfall on an annual or seasonal basis, favorable
climatic conditions, and a scarcity of other competing
fresh-water sources. The beneficiaries of many projects are
poor people. The projects are typically initiated after
donation of money and personal time (‘‘Project Schedule’’
section). Over the years, the operational costs need to be
compared to the costs of other sources for freshwater
One of the experiences in development aid is that
financial participation of the recipients enhances people’s
motivation to maintain the respective infrastructure. The
population of the villages in Peru that operated a fog collection project ranged between 100 and 200 people. The
community with the lowest number of inhabitants showed
the highest level of independence. It seems that individual
persons feel more responsible for the project in a small
community. On the other hand, the work load is very high
especially during construction of the reservoir. Therefore,
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the community should consist ideally of a minimum of 80
people, which means about 20–30 adults.
There is a specific advantage to fog collection projects,
i.e., they do not only provide water but also money.
Therefore, people could regard their participation rather as
an investment and themselves, not only as a group of
neighbors trying to improve their living conditions, but also
as a group of investors starting their own business. In the
outskirts of Lima, for example, in the so-called young
villages, people practice this concept. They elect their
village ‘‘junta’’ (Spanish for ‘‘board’’) and representatives,
and meet weekly or monthly to discuss and organize village affairs. Another example is the potable water committee in Chungungo, Chile, which was formed by the
villagers to manage the fog water supply there in the 1990s
(Schemenauer and Cereceda, 1994b).
The cost of water per m3 is difficult to calculate, much
less to agree upon, as many assumptions are involved about
what costs to include and the amortization periods for
expenses. Cereceda et al. (1992) concluded for Chile that
the fog water could be produced for about US $1 per m3
and delivered to homes in a distant village for about
another US $ per m3. In the projects near Lima, once the
fog collector and the corresponding infrastructure were set
up, the elected water committee started selling the water
within the community at a lower price, i.e., US $2.50–3.00
per m3, than that paid for the delivery by water trucks. Part
of the money is saved for future maintenance of the collectors. In some cases, it can be useful to pay one or two
people for routine repairs and the distribution of the water,
just like in any other company.
It has been shown that the collection of fog water as a
fresh-water resource is a feasible technology in various
regions of the world. Fog water may be a valuable source
of fresh water for afforestation, gardening, and also as a
drinking water source for human consumption.
It is mostly a poor population for which a fog collection
project provides the largest advantages. Often, these people
live in very traditional ways. Once the idea of collecting
fog water as a fresh-water resource has been positively
evaluated, a project is started. Initial funds and expertise
typically originate from outside. A careful operation of
LFCs provides numerous villages in many countries with
large amounts of fresh water. Motivation, education,
training, and involvement of the local people are key
success factors. It has proven useful to create novel structures such as water committees to manage a project. Under
optimum conditions, the operational costs are covered by
selling the collected water to the beneficiaries for prices
that are lower than those of alternative sources of fresh
water. This concept works well for relatively small units.
Problems in individual projects often arise after the operation of a collection system has been handed over to the
local people or authorities. Poor maintenance can lead to
malfunction of the collectors and eventually to the end of
fog collection. It seems that these projects did not have a
plan for successful and sustainable management.
Consideration should be given to a much greater role by
governments. In some cases, it may be preferable to forward the project responsibility to local government control
rather than directly to the community. Advantages may be
the greater resources on longer scales of time and distance,
and continuity contributing to sustainability. Disadvantages
can include lack of motivation.
Unlike developing countries, developed countries have
little difficulty covering their basic needs in terms of water
supply. However, even though human consumption is
usually guaranteed (not without some restrictions in certain
places and seasons), there are other uses that are directly
affected by the scarcity and/or erratic time and spatial
distribution of rainfall. In this context, water produced by
fog water collection systems might be a complementary
source of water. This is the case of forest activities (such as
reforestation projects), water tanks with water availability
to be used in fighting forest fires, and even insuring a
regular drinking water supply, strategically located in
mountain areas, for the use by monasteries (Nepal and
Ethiopia), hikers (Chile), or for the different species of
animals that live there. Such activities, often led by forest
rangers and scientists, are gaining momentum in Southern
Europe, particularly Spain, and on some subtropical East
Atlantic islands and in NW Africa. Ecological factors
should be considered. Fog collectors are passive structures.
The projects require no on-going energy inputs and could
dock on to carbon sequestration projects in connection with
reforestation. Environmental education programs and ecological parks may benefit from the concept of fog collection. Companies or governmental bodies could show their
ecological responsibility by working with this technology.
In such cases, money is often not the greatest obstacle in
setting up a project.
Finally, the exchange of information, education of
experts, and all other actors in potential and ongoing fogcollection projects is critical. This analysis is intended to
contribute to this process.
Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to the many
funding agencies, NGOs, and individual persons throughout the
world, who all support fog collection projects, too many to be mentioned here individually. Two anonymous reviewers helped us to
improve this manuscript, to whom the authors are indebted.
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Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 11–15 Oct 2004, Cape Town.
Schemenauer, R.S., M. Rosato, and V. Carter. 2007. Fog collection
projects in Tojquia and La Ventosa, Guatemala. In Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and
Dew, 22–27 July 2007, La Serena, 383–386.
Seely, M., and J.R. Henschel. 1998. The climatology of Namib fog. In
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and
Fog Collection, 19–24 July 1998, Vancouver, 353–356.
Seely, M., J. Henschel, and M. Robertson. 1998. The ecology of fog
in Namib Desert dunes. In Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, 19–24 July 1998,
Vancouver, 183–186.
Shanyengana, E.S., J.R. Henschel, M.K. Seely, and R.D. Sanderson.
2002. Exploring fog as a supplementary water source in
Namibia. Atmospheric Research 64: 251–259.
Shanyengana, E.S., R.D. Sanderson, M.K. Seely, and R.S. Schemenauer. 2003. Testing greenhouse shade nets in collection of fog
for water supply. Journal of Water Supply: Research and
Technology—AQUA 52: 237–241.
Sträter, E., A. Westbeld, and O. Klemm. 2010. Pollution in coastal
fog at Alto Patache, Northern Chile. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research 17: 1563–1573.
Tiedemann, K.J, and A. Lummerich. 2010. Fog harvesting on the
verge of economic competitiveness. In Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew,
25–30 July 2010, Münster, 192.
Valiente, J.A., M.J. Estrela, D. Corell, D. Fuentes, and A. Valdecantos. 2010. Fog water collection and reforestation at mountain
locations in a western Mediterranean basin region. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection
and Dew, 25–30 July 2010, Münster, 52–55.
Van Heerden, J., J. Olivier, and L. van Schalkwyk. 2010. Fog water
systems in South Africa: An update. In Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew,
Münster, 25–30 July 2010, 160.
Otto Klemm (&) is a professor of Climatology at the University of
Münster, Germany. His research interests include, besides fog, aerosols, urban air pollution, and micrometeorological exchange processes
between the atmosphere and the surface. He hosted the 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew (http://meetings.
Address: Climatology Working Group, University of Münster, Robert-Koch-Str. 26, 48149 Münster, Germany
[email protected]
Robert S. Schemenauer PhD in Cloud Physics, Executive Director
of FogQuest: sustainable water solutions. Previously: Research Scientist and Emeritus Research Scientist with Environment Canada,
specializing in cloud microphysics and fog physics and chemistry,
Adjunct Professor Thompson Rivers University, Chair of the 1st and
2nd International Conferences on Fog and Fog Collection.
Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2012
AMBIO 2012, 41:221–234
Address: FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions, 448 Monarch Place,
Kamloops, BC V2E 2B2, Canada.
[email protected]
Anne Lummerich is a teacher of Biology and English. She is the
president of the NGO Alimon e.V. ( and has been
working in applied sciences for 6 years designing and managing fog
collecting and reforestation projects.
Address: Alimón e.V, Akazienweg 3, 41372 Niederkrüchten, Germany.
[email protected]
Pilar Cereceda is a professor of Climatology and Biogeography at
the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Her research includes arid
and semiarid climates and ecosystems, geographical aspects of fog
and fog water collection. She hosted the 4th International Conference
on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew in La Serena, Chile
Address: Atacama Desert Center, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile.
[email protected]
Victoria Marzol is a professor of Geography at the Universidad de
La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. Her research includes the field of
climatology of Atlantic islands and the conditions of fog and fog
water collection.
Address: Department of Geography, University of La Laguna, 38071
La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain.
[email protected]
David Corell is a PhD student and a junior researcher in CEAM
Foundation. His research includes meteorological aspects of fog water
and fog water harvest. He has been working managing an automatic
weather station network, including automatic fog collectors, for the
last 9 years.
Address: Laboratory of Meteorology-Climatology, Mixed Unit
CEAM-UVEG, The CEAM Foundation, Paterna, Valencia, Spain.
[email protected]
Johan van Heerden is an Emeritus Professor in Meteorology, the
University of Pretoria, South Africa. He has more than 40 years of
experience in most aspects of meteorology, and he has been involved
in development and application of fog collection systems in Southern
Address: Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
[email protected]
Dirk Reinhard graduated in Industrial Engineering and Management
and has more than ten years of experience in the sustainability and
finance industry sector. He is vice-chairman of the Munich Re
Foundation, which addresses global challenges—climate change,
water as a resource and risk factor, population growth, and disaster
Address: Munich Re Foundation, Königinstr. 107, 80791 Munich,
[email protected]
Tseggai Gherezghiher PhD in Biomedical Sciences, the University
of Oklahoma, College of Medicine. Retired Professor, Founder, and
Director of Vision Eritrea, the National NGO in Eritrea, East Africa.
Primary focus on Sustainable Development Projects in Developing
Countries including fog collection.
Address: Vision Eritrea, Teshome Irgetu St 3/5, PO Box 5571, Asmara, Eritrea.
[email protected]
Jana Olivier is a professor Emeritus in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of South Africa. Her research
includes applied climatology and indigenous plant use. She has been
involved in fog water harvesting since 1994 and was co-organizer of
the 3rd International Conference on Fog and Dew in Cape Town,
South Africa in 2004.
Address: Department of Environmental Science, University of South
Africa, Florida, South Africa.
[email protected]
Pablo Osses is Geographer, MSc in Economies, and a professor at the
Institute of Geopraphy in the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
He has been involved for decades in the research of fog as a water
resource and leading the implementation of projects to provide with
fresh water, communities in poor countries in Latin America,
Caribbean, Asia, and Africa.
Address: Atacama Desert Center, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile.
[email protected]
Jamal Sarsour is a project engineer at the Institute of Textile
Technology and Process Engineering Denkendorf, a center of textile
research in Germany.
Address: Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik, Körschtalstraße
26, 73770 Denkendorf, Germany.
[email protected]
Ernst Frost is co-founder and president of the WaterFoundation, a
Germany-based NGO that provides assistance to people in rural
regions worldwide with insufficient or polluted drinking water.
Address: Water Foundation, Lechnerstr. 23, Ebenhausen, 82067
Munich, Germany.
[email protected]
Marı́a J. Estrela is a professor of Physical Geography at the University of Valencia, Spain. Her research interests focus on the field of
Climatology, including the variability and stational distribution of
precipitation in the Mediterranean area, the meteorological risks and
the geographical aspects of fog and fog water collection.
Address: Laboratory of Meteorology-Climatology, Mixed Unit
CEAM-UVEG, Geography Department, University of Valencia,
46010 Valencia, Spain.
[email protected]
José A. Valiente is a research scientist at the Mediterranean Centre of
Environmental Studies (Fundacion CEAM), Valencia, Spain. He
obtained his PhD degree at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies of the University of Tasmania, Australia. Current
research activities involve fog collection and its use as an environmental resource, field instrumentation, and meteorological satellite
remote sensing.
Address: Laboratory of Meteorology-Climatology, Mixed Unit
CEAM-UVEG, The CEAM Foundation, Paterna, Valencia, Spain.
[email protected]
Gebregiorgis Mussie Fessehaye is a PhD student in University of
Bern, Switzerland. His research area mainly focuses on fog water
harvest and water management both for domestic and agricultural
Address: Vision Eritrea, Teshome Irgetu St 3/5, PO Box 5571, Asmara, Eritrea.
Address: University of Bern, National Centre of Competence in
Research, Wildhainweg 3, POBox 8232, 3001 Berne, Switzerland.
[email protected]
Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2012