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In various underwater surveys conducted off Tel Ashqelon between 1998 and 2005 (Permit No. A-3817; map ref. 15662/61907), five small lead figurines were uncovered. The surveys, on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, were directed by E. Galili with the assistance of J. Sharvit, D. Moskovitch, H. Sal'i, A. Jacobovitch and Y. Ayalon, who recovered the figurines. A cluster of four of the figurines were recovered in shallow water (1.5-2.0 m depth) near Tel Ashqelon (map ref. 156626/619070; Fig. 1), within an area of c. 20 × 20 m; they are published here for the first time. The fifth was found c. 60 m south of the cluster, and was previously published (Galili and Sharvit 2000). The lead figurines (Fig. 2) were cast in a shallow, open mold, as can be seen from their flat shape and the solidified upper surface.
A figurine (20736.x1) of what appears to be a nude obese woman carved from re-crystallized limestone was found in 2016 during excavations at Çatalhöyük, Turkey. This work describes and compares 20736.x1 with other anthropomorphic figurines found in the same building (B.150), some of which were associated with human burials.
Reem, A. (ed), The Qishle Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem. Jerusalem. IES. , 2018
Found on floor, Str. VI, L. 214; height 78 mm.; body is round in section and massive; upper chest area is broken just below the neck. The arms are broken, but the right hand remains glued on the body, and a change of color under the breast indicates the position of the left hand on the opposite side. Thus, the hands were placed well below the breast, not really supporting or offering them. One breast is broken completely. Below, part of the inner center of the concave base is seen. There are traces of white wash and red bands of paint above the breasts and perhaps also between them.
12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 2021
Figurines are commonly found in many archaeological contexts, from domestic, through cultic, to funerary. However, since the 1970’s with the development of underwater archaeology, another context was added. In recent years many figurine assemblages were found underwater, which may represent shipwrecks’ cargos or offerings cast into the sea during rituals. The study of figurines in underwater contexts poses many difficulties beyond their identification and interpretation. Their discovery is usually subjected not only to systematic surveys, but also to unexpected weather conditions. Many figurine caches were severely looted, resurfacing in antiquities markets void of context. They are subjected to complex post-depositional processes that can displace, scatter, break, and severely erode them, and they are often covered by marine concretion, rendering them unidentifiable. This paper wishes to present the difficulties and challenges we have encountered while dealing with an underwater assemblage of terracotta figurines found in the Mediterranean, and the solutions we have found which can be applied to figurine assemblages elsewhere.
Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society
Gazdag V., Karmacsi Z., Tóth E. (eds.), Értékek és kihívások I. Ungvár: Autdor-Shark, 2016, pp. 244-247 (ISBN:978-617-7132-50-8) , 2016
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