Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate
School of The Ohio State University
Melissa Kay Jungers, M.A.
The Ohio State University
Dissertation Committee:
Approved by
Dr. Caroline Palmer, Adviser
Dr. Neal Johnson
Dr. Mark Pitt
Dr. Shari Speer
Psychology Graduate Program
Prosodic cues play a similar role in speech and music; they can differentiate
interpretations of ambiguous sentences or melodies and they can aid memory. Prosodic
cues can be related to the syntactic structure of an intended production, but they can also
exist separately from the structural features. Four experiments examined the persistence
of structurally-related and structurally-unrelated prosodic cues in production. In
Experiment 1, pianists listened to melodies containing intensity and articulation cues and
performed similar metrically ambiguous melodies. Pianists’ performances persisted only
in the metrically-unrelated articulation cues, but in a metrically related manner. In
Experiment 2, speakers heard sentences containing prosodic phrase breaks and tonal
patterns and produced similar syntactically ambiguous sentences. Their productions
reflected syntactically-related prosodic phrase breaks and some evidence of syntacticallyunrelated tonal (pitch) accents. Experiments 3 and 4 examined listeners’ ability to judge
the meter or syntax from the productions collected in Experiments 1 and 2. Listeners
correctly identified the meter and syntax of the productions. These results suggest that
prosodic persistence may be beneficial in a conversational or ensemble context.
Dedicated to my wonderful family
I wish to thank Caroline Palmer for her encouragement and support over
the past five years. Merci!
I also wish to thank Shari Speer for her enthusiastic introduction to the
world of psycholinguistics.
I thank Neal Johnson and Mark Pitt, who offered their insight and
I wish to thank Laurie Maynell for her help and advice in the creation of
I am also grateful to Beth Mechlin, Lindsay Barber, Chris Hanson, Jenna
Johnson, and Michael Keida, who ran subjects and entered data.
I thank the Cognitive Science Center at Ohio State University for
supporting my research and connecting me with two great collaborators.
1998……………………..B.S. Psychology, Bowling Green State University
2000……………………..M.A. Psychology, Ohio State University
1998-present………….…Graduate Fellow and Research Assistant
The Ohio State University
Research Publication
Jungers, M.K., Palmer, C., & Speer, S.R. (2002). Time after time: the
coordinating influence of tempo in music and speech. Cognitive Processing, 2,
Palmer, C. & Jungers, M.K. (2001). Music cognition. R. Goldstone (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. London: Macmillan.
Palmer, C., Jungers, M.K., & Jusczyk, P. (2001). Episodic memory for
musical prosody. Journal of Memory and Language, 45, 526-545.
Major Field: Psychology
List of Tables..………………………………………………….…...………….vii
List of Figures……………………………………………………...………….viii
Control Experiment 1: Music stimuli……………..………….….….19
Control Experiment 2: Speech stimuli………………………..…….26
Experiment 1: Music production……………………………..…….33
Experiment 2: Speech production………………………….………43
Experiment 3: Music perception……………………………....…...58
Experiment 4: Speech perception……………………….…..……...64
General Discussion……………………….…………………...…….68
List of References……………………………………………………..….…..77
Control Experiment 2 & Experiment 2: Four types of syntactically
ambiguous sentences with interpretations…………………...……...…...29
Experiment 2: ToBI transcription for prime utterances…………..……..49
Experiment 2: Percentage of target utterances by participants
following Early or Late prime sentences that contain pitch accents
or phrase breaks at specified locations..…………………………....…….51
Experiment 2: Chi-square table for prime and target utterances……......53
Control Experiment 1 & Experiment1: Sample metrically
ambiguous melody….……………………………………………………21
Experiment 1: Mean ISI/IOI for pianists’ target performances
following legato and staccato prime articulation ………….……….……38
Experiment 1: Mean ISI/IOI for each event in pianists’ target
performances following binary and ternary prime melodies….….……...40
Experiment 1: Mean percent ‘yes’ response for melody recognition
task by cue condition…………………………………….……………….41
Experiment 2: Mean percent ‘yes’ response for sentence
recognition task by cue condition………………………………..……….55
Experiment 2: Mean percent ‘yes’ response for same or different
prosodic phrase breaks……………………………………….…..……….56
6.1 Experiment 3: Mean percent ‘ternary’ response in musical
perception task with intensity or articulation cue…………………………61
When two people have a conversation, does the way in which one person
produces sentences influence the way in which the second person speaks? When two
musicians perform together, does the style of one musician influence the style of the
other? Although these questions come from different domains, the underlying issue is the
same. What prosodic dimensions persist among producers and listeners in speech and
The current study examines the persistence of prosodic cues in both speech and
music. In order to persist in the prosody of the utterance or performance just produced,
the listener must remember the prosody. How well do listeners retain acoustic features in
memory? If listeners do not retain the acoustic details from a production, then they
would not be expected to produce these details in subsequent productions.
Why might speakers and performers persist in the acoustic cues of what they have
just heard? One possibility is that persistence aids communication in a conversational
speech context or a small-ensemble musical context. Perhaps the two (or more) parties in
a conversation mutually influence each other’s prosody. This may make communicating
a message easier because the parties focus on the message and are not distracted by the
acoustic variation.
What is prosody? Prosody has been described as a structure that organizes sound
as well as the suprasegmental features of speech such as pitch, timing, and loudness
(Cutler, Dahan, van Donselaar, 1997). Thus, prosody refers to both an abstract
hierarchical structure and the fine acoustic details in speech, such as the “variation in
fundamental frequency, spectral information, amplitude, and the relative duration of
sound and silence” (Speer, Crowder, & Thomas, 1993). Prosody is also described as the
“stress, rhythm, and intonation in spoken sentences” (Kjelgaard & Speer, 1999).
Informally, prosody refers to the way in which something is spoken, rather than just the
Prosodic dimensions such as word duration, timing, and intonation influence
listeners’ interpretation of sentence meaning. The specific acoustic details associated
with a speaker’s voice can aid sentence interpretation (Nygaard & Pisoni, 1998). In one
study, listeners were familiarized with ten speakers’ productions of isolated words
(Nygaard & Pisoni, 1998). At test, listeners showed better intelligibility for the familiar
voices than unfamiliar voices for isolated novel words in noise. Also, sentences
produced by a familiar speaker were more intelligible to listeners than sentences
produced by a new speaker (Nygaard & Pisoni, 1998). Word durations can disambiguate
the meaning of ambiguous sentences (Lehiste, 1973; Lehiste, Olive, & Streeter, 1976).
Listeners used acoustic features to determine the intended meaning of different versions
of syntactically ambiguous sentences. Analysis of the acoustic properties from the
sentences suggested that timing and intonation were useful features for disambiguation
(Lehiste, 1973). The placement and duration of pauses provides another perceptual cue
to sentence meaning; speakers’ pause patterns tend to correlate with the syntactic
structure of a sentence, with longer pauses near important structural boundaries (Lehiste,
et al., 1976). Prosodic emphasis also influences interpretation of sentence meaning
(Speer, et al., 1993). Listeners heard syntactically ambiguous sentences that contained
different prosodic realizations of a single word, such as the sentences “They are FRYING
chickens” and “They are frying CHICKENS”. Listeners’ paraphrasings of the sentences
showed that the interpretation depended on the prosodic emphasis. A diverse set of
prosodic features, including duration, timing, and intonation, influence the interpretation
of sentences.
In order to examine and discuss prosody in speech, a system is needed so that the
speech signal can be consistently described. Beckman and Pierrehumbert (1986)
designed this type of transcription system for describing the prosodic aspects of a spoken
sentence. Their system is called ToBI, which stands for Tone and Break Indices. This
system has four parallel tiers: orthographic, tone, break index, and miscellaneous
(Pierrehumbert & Hirschberg, 1990). Certain tones are stressed and are known as pitch
accents. English includes high (H) and low (L) tones. Every utterance contains an
intonational phrase that is delimited on the right edge by a boundary tone (L% or H%).
Each intonational phrase (Iph) is made up of at least one phonological (Pph) or
intermediate phrase (ip) which is delimited on the right edge by a phrase accent
(H- or L-). Each phonological phrase contains at least one pitch accent. Prosody is
hierarchical, but this hierarchy is shallower than that of syntax (Cutler et al., 1997).
How do prosody and syntax relate? Syntax refers to the rules native speakers use
to put words together into sentences. There is not a one-to-one mapping between
prosody and syntax. However, prosodic boundaries often coincide with syntactic
boundaries. For example, segmentation of a sentence relied on both syntactic structure as
well as the acoustic pattern in a listening task (Wingfield & Klein, 1971). Subjects heard
spliced sentences in which a complete phrase was put into a sentence that matched or did
not match the intonation pattern of the phrase. The task was to determine the point at
which the recorded sentence switched from one ear to the other. Both the syntactic form
and the prosodic pronunciation influenced the determination for the switch. The authors
concluded that segmentation is determined primarily by syntactic structure, but the
acoustic pattern helps to mark the syntax (Wingfield & Klein, 1971).
Prosody also helps to disambiguate syntactically ambiguous sentences. In another
early experiment, Lehiste (1973) asked four speakers to read grammatically ambiguous
sentences. Listeners heard the sentences and had to guess the speakers’ intended
meaning. Listeners were better than chance for 10 of the 15 sentences (Lehiste, 1973).
Analysis of acoustic properties from the sentences revealed that timing and intonation
were successful strategies for disambiguation (Lehiste, 1973). Those sentences that were
difficult for subjects to interpret were those sentences in which the difference in meaning
did not correlate with a different surface constituent structure, for example, “John doesn’t
know how good meat tastes” (Lehiste, 1973).
Past research indicated that listeners use prosody to determine the meaning of an
ambiguous sentence (Lehiste, 1973, Lehiste, et al., 1976), but several recent papers
questioned whether this effect is partly a result of using trained speakers who produced
intonation and timing patterns that clarify ambiguities for listeners. Do people produce
and perceive prosodic cues to resolve syntactic ambiguity in normal conversations? In
one study (Albritton, McKoon, & Ratcliff, 1996), trained and untrained speakers read
syntactically ambiguous sentences that were embedded in two different passages that
clarified the intended meaning. Two judges rated their intended meaning. When the
untrained speakers were unaware of the ambiguity, they read the passages without
disambiguating the embedded sentences, according to the two judges’ ratings about the
intended meaning. Likewise, trained speakers who were unaware of the ambiguity did
not disambiguate the meaning. Only trained and informed speakers were judged, by both
independent raters and by naïve listeners, to have disambiguated the meaning when
reading the sentences (Albritton, et al., 1996). The authors concluded that although it is
possible to use prosody to disambiguate syntax, prosody may be a relatively minimal cue
and its use may not translate to conversational speech outside the laboratory (Albritton, et
al., 1996).
In another study examining natural speech, speakers memorized and then
produced short passages containing an embedded syntactically ambiguous sentence (Fox
Tree & Meijer, 2000). The researchers pitted prosody against context by inserting either
the original sentence or an incongruent middle sentence between two sentences that
indicated a semantic context. The incongruent middle sentence contained the same
words as the original middle sentence, but came from a production of the sentence within
another context. When listeners chose one of two intended meanings of the embedded
sentence, they made their decision based on the context and not on the prosody of the
embedded sentence (Fox Tree & Meijer, 2000). The authors concluded that prosodic
cues are not consistent enough to use for syntactic disambiguation in everyday
conversation. From this research, it may appear that prosodic cues are not generally
useful for syntactic disambiguation in a conversational context. However, several
problems in this study make this conclusion less clear. For example, the stimuli were
created by naïve speakers who read the passages silently and then delivered them from
memory. This method of production is more natural than reading, but speakers may have
been more concerned with correctly saying the words from the three sentences than with
communicating the idea of the passage. Also, the listeners’ choice of intended sentence
meaning could be made without even hearing the embedded sentence since the semantics
of the context sentences made the answer clear. In addition, listeners were not told to use
prosody (or even the middle sentence) to make their decision, so it is not surprising that
they used the context.
Other research has demonstrated the use of prosody by untrained speakers in a
natural context. In a game task, naïve speakers produced prosodic cues to disambiguate
syntax (Schafer, et al., 2000). The set of possible utterances was limited, so the speakers
learned to produce them without making errors or referring to the text. The speakers
disambiguated the syntax with prosodic cues, even when the game situation did not
require disambiguation (Schafer, et al, 2000).
The debate about the use of prosody to interpret ambiguous syntax in natural
contexts continues, but there is certainly evidence to suggest a link between prosody and
syntax (Wingfield & Klein, 1971; Lehiste, 1973, Schafer et al., 2000). The relationship
between these speech elements is not isomorphic (Cutler et al., 1997). In fact, Beckman
(1996) argues that prosody has its own structure that is parsed.
Musical prosody
What is the musical equivalent to prosody? Prosody is expressiveness in music;
the acoustic features that performers add, beyond what composers specify in notation.
Such features are referred to as performance “expression,” and can differentiate two
performances of the same music (Palmer, 1997).
What is musical syntax and how does prosody relate to it? Western tonal music
contains style-specific syntactic properties, such as meter and grouping (Cooper &
Meyer, 1960, Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983). Meter refers to the alternation of strong and
weak beats. For example, the beats in a march (2/4, 4/4) alternate between strong and
weak while the beats of a waltz (3/4, 6/8), follow a strong, weak, weak pattern. Grouping
is based on pitch relationships or rhythmic patterns (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983; Cooper
& Meyer, 1960). Both meter and grouping are hierarchically arranged, with sequences
divided into smaller sequences of pitches or rhythms.
The acoustic features that contribute to performance expression are related in a
rule-based way to the printed score. For example, differences between categories of
length or pitch are exaggerated, such that short notes are shortened and long notes are
lengthened (Sundberg, 1999). Also, small pauses are inserted between pitch leaps and
musical phrases, emphasizing the grouping structure of the music (Sundberg, 1999).
Decreased tempo and dynamics are expected at the ends of phrases (Windsor & Clarke,
1997, Henderson, 1936). This phrase-final lengthening also indicates the hierarchical
importance of the phrase (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983; Palmer, 1996a; Palmer, 1997).
Meter is also expressed through acoustic features. Events that align with metrically
strong beats are performed with increased duration, louder accents, and a more legato
articulation than weak beats (Sloboda, 1983, 1985). One study examined whether
accents associated with different musical structures (meter, rhythmic grouping, and
melodic accent) influence performance expression independently or interactively (Drake
& Palmer, 1993). Meter and rhythmic grouping influenced performance expression
independently, but the influence of melodic accent on expression depended on the
context (Drake & Palmer, 1993).
The relationship between performance expression and structure also influences
the way listeners perceive music. When listeners heard performances that were altered to
contain one or more of the acoustic cues, listeners used the articulation cues to choose the
intended meter (Sloboda, 1985). Loudness was also used to determine meter, but not all
performers differentiated meter with loudness (Sloboda, 1985). Listeners were less
likely to detect a computer-lengthened event before a long duration in a simple rhythmic
pattern (Drake, 1993); the same location at which performers often lengthen events
(Drake & Palmer, 1993). Also, listeners were less likely to detect a lengthened event in a
computer-generated performance when it occurred at a structurally-expected location
(Repp, 1992). Listeners’ judgments of goodness of fit of a probe beat inserted in a
metrical context reflected knowledge of metrical accent structure (Palmer & Krumhansl,
1990). Thus, listeners use the prosodic features to determine the structure of a production
and they also use the structure to guide their perception.
Memory for prosody
Human listeners can understand speech that is produced by men, women, and
children, with different vocal pitch ranges. They can understand speakers with foreign
accents and even speakers with colds. For this reason, many studies on speech perception
focused on listeners’ ability to ignore the prosodic details in order to understand the
message. This approach of normalization assumes that the listener transforms the
physical speech signal into a standard representation of the sentence devoid of prosodic
details (Pisoni, 1997). It is this bland representation that is stored in memory. According
to this approach, the acoustic details of a production will not be retained.
Several more recent studies suggest that acoustic features of speech are
incorporated in memory for language. Sentences are recognized more accurately when
they are presented with the same prosody at learning and test. Also, prosodic cues aid
memory for syntactically ambiguous sentences (Speer, et al, 1993). Listeners can use
extralinguistic information, including talker identity and talker’s rate, to accurately
identify previously presented words (Bradlow, Nygaard, & Pisoni, 1999). The rate of
presentation affects listeners’ abilities to recall items produced by different speakers.
Listeners show better recall for those items presented at the same rate in both
familiarization and test than for items presented at different rates from familiarization to
test (Nygaard, Sommers, & Pisoni, 1995). These findings suggest that prosodic cues
influence memory for speech contents.
When you walk away from a concert humming, do you remember only the
melody or do you remember the way in which the song was performed? Some early
research in music perception focused on listeners’ ability to recognize a tune, even when
performed at a different tempo or with different instrumentation. This approach of
perceptual constancy, in which the stimulus sounds the same although it is physically
different, assumed that some of the acoustic details were removed in order to recognize
the underlying similarity of a musical excerpt (Dowling & Harwood, 1986; Large,
Palmer, & Pollack, 1995). Through a normalization process similar to the one proposed
for speech, acoustic details were filtered out and only the underlying representation was
stored in memory (Large, et al., 1995).
Another reason the prosodic cues may not be retained in memory is because
listeners do not have fine-grained memories for music performances (Raffman, 1993).
Raffman (1993) suggests prosodic cues are used to form categories of pitch and rhythm,
but the specific acoustic details are not retained. There is evidence that even trained
musicians do not accurately identify small within-category pitch differences (Siegel &
Siegel, 1977). Thus, memory for music will be limited to larger pitch and rhythm
Some studies demonstrate that listeners remember particular acoustic features
from performances. Palmer, Jungers, and Jusczyk (2001) examined memory for acoustic
details in music performance. Listeners with and without music training were
familiarized with one of two performances of the same short musical excerpt. The
performances differed in articulation, intensity, and interonset interval cues. At test, the
listeners heard the original performances from familiarization as well as different
performances of the same melodies (the same notated pitches and durations), but
different intensities, articulations, and interonset intervals. Listeners were asked to
identify which of the performances were present at familiarization. Listeners could
recognize the performances of the melodies they had heard during familiarization, even
though the categorical pitches and durations in the two versions were identical (Palmer et
al., 2001).
The adult listeners in Palmer et al. (2001) had many years of exposure to music.
To address whether this musical acculturation is necessary for memory for musical
features, Palmer et al. (2001) tested 10-month-old infants’ memory for performances with
the same melodies, using a head-turn preference procedure (Kemler Nelson et al., 1995).
After being familiarized with one performance of each melody, infants oriented longer to
the familiar performances during test than to other performances of the same melodies.
Thus, even infants (with little exposure to music) can use acoustic cues that differentiate
performances to form a memory for short melodies (Palmer et al., 2001).
Although this study indicated that listeners are sensitive to subtle performance
differences and can retain them in memory, it does not indicate which prosodic cues are
most salient in perception and memory. In another study, musician listeners were tested
for their ability to discriminate and remember music performances that differed in only
one or two acoustic cues (Jungers & Palmer, 2000). In a discrimination task, listeners
could accurately distinguish same from different pairs of performances of the same
melody listeners when articulation or articulation with intensity cues were present. In a
memory task, musician listeners were familiarized with performances that varied in
articulation, intensity, or articulation with intensity cues and later heard these
performances as well as novel performances of the same melody. Listeners could more
accurately identify performances they had heard before and were most accurate at
identifying those performances that varied in articulation cues (Jungers & Palmer, 2000).
Thus, listeners were particularly sensitive to the articulation cues in music performances;
listeners discriminated musical sequences based on the timing between pitch events
within the sequence.
Both musician and non-musician listeners can remember particular performance
tempi over prolonged timed periods. Musicians can reproduce performances of long
musical pieces, such as an entire movement of a symphony, at the same tempo with very
low variability (Clynes & Walker 1986; Collier & Collier, 1994). Similarly,
nonmusicians can reproduce popular songs from memory at tempi very close to the
original tempo (Levitin & Cook, 1996). Furthermore, when people sang familiar songs as
fast or as slow as possible, songs that lacked a tempo standard in original recordings were
produced with a larger variability in tempo; this counters arguments that memory for the
tempo of remembered songs was solely a function of articulatory constraints (Levitin &
Cook, 1996).
In sum, listeners demonstrate the ability to remember prosodic details in both
speech and music. Listeners recognize sentences more accurately when the same
prosodic cues are present at learning and test (Speer et al., 1993). Listeners can use
information such as talker identity and rate to identify previously heard words (Bradlow,
et al., 1999). Adults and infants remember the specific acoustic details of a performance
and can distinguish previously heard performances from different performances of the
same categorical pitches and durations (Palmer, et al., 2001). Also, nonmusicians
reproduce popular songs at the tempo they have heard before (Levitin & Cook, 1996).
Prosody details of language and music become part of the memory representation.
Do these prosodic cues influence future performances? Several studies point to both
acoustic and structural features that persist in speech and music.
Prosodic persistence
One aspect of speech that may persist is the rate. Kosslyn and Matt (1977) played
a recording of two male speakers for listeners: one speaking at a fast rate and one at a
slow rate. Then the subjects read a passage they were told was written by one of the
speakers. The subjects imitated the rate of the speaker who supposedly wrote the
passage, although they were not explicitly instructed to do so (Kosslyn & Matt, 1977). In
that study, it is possible that subjects may have associated each written passage with a
particular speaker and felt an expectation to reproduce the rate of that speaker.
Another aspect of speech that persists is syntax. When listeners were asked to
repeat a sentence they had heard and then produce a description of a picture, they tended
to use the same syntactic form as in the former sentence to describe the scene (Bock,
1986). For example, when subjects heard and repeated the sentence, “The referee was
punched by one of the fans,” they were more likely to describe a picture with a church
and a lightning bolt as “The church is being struck by lightning,” with both sentences in
the passive form (Bock, 1986).
A few studies suggest that the tempo of music performances persists across
sequences. Cathcart and Dawson (1928) instructed pianists to perform one melody at a
particular tempo and another melody at a faster or slower tempo. When pianists
attempted to perform the first melody again at the original tempo, their tempo drifted in
the direction of the second melody. More recently, Warren (1985) reviewed studies of
tasks that varied from color judgments to lifting weights. Each domain displayed a
perceptual homeostasis, which Warren (1985) termed the “criterion shift rule:” that the
criterion for perceptual judgments shifts in the direction of stimuli to which a person has
been exposed. Warren (1985) suggested that a criterion shift serves to calibrate
perceptual systems so that behavior will be appropriate for environmental conditions.
Jungers, Palmer, and Speer (2002) found evidence for temporal persistence in
language and music. In a speech experiment, subjects read two sentences aloud as a
measure of their preferred speech rate. Then they heard a prime sentence followed by a
written target sentence matched for number of syllables, lexical stress pattern, and
syntactic structure on each trial. The primes were recorded by a naive female speaker at
slow (750 ms or 80 bpm per accent) and fast (375 ms or 160 bpm per accent) rates.
Subjects read the target sentences aloud. They were instructed to attend carefully to the
sentences for a later recognition task. The subjects’ rates were influenced by both their
preferred rate and the prime rate. The music task was similar in design to the speech task,
but subjects were experienced pianists. Prime and target melodies were matched for
meter and length. As in the language version, both the prime rate and the preferred rate
predicted the performance rate of the target melody.
The goal of the current studies is to examine whether people persist in the prosody
of language and music. The prosodic persistence study by Jungers, et al. (2002) suggests
that people do persist in the global prosodic dimension of tempo. This study seeks to
determine if people persist in prosodic dimensions that do or do not relate to the syntactic
or rule-based elements of speech and music. A series of control experiments that test
listeners’ syntactic and metrical interpretations serve to give base rate information for a
set of sentences and melodies that listeners can clearly disambiguate, metrically and
syntactically, based on prosodic cues of intensity and phrase breaks. Four experiments
are reported, two of which address prosodic cues in performance and two of which
address prosodic cues in perception.
The first experiment examines whether pianists persist in the intensity or the
articulation of what they have just heard. The intensity patterns of strong and weak beats
are tied in a meaningful, rule-based way to either a binary (2/4 or 4/4) or ternary (3/4 or
6/8) meter. Articulation is an acoustic variable that is varied across performances, but not
tied to a particular meter. (Articulation is defined as the offset of one event minus the
onset of the next event, so that negative values represent staccato (separated) events and
positive values represent legato (overlapping) events). Melodies heard by pianists
contained either staccato or legato articulation across all events in both the binary and
ternary intensity patterns. After pianists heard these melodies, they then performed
melodies that were similar in number of events and musical structure. The experiment
asked whether pianists persist in the rule-based (intensity-meter) or the non-rule-based
(articulation) acoustic cues from what they have heard before when they perform similar
melodies. Pianists were told to concentrate on the melodies for a later recognition task.
The melody recognition task addressed whether intensity or articulation cues influence
later memory recognition of these melodies.
If pianists form a representation that includes only categorical information
(Raffman, 1993), then they would not be expected to produce or remember either the
articulation cues or the intensity patterns. These cues should be used to form the
representation of the melody, but then be lost. Another possibility is that pianists will
only focus on and persist in the intensity cues identifying meter, since this is part of the
musical structure, while the articulation cues will not be retained.
The second experiment, a language production study, examines whether speakers
persist in the phrase break or the tonal pattern of what they have just heard. The phrase
break location (placed early or late in the sentence by a phonetically trained speaker
instructed to use particular breaks and tonal patterns) is correlated with the syntactic
interpretation of the sentence. The tonal pattern (H-L% or L-H%, heard at the phrase
break), another prosodic dimension, is varied across utterances, but is not tied to a
particular syntactic interpretation. Listeners heard a sentence and then produced a
sentence similar in number of syllables and grammatical structure. Experiment 2 asked
whether speakers persist in the syntactic (phrase break) or the non-syntactic (pitch
pattern) acoustic cues. Listeners were also asked to remember the sentences for a later
recognition task. The sentence recognition task addressed whether these syntacticallyrelated or syntactically-unrelated cues influence recognition memory for the sentences.
If listeners form a reduced representation of each sentence based solely on the
words of a sentence, then neither prosodic phrase break nor tonal pattern cues may
persist. If listeners form a representation that includes sentence meaning, without
acoustic details, they may still persist in the phrase break since it relates to the meaning,
but they will not persist in the pitch pattern. There is evidence that speakers persist in the
syntax of a sentence (Bock, 1996). Since the phrase break prosodic cue relates to the
syntax, then participants may persist in the phrase breaks only. If listeners form a
representation that includes all the acoustic details of a sentence, then they are more
likely to persist in both the tonal pattern and the prosodic phrase break. This result is
possible since there is evidence that speakers do remember non-syntactic prosodic details
(Speer, et al., 1993). It should be noted that even if listeners perceive and remember the
acoustic details, this does not mean the listeners will then produce these acoustic features
in a subsequent utterance.
The last two experiments test the possibility that a second group of listeners can
detect the syntax or meter that persisted in the musicians’ and speakers’ productions. The
third experiment, a music perception experiment, examines whether listeners can
correctly interpret the intended meter of productions from the performance experiment.
The productions of four pianists were included. Two of the pianists used intensity cues to
indicate meter and two of the pianists used articulation cues. Will listeners be able to
identify the meter of the performances using the intensity or articulation cues? If the
listeners in the music perception experiment are able to use the pianists’ target
performances to identify the original meter, then there is evidence that prosody can
persist through more than one listener.
The fourth experiment, a speech perception experiment, examines whether
listeners can interpret the syntax of the productions from four of the speakers in the
speech production study. Listeners were asked to identify the intended meaning of each
produced sentence and choose one of two interpretations. If listeners can accurately
interpret the syntax of the productions that match the original prime sentence syntax, it
suggests that persistence could be useful in a conversational context.
The goal of this experiment was to identify a set of melodies whose meter can be
determined by listeners through intensity cues in staccato and legato computer-controlled
performances. In order to make claims about persistence, it was important to begin with
stimuli that contained salient acoustic cues that listeners clearly perceived. Thus, if a
pianist’s performance contained particular acoustic cues, the claim that these cues related
to the original heard performance was possible. In this experiment, listeners heard
metrically ambiguous melodies, performed with intensity cues indicating either a binary
or ternary interpretation, as well as a control version of the melodies that contained no
intensity cues (all events were the same intensity). Listeners chose “binary” or “ternary”
and their confidence in their decision. The set of stimuli for which their “binary” or
“ternary” decisions agreed with the intensity cue pattern in both the staccato and legato
versions were to be used later in the music performance study.
Participants. Twenty-six musically trained listeners participated in the study.
Twenty-five participants had formal training on a musical instrument (mean yrs of private
lessons = 6.78, range = 2 to 12 yrs). One participant did not have any private lesson
experience, but had performed an instrument in a band for 8 yrs and was included in the
study. Participants received course credit in an introductory psychology course. None
of the subjects reported having any hearing problems.
Apparatus. The musical stimuli were heard over speakers with a piano timbre
generated by a Roland RD-600 keyboard and amplified through a Superscope stereo
Materials. The stimuli consisted of 30 short, isochronous melodies that were 13
quarter-note events long. Each melody was composed to be metrically ambiguous so that
the melodic contour did not clearly indicate either a binary (2/4 or 4/4) or a ternary (3/4
or 6/8) meter. See Figure 2.1 for a metrically ambiguous sample melody. The interonset
interval (IOI, measured from onset-to-onset) for each quarter-note event was 500 ms.
Two different articulation versions for each melody were created: staccato and legato. In
the staccato version, there were 350 ms between the offset of one event and the onset of
the next event; the duration of each tone was 150 ms. In the legato version, there were 10
ms between the offset of one event and the onset of the next event; the duration of each
tone was 490 ms. Musically, staccato is described as a detached style and legato is
described as a connected style of performance. For each articulation version, three
intensity patterns were created on the computer: control, binary, and ternary. In the
control version, all of the note events were the same intensity. In the binary version, the
event intensities alternated between strong and weak. In the ternary version, the event
Figure 2.1. Sample metrically ambiguous melody
intensity pattern was strong, weak, weak. Each of the 30 melodies had 6 versions, based
on articulation and intensity patterns: staccato-control, staccato-binary, staccato-ternary,
legato-control, legato-binary, and legato-ternary.
An amateur pianist performed a subset (melodies 1-5) of the stimuli on a Roland
RD-600 keyboard to determine appropriate values for the intensity levels and
staccato/legato articulation values. The performer had 12 years of private piano lessons.
The pianist first performed each of the 5 melodies in a binary and ternary style to a
metronome set to 500 ms. The intensity was measured in MIDI units that are correlated
with keystroke velocity. The average note intensity for metrically strong beats across all
performances in both meters was 85. For the binary performances, the odd beats were
metrically strong. For the ternary performances, every third beat, beginning with the first
beat, was metrically strong. The thirteenth (final) event was not included in the analysis.
The average note intensity value for metrically weak beats across both meters was 52.
The average intensity value across all events in both meters was 66. These numbers
became the intensity values for the accented and non-accented stimuli events. The
control condition consisted of all events at the intensity level of 66.
The same pianist performed these melodies on a separate occasion to determine
the appropriate duration (ISI, measured from onset-to-offset) for the staccato and legato
versions of the experiment. The pianist was instructed to perform each of the five
melodies in a staccato and legato style. On this occasion, the pianist did not play to a
metronome, but the average IOI was 394 ms per quarter-note event. The average
duration (onset-to-offset) of the notes was 392.8 in the legato version (approximately
100% of the IOI) and 125 in the staccato version (approximately 30% of the IOI). Based
on these values, the staccato duration for the experimental stimuli was set to 150 ms, 30%
of the 500 ms IOI and the legato version was set to 490, 98% of the 500 ms IOI.
Design. There were 6 versions of each of the 30 melodies, for a total of 180
performances created on the computer. These 180 performances were divided by
articulation type into 2 sets of 90 performances: a staccato set and a legato set. Within
each set, the same melody (13-note sequence) was heard 3 times, once each for the
control, binary, and ternary intensity patterns. Each participant was presented with one of
the two sets so that the participant heard either the staccato or the legato version of the
three intensity patterns. The first independent variable, articulation, had two levels
(staccato and legato), and was a between-subject factor. The second independent variable
was intensity pattern with three levels (control, binary, ternary) and was a within-subject
factor. The sets were arranged so that the same melody (13-note sequence) would not be
heard with different intensity patterns on adjacent trials and so that no intensity pattern
(control, binary, ternary) would be heard more than three times consecutively.
Procedure. Listeners heard a melody over speakers repeated twice on each trial
with 1 second of silence between repetitions. and they were instructed to judge whether
the melody was performed in a binary (2/4 or 4/4) or ternary (3/4 or 6/8) meter. The
participants circled the word “binary” or “ternary” and also circled their confidence in
their decision on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 = not confident and 3 = confident.
A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on percent ternary response by
intensity (control, binary, ternary) collapsed across the articulation conditions
(staccato/legato), revealed significant differences among the three intensity patterns, F(2,
50) = 179.37, p < .05. The mean response differed in the three conditions, with
participants responding correctly in the binary and ternary conditions: control = .43,
binary cues = .11, ternary cues = .91. The “binary” and “ternary” choices were combined
with the confidence scale to create a scale with 1 = confident binary and 6 = confident
ternary, with middle values showing less confidence. An analysis of variance on the
rating scale showed the same pattern of results as the binary/ternary decision, with
significant differences among the intensity versions, F (2,50) = 157.54, p < .05. The scale
means showed the same pattern: control = 3.26, binary cues = 1.84, ternary cues = 5.35.
An ANOVA on percent ternary response for the articulation and intensity
variables showed a main effect of intensity (F (2, 48) = 178, p < .05), but there was no
main effect of articulation and no interaction of articulation and intensity. In addition, the
individual melodies were examined to ensure that they each followed the expected
pattern of metrical interpretation. Four melodies were not clearly perceived by subjects
as binary or ternary and they were not included in the music performance experiment.
Also, two melodies showed a strong binary bias in the control condition and were not
included in the music performance experiment. Thus, 24 melodies remained for which
unambiguous metrical judgments were given in the presence of intensity cues.
This experiment was conducted to find a set of metrically ambiguous melodies
that listeners would perceive as binary or ternary when given intensity cues that denote
that meter. In order to make claims about persistence, the initial melodies must be shown
to be clearly identifiable as “binary” or “ternary” by listeners. Participants successfully
used the intensity patterns to make judgments about meter, but found the melodies to be
metrically ambiguous in the absence of intensity cues. As expected, the articulation
pattern did not influence their decision because the articulation cues were not correlated
with the metrical structure.
In order to make claims about speech persistence, it was necessary to identify
linguistic utterances that contain salient acoustic cues that listeners can clearly perceive.
Thus, if a speaker’s utterances contain particular acoustic cues, the claim that these cues
relate to the original heard sentence is possible. In this experiment, listeners heard
syntactically ambiguous sentences, produced with either early or late prosodic phrase
breaks. For example, the sentence, “She spoke to the child with an accent” was heard
with an early break after “spoke” or a late break after “child.” In addition, a version of
each sentence was presented that contained either H-L% or L-H% intonational pitch
patterns at the phrase break. The L-H% pattern was marked by a pitch drop followed by
a small pitch rise. The H-L% was marked by a steady pitch located in the higher part of
the pitch range of the speaker.
Participants. Sixteen adult listeners participated in the study. Most listeners had
little or no formal musical training (mean = 1.5 yrs private lessons). Participants received
course credit in an introductory psychology course. None of the subjects reported having
any specific hearing problems.
Apparatus. The speech stimuli were presented by computer and were heard over
AKG K270 headphones at a comfortable listening level.
Materials. The stimuli consisted of 54 syntactically ambiguous sentences. There
were four types of ambiguous sentences. One sentence type included an adjective that
ambiguously modified either a conjoined noun phrase or the first of the two nouns in this
phraes, as in the sentences, “The boy bought black shoes and socks” and “The old cat and
dog were the last to be adopted.” The second sentence type included an ambiguous
prepositional phrase attachment, as in, “She spoke to the child with an accent.” Another
sentence type involved conjunctions, as in, “Pat and Shelly’s father said it was done for
now” or “Either Brett or Mike and Kay will come to babysit.” The final sentence type
contained an ambiguous pronoun, as in, “Jay called Eric and he yelled at Jamie.”
Four variations of each sentence were recorded by a female phonetician who was
familiar with the ToBI transcription system. The speaker was instructed to use an early
prosodic break or a late prosodic break, and either a H-L% or L-H% intonational phrase
boundary tone at the break. Thus, there were 4 spoken versions of each sentence: early
break-H-L%, early break-L-H%, late break-H-L%, late break-L-H%. Previous work has
shown that listeners expect a sentence to continue following the H-L% or L-H%
intonational phrase boundary tones (Beckman & Pierrehumbert, 1986). Thus, the H-L%
and L-H% intonational boundary tones can indicate similar sentence interpretations,
unlike a H-H% boundary tone, which previous work has shown that listeners usually
perceive as indicating a yes-no question. All sentences ended in a L-L% phrase accent
and boundary tone sequence. Unlike past studies (Albritton, et al., 1996, Fox Tree &
Miejer, 2000), in which the speaker read a sentence in a meaningful context or was told
to clearly disambiguate, this speaker was instructed only about the type of phrase break
and pitch contour. The remaining words and breaks were not specified, but the speaker
produced similar sentence types with the same prosodic pattern.
The phrase breaks were syntactically-related cues, like the intensity in the music,
since the location of a phrase break was predicted to determine the syntactic
interpretation. The specific tonal sequence of phrase accent and boundary tone was like
the articulation in the music, because the pitch pattern that occurs at an intonation phrase
break in English is not predictable from a sentence’s syntactic form. There are at least
six possible phrase final tonal sequences in English, including H-L%, !H-L%, H-H%, !HH%, and L-L%, so that the presence of a phrase break does not specific the type of pitch
pattern. One difference between the articulation cue in the music and the pitch pattern in
the speech is the scope of the cue. The intensity (staccato or legato) was a global
prosodic cue, appearing on each event. The pitch pattern (H-L%, L-H%) was a local
prosodic cue, appearing at a phrase break location.
The syntactic interpretation of the sentence was related to the phrase break
location, but the particular phrase break locations and possible sentence interpretations
depended on the type of sentence. Table 3.1 lists the four sentence types and gives an
example for each interpretation.
1. Adjective that modifies either a conjoined noun phrase or the first of the two nouns
Early prosodic phrase break: The boy bought black shoes / and socks.
Interpretation: The shoes are black, but the socks may be black.
No prosodic phrase break: The boy bought black shoes and socks.
Interpretation: Both the socks and shoes are black.
2. Prepositional phrase attachment
Early prosodic phrase break: She startled / the man with the gun.
Interpretation: The man had the gun.
Late prosodic phrase break: She startled the man / with the gun.
Interpretation: She had the gun.
3. Conjunction
Early prosodic phrase break: Either Brett / or Mike and Kay will come to babysit.
Interpretation: Brett will come alone or Mike and Kay together will come.
Late prosodic phrase break: Either Brett or Mike / and Kay will come to babysit.
Interpretation: Kay will come with one of the two men (Brett or Mike.)
4. Ambiguous pronoun
Pitch accent on “and”: Ruth hit Kate AND she hit Jason.
Interpretation: Ruth hit Jason.
Pitch accent on pronoun: Ruth hit Kate and SHE hit Jason.
Interpretation: Kate hit Jason.
/ = prosodic phrase break
CAPITAL letters = pitch accent
Table 3.1. Control Experiment 2 and Experiment 2: Four types of syntactically
ambiguous sentences.
The sentence, “Either Brett or Mike and Kay will come to babysit” was produced
with a phrase break after “Brett” (early break) or after “Mike” (late break). The early
break, “Brett/ or Mike and Kay,” suggested that Brett alone or Mike and Kay together
will come to babysit. The late break, “Brett or Mike/ and Kay,” suggested that Kay will
come with one of the two men (either Brett or Mike). Sentences with an ambiguous
prepositional phrase, such as, “She spoke to the child with an accent” contained either an
early break after “spoke” or a late break after “child.” For these sentences, a break after
“spoke” suggested that the child had the accent, a low syntactic attachment interpretation.
A late break after “child” suggested that the main subject, “she” had the accent, a high
syntactic attachment interpretation. The ambiguous adjective sentences did not have a
true “early” and “late” break. Instead, there was an early break after the second noun, as
in, “He bought black shoes/ and socks.” The “late break” version contained no breaks
within the sentence.
Unlike the music stimuli, in which a computer-generated controlled intensity
version is possible, it is difficult to create a neutral or control sentence. Instead, the
linguistic control consisted of the same sentences presented visually (in text) on a
computer screen to assess readers’ interpretation without any auditory stimulus.
Design. There were 4 spoken versions and 1 text version of each of the 54
sentences, for a total of 216 spoken utterances and 54 text sentences. The 216 spoken
utterances were divided by intonational phrase boundary tone into 2 sets of 108
utterances: a H-L% set and a L-H% set. Within each set, the same sentence was heard
twice, once with an early phrase break and once with a late phrase break. Each participant
was presented with one of the two sets so that the participant heard either the H-L% or
the L-H% version of the two phrase breaks for each sentence. Every participant saw the
same 54 text sentences. The first independent variable, boundary tone, had two levels;
H-L% and L-H%, and was a between-subject factor. The second independent variable
was phrase break with three levels (control (text), binary, ternary) and was a withinsubject factor.
Procedure. In the first block of trials, the 54 control sentences were presented in
text on the computer screen. On each trial, participants read the sentence silently and
three seconds later, two possible written interpretations appeared, one on each side of the
computer screen. For example, participants read, “She threatened the man with a gun.”
The two interpretations were, “A) She had the gun.” and “B) The man had the gun.”
Participants circled A or B on their answer sheet as well as their confidence in their
decision on a scale of 1 to 3. Participants then filled out a questionnaire on their language
background. This questionnaire was inserted at this point so that participants would be
able to focus on the auditory stimuli and would be less focused on the written sentences
they had just seen.
In the second block of trials, the early and late phrase break spoken versions of
each sentence were presented in random order. On each trial, participants heard a spoken
sentence over headphones. Three seconds later, two written interpretations appeared on
the screen and the spoken sentence was repeated. Subjects chose interpretation A or B
and their confidence in their decision. The experiment lasted approximately 50 minutes.
A one-way analysis of variance on the mean percentage late break interpretations
by early and late phrase breaks showed a significant difference between the phrase break
conditions, F(1,15) = 206.0, p < .05, seen in the means: early break = 17.8% and late
break = 85.9%. The interpretation choices were combined with the confidence scale to
create a scale with 1 = confident early break and 6 = confident late break, with middle
values showing less confidence. This scale showed the same pattern of results as the
basic early/late decision.
A two-way ANOVA on responses by phrase breaks and boundary tones showed
there was no significant difference in responses to sentences with H-L% and L-H%
boundary tones. The individual sentences were examined to ensure that they each
followed the expected pattern of syntactic interpretation. Based on this control
experiment, twenty-four utterances were chosen that listeners correctly interpreted based
on the intended phrase break cues in both the H-L% and L-H% versions.
This experiment was conducted to identify a set of syntactically ambiguous
sentences that listeners interpreted as either high or low syntactic attachment when they
heard a phrase break that signified that syntactic interpretation. Listeners were influenced
by the phrase break in identifying the syntactic interpretation regardless of boundary tone
(H-L% and L-H%) versions.
The goal of the music performance experiment was to determine if pianists persist
in the prosody of a performance they have just heard. More specifically, do pianists
persist in the metrically-related (intensity) or the metrically-unrelated (articulation)
acoustic cues? Pianists heard either a strong-weak or a strong-weak-weak pattern of
intensity which related to a binary and ternary interpretation. Pianists also heard staccato
and legato performances. These articulation variables do not relate to any particular
meter. On each trial, pianists heard a melody and then were asked to perform a different
melody. The melodies were blocked by the intensity cue pattern. The pianists were not
told to imitate what they had heard. Instead, the focus of the experiment was on the
concluding memory test. Pianists were instructed that they would be tested on their
memory for the melodies at the end of the experiment. Their performances were
examined for intensity, IOI, and articulation.
Participants. Sixteen adult pianists who had taken formal piano lessons (mean yrs
of lessons = 9.375, range = 5-13) participated in the study. Participants received course
credit in an introductory psychology course or a nominal fee for their participation. None
of the subjects reported having any hearing problems.
Apparatus. Participants heard musical stimuli with a “concert grand” piano
timbre generated by a Roland RD-600 keyboard over AKG headphones and they
performed on a Roland RD-600 digital piano. The pitch events, timing, and keystroke
velocity were recorded using FTAP (Finney, 2001).
Materials. Twenty-four melodies taken from the control experiment served as
stimuli. These melodies were perceived as metrically ambiguous when heard without
intensity changes, but perceived as binary or ternary when the intensity pattern of strong
and weak beats indicated a meter. Only the intensity-marked versions (binary, ternary) of
these melodies were included. These melodies were paired as prime and target melodies.
The melodies in each prime/target pair were both major or both minor, but they were in
different musical keys. The musical notation for the target melodies did not include time
signature (meter) or dynamic (intensity) indications.
Design. The independent variables in this within-subject design were intensity
pattern (binary, ternary) and articulation (staccato, legato). The intensity pattern was
blocked so participants heard binary trials followed by ternary trials or vice versa. The
intensity pattern was also counterbalanced with meter within a stimulus so that a given
melody was heard in its binary intensity pattern for half of the subjects and its ternary
intensity pattern for of half the subjects. The articulation was randomized across stimuli
so that half of the stimuli were staccato and half were legato, but fixed for each stimulus;
an individual prime melody was either staccato or legato for all participants. The member
of the stimulus pair (prime, target) and the order (first half, second half) were
counterbalancing variables. The prime and target melodies alternated so a given melody
was heard as a prime melody for half of the pianists and performed as a target melody for
the other half.
Pianists alternated listening to and performing melodies on each of ten trials, with
a block of five trials in which the prime was binary and a block of five trials in which the
prime was ternary. Thus, each pianist heard a total of ten prime melodies and performed
ten target melodies. In addition, each pianist began with a practice trial. The prime
melody in the practice trial contained the same intensity cues as the prime in the first
experimental trial.
The dependent variables were intensity, interonset interval (IOI, onset-to-onset),
interstimulus interval (ISI, onset-to-offset), and adjusted articulation (ISI/IOI) across all
events and on the expected metrically strong and weak beats.
A fifteen-item memory test on prime melodies only followed the prime/target
portion of the experiment and included four types of items: three “same” (identical to
prime melodies), six “new” (not included previously in the experiment), three “same
intensity-different articulation”, and three “different intensity-same articulation”. The
items in the memory test were identical to or related to those items that had been primes.
Procedure. The pianists first sight-read two melodies notated without meter
indication to assess their preferred intensity and timing. Next, pianists listened to a prime
melody and then performed a notated target melody on each of 11 trials. The first of
these trials was a practice trial. The experimental trials were blocked in two groups of
five prime-target pairs that contained the same intensity cues. Between the two blocks,
participants filled out a questionnaire about their music experience. The pianists were
instructed to pay careful attention to the melodies because they would be asked to
recognize them later. Following the prime and target melodies, pianists listened to a 15item memory test. On each trial, the melody was repeated two times. The pianists
answered “yes” or “no” to whether they had heard this melody before. They also circled
their confidence in their decision on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = not very confident and 5 =
very confident.
The offset time, onset time, and intensity levels for each note event were
measured. The 13th event was the final event in each melody. Because the timing for the
final event is unspecified, this event’s intensity and offset were not included in the
analysis. The IOI (interonset interval) was measured from the beginning of one event to
the beginning of the next event. ISI was calculated by subtracting an event’s offset minus
its onset. The adjusted articulation was calculated by dividing the ISI by the IOI, to show
the percent of the IOI during which the event sounded. An analysis of variance on IOI by
articulation priming condition (staccato/legato) showed no differences between
articulation priming conditions, F(1,15) = 2.19, n.s. An ANOVA on IOI by intensity
(binary/ternary) and beat (strong/weak) showed no significant effects and no interaction.
This is not surprising since IOI is a representation of the tempo of the performance and
the priming melodies were heard with the same IOI throughout.
An ANOVA on ISI by articulation condition showed a significant difference in
ISI following a staccato or legato prime , F(1,15) = 6.045, p < .05. Pianists played with
a more separated style following the staccato priming melodies than following the legato
priming melodies. However, this analysis does not take the tempo into account and the
difference may simply be due to faster performances following the staccato prime. To
control for this, the ISI was divided by the IOI, forming an adjusted articulation, to show
the percent of the IOI during which the event was sounded. A legato event would be 1 or
greater than 1 and a staccato event would be less than 1. There was a significant
difference between the adjusted articulation following a staccato prime vs. a legato
prime: F(1,15) = 5.15, p < .05. Even when controlling for tempo variations, the pianists
played a more separated style following the staccato than following the legato prime
melodies. The average adjusted articulation in the preferred melodies was 1.00, showing
that pianists performed in a legato style when the prime was not present. Figure 4.1
shows the mean ISI/IOI for pianists’ target performances following legato and staccato
prime melodies.
ISI / IOI (%)
Prime Articulation
Figure 4.1. Experiment 1: Mean ISI/IOI for pianists’ target performances following
legato and staccato prime articulation
An analysis of performed intensity levels by meter of prime and expected strong
and weak beats showed no significant differences between expected strong and weak
beats, although there was a trend for the expected strong beats to be more intense than the
expected weak beats. However, this does not mean that the pianists did not reproduce the
meter of the prime melodies. An ANOVA on the adjusted articulation by expected
strong and weak beats revealed a significant difference : F(1, 15) = 9.105, p < .05) with
expected strong beats showing longer (legato) values than expected weak beats. See
Figure 4.2 for the mean adjusted articulation (ISI/IOI) value for each event by prime
binary and ternary melody conditions.
Memory results. A one-way ANOVA on percent “yes” response by type of
memory stimuli (same meter/same articulation, new, same intensity/different articulation,
same articulation/different intensity) was borderline significant, with listeners most often
responding “no” to new melodies which were not heard during the performance part of
the experiment: F(3,45) = 2.73 , p = .055). The yes/no response was combined with the
participants’ confidence in the decision to form a combined scale with 1 = confident no
and 10 = confident yes. An ANOVA on the combined scale by the type of memory
stimuli was significant, with participants responding no to new melodies better than
previously heard melodies F(3,45) = 4.65, p < .05). Post-hoc tests did not show
differences between the three types of old items (same meter/same articulation, same
meter/different articulation, different meter/same articulation). Figure 4.3 shows the
percent “yes” response for melodies with same or different prosodic cues.
Percent ISI / IOI
Event Number
Figure 4.2. Experiment 1: Mean ISI/IOI for each event in pianists’ target
performances following binary and ternary prime melodies
Percent Yes Response
Same Meter
Same Articulation
Same Meter
Stimuli Type
Different Articulation
Different Meter
Same Articulation
New Melody
Figure 4.3. Experiment 1: Mean percent “yes” response for melody recognition task by
cue condition
Pianists showed persistence of the metrically-unrelated cue of articulation
(staccato/legato). Pianists did not perform with the same intensity pattern they had heard,
even though this metrically-related cue was blocked. However, pianists did not ignore
the meter. In fact, they did persist in the meter, but they used articulation cues than
intensity to produce a binary or ternary metrical interpretation. Pianists played metrically
strong beats with longer ISIs than metrically weak beats. This metrical beat difference
was true even when tempo was controlled, as in the adjusted articulation. This means
pianists did perceive the meter and persisted in the meter, but they did not simply imitate
the acoustic cues they had heard. Instead, they formed a representation of meter based on
the intensity pattern and performed a following melody in the same meter using ISI
differences. Thus, pianists’ performances revealed persistence of metrically-related and
metrically-unrelated prosodic dimensions.
Although listeners were able to discriminate new from previously heard melodies,
the memory test did not show differentiation between the categories of melodies listeners
had heard before. This may be due partly to a floor effect. The melodies were very
difficult to remember. Each melody consisted of thirteen isochronous events with no
rhythmic or tempo variations to differentiate the melodies. Pianists reported finding the
memory task very difficult.
The goal of the language production experiment was to determine if speakers
persist in the prosody of sentences they have just heard. More specifically, do speakers
persist in the syntactically-related or the syntactically-unrelated acoustic cues? The
syntactically-related cue was the location of the phrase break (either early or late). The
syntactically-unrelated cue was the tonal pattern (either H-L% or L-H%), which did not
relate to a particular syntactic interpretation in the sentences from the control experiment.
On each of twelve trials, participants heard a sentence and then read aloud a second
sentence that was similar in number of syllables and structure. The sentences were
blocked by the location of the phrase break. The participants were not told specifically
that they were to imitate what they had heard. Listeners were instructed that they would
be “asked to listen to and to read short sentences.” They were also instructed to “pay
careful attention to these sentences because you will be asked to recognize them later.”
Participants. Thirty-two adults participated in the study. Participants had between
0 and 8 years of private lessons on a musical instrument (mean = 1.95). Participants
received course credit in an introductory psychology course. Thirty-one of the subjects
reported having no hearing problems and one subject reported a slight problem, but did
not specify the problem and was included.
Apparatus. Participants heard language stimuli over AKG K270 headphones and
their voices were recorded to DAT using a head-mounted AKG C420 microphone. The
auditory stimuli as well as the text for spoken sentences were presented on a personal
Materials. The experiment consisted of twenty-six heard and produced sentences,
referred to as prime and target sentences. These sentences were chosen from the language
control experiment because the ambiguous sentence meaning was interpretable based on
the location (or existence) of a break and the pitch pattern (L-H%, H-L%) did not
correlate with the syntactic interpretation. The prime and target sentences were paired, so
that each pair was made of the same type of sentence ambiguity (prepositional phrase,
pronoun, conjunction, modifying adjective) with a similar number of syllables. The text
for the target sentences did not include punctuation such as commas to mark expected
phrasing. See Table 3.1 for an example of each of the sentence types.
Design. The independent, within-subject variables were phrase break (early
break, late break) and intonational pitch pattern (H-L%, L-H%). The phrase break was
blocked so that participants heard early break sentences followed by late break sentences
or vice versa. The phrase break was also counterbalanced so that a given sentence was
heard with an early break for half of the participants and a late break for half of the
participants. The intonational pitch pattern was randomized within the phrase break
location so that half of the sentences were H-L% and half were L-H%. An individual
prime sentence was either H-L% or L-H% for all participants. The counterbalancing
variables were member of stimulus pair (prime, target), and order (first half, second half).
The prime and target sentences alternated so a given sentence was heard as a prime
sentence for half of the participants and produced as a target sentence for the other half.
The dependent variables were IOI of each key word, pitch pattern, and phrase
break. The IOI of key words were measured from the onset of the word to the onset of
the next word. Thus, both the word duration and the following pause were included. A
key word was defined as the word before a possible phrase break. If participants break
after this word, the word should have a longer IOI than if the participants do not break at
this point. The pitch patterns and phrase breaks were determined through a ToBI
A twenty-item memory test on the prime sentences included five types of items:
four “same” (identical to prime sentences), eight “new” (sentences not included in the
experiment), four “same phrase break (syntax)-different tonal pattern (prosody),” four
“different phrase break (syntax)-same tonal pattern (prosody),” and four “different phrase
break (syntax)-different tonal pattern (prosody).” The new items contained some of the
same words used in the original sentences so that participants could not use a single word
or phrase to remember a sentence.
Procedure. The participants first read aloud three sentences presented in text on
the computer screen to assess their preferred prosodic production. Next, participants
listened to a prime sentence and then produced a target sentence on each of thirteen trials.
The first trial served as a practice trial. Twelve experimental trials allowed for six early
break and six late break trials. Between blocks, participants completed a questionnaire
on their music and language background. Only ten experimental trials were used in the
music performance experiment because ambiguous melodies were more difficult to create
than ambiguous sentences. The participants were instructed to pay careful attention to
the sentences because they would be asked to recognize them later. Following the prime
and target sentences, participants listened to a twenty-item memory test. On each trial,
the sentence was heard over headphones two times. The participants answered “yes” or
“no” to whether the words in the sentence were exactly the same as the words from a
sentence they had heard before. They also circled their confidence in their decision on a
scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = not very confident and 5 = very confident.
The IOI of the word proceeding the possible phrase break in each sentence was
measured from the onset of the word to the onset of the next word, so that pauses
following the word were included. If participants persisted in the prosody of the
sentences they just heard, they should produce the same phrase breaks as in the prime.
This analysis was based on the assumption that the word prior to a break will be longer
than the same word that is not followed by a phrase break (Cooper & Paccia-Cooper,
1980). This IOI analysis did not include two sentences that had an ambiguous pronoun
because these sentences were hypothesized to rely on accent and not duration for
syntactic interpretation. Table 3.1 lists the sentence types and gives an example of the
possible prosodic phrase break locations. In the ambiguous adjective sentences, such as
“She served the cold Sprite and tea,” the duration of the noun following the adjective was
measured. In the ambiguous grouping sentences, such as “Mike and Meg or Bob will
come to..,” the duration of the first noun was measured, and in the ambiguous
prepositional phrase sentences, such as “She yelled at the kid using the intercom,” the
first noun following the verb was measured.
The average IOI for the words produced at an expected break was longer than the
IOI for the words produced at a location without an expected break. The expected phrase
break mean was 388 ms and the no phrase break mean was 373 ms: a 4% difference in
IOI. However, an ANOVA on word IOI by break category (expected, not expected), was
not significant.
A ToBI analysis was conducted on half of the utterances to determine the
participants’ prosodic phrase breaks and tonal patterns (Beckman & Pierrehumbert,
1986). The utterances of sixteen participants (four participants from each of the four
orders) were included. As mentioned in the introduction, ToBI is a prosodic transcription
system that allows a transcriber to mark prosodic components, including tones and
breaks. The tonal component is made of a series of several nested tonal events. A
boundary tone (either H% (high) or L% (low)) is located at the end of an intonational
phrase. Each intonational phrase is made up of one or more intermediate phrases, marked
by a H- or L- phrase accent. Each intermediate phrase must contain at least one pitch
accent, such as H* (high pitch accent), L* (low pitch accent), or L+H* (rising from low
to high). The break index describes the amount of disjuncture between words and ranges
from 0 (words grouped together) to 4 (full intonational phrase).
A ToBI analysis on the recordings of the original primes showed that the speaker
produced the same phrase break and pitch accent patterns for each early and late break
sentence within each type of sentence ambiguity. Thus, the speaker used one pattern for
all early prosodic phrase break sentences and another pattern for all late prosodic phrase
break sentences within each of the four sentence types. See Table 5.1 for the ToBI
transcription of an early and late prosodic phrase break example from each sentence type
by the speaker.
ToBI analysis on the participants’ utterances in response to the prime sentences
showed some phrase break patterns and pitch accents that were expected with
persistence. Although the results for this ToBI analysis were not statistically significant
with a chi-squared test on expected break of prime by produced break of speaker, the
target sentence patterns seen for the four sentence types agreed with the expected phrase
breaks and pitch patterns from the prime sentences. See Table 5.2 for the percent of
target utterances that contained the pitch accent or phrase break at the locations specified
by the prime utterances.
Sample speaker’s production for phrase break and no phrase break for sentence type #1:
The boy bought black shoes and socks.
Early Phrase Break,
H-L% Pitch Pattern:
H* H*
( (black shoes H-) Pph L%) Iph and socks L-)Pph L%)Iph
No Phrase Break
within Sentence,
H-L%% Pitch Pattern
black (shoes and socks L-)Pph L%)Iph
Sample speaker’s production for early and late phrase break for sentence type #2:
She startled the man with the gun.
Early Phrase Break
L-H% Pitch Pattern:
((startled L-)Pph H%)Iph the man
Late Phrase Break
L-H% Pitch Pattern:
startled the man L-)Pph H%) Iph
Sample speaker’s production for early and late phrase break for sentence type #3:
Either Brett or Mike and Kay will come to babysit.
Early Phrase Break,
L-H% Pitch Pattern:
((Brett L-) Pph H%) Iph or Mike and Kay
Late Phrase Break,
L-H% Pitch Pattern:
((Brett or Mike L-) Pph H%) Iph and Kay
Sample speaker’s production for accented “and” or pronoun for sentence type #4:
Ruth hit Kate and she hit Jason.
Accent on “and”:
Kate H-) Pph L%) Iph and L-) Pph she
Accent on pronoun:
Kate H-)Pph L%) Iph and she L-) Pph H%) Iph
Table 5.1. Experiment 2: ToBI transcription for prime utterances
A ToBI analysis on phrase breaks or pitch accents only captures part of the
prosodic information in a sentence. Another analysis examined the entire ambiguous
phrase for each sentence, as shown in the speaker’s transcription in Table 5.1. For this
analysis, the speaker’s prime data was compared to the participants’ target data in terms
of pitch accents, intermediate phrase breaks, and intonational phrase breaks (as in Pitrelli,
et al, 1994). If the speaker produced a pitch accent and the participant also produced a
pitch accent, this counted as one match. Also, if the speaker produced a phrase break and
the participant also produced a phrase break, this counted as a match. (Likewise, a match
occurred if the speaker did not produce a pitch accent and the listener also did not
produce a pitch accent at that location). If the listener also produced the same type (H*,
L*, etc.) of pitch accent, this counted as an additional match. A total of 2514 items (pitch
accents, intermediate phrase breaks, intonational phrase breaks, and the tonal information
at each location) were judged for matches in the 16 participants’ utterances. Of the 2514
items, listeners’ targets matched the speaker’s primes for 1667 items, or 66.3%.
1. The boy bought black shoes / and socks.
Pph after noun (expected following early prime sentence)
No break
2. She startled / the man / with the gun.
Pph after Verb (expected early)
Pph after Noun (expected late)
3. Either Brett / or Mike / and Kay will come to babysit.
Pph after N1(expected early)
Pph after N2 (expected late)
4. Ruth hit Kate and* she* hit Jason.
And (expected early)*
Pronoun (expected late)*
Table 5.2. Experiment 2: Percent of target utterances by participants following Early or
Late prime sentences that contain pitch accent or phrase break at specified locations
An analysis was conducted to examine matches between speaker and listener
sentences defined as the matching presence/absence of a pitch accent, matching
presence/absence of an intermediate phrase break, or matching presence/absence of an
intonational phrase break. The tones (H, L) at these pitch accent or phrase break
locations were not analyzed. In this analysis, 1048 of 1365 items matched for the listener
and speaker, 76.8%. The items were grouped into four categories for each sentence:
“matched presence” (both prime and target contained a pitch accent or phrase break at
this location), “mismatched presence” (prime had accent/phrase break but target did not
have accent/phrase break at same location), “matched absence” (neither prime or target
contained an accent/break), and “mismatched presence” (prime did not have
accent/phrase break but target did have accent/phrase break). A chi-squared analysis
showed a significant interaction of the speaker’s and listeners’ productions (chi-square
(1) = 267.6, p < 0.05). See Table 5.3 for a summary of speakers’ and listeners’
productions. The listeners were more likely to produce a phrase break or pitch accent at
the same location the speaker produced a break than at another location.
Speaker Prime Productions:
Pitch accent/ phrase
Listeners Target
at same location:
Table 5.3. Experiment 2: Chi-square table for prime and target utterances
A ToBI analysis comparing the prime and target tones revealed similarities at
pitch accent and intermediate phrase break locations. When the prime and target
sentences contained a pitch accent or phrase break at the same location, 82.4% of the
locations also matched for H or L tone. Phrase break location was related to the syntactic
interpretation and 89.6% of the matching phrase break locations contained the same tone.
Although pitch accent location was not related to syntax, 78.6% of the prime and target
tones matched at pitch accent locations. Participants did not persist in the full L-H% or
H-L% intonational phrase pitch pattern from the prime sentences when they produced
target sentences. Participants rarely produced a full intonational phrase during the
Memory recognition task. An ANOVA on percent “yes” response by type of
memory item (F (4,124) = 36.56, p < .05) showed significant differences, with subjects
most often responding “no” to new items. As shown in Figure 5.1, listeners best
remembered those sentences that contained the same phrase breaks (syntax) and the same
tonal pattern (prosody) as in the experiment. This yes/no response was combined with
confidence rating to create a 10-point scale with 1= very confident “no” and 10 = very
confident “yes.” An ANOVA on combined confidence scale by memory item type was
also significant, F(4,124) = 45.39, p < .05. These significant differences did not rely on
the “new” items. An ANOVA on yes/no response by intonational pitch pattern (H-L%,
L-H%) was not significant, F(1,31) = 0.09, n.s. A 2x2 analysis of variance on percent
“yes” responses grouping together items with same breaks (with same or different
pitches) and different breaks (with same or different pitches), showed a significant
difference between responses to the two break categories: F(1,31) = 4.98, p < .05. As
shown in Figure 5.2, participants responded “yes” most often when the same break was
present in the memory test: same break = .79, different break = .66. This effect is also
true for the confidence rating scale: F(1,31) = 6.11, p < .05. Post-hoc tests revealed that
the “new” items were significantly different from the other four conditions. Also, the
“same syntax-same prosody” condition was significantly different from the other four
Percent Yes Response
Same PhraseBreak
Same Tonal Pattern
Same Phrase Break
Different Tonal Pattern
Different PhraseBreak
Same Tonal Pattern
Different Phrase Break
Different Tonal Pattern
Figure 5.1. Experiment 2: Percent “yes” response for sentence recognition task by cue
Percent Yes
Same Prosodic Phrase
Different Prosodic Phrase
Figure 5.2. Experiment 2: Percent “yes” response for same or different prosodic phrase
The ToBI analysis showed significant persistence effects for syntactically-related
and syntactically-unrelated acoustic cues. Listeners produced the same phrasal events in
their target utterances as they had heard in the prime. The analysis of IOI of words
proceeding phrase breaks revealed some evidence of persistence in the lengthening of
words before expected intermediate phrase breaks. Also, listeners’ target utterances
matched the speaker’s target utterances for the presence/absence of prosodic phrase
breaks and pitch accents at the same event location. In addition, when the prime and
target sentences contained a pitch accent or phrase break at the same location, the tones
The memory test revealed differences between syntactically-related and
syntactically-unrelated cues. Listeners were more likely to say “yes” to having heard a
sentence before if the current sentence contained the same phrase break as the earlier
sentence. Note that the instructions in the language memory experiment were very
specific. Listeners were told to response “yes” if the sentence contained the “same words
as a sentence you heard before.” Thus, listeners should respond “yes” to the twelve trials
in which the sentence had the same words and “no” to the eight trials in which the
sentence contained new words. Even with these specific instructions, listeners responded
“yes” and had a higher combined confidence scale when the phrase break was the same
as before. This suggests that listeners incorporated the syntactically-related cue of phrase
break more strongly in memory than the syntactically-unrelated cue of pitch pattern.
The goal of the music perception study was to examine listeners’ ability to
identify the metrical interpretation of performances that contained intensity or articulation
cues to mark the meter. On average, pianists in the performance study persisted in the
metrically-unrelated articulation of the original performances, but not in the metricallyrelated intensity. Instead, most performers used adjusted articulation cues (ISI/IOI) to
mark the meter. In this experiment, participants listened to performances generated by
four pianists from the music performance experiment; two pianists who consistently
persisted in adjusted articulation cues to mark meter in their target productions and two
pianists who consistently persisted in intensity cues to mark meter in their target
productions. Listeners heard each performance repeated two times and indicated the
meter they thought the performer intended.
Participants. Sixteen adult (mean age = 19.125) musicians, who had taken formal
lessons on an instrument (mean yrs of lessons = 6.125, range = 3-11), participated in the
study. Participants received course credit in an introductory psychology course for their
participation. All participants were native speakers of English. None of the subjects
reported having any hearing problems.
Apparatus. Participants heard stimuli over AKG K270 headphones while seated
at a computer. FTAP was used to control the stimulus presentation (Finney, 2001).
Materials. A subset of the performances of pianists in the music performance
experiment was included. Experiment 1 showed that pianists used articulation
differences more often than intensity differences to mark meter. In this experiment, four
pianists’ performances were included: two pianists who used intensity to mark metrical
downbeats and two pianists who used articulation to mark metrical downbeats. The
performances of two pianists who showed stronger intensities on the expected strong
beats (mean = 70.58) than on the expected weak beats (mean = 52.45) were included as
the intensity performances). These pianists’ performances did not show large
differences in adjusted articulation on strong beats and weak beats. The performances of
two other pianists who showed longer adjusted articulation on strong beats (mean = .97)
than weak beats (mean = .94) but little intensity differences were included as articulation
Design. Thirty-three error-free performances by the four pianists were arranged
so that no more than 3 binary or ternary performances were in a row and no single
pianists’ performances were in a row. There were 17 binary trials (10 articulation / 7
intensity) and 16 ternary trials (7 articulation /9 intensity). Seven of the 40 experimental
target trial performances contained errors and were not included. Listeners heard one
performance repeated twice on each of 33 trials in this within-subject design. The
independent variables were cue type (intensity/articulation) and meter (binary/ternary).
The dependent variables were metrical response (binary/ternary) and confidence rating.
Procedure. Listeners sat in front of a computer and listened to the melodies over
AKG K270 headphones. They were instructed to choose the meter they thought the
performer intended by circling “binary” for 2/4 or 4/4 melodies and “ternary” for 3/4 or
6/8 melodies. Each melody was heard two times. Listeners also circled their confidence
in their decision, with 1 = not very confident and 5 = very confident. Listeners were
asked informally if they were familiar with the distinction between the meters (2/4, 4/4,
3/4, 6/8). All subjects knew the distinction, although some subjects had not used the
terms “binary” or “ternary” before participating in the experiment.
A two-way ANOVA on percent ternary response by primed meter and cue type
(intonation / articulation) showed no main effect of meter (binary/ternary). However,
there was an interaction of primed meter and cue type: F(1,15) = 15.5, p < .05. As shown
in Figure 6.1, intensity cues led to more accurate identification of primed meter while
articulation cues led to inaccurate identification of primed meter. The response
(binary/ternary was combined with the confidence rating to form a 10-point confidence
scale). A two-way ANOVA on this combined scale for response and confidence by
primed meter and cue type showed the same interaction between cue type and primed
meter: F (1,15) = 17.9, p < .05.
Percent Ternary Response
Figure 6.1. Experiment 3: Percent “ternary” response in music perception task with
intensity or articulation cues
In addition, the confidence scale showed a main effect of cue type, with higher values for
intensity than articulation: F(1,15) = 5.6, p < .05. This increased scale response can be
attributed partly to the overall increased confidence on intensity trials, regardless of the
meter. An ANOVA on confidence alone showed higher confidence for intensity (mean =
3.68) than articulation (mean = 3.42) trials: F(1,15) = 6.38, p < .05, and higher
confidence for ternary (mean = 3.63) than binary (mean = 3.47) trials: F(1,15) = 5.25, p <
Listeners were more accurate at identifying the primed meter when the
performance contained metrically-related intensity cues than when the performance
contained metrically-related articulation cues. Listeners identified the meter of the target
melody through intensity cues that persisted from the prime melody.
A single experiment alone is not sufficient to draw conclusions about persistence
in an ensemble context. This experiment included only some of the performances from
the music performance study. However, it demonstrates that it is possible for listeners to
interpret the meter when the target performance contains the same acoustic details as the
prime performance. One concern is the perceptual salience of the two cues, intensity and
articulation. Although the performances were chosen so that a distinction between
articulation and intensity cues could be drawn, the intensity cues may have more strongly
indicated the meter than the articulation cues in this set of performances.
A more natural context, in which instrumentalists are trading a melody back and
forth may reveal stronger effects of this continuing persistence. The listeners in the
laboratory often tapped their feet or moved their bodies to the performances in order to
determine the meter. In a natural setting, this bodily incorporation of the meter would be
more pronounced. Also, it is possible that listeners could use both the acoustic cues as
well as visual cues when determining and persisting in the meter of a live performance.
At the very least, this experiment suggests that the theme of prosodic persistence in an
ensemble setting may be worth pursuing.
The goal of the speech perception study was to examine the phenomenon of
persistence in a situation that is closer to natural spoken conversation. Listeners judged
the interpretation of sentence that contained prosodic phrase break acoustic cues. If
listeners in the speech production study persisted in the acoustic cues of the sentences
they heard, could other listeners hear their utterances and identify the syntactic
interpretation of the original sentences? Listeners heard the productions of four speakers
from the speech production experiment and judged the speakers’ intended syntactic
Participants. The same sixteen adults who participated in the music perception
study also participated in this experiment. All participants were native speakers of
Apparatus. Participants heard stimuli over AKG K270 headphones while seated
at computer.
Materials. A subset of the productions from the language production experiment
was included. Forty-four error-free productions of four speakers were included. (4 of the
48 experimental utterances contained errors such as unnatural pauses or mispronounced
words). The particular speakers were chosen because their ISI for the word before a
prosodic phrase break matched the syntactically-related phrase break cues from the prime
for six or more of their ten utterances.
Design. Forty-four error-free performances by the four speakers were arranged so
that no more than 3 early or late primed productions were in a row and no single
speakers’ productions were in a row. There were four types of sentences: 15 adjective
that modifies either a conjoined noun phrase or the first of the two nouns, 11
prepositional phrase attachment, 11 conjunction, and 7 ambiguous pronoun. Listeners
heard one performance repeated twice on each of forty-four trials. The independent
variable was primed break condition (early break/late break). The dependent variables
were response (early/late break interpretation) and confidence rating.
Procedure. Participants were instructed to choose the sentence interpretation they
thought the speaker intended. On each trial, they heard an utterance, saw two possible
sentence interpretations on the computer screen, and then heard the sentence again. The
sentence interpretations were labeled A and B and participants circled A or B on an
answer sheet. Participants also circled their confidence in their decision with 1 = not very
confident and 5 = very confident. The ‘A’ interpretation appeared on the left side of the
screen and the ‘B’ interpretation appeared on the left side. For half of the participants,
‘A’ was the early phrase break interpretation and for half of the participants, ‘B’ was the
early phrase break interpretation.
An ANOVA on the percentage late break interpretation responses by phrase break
(early/late prime) showed significant differences between the expected early and late
interpretations: F (1,15) = 17.35, p < .01. Listeners responded with the late interpretation
on 72.4% of primed late break trials and with the early interpretation on 40.9% of primed
early break trials. An analysis by item showed participants interpreted 61.4% of the
stimuli in the expected (primed) direction, which was significantly different from chance
(t (1, 42) = 5.04, p < .05).
Listeners responded differently to the early and late phrase break sentence trials.
Although overall accuracy was not high, listeners interpreted the late break sentences in
the direction of the original syntactically-related cues. Thus, the persistence effects seen
in Experiment 2 were sufficient to influence other listeners’ syntactic interpretations.
Listeners had a bias to respond with the late break interpretation. They responded with
the late prosodic phrase break interpretation 65.8% of the time. Despite this bias, there
was still a difference between listeners’ response to the early and late prosodic phrase
break trials. Note that the labels for early and late prosodic phrase break refer to the
prime sentences and not to the acoustic properties of the target sentences heard by the
listeners. The assumption is that if the speakers in the sentence production experiment
persisted in the syntactically-related prosodic phrase breaks, then the listeners in this
speech perception study would be able to determine the phrase breaks from the target
sentences. As in the music perception experiment, this single experiment does not
explain persistence in a conversational context. However, this experiment does suggest
that further study in a more realistic conversation context is needed.
Several experiments demonstrated persistence effects for syntactically-related and
syntactically-unrelated prosodic variations in the domains of music and language. In the
music performance study, pianists listened to prime melodies and produced similar target
melodies. The prime melodies contained metrically-related intensity cues (supports
binary or ternary meter) as well as metrically-unrelated articulation cues (staccato or
legato). On each trial, pianists heard a melody and then were asked to perform a different
melody. The melodies were blocked by the intensity cue pattern. The pianists were not
told to imitate what they had heard. Instead, the focus of the experiment was on the
concluding memory test. Pianists were instructed that they would be tested on their
memory for the melodies from the experiment.
Pianists performed the musical pieces with the same articulation (staccato or
legato) as the performances they had just heard. These articulation cues altered from trial
to trial (with each piece), so this demonstrated pianists’ ability to persist in structurallyunrelated musical cues. However, pianists did not directly recreate the metrically-related
intensity pattern of the prime pieces in their performances. Pianists persisted in the
strong and weak beats of the prime meter, but they used timing variation instead of
intensity variation. The primes contained louder intensities on the strong beats than the
weak beats and pianists performed with longer adjusted articulations (ISI/IOI) on the
strong beats than the weak beats. This suggests that pianists used the intensity cues to
form a representation of the meter. When the pianists performed subsequent pieces, they
used the same meter as the performance they just heard, but they instantiated it with
articulation cues instead of intensity cues.
Finally, pianists better remembered melodies they had heard earlier than new
melodies in a melody recognition task. Pianists listened to each melody and judged
whether they had heard it before. There was no difference in the pianists’ ability to
recognize performances with different metrically-related or metrically-unrelated prosodic
cues from the original performances they heard during the experiment. The inability to
differentiate performances was likely due to the pianists’ overall difficulty in
remembering the metrically ambiguous, isochronous melodies.
In the speech production experiment, listeners heard prime sentences and
produced similar target sentences. The prime sentences contained syntactically-related
prosodic phrase breaks (early or late) as well as syntactically-unrelated tonal pattern cues
(H-L% or L-H%). On each trial, listeners heard a sentence and then read aloud a different
sentence. The sentences were blocked by prosodic phrase break. The participants were
instructed to attend to the sentences for a later sentence recognition test.
Speakers persisted in the syntactically-related phrase breaks and the syntacticallyunrelated tones from the primes. Speakers were more likely to produce pitch accents and
prosodic phrase breaks in the same location of their target sentences as where the pitch
accents and prosodic phrase breaks occurred in the prime sentences. Also, words before
a prime phrase break were longer in IOI than the same words without a prime phrase
break. Also, listeners and speakers produced the same tone (H, L) at matching phrase
break or pitch accent locations.
Finally, listeners better remembered sentences they had heard before than new
sentences in a sentence recognition task. In addition, listeners better remembered
sentences that contained the same prosodic phrase breaks they had heard before than
sentences that contained the same tonal patterns they had heard before. Thus, listeners
better remembered the sentences when the syntax (indicated by prosodic phrase break)
stayed the same from the experiment to the memory recognition task.
The third and fourth experiments examined listeners’ ability to determine the
meter or syntax of performances or utterances from the production studies. Musicians
who listened to target melody performances from the music production experiment could
recognize the meter when metrically-related intensity cues (but not articulation cues)
persisted in the performance. Similarly, listeners who heard target sentences from the
speech production experiment were better than chance at choosing the phrase structure
interpretation that matched the original prime sentence. These perception experiments
suggest that it is possible for listeners to determine the meter and syntax from prosodic
cues that persisted in the productions.
One limitation of the current study is the naturalness of the task, particularly for
the speakers. Listeners heard sentences with strong prosodic patterns (both phrase break
and tonal patterns) and produced speech by reading sentences. More natural productions
and more prosodic variability may be possible if participants do not read the sentences,
but instead, produce sentences from memory. More natural context situations, such as
conversation during a game, show greater prosodic variation than read speech (Schafer,
Speer, Warren, & White, 2000). Future studies of prosodic persistence should involve
more natural contexts, so that the speech contains the full range of prosodic variability.
Also, the number of stimuli in the speech study was relatively limited. More stimuli or a
prolonged exposure to a break pattern could lead to greater persistence.
Prosodic persistence
The experiments suggest that prosodic persistence is the continuation of acoustic
variations (both structurally-related and structurally-unrelated) from perception to
production. In addition, this persistence may be involved in conversational speech or
ensemble performances, as demonstrated by listeners’ ability to hear target productions
and recognize the primed syntax or meter. In both the speech and music production
experiments, participants incorporated prime acoustic details into their own target
productions. This suggests that listeners formed representations of the melodies or
sentences that included more than just the notes or words.
Did listeners persist in information that was not categorical? According to
Raffman (1993), listeners may forget the prosodic cues once they are used to form
categories of pitch or duration. This approach does not explain pianists’ ability to
perform with different articulation cues following the staccato and legato primes. These
articulation cues should not be remembered because they are sub-categorical. If these
articulation cues are not remembered, there is no reason for them to influence and persist
in future performances. Thus, the articulation cue persistence suggests pianists do persist
in sub-categorical acoustic details. Also, this approach does not explain pianists’ ability
to persist in the meter, which they heard instantiated with intensity cues.
Prosodic persistence is not simple imitation: the pianists persisted in the prime
meter, but they marked the meter with adjusted articulation cues in their performances
instead of the primed intensity cues. Even though pianists heard strong beats marked
with higher intensities than weak beats, they did not reproduce the meter with intensity
cues. Pianists performed with shorter adjusted articulations across events after hearing
staccato primes than after hearing legato primes. However, the pianists never performed
with the same event duration from the prime melodies. In the prime staccato melodies,
the duration of each note event was 150 ms, 30% of the IOI. In the target melodies
following the staccato prime, the event durations were 87.6% of the IOI. In the speech
production experiment, the speakers produced sentences with pitch accents and prosodic
phrase breaks in the same locations as where the pitch accents and breaks were located in
the prime sentences, but they often used different tones.
Finally, prosodic persistence does not exist solely to support syntactic persistence.
Bock (1996) showed evidence for syntactic persistence in which participants described a
new scene using the same syntax they had just heard. In the current study, listeners
persisted in the prosodic cues, using acoustic cues from what they have heard. For music,
the pianists’ performances included both metrically-related and metrically-unrelated
acoustic cues. If the pianists were to only persist in metrically-related cues, than they
would not have persisted in the prime articulation cues. In speech, speakers persisted in
the pitch accent and prosodic phrase break locations from the prime sentences. In
addition, they matched the tone at these locations. Although phrase break location and
phrasal tone related to syntax, the matching pitch accent location and pitch accent tone
related to prosody.
An alternative explanation for the persistence effect is that the first sentence
implicitly primes the syntactic structure that is then regenerated in the produced target
sentence (Potter & Lombardi, 1998). This explanation assumes the prime representation
does not include surface structure features (Potter & Lombardi, 1998). This explanation
is plausible for the syntactically-related persistence, but it does not make sense for the
syntactically-unrelated persistence. If the representation of the prime does not contain
surface level features, then acoustic details unrelated to syntax should not persist because
they will not be regenerated with the syntax. The musicians and speakers persisted in the
articulation (staccato/legato) and the prosodic tones (H/L) from the prime, suggesting that
the representation included both syntactic and prosodic features.
Speech/music differences
There is evidence for syntactically-related and syntactically-unrelated persistence
for both speech and music, but there were differences in degree in the two domains. The
musicians persisted in the structurally-unrelated articulation (staccato/legato) and used
these same cues to produce meter, but speakers showed strong syntactically-related
persistence and did not produce full intonational phrase tones. This difference may be
related to the different goals in the two domains. In speech, the goal is to communicate
an idea and in music, the goal is the expression of the piece. A change of syntax in
speech changes the meaning of the utterance, but in music, a change of either meter or
articulation changes the expression of the musical performance.
Further evidence of the importance of syntactically-related cues was demonstrated
in the speech memory test. Listeners better recognized sentences they had heard before if
the phrase break (a syntactically-related cue) was the same than if it was different, but
listeners did not differentiate performances that contained a different tonal pattern from
performances with the same pattern they heard during the experiment. This result is
surprising since past research showed evidence for memory for non-structural prosodic
cues. For example, listeners can use information such as talker identity or speech rate to
recognize previously heard words (Bradlow, et al., 1999, Nygaard, et al., 1995) and
listeners’ memory for talkers’ voices aids identification of novel words in noise (Nygaard
& Pisoni, 1998). The pianists did not differentiate different cue conditions in the memory
test. However, the difficulty of the task suggests that pianists’ results may be due partly
to floor effects.
Another possible reason for different outcomes in the speech and music
experiments is that the salience of the structurally-unrelated prosodic cues may have
differed in the two domains. It is possible that the tonal patterns in the speech were less
salient details than the syntactic structure. The sentences were blocked by syntactic
structure. Perhaps if the sentences were blocked by prosodic tones, these tones would
persist to a stronger degree. Different syntactically-unrelated cues, such as style of
speaking (ex. clearly enunciate speech vs. normal speech) or location of utterance within
pitch range (high or low), may persist. Also, the use of sentences with contrastive stress
may reveal stronger non-syntactic persistence.
Why were cues different for production and perception in music? In music,
pianists persisted in the articulation cues across events and played strong metrical beats
with longer articulation than weak metrical beats. Although there was a trend, there were
no significant differences in intensities for strong and weak beats. However, in the music
perception task, intensity cues better indicated the meter for listeners than articulation
cues. This difference between production and perception is likely due to the salience of
the intensity and articulation cues in the four performances including in the perception
study. By including performances with metrically-related intensity cues but not
metrically-related articulation cues (and vice versa), those performances with both types
of metrically-related cues were eliminated. Articulation and intensity cues may interact
in performance to indicate meter. This result is slightly different than the results of
Sloboda (1985), in which listeners could use articulation to determine the metrical
context of a performance. Intensity was also a useful cue to meter, but only some
performers used this cue (Sloboda, 1985). Thus, the ability to use prosodic cues to
determine meter may depend largely on the specific performance. The pianists in the
Sloboda (1985) study were more experienced than the pianists in the present performance
study and they may have been more consistent in their performance expression of
Why would prosodic persistence be useful? Prosodic variations in music, whether
they relate to the meter or not, are part of the expression of music. Musicians in an
ensemble such as a band or orchestra coordinate their performances so that they play with
the same timing and the same expression. Prosodic variations in speech help speakers
disambiguate the syntax in ambiguous sentences. Perhaps persisting in the same prosody
also helps speakers in a conversation communicate more clearly and receive the message
more easily because they eliminate some acoustic variability when they persist in each
others’ prosody. The perception studies showed evidence for both speech and music; a
second generation of listeners identified the structural interpretation of the original
primed source through the target production. This hints at the importance of prosody for
conversational and musical exchanges and suggests that further exploration of mutual
priming of prosodic cues in conversational and ensemble contexts may be fruitful.
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