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Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 2004
cfin?articleid=393. Ganor added, "[I]acking such a definition, no coordinated fight against international terrorism can ever really get anywhere." He defines "guerrilla warfare" as "the deliberate use of violence against military and security personnel in order to attain political, ideological and religious goals." He defines "Terrorism" as "the deliberate use of violence against civilians in order to attain political, ideological and religious aims." He distinguishes the two in that, "[t]he aims of terrorism and guerrilla warfare may well be identical; but they are distinguished from each other by the means usedor more precisely, by the targets of their operations. The guerrilla fighter's targets are military ones, while the terrorist deliberately targets civilians." Id.
Costos y Presupuestos
Costos y presupuestos. Cámara Peruana de la Construcción
In this article I explore a number of questions that have not been adequately investigated in philosophy of mind circles: are minds located in the same place as the brains (or other computing machinery) supporting them? Must they exist at the same location as the body? Must they exist at the same time? Could a single mind be implemented in multiple brains, or multiple minds in a single brain? Under what conditions might a single mind persist despite being implemented successively in different brains? What contributions do features of the computing machinery make to these questions, compared to the contribution made by the body and embedded point of view? Some of these questions have been touched on previously, but there hasn't been any attempt at a systematic analysis of the various consequences that different approaches in the philosophy of mind have for how the spatiotemporal location, synchronic individuation and diachronic identity of minds relates to the spatiotemporal location, synchronic individuation, and diachronic identity of both the implementing computational machinery and the embodied embedded point of view. I make a first stab at such an analysis by discussing a variety of thought experiments in which such questions of location, individuation, and identity arise, and I explore how various approaches to understanding the mind – identity theoretic, functionalist, contentualist, embodied/embedded/extended, and so forth – would respond to such situations. A number of novel issues emerge, and some surprising affinities are revealed.
Հալեպի արձանագրությունները (The inscriptions of Aleppo), 2013
Աշխատությունը ներկայացնում է Հալեպի հայության համառոտ պատմությունը (դարերի ընթացքում նրանց թվաքանակի, զբաղմունքների, քաղաքում հիմնած դպրոցների, կառուցված եկեղեցիների և գերեզմանատների մասին), ինչպես նաև 2006-2008 թթ. հավաքագրած (շուրջ 2500) հայկական վիմագրերի և եկեղեցական իրերի արձանագրությունները: The book presents Armenian inscriptions on various monuments and church utensils, over 2,500 in number, collected during field work carried out in Aleppo, Syria, between 2006 and 2008. It also discusses the history of the Armenian settlement of Aleppo, offering statistical data and information regarding the local Armenians’ occupations, schools, churches and cemeteries. Available in Armenian
Inner Asia, 25(1), 1-6., 2023
China and Russia have recently been in the international spotlight, with their multi-ethnic or, more precisely, multinational structures on full display. But multi-nationality, or mnogonatsional'nost' as it is known in Russia, or duominzu in China, no longer provides a vision of the future beyond the nation-state as it was originally intended; rather, it has become a cause célèbre whose nature is no longer understandable. The deployment of minority soldiers in the Russian war against Ukraine recently prompted Pope Francis to describe Chechens and Buryats as the 'cruellest' soldiers in Russia while insisting that being cruel is 'not of the Russian tradition'; in contrast, minorities in China including Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Mongols have received unprecedented sympathy in the West for their sufferings at the hands of the Chinese state, whose ethnic policy has been condemned as genocide or crimes against humanity. Politicians, public commentators and scholars in the West have scrutinised with great intensity China's new ethnic policy and the Russian war against Ukraine. Rarely, however, do we hear the voices of minorities directly. We are therefore pleased to present this special issue of Inner Asia which contains two sections, one on minorities in China and the other on minority participation in the Russian war, written by Western-based researchers and anti-war activists of ethnic minority background. These are the results of two workshops held in the summer of 2022 at the Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, University of Cambridge. The editors of the two sections: Keywords: A Window into China's Governance of its Inner Asian Borderlands-Robert Barnett and Tenha Seher, and Voices: The Voices of Russia's Minorities on the Invasion of Ukraine-Ayur Zhanaev and Kristina Jonutytė, deserve our special thanks for organising and editing the papers. We are also grateful to all the contributors for sharing their unique insights and perspectives on the tragedy befalling their respective 'nationalities' .
Although the Roman woman was legally subjected to guardianship of a man, the father, the husband of a tutor (with some exceptions in the imperial age), therefore not being able to formally dispose of her patrimony freely, and was deprived of political rights, many archaeological documents give us examples of politically influential women, endowed with conspicuous land estates and owners of entrepreneurial activities also very consistent in the commercial and artisanal fields.
Leitura obrigatória Capítulo I e itens 1 (acepções do vocábulo "tributo") e 2 (a definição do art. 3º do CTN) do Capítulo II do Curso de direito tributário, de Paulo de Barros Carvalho. São Paulo: Saraiva. Item 2.2.2. (conceito de tributo) do Capítulo 2 da segunda parte do livro Direito tributário, linguagem e método, de Paulo de Barros Carvalho. São Paulo: Noeses.
Documento rector que define las competencias para la vida, los estándares curriculares y los aprendizajes esperados que constituyen el trayecto formativo de los estudiantes.
Dearq 40/41. Género, ciudad y arquitectura, 2024
Comunidade Saker Latinoamericana, 2024
Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 2013
Naval Engineers Journal, 1976
Materials, 2023
SPIE Proceedings, 2014
Stem cells and development, 2017
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2020
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022