Energy and Emission Control Technologies
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Methane emissions and climatic warming
risk from hydraulic fracturing and shale gas
development: implications for policy
Robert w Howarth
Department of Ecology and
Environmental Biology, Cornell
University, ithaca, NY, USA
Video abstract
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Correspondence: Robert w Howarth
Department of Ecology and
Environmental Biology, Cornell
University, E309 Corson Hall, ithaca,
NY 14853, USA
Tel +1 607 255 6175
[email protected]
Abstract: Over the past decade, shale gas production has increased from negligible to
providing .40% of national gas and 14% of all fossil fuel energy in the USA in 2013. This
shale gas is often promoted as a bridge fuel that allows society to continue to use fossil fuels
while reducing carbon emissions since less carbon dioxide is emitted from natural gas (including
shale gas) than from coal and oil per unit of heat energy. Indeed, carbon dioxide emissions
from fossil fuel use in the USA declined to some extent between 2009 and 2013, mostly due to
economic recession but in part due to replacement of coal by natural gas. However, significant
quantities of methane are emitted into the atmosphere from shale gas development: an estimated
12% of total production considered over the full life cycle from well to delivery to consumers,
based on recent satellite data. Methane is an incredibly powerful greenhouse gas that is .100-fold
greater in absorbing heat than carbon dioxide, while both gases are in the atmosphere and 86-fold
greater when averaged over a 20-year period following emission. When methane emissions are
included, the greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas is significantly larger than that of conventional
natural gas, coal, and oil. Because of the increase in shale gas development over recent years,
the total greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use in the USA rose between 2009 and 2013,
despite the decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. Given the projections for continued expansion
of shale gas production, this trend of increasing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels is
predicted to continue through 2040.
Keywords: shale gas, natural gas, methane, greenhouse gases, global warming, bridge fuel
Shale gas is natural gas tightly held in shale formations, and as for conventional natural gas, shale gas is composed largely of methane. The difference between shale gas
and conventional natural gas is the mode of extraction. Shale gas cannot be obtained
commercially using conventional techniques and has entered the market only recently
as industry has used two relatively new technologies to extract it: high-precision horizontal drilling with high-volume hydraulic fracturing. Over the past decade, shale gas
development in the USA has increased rapidly, a trend that both the Energy Information
Agency (EIA) of the US Department of Energy and the industry expect to continue1–3
(Figure 1). To date, almost all shale gas production in the world has occurred in the
USA, a condition likely to continue for at least another decade.2 The EIA projections
for future growth in shale gas development may well be too rosy because both the
expense of developing shale gas and the pattern of production from a shale gas well
have proven to differ dramatically from that seen in conventional gas wells, with very
rapid declines over the first year or two.4 An independent assessment concludes that
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Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3 45–54
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Figure 1 Natural gas production in the USA from 1980 to 2013 and future natural
gas production until 2040 as predicted by the US Department of Energy in the Annual
Energy Outlook 2015.1 Conventional gas is indicated in yellow, shale gas in red.
shale gas production in the USA is likely to underperform
the EIA estimates by almost 40% between now and 2040.5
However, all these estimates are highly uncertain. If the EIA
projections prove true, what might some of the environmental
and public health consequences be?
Since shale gas development is a recent phenomenon,
scientific investigations on its environmental and public
health consequences are also quite new, with the first peerreviewed studies published only in 2011.6,7 Nonetheless, the
literature has quickly grown, and evidence is accumulating
of many adverse effects, including surface and groundwater
contamination,8 degraded air quality,9,10 increased release of
greenhouse gases,11,12 increased frequency of earthquakes,13
and evidence of harm to the health of humans and domestic
animals, including farm livestock.7,14–18
The natural gas industry often points out that hydraulic
fracturing has been in use for .60 years, implying that there
is little new about shale gas development.19 The scale of
hydraulic fracturing used to develop shale gas, however, is far
greater than the fracturing employed in previous decades for
conventional gas, with two orders of magnitude increase in
the volume of water and chemicals used from the hydraulic
fracturing and even proportionally greater return of fracturing wastes to the surface.6 Further, the use of high-volume
hydraulic fracturing with high-precision directional drilling
to develop shale gas leads to an intensity of development
not generally seen with conventional natural gas and to the
redevelopment of regions where conventional gas has largely
played out, which may intensify some effects such as air
emissions due to interactions with old wells and formations.20
The appropriate focus when considering the environmental
and public health effects of shale gas development is on the
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entire enterprise and use of the gas and not merely on the
process of hydraulic fracturing.
This paper focuses on the role of methane emissions
in determining the greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas.
Natural gas, including shale gas, is often promoted as a bridge
fuel that will allow society to continue to use fossil fuels over
the coming decades while reducing carbon emissions. This
was highlighted, for example, by President Obama in his
State of the Union speech in January 2014.21 For a given unit
of energy consumed, the emissions of carbon dioxide from
natural gas are substantially lower than from oil or coal,11,22
which is the basis for the bridge fuel concept. However, natural gas is composed mostly of methane, a greenhouse gas that
on a mass-to-mass basis is .100 times more powerful than
carbon dioxide as an agent of global warming for the time
when both gases persist in the atmosphere.23 Consequently,
even small releases of methane to the atmosphere from the
development and use of shale gas can greatly influence the
greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas.
How much methane is emitted?
My coauthors and I published the first peer-reviewed assessment of methane emissions from shale gas development
in 2011.11 We concluded that 3.8% (±2.2%) of the total
lifetime production of methane from a conventional gas
well is emitted into the atmosphere, considering the full
life cycle from well to final consumer.11 The data available
for estimating emissions from shale gas were more scarce
and more poorly documented at that time, but we estimated
that the full life cycle emissions of shale gas were ∼1.5-fold
higher than that of conventional natural gas, or 5.8%
(±2.2%).11 We attributed the higher emissions to venting
of gas during the flowback period following high-volume
hydraulic fracturing, although a subsequent study identified
other sources as well, such as drilling through strata previously developed for coal and conventional natural gas.20
For both conventional gas and shale gas, we estimated the
“downstream” emissions associated with storing gas and
delivering it to market to be 2.5% (±1.1%), so our estimates
for “upstream” emissions at the well site and from gas
processing averaged 1.3% for conventional natural gas and
3.3% for shale gas.11,12
Through 2010, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) continued to estimate emissions for conventional
natural gas as 1.1%, with 0.9% of this from downstream emissions and 0.2% from upstream emissions, based on a joint
EPA and industry study from 1996, as I discuss elsewhere.12
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
They did not separately consider shale gas emissions. Soon
after our paper was published in 2011, the EPA released
new estimates that were very similar to ours in terms of
upstream emissions: 1.6% for conventional natural gas and
3.0% for shale gas.12 They kept their downstream emission
estimates at 0.9%, yielding full life cycle emissions of 2.5%
and 3.9%, respectively, for conventional gas and shale gas.
EPA subsequently reduced their estimates for upstream
emissions, cutting them approximately in half, relying on a
non-peer-reviewed industry report24 asserting that the 2011
estimates had been too high.12,25 This yielded a full life cycle
emission estimate for all natural gas in the USA, considering
the contributions from both conventional and shale gas as of
2009, of 1.8%.12 The inspector general of the EPA has called
for improvements in the agency’s approach in estimating
emissions,26 at least in part because of the 2013 decision to
lower emission estimates.12,25
In our original 2011 paper, we called for new and better
studies of methane emissions from the natural gas industry,11 and in fact, many studies have been published in the
subsequent 4 years. In 2014, I published a review of the new
studies that had come out through February 2014.12 One of
these studies evaluated a large set of data from monitoring
stations across the USA for the period 2007–2008, before
the large increase in shale gas production, and concluded that
the EPA estimate of 1.8% emission was clearly too low by
a factor of at least 2 and that full life cycle emissions from
conventional natural gas must be $3.6% on average across
the USA.27 Other, shorter term studies evaluated upstream
emissions from shale gas and other unconventional gas
development (ie, tight sands), with two finding high emissions (4%–9%)25,28 and one published by Allen et al finding
low emissions (0.4%).29 In a summary published in early
2014, Brandt et al concluded that emissions from the natural
gas industry, including both conventional gas and shale gas,
could best be characterized as averaging 5.4% (±1.8%) for
the full life cycle from well to consumer.30 I accepted that
conclusion and presented it as the best value in my 2014
Further thought and subsequent studies published since
February 2014 have led me to reconsider. I now believe
that emissions from conventional natural gas are somewhat
,5.4%, based on the 14C content of atmospheric methane
globally, and emissions from shale gas are likely substantially
more, based on global trends observed from satellite data
and new evidence that the 2013 report by Allen et al of only
0.4% emissions29 is likely to be flawed.
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
Role of methane emissions from shale gas in global warming
C content of methane and
emissions from conventional
natural gas
The 14C radiocarbon content of methane in the planet’s
atmosphere provides a constraint on the emission rate from
conventional natural gas systems. On average during the years
2000–2005, 30% of atmospheric methane was 14C “dead”,
indicating that it came from fossil sources.31,32 During this
time period, the total global flux of methane to the atmosphere
was probably in the range of 548 (±22) Tg CH4 per year.33
Therefore, the flux from fossil sources, 30% of the total flux,
would have been ∼165 Tg CH4 per year. These fossil sources
include fluxes associated with coal, oil, and natural gas development as well as natural seeps. Using global production data
for coal and oil34 and well-accepted methane emission factors
for these two fuels as described elsewhere,11 I estimate the
combined methane emissions from oil and coal as ∼50 Tg
CH4 per year. Using the 5.4% emission rate and global natural
gas production estimates34 for the years 2000–2005 yields a
methane emission of 130 Tg CH4 per year from the natural
gas industry or 180 Tg CH4 per year from all fossil fuels. This
is too high compared to the 14C constraint, suggesting that
an emission rate of 5.4% for conventional gas is too high,
even if natural seeps are negligible, as assumed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007 in
their fourth assessment report.35 Flux estimates from natural
seeps are poorly constrained, but these natural emissions may
be as great as 50 Tg CH4 per year or higher.31 If we instead
use the mean emission factor from our 2011 paper for conventional natural gas of 3.8%,11 the global flux from natural
gas emissions is estimated as 91 Tg CH4 per year, giving an
emission flux from all fossil fuels of ∼140 Tg CH4 per year
and an estimate of emissions from natural seeps of 15 Tg
CH4 per year. This combination is plausible, if uncertain,
and the 3.8% factor agrees well with the robust conclusion
from Miller et al that emissions from conventional natural
gas systems in the USA, from before the shale gas boom,
must have been at least 3.6% of production.27
How high are methane emissions
from shale gas?
A paper published by Schneising et al in the fall of 2014
used satellite data to assess global and regional trends in
atmospheric methane between 2003 and 2012.36 Methane
concentrations rose dramatically in the northern hemisphere,
particularly after 2008. In a detailed comparison across the
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USA for the time periods 2006–2008 (before there was
much shale gas or shale oil development) and 2009–2011
(after shale gas and oil production began in earnest), atmospheric methane concentrations rose dramatically in many
of the major shale-producing regions. By evaluating trends
in drilling and hydraulic fracturing activity, Schneising et al
estimated methane emission rates of 9.5% (±7%) in terms
of energy content during the 2009–2011 period for the two
large shale regions – the Eagle Ford in Texas and the Bakken
in North Dakota – where they felt most comfortable in estimating emissions.36 They reported similar methane emissions
for the Marcellus shale, but with much greater uncertainty
in the analysis of the satellite data because of sparser spacing of wells, the mountainous terrain, and the proximity
of the region to the Great Lakes. For the Bakken, shale oil
production was far greater than gas production during this
time period,37 and the methane emissions may have been
more associated with the oil production. However, natural
gas was the dominant form of shale energy produced in the
Eagle Ford formation between 2009 and 2011, contributing
75% of all shale energy with oil contributing 25%.37 For the
Marcellus shale, virtually all shale energy production through
2011 came from shale gas and not oil.37 Therefore, it seems
reasonable to attribute a methane emission rate of ∼9.5%
to shale gas development in the Eagle Ford and Marcellus
The satellite methane emission estimate is largely for
upstream emissions and does not fully account for downstream emissions during storage and delivery of gas to
customers, which may on average add another 2.5% of
methane emission.11,12,22 The conclusion is that shale gas
development during the 2009–2011 period, on a full life cycle
basis including storage and delivery to consumers, may have
on average emitted 12% of the methane produced. This is
more than twice what we had estimated for shale gas in our
2011 analysis,11 but the satellite-based estimate is based on
more robust data and integrates across a period of 2 years.
These shale gas emissions already may have a globally
observable effect on methane in the atmosphere.36
The satellite-based estimate is ∼20-fold greater than
the estimate presented by Allen et al,29 a study that worked
closely with industry to measure emissions from various
component processes of shale gas development. In my
2014 review, I suggested that the study by Allen et al may
represent a best-case scenario for low emissions, given
that measurements were made only at sites where industry
allowed.12 Since then, two papers published in 2015 have
indicated that in fact the data in the Allen et al’s paper may
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be flawed. Allen et al used a high-flow analyzer that employs
two independent sensors, switching between a catalytic oxidation detector when methane levels are low and a thermal
conductivity detector when methane concentrations are
greater. Howard et al noted that the high-flow analyzer is
prone to underestimating methane fluxes when switching
between detectors.38 A follow-up paper by Howard et al carefully evaluated the use of a high-flow analyzer by Allen et al
and concluded that “the data reported by Allen et al. (2013)
suggest their study was plagued by such sensor failure”,
and as a result “their study appears to have systematically
underestimated emissions.”39 The sensor failure issue may
well have affected other data reported by industry to the EPA
and used by the EPA in their assessment of methane emissions, leading to serious underestimation.38,39
Several other recent studies have estimated upstream
methane emissions from shale gas and other unconventional natural gas development (ie, from tight-sand formations) using more robust and more integrated measurement
techniques such as airplane flyovers, but still with highly
variable results. Estimates were ∼30% greater than the
satellite-derived data for one gas field,40 were comparable
in two other cases,20,25 were only about half as much for
two sets of measurements in another gas field,28,41 and
were substantially less in three other cases.40 Peischl et al
have suggested that higher emissions are associated with
wet-gas fields and lower emissions with dry-gas fields.40
Alternatively, the variation in emissions may simply reflect
variance in space and/or in time: many of these studies were
quite short in duration, for example, based on measurements
made during airplane flyovers of just 1–2 days.20,40 It is also
important to note that these emission estimates are given as
percentages of the gas production rates. The activity of the
natural gas industry and rates of production in various gas
fields are quite variable in time, and some of the differences
in percentage emission rates may reflect this variability. For
instance, Caulton et al reported high emission rates in the
southwestern Pennsylvania portion of the Marcellus shale
based on a June 2012 flyover,20 while Peischl et al reported
a very low percentage of emission rate in the northeastern
Pennsylvania portion of the Marcellus shale from a July 2013
flyover.40 Between these two flights, gas drilling activity for
shale gas fell by 64% due to low prices for gas,42 yet shale
gas production remained high based on prior drilling and
hydraulic fracturing.1 If methane emission is more related to
drilling and hydraulic fracturing activity than to production,
these rapid changes in activity may explain at least part of the
differences between the two estimates for Marcellus shale.
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
Diesel oil
natural gas
Natural gas is widely promoted as a bridge fuel, a source of
energy that allows society to continue to use fossil fuels while
reducing greenhouse gas emissions over the next 2 decades
or so, until renewable energy sources can more fully come on
line. Our 2011 paper challenged that view because of methane
emissions from natural gas, although we tempered our conclusion because of the uncertainty in methane emissions from
shale gas development.11 We also observed that the time frame
over which one compares the consequences of emissions of
carbon dioxide and methane is important in determining the
overall greenhouse gas footprint of natural gas. While many
studies have made this comparison only by averaging the
radiative forcing of the two gases over a time of 100 years
following emission, we compared on a 20-year timescale
as well, following the lead of Hayhoe et al22 and Lelieveld
et al.43 Methane has a residence time in the atmosphere of
only 12 years,23,33 while the influence of carbon dioxide
emissions persists in the atmosphere for many hundreds of
years or longer.23 While both gases are in the atmosphere,
the greenhouse warming effects of methane are .100-fold
greater than for carbon dioxide on a mass-to-mass basis.23
When compared on a 100-year average time after emission,
the emitted methane is largely absent from the atmosphere
for almost 90% of that time, which greatly underplays the
importance of methane while it is in the atmosphere.
Our 2011 paper was criticized for comparing the consequences of methane and carbon dioxide over a 20-year period
in addition to the 100-year period, with some authors stating
that only a 100-year period should be used under the guidance
of the IPCC.44,45 This was never the case, and in the fourth
synthesis report in 2007, the IPCC presented analyses based
on both 20- and 100-year time periods.35 Further, in the fifth
synthesis report in 2013, the IPCC explicitly weighed in on
this controversy, stating that “there is no scientific argument
for selecting 100 years compared with other choices”, and
“the choice of time horizon […] depends on the relative
weight assigned to the effects at different times”.23
So what is the best choice of timescale? Given current
emissions of greenhouse gases, the Earth is predicted to
warm by 1.5°C above the preindustrial baseline within
the next 15 years and by 2°C within the next 35 years.46,47
Not only will the damage caused by global warming
increase markedly but also at these temperatures, the risk
Shale gas
Is natural gas a bridge fuel?
of fundamentally altering the climate system of the planet
becomes much greater.48,49 Further, reducing emissions of
carbon dioxide will do little if anything to slow the rate of
global warming over these decadal time periods.47 On the
other hand, reducing emissions of methane has an immediate effect of slowing the rate of global warming.47 For these
reasons, comparing the global warming consequences
of methane and carbon dioxide over relatively short time
periods is critical. The use of a global warming potential
(GWP) estimate for the 20-year time period from the IPCC
fifth assessment report provides a convenient approach for
doing so.23 This GWP value of 86 is the relative radiative
forcing for methane compared to that of carbon dioxide,
averaged over 20 years, for two equal masses of the gases
emitted into the atmosphere today.
Figure 2 compares the greenhouse gas footprint of shale
gas with that of conventional natural gas, oil, and coal.
Methane emissions of shale gas are derived from the satellitebased estimates of Schneising et al36 with an additional 2.5%
emission rate assumed from downstream transport, storage,
and distribution systems.11,12,22 Methane emissions for the
other fuels are those used in our 2011 paper, which is 3.8%
(±2.2%) for conventional natural gas.11 Methane emissions
are converted to carbon dioxide equivalents using the 20-year
GWP value of 86 from the IPCC assessment.23 While for a
g CO2 equivalents per MJ
I therefore conclude that the satellite data36 provide the most
robust estimates for upstream methane emissions from shale
gas operations to date.
Role of methane emissions from shale gas in global warming
Figure 2 The greenhouse gas footprints of shale gas, conventional natural gas, oil,
and coal expressed as g CO2 equivalents per MJ of heat produced.
Notes: Yellow indicates direct and indirect emissions of carbon dioxide. Red
indicates methane emissions expressed as CO2 equivalents using a global warming
potential of 86. vertical lines for shale gas and conventional natural gas indicate the
range of likely methane emissions. Emissions for carbon dioxide for all fuels and for
methane from conventional natural gas, oil, and coal are as in Howarth et al.11 Mean
methane emission estimate of shale gas is taken as 12% based on Schneising et al36
as discussed in the text.
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pg CO2 equivalents
Figure 3 Trends in greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use in the USA from 1980 to 2013 and future trends predicted until 2040 based on historical energy use and
energy predictions in the Annual Energy Outlook 2015.1 Shown are: emissions just for carbon dioxide (gray line); emissions for carbon dioxide and for methane using EPA
assumptions, which undervalue the importance of methane (green line); emissions for carbon dioxide and methane based on emission factors for conventional natural gas, oil,
and coal from Howarth et al,11 mean methane emission estimates for shale gas of 12% based on Schneising et al36 as discussed in the text, and a global warming potential for
methane of 86 (red line); and future emissions for carbon dioxide and methane based on the same assumptions as for the red line, except assuming that shale gas emissions
can be brought down to the level for conventional natural gas (blue line). Historical data are shown by solid lines; dashed lines represent future predictions.
Abbreviation: EPA, Environmental Protection Agency.
given unit of energy produced, carbon dioxide emissions are
less for shale gas and conventional natural gas than those
for oil and coal, the total greenhouse gas footprint of shale
gas is substantially greater than that of the other fossil fuels
when methane emissions are included (Figure 2). Note that
this is true even for the low-end estimates of methane emissions from the Schneising et al study. The greenhouse gas
footprint of conventional natural gas is also higher than that
of conventional oil and coal for the mean estimate of methane emissions and still greater than or comparable to that of
these other fuels even at the low-end estimate for methane
emissions. Natural gas – and shale gas in particular – is not
a bridge fuel when methane emissions are considered over
an appropriate timescale.
Trends in greenhouse gas emissions
from fossil fuels in the USA
Figure 3 shows the greenhouse gas emissions from all use of
fossil fuels in the USA from 1980 to 2013 and projections
for emissions through 2040, based on data for fossil fuel use
and projections of future use from the EIA Annual Energy
Outlook 2015 report1 and carbon dioxide emissions per unit
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of energy produced for each fuel.11,22 Total carbon dioxide
emissions fell in the early 1980s due to economic recession,
but as the economy recovered, emissions rose steadily until
the great recession of 2008. Carbon dioxide emissions continued to fall from 2008 to 2013 and are predicted to remain
relatively flat through 2040.1 President Obama and others
have attributed the decrease in carbon dioxide emissions
since 2008 to a switch from coal to shale gas,21,50 although
a recent analysis by Feng et al concludes that the sluggish
economy was the more significant cause.51
When methane emissions are included in the analysis, we
see some important differences in trends in national greenhouse gases. For the top line in Figure 3, methane emissions
are included as carbon dioxide equivalents using the 20-year
GWP of 86 from the IPCC fifth assessment23 and methane
emission factors from the 2011 study by Howarth et al11 for
coal, conventional oil, and conventional natural gas and a
factor of 12% based on the satellite data discussed earlier for
shale gas. In this analysis, methane contributes 28% of total
fossil fuel emissions for the USA in 1980 and 42% in 2013
(Figure 3). The increasing trend in the relative importance of
methane in the greenhouse gas emissions of the USA is due to
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
an increasingly large portion of the nation’s fuel mix coming
from natural gas and particularly from shale gas for the time
since 2009.1 Shale gas production was negligible before 2005
(Figure 1) but rose to contribute 14% of all fossil fuel energy
used in the USA in 2013.1 Importantly, while carbon dioxide
emissions fell between 2008 and 2013, total greenhouse gas
emissions including methane fell only briefly in 2008 before
beginning a rapid increase that lasted through 2013 and are
projected to continue to rise through 2040.
The US EPA includes methane emissions in the natural
gas inventory, but they do so in a manner that greatly undervalues their importance. This can be seen in Figure 3, where
the green line that is just above and closely tracks the gray
line for carbon dioxide emissions is based on EPA assumptions: a methane emissions rate of only 1.8% from natural
gas and a GWP of 21 based on the 100-year time period from
the second IPCC assessment from 1996.52 Note that the EPA
used this GWP value of 21 for many years, through 2013,
before switching to the 100-year value of 25 in 2014 from the
IPCC fourth assessment from 2007. The 2013 assessment of
the IPCC gives a GWP value of 34 for the 100-year period
but, as noted earlier, also states that the 100-year time frame
is arbitrary. A shorter time frame, such as the 20-year GWP
of 86 used in the top line in Figure 3, far better accounts for
the importance of methane to global warming in the critical
next few decades as the temperature is predicted to reach
1.5°C–2°C above the preindustrial baseline if methane emissions are not reduced.
Implications for policy on shale gas
As of January 2015, the US EPA has taken some steps to
reduce emissions from shale gas, but how effective these will
be in reducing methane emissions remains unclear. A draft
regulation proposed in 2012 would have prevented the
venting of methane during the flowback period following
hydraulic fracturing, with some exceptions such as for wells
in frontier regions not yet serviced by pipelines.53 This would
be important, since such venting can emit a large amount
of methane.11 However, the final regulation distinguishes
between two phases of flowback, an “initial flowback stage”
and a “separation flowback stage”. Venting of methane and
other gas is explicitly allowed during the initial stage, and
recovery of the gas is only required during the separation
stage.53 The separation stage is supposed to commence
as soon as it is technically feasible to use a flowback gas
separator. At this stage, EPA requires that the gas be sold to
market, reinjected into the ground, used as an onsite fuel, or,
Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2015:3
Role of methane emissions from shale gas in global warming
if none of these are possible, flared (ie, burned). No direct
venting of gas is allowed during this separation flowback
stage, “except when combustion creates a fire or safety hazard
or can damage tundra, permafrost or waterways”.53 Much is
left to operator judgment as to when the shift from the initial
stage to the separation stage occurs and whether an exception is necessary, which would seem to make enforcement
of these regulations difficult.
Further, EPA continues to ignore some methane emission
sources, such as during the drilling phase. Caulton et al identified many wells that were emitting high levels of methane
during this drilling phase, before the drillers had even reached
the target shale, and long before hydraulic fracturing,20 perhaps because drillers were encountering pockets of methane
gas from abandoned conventional gas wells or abandoned
coal mines. Our understanding of emission sources remains
uncertain, with the study of shale gas methane emissions
commencing only in the past few years.6 Adequate regulation
to reduce emissions requires better knowledge of sources, as
well as better oversight and enforcement.
Nonetheless, methane emissions from shale gas can be
reduced to some extent. I suggest that the best-case scenario
would have these emissions reduced to the level for conventional natural gas, or ∼3.8% for the full well-to-consumer life
cycle. This best-case scenario is explored in Figure 3 (dashed
blue line), where it is assumed that shale gas methane emissions are reduced from 12% to 3.8% as of 2014. Even still,
methane accounts for 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions
from fossil fuels in the USA throughout the period from 2014
to 2040 under this scenario, and total emissions continue to
rise, albeit more slowly than without the aggressive reduction in shale gas methane emissions. This best-case scenario
seems unlikely, and actual emissions from shale gas are likely
to range between 3.8% and 12%, giving total greenhouse gas
emissions for all fossil fuels that lie between the dashed red
and blue lines in Figure 3.
Methane emissions severely undercut the idea that shale
gas can serve as a bridge fuel over the coming decades, and
we should reduce our dependence on natural gas as quickly
as possible. One of the most cost-effective ways to do so
is to replace in-building use of natural gas for domestic
space and water heating with high-efficiency heat pumps.
Even if the electricity that drives these heat pumps comes
from coal, the greenhouse gas emissions are far less than
from the direct use of natural gas.12 Heating is the major
use for natural gas in the USA, making this change of use
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Concluding thoughts and a path
Should society continue to use coal rather than convert toward
more electricity production from shale gas? Absolutely not.
The carbon dioxide emissions from burning any fossil fuel
will continue to influence the climate for hundreds of years
into the future, and coal is the worst of the fossil fuels in
terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Given the imperative of
also reducing methane emissions to slow global warming
over the coming few decades, though, the only path forward
is to reduce the use of all fossil fuels as quickly as possible.
There is no bridge fuel, and switching from coal to shale gas
is accelerating rather than slowing global warming.
Fortunately, society does have a path forward: recent
studies for the State of New York54 and for the State of
California55 have demonstrated that we can move from a
fossil fuel-driven economy to one driven totally by renewable
energy sources (largely solar and wind) in a cost-effective
way using only technologies that are commercially available
today. The major part of the transition can be made within
the next 15 years, largely negating the need for shale gas,
with a complete transition possible by 2050. A critical part
of these plans is to use modern, efficient technologies such
as heat pumps and electric vehicles, which greatly reduce
the overall use of energy. The cost of the transition is less
than the cost currently paid for death and illness related to
air pollution from using fossil fuels.54 The costs of renewable energy today are equal to or lower than those from
using fossil fuels, when the external costs to health and the
climate are considered.
In June 2015, six of the largest oil and gas companies in
Europe including BP and Shell called for a carbon tax as a
way to slow global warming.56 An editorial in the New York
Times endorsed this idea,56 and indeed, a carbon tax is perhaps
the best way to equalize the playing field for renewable energy
technologies. The International Monetary Fund estimates
that subsidies to fossil fuels globally are in the range of $5
trillion per year, with much of this due to the effects of global
warming and consequences on human health.57 A carbon
tax would help rectify these subsidies and help promote
renewable energy. However, the editorial in the Times made
a fundamental error by ignoring methane emissions when
they wrote “this tax would reduce demand for high-carbon
emission fuels and increase demand for lower emission fuels
like natural gas”.56
Any carbon tax should recognize the two faces of
carbon: the two major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide
and methane, are both carbon gases. Both of these carbon
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gases are critically important, and the 2013 IPCC synthesis
report tells us that the effects of global methane being
emitted today matches the consequences of carbon dioxide
emissions as drivers of global warming.23 The modes of
interaction with the planetary climate system are dramatically different, though. The climate is slow to respond to
changes in carbon dioxide emissions, and so immediate
reductions in emissions would take 30–40 years before
having an influence on slowing warming, but the emissions have a warming effect on the climate that will persist
for hundreds of years.23,46,47 The climate responds quickly
to changes in methane emissions, and reducing methane
emissions is essential for slowing climate change over the
coming 30–40 years; however, the methane remains in the
atmosphere for little more than 1 decade, and methane
emissions have no lasting influence on the Earth’s climate
systems in future centuries, unless global warming over
the coming decades leads to fundamental thresholds and
changes in the climate.12,23,46,47
A carbon tax that adequately addresses the immediacy
of global climate change must include both carbon gases.
Methane emissions should be taxed using the best available
information on methane emissions. And the tax on methane
should adequately reflect the importance of methane in
current global warming and its influence in global warming over the critically important next few decades. Taxing
methane emissions at 86 times the tax for carbon dioxide
emissions, using the 20-year GWP from the most recent
IPCC synthesis report,23 would accomplish this.
The author thanks Tony Ingraffea for his continued support
and collegial interaction over the past 6 years in the joint
work that has helped to lead to this paper. Funding was
provided by the Park Foundation and an endowment given
by David R Atkinson to Cornell University to support my
position. Roxanne Marino and Melanie Hayn assisted with
drafting the figures, and the manuscript benefited from
advice and input from Roxanne Marino, my wife and longterm colleague. Two anonymous reviewers provided very
helpful comments.
The author reports no conflicts of interest in this work.
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