Haem oxygenase-1 prevents cell death
by regulating cellular iron
Christopher D. Ferris*†**, Samie R. Jaffrey*, Akira Sawa*, Masaaki Takahashi*, Stephen D. Brady*,
Roxanne K. Barrow*, Steven A. Tysoe‡, Herman Wolosker*, David E. Barañano*, Sylvain Doré*,
Kenneth D. Poss§ and Solomon H. Snyder*¶#
*Department of Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA
†Department of Medicine (Division of Gastroenterology), The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA
‡Department of Chemistry and Physics, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866, USA
§Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
¶Departments of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA
[email protected]
[email protected]
Haem oxygenase-1 (HO1) is a heat-shock protein that is induced by stressful stimuli. Here we demonstrate a
cytoprotective role for HO1: cell death produced by serum deprivation, staurosporine or etoposide is markedly
accentuated in cells from mice with a targeted deletion of the HO1 gene, and greatly reduced in cells that
overexpress HO1. Iron efflux from cells is augmented by HO1 transfection and reduced in HO1-deficient
fibroblasts. Iron accumulation in HO1-deficient cells explains their death: iron chelators protect HO1-deficient
fibroblasts from cell death. Thus, cytoprotection by HO1 is attributable to its augmentation of iron efflux, reflecting
a role for HO1 in modulating intracellular iron levels and regulating cell viability.
he cellular response to stressful stimuli includes the induction
of stress-response proteins, including heat-shock proteins
(HSPs)1,2. Some stress-response proteins, such as superoxide
dismutase, modulate intracellular levels of free radicals, while others, such as members of the Hsp70 and chaperonin families, protect
intracellular proteins from denaturation3,4. Proteins other than
stress-response proteins, such as heat-shock transcription factors,
are also induced following exposure to stressful stimuli and are
thought to regulate the expression of the key proteins that participate in cellular defense or repair processes5.
One HSP, Hsp32, also known as haem oxygenase-1 (HO1), is
induced following exposure to several stressful stimuli, including
lipopolysaccharide, haem, phorbol esters, ultraviolet radiation,
hydrogen peroxide, heavy metals and organic chemicals6–11.
Increased levels of HO1 messenger RNA are observed within minutes of exposure of cells to stresses, and amounts of HO1 protein
remain raised for hours after stress10,11. The rapid induction of HO1
following a wide variety of stressful stimuli indicates that it may
participate in the cellular response to stress. Acting in concert with
cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and biliverdin reductase12, HO1
converts haem into bilirubin, carbon monoxide and iron. Paradoxically, these three products are toxic. Thus, the role of HO1 in the
cellular response to stress is poorly understood.
Here we study the function of HO1 in the cellular response to
stress. We find that expression of HO1, in the absence of other
HSPs, is both necessary and sufficient to protect cells from toxicity
elicited by serum deprivation, showing that HO1 has a protective
function. The absence of HO1 leads to iron accumulation in liver
tissue and increased cellular iron in cultured fibroblasts, whereas
HO1 overexpression decreases cellular iron levels. Protection of
cells by HO1 parallels a decrease in intracellular iron amounts, and
HO1’s protection of cells is mimicked by iron chelation. Thus HO1
is cytoprotective, and its modulation of intracellular iron levels is a
physiological mechanism for determining cell viability.
HO1 expression blocks serum-deprivation-induced cell death. We
reasoned that, if HO1 activity is cytoprotective, HO1-deficient
(HO1−/−) cells should be more susceptible to stressful or toxic insults
than are wild-type cells. We therefore subjected HO1−/− fibroblasts
to serum deprivation, staurosporine treatment or etoposide treatment, three conditions that induce cellular stress.
Serum deprivation is a widely used model of cellular stress that
is associated with depletion of growth factors and nutrients, and
may elicit cell death through oxidative stress and subsequent
apoptosis13–15. We compared wild-type and HO1−/− cells following
serum deprivation. To determine the extent of cell death, we studied both nuclear morphology and DNA-ladder formation (a characteristic of apoptotic cells). Before serum deprivation, wild-type
and HO1−/− cells showed similar nuclear morphology (Fig. 1a) and
a low rate of spontaneous apoptosis (3±2% for wild-type cells and
4±2% for HO1−/− cells, P>0.05) as detected by staining with Hoechst
33258. However, following serum deprivation, most nuclei from
HO1−/− cells were small and condensed (89±9%), consistent with
them having undergone apoptotic cell death, whereas nuclei from
wild-type cells remained normal, with only 6±3% (P<0.01 compared with HO1−/− cells) showing condensed apoptotic nuclei (Fig.
1a,c). Moreover, distinct DNA-ladder formation was apparent in
the HO1−/− cells, whereas wild-type cells showed no evidence of
DNA fragmentation (Fig. 1b).
In other experiments we treated wild-type and HO1−/− cells with
staurosporine (200 nM) or etoposide (100 µM) for 4–24 h and monitored cell death by DNA fragmentation using agarose-gel electrophoresis. Large DNA fragments can be observed in some cells in the
initial stages of apoptosis16. After 20 h of treatment with either staurosporine or etoposide, we observed large DNA fragments (>20
kilobases in length) in HO1−/− cells but not in wild-type cells (data
not shown). These data indicate that HO1 is necessary to protect
cells from apoptotic cell death, particularly in response to serum
Physiological stressors induce HO1 and several other HSPs. To
mimic HO1 induction in the absence of the induction of other proteins, we generated cell lines showing stable overexpression of either
CPR alone or HO1 and CPR together, as CPR co-expression is
required to achieve maximal increases in HO1 enzymatic activity17
(data not shown). We then monitored cell death in response to
serum deprivation. After 4 days of serum deprivation, CPR-293
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE CELL BIOLOGY | VOL 1 | JULY 1999 |
cells exhibited substantial nuclear condensation and fragmentation
(66±5% of cells, Fig. 2A). In contrast, HO1/CPR-293 cells had
6±2% apoptotic nuclei (P<0.01 compared with CPR-293 cells, Fig.
2A). Analysis of apoptosis by DNA laddering confirmed that HO1
transfection affords significant cytoprotection, as no DNA ladder
was apparent in HO1/CPR-293 cells following serum deprivation
(Fig. 2B). Thus, HO1 expression is sufficient to protect cells from
serum-deprivation-induced apoptosis.
HO1 regulates cellular iron. To identify a possible mechanism for
the protective effect of HO1 induction, we studied HO1−/− mice. As
previously observed18, iron accumulation as detected by Prussian
blue histochemistry did not become evident in the livers of HO1−/−
animals until the animals reached ~40 weeks of age (data not
shown). To determine whether iron actually accumulates earlier
than this, we measured total iron levels in the livers of 10-week old
HO1−/− animals by atomic emission spectrometry (AES). At this
stage, iron levels were significantly higher in the HO1−/− animals
(11.9±0.4 pmol µg–1 protein, n=4) than in wild-type animals
(6.9±0.2 pmol µg–1 protein, n=6, P<0.001). Thus, iron accumulates
1 –/–
Figure 1 Increased apoptosis in HO1−/− fibroblasts following serum
deprivation. Primary cultures of fibroblasts from HO1−/− mice and their wild-type
littermates were established as described in Methods. a, Condensed nuclear
morphology in HO1−/− but not wild-type fibroblasts following serum deprivation.
Primary fibroblast cultures (0.5 × 106 cells) were incubated in complete (DMEM/
10% FCS) media or incomplete (DMEM-only) media for 20 h. Following this
incubation, light microscopy of wild-type cells revealed grossly normal cellular
morphology in the presence and absence of serum (FCS). Nuclear morphology was
determined by fluorescence microscopy following staining with Hoechst 33258, a
cell-permeable, fluorescent dye, as described in Methods. For both wild-type and
HO1−/− cells, occasional condensed nuclei were observed in the presence of serum,
consistent with spontaneous apoptosis in primary cell culture. The images shown
1 –/–
– serum
c 100
Apoptotic cells (%)
serum +
+ serum
– serum
+ serum
are typical examples of many microscopic fields studied in at least three separate
experiments. b, DNA-ladder formation in HO1−/− but not wild-type fibroblasts
following serum deprivation. DNA-ladder formation in the presence (lanes 2, 4) or
absence (lanes 3, 5) of serum was determined as described in Methods. After
centrifugation to remove intact genomic DNA, fragmented DNA was visualized with
ethidium bromide following electrophoresis on a 2% horizontal agarose gel. Distinct
ladder formation is apparent only in HO1−/− cells after serum deprivation, consistent
with significant apoptosis of these cells. For comparison, molecular size markers
(123-base-pair ladder) are shown in lane 1. The bands seen in lane 5 have the
expected molecular size, being multiples of about 180 base pairs. c, Percentage
of apoptotic cells in wild-type and HO1−/− cultures in the presence and absence of
in the livers of young HO1−/− animals before it can be detected by
Prussian blue staining, indicating that iron homeostasis is disrupted
in these animals.
To ascertain the cellular basis for iron accumulation in HO1−/−
tissues, we studied the effect of HO1 overexpression on iron deposition in CPR-293 and HO1/CPR-293 cells. We could not reliably
detect iron levels in these cells by AES; thus we labelled cells with
Fe to allow a sensitive determination of cellular iron. Iron uptake
was performed in the presence of complete media containing transferrin and other physiological chelators of iron that prevent precipitation of ferric hydroxide complexes19 (see Methods). In HO1/
CPR-293 cells, 55Fe uptake was substantially lower than in CPR-293
cells from 20 to 90 min (Fig. 3a). In other experiments, using 55Fe–
transferrin in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), we observed levels
of 55Fe uptake and differences between HO1-transfected and control cells (data not shown) that were similar to those observed in the
presence of complete media. With prolonged labelling periods (48–
72 h), 55Fe levels were the same for HO1-transfected and control
cells (data not shown). As the major storage site for cellular iron,
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
Figure 2 Transfection of HO1 into HEK-293 cells protects against serumdeprivation-induced apoptosis. A, Fragmented and condensed nuclear
morphology is seen in CPR-293 but not HO1/CPR-293 cells following serum
deprivation. Using cell lines showing stable expression of either CPR (a, b) or CPR
and HO1 (c, d), we evaluated the effect of HO1 on cell survival during serum
deprivation (b, d). HEK-293 cells are significantly more resistant to serumdeprivation-induced cell death than are primary fibroblasts. Nuclear morphology was
determined after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of serum deprivation. Nuclear morphology
was visualized using the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33258 (see Methods). Significant
protection by HO1 was observed at 72 h (data not shown) and 96 h, when many of
the cells expressing CPR alone were apoptotic. As shown, after 96 h of serum
deprivation many CPR-293 cells (b) have fragmented and condensed nuclei (white
arrows) whereas only a few HO1/CPR-293 cells (d, white arrow) appear apoptotic.
The data shown are typical examples from many microscopic fields observed; this
experiment was repeated, with the same results being obtained. B, DNA ladders form
in CPR-293 but not HO1/CPR-293 cells following serum deprivation. Serum
deprivation of cells stably expressing either CPR or HO1 plus CPR was done as in A.
DNA-ladder formation was determined as described in Methods. Characteristic DNAladder formation is seen in CPR-293 cells but not in HO1/CPR-293 cells, consistent
with protection from cell death by HO1 expression.
ferritin concentrations reflect cellular iron levels20, and increase following HO1 induction in some cells21. To assess levels of stored iron
in these cells, we monitored ferritin expression. Western blot analysis revealed equal levels of ferritin in CPR-293 and HO1/CPR-293
cells (data not shown), indicating that this iron pool is not regulated
by HO1 in these cells. Thus, HO1 expression can reduce iron levels
in non-ferritin-associated pools.
HO1 promotes cellular iron efflux. To determine whether increased
iron release, as well as reduced iron uptake, could account for the
decreased iron levels in HO1/CPR-293 cells, we evaluated iron
release by replacing the labelling media with fresh media without
Fe after washing the cells with PBS and 100 µM deferoxamine. The
rate of 55Fe release following labelling of the cellular iron was
increased twofold in HO1/CPR-293 cells compared with control
cells (Fig. 3b). Treatment of these cells with the HO inhibitor tinprotoporphyrin IX (SnPPIX) reduced 55Fe release from HO1/CPR293 cells to a level below that observed in CPR-293 cells. The
potency of SnPPIX in inhibiting iron release (half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 7 µM) is similar to its potency in assays
of HO enzymatic activity22. Thus, transfection of HO1 appears to
shift the equilibrium of iron transport towards iron efflux, lowering
cellular iron levels. The link between HO catalytic activity and alterations in 55Fe efflux indicates a role for HO1 in regulating the mobilization of cellular iron.
As SnPPIX blocks iron release in HO1/CPR-293 cells to levels
below those observed in CPR-293 cells, we wondered whether baseline HO activity could regulate basal 55Fe release from CPR-293
cells. We could not detect HO1 in CPR-293 cells, but substantial
levels of HO2 were measurable. SnPPIX blocks 55Fe efflux from
these cells (IC50=5 µM), indicating that HO2 activity may account
for basal iron efflux in these cells.
To study further the physiological role of HO1 in regulating iron
flux, we used fibroblasts derived from wild-type and HO1−/− mice
(Fig. 4). We measured 55Fe uptake and release as described for Fig. 3.
Deletion of HO1 resulted in increased 55Fe accumulation and
decreased 55Fe efflux. Together, these results show that HO expression and activity correlate with cellular iron efflux.
HO1 prevents cell death by regulating cellular iron. Cellular iron
is toxic because it contributes to the formation of free radicals, with
consequent damage to DNA, proteins and lipids15,23,24. Thus, our
finding that HO1 activity reduces cellular iron levels suggests a
mechanism by which HO1 induction may protect cells against toxicity. Iron, particularly non-ferritin iron, is known to contribute to
the free-radical formation that is involved in apoptosis 14,15.
To determine whether the mechanism of HO1-mediated cytoprotection is related to HO1’s ability to deplete intracellular iron,
we treated serum-deprived HO1−/− fibroblasts with iron chelators.
Addition of 10 µM deferoxamine or 100 µg ml–1 apotransferrin
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE CELL BIOLOGY | VOL 1 | JULY 1999 |
Time (min)
Fe uptake (c.p.m. per 10 cells)
Fe uptake (c.p.m. per 103 cells)
Time (min)
Fe released (%)
Fe released (%)
Time (min)
Figure 3 HO1 transfection regulates 55Fe uptake and release in HEK-293
cells. Cell lines stably expressing either CPR or CPR plus HO1 were established as
described in Methods. a, Uptake of 55Fe is reduced by HO1 transfection. 55Fe uptake
was measured by incubation of the indicated cell line (1 × 106 cells per well) in 2 ml
DMEM/10% FCS with 10 µCi 55Fe. At the indicated times, 55Fe uptake was determined
by collecting washed cells in PBS/1% Triton-X100 and analysing them by liquid
scintillation spectrometry. The data shown are the means of triplicate determinations
that varied by <10%. This experiment was repeated three times with the same
results. b, 55Fe release is increased by HO1 transfection. Following incubation with
Fe-uptake media to equilibrium for 60 min as in a, 55Fe release was initiated, after
washing the cells, by the addition of 2 ml fresh DMEM/10% FCS. The fraction of 55Fe
released was determined by duplicate sampling (10-µl aliquots) of the media at the
indicated times followed by liquid scintillation spectrometry. At the end of the
experiment, the total 55Fe accumulated was determined and the percentage released
was calculated. The data shown are the means of triplicate determinations that
varied by <10%. * P<0.05; *** P<0.001. This experiment was repeated three
times with the same results.
(10 ilirub
nM in
Figure 5 Iron chelation, but not incubation with cGMP or bilirubin, blocks
serum-deprivation-induced apoptosis in HO1−/− fibroblasts. HO1−/− fibroblasts
were deprived of serum as in Fig. 1 except that some cells were simultaneously
incubated with 10 nM bilirubin, 10 µM 8-Br-cGMP, 10 µM deferoxamine, or 100 µg ml–1
apotransferrin. a, Nuclear morphology was visualized with Hoechst 33258 staining. b,
The percentage of apoptotic cells under each treatment condition was determined by
(10 ansf
0 µ erri
gm n
l –1
(100 µg ml–1)
(10 efero
µm xam
(10 µm)
(10 Br cG
+8Br cGMP
(10 µM)
Apoptotic cells (%)
(10 nM)
Figure 4 Genetic deletion of HO1 regulates 55Fe uptake and release in
primary fibroblasts. Primary cultures of fibroblasts were established as described
in Methods. a, 55Fe uptake is increased in HO1−/− fibroblasts. 55Fe uptake was
measured as described for Fig. 3. The data shown are the means of duplicate or
triplicate determinations that varied by <10%. This experiment was repeated with the
same results. b, 55Fe release is decreased in HO1−/− fibroblasts. 55Fe release was
measured as described for Fig. 3. The data shown are the means of duplicate or
triplicate determinations that varied by <10%. ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001. This
experiment was repeated with the same results.
HO1–/–, –serum
Time (min)
cell counting, with the experimenter blind to the treatment condition. Bilirubin and cGMP
had no effect on the number of condensed, apoptotic, nuclei after serum deprivation.
Deferoxamine and apotransferrin afforded substantial protection, reducing the
percentage of apoptotic nuclei to basal levels observed in the presence of serum. The
data shown in a are examples typical of many microscopic fields studied in two
separate experiments.
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
reduces serum-deprivation-induced cell death to wild-type levels
(Fig. 5a,b).
Conceivably, products of HO1 enzymatic activity might account
for the protective affect of HO1. However, incubation of HO1−/−
fibroblasts with a cyclic GMP analogue, 8-bromo cGMP, to mimic
production of carbon monoxide, or with bilirubin failed to protect
against serum-deprivation-induced cell death (Fig. 5a,b), indicating that none of the products of HO1 activity account for HO1’s
cytoprotective effect. Thus, HO1 is necessary to protect cells from
serum deprivation-induced cell death, and this protective activity is
linked to its effect on intracellular iron.
Following cellular stress in various tissues, HO1 is rapidly induced
and degrades haem, releasing substantial quantities of free iron.
Through the Fenton reaction, iron gives rise to hydroxyl radicals.
Thus, the release of free iron associated with HO1 induction would
be expected to be toxic23, yet we have found HO1 activity to be protective. Our discovery that HO1 activity is linked to the extrusion of
iron from cells explains this apparent paradox and provides a mechanism for cellular protection following HO1 induction. Inhibition
of iron release by genetic deletion of HO1 and by the HO inhibitor
SnPPIX indicates that haem itself may be the source iron for iron
release or mobilization from cells. Thus, our data indicate that
HO1-mediated mobilization of cellular iron is an important mechanism controlling cell survival following stress.
The detailed molecular mechanisms underlying HO1’s participation in cellular iron extrusion are unclear. Cellular iron uptake
occurs through both transferrin-dependent and transferrin-independent pathways, and many of the molecules involved in these
pathways are known20,25–27. In addition, iron re-utilization is a welldescribed physiological phenomenon28. Thus, humans normally
require only about 1 mg iron per day from dietary sources, although
more than 100 times this quantity is delivered to the blood from tissues daily29. Indeed, for more than 30 years, HO activity has been
known to be a rate-limiting step in the conversion of haemoglobinderived haem to bilirubin and in the re-utilization of iron from haemoglobin for the synthesis of new red blood cells30,31. Nonetheless,
specific molecular mechanisms for transmembrane transport of
iron from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum (part of the
secretory pathway) or extracellular fluid have not been described.
We have recently identified an iron-transporting ATPase in liver
microsomal membranes that is induced by iron, co-localizes with
HO1 and may act in association with HO1 to mediate the release/
mobilization of cellular iron32. Together with HO1, this Fe–ATPase
may mediate the mobilization of cellular iron for iron re-utilization, acting to reduce iron amounts within cells and thereby protecting cells under stress. A role for HO1 induction in cardiac
xenograft survival has also been described33. It has yet to be determined whether HO1-dependent iron mobilization determines the
xenograft survival observed in this experimental model.
HO2 is a constitutively expressed HO isoform that is enriched in
neurons22,34–36. In lung tissue, HO2 is associated with the accumulation of iron that follows exposure to high oxygen levels37. The inhibition of HO2 by SnPPIX in CPR-293 cells indicates that HO2 may also
affect iron deposition in some circumstances. HO3 is a newly
described HO isoform with minimal catalytic activity and unclear
physiological function38. Whether the iron-mobilizing and antiapoptotic functions described here are specific to the inducible HO1
or are a common feature of all HOs remains to be established.
Unless otherwise indicated, all chemicals were from Sigma.
Assay of HO enzymatic activity.
HO activity was measured using [55Fe]haemin (NEN Life Science Products). Briefly, membrane fractions
from cells (10–200 µg protein) were incubated with NADPH (1 mM) and [55Fe]haemin (20,000 c.p.m.) in
100 µl 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, and 1 mM EDTA. Routinely, reactions were incubated for 8 min at 25 °C and
stopped with the addition of 1 ml ice-cold 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, containing 10 µM SnPPIX (LC
laboratories, Woburn, MA). 55Fe released by HO was quantified by applying the entire reaction mixture to
an anion-exchange column (Dowex AG1X-8, Bio-Rad) (0.5 ml bed volume) to remove intact [55Fe]haemin.
Free 55Fe was eluted by addition of 1 ml 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, plus 1 M NaCl and quantified by liquid
scintillation spectrometry.
Establishment of stable cell lines and primary culture of murine fibroblasts.
HEK-293 cells were cultured according to standard techniques in DMEM medium supplemented with
10% FCS, penicillin and streptomycin, and glutamine. Stable transfection of cell lines was done
essentially as described39. Briefly, human CPR and human HO1 complementary DNAs were subcloned
into the cytomegalovirus (CMV)-based expression vector pRK5. Using pRSVneo as a selectable marker,
CPR–pRK5 was transfected into HEK293 cells. Stable transformants were selected with G418, resulting
in the cell line HEK293-CPR, designated CPR-293 here. The CPR-293 cell line was then transfected with
pZeoSV2 and HO1–pRK5, followed by selection in both G418 and zeocin (Invitrogen). The resulting cell
line, HEK-293-CPR/HO1, is designated HO1/CPR-293 here. General cell viability was assessed by
determining cell growth rates (doubling times), studying trypan-blue exclusion, and monitoring basal
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release (Sigma Diagnostics). CPR-293 and HO1/CPR-293 cells divide
somewhat more slowly than do wild-type HEK-293 cells. Doubling times of 41, 39 and 34 h were
observed for CPR-293, HO1/CPR-293, and wild-type HEK-293 cells, respectively. More than 95% of
cells from all cell lines excluded trypan blue under normal culture conditions. No significant LDH release
could be detected in either CPR-293 or HO1/CPR-293 cells under normal culture conditions. Thus, the
transfection of CPR alone or together with HO1 does not appear to affect general cell viability.
Primary cultures of fibroblasts were established from abdominal skin samples of HO1 −/− mice and
their wild-type littermates by the Genetics Resource Core Facility, Cell Culture Laboratory, at The Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, according to established protocols. Cells were maintained in
standard cell-culture media (DMEM, 10% FCS, penicillin, streptomycin and glutamine) before
experiments. Although we did observe variable rates of growth of various fibroblast cell lines (both
HO1+/+ and HO1 −/−), we established several cell lines and chose cell lines with similar growth rates for
experiments. Once cultured to confluence, >90% of cells excluded trypan blue, and no significant
spontaneous LDH release could be detected.
Induction of apoptosis.
Apoptosis was induced by simple serum deprivation for most experiments as indicated. In other
experiments, primary fibroblasts or HEK293-derived cell lines were treated for 4–96 h with 200 nM
staurosporine (Calbiochem) or 100 µM etoposide before determination of nuclear morphology and/or
DNA laddering.
Nuclear morphology.
Nuclear morphology of cells was determined by standard fluorescence light microscopy using the cellpermeable fluorescent dye Hoechst 33258 (Molecular Probes). After incubation under the indicated
conditions for the indicated times, cells were collected by gentle scraping with a rubber policeman. The
cells were washed two times with PBS and the resulting suspension was stained with a 1:500 dilution of
the Hoechst dye for 5 min at 25 °C. The cells were again washed with PBS before mounting on slides for
light microscopy. The percentages of normal and apoptotic cells were determined by counting multiple
high-power fields using fluorescence microscopy with the experimenter blind to cell type or treatment
condition. Statistical significance was determined using Student’s paired t-test.
DNA-ladder formation.
DNA ladders were visualized essentially as described40. Briefly, cells were resuspended in buffer (5 mM
Tris-Cl, pH 7.4, 20 mM EDTA, 0.5% Triton-X100), and incubated on ice for 20 min. Samples were then
centrifuged at 27,000g for 20 min to remove intact genomic DNA. Thus, samples without significant
apoptosis will not have any DNA present. The supernatant was extracted with phenol/chloroform, and
nucleic acids were precipitated with ethanol. The pellet was resuspended and incubated at 37 °C in 1%
RNase without DNase (Boehringer Mannheim) for 1 h. The samples were then electrophoresed on a 2%
agarose (LMP agarose, Gibco) gel made with ethidium bromide to visualize DNA.
Atomic emission spectrometry.
Liver samples were analysed for iron content using a spectroanalytical spectroflame end-on-plasma
(EOP) instrument operating at 1,300 W. The analysis was carried out using the 259.921-nm line, which
afforded high sensitivity and selectivity. Liver samples were prepared for AES by homogenization with a
polytron homogenizer (Brinkmann) followed by solubization in 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, and 2% TritonX100 and then centrifugation at 100,000g. The resulting supernatants were filtered, diluted 100-fold with
deionized water, and introduced into the plasma using a Meinhard nebulizer. Four replicate samples of
both standards and unknowns were averaged. Negligible matrix effects were observed at the
concentrations used in this analysis.
Fe uptake and release.
FeCl3 was obtained from NEN Life Science Products (6.7 Ci mmol–1). 55Fe uptake and release were
measured essentially as described19, with some modifications. Briefly, cells were cultured in standard 6well plates and incubated (1 × 106 cells per well) with 10 µCi 55FeCl3 in 2 ml per well DMEM/10% FCS for
the indicated times. Complete media, including FCS, were used to ensure adequate levels of physiological
chelators for 55Fe, as ferric hydroxide complexes form readily under physiological conditions and have
extremely poor solubility. Transferrin concentration in serum is 4 g l–1 (50 µM) transferrin, and
transferrin saturation is 30%. As we used 10% serum in our experiments and as transferrin binds two
moles iron per mole transferrin, transferrin is available to bind up to 7 µM iron. In our experiments, by
adding 10 µCi 55Fe with a specific activity of 6.7 Ci mmol–1, the iron concentration increases to 740 nM
above physiological levels. Thus ample transferrin is available for binding iron. In addition, to ensure
physiological labelling of cells, we labelled cells with 55Fe–transferrin in PBS and obtained results similar
to those obtained with complete media containing serum. Before collecting the cells, we washed attached
cells with 2 × 2 ml ice-cold PBS/100 µM deferoxamine. In preliminary experiments, we found that
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE CELL BIOLOGY | VOL 1 | JULY 1999 |
washing cells with PBS alone produced the same results, although background levels of cell-associated
Fe were ~15% higher. We also evaulated the possibility of washing cells with PBS/100 µM EDTA.
Although EDTA, like deferoxamine, reduced background levels of cell-associated 55Fe, EDTA tended to
cause some cells to detach from the plate, leading to less accurate replicates. We then added 2 ml ice-cold
PBS/1% Triton-X100 and incubated the cells on ice for 20 min to allow complete lysis. Lysed cells from
each well were collected and the amount of 55Fe was determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry. For
routine experiments, determinations were made in either duplicate or triplicate with less than 10%
For 55Fe release, cells were incubated to equilibrium (60–90 min) under 55Fe-uptake conditions, and
then washed with 2 × 2 ml PBS/100 µM deferoxamine (37 °C) before addition of 2 ml DMEM/10%FCS.
Fe release from each well was quantified by removing 10-µl aliquots in duplicate from the media at the
indicated times. The percentage of accumulated 55Fe released was calculated after determination of the
total 55Fe accumulated by collecting the cells at the end of the experiment. These experiments were also
routinely done in duplicate or triplicate, with less than 10% variability. Data were analysed using
GraphPad Prism software, version 2.01 (GraphPad Software Inc., San Diego, CA), and significance was
analysed using a paired, two-tailed, Student’s t-test.
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We thank R. Seaforth for providing [55Fe]haemin, D. C. Dodson for secretarial assistance,
and S. Tonegawa for initial supplies of HO1−/− mice. This work was supported by USPHS
grant MH-18501 and Research Scientist Award DA-00074 to S.H.S., and a National Research
Service Award (DA-05900) to D.E.B. C.D.F. has a Howard Hughes Fellowship for Physicians
and H.W. is a Pew Fellow.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.H.S. or C.D.F.
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