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Lake Decatur is the water supply reservoir for the City of Decatur. The reservoir was created in 1922 by constructing a dam to impound the flow of the Sangamon River. The dam was modified in 1956 to increase the maximum capacity of the lake to 28,000 acre-feet. The lake receives water from the 925-square-mile watershed of the Upper Sangamon River that includes portions of seven counties in east-central Illinois. Lake Decatur has high nitrate-N concentrations which have been consistently exceeding the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) drinking water standard of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) since 1980. This has created a serious situation for the drinking water supply of the City of Decatur, since nitrate-nitrogen (N) cannot be removed from finished drinking water through regular water purification processes. Since 1993, the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) has been monitoring the Lake Decatur watershed for trends in discharge, nitrate-N concentration, and nitrate-N yield and to identify any significant changes in the watershed. The purpose of the monitoring was to collect reliable scientific data throughout the watershed for use by city planners and resource managers to develop watershed management alternatives based on scientific data. The ISWS originally established eight monitoring stations in the Upper Sangamon River watershed. Three of those stations have been in continuous operation from May 1993 to April 2008. A companion study funded by the Agricultural Watershed Institute allowed for continued monitoring at those three stations from May 2008 through September 2008. The purpose of this report is to document and present the discharge, nitrate-N concentration, and nitrate-N yield data for the 15 water years of monitoring (October 1993-September 2008), as well as to determine any annual trends in the Lake Decatur watershed. The intended purpose of the monitoring data and trends investigation results is to assist the City of Decatur planners and resource managers in developing watershed management alternatives to manage the current and future city water supply. In summary, eight of the 15 water years experienced above or extremely above normal precipitation. Based on the 100-year streamflow record at the Monticello station, 4 of the top 11 total annual discharges occurred during the monitoring period (Water Year (WY) 1993-2 nd , WY2008-3 rd , WY1994-10 th , and WY1998-11 th), whereas WY2000 had the fourth lowest annual discharge. The 15-year mean annual nitrate-N yield delivered to Lake Decatur from the Upper Sangamon River watershed was 23 lb/acre and varied from 6 lb/acre (WY2000) to 42 lb/acre (WY2008). During the 15-year monitoring period, there were no significant trends in discharge and nitrate-N yields for the Long Creek (101), Friends Creek (102), and Monticello (111) stations in the Lake Decatur watershed. Annual average nitrate-N concentration for the Monticello (111) station had a statistically significant increasing trend with an increase of 0.087 mg/L per year based on the statistical fit of the annual average data. This dataset was augmented by a longer data record (WY1975-2006) from the downstream gaging station near Oakford to investigate longer-term trends in the Sangamon River watershed. There were no trends detected for nitrate-N concentration or yield within the 32-year record from the Oakford gage.
J. of Design Research, 2009
This paper presents a comparative study of the design processes of final-year industrial design students of 2 countries while conducting an individual design task. This task was identical for both groups making this comparison possible even though the studies are 15 years apart. This new study gave us opportunity to observe new aspects initially not focused upon. The operational aims of this study are the identification and comparison of the way senior design students in both groups take decisions, the relation with design moves along the process, and the factors influencing the decisions and moves. For that purpose both verbal protocol analysis studies (VPA) were analyzed on the basis of activities and decision-making moments described in terms of reasons behind it and goals intended to be achieved through it. The results indicate the relevance of two aspects: a) the abductive reasoning that supports designing gains visibility through analysis based upon decisionmaking; where idea generation plays a key role. b) the notion of design as a decision-making process could bridge, in a meaningful way, design education and design practice in organizations.
Archives of Suicide Research, 2014
Objective: 1) To review the literature and classify the different reactions of professionals following a patient's suicide, and 2) to make suggestions for further investigation. Methodology: An extensive search of the literature has been undertaken using a computer database search. Results: Results from studies suggest very minimal reactions with regard to the presence of stress-or affective-related symptomatology, but an impact in the way professionals conduct their clinical assessment and reach treatment decisions. Discussion: Future research should investigate how this event changes the clinician's personal growth and capacity to establish a therapeutic alliance with other suicidal patients
Pelayanan publik tidak terlepas dari masalah kepentingan umum, yang menjadi asal-usul timbulnya istilah pelayanan publik. Perkembangan globalisasi mengenai teknologi informasi membawa seluruh instansi, Lembaga, Badan, Dinas serta Kantor Pemerintahan menuju perubahan-perubahan terhadap sikap mengenai cara memberikan pelayanan publik yang efektif dan efesien. Pelayanan sendiri dapat diartikan suatu kegiatan atau urutan yang terjadi dalam interaksi langsung antar seseorang dengan orang lain atau mesin secara fisik, dan menyediakan kepuasan pelanggan.1 Berdasarkan definisi diatas dapat dikemukakan bahwa pada dasarnya pelayanan adalah sesuatu yang tidak berwujud tetapi dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan atau masyarakat. Menelusuri arti pelayanan tidak akan pernah terlepas dari masalah kepentingan umum, yang menjadi asal-usul timbulna istilah pelayanan umum ataupun pelayanan publik. Pelayanan Publik dapat dimaknai sebagai usaha pemenuhan hak-hak dasar masyarakat dan merupakan kewajiban pemerintah untuk melakukan pemenuhan hak-hak dasar tersebut.2 Pelayanan Publik dalam hal ini sebagai segala bentu kegiatn pelayanan yang dilaksanakan oleh instansi pemerintah di pusat, di daerah dalam bentuk barang dan jasa baik dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat maupun dalam rangka pelaksananaan perundang-undangan. Pelayanan Publik adalah pemenuhan keinginan dan kebutuhan masyarakat oleh penyelenggara pemerintah serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh birokrasi publik untuk
Revista Hispanoamericana T.O.R., N° 9, 2024, pp. 57-72 , 2024
Los ángeles permean todo el Occidente cristiano medieval. Son una presencia constante, cotidiana, en la vida de los seres humanos y, al mismo tiempo, han sido objeto de profundas reflexiones teológicas, filosóficas y políticas. Pensadores de diferentes extracciones han buscado a través de su estudio respuestas sobre la realidad política de su tiempo. En esta oportunidad abordaremos la temática en cuestión a través de Francesc Eiximenis (c. 1330-1409), franciscano nacido en Gerona que tuvo una notable actuación en variados escenarios. En relación con la materia de nuestro interés, redactó el Llibre dels àngels, un tratado sobre angelología que incluye reflexiones de índole política. De esta obra trabajaremos especialmente el libro IV, que trata básicamente sobre los demonios, y el libro V, dedicado al arcángel Miguel y su lucha contra los ángeles caídos.
24th Current Research in Egyptology, Liverpool, 2024
The approach to ancient Egyptian statuary is often focused on individual examples, typological studies, or art historical considerations, admittedly hindered by the lack of evidence inherent to portable, looted antiquities. In contrast, statues from the New Kingdom artists’ village of Deir el-Medina come with an exceptionally rich archaeological context, and yet, its globally dispersed corpus has not been consolidated, let alone analysed as a whole. Emerging from an ongoing research dedicated to advancing the understanding of the nonroyal statuary practice in Deir el-Medina’s environment by regrouping and recontextualising the artefacts, a small, but remarkably diverse and innovative group of theophorous statues reveal intriguing insights. Beyond art historical analysis, archaeological, visual, and textual evidence shows villagers designing, exchanging, and using statues not only for their religious effect, but also for artistic differentiation. The case study of an intriguing theophorous statue fragment recently re-discovered in Deir el-Medina’s off-site stores will illustrate the holistic recontextualisation methodology, revealing the artefact’s story from conceptualisation to reuse, the self-presentation strategies blending religious and artistic motivations its designers deployed, and the agency the statue gained over time, up till now.
Studi Romani 3 (2021 [2024]), pp. 5-20
eGRI (a cura di), The Archaeology of Mithraism. New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship (Alberto Gavini); ANTONellA PAM-PAlONe, Il cardinale Niccolò Perrelli (1696-1772) burocrate esemplare della Camera Apostolica e committente per caso (Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi); lUcIANO PA-leRMO, Il mercato romano nel carteggio di Francesco Datini (1377-1409) (Daniele Lombardi); ANGelO cASTRORAO bARbA, La fine delle ville romane in Italia tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo (III-VIII secolo) (Federico Marazzi); GAbRIele cASTIGlIA-PhIlIPPe PeRGOlA (a cura di), Instrumentum domesticum. Archeologia cristiana, metodologie e cultura materiale della tarda antichità e dell'alto medioevo (Federico Marazzi); lUIGI MAlNATI, La passione e la polvere. Storia dell'archeologia italiana da Pompei ai giorni nostri (Federico Marazzi
FICHEIRO EPIGRÁFICO (Suplemento de «Conimbriga») 268, n.º 896, 2024, 2024
Geburt der Avantgarde - Emmy Hennings, 2018
The Journal of Urology, 2011
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018
Computers & Education, 2010
Pediatric Pulmonology, 2013
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1993
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 2024