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Fluorescence microscopy in biomedical research is a light microscope technique designed to view fluorescence emission from a biological specimen. It has become an extremely useful tool to localize genes, messenger RNA and proteins within live and fixed cells and tissues and to visualize spatiotemporal variations in intracellular calcium as well as other ions and metabolites.
Materials Today, 2010
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are
Applied Optics, 1997
Springer Handbook of Microscopy, 2019
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)
Front cover image. Top: Thy1-GFP-labeled, cleared mouse brain (CLARITY). Acquired on ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1, processed in arivis Vision4D. Imaged with a 5x objective, using 6x7 tiles from two sides. Insert: Digital zoom from the cortex region, showing that single neurons can be identified and analyzed. Image by Douglas S Richardson; reproduced with permission from ZEISS. Middle-left: 3D rendering of a HeLa cell in mitosis. Snap from a 300 time points image series. Chromosomes are labeled green (mCherry-H2B), mitochondria yellow (mitotracker-deep red), and endoplasmic reticulum magenta (mEmerald-calnexin). Organelle structures are clearly resolved. Acquired using a lattice light-sheet microscope by Wesley Legant and Eric Betzig. Image from Chen et al. Science 2014;346:1257998. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Middle-right: 3D rendered volume data set of a six-day old embryo of the marine crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. One time point from a seven-day time lapse. Acquired on ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1, data processed and fused in Fiji. Image by Tassos Pavlopoulos. Bottom: The development of a zebrafish retina captured on a lightsheet microscope every 12 hours from 1.5 days to 3.5 days after birth. Labels: retinal ganglion cells with Ath5:RFP (magenta), amacrine and horizontal cells with Ptf1a:YFP (yellow) and photoreceptors and bipolar cells with Crx:CFP (cyan). Image by the Norden lab, Max
Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, 2010
A dvances in laboratory instrumentation often increase the complexity, size, and cost of the device. The resulting complexity and cost, however, then reduce the accessibility of the device to many laboratories. We examine ways to use technological advances to simplify the design of laboratory devices, retaining the essential components that yield sufficient capabilities for routine uses. Inverted fluorescence microscopes, for example, have evolved into large complex instruments with exquisite imaging capability and are loaded with features requiring trained users and costing tens of thousands of dollars. This has limited their potential ubiquity within laboratories. For simple fluorescence microscopy applications, a much smaller and less expensive device with far fewer features would minimize the issues encountered with traditional inverted fluorescence microscopes. Advances in inexpensive complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor sensor technology have allowed its consideration as an alternative to the expensive charge-coupled device cameras currently used. Based on these advances, we have developed a compact, singlecolor, single-magnification device with a retail price an order of magnitude lower than current benchtop fluorescence microscopes. This device makes routine fluorescence microscopy applications immediately accessible to individual researchers and less well-funded laboratories. Tasks such as determining the presence of cells, their health, confluence, and fluorescence labeling or expression are compatible with such a simplified version. The low cost, small size, and ease of use of this device allows fluorescence microscopy to become more accessible for point-of-care medicine and at many points in the research process. ( JALA 2010;n:nen) 65 am 27. Hecht, S.; Shlaer, S.; Pirenne, M. H. Energy, quanta, and vision.
1. What are the transition metals ? describe the definition of transition metals ? How are they difference from the main metals ? 2. Write down, in order, the metal that comprise the first row of the d-block and give the ground state valency electronic configuration of each element. 3. Comment on the variation in oxidation states of first row d-block metals? Why is Zn not classed at transition metals ? 4. Describe the extraction of manganese from its ore ? 5. Writw equations illustrating reaction of Mn with HCl, oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorine. Provide reaction condition in each case. 6. Describe the preparation of dark green salt of (MnO4) -1 7. In the presence of acid manganite (VI) is unstable with respect disproportionation. Write this equation.
Antiguo Oriente, 2013
Summary: The Royal Figure of Hatshepsut: An Analytical Proposal from Threefold Ontological Changes The purpose of this paper is to analyze different changes observed in the royal figure of Hatshepsut. It is proposed a threefold division: Divine birth as “Son of Amun”, coronation as Maat-ka-Ra and, finally, the damnatio memoriae of her royal memory. Keywords: 18th Dynasty – “Son of Amun” – Maat-ka-Ra – Damnatio memoriae Resumen: La figura regia de Hatshepsut: una propuesta de análisis a partir de tres cambios ontológicos En este trabajo analizaremos diversos cambios que se producen en la figura regia de Hatshepsut. Para lograrlo, proponemos la siguiente división: nacimiento divino como “Hijo de Amón”, coronación como Maat-ka-Ra y finalmente la damnatio memoriae. Palabras clave: Dinastía XVIII – “Hijo de Amón” – Maat-ka-Ra – Damnatio memoriae
Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains Sosial, dan Agama/Jurnal pendidikan, sains sosial, dan agama, 2022
Progress in brain research, 2006
Классические, неклассические и пост-неклассические теории понимания смысла в математике, 2022
Journal of Structural Engineering-asce, 2003
Studia Krytyczne/Critical Studies, 2022
Tharros. Guide e Itinerari, 2022
Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2021
Indian Scientific Journal Of Research In Engineering And Management, 2023
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift, 2017
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2013