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Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), 2015
Conjunto de normas reguladoras del ceremonial y protocolo oficial del Estado del Reino de España
Al hablar de registros históricos, es posible que muchos estudiosos hablen de ceremonias de las primeras civilizaciones como el código de Hammurabi, primer código jurídico conocido de los jeroglíficos egipcios, de Grecia y Roma o de El Libro de las Ceremonias, redactado en Bizancio por orden de Constantino VII en el siglo X como primer testimonio dedicado al ceremonial del palacio.
Protocolo: Código de la urbanidad internacional, regla ceremonial diplomática por decreto o por costumbre. Cuando se habla de Protocolo, mucha gente tiene la idea de algo, que concierne sólo a los diplomáticos, por eso se considera cosa lejana, ajena a la vida diaria. El Protocolo es un conjunto de normas y reglas de aceptación general que se observan en la práctica oficial. Está basado en el llamado principio de cortesía internacional.
The Service Industries Journal, 2024
Few researchers sought to identify the most popular themes of study that promote ethical leadership in service organizations. This paper addresses this knowledge gap in the academic literature. Its research objectives are threefold: (i) first, it identifies and extracts high impact articles on service ethics published in the last 5 years; (ii) second, it presents the results from a thematic analysis, to shed light on research paradigms and areas of study focused on this topic; (iii) third, it advances theoretical and practical implications. In sum, this article raises awareness on ethical and social responsibilities of service organizations in an age where they are utilizing disruptive technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), big data and analytics, as well as with sharing economy platforms, among others. The findings indicate that they are expected to conduct sustainability accounting, reporting and assurance of their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, to prove their legitimacy with stakeholders, among other responsibilities.
Democracy, Education and Research. The struggle for public life, 2019
… of the 14-th International Symposium …, 2000
Information Technologies and Learning Tools
Frontiers in Immunology, 2021
UCV-Scientia, 2015
Acta Biomaterialia, 2014
Pan African Medical Journal, 2019
International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 2017
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2015