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The diversity of information that Google provides is also a subject of criticism. The Internet is an environment with no quality control; anyone can gather whatever batch of information they wish and present it to the whole world It employs over 70,000 people around the world. It owns five of the top 10 most downloaded mobile applications in the United States. Having being traded at $85 in its initial public offering, the company’s shares rose up to $600. The company with the highest mobile and digital ad revenue. In 2017, its revenue in the mobile market is expected to reach some $50 billion.
Among the fast growing technology based companies, Google has shown an outstanding performance in the last few years. Its revenue stream, based on a virtual infinitely scalable search advertising model, relies ultimately on the performance of the search engine. The main advertisement product is the selling of a high margin, pay-per-click, content sensitive advertisement on its own sitea product called AdWords. As billion daily queries (there were about 4.8 billion in October, 2008 in U.S.) get faster, relevant and more accurate, more interest Google site will attract and, one may expect, more effective will be the advertisement, in terms of return over investment for clients. Besides its distinctive hardware capacity and expertise, Google has a strong culture and a suitable management style, both of them responsible in large part for the attraction of a high quality workforce.
This paper explores the challenges facing organisations--particulary libraries and educational institutions--in getting their content in front of the end-user with the same degree of apparent ease that search engines such as Google have achieved. The author examines a range of initiatives which make more accessible material traditionally viewed as part of the deep Web and concludes that the current generation--as it grows up with the Internet--will help to create the resource discovery tools and content management systems of the future.
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the critical use of commitments in the Google case and to analyse and review the matrix of facts that have been highlighted in the academic and practitioner literature. Therefore, the core areas of reflection in this contribution are: relevant markets; barriers to entry; network and lock-in effects; dominance; and, potential anticompetitive, as well as unfair practices as regards commercial advertisements. The analysis of the online search-engine market is complemented by the comparative insights offered by the US class action against Google's Android mobile applications. In the EU, a similar trend is noticeable in the complaining tone of Google's competitors. When this is coupled with the transitional period of the mandate of the newly appointed Commissioner for Competition and the political sensitivity over the potential to misuse search-engine users' personal data to serve commercial purposes, such as boosting its advertising revenues, the giant Google swims in uncertain waters.
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Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
Isletmeler icin buyume stratejilerinden birisi diger isletmeleri satin almaktir. Buyume, isletmenin esas faaliyet alani ile ilgili olabilirken, farkli sektorlerden farkli faaliyet alanlari ile ilgili de olabilmektedir. Bu calismada sinirli sayida isletmenin (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook gibi.) olusturdugu oligopol bir yapiya sahip internet sektorunde onemli bir sirket olan Google Inc.’nin satin alma stratejisi incelenmistir. 2001 ve 2017 tarihleri arasinda 177 adet satin alma islemi incelenmistir. Bu inceleme sonucunda Google Inc.’nin farkli teknolojik alanlarda uretim yapan isletmeleri satin aldigi fakat bu satin almalar sonucunda esas faaliyet alaninda elde ettigi gelirleri artiracak yeteneklere sahip oldugu gorulmektedir. Sonuc olarak, secilen Google orneginde 177 satin alma arasinda “kisitli iliskili cesitlendirme” modeli, temel isin performansini arttirmaya yonelik en sik gozlenen strateji olarak belirlenmistir.
For a company whose motto is "Do No Evil," Google certainly has its share of detractors. The company is at the center of numerous controversies that will determine how people use the Internet, find information, and communicate with each other. Professor Jon Garon explores the cases that will shape Google's future and the implications for copyright and trademark owners, including: the latest AdWords' case Rescuecom v. Google, the proposed Book Search settlement, the Viacom v. YouTube copyright infringement case, and looming antitrust investigations. He also will speculate about the future of Google as it consolidates its control over online search and advertising and expands into telecommunications, mobile devices and cloud computing.
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