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10 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Simulating Communications Systems in Matlab provides a comprehensive guide on using Matlab for modeling and simulating communication systems. It covers foundational elements such as calculations, variable manipulations, vector and matrix definitions, and details the implementation of typical communication scenarios, including database generation, channel modeling, noise addition, and demodulation techniques. The paper emphasizes practical exercises for better understanding and concludes with insights on visualizing simulation results through plots.
This paper introduce the Bit error rate, (BER) simulation using Mat lab. Bit error rate, (BER) is a key parameter that is used in assessing systems that transmit digital data from one location to another. Systems for which bit error rate, is applicable include radio data links as well as fiber optic data systems, Ethernet, or any system that transmits data over a network of some form where noise, interference, and phase jitter may cause quality degradation of the digital signal. Mat lab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error-rate testing of modems. The bit-error-rate performance of a receiver is a figure of merit that allows different designs to be compared in a fair manner. Performing bit-error-rate testing with Mat lab is very simple, but does require some prerequisite knowledge.
For the single-sided spectra, write the signal in terms of cosines:
For the single-sided spectra, write the signal in terms of cosines: x(t) = 10cos(4πt + π/8) + 6 sin(8πt + 3π/4) = 10cos(4πt + π/8) + 6 cos(8πt + 3π/4 − π/2) = 10cos(4πt + π/8) + 6 cos(8πt + π/4) For the double-sided spectra, write the signal in terms of complex exponentials using Euler's theorem: x(t) = 5exp[(4πt + π/8)] + 5 exp[−j(4πt + π/8)] +3 exp[j(8πt + 3π/4)] + 3 exp[−j(8πt + 3π/4)] The two sets of spectra are plotted in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Problem 2.2 The result is x(t) = 4e j(8πt+π/2) + 4e −j(8πt+π/2) + 2e j(4πt−π/4) + 2e −j(4πt−π/4) = 8cos(8πt + π/2) + 4 cos (4πt − π/4) = −8 sin (8πt) + 4 cos (4πt − π/4)
PARTE 1: Sistemas de modulación en canal AWGN – Sincronismo de portadora. Simular una comunicación digital a través de un canal con ruido aditivo, blanco y gaussiano (DEP=N0/2) para los siguientes esquemas de modulación: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM. Alumno: Speroni, Abel David N° de Alumno: 59797/7 Introducción Los esquemas de modulación mencionados anteriormente son del tipo pasabanda. En estos sistemas, el flujo de datos de entrada se modula sobre una portadora y se envía a través de un canal pasabanda con un cierto ancho de banda. En esta parte del trabajo se supondrá que el canal tiene una transferencia plana en el ancho de banda de interés y sincronismo perfecto tanto de portadora como de símbolo. Se debe tener en cuenta que se trabajará con sistemas de comunicaciones M-arios. Esto significa que tendremos M símbolos diferentes a transmitir, donde M=2 n , siendo n la cantidad de bits de datos por símbolo. Se utilizarán los Códigos de Gray para organizar la distribución de los símbolos dentro de un espacio de funciones, es decir que cada símbolo difiere de su símbolo adyacente en sólo un bit. La siguiente imagen muestra un diagrama en bloques que representa una transmisión pasabanda digital. Transmisión Pasabanda Digital El primer bloque es la fuente de información la cual emite un símbolo cada Ts segundos, cada símbolo perteneciente a un alfabeto de M símbolos m1, m2,…, mM. En este trabajo se considera que los símbolos son equiprobables, pudiendo escribir sus probabilidades a priori como: í µí± í µí± = í µí±(í µí± í µí±) = 1 í µí± , ∀í µí± El siguiente paso en la transmisión es codificar el símbolo a transmitir. Por cada símbolo se genera un vector de coordenadas si que representa al símbolo mi dentro de un espacio de funciones. Este espacio es ortonormal y de dimensión N≤M. El modulador luego se encarga de generar una señal si(t) de duración Ts a partir del vector si. Esta señal es necesariamente una señal de energía, es decir que su energía Esi es: 0 < í µí°¸í µí± í µí± = ∫ |í µí± í µí± (í µí±¡)| 2 í µí±í µí± 0 í µí±í µí±¡ < ∞, í µí± = 1, 2, … , í µí±
Heavy metals are effecting the environment have been increasing continuously as a result of industrial activities and technological development and possess a significant threat to human beings, plants, animals and environment. Heavy metals causes liver and lungs damage, bone generation and blood damage. The metals can be removed by various technological methods but they are costly and possess less accurate results. To overcome from these a research study was carried out to biologically approach the accumulation of heavy metals by endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungi was isolated from Terminalia Palida an endemic plant of Tirumala hills and pure cultures of endophytes were isolated and stored at 28±1°C and was screened with different concentrations of selective heavy metals and the heavy metal resistance endophytic fungi was evaluated and molecular identification of endophytic fungi was carried out by 18S rRNA gene amplification and Sanger's nucleotide sequencing. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using NCBI Clustal W.
Himanshu Kumar, 2024
This dissertation systematically analyzes the current applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial markets, addressing a significant gap in the literature concerning the effectiveness, risks, and ethical considerations of AI technologies in the finance sector. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research synthesizes quantitative data on AI implementation outcomes and qualitative insights from industry experts regarding their perceptions and anticipated market transformations. Key findings indicate that AI applications, particularly in algorithmic trading, risk management, and customer service, demonstrate substantial improvements in efficiency and decision-making accuracy; however, they also pose noteworthy challenges including data privacy issues, market volatility, and biases in algorithmic decision-making. The significance of these findings extends beyond finance, revealing critical implications for industry-wide regulatory frameworks and ethical standards, which must evolve alongside technological advancements to ensure responsible use of AI.
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