Simulating Communications Systems in Matlab

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Simulating Communications Systems in Matlab provides a comprehensive guide on using Matlab for modeling and simulating communication systems. It covers foundational elements such as calculations, variable manipulations, vector and matrix definitions, and details the implementation of typical communication scenarios, including database generation, channel modeling, noise addition, and demodulation techniques. The paper emphasizes practical exercises for better understanding and concludes with insights on visualizing simulation results through plots.

Simulating Communications Systems in Matlab Qi Wang October 13, 2010 Matlab is an interactive system for doing numerical computations. It is widely used to simulate communications systems. General introductions of Matlab can be easily found by typing matlab introduction in any search engine. In this document, we will give a brief introduction on how to simulate a communication system. 1 Before the Start Help and information on Matlab commands can be found in several ways: • from the command line by using the command help <function name>: >> help sqrt SQRT Square root. SQRT(X) is the square root of the elements of X. Complex results are produced if X is not positive. See also sqrtm, realsqrt, hypot. Overloaded methods: codistributed/sqrt sym/sqrt Reference page in Help browser doc sqrt >> 1 • from the product Help window found under the menu Help or using the command doc from the command line. • placing the cursor on a command of interest and pressing F1. 2 Calculation, Variables, Vectors, Matrices In this section, we provide a list of notations that are commonly used in Matlab . It will be easier to follow if you have Matlab by side and just learn by doing. You should type in commands shown below after the prompt: >>. 2.1 Matlab as a Calculator >> 2+3^2+4*(5-8)*sin(0.1) ans = 9.8020 Other built-in functions for calculation include abs, sqrt, exp, log, log10, sin, cos, ... 2.2 Variables The result of the calculation is assigned to the variable ans by default. Commands are separated by a ”,”. The output of commands is supressed by a ”;”. Legal variable names consist of any combination of letters and digits, starting with a letter. However, you should avoid using already predefined names such as eps, pi, i, j. >> eps, pi, i, j, 3+5, a=3+5, b=3+5; ans = 2.2204e-016 ans = 3.1416 ans = 0 + 1.0000i ans = 0 + 1.0000i ans = 8 a = 8 >> In the exercises, you are required to use names that represent the meaning of the variables. 2 2.3 Vectors and Matrices When defining a vector, entries must be enclosed in square brackets. Row elements are separated with a space or a ”,”. Column elements are separated with a ”;”. >> a = [1 5 3 8 -4] a = 1 5 3 %% Comments are written like this. 8 >> a = [1, 5, 3, 8, -4] a = 1 5 3 8 -4 %% a row vector -4 >> a = [1; 5; 3; 8; -4] a = 1 5 3 8 -4 %% a column vector >> length(a) ans = 5 %% get the length of the vector >> b = rand(5,1) %% define a vector with uniformly %% distributed entries. b = 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 >> c = a + j*b c = 1.0000 + 0.8147i 5.0000 + 0.9058i 3.0000 + 0.1270i 8.0000 + 0.9134i -4.0000 + 0.6324i %% build a complex-valued vector 3 >> d = c.’ %% transpose d = 1.0000 + 0.8147i 5.0000 + 0.9058i 3.0000 + 0.1270i 8.0000 + 0.9134i -4.0000 + 0.6324i >> e = conj(d) %% conjugate e = 1.0000 - 0.8147i 5.0000 - 0.9058i 3.0000 - 0.1270i 8.0000 - 0.9134i -4.0000 - 0.6324i >> f = c’ %% Hermitian -- transpose + conjugate f = 1.0000 - 0.8147i 5.0000 - 0.9058i 3.0000 - 0.1270i 8.0000 - 0.9134i -4.0000 - 0.6324i >> e == f %% logical operations (>,<,~=,>=,&,|) %% zero--false or one--true ans = 1 1 1 >> norm(f) ans = 10.8506 >> help norm 1 1 %% norm of a vector %% check different norms >> k = ones(5,3) %% define an all-one matrix with %% specified size %% same with zeros() and nan() k = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >> size(k) 1 1 1 1 1 %% return the size of a matrix %% size(k,1) to return only the first dimension ans = 5 3 4 >> k(5,2) ans = 1 %% the element at 5th row, 2nd column in k >> k(5,:) ans = 1 %% the 5th row in k 1 >> k(end,:) ans = 1 1 >> k(1:3:end,:) ans = 1 1 1 1 1 %% the last row 1 %% every 3th row 1 1 >> rank(k) ans = 1 %% rank of a matrix >> n = eye(3) n = 1 0 0 1 0 0 %% an identity matrix 0 0 1 >> diag(n) ans = 1 1 1 %% diagonal elements of a matrix >> trace(n) ans = 3 %% trace of a matrix >> p = d*k %% product of two matrices %% dimensions of the two have to match. p = 5 13.0000 + 3.3933i 13.0000 + 3.3933i >> clc >> clear 3 13.0000 + 3.3933i %% clear the command window %% clear the workspace Batch Files and Functions 1 If you don’t want the current result of a command at the spot, the line has to be ended with ”;”. In order to execute a number of command at once, we write them in a m-file. • Open the editor using the command edit or from the menu bar. • Write your command line by line and save as <yourfilename>.m. • Press F5 or type <yourfilename> in the command window. To define a function, the procedure is similar, check the product Help. 4 A Typical Communications System In a communications system, messages are transmitted over a certain channel. An example is shown in Fig. 1. noise decision tx_databits QPSK modulation channel H + rx_databits rx_symbols tx_symbols Figure 1: a typical transmission system In the following, an example will be given to show how each step is implemented in Matlab . 1 If you already have some experience with Matlab , this section can be skipped. 6 Table 1: QPSK symbol mapping integer number 0 1 2 LSB 0 1 0 0 0 1 MSB 1 1 1 √ √ √ (1 + j) (−1 + j) (1 − j) symbol alphabet 2 2 2 4.1 3 1 1 √1 (−1 − j) 2 Generate Databits The data information is a stream of binary bits. The occurrence of 0 and 1 are of equal probability. Assume a data stream of length 50000, it can be generated in Matlab as shown below: tx_databits = round(rand(1,50000)); The function rand(m,n) returns a matrix of size m × n with its entries uniformly distributed within the interval [0, 1]. The operation round rounds the arguments to the nearest integers, resulting a vector of integer number 0 and 1. 4.2 QPSK Modulation For QPSK modulation, the mapping pattern is shown in Table. 1. It can be implemented in Matlab as shown below: symbol_alphabet = [ 1+1j, -1+1j, 1-1j, -1-1j]/sqrt(2); M = log2(length(symbol_alphabet)); symbols_int = 2.^[0:M-1]*reshape(tx_databits, M, []); tx_symbols = symbol_alphabet(symbols_int+1); In this example, the power per symbol σs2 is normalized to 1. 4.3 Noise Definition In most of the simulations, the noise is assumed to be complex-valued additive white Gaussian. The function randn(m,n) returns a m × n matrix of real numbers which follows the standard normal distribution N (0, 1). Therefore, a complex-valued Gaussian vector with average power per symbol 1 can be built by (randn(m,n) + j*randn(m,n))/sqrt(2). In order to plot a Bit-Error-Ratio (BER)/Signal-to-Noise (SNR) curve, the transmission scheme is simulated for different SNR level. This is usually done by fixing the transmitted symbol power to 1 and varying the average noise power σn2 according to SNR levels. 7 The SNR utilizes a dB notation and can be defined as shown below: SNR in dB = 10 log10 σs2 |σs | . = 20 log 10 σn2 E{|σn |} Therefore, the average amplitude of the noise realization can be found by E{|σn |} = 10− SNR in dB 20 , which will be applied to the noise definition. In summary, the noise definition part is implemented as shown below: SNR = 20; % an example: SNR = 20 dB sigma_v = 10^(-SNR/20); noise = sigma_v*(randn(size(tx_symbols)) +j*randn(size(tx_symbols)))/sqrt(2); 4.4 Channel In this example, the channel is assumed to be AWGN, which is implemented as following: rx_symbols = tx_symbols + noise; 4.5 Check the Scatterplot using scatter (optional) You can check the constellation of the received symbol by scatter(real(rx_symbols), imag(rx_symbols)); Sometimes, this is a useful tool for debugging. 4.6 Demodulation by a Slicer For demodulation, we consider hard decision made by a slicer, which is implemented as shown below: rx_databits_temp = [real(rx_symbols)<0; imag(rx_symbols)<0]; rx_databits = reshape(rx_databits_temp, 1, []); 8 4.7 Calculate Bit Error Ratio The Bit Error Ratio (BER) is defined as BER = number of error bits , number of transmit bits which is calculated for each SNR value. It can be implemented in Matlab as bit_errors = sum(tx_databits ~= rx_databits); ber = bit_errors/length(rx_databits); 4.8 Loop over SNRs Up to Section 4.7, the transmission is complete for one SNR value. In order to obtain the BER for different SNR levels, a loop structure using for command is shown below. % define a SNR vector you want to simulate SNR_vec = -10:2:20; % % % % % assign a vector for bit error ratio result. note that is very important to predefine the vector in which the results are stored. otherwise, if the vector is large, it is increased in size while running the loop, which can be incredibly slow. ber = nan(1,length(SNR_vec)); % main loop over different SNR value for ii = 1:length(SNR_vec) % Attention: do not use i,j as loop index! % because i^2=-1 by default. % specify the SNR for current loop SNR = SNR_vec(ii); ... ... ber(ii) = bit_errors/length(rx_databits); end 9 4.9 Show the Plot After the simulation over different SNR values, a vector of BER is obtained with respect to the SNR vector previously defined. A simple plot can be generated using the commands below. BER curves are usually plotted in logarithmic scale by semilogy. figure semilogy(SNR_vec, ber, ’b-’) xlabel(’SNR [dB]’) ylabel(’Bit Error Ratio’) title(’QPSK AWGN’) grid on QPSK AWGN 0 10 -1 Bit Error Ratio 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -10 -5 0 SNR [dB] 5 10 15 Figure 2: a Bit Error Ratio curve If you want to plot more than one curve in one figure, use the command hold. For more details, read the help file of the command plot. 10