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David I. Berlanga Reyes, Alejandro Romo Chacón, Ángel R. Martínez Campos, Víctor M. Guerrero Prieto
Apple fruit chemical thinning in chihuahua, México
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, vol. 31, núm. 3, 2008, pp. 243-250,
Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenética, A.C.
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Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3): 243 – 250, 2008
Artículo Científico
David I. Berlanga Reyes, Alejandro Romo Chacón, Ángel R. Martínez Campos y
Víctor M. Guerrero Prieto*
Fisiología y Tecnología de Alimentos de la Zona Templada, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A. C. Av. Río Conchos s/n, Parque Industrial. Apdo. Postal 781. Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México. Tel. 01 (625) 581-29-20.
*Autor para correspondencia (
[email protected])
Chemical fruit thinning is a common practice in apple (Malus x
domestica Borkh.) orchards for achieving high quality fruits, reduced costs of hand-thinning and promote return of flowering. Hand
thinning is a common and high cost practice, not only due to the
labor involved, but also because seedling and vigorous clonal rootstocks result in large trees. The chemical thinning agents: Ethephon
(ETH), Carbaryl (CB), Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 6Benzyladenine (6-BA), and fish oil were evaluated on ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’ apple trees in 2004 and 2005. Chemical thinning effect was compared with early and late handthinnings. Treatments were sprayed when the biggest fruit in the
clusters was 10 mm in equatorial diameter. NAA showed the best
effect in reducing final fruit set in both cultivars and years evaluated, with results comparable to those of early hand-thinning
(thinned when king-fruit size was 10 mm) in ‘Golden Delicious’
trees. In ‘RedChief Delicious’, fruit set reduction by NAA, fish oil
and CB treatments was similar to early hand-thinned trees only in
2005. In 2005, time spent during supplementary hand-thinning in
‘Golden Delicious’ trees was reduced by chemical thinning treatments, except by fish oil; whereas in ‘RedChief Delicious’ only NAA
K-salt reduced it in 2004. An increase in fruit equatorial diameter
was observed only in 2004 with NAA and fish oil. Alternate bearing,
typical of ‘Golden Delicious’, was not diminished by these chemical
thinning treatments.
Index words: Malus x domestica, fruit set, carbaryl, ethephon,
naphthalene acetic acid, 6-benzyladenine.
El raleo químico de frutos es una práctica regular en los huertos
de manzanas (Malus x domestica Borkh.), y es llevada a cabo para
obtener frutos de alta calidad, reducir el costo del raleo manual y
promover el retorno de la floración. El raleo manual es una práctica
común y de alto costo debido principalmente a que los manzanos se
encuentran sobre porta-injertos de semilla o clonales vigorosos, que
dan árboles grandes. Aquí se evaluó el efecto de los raleadores químicos: Etefón (ETH), Carbaril (CB), Ácido naftalenacético (NAA),
6-Benciladenina (6-BA) y aceite de pescado, en manzanos ‘Golden
Delicious’ y ‘RedChief Delicious’ durante los ciclos 2004 y 2005. El
efecto de los raleadores químicos se comparó con tratamientos de
raleo manual temprano y tardío. La aspersión de los raleadores
Recibido: 7 de Febrero del 2007.
Aceptado: 8 de Enero del 2008.
químicos se efectuó cuando el fruto mayor del racimo medía 10 mm
de diámetro ecuatorial. El tratamiento con NAA mostró el mayor
efecto en reducir el cuajado final de frutos en ambos cultivares y
ciclos evaluados, reducción que fue similar al raleo manual temprano (cuando el fruto mayor del racimo medía 10 mm) en ‘Golden Delicious’. En ‘RedChief Delicious’, la reducción en el cuajado de frutos obtenido por los tratamientos de NAA, aceite de pescado y CB
fue similar al raleo manual temprano solamente en 2005. En 2005 el
tiempo de mano de obra para el raleo manual complementario en los
árboles ‘Golden Delicious’ fue reducido por los tratamientos químicos, excepto el aceite de pescado; en ‘RedChief Delicious’ solamente
el NAA K-salt lo redujo en 2004. Se registró un incremento en el
diámetro ecuatorial de frutos solamente en el ciclo 2004 con los tratamientos de NAA y aceite de pescado. La alternancia en la producción observada en ‘Golden Delicious’ no se logró reducir con los raleadores químicos.
Palabras clave: Malus x domestica, cuajado de frutos, ácido naftalenacético, carbaril, etefón, 6-bencil adenina.
In order to reduce labor costs, enhance fruit size and
return bloom, chemical fruit thinning is a regular practice
in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit production
(Yuan and Greene, 2000; Greene, 2002; Petracek and
Silverman, 2003). Apple flower buds become initiated 30
to 40 d after blooming, a period when gibberellins (GA)
from developing seeds in growing fruits inhibit floral initiation (Jackson, 2003; Ramírez et al., 2004). Because of
this, fruit thinning should be performed within 28 d after
full bloom to achieve a good fruit size and high return
bloom (Koike et al., 2003). Abscission of immature fruits
occurs frequently, varying in magnitude every year depending on fruit set, climatic conditions during flowering,
nutritional status, carbohydrate availability, hormonal balance, or any combination of these factors (McArtney,
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
Spur-type ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ are
some of the most widely planted apple cultivars in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México at an altitude of 2100 m
(Guerrero et al., 2002). These cultivars are reported as
difficult to thin (Marini, 2002). According to Dorigoni
(2004) the activity of 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) is greatly
reduced at high elevations, common a condition for other
chemical thinners also. To overcome this problem, an aggressive fruit-thinning program is required.
Experiments were conducted in 2004 and 2005 on 15year-old trees of cvs. ‘RedChief Delicious’/M.M.111 and
‘Golden Delicious’/M.M. 106 in a commercial orchard in
Cuauhtémoc, Chih., México. Trees were freestanding,
trained as a central leader, and planted at 3.0 x 4.3 m.
Trees for the experimental plots were visually selected in
2004. All trees were analyzed regarding, flower density
and tree size, and no significant differences were found
among them (data not shown). Tree vigor was determined
by measuring the trunk cross-sectional area, while flower
density was determined by using two representative
branches per tree and expressed as flower clusters per
square centimeter of cross-sectional branch area (BCSA,
flower cluster/cm2, Lombard et al., 1988). Treatments
were applied on the same trees in both seasons. Thinning
agents were sprayed at drip point with a motorized portable hand-gun sprayer, using 2 L of solution per tree.
Sprayings were done in the morning at temperatures of
20-24 o C. Each treatment was applied to five complete
trees (80 % of the solution was sprayed to the upper two
thirds of each tree). The mixture of hydrogen cyanamide
(DormexTM BASF, Germany), at 10 mL L-1 + mineral oil
at 20 mL L-1 was applied 30 d before bloom to prevent
the effect of a lack of sufficient chilling units during the
previous Winter, to have a shorter and compact blooming
period in ‘Golden Delicious’ trees.
Carbaryl (CB) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) are
the most commonly used chemical thinners in the Chihuahua apple growing area. Carbaryl is a relatively mild, but
effective thinner in spur-type ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Gala’
trees (Marini, 1996), which must be sprayed when the
largest fruit in the cluster is 10-12 mm in diameter (Ferree and Schmid, 2001). When CB is mixed with 6-BA +
GA 4+7 (AccelTM), the thinning effect is comparable to
hand-thinning in cvs. ‘McIntosh’ (Khanizadeh et al.,
2004) and ‘Fuji’ (Ferree and Schmid, 2000). However,
when CB is combined with 6-BA on cv. ‘Redspur Delicious’, the thinning effect can be excessive (Greene and
Autio, 1994). CB usefulness is further limited because its
toxicity to some predatory mites that are, important for
integrated pest management (Hislop and Prokopy, 1981).
Reductions in photosynthesis have been reported in
NAA-treated ‘RedChief Delicious’ trees (Stopar et al.,
1997) and 6-BA-treated ‘McIntosh’ trees (Yuan and
Greene, 2000). NAA has shown a strong thinning effect
in spur-type ‘Red Delicious’ trees, but it may also induce
an excessive development of pygmy fruits (Marini, 1996).
In cv. ‘Smoothee Golden Delicious’ the lowest fruit set
was obtained with 8 mg L-1 of NAA (Marini, 2002). An
adequate thinning effect and increased fruit size, as well
as a higher gain in fruit weight, can be reached with 6-BA
than with either NAA or CB, because 6-BA can increase
cell division rate in fruit cortex (Elfving and Cline, 1993;
Greene and Autio, 1994; Wismer and Proctor, 1995).
Also, 6-BA and CB have been more effective than NAA
in increasing return bloom (Greene and Autio, 1994). In
‘RedChief Delicious’ Ethephon (ETH) has been an effective thinner when applied at concentrations > 500 mg L1
, and ineffective at concentrations < 300 mg L-1 (Marini,
When the cluster biggest fruit, also known as kingfruit (which is developed from the central flower of the
cluster, and the first to open at bloom) reached 10 mm the
trees were treated with the following thinning agents and
dosages: Ethephon, 540 mg L-1 (MadurexTM , BASF, Micro Flo Co.); Carbaryl (CB), 480 mg L-1 (Sevin 80 PHTM,
Aventis CropScience); NAA as potassium salt, 16.2 mg
L-1 (K-saltTM Fruit Fix 800 AMVAC Chem. Corp.); NAA
as sodium salt, 18.6 mg L-1 (Fruitone NTM AMVAC
Chem. Corp.); 6-benzyladenine, 95 mg L-1 (MaxCelTM
Valent BioSciences); and fish oil at 6 mL L-1 (a locally
formulated chemical thinner, added with 5 mL L-1 of
BionexTM GBM, México). An early hand-thinning treatment, applied when the king fruits measured 10 mm, was
included, leaving one fruit per cluster. A late handthinning at 60 d after full bloom was also included as control because it represents the local practice. In addition to
these treatments, NAA + CB mixtures at concentrations
of 5 + 240 mg L-1, and 6-BA + CB at 95 + 240 mg L-1,
respectively, were included in 2005. To achieve an even
harvest distribution on each tree, all trees were handthinned to one fruit per cluster at 60 d (67 d for ‘RedChief Delicious’ in 2005) after full bloom.
The objective of this study was to compare chemical
thinning is to late hand-thinning, which is still a common
practice at the high altitude of Chihuahua state, the main
apple production area in México, with respect to labor for
hand-thinning, fruit size and return bloom, in ‘Golden
Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’ apple cultivars.
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
Contrary to our objectives the fish oil spraying produced the highest fruit set, even higher than late handthinned control in ‘Golden Delicious’, indicating that is
not appropriate as a post-bloom thinner; Fish oil has been
reported as an efficient bloom thinner (McArtney et al.,
2006). Although other physiological processes, such as
photosynthesis, were not evaluated in this experiment,
other workers (Ju et al., 2001) reported that organic compounds, like soybean oil, can increase photosynthesis,
carbohydrate availability and fruit set; such a statement
might explain the increase in fruit set caused by fish oil in
our experiment.
When king fruits reached a 10 mm diameter, thirty
fruit clusters were labeled in each tree at application time.
Fruits of labeled clusters were counted and expressed as
fruits per 100 blossom clusters at 15 and 30 d after treatment in ‘Golden Delicious’ and at 30 d after treatment in
‘RedChief Delicious’ in 2004; whereas in 2005 they were
counted at 15, 30, and 43 d after treatment in both cultivars. Fruit set evaluation dates were expressed as days
after full bloom (DAFB) and were variable because full
bloom date is not the same for both cultivars. Time spent
in hand-thinning a tree was directly related to its crop
load, consequently, a high crop load per tree required
more time to thin fruit. Time required to hand-thin the
equivalent to 100 kg of fruit at harvest was determined for
each tree to compare treatments. Pygmy fruits (equatorial
diameter less than 5 cm) at harvest were also evaluated in
‘RedChief Delicious’, since NAA is reported to induce
this king of fruits when used in spur-type ‘Delicious’ trees
(Greene and Autio, 1994). Yield per tree was recorded at
harvest. Total soluble solids content was determined with
an ATAGOTM model ATC-1E (Tokyo, Japan) refractometer. Flesh firmness was measured from two opposite sides
of the fruits, with an electronic texture analyzer model
TA-XT2i (Texture Technologies Corp., New York,
USA). Average fruit size, as equatorial diameter in mm,
was determined on ten randomly harvested fruits in each
tree, using a Cranston fruit gauge. Evaluation of return
bloom was carried out during the following blooming season by comparing flower density in both consecutive seasons.
A reduction in fruit set was not observed on Ethephon
(ETH) nor on 6-BA in both cultivars (Table 1). Similar
the results were reported by Ferree and Schmid (2000)
and Khanizadeh et al. (2004), who found that 6-BA (AccelTM) by itself did not adequately thin ‘Fuji’ and ‘McIntosh’ trees. Marini (1996) showed that 6-BA was the least
effective material for thinning spur-type ‘Delicious’ trees
and found a greater efficiency of Ethephon when applied
at 18 mm instead of 9 mm of king fruit diameter. The
lack of effectiveness observed on 6-BA and ETH in our
experiment might be due to the high altitude of the experimental orchard, according to Dorigoni (2004).
Sprayings with NAA and CB decreased fruit set in
‘RedChief Delicious’, although not as much as early
hand-thinning (Table 1), a result that match those from
Marini (1996) who reported that NAA is an efficient thinner on spur-type ‘Delicious’ trees.
A completely randomized experimental design with
five replications (complete trees) was used. Data were
analyzed by Statistical Analysis System, version 6.12
(SAS Institute, 1996). Mean differences were determined
by Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05).
Yield and fruit quality
Despite the significant reduction of final fruit set
caused by NAA treatments on both cultivars, a yield reduction was not observed (Table 2). The late handthinning treatment at 60 DAFB standardized all treated
trees at similar crop loads. The objective on this trial was
to compare chemical thinning with the late hand thinning
extensively used in this region.
2004 trials
Fruit set
NAA sprays increased mean fruit equatorial diameter
in ‘Golden Delicious’ (Table 2), as a result of its efficiency as fruit thinner. Fish oil increased both fruit diameter and fruit set, a response that was observed only on
‘Golden Delicious’ in 2004. Possibly due to its thinning
effect, the treatment NAA K-salt produced the biggest
fruits at harvest in ‘RedChief Delicious’. The increase in
fruit size due to NAA sprays is well documented (Greene,
2005). The only significant reduction in fruit firmness
was found when Ethephon was sprayed on ‘Golden Delicious’. The higher flesh firmness obtained with Carbaryl
The highest reduction in ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit set
was found on the NAA-sprayed trees (both formulations,
Fruitone N and K-salt) when evaluated at 45 DAFB, effect that was similar to that obtained in the early handthinned trees (Table1). Perhaps the induction of fruit drop
required to achieve the benefits sought (larger fruits and
higher return bloom) was too late, considering that Koike
et al. (2003) reported that thinning at 28DAFB was already a late date for ‘Golden Delicious’. Moreover, the
hand-thinning practice locally used to adjust crop load,
must be performed after the fruit drop induced by chemical thinning is already finished.
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
been reported a decrease of soluble solids content on apples treated with 6-BA + CB (Khanizadeh et al., 2004) or
NAA (Dennis, 2002) as fruit thinners. Highest total soluble solids content and the smallest fruit size were observed on CB-treated fruits on ‘RedChief Delicious’ (Table 2).
(CB) on ‘RedChief Delicious’ might be explained by the
smallest fruit size.
All thinning treatments reduced total soluble solids
content on ‘Golden Delicious’ fruits, while on ‘RedChief
Delicious’ the response was not the same (Table 2). It has
Table 1. Thinning effects on fruit set, return bloom the following year and time spent for hand-thinning in ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’ apple trees at Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México. 2004 trials.
Fruits per 100 clusters
Flower clusters/cm2
(mg L-1)
BCSA in 2005
‘Golden Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
273 b
172 b
1.7 c
49.1 abc
240 b
151 b
4.9 ab
259 b
171 b
1.9 c
53.4 ab
NAA (K-salt)
235 b
93 c
4.3 abc
34.4 c
NAA (Fruitone N)
337 a
109 c
4.1 abc
37.3 c
242 b
152 b
6.4 a
44.2 bc
Fish oil
6 mL L-1
340 a
218 a
1.7 c
59.0 a
Early hand-thinning
87 c
87 c
3.6 abc
‘RedChief Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
259 a
4.0 ns
49.5 a
272 a
34.9 ab
202 bc
35.8 ab
NAA (K-salt)
177 c
24.8 b
NAA (Fruitone N)
180 c
46.3 ab
251 a
36.2 ab
Fish oil
6 mL L-1
240 ab
29.3 ab
Early hand-thinning
79 d
Within columns, means with different letters are statistically different according to Tukey (P ≤ 0.05). DAFB = Days after full bloom. TSHT = Time spent
for hand-thinning, one person per tree harvesting 100 kg of fruit; BCSA = Branch cross sectional area; ld = Lost data. LSD = Least significant differences. ns = Non significant differences.
Table 2. Thinning effect on yield, fruit equatorial diameter, firmness and total soluble solid content of ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’
apple trees grown at Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México. 2004.
Equatorial fruit diameter
Fruit firmness
Total soluble solids
(mg L-1)
(º Brix)
‘Golden Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
NAA (K-Salt)
NAA (Fruitone N)
Fish oil
Early hand-thinning
6 mL L-1
105.0 ns
65.4 cd
64.4 d
66.2 bcd
67.5 ab
68.5 a
64.7 cd
68.2 a
66.6 abc
62.3 ab
64.5 a
60.9 b
63.2 ab
62.7 ab
62.3 ab
61.8 ab
63.6 ab
13.3 a
12.2 bc
12.3 bc
12.3 bc
12.2 bc
12.1 c
12.1 c
12.8 ab
‘RedChief Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
58.9 ns
NAA (K-Salt)
NAA (Fruitone N)
Fish oil
6 mL L-1
Early hand-thinning
Within columns, means with different letter are statistically different according to the
LSD = Least significant differences.
67.9 ab
65.8 b
62.3 c
70.0 a
65.4 bc
65.1 bc
65.7 b
65.3 bc
Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). ns =
66.3 e
11.7 bc
70.3 bcd
11.9 abc
76.9 a
12.4 a
71.2 bc
11.4 cd
67.2 de
12.0 abc
73.4 ab
11.1 d
68.5 cde
12.3 ab
73.8 ab
11.8 bc
Non significant differences.
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
ble 1); according to Jackson (2003), spur-type cultivars
like ‘RedChief Delicious’ have a balance between bearing
and nonbearing spurs in order to ensure regular cropping.
Return bloom
At the beginning of the 2004 trials, selected trees had
a mean flower density of six flower clusters/cm2 of
branch cross sectional area. In the next blooming period,
‘Golden Delicious’ treated with 6-BA induced the highest
return bloom (Table 1), even though this treatment was
not the most effective fruit thinner in 2004. Similar results
were found by Greene and Autio (1994), Wismer and
Proctor (1995) and Ramirez et al. (2004), who reported
that exogenous cytokinins, as 6-BA, can increase flower
differentiation and reduce alternate bearing on apple trees.
Also, the promotion of flower differentiation by Ethephon
may have induced a reduction on vegetative growth and
inhibition of photosynthesis rate, causing a fruit thinning
effect, as reported by Petracek and Silverman (2003) and
by Untiedt and Blanke (2001). The ‘Golden Delicious’
trees submitted to treatments based on Carbaryl, fish oil
or the late hand-thinned control showed an alternate bearing behavior (Table 1).
2005 trials
Fruit set
Apple trees undergo several natural fruit drops. A significant natural fruit drop was observed on the control late
hand-thinned trees after 42 and 53 DAFB on ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’, respectively (Table 3).
The natural fruit drop will vary each year in response to
those factors previously mentioned. Most of the chemical
thinning sprays increased fruit drop due to an increase of
the natural competition among fruitlets, a physiological
phenomenon on which chemical fruit thinning is based
(Dennis, 2002). Based on the three sequential fruit set
evaluations, fruit drop was almost completed at 42 DAFB
in ‘Golden Delicious’ and at 53 DAFB in ‘RedChief Delicious’; it is then appropriate to perform the supplementary
hand thinning practice at those times.
Return bloom in ‘RedChief Delicious’ was similar for
all treatments, showing a regular bearing behaviour (Ta-
Table 3. Thinning effect on fruit set, return bloom the following year and time spent for hand-thinning on ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’ apple trees at Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México. 2005.
Fruits per 100 clusters
Flower clusters/cm2
(mg L-1)
27 DAFB†
42 DAFB†
56 DAFB†
BCSA in 2006
‘Golden Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
NAA (K-salt)
NAA (Fruitone N)
Fish oil
6-BA + Carbaryl
NAA (K-Salt) + Carbaryl
Early hand-thinning
6 mL L-1
95 + 240
5 + 240
‘RedChief Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
NAA (K-salt)
NAA (Fruitone N)
Fish oil
6-BA + Carbaryl
NAA (K-Salt) + Carbaryl
Early hand-thinning
6 mL L-1
95 + 240
5 + 240
392 a
318 b
324 b
328 b
382 a
408 a
383 a
277 c
315 bc
100 d
365 a
268 b
266 b
156 d
206 c
281 b
344 a
222 c
204 c
100 e
367 a
260 b
266 b
137 de
177 cd
270 b
337 a
216 c
204 c
100 e
300 a
236 b
232 b
223 b
235 b
227 b
210 b
278 a
278 a
100 c
217 a
162 bc
125 cd
130 cd
113 d
158 bc
128 cd
217 a
172 b
100 d
200 ab
152 cd
112 de
118 de
98 e
141 cd
115 de
204 a
160 bc
100 e
6.7 a
2.3 cde
4.4 abc
1.5 cde
3.9 abc
0.1 de
3.0 bcd
2.1 cde
0.05 e
5.5 ab
69.0 a
30.6 b
30.0 b
14.4 b
27.6 b
30.6 b
60.0 a
30.0 b
14.4 b
4.2 ns
30.0 a
31.2 a
28.2 a
25.8 a
24.6 a
26.4 a
24.0 a
31.8 a
29.4 a
7.2 b
Means with different letter in a column are statistically different (Tukey, 0.05). DAFB = Days after full bloom; TSHT = Time spent for hand-thinning by
one person per tree with 100 kg of fruit at harvest; BCSA = Branch cross sectional area. LSD = Least significant differences. ns = No significant differences.
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
lished for these trials. Treatments with NAA alone and
the combinations of Carbanyl with 6-BA or with K-salt
resulted in the lowest fruit set, whereas the K-salt by itself
reduced fruit set at a similar level to the early handthinned trees (Table 3). Adding CB to the solution of 6BA increased the thinning effect as compared to 6-BA
alone. Despite the significative reduction of fruit set, a
high yield was obtained with K-salt (Table 4).
Reduction of fruit set by most chemical thinners was
easily visible at 27 DAFB for ‘Golden Delicious’ and at
38 DAFB for ‘RedChief Delicious’ (Table 3). It has been
reported that a period of 10-30 DAFB is critical for fruit
abscission, which is caused by reduction on photosynthate
flow (Stopar, 1998). A blockage of photosynthate transportation between leaves and fruits has been reported as a
thinning-mechanism for some chemical thinners (Dennis,
2002). In 2005 the fruit set reduction caused by chemical
thinners was earlier than in 2004 (Tables 1 and 3), probably due to a higher fruitlet sensitivity to chemical thinning
during the “off” year (year with a lower yield), as suggested by Lakso et al. (2006). Comparing the yield and
flower density of the two evaluated years, it can clearly
be seen the alternate bearing behavior of ‘Golden Delicious’ (Tables 1 to 4).
The lowest fruit set in ‘RedChief Delicious’ was obtained with NAA, CB and fish oil treatments (Table 3),
which were similar to that obtained by early hand-thinned
trees. The mixture of thinning agents reduced the effect of
the same agents when applied separately. Marini (2002)
also reported a reduction in thinning effect when CB was
added to the NAA solution. In spite of the fruit set results, there was no reduction in time spent for the supplementary hand-thinning practice, because the ‘RedChief
Delicious’ trees used in this experiment are compact trees
(small size) and easier and faster to thin. Phytotoxicity
symptoms, such as fruit russeting or leaf epinasty, were
not observed on any treated tree, similar to 2004 evaluations.
Except for fish oil, all treatments reduced the final
fruit set in ‘Golden Delicious’, and also reduced the time
spent for the supplementary hand-thinning practice (Table
3). This time reduction due to supplementary handthinning, represent a significant reduction in labor costs
for growers, which fulfills one of the objectives estab-
Table 4. Thinning effect on yield, and fruit equatorial diameter, firmness and total soluble solid content on ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’ apple trees grown at Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México. 2005.
Equatorial fruit diameter
Fruit firmness
Total soluble solids
(mg L-1)
(º Brix)
‘Golden Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
NAA (K-salt)
NAA (Fruitone N)
Fish oil
6-BA + Carbaryl
NAA (K-salt) + Carbaryl
Early hand-thinning
6 mL L-1
95 + 240
5 + 240
13.6 d†
73.4 ab
58.4 bc
99.2 a
54.8 bc
102.4 a
35.6 cd
55 bc
90.8 ab
56.8 bc
70.9 a
63.1 e
66.2 cd
66.6 cd
68.3 bc
68.1 bc
69.1 ab
66.4 cd
64.9 de
69.2 ab
73.4 ab
72.5 bc
75.6 a
69.8 cd
71.2 bc
65.4 f
68.5 de
71.6 bc
65.8 ef
69.8 cd
15.3 a
13.2 cd
13.3 bcd
12.4 e
13.3 bcd
11.7 f
13.5 bc
13.1 cd
12.9 de
13.8 b
‘RedChief Delicious’
Late hand-thinned control
41.7 c
72.3 a
67.6 ab
33.1 c
67.2 c
63.6 bc
55.9 abc
71.5 a
65.8 abc
NAA (K-salt)
47 bc
67.6 bc
62.7 c
NAA (Fruitone N)
74.9 a
70.3 ab
64.9 bc
67.2 ab
67.1 c
67.2 abc
Fish oil
6 mL L-1
78.5 a
70.9 a
65.8 abc
6-BA + Carbaryl
95 + 240
36.2 c
66.7 c
64.5 bc
NAA (K-Salt) + Carbaryl
5 + 240
42.6 c
66.2 c
65.4 abc
Early hand-thinning
42.0 c
64.7 c
69.8 a
Means with different letter in a column are statistically significant different (Tukey, 0.05). LSD = Least significant differences.
13.9 a
14.0 a
11.8 e
12.8 cd
11.9 e
12.0 e
12.1 e
13.1 bc
13.6 ab
12.2 de
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
thinning was 50 % lower in K-salt-treated trees than in
late hand-thinned control trees for ‘RedChief Delicious’
(Table 1). Also, phytotoxicity effects such as fruit russeting or leaf epinasty, neither pygmy fruits were not observed in any of the chemical thinners tested.
Yield and fruit quality
An alternate bearing behaviour was observed on
‘Golden Delicious’, especially in late hand-thinned control, Carbaryl and fish oil treated trees. Highest yield was
obtained with K-salt and 6-BA treatments, even with the
low fruit set observed with K-salt. Similar results were
found on ‘RedChief Delicious’ with Fruitone N and fish
oil, which showed the highest yield values despite the low
fruit set achieved (Table 4).
Lowest fruit set was obtained with naphthalene acetic
acid sprayed as chemical thinner in cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘RedChief Delicious’, and sometimes fruit set
was similar to that obtained with early hand-thinning.
This reduction of fruit set did not affect yield or fruit
quality at harvest. In ‘Golden Delicious’, all chemical
treatments except fish oil, reduced the time spent for performing the supplementary hand thinning, and this reduced the cost of hand-thinning in 2005; this occurred in
‘RedChief Delicious’ in 2004 only when sprayed with Ksalt. Alternate bearing observed on ‘Golden Delicious’
trees was not reduced by the chemical thinners.
Fruit equatorial diameter in ‘Golden Delicious’ was
greatest for the late hand-thinned control. This effect was
related to the low yield registered in this treatment. It is
well known that there is a negative correlation between
the number of fruits per tree and the fruit size (Jackson,
2003). However, the greatest fruit size observed for the
late hand-thinned control trees in ‘RedChief Delicious’
(Table 4) can not be explained in the same manner as with
‘Golden Delicious’.
To the Fundación PRODUCE Chihuahua and the Regional Agricultural Fruit Growers Association of the State
of Chihuahua (UNIFRUT) for providing financial support, and to Mr. Abraham Olfert Krahn for kindly supplying trees for experimental plots and other supplies used in
this project.
Highest fruit firmness was observed on Carbaryl and
the late hand-thinned control treatments, whereas lower
values were for 6-BA treated trees (Table 4). Late handthinned control produced fruits with higher total soluble
solids content (Table 4), probably due to a high leaf:fruit
ratio since these trees had a lower crop load. A similar
behaviour was observed in 2004, despite a similar crop
load (Table 2). Thinning treatments did not induce pygmy
fruits at harvest in ‘RedChief Delicious’ (data not shown).
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Return bloom
A high return bloom was observed on late handthinned control, Carbaryl and fish oil treatments as a result of the alternate bearing behavior of ‘Golden Delicious’. Ethephon and 6-BA failed to produce a satisfactory return bloom in the second year of evaluation, like
they did in 2005 (Tables 1 and 3). Even with the effectiveness of the chemical thinning treatments (Table 3),
return bloom for ‘RedChief Delicious’ trees did not show
any effect. A reduction in return bloom for all ‘RedChief
Delicious’ trees was observed, may be due to a slightly
higher yield per tree in 2005 than in 2004.
General conditions
The late season hand thinning, as commercially done,
is an strategy devised to minimize the impact of late season frosts. Therefore, growers thin once in the Spring
when frost probabilities are scarce. Some responses were
common to both years; for example, time spent in hand249
Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 31 (3), 2008
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