To study why, where, and when deep convection
breaks out, an international project obtained detailed
observations of nascent convective clouds in maritime
southern England and compared them with very high
resolution forecast model results.
Cumulus clouds being observed with
the Chilbolton radar during CSIP.
looding caused by heavy rain is a problem that is
motivating renewed research in several countries
and it is a major focus for international activities,
such as the World Weather Research Program. One
of the greatest uncertainties in generating warnings
of possible flood situations is in the prediction of the
local distribution and timing of the rain. Thunderstorms—and rain associated with deep convection in
general—are an important ingredient in many highimpact events, such as flash floods, but the present
capability for forecasting convection is especially
poor. Such events are highly localized X
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and very high resolution (of the order of 1-km grid)
numerical weather prediction models are needed to
represent them. The triggering of deep convection is
well understood in broad terms (e.g., Bennett et al.
2006), but not yet in sufficient detail to know how
best to represent it within the models. A key task
facing the meteorological community is thus to
gain a better understanding of why deep convection
breaks out precisely where and when it does and then
to use such an understanding in the development of
improved NWP models. These were the goals of a
recent experiment in the United Kingdom known as
the Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP).
CSIP was one of three complementary field
campaigns. One of these, known as the International
H2O Project (IHOP_2002; Weckwerth et al. 2004),
during the summer of 2002 in the U.S. southern
Great Plains, was in a region characterized by large
convective instability and strong capping inversions. The local orographic variations in this region
are small and generally not critical to the triggering
of convection. Another campaign, known as the
Convective and Orographically Induced Precipitation
Study (COPS), during summer 2007, was in southwestern Germany/eastern France; this region is also
characterized by large convective instability but with
a major orographic influence. The CSIP field campaigns during the summers of 2004 and 2005, on the
other hand, were in a region of the United Kingdom
characterized by an intermediate level of orography
together with nearby coastlines. The mainly maritime
nature of the British climate and the remoteness of
any major mountainous areas means that the conAFFILIATIONS: B ROWNING , MORCRETTE, AND NICOL—Department
of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, United
PERRY—Institute for Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and
Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom; CLARK,
Mesoscale Meteorology, Met Office, and University of Reading,
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe/Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; AGNEW —
Radio Communications Research Unit, Space Science and
Technology Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton,
United Kingdom; BAMBER AND MCGREGOR—Cardington Field
Site, Met Office, Cardington Airfield, United Kingdom; B ESWICK,
Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences, University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; B ITTER, FEUERLE, HANKERS ,
AND S CHULZ—Institut für Flugführung, Universität Braunschweig,
Braunschweig, Germany; BOZIER, COLLIER, AND DAVIES —School
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vective instability and capping inversions are often
quite weak on convective occasions. Only one of the
cases encountered during CSIP was due to convection
originating from a layer above the boundary layer; all
of the other cases were due to convection initiating
in the boundary layer. Elevated convective initiation
events were much more common in the IHOP_2002
experiment, where about half the events were of that
kind (Wilson and Roberts 2006).
characteristic feature of the atmosphere in situations
leading to the outbreak of deep convection is the
stable-layer phenomenon we refer to in this article
as a lid. A lid is a layer of warm, dry air that traps air
of high wet-bulb potential temperature (θw), usually
in the boundary layer, beneath potentially colder air
in the middle and upper troposphere. The nature of
lids is illustrated by the sounding in Fig. 1. Imagine a
parcel of warm, moist air originating close to the surface with θw = 14°C. If it were lifted moist adiabatically
(along the thin curve in Fig. 1), it would be warmer
than its environment at most levels up to 480 hPa;
the dark-gray shaded area in Fig. 1 is a measure of
the convective available potential energy (CAPE).
However, this sounding also shows a relatively dry,
warm layer between 740 and 610 hPa (lightly shaded)
where this is not so. If the parcel were lifted to these
levels it would be negatively buoyant. Such layers
give rise to so-called convective inhibition (CIN)
and they act as lids that tend to inhibit the onset of
deep convection. The lid in Fig. 1 is higher than that
typically observed on thunderstorm days in the U.S.
of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, Salford,
United Kingdom; GAFFARD AND HEWISON —Met Office, Exeter,
United Kingdom; L ADD, S LACK, AND WAIGHT—CCLRC Chilbolton
Observatory, Chilbolton, United Kingdom; R AMATSCHI —
Department 1: Geodesy and Remote Sensing, GFZ—Potsdam,
Potsdam, Germany; WATSON —Department of Electronic and
Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom;
WAREING —Department of Physics, University of Wales at
Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Alan M. Blyth, Institute for
Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and Environment, University
of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
[email protected]
The abstract for this article can be found in this issue, following the table
of contents.
In final form 8 May 2007
©2007 American Meteorological Society
Great Plains region where
IHOP was conducted (e.g.,
Weckwerth et al. 2004).
A l id a s si s t s i n t he
buildup of latent instability
by allowing warm, moist
air to be bottled up at low
levels, thereby increasing
CAPE. However, to realize
the potential for deep convection, it is necessary for
the low-level air eventually
to be able to penetrate the
lid. One way to achieve
this is through progressive
warming and/or moistening
of the low-level air, perhaps
as part of a diurnal trend.
Identifying precisely where
FIG. 1. Tephigram for radiosonde launched from Bath at 1100 UTC on 15 Jun
the convection will initially
2005 (IOP 1). The CAPE and CIN are shaded dark and light gray, respectively;
break through is a major
the thin solid line partially bounding these areas is the 14°C saturated adiabat
representing a parcel that ascends unmixed from the boundary layer.
challenge for prediction.
The site of the initial outbreak will be influenced partly by any spatial vari- etrate buoyantly upward. This is illustrated in Fig. 2,
ability in the temperature and/or humidity of the which depicts another low-CIN situation, common
boundary layer air, perhaps on scales too small in a maritime climate such as the United Kingdom’s,
to be resolved by conventional observations (e.g., in which a mere 15 hPa of lift (i.e., about 150 m) is
Weckwerth 2000). Sometimes the variability is due to enough to initiate deep convection. Sometimes the
the effects of variable terrain height or differing land presence or absence of an appropriate local lifting
(or sea) surface characteristics, or perhaps differential mechanism will determine whether deep convection
shadowing by cloud at higher levels.
will be triggered at all: it can make the difference
Variability in the characteristics of the boundary between an entirely dry day and the occurrence of
layer air may not, however, be the
sole or even the principal determinant of precisely where the first
deep convection will break out. The
other factor that is important in the
United Kingdom is variability in
the strength of the lid itself. This
can be either intrinsic variability owing to the differing source
regions for different parts of the lid,
or local variability owing to some
mesoscale dynamical mechanism
that lifts the lid locally. Such lifting
will cool the lid rapidly (at the dryadiabatic rate), thereby eliminating
the CIN and enabling boundary
layer air of high θw (ascending moist
adiabatically) to penetrate it.
FIG. 2. Illustration of how adiabatic lifting of a profile by as little as 15 hPa
Even a small vertical displace- (~150 m) can increase the CAPE and completely eliminate the CIN. The
ment of the lid may be sufficient original profile is shown on the left and the lifted profile on the right.
to allow the underlying air to pen- (Adapted from Morcrette et al. 2006.)
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a severe rainstorm. On other occasions, when the
diurnal warming of the boundary layer is sufficient
on its own to initiate deep convection, although the
distribution of θ w within the boundary layer may
determine broadly where the initial convection will
occur, the local distribution in the lifting of a lid (or
local variability in the strength of an unperturbed
lid) will often still be the key to determining precisely
where and when the first convection breaks out.
Predicting the location of the first outbreak accurately
is crucial because, once the first convective storm has
formed, secondary processes often take over that tend
to trigger further convection initiation preferentially
in the vicinity of that storm.
It has long been recognized that local lifting often
occurs in the form of boundary layer convergence
lines, detectable by satellite (Purdom 1982) and seen
by radar as fine lines of enhanced reflectivity (Wilson
and Schreiber 1986). Convergence lines were particularly common during IHOP_2002, and where
they intersected with other convergence lines they
were often preferred locations for enhanced ascent
and convective initiation. Some convergence lines are
due to topographical effects such as those produced
by variations in terrain height or land/water boundaries. During the Vertical Transport and Orography
(VERTIKATOR) project in southwestern Germany in
2002, topographically induced convergence lines were
found to trigger deep convection over the Black Forest
mountains (Barthlott et al. 2006). Others are due to
variations in land use or land wetness, with associated
variations in Bowen ratio (Weckwerth and Parsons
2006). Also, under conditions of strong low-level shear,
horizontal convective rolls, that is, parallel lines of convergence separated by regions of divergence, oriented
roughly along the direction of the shear, are an intrinsic
dynamical feature of mixed boundary layers.
The triggering of deep convection that any of the
above kinds of convergence line produces is referred
to as primary initiation. Once the first storm has
developed, this can, as already mentioned, lead to
secondary initiation. The secondary initiation may
arise from lifting by gravity waves emanating from
an earlier storm or from lifting along its rain-chilled
outf low (gust front) as it advances like a density
current. According to Wilson and Roberts (2006), just
over half the convective storm complexes associated
with initiation episodes in IHOP_2002, and probably
most of the cases with surface-based convection,
produced gust fronts. Most of the long-lived events
were associated with gust fronts.
Lifting can also result from ascent induced
beneath traveling positive anomalies in potential
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vorticity (PV) occurring at upper levels. These
PV anomalies are associated with tropopause
depressions or folds (Hoskins et al. 1985). Such
PV anomalies are often encountered in Europe
and presumably in other middle- or high-latitude
locations, and their influence on precipitation has
been examined, for example, during the Mesoscale
Alpine Programme (MAP; Bougeault et al. 2001).
They are especially important because as well as
reducing the CIN through the induced lifting,
they also increase the CAPE owing to the pool
of cold air at middle and upper levels that always
accompanies them.
In the remainder of this article we shall i) provide
an overview of the CSIP field campaign, ii) present
examples from CSIP of the types of convection
initiation phenomena that are typical in the United
Kingdom, showing the way in which certain kinds of
observational data are able to reveal these phenomena,
and iii) explain how the analyses of data from
the field campaign will be used in the development of an improved very high resolution NWP
model for operational use. A large database has been
accumulated from CSIP. Analysis is still at an early
stage and the material presented here is intended to
provide an overview of important processes, and
of opportunities for improving forecasting models,
rather than to give definitive results.
campaign was conducted over southern England
during June, July, and August 2005. It benefited
from an earlier pilot campaign in the same region
in July 2004. An overview of the observational setup
is given in Fig. 3. The Operations Centre was based
at Chilbolton (at the center of the range rings in
Fig. 3). This is the site of the Chilbolton radar facility
with its 25-m steerable dish (Goddard et al. 1994).
Other instruments were sited within range of the
Chilbolton radars, as shown in Fig. 3. Many of them
were new or upgraded systems operated as part of
the recently established U.K. Universities Facility for
Atmospheric Measurement (UFAM) by staff from
the Universities of Aberystwyth, Leeds, Manchester,
Reading, and Salford. The others were state-of-theart instruments from the Institute for Meteorology
and Climate Research (IMK), Karlsruhe, Germany;
the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; the Met Office;
GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)—Potsdam, and the
University of Bath.
The observations. The set of instruments deployed in
southern England for CSIP included
• 1275-MHz (L band), 3-GHz (S band), and 35-GHz
Doppler radars at Chilbolton (the 3-GHz radar is
also a polarization radar);
• UHF wind profiler;
• three sodars;
• two Doppler lidars;
• ozone lidar;
• water vapor lidar;
• three microwave radiometers;
• ceilometer;
• serial ascents at 1- to 2-h intervals from six mobile
rawinsonde stations, plus serial ascents from three
Met Office operational systems (giving a total of
about 800 soundings associated with CSIP);
• network of 16 automatic weather stations;
• two instrumented light aircraft (DO 128 and
Cessna 182);
• network of five GFZ GPS integrated water vapor
stations; and
• two energy balance stations.
These instruments were within a region of good
coverage by the Met Office network of surface stations
and the U.K. operational weather radar network, which
provided maps of estimated rainfall intensity at resolutions mainly between 1 and 2 km every 5 min for
single radars and every 15 min for composite displays.
Extensive use was made of infrared, water vapor, and
high-resolution visible imagery every 15 min from
Meteosat-8, the Meteosat
Second Generation (MSG)
satellite (Schmetz et al.
2002), and every 10 min
from Meteosat-6. These
products were used not only
for post-storm analysis, but
also for nowcasting to guide
deployment of aircraft and
serial rawinsondes. Hourly
surface wind and convergence analyses from the Met
Office NIMROD system
(NIMROD is a fully automated system for weather
analysis and nowcasting
based around a network
of C-band rainfall radars;
Golding 1998) were also
particularly useful for this
Forecasting products. The
most useful products for
forecasting convection initiation were those derived
from the operational mesoscale version of the Unified
Model (Cullen 1993), which was run every 6 h out to
T + 36 h on a 12-km grid. These runs were supplemented by special runs from a 4-km version of the
Unified Model being developed by Met Office staff at
the Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology (JCMM)
at the University of Reading. An example of these
products is shown in Fig. 4. Figures 4a,b depict the
T + 13 h forecasts of rainfall intensity in the CSIP
operating area on 29 June 2005, from the 12- and
4-km versions of the model, respectively. Figure 4c
depicts the corresponding observed pattern of rainfall
obtained by the weather radar network.
Both versions of the model use the new nonhydrostatic, fully compressible deep atmosphere dynamical
core (Davies et al. 2005). The 12-km model uses a 3-h,
3DVAR data assimilation cycle (Lorenc et al. 2000)
supplemented by assimilation of cloud and radar-based
rainfall information using nudging techniques (Jones
and Macpherson 1997). It provides a well-proven
mesoscale background but uses a parameterization
of deep convection based on Gregory and Rowntree
(1990). Essentially, it is an equilibrium mass-flux
scheme, tending to respond to CAPE, and it gives
only a general indication of areas where convection is
possible, with little finescale detail. The 4-km model,
run one-way nested within the 12-km model and
using the same initial conditions, follows its mesoscale
FIG. 3. Map showing locations of instruments deployed in southern Britain
during CSIP in Jun, Jul, and Aug 2005. The shaded circles represent the position of the Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs).
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FIG. 4. Example of a 13-h precipitation forecast from the Met Office Unified Model run using (from
left to right) (a) a 12-km grid and (b) a 4-km grid, compared with (c) the rainfall rate observed by the
weather radar network at 1300 UTC on 29 Jun 2005 (IOP 5). Key gives rainfall intensity in mm h–1.
evolution closely but benefits in two ways. First, it
resolves surface forcing and the resulting flow much
better, and so it often provides better guidance as
to the areas where surface-forced initiation is most
likely. Second, while the mass-flux parameterization
is still used, its mass flux is limited in such a way as to
ensure that deep convection is treated largely explicitly.
Although a 4-km grid is not ideal, it has been shown to
behave adequately when compared with 1-km versions
of the same model in cases of intense convection.
In particular, mechanisms leading to mesoscale
organization are captured quite well. The inadequate
resolution does tend to lead to a delay in initiation
on the order of an hour, but spatial guidance is often
superior to that from the 12-km model.
Another useful product for forecasting convection initiation obtained from the
operational run of the mesoscale
model that we wish to highlight was
a time–height plot of forecast θs, or
saturation potential temperature,
above the lifting condensation level.
Here, θs is the dry-bulb temperature
read off the θw scale as though the
air were saturated. The plot has the
advantage of showing at a glance the
expected evolution of layers of CAPE
and of CIN (i.e., lids) with respect to
any parcel value of θw. An example
is given in Fig. 5. The upper panel
of Fig. 5 shows a lid with θs up to
FIG. 5. Met Office 12-km-grid Unified
Model forecast of the time–height cross
section of (top) θs and (bottom) θw over
Larkhill (see Fig. 3 for location) on 11
Aug (IOP 14R) and 12 Aug 2005. The
white line in the upper plot shows the
lifting condensation level; above this
the contours and shading represent θs,
and below they represent θ. (Surface
values of θ are specified along the time
axis of the upper plot.)
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17°C just above the lifting condensation level (white
curve) at heights between 1 and 2 km from 1530 to
2100 UTC (on day 1). Predicted surface values of θw,
plotted along the bottom of the lower panel, were not
quite high enough during this period for parcels to
penetrate the unmodified lid, although the predicted
maximum surface value of θw at 1600 UTC (16.7°C)
would have produced parcels with a 1°C temperature
excess at the 4-km level if they could have penetrated
the lid. In the event, low-level convergence is believed
to have lifted (and hence weakened) the lid locally and
allowed convection to penetrate upward to 6 km at
around 1700 UTC. Illustrations of this kind of behavior
are shown below.
gradients (Doviak and Zrnic 1993). Echoes in the
interiors of convective elements are more often due
to Rayleigh scattering from large cloud particles,
precipitation, or perhaps insects. Layer echoes can be
due to either Bragg scatter or Rayleigh from insects.
The 3-GHz and 1275-MHz radars are mounted on the
same dish and are operated at the same time. Having
data simultaneously from the two radars is beneficial
in that the different wavelength dependency of Bragg
and Rayleigh scattering helps clarify the nature of the
targets (scattering by refractive index inhomogeneities is favored at 1275 MHz compared to 3 GHz).
Figure 6 shows examples of RHI scans from the
3-GHz radar. Figure 6a depicts a layer of low-reflectivity
echo from the bottom of a lid above a cloud-free
boundary layer prior to the development of significant
convection beneath it. Figure 6b depicts echoes not only
from a lid some way above the boundary layer, but also
from the edges of clear-air thermals and fair-weather
cumulus clouds as the top of the convective boundary
layer began to rise up toward the lid.
specifically with initiation of convection, and so it was
important to be able to observe the detailed structure of
the prestorm boundary layer, of the lid (or lids) capping
it, and of convective elements (clear-air thermals,
fa i r-weat her c u mu lu s ,
and cumulus congestus)
before, during, and just
after they penetrated the
lid. Thermodynamic information on the structure of
the boundary layer and lids
is available in CSIP from
the serial rawinsondes and
aircraf t traverses. This
information is supplemented
by data from the 3-GHz
and 1275-MHz radars at
Chilbolton. As shown in
the following example, these
radars provided important
information on the nature
and detailed pattern of the
prestorm boundary layer,
lids, and convection on scales
of tens of kilometers down
to hundreds of meters.
Two kinds of scattering
mechanisms are involved
in t he detection of t he
above features by radar.
Echoes from the edges of
convective elements are
FIG. 6. Two examples of RHI scans of reflectivity (dBZ) from the 3-GHz radar
genera l ly due to Bragg
at Chilbolton showing lids and the outline of thermals: (a) echo from the
scattering from refractive
bottom of a lid without significant convection beneath it; (b) thermals in the
index inhomogeneities,
boundary layer below the bottom of a lid [at 1125 UTC 18 Jul 2005 (IOP 9)
and 1011 UTC 29 Jun 2005 (IOP 5), respectively].
ma i n ly f rom hu mid it y
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Figure 7 shows another RHI scan from the 3-GHz
radar, but this time it shows differential reflectivity
(ZDR)1 rather than reflectivity (Z). It depicts in green
the echoes from the edges of large cumulus congestus
clouds as well as from the precipitation particles
developing within them. However, unlike in all the
other cases during CSIP, where the convection originated from the boundary layer, the convection here
was occurring in the form of elevated convection from
air being advected above a stable frontal zone that is
depicted by multiple red/maroon echo layers. Here the
lid that would previously have restrained the convection
is no longer evident. The lid would have been situated at
the top of the boundary layer air before it was advected
from France and lifted above the frontal zone.
The fact that Fig. 7 depicts ZDR rather than Z
explains why the echoes from the convection cells are
so easily distinguishable from the layer echoes within
the stable frontal zone (i.e., green versus red/maroon).
The green echoes have low values of ZDR typical of
both Bragg scattering from refractive index inhomogeneities at the edges of the convective cells and of
Rayleigh scattering from newly developing precipitation. The red/maroon echoes were probably due to
elongated insects advected within the frontal zone.
Figure 8, an RHI scan from the 1275-MHz radar,
shows an example of the radar signature of cumulus
congestus clouds. It depicts the reflectivity from two
such clouds, each 3 km high, that had only recently
penetrated a lid capping the boundary layer at about
ZDR is the ratio between the horizontal and vertical
received power and is thus a measure of the oblateness of
the scatterers.
1 km (Morcrette et al. 2006). In the case of the cloud
at 18- to 20-km range, the radar detects just the Bragg
scatter from the refractive index inhomogeneities at
the cloud boundaries. In the case of the cloud at 10to 13-km range it may also be detecting the Rayleigh
scatter from precipitation particles developing within
it; alternatively, it may be seeing mainly Bragg scatter,
but from the edges of a cluster of smaller subcells.
The breakthrough of convection cells above the lid,
as in Fig. 8, often occurs where the lid is lifted locally
by some mesoscale mechanism; examples of these
mechanisms are presented shortly.
We suspect that mesoscale lifting processes are the
mechanism responsible for localizing the initiation of
convection on the majority of occasions; however, convective breakthrough can in principle be localized even
without local lifting, provided that the lid is weak and
there are significant local hot spots or moist anomalies
within the boundary layer. Thus, before proceeding
to look at the mesoscale lifting mechanisms, we shall
present one more radar product used in CSIP—one
that can reveal the mesoscale variability essentially in
the humidity structure on a roughly horizontal plane
within the boundary layer itself. Figure 9 shows the
near-surface refractivity (N) field derived from the
1275-MHz radar using the technique pioneered by
Fabry et al. (1997). The technique utilizes the change in
phase of radar returns from ground targets relative to a
reference scan. The reference scan was chosen to correspond to a near-constant refractivity field as determined by observations from the 16 automated weather
stations surrounding Chilbolton. During summer
daytime conditions, the refractivity field is primarily
influenced by variations in humidity, where a change of
FIG. 7. RHI of differential reflectivity (ZDR), from the 3-GHz Chilbolton radar, at 1249 UTC 24 Jun 2005
(IOP 3), showing elevated convection cells forming above a stable frontal zone.
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FIG. 8. RHI of reflectivity from the 1275-MHz Chilbolton radar at 0928 UTC 10 Jul 2004, showing developing cumulus congestus clouds. The echoes near the ground are a combination of ground clutter
and radar returns from insects. (From Morcrette et al. 2006.)
1 unit corresponds to a change in relative humidity of
approximately 1%. Although limited mainly to ranges
within 30 km of the radar at Chilbolton, the technique
provides valuable insight into scales of variability not
easily resolved by the in situ measurements. Figure 9
shows a large gradient in refractivity just to the northwest of the radar (at Chilbolton), corresponding to a
relative humidity gradient of approximately 10%. A
corresponding gradient in moisture was detected by
radiosondes released from Chilbolton and Larkhill,
25 km west of Chilbolton. Satellite pictures showed that
convective clouds developed in the moist region.
LAYER. Localized lifting is usually the key to
determining precisely where and when convection
will be triggered. Our belief that local variability in
boundary layer moisture plays only a secondary role
to mesoscale lifting processes in localizing convective
initiation is in line with the analyses of IHOP_2002
data by Fabry (2006). A variety of types of mesoscale forcing were observed during the 18 intensive
observing periods (IOPs) of the main 2005 field
campaign that have been summarized in a report by
Browning et al. (2006). Some examples are presented
below from these IOPs and also from one of the cases
observed during the 2004 pilot project. Three of these
examples illustrate forcing from low levels and two
illustrate forcing from upper levels.
Examples of boundary layer forcing. We first present
examples of primary initiation along convergence
lines within the boundary layer. Figure 10 is a visible
image showing clouds along a convergence line that
trailed persistently downwind from the south coast
of southwest England. An RHI scan across this line
(Fig. 11) illustrates the effects of the convergence.
The reflectivity plot in Fig. 11a and the ZDR plot in
Fig. 11b both show two clear-air layers as well as one of
the shower clouds that formed along the convergence
line (at 53 km). Most of the echo in Fig. 11—both
layer and convective echo—is probably due to Bragg
scattering, that is, low ZDR (green); however, the
FIG. 9. Refractivity field obtained from the 1275-MHz
Chilbolton radar at 1259 UTC 13 Jul 2005 (IOP 8),
using the technique described by Fabry et al. (1997).
In summer, the changes in refractivity are mainly due
to humidity variations. Here, a change in refractivity
of 1 unit is approximately equal to a change in relative
humidity of 1%.
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FIG . 10. High-resolution visible image from Meteosat-8
(MSG) at 1200 UTC 15 Jun
2005 (IOP 1), showing among
o t h e r t h i n g s , c o nve c t i ve
cloud along a convergence
line extending from the south
coast toward the northeast.
Range rings are centered on
Chilbolton and plotted every
25 km. The radial lines correspond to azimuths with low
horizons along which series of
RHI scans were obtained.
what smoother echo layer at
about 2 km that rises to
over 2.5 km beyond 40 km,
reaching a peak where the
low-ZDR echo at the top of the shower cloud may be main shower cloud is developing. This echo layer cordue to ice particles above the 3 km 0°C level, and the responds to the base of the major lid at 750 hPa seen
higher-ZDR echo coinciding with the reflectivity core in the sounding in Fig. 1. The small shower cloud and
is due to rain (produced, at least in part, from melting the locally raised lid are both manifestations of the
ice rather than from the warm-rain process alone). convergence line.
The undulating echo “layer” around 1 km, detectable
A second example of primary initiation is given
from a minimum range out to 50 km, is not so much in Fig. 12, which shows convective cloud streets
a layer as an envelope of small convective elements in along boundary layer convergence lines (horizontal
the boundary layer. Above this, there is another, some- convective rolls) almost parallel to the strong
low-level wind. The clouds
(Fig. 12a) formed as the
airflow progressed inland
into southern England.
They started to develop
in the early morning, and
by midday they were deep
enough to produce some
heavy thunderstorms (see
the radar network display
in Fig. 12b). (About an hour
later, one of these storms
became sufficiently intense
to produce an F2 tornado.)
The spacing of the shower
lines is due to an intrinsic
dynamical organization,
but further study of this
dataset may indicate the
extent to which the shape
of t he coast l i ne, a reas
of modest hills, or other
factors may have assisted
some of the shower lines to
FIG . 11. RHIs of (a) reflectivity (dBZ) and (b) differential reflectivity (dB)
become more intense than
for a scan across the convergence line in Fig. 10, obtained from the 3-GHz
Chilbolton radar at 1200 UTC 15 Jun 2005 (IOP 1).
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Figures 10–12 were given as examples
of primary initiation. Next, in Figs. 13–17,
we give examples of forcing in which a
previous convective storm leads to the
initiation of secondary convection.
The visible satellite image in Fig. 13
shows an arc of convective cloud to the
southeast of Chilbolton over the English
Channel. At the time of Fig. 13, the Met
Office network radar showed that a line
of new convective showers was developing
along this arc (not shown). The arc had
formed along the gust front, or leading
edge of a cold pool, due to the rain-chilled
downdraft from an earlier mesoscale
convective system that had formed on the
western side of the CSIP area and drifted
eastward. Data from the automatic weather
stations (AWSs) showed that a temperature
drop of up to 8°C accompanied the passage
of the gust front. Purdom (1982) showed
that such visible satellite imagery is useful
for identifying this important class of
convergence line. The convergence at the
gust front showed up as a velocity discontinuity on the Doppler radar plan position
indicator (PPI) display—see the arc-shaped
transition from green, through yellow, to
red (in Fig. 14b) at the leading edge of the
main storm area in Fig. 14a.
Sometimes such a gust front shows
up as a radar fine line as in Fig. 15a. The
reflectivity pattern in this figure shows
two clusters of convective showers, with
a fine line 10–20 km ahead of them. The
ZDR pattern in Fig. 15b shows the same
shower systems (mainly green) at an earlier
time, along with the outflow boundary to
the east of one of them, characterized by
a transition from red to green. Our working hypothesis is that the large values of
ZDR along the red parts parts of the fine
line are due to insects in the unperturbed
FIG. 12. (a) High-resolution visible image from Meteosat-8 (MSG)
boundary layer, whereas the low values of
(b) rainfall rate from the radar network (key in mm h–1) at
ZDR (green) on the inner edge of the fine
1215 UTC 28 Jul 2005 (IOP 12), showing convective cloud streets
line are from Bragg scattering in the relaand associated showers and thunderstorms. Range rings are
tively insect-free air of recent downdraft
centered on Chilbolton and plotted every 25 km.
In another example of secondar y
initiation, a series of parallel lines of convective showers 2006; Marsham and Parker 2006) indicated that while
and thunderstorms developed (Fig. 16); the lines were the first of these was triggered by the cold-pool outflow
transverse to the overall wind direction. Detailed from an earlier storm that formed upwind of the CSIP
observational and theoretical analyses (Morcrette et al. area, the other two were triggered by gravity waves emaAMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
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(Fig. 17). A time series of
plots like Fig. 17 indicated
that the top of the boundary layer was modulated by a
traveling gravity wave with a
wavelength of 40–50 km and
amplitude of the vertical air
parcel displacement of ±150 m.
The vertical sounding for this
occasion was shown earlier in
Fig. 2a, and the accompanying
Fig. 2b showed that a gravity
wave capable of lifting the lid
capping the boundary layer
by a mere 150 m would indeed
have been sufficient to enable
convection to break through.
FIG. 13. Same as in Fig. 10, but for 1400 UTC 25 Aug 2005 (IOP 18), showing
an arc of convective cloud along a gust front to the southeast of Chilbolton
over the English Channel.
nating from the same storm. Radar scans showing the
top of the boundary layer were made with the 1275-MHz
Chilbolton radar at a number of azimuths before and
during the development of these storms. These scans
were analyzed so as to map the depth of the boundary
layer out to a radius of about 30 km from Chilbolton
Examples of forcing from upper
levels.The passage of uppertropospheric PV maxima is
the principal forcing mechanism from upper levels.
A study by Roberts (2000) has shown that mesoscale
PV maxima are abundant and are associated with a
large proportion of the thunderstorms encountered
in the northeast Atlantic area and in the more maritime parts of northwest Europe. The PV maxima are
FIG. 14. Example of a cold-pool-outflow convergence line: PPIs at 0.5° of (a) reflectivity (dBZ) and (b) unfolded
Doppler velocity (key in m s –1 away from radar) at 1157 UTC 25 Aug 2005 (IOP 18), showing the relation between convergence features and the precipitation field.
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FIG. 15. PPIs at 0.5° of (a) reflectivity (dBZ) at 1701 UTC and (b) differential reflectivity (dB) at 1622 UTC
18 Aug 2005 (IOP16), showing a radar fine line associated with a gust front.
important for convection because of the associated
patterns of advection and vertical motion. Advection
of cold air into the upper and middle troposphere
increases the CAPE and the ascent weakens the lid,
that is, reduces CIN. Because the cold air is also very
dry, it is often easily detected in satellite water vapor
(WV) imagery and gives rise to the familiar WV
dark zone (Browning 1997). The analysis of WV
imagery formed the basis of Roberts’ analysis. An
example from CSIP is given in Fig. 18, which shows
a WV dark zone centered over central England. In
the middle of the dark zone (due north of the Isle of
Wight and east of south Wales) is a very small gray dot
that corresponds to an isolated thunderstorm. This
storm occurred on the occasion depicted in Figs. 10
and 11. Detailed analysis shows it to have been due to
the combined effects of the upper-level PV maximum
and the coastally induced low-level convergence line
discussed earlier, which on its own produced only
shallow convective showers.
The final example of an upper-level influence on
convection initiation is shown in Fig. 19. Figure 19a
shows a Eumetsat cloud-height product diagnosed
from MSG satellite infrared channels. Figure 19b
shows the corresponding visible image and Fig. 19c
shows the radar network display for the same time.
Orphaned anvils from decayed thunderstorms that
had traveled northward from France are shown
orange in Fig. 19a; they appear as fuzzy light
gray veils in Fig. 19b. The shadowing from these
anvils is thought to have slowed down the diurnal
heating of the boundary layer very slightly, but just
enough to account for the first deep convective cells
being initiated outside or on the boundaries of the
FIG. 16. Rainfall rate (mm h–1) over a 150 km × 150 km
region of southern England at 1130 UTC 10 Jul 2004,
showing a series of bands of convective precipitation
that had been triggered by a gravity wave generated by
an earlier storm. (From Morcrette et al. 2006.)
| 1951
F I G . 17. Height of boundar y layer
top (hundreds of meters), with
interpolated heights shown in color
(according to the key, in meters) as
derived from 10 RHI scans with the
1275-MHz Chilbolton radar. The variation in height is believed to be due to
the gravity wave that triggered the
precipitation bands in Fig. 16. The scans
were obtained from 0751 to 0807 UTC,
and their positions have been displaced
to correspond to 0758 UTC assuming
a system velocity of 8 m s –1 from the
west. (From Morcrette et al. 2006.)
shadowed areas. The deep convection cells show up as
bright clouds on the visible image (Fig. 19b). A few of
these clouds were already developing into showers at
this time (Fig. 19c) and some of them developed into
thunderstorms that produced flash floods.
4-km model discussed above is an intermediate step
toward a nowcasting NWP system under develop-
ment within JCMM that aims to
produce very short range forecasts
(0–6 h) using an NWP system based
on a version of the Unified Model
with horizontal resolution around
1 km. The performance of such a
system can loosely be considered to depend on performance at three separate scales.
At the coarsest scale, the synoptic and mesoscale
events determine the overall region where convection
may occur. In practice, such regions are represented
well by the current generation of operational NWP
systems. However, analysis errors are still present for
important features such as small (~50 km) upper-level
PV anomalies or low-level areas of enhanced moisture
due to inadequacy of observations or the methods
used to assimilate them.
Within this general region, there may be areas where
instability triggers preferentially. As discussed above,
these areas may be convergence lines due to surface
forcing (e.g., sea breezes) or due to previous storm
outflows, or more two-dimensional regions due to other
mechanisms. It is important to understand the mechanisms responsible for these areas so that the NWP model
system can be designed to represent them accurately.
For example, the representation of stable “lids” is likely
to depend on vertical resolution, while the representation of surface-forced convergence lines may depend
FIG. 18. Rapid-scan Meteosat WV image at 1200 UTC
15 Jun 2005 (IOP 1), showing a thunderstorm (very
small gray dot) within a WV dark zone. The image is
enhanced to clarify the position of this thunderstorm
with respect to the dark zone; although the surrounding
white areas are saturated, there is no information in
these areas relevant to the discussion. Because the
thunderstorm was shallow, it does not show up as a
major feature in the WV imagery, which is sensitive
mainly to features in the upper troposphere.
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FIG. 19. (a) Cloud-top height (m) derived from MSG infrared data, (b) MSG high-resolution visible
image, and (c) radar network rainfall rate, at 1300 UTC 29 Jun 2005 (IOP 5), showing the possible effect
of shadowing by cirrus anvils on the formation of new convective clouds. Range rings are centered on
Chilbolton and plotted every 25 km.
on surface orography and sea and land surface temperatures, and hence surface exchange processes. On the
other hand, the development of convergence lines from
storm downdrafts depends on the treatment of cloud
dynamics and microphysics, as well as boundary layer
processes. The CSIP data are being used to validate and
optimize the model formulation as well as to investigate
the predictability of storms in the presence of different
initiation mechanisms. Distinguishing between these
mechanisms is important because many of them operate
before significant precipitation is observed by operational
radar systems, and understanding them can help in the
design of observing and assimilation systems.
On the smallest scale—within, for example,
mesoscale convergence lines—individual storm cells
develop. It is extremely unlikely that the location
of such cells is generally predictable even within a
very high resolution model. In a model with ~1-km
resolution, cells develop from features (such as small
cumulus clouds) that are not explicitly resolved in the
model. In practice, we find that the model behavior
in generating individual cells depends critically on
the representation of turbulence and its interaction
with model dynamics, and that existing techniques
require improvement. Two (related) approaches are
conceivable. First, the transition from unresolved
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FIG. 20 (a) Unified Model 6.5-h forecast of broadband IR radiance temperature and surface rainfall rate compared
with (b) observational analysis showing NIMROD-derived rainfall rate (colors) superimposed on IR satellitederived cloud (white), at 1230 UTC 25 Aug 2005 (IOP 18).
turbulence to explicit cells may be treated via
“stochastic backscatter,” that is, adding a well-defined
random component to physical parameterizations in
the model. Second, understanding of these upscale
transport mechanisms may enable new observing
techniques (such as clear-air radar) to be used to
detect regions that may develop into cells and thus
modify the model state with sufficient lead time to
produce useful forecasts of subsequent precipitation.
The CSIP data are providing a valuable source of
validation data to improve our representation of these
parameterization and assimilation issues.
Figure 20 shows an example of modeling progress
so far for one of the cases discussed above (see Figs. 13
and 14). The figure shows a representation of broadband IR radiance temperature and surface rainfall rate
from a 1.5-km, 76-level model compared with observed
MSG satellite IR radiance temperature and analyzed
radar rainfall using the NIMROD system. Figure 20a is
a T + 6.5-h forecast, and it is notable that the organized
area of showers over southern England is quite well
forecast, if a little too far to the east. The role of the
west coast is also clear in the forecast from the cloud
streets that originate at or near the coast. Although
their presence in observations is not obvious from the
IR image in Fig. 20b, which struggles to resolve them,
the visible MSG image in Fig. 13 hints at them and an
even higher resolution visible Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image (not
shown) depicts them very clearly.
In summary, the Convective Storm Initiation
Project (CSIP) was an international field campaign
designed to observe the process responsible for the
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initiation of convection in the United Kingdom. It was
highly successful and provided unparalleled observations with which to understand and quantify these
processes. Real progress is being and will continue to
be made on improving forecasts of convective storms
as a result of CSIP.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We are grateful to Carolyn
Cook, Alec Bennett, Nicky Chalmers, Helen Dacre, Laura
Davies, Anna Fitch, Sarah Keeley, and Alexander Richardson
from the University of Reading; Markus Engelhardt, Roger
Huckle, and Katrin Zink from Universität Karlsruhe; and
Duncan Hodges and Mark Vowles from the University of Bath
for launching so many radiosondes. Olaf Stiller, of JCMM,
helped in the forecast center at the University of Reading.
Charles Kilburn and Ag Stephens of BADC, provided nearreal-time data products for forecasting and planning, and
BADC provided workspaces and archiving of all data.
Martin Hill designed the AWSs; Ralph Burton assisted
in building them; James Groves assisted in deploying
them; and Matt Hobby and Volker Horlacher assisted with
various aspects of the design. Martin Gallagher and Peter
Kelly assisted in operating the Cessna aircraft. Charles
Wrench helped with critical aspects of organizing the field
campaigns and operating the UV Raman lidar. Andrew
Barkwith, from the University of Salford, assisted with the
Doppler lidar during the field campaigns. John Goddard
and the staff at Chilbolton Observatory—Owain Davies,
Jan Lass, Eric Threlfall, Dave King, and Mal Clarke—hosted
the field campaigns and provided exceptional service.
CSIP exploited new instruments available through the
U.K. Universities’ Facility for Atmospheric Measurement
(UFAM), which is funded by the National Environment
Research Council following an initial award from the
HEFCE Joint Infrastructure Fund. Operational observational and forecast data were provided by the Met Office. Satellite
images are from Eumetsat. The Chilbolton Observatory,
around which the project was based, is owned by the Science
and Technology Facilities Council.
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